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We, Anish Basnet, Dikshya Bista , Garima Nepal, Kushal Bajagain , Pratik Rana Magar declare that
this project work titled “Detail analysis and design of of PSC – T girder bridge over Thopal Khola”
submitted in partial fulfillment of Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering to the Department of
Civil Engineering, Kantipur Engineering College, Tribhuwan University during the academic year
2021, is a genuine work done originally by us under the supervision of Er. Nabin Chandra Sharma.
Any help from other person has been acknowledged and the references have been listed in the
reference section. The report or any part of it has not been published or submitted for academic
award in any other universities or institution. Any literature, data or works done by people other
than the group members and cited within this report have been given due acknowledgement and
are recorded in reference section.

…………………………….. …………………………………
Anish Basnet Dikshya Bista

…………………………….. ………………………………. ……………………………….

Garima Nepal Kushal Bajagain Pratik Rana Magar

Department of Civil Engineering

Kantipur Engineering College
Tribhuvan University

Letter of Approval

The undersigned here clarify that they have read and recommended to the Department of Civil
Engineering for the acceptance of the project report entitled “Detail Analysis and Design of PSC
– T girder bridge over Thopal Khola, Dhading” submitted by enlisted students of BE Civil 4 th Year
in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering.

Group Members :

1. Anish Basnet ( BCE/04/074)

2. Dikshya Bista ( BCE/21/074)
3. Garima Nepal (BCE/28/074)
4. Kushal Bajagain ( BCE/36/074)
5. Pratik Rana Magar ( BCE/48/074)

Er. Nabin Chandra Sharma
Associate Professor, IOE Pulchowk Campus

…………………………………………. ….…………………………………
Er. Sudeep Thapa Dr. Rajan Suwal
Head of Department Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering IOE Pulchowk Campus
Kantipur Engineering College

Firstly, we would like to express our sincere gratitude in acknowledging our esteemed guide and
mentor (Ass. Prof.) Er. Nabin Chandra Sharma, for his valuable teachings and guidance to help
complete this work. His expertise was the key in carrying out our project most effectively and
economically. The members would also like to express sincere thanks to Head of Department Er
Sudeep Thapa ( Department of Civil Engineering, KEC ) for providing the opportunity to undertake
this project.

The team is invaluably indebted to Local Road Bridge Support Unit (LRBSU, Manbhawan, Lalitpur)
for its technical and financial support throughout the project. We would especially like to thank
Er. Chuman Babu Shrestha , Capacity Building Officer , LRBSU, for his whole hearted support
through this organization.

Lastly, we would like to respectfully address our teachers, friends and all others who have helped
the team directly or indirectly during this project.

Project members:
Anish Basnet ( BCE/04/074)
Dikshya Bista ( BCE/21/074)
Garima Nepal (BCE/28/074)
Kushal Bajagain ( BCE/36/074)
Pratik Rana Magar ( BCE/48/074)


Acknowledgement ................................................................................................. 3
Abstract ................................................................................................................. 7
1. Introduction to Project Work ............................................................................. 8
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 8
1.2 Title of Project Work .................................................................................... 9
1.3 Project Assignment and Objective of work................................................... 9
1.4 Client Requirements................................................................................... 10
2. Methodology ................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Acquisition of data for design..................................................................... 10
2.1.1 Extreme rainfall data ........................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Topographical map .............................................................................. 11
2.1.3 Report on Detailed Geotechnical Investigation ................................... 11
2.1.4 Soil Investigation ................................................................................. 11
2.1.5 Photographs of bridge site .................................................................. 11
2.2 Structural planning and Preliminary design ................................................ 11
2.3 Analysis of bridge structure........................................................................ 12
2.3.1 Super structure ....................................................................................... 12
2.3.2 Bearing .................................................................................................... 15
2.3.3 Sub structure........................................................................................... 15
2.4 Design and detailing ................................................................................... 18
2.4.1 Superstructure .................................................................................... 18
2.4.2 Bearing ................................................................................................ 18
2.4.3 Substructure........................................................................................ 19
2.5 Drawing and Quantity estimates ................................................................ 20
2.6 Project work Report ................................................................................... 20

3. Acquisition of Data for Design .......................................................................... 21
3.1 Topographic study...................................................................................... 21
3.2 Geological and geotechnical study data and geotechnical design .............. 21
3.3 Hydrological study data and hydraulic design ............................................ 22
3.4 Estimation of Design Flood......................................................................... 24
3.5 Design Data ................................................................................................ 33
4. Selection of bridge type and preliminary design of bridge components .......... 34
4.1 Overall planning of bridge .......................................................................... 34
4.2 Selection of appropriate bridge deck ......................................................... 36
4.3 Arrangements of bridge components......................................................... 38
4.4 Types of Material required ......................................................................... 38
4.5 Material characteristics .............................................................................. 38
4.6 Preliminary design of Bridge components .................................................. 39
5. Designing and detailing of bridge components ............................................ 42
5.1 Slab Design .............................................................................................. 42
5.2 Design and analysis of Main girder ............................................................. 60
5.3 Prestressing Force ..................................................................................105
5.4 Cable profiling ........................................................................................111
5.5 Check for ultimate flexural strength ..........................................................117
5.6 End block design .......................................................................................119
5.7 Supplementary reinforcement ..................................................................120
5.8 Calculation of Loss for prestress concrete force : ......................................121
5.9 Check for stresses : ...................................................................................129
5.10 Check for ultimate shear strength ...........................................................130
5.11 Analysis of Cross Girder ...........................................................................131
5.12 Design of Elastomeric Bearing .................................................................136
5.13 Design of RC Abutment with Spread Footing ..........................................153

