KeRRA Report - Week 8 & 9
KeRRA Report - Week 8 & 9
KeRRA Report - Week 8 & 9
JULY 2015
Week Eight and Nine: 06/07/2015 – 17/07/2015
Extraction is the process of determining bitumen content from a sample of Asphalt Concrete.
A sample was obtained from the interval 2+035 – 1+980 as the asphalt concrete was being
laid on the site. Extraction is performed by the hot-pot extractor method as shown. The hot-
pot extractor method works with the principle where a solute, trichloroethylene (trichlor) is
passed over the bitumen sample in vapour form thus dissolving the bitumen from the
aggregate and thus ridding the sample off the bitumen.
Figure 1: A sample of aggregate ready for grading after extraction by the hot-pot extractor method.
The aggregate can then be weighed and the bitumen content was determined as follows:
644−(608+0.6 +2)
¿ × 100 %=5.2 %
The AC is Type I – Wearing course and is graded in accordance with the Kenya Design
Manual as shown below:
The aggregate was determined to be within the grading envelope and was thus suitable for the
Asphalt Type I wearing course as designed.
Aggregate properties of a sample from Ngobit Quarry
The flakiness index is the percentage by mass of aggregate particles whose least dimension is
less than 0.6 of their mean size. In order to separate out flaky particles, standard thickness
gauge were used, which consisted of slots of different sizes. The aggregates were first
separated out into fractions with different size ranges. 0.6 times the mean of the range gives
the slot size to be used for testing the particular aggregate fraction.
This was performed after grading of the sample. Good aggregate should have cubical shape
with angular edges. Long and flaky materials do not interlock well and in a course like
surface dressing where single size stones are to form the thickness of the surface, such
materials are unsuitable. The standard test adopted for this purpose is the Flakiness Index test.
Flakiness Index gauges are used to determine the flakiness of a sample aggregate:
The sample obtained was passed through sieve size 14mm, 10mm and 6 mm. The mass of the
sample passing through sieve size 14mm and retained on sieve size 10mm was weighed and
its mass recorded. The aggregate retained in sieve size 6 mm was also recorded.
The aggregate retained on the particular sieves was then passed through Flakiness Index
gauge and the aggregate retained on the FI gauges was weighed and the mass recorded.
Sieve Size Mass retained on sieve (g) Mass retained on FI gauge (g)
10 826 654
6 236 204
Table 2: Mass retained on the respective sieves and FI gauges.
The total mass of the sample = 826 + 236 = 1062g
¿ ×100 %=19.2 %
The principal features of the Marshall Test are density void analysis and stability-flow test of
the compacted specimen. Specimens were prepared by heating the aggregate and binder,
mixing and compacted to specification. 1200g of the sample is heated to a temperature of
approximately 150°C. This is the temperature at which the Asphalt concrete was laid on the
stabilized courses.
To get a representative sample of the whole mix. The sample was quartered to get the
required size of the material.
Mould with
test specimen
The heated sample is then put in a pre-heated mould to form a standard test specimen with
the following dimensions:
Filter papers are placed on both sides before compaction. Compaction is done by dropping a
load on the sample 75 times on both sides from a specified height (free-fall). The samples are
labelled and left undisturbed for approximately 24 hours.
The samples were then weighed in air. The samples were soaked in water for five minutes,
the surface was wiped and the sample was weighed after the soaking. This is Saturated
Surface Dry Weight. The sample was then weighed while completely submerged in water.
These readings were recorded and were used in determination of the volume of the sample.
The sample was soaked in a water bath for 30 minutes at a temperature of 60°C
Figure 4: Specimen soaked in water bath at temperature of 60°C for 30-40 minutes.
The samples were then loaded on a Marshall test apparatus as in the photograph below:
Figure 5: The sample being loaded. The failure load and the deflection are recorded using the dial gauges highlighted.
The Marshall test machine which is electrically powered is designed to apply loads at a
constant rate of strain of 5cm per minute and equipped with a calibrated proving ring to
measure the load. The maximum load at failure was the stability value. The flow meter
records the strain at the maximum load when failure occurs.
0/10mm wearing course |Type I Sample 644g
Specimen No. 1 2 3
Weight in air (g) 1175 1167 1170
Saturated Surface 1180 1175 1178
Dry (g)
Weight in water (g) 638 630 638
Volume 542 545 540
Density 2.168 2.141 2.167
Average density 2.168
0/10 AC wearing course is good for shoulders and parking lots. This is so because, it has
minimal voids and can be compacted to great density is thus good for drainage as it does not
allow water to infiltrate.
Aggregate was sourced from Ngobit Quarry. By inspection, the aggregation contained a lot of
fine material and it thus did not require the addition of ballast which would act as the fine
material for the sample of aggregate. Samples were collected and oven-dried. The oven-dried
aggregate was passed through a riffle box to ensure a representative sample was collected.
The material was then graded.
As the curve fell out of the grading envelope it was necessary to increase the fine material so
as to fit the curve in the specified envelope. By trial and error, it was determined that 80% of
the coarse material and 20% of the ballast will be within the grading envelope and thus
suitable for carrying out mix design. This fractions will be necessary in future batching
operations of concrete.
Several batches of concrete were then prepared in the laboratory. Each batch of concrete with
different mix proportions of water, cement and aggregate. The concrete was then cast into
cubes and soaked into a bath to allow for curing. The cubes would be loaded to failure after
specified number of days to determine their mean strength. In this instance, cement
proportions of cement to aggregate was 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8 and 1:11. The results obtained
showed that 1:5 was relatively strong while 1:11 was quite weak and 1:7 had strength values
slightly above the target mean strength hence suitable for future concrete manufacture
operations. The most suitable proportion was reported in the Certificate of Test on Concrete
as attached to this report.
Casting Concrete Cubes on site:
Concrete was collected as it was being poured in the formwork. Standard BS 150mm by
150mm by 150mm moulds were used for this procedure. The cubes were to be cast in three
layers. Each layer getting 35 blows by a tamping rod. 2 cubes are cast for each batch of
The cubes were then soaked and later tested to determine the 7-day and 28-day strength. One
of the cubes was tested after 7 days while the second cube is tested after 28 days. The target
mean strength is 14N/mm2 for 7-day strength and 20N/mm2 for 28-day strength. The cubes
were to be tested at the Regional Lab Headquarters in Nyeri Town.
Figure 7: A cube crushing test being conducted at the Central Regional Headquarters, Nyeri Town.
For cubes cast for culverts on the Giakanja-Tetu Mission Road; the loads at failure were as
The results were then recorded and reported to the Resident Engineer as in the attached sheet.
The results conclude that the concrete manufactured at the site had met the required
1. Kenya Road Design Manual Part III “Materials and pavement design for new roads,”
Chapter 7: Pavement material Table S2b: Grading requirements for asphalt concrete –
Ministry of Transport and Communication: Kenya, 1987.
2. George P. K. Matheri, “FCE 345: Civil Engineering Materials, Course Notes for
Students,” University of Nairobi, Kenya: 2013.