Configure A FireSIGHT System To Send Alerts To An
Configure A FireSIGHT System To Send Alerts To An
Configure A FireSIGHT System To Send Alerts To An
Components Used
Sending Intrusion Alerts
Sending Health Alerts
Part 1: Create a Syslog Alert
Part 2: Create Health Monitor Alerts
Sending Impact Flag, Discover Event and Malware Alerts
While a FireSIGHT System provides various views of events within it's web interface, you may want to
configure external event notification to facilitate constant monitoring of critical systems. You can configure a
FireSIGHT System to generate alerts that notify you via email, SNMP trap, or syslog when one of the
following is generated. This article describes how to configure a FireSIGHT Management Center to send
alerts on an external Syslog server.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge on Syslog and FireSIGHT Management Center. Also, the syslog
port (default is 514) must be allowed in your firewall.
Components Used
The information in this document is based on Software Version 5.2 or later.
Caution: The information on this document is created from an appliance in a specific lab environment, and
started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the
potential impact of any command.
7. Type the IP address of your syslog server on the Logging Hosts field.
8. Choose an appropriate Facility and Severity from the drop−down menu. These can be left at the default
values unless a syslog server is configured to accept alerts for a certain facility or severity.
Now if an intrusion event is triggered on that policy, an alert will also be sent to the syslog server that is
configured on the intrusion policy.
3. Select Create Alert, which is on the right−hand side of the web interface.
7. Change the port if needed by your syslog server (the default port is 514).
1. Go to Policies > Actions > Alerts page, and choose Health Monitor Alerts, which is near the top of the
3. Choose a Severity (holding down the CTRL key while clicking can be used to select more than one severity
4. From the Module columnm choose the health modules for which you would like to send alerts to the syslog
server (For example, Disk Usage).