5.14 Analysis and Design of Spread Footing ....................................................187
6. Drawing.......................................................................................................194
7. Quantity Estimate : .....................................................................................195
8. Conclusion ..................................................................................................197

The geographical obstacles in Nepal have ruled out satisfactory infrastructural
development in the most remote areas, keeping the local people deprived in terms of
social and economic development. Since Nepal has more than 6,000 small rivers, lying
mostly in hilly and mountain areas, there is a significant role of bridges in providing linkage
with cities. This should be underlined by the effort in shaping the country’s manpower to
construct extensive amount of road bridges throughout the country.

An effective measure for letting young technical minds to adapt with their work
environment and to create with economy can be through project works. Project works
are essential to equip the students with skills required to synthesize comprehensively the
knowledge gained during course work for a practical application of civil engineering
discipline in real life.

The undertaken group project “Detail analysis and design of Prestressed T Girder Bridge
over Thopal Khola, Dhading” is a single lane local road bridge with total span of 35m .
The structure consists of single span, two similar abutment and two identical approach
slabs at each end. The structure has been idealized, analyzed and designed according to
standard practice of building local road bridges protocols strictly incorporating IRC codal
provisions. The analysis of super structural members has been done for two basic load
combinations, viz. dead load and live load along with its impact effect. Seismic load
combinations and effect of wind pressure, channel flow, earth pressure, hydrodynamic
load and braking effect have been considered for sub- structural members.

All RCC members are designed as Singly Reinforced under Reinforced Section (SRURS)
following ‘Limit State of Design principles’. Only the elastomeric bearing has been
designed by ‘Working Stress Method’. The detailed analysis, design and re-bar detailing
have been accomplished following the IRC recommendations and provisions for
Reinforced Concrete Bridges. Deck sections are analyzed and designed for various
allowable depths. Finally, the reports have been published in two volumes. Volume I
contains the main report and volume II contains the detailed structural drawings.

1. Introduction to Project Work

1.1 Introduction
Bridges are predominant feature of human progress and evolution. Bridges are
used by people and vehicles for crossing rivers, lakes, ravines, canyons, railroads
and highways. Bridges must be strong enough to safely support their weight as
well as the weight of the vehicle that pass over it. This project involves analysis
and design of bridge as per technical and economic feasibility.
The bridge site is located at Thoppal Khola at Dhading district. This project
involves design of bridge over Thoppal Khola joining Fishtar village to Dhading-
Malekhu road of Dhading district.
Most high ranked risk involved in bridge projects are:

 Financial risk
 Insurance risk
 Contractual risk
 Management risk
 Design risk
 External risk
 Time management risk
Roles and responsibility of bridge designer are listed here below:
 Planning and preliminary design
 Structural analysis and design
 Assist with project budget and schedule management
 Quality review of structural calculation and contract documents.
 Participation in meeting with client and project team members
 Contract document preparation including plans, specification, and

1.2 Title of Project Work
The objective of this project is to design a bridge over Thoppal Khola. According to
the site compatibility, material availability and traffic requirements, Pre-stressed
concrete T-Beam bridge has been selected. Hence the project was entitled as
“Design of Pre-stressed T-Beam Bridge Over Thoppal Khola, Dhading”.

1.3 Project Assignment and Objective of work

Following assignments were completed during the completion of the project:

1.3.1. Study of topographic, geological, hydrological and geotechnical condition of
bridge site from data provided by LRBSU.
1.3.2. Visit of bridge site and preparation of site observation report including
verification of data acquired.
1.3.3. Carryout geometrical, geotechnical and hydraulic design of bridge.
1.3.4. Select appropriate type of bridge and carryout design and detailing of
bridge components.
1.3.5. Prepare working drawings of the bridge components
1.3.6. Prepare quantity estimate of the bridge.
In addition to mentioned assignments, the following objectives were set:
General objective:
The prime objective of this project is to analyze and design the prestressed
concrete T-Beam bridge by using Working Stress Method.
Specific objective:
1. To be familiar with the bridge components.
2. To know about various type of loading and their forms of application.
3. To understand various methods used in the design of the structural component
of loading of bridge and their limitations.
4. To be familiar with the standard specification regarding the design of bridge.
5. To analyze bridge components and design suitably and economically.

1.4 Client Requirements

The client for this project is the governmental agency, DoLIDAR. Hence, the
project has been undertaken strictly under requirements prescribed by DoLIDAR.
The requirements of the bridge to be designed are as follows:

 Type of approaching Road :- Local Road Network

 Lane :- Two lane single carriage way
 Footway :- Yes
 Wearing surface :- Asphalt Concrete
 Bridge type :- Permanent

2. Methodology

2.1 Acquisition of data for design

Necessary hydrological, topographical and geo-technical data needed for the
project has been acquired from Local Road and Bridge Support Unit (LRBSU).
The acquired design data are:
1) Extreme rainfall data.
2) Topographical map of bridge site.
3) Report on Detailed Geotechnical Investigation.
4) Soil Investigation Work at Proposed Thoppal Khola Bridge at Dhading district
(Bore Hole Log, Lab test data)
5) Photographs of bridge site.

2.1.1 Extreme rainfall data
Rainfall data of gauge station located in catchment of the Thoppal Khola has been
acquired from Local Road and Bridge Support Unit (LRBSU).The rainfall data has
been measured by using rain gauge at various location of catchment area by
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology.
2.1.2 Topographical map
Topographical map of bridge site has been acquired from LRBSU.
2.1.3 Report on Detailed Geotechnical Investigation
The report presents the detail geotechnical soil investigation works for the
Proposed Thoppal Khola Bridge at Dhading District. The geotechnical investigation
works comprise the exploratory drilling, in-situ field testing SPT / DCPT test,
borehole logging, and collection of samples and perform necessary tests on soil
samples for detail information. The work finally develops safe bearing capacity of
the foundation for the proposed bridge.
This investigation works aim to carry out subsurface investigation and acquire
parameters required for the design of bridge with International standard and
2.1.4 Soil Investigation
Soil Investigation Work at Proposed Thoppal Khola Bridge site at Dhading district
has been done based on drilling method. Two bore hole drilling, each at left and
right side bank of river has been done to know the soil condition at various depth.
2.1.5 Photographs of bridge site
Photographs showing the references points, Bench marks, and river Bed
materials and existing structures has been acquired from LRBSU.

2.2 Structural planning and Preliminary design

Structural planning has been done based on standards specification, client
requirements, codes and guidelines, approaching roads, surface and sub-surface
conditions and experiences. The major decisions that have to be made in the
process of the design of bridges are the selection of the type according to
structure, selection of materials to be used, selection of the type of the protection
works and the road approaches to the bridge. The determining parameters for the
design are hydrology of the catchments area, the hydraulics of the river, the soil
and foundation type, available materials and technology for the construction. The
design procedure of a bridge is completely based on the provisions specified in
different codes and guidelines.
Preliminary design has been done here, based on guidelines, codes and standards
specification, client requirements, and experiences. Guidelines, Norms and
standards of DoliDAR, IRC codes, Nepal Bridges standards has been used for
preliminary designing of bridge components. For the preliminary design of main
girder specification from IRC codes has been used. Prior to commencing on the
detailed design of the bridge it is imperative that standard criteria be followed
and certain major decision should be made in the area of the materials used,
technology used and the quality to be maintained in the construction. These
aspects have been considered in the detailed design of this bridge design.

2.3 Analysis of bridge structure

2.3.1 Super structure
a) Deck Slab
b) Cantilever slab
Since both restrained slab and cantilever slab are spanning in only one direction
(longitudinal direction). They have been designed using effective unit width
method. If a cantilever slab carries wheel loads, the maximum live load bending
moment is assumed to be restrained by an effective unit width measured along the
supported edge. Effective width of cantilever slab should less or equal to one third
length of cantilever slab.
Effective width method is use to find the effective unit width of slab for resisting
the bending moment due to concentrated and patch load when the slab is spanning
in the longitudinal direction. The formula for effective width in case of solid
cantilever slab is as follows.

Bef = 1.2a + b1
bef = Effective width of slab on which the loads acts
a = distance of the center of gravity of concentrated wheel load from
the face of fixed support
b1= breadth of dispersion area, the net effective should be

Here Computation of effective width of slab at each critical section and obtain live
load bending moment and shear force per unit width at these sections are done .
b) Main Girder
Three Girder systems have been adopted for main girder. Live load on the girder
has been determined by Courbon's method assuming the supports of the deck
slab as unyielding.
Conditions of application of courbon's method:
1. When 2 < 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ <4
2. If longitudinal girder are interconnected with atleast 5 cross girder.
3. The depth of cross girder is at least 0.75 times the depth of longitudinal girders.

Maximum bending moment and shear force for Pre-stressed Concrete beams due
to dead and live loads have been determined at various sections of the Pre-stressed
Concrete beams with the help of influence line diagram. Here, Courbon's method
use to distribute the load on three girder with certain proportion and ILD is use to
determine bending moments at quarter and mid-section due to live load and these
bending moments are adopted for design of sections of girder. Usually the
structures are analyzed for loads which do not change their points of application
on the structure. Very often structures have to be analyzed for a number of parallel
moving loads which keep on changing their positions on the structure. In such cases
the internal stresses in the structure at any given point, which depend on the
positions of the loads, keep on varying as the loads take up different positions on
the structure. A typical instance is a bridge loaded with a number of moving
vehicles, which are then said to constitute a train of wheel loads. In order to design
such structures it is not enough to analyze the structure for a given position of loads
and calculate the stress resultants namely: bending moments, radial and normal
shear forces at any section in a member of the structure. The engineer must know
the maximum values of stress resultants, both positive and negatives, at any
section of the structure. Sometimes the designer would even like to know the
maximum deflection at a given point when a structure is subjected to moving loads.
Main girders in pre-stressed concrete bridge are then checking for their section
modulus. The section modulus for both top and bottom are calculated and checked
considering the effect of pre-stress loss. The girders are then analyzed for
positioning of cables/ tendons that help in acquiring maximum strength of
structure. The structure is then analyzed for permissible stresses.
c) Cross Girders
Cross girder is analyzed by conventional method. Dead load bending moment in
the cross girder has been calculated considering trapezoidal distribution of weights
of slab and the wearing coat. Load of slab on girder has been taken as contributory
area of load and live load is taken such that the maximum load acts on cross girder.
Live load bending moment in the cross girder has been computed considering
different disposition of standard loadings over the cross beam. Similar computation
procedure has been used to determine the shear forces.
Assuming cross girder to be rigid, Transformation of Load from cross girder to main
girder is consider equally among three main girders. Analysis of intermediate cross
girder has been done assuming springing support condition and analysis of end
cross girder has been done assuming roller and hinge.
Bending moment due to dead load, class A, class AA loading has been calculated on
same position that is under the wheel load and Bending moment due to dead load
and maximum of live load is taken for design purpose.

2.3.2 Bearing
Normally, in the bridges of span less than 30m elastomeric pad bearings become
technically and economically feasible. Working stress method has been used for
the analysis and design of bearing. Various loads are calculated for the analysis of
bearing. They are dead load of superstructure, live load acting on superstructure,
braking load, seismic load, load due to temperature variation, shrinkage and creep
and wind load.
There are two bearing, one with pin and other is without pin. All the horizontal load
except due to temperature variation, shrinkage and ceep is resisted by bearing with
pin and temperature variation, shrinkage and ceep horizontal load is assumed to
be resisted by bearing without pin.
Bearing is worked out referring to IRC 83 part II: Elastomeric bearing.

2.3.3 Sub structure

a) Abutment:
For heights above 6m and spans beyond 20m RC abutments are suitable. Abutment
is analyzed as RC cantilever slab having fixed with footing and free at bearing. The
analysis of RCC structure abutment has been done for both basic combination of
loads and for seismic combination of loads with their respective factor of safety.
Their FOS are chosen on the basis of nature of work carrying out. These
combinations are given for stability check, limit state of strength, limit state of
List of forces acting on abutment:
1. Vertical loads
• Self wt. of abutment
• Dead & Superimposed Dead Load from Superstructure

• Live Load
• Earthquake load (vertical component)
• Wind load (vertical component)
• Uplift by braking effort
• Load due to soil mass
2. Horizontal loads
•Force due to Braking Effort
•Force due to Frictional Resistance of Bearing
•Wind Load
•Force due to Earthquake
•Force due to Earth Pressure
•Force induced by creep, shrinkage and temperature variation
•Force due to surcharge
Stability Check:
1. Overturning and restoring moment about toe of abutment for different load
combination was found.
• Backfill + DL+ LL+ temperature load/braking load
• Backfill + DL+ Surcharge due to compacting equipment/LL
• Backfill + DL+ par. LL + seismic load
2. Overturning effect:
M restoring /M overturning ≥ 2 for basic combination ≥ 1.5 for seismic
3. Shear and resisting shear at the base of footing
Shear = sum of horizontal forces at base
Resisting shear = sum of vertical load at base × tanø
4. Sliding effect
V resisting/ V sliding ≥ 1.5 for basic combination ≥ 1.25 for seismic combination
5. Bearing pressure at base of footing
Pressure = P/A ±Pe/Z ≤ bearing capacity of soil & Upward pressure of soil should
be positive.
6.Analysis of Abutment Cap, Main Stem, Back Wall and Slab Base
• Analysis of abutment cap
Loads on abutment cap are assessed for different combinations of loads. When
bearing stress in cap does not exceed the permissible value of bearing stress in
concrete, reinforcement has been provided according to IRC78 & the thickness of
cap for punching shear has been checked.
• Analysis of main stem of abutment
When design axial load on abutment ≤ 0.1fckA, abutment is analyzed as RC
cantilever slab. When design axial load on abutment >0.1fckA, abutment is
analyzed as RC column . Here the particular abutment design axial load ≤ 0.1fckA,
hence abutment is analyzed as RC cantilever slab.
• Analysis of back wall
Analysis of back wall has been done as RC cantilever slab. Back wall has been
analyzed for earth pressure and surcharge and checked for it's self-weight and
weight of approach slab.
• Analysis of slab base as a spread footing.
Responses of footing at its centroidal axes are calculated first and footing has been
designed for maximum BM and maximum one way shear at the critical sections of

2.4 Design and detailing

2.4.1 Superstructure

a) Deck slab
Design of restrained and cantilever slab has been based on limit state method.
Reinforced concrete slab is designed as rectangular SR-URS assumption. Deck slab
has been designed at limit state of collapse and checked at limit state of
serviceability. Critical section of deck slab is designed for different responses. Sizes
of the component of slab Bridge is verified, finding out of quantity of reinforcing
bars and their arrangements have been done. After design, detailing of reinforcing
bars is carried out. (Referring IRC 21 and IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC
design and detailing).
b) Girder
Both main girders have been designed based on working stress method and cross
girder have been designed based on limit state method.
After analysis, sizes of the main and cross girders are verified, quantity of
reinforcing bars and their arrangements ahave been determined. Detailing of
reinforcing bars are carried out after the section design [Refering IRC 6, IRC 21, IS 4
and IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC design and detailing]
2.4.2 Bearing
Bearing has been designed by Working Stress Design Method. Loads calculated for
the design of elastomeric bearing are working loads. Finding dead load from
superstructure, maximum live load, load due to braking effort, load induced by
temperature, shrinkage and creep, wind load and seismic load. Organization of
loads into different combination and finding maximum vertical and horizontal
forces acting on bearing has done. Carrying out geometrical and structural design
of Elastomeric Bearing. Elastomeric bearing is designed as per IRC 83 Part II.

2.4.3 Substructure
a) Abutment:
Limit state method has been used for design of abutment. There are two
combinations of loads that has been considered in design. The two combinations
• Basic combination
• Seismic combination
- Design abutment cap:
When bearing stress in cap does not exceed the permissible value of bearing stress
in concrete, provide reinforcement according to IRC78 & check the thickness of cap
for punching shear.
- Design main stem of abutment as a RC cantilever
When design axial load on abutment ≤ 0.1fck A, abutment is designed as RC
cantilever slab When design axial load on abutment > 0.1fck A, abutment is
designed as RC column. Here the particular abutment design axial load ≤ 0.1fckA,
hence abutment is analyzed as RC cantilever slab.
- Design back wall as a RC cantilever slab
Back wall has been designed for earth pressure and surcharge and check for its self-
weight and weight of approach slab.
- Design slab base as a spread footing
Footing is designed for maximum BM and maximum one way shear at the critical
sections of footing. Check bearing pressure at base of footing
Pressure = P/A ± Pe/Z ≤ bearing capacity of soil & Upward pressure of soil should
be positive and upward pressure is checked for different combinations and
designed for maximum Bending moment (referring IRC 6 2017, table B.4)

- Detailing of reinforcement [Refer Cl. 16.3, IRC 112}
1) Vertical Reinforcement
 Dia. of bar≥ 12mm, ≤ 40 mm
 Total area steel of vertical bar 0.0024 to 0.04 of area of concrete
 area of bar in one face ≥ 0.0012 of area of concrete
 Spacing of vertical bars ≤ 200 mm
2) Horizontal Reinforcement
 Area of horizontal reinforcement ≥ 2.5% of total area of vertical bars ≥
0.001 of concrete area
 Spacing of horizontal bars ≤ 300 mm
 Dia of bar ≥ 8mm or one fourth of vertical bars
3) Transverse Reinforcement
 If the area of load carrying vertical bar in two faces > 0.02 × area of
concrete. These bars should be enclosed by stirrups .

2.5 Drawing and Quantity estimates

Required sketches for preliminary design drawing, design drawing, detailed
drawing and working drawing has been attached in the report.
Quantity estimates has been done by unit quantity method. Here quantity estimate
has been from on the basis of working drawing and bar bending schedule.

2.6 Project work Report

The report has been organized in the following form:

 Introduction to project work

 Methodology
 Acquisition of data
 Selection of bridge type
 Design and detailing of bridge components
 Drawings
 Quantity estimate
 Annex

3. Acquisition of Data for Design
Data has been acquired and verification of acquired data with field observation
for analysis and design of bridge has been conducted.

3.1 Topographic study

Topographic feature of bridge site is determined under topographic study that is
Cross section of river profile, longitudinal section of river profile. Topography study
deals with the forms and features of land surface. Here, Topographical study
includes study of surface elevation, approaching roads, river training structures,
permanent structures, including bridge axis location. Field visit and topographic
survey work is carried out to verify the topographical prevailing condition of the
bridge site area. The area covered by the survey was 500m upstream and 200m
downstream from the proposed bridge axis.
The bridge axis length as per the topographical data provided by LRBSU is 35 m
which was in accordance with the provided AutoCAD DWG.file. And on filed visit
the length of Bridge axis found is 35 m. The locations of the benchmarks provided
in the topographical survey data were also verified and by using the benchmarks
the bridge axis was found to be in accordance with the data provided. On the basis
of geological investigation the parameter are fixed.
• Location of bridge
• Length of bridge
• Height of bridge
• Type of abutment

3.2 Geological and geotechnical study data and geotechnical

Acquisition of engineering properties of soil, Geological feature of subsoil under
geotechnical study. The geological and geotechnical report provided by LRBSU
discussed the subsurface exploration works carried out at the proposed site. The
geotechnical investigation works comprised of exploratory drilling, in-situ field

testing SPT / DCPT test, borehole logging and collection of samples, moisture
content, and specific gravity. The investigation works also included Laboratory tests
and Analysis of various test results to predict the allowable bearing capacity of sub-
soil at the proposed bridge site. On the basis of geological investigation the
parameter are fixed.
• Location of bridge
• Location of pier and abutment
• Depth and type of foundation

3.3 Hydrological study data and hydraulic design

The rainfall data from nearby gauge stations that contributed to the flow of Thoppal
Khola were collected and analyzed for calculating the discharge. Q-GIS and Lekan
software were used for determining the catchment area and its respective
discharge. The High Flood Level (HFL) at bridge axis was determined by surveying
and studying the flood marks. The river bed was also surveyed and studied to
prepare the cross section of the river at the bridge axis.

River Cross-section at bridge site









0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Hydraulic Analysis (High Flood Level)
Geometrical shape of cross section is very wide due to mingling nature of the river
at bridge site. River transports very large boulders and floating debris during flood
and settles down immediately after reaches the Terai plain. The river bed has
changing nature degradation near the bridge site. The hydraulic analysis has been
executed by simulating the design flood in the surveyed cross section with levees
to restrict the flow area using HEC-RAS model.

HFL observation on

Horizontal Horizontal Vertical

Angle Vertical Angle distance Distance
Right bank : 359 9' 31" 96 18' 44" 32.548m -3.6m
Left bank : 119 51' 41" 89 40' 10" 3.559m 0.02m

Station RL 364.5
Reflector Ht 1.5
Station Ht 1.32
HFL (Right) 361.054
HFL (Left) 364.372

HFL 364.372m
Freeboard 1.5m
Bridge height 365.872m

3.4 Estimation of Design Flood

Rational Method
Rational formula was used to calculate the floods from the catchment by using
maximum hourly rainfall intensities for the time of concentration. The The formula
is as follows:
QP 


Qp= Maximum flood discharge in m3/s;
I = Intensity of rainfall within the time of concentration in mm/hr;
A = Catchment area in km2;
C = Dimensionless run-off coefficient

Modified Dicken’s Method

Irrigation Research Institute, Roorkee (India) has conducted frequency studies on
Himalayan Rivers and suggested the following relationship to compute Dickens
constant CT for desired return period (T):
CT = 2.342 log (0.6T) log (1185/p) + 4
p = [(a+6) / (A+a)]*100
Where a = perpetual snow area in sq. km; A = total basin area in sq. km.
Now, T year flood discharge (QT) in m3/sec is determined by:
QT = CTA0.75
Design Parameters:
Catchment area: 193.08 sq.km
Area under 3000m elevation =Catchment Area
Length of river: 34311.32 m
Elevation difference: (1975-504) m
=1533 m
Average Slope of river: 4.47%
Time of concentration: 0.01947 L0.77 S-0.385
= 0.01947*34311.320.77*0.0447-0.385
= 200.11 minutes
= 3.335 hrs

Empirical Method:
Dicken's Formula:
=12*193.08 3/4
= 621.561 cumecs
CD= Dickens constant (6 to 30)
A= area of catchment in sq. km
WECS/DHM Method:
Instantaneous Peak flood for a return period of 2 years
Q2 = 1.8767 (A + 1)0.8783
= 1.8767 (193.08+ 1)0.8783
= 191.835cumecs
Instantaneous Peak flood for a return period of 100 years
Q100 = 14.63 (A + 1)0.7342
= 14.63 (193.08 + 1)0.7342
= 699.97 cumecs
The flood flow for any other return period, T years, can be found as:
QT = exp (ln Q2 + sσ)
Here s= Standardised normal variate from a particular return period
For 50 years return period, s=2.054
σ = ln (Q100 / Q2) / 2.326
= ln (699.97 / 191.835) / 2.326

Q50 = exp (ln 191.835 + 2.054*0.556)
= 601.038 cumecs
Modified Dicken’s Formula:
Q = CT×A0.75
CT = 2.342log (0.67T) log (1185/P) +4
P=100× (a+6)/ (A+a)
a= perpetual snowfall area in sq. km.
For this catchment, Perpetual snowfall area=0
P=100× (0+6)/ (193.08+0)
= 3.107
CT = 2.342log (0.67T) log (1185/P) +4
=2.342 log(0.67*50) log(1185/3.107)+4
= 13.219
Q = CT×A0.75
= 13.219*193.080.75
= 684.742cumecs
Rational Method:
= (0.2*65.99*193.08)/360
= 707.85 cumecs
C=0.2 (depending on the land use of catchment area which is mostly

I= 65.99mm/hr (Rainfall intensity calculated using IDF Curve)
A= catchment area in km2.
Extreme Rainfall for this station:
58.47 ln(x)+136.86
=65.99 mm/hr
Extreme Rainfall for this station:
-49.84 ln(x)+116.67
=56.27 mm/hr
PCJ Method:
Qp=16.67 apopɸFkf +Qs
Qp= Maximum Rainfall design Discharge for required exceedance probability (p) in
ap= Maximum rainfall design intensity for required exceedance probability (p) in
ap= ahr*kt
where, ahr= Hourly rainfall intensity for required exceedance probability (p) in
mm/min at selected rainfall stations.
kt= Reduction coefficient of hourly rainfall intensity(depends on size of
catchment area)
ahr= 2.08 (for dhading station)
Kt= 0.91 (for 200 km2)
= 0.9 (for 300 km2)

For 193.08 km2, kt=0.91
ap= 2.08*0.91
= 1.8928
op= Infiltration coefficient of the basin, derived as the function of exceedance
probability (p)
For 50 years return period,
op = 0.9-0.8
Taking 0.85
ɸ= Areal reduction coefficient of maximum rainfall discharge (depends on size of
catchment area)
ɸ=0.196 (for 100 sq.km)
=0.167 (for 300 sq.km)
For 193.08 sq.km, ɸ=0.1825
F= Catchment area of drainage basin in sq.km.
= 193.08 sq.km
kf= Coefficient for unequal distribution of rainfall in different size of basin,
captured by one rain.
=1 (for 1 sq.km)
= 0.925 (for 5000 sq.km)
For 234.15 sq.km,
kf= 0.9971
Qs= Discharge by melting of snow, can be taken as 0 to 10% of Qp in the absence
of data.
Taking 0 for our catchment area.

Qp =16.67 apopɸFkf +Qs
= 942.319 cumecs
Mishra et.al:
QTi = qT μi
Qti = flood flow (m3 /s) of region i of return period T (years)
Region number of catchment is 4
qT = regional frequency distribution factor (growth factor)
= 2.6
μi = index flood (scale factor)
= 5.15A0.72
= 5.15*193.080.72
= 227.791
QTi = qT μi
= 2.6*227.791
= 592.258 cumecs
Area velocity method
Area= 846.752m^2
Velocity from field= 0.92m/s
Discharge= 779.012 m/s

S.N Method Discharge (cumecs)
1 Dicken's Formula 621.561
2 WECS/DHM Method 601.038
3 Modified Dicken’s Formula 684.742
4 Rational Method 707.85
5 PCJ Method 942.319
6 Mishra et.al 592.258
7 Area velocity 779.012

Average discharge: (779.012+707.85+684.742)/3 =723.868 m3/s

Computation of Linear Waterway

From Lacey’s formula,

Linear Waterway = 3.26√𝑄

= 4.75√723.868

Taking Q= 723.868 m3/s

= 87.709 m

From Kellerhal’s formula,

Linear Waterway = 4.75√𝑄

= 4.75√723.868

Taking Q= 723.868 m3/s

= 127.797 m

River Channel width at proposed bridge site = 35m

Computation of Scour Depth

(Refer Cl 703.3.1.2 IRC 78, 2014)

𝑞 2 1/3
Mean Scour Depth (dsm) = 1.34 ∗ ( )

D50 = 15

Ksf = 1.76 √𝑑 = 6.816

Dsm = 5.324

Kf = 2

Dmax = Dsm * K = 10.649

Scour depth for abutment = Da = 1.27*Dsm = 6.762

Db = Discharge per meter width of effective waterway

Kf = 2

3.4 Traffic study data

Data to be acquired

• Traffic intensity

• Type of vehicle

• Pedestrian traffic

• Utility services to be served

• Navigational traffic

The above data are uses for calculation of following parameters

• Bridge loading

• Bridge width

• Horizontal and vertical clearances

• Width of footway

3.5 Design Data

From the above calculation and acquisition. The followings are design data.

Discharge 723.868 m^3/s

HFL 364.372 m
Bed level 360.308 m
Freeboard 1.5 m
Linear Waterway 35 m
Minimum scour depth 5.324917969 m
Maximum scour depth 6.762645821 m
Maximum scour depth level around for abutment 357.6093542 m
Maximum scour depth level around for abutment from
river bed level 2.698645821 m

4. Selection of bridge type and preliminary design of
bridge components

4.1 Overall planning of bridge

A bridge’s life span extends decades into the future, requiring careful planning in
every aspect of its design and construction. A thorough understanding of
construction processes, long-term maintenance issues, and environmental impacts
is vital to the provision of value-added concept design.
It is necessary to provide on particular location in order to:

 For connecting the Fishtar village and Malekhu- Dhading road.

 To give access to highway near by .
 For market access, transportation, movement.
 It decreases the length of travel and saves time thereby saving cost
of transportation.
Traffic study:
On the basis of present and anticipated traffic life and the probable load that can
pass through the bridges dead load, class A, class AA loading has been used for the
analysis and design.
Location of bridges: location of bridges is selected with keeping with following view

 Shortest length of axis

 River bank soil condition
 Approaching road
 Foundation condition

Reconnaissance study:
It includes full depth and overall study of existing environment. The following
topics are studies under reconnaissance survey.

 Temperature variation
 Humidity
 Rainfall
 Water intensity
 Soil bearing capacity
 Earthquake study
Preliminary engineering:
It includes the following activities

 Development of plan, Architectural drawing

 Preliminary design
 Risk analysis
 Final choice on the basis of economic and technical feasibility
Reconnaissance study report is prepared and final detailed design with working
drawing is prepared for implementation of project. Criteria to select the bridge
type is on the basis of span length
Criteria to select the bridge type on the basis of environmental factor:
They are related to the impact of the structure on the environment during and after
construction. The effects of construction on the marine line, surrounding human
life and plant life are the major concern of environmental considerations
Criteria to select the bridge type on the basis of technical factor:
Technical factors are related to the technical requirements regarding the:

 Span coverage of bridge superstructure

 Horizontal and vertical clearance of bridge
 Sub-soil condition of bridge site
 Durability of bridge structure

 Time of construction of bridge
 Method of construction
Criteria to select the bridge type on the basis of economic factor:

 Cost of labor
 Cost of material
 Construction detail
 Transportation and election cost
 Span length and pier height
 No. of span
 Structural system and its cross-section
 Time available for construction
 Design load
 Maintenance cost
Criteria to select the bridge type on the basis of aesthetic factor:
It is related to the quality of beauty and the functionality of bridge structure. The
important aesthetic characteristics and the consideration are:

 Appearance
 Color
 Proportion
 Contrast
 Scale
 Order
 Environmental
 Functionality

4.2 Selection of appropriate bridge deck

Selection of suitable type of bridge is very difficult subject. It depends upon the
specific site conditions. In the proposed site, following characteristics occur:
a. Perennial flow of water.
b. Span requirement more than 20 m.

c. Probability of coming large sediments during flood is high.
d. Traffic volume is low.
e. Flatter river slope and low depth of water due to flat terrain.
Based on these characteristics of the proposed bridge site, suitability of different
types of bridges i.e. RCC, Arch, and Truss bridges, RC-T Girder and Pre-stressed
Bridge can be analyzed. According to the Codes and general practice all of the steel
bridges are constructed either for large single span or where large vertical
clearance is required. Arch bridge can be constructed for short span with hard
As per this bridge site location the Pre-stressed Concrete -T Girder with single span
was the most suitable because of span being 35m could be constructed
PSC-T Girder is one of the most reliable, durable and widely used construction
materials in bridge project.
PSC- T Girder Bridge is mostly used because of the many advantages such as:

 Lower construction cost

 High strength
 Smaller section of the different structural member.
 Longer span lengths reduce the cost of the sub structure.
Reviewing published literature and views of experts, for the permanent bridges for
local roads, it has been found that technically and economically effective span of
PSC T-Beam Bridge type will be the most economical type. Therefore PSC T-Beam
Deck type has been selected.

4.3 Arrangements of bridge components
Foundation is laid at required depth use to transfer the whole bridge load to soil
over which abutment is placed. The connection between footing and abutment is
assumed to be rigid. Dirt wall is constructed on stem of abutment for retaining soil
sliding towards bearing. Abutment cap is used for transformation of load from
bearing to stem of abutment. Bearing separates superstructure and substructure
of bridge. Here elastomeric bearing has been used as per technical and economic
feasibility and it is placed on abutment cap. All the expected load on bridges is
supported by slab, transfer through girders to bearing and then substructure.

4.4 Types of Material required

Bearing materials: Neoprene (synthetic rubbers) and steel. Steel is embedded
inside the neoprene.

4.5 Material characteristics

Pre-stressed concrete has a number of properties:

 The characteristic strength of pre-stressed concrete used in the

construction of bridge are 35 MPa and 60 MPa.
 It can provide high strength with less cross section.
 Porosity and density:
The denser (or the less porous) the concrete the better its performance and the
greater its durability. The density of concrete is increased by optimizing the
dimensions and packing of the aggregate and reducing the water content.

 Fire resistance.
 Thermal and acoustic insulation properties.
 Impact resistance - As concrete cures it shrinks because the water not
used for hydration gradually evaporates from the hardened mix
Concrete, like also undergoes volume changes due to thermal effects
.Since concrete is weak in tension, it will often develop cracks due to
such shrinkage and temperature changes. So, consider a freshly placed
concrete slab concrete slab-on-grade.

Characteristics of HYSD Rebar:

 Low carbon value – HYSD Bars have lower carbon level, resulting in
good ductility, strength and welding ability.
 Superior bonding strength – HYSD bars are well known for their
excellent bonding strength when used with concrete.
 Welding capability – Since these bars have lower carbon content,
they have 100% welding capability than conventional bars.
 High tensile strength – HYSD bars feature high tensile strength. They
offer great asset in construction process, where a lot of bending and
re bending is required.
 Wide application range – These bars have wide application range like
in building residential, commercial and industrial structures, bridges,
 Satisfactorily malleability – Minimum weight and maximum strength
and suitable for both compression and tension reinforcement.

Characteristics of elastomeric Bearing (neoprene):

 With the increase in the aging time and thermal aging compressive
capacity, ultimate compressive strength, compressive elastic
modulus of laminated neoprene bearing pad decreases.
 After thermal aging, bearing is prone to more brittle failure.

4.6 Preliminary design of Bridge components

Geometry Design of Bridge Deck

A. Superstructure
i) Width of carriage way = 6m

ii) Width and Height of Safety Kerb:

 Width of Kerb = Offset + Width of railing post + min. clearance from

post = 0.875m
 Height of Kerb > minimum height from road surface = 225mm
 Height of wearing course = 50mm at edges and 110mm at center
iii) Type of wearing coat
Asphalt concrete for wearing coat of bridge. Thickness of wearing course is taken
50mm at edge and 110mm at crown of carriage way to give about 2.5% camber.
iv) Type of Railing

 GI Pipe with RC post as railing.

 RC post of 225mm × 225mm × 1100mm
 Number of post = 16 at 2.1 m spacing on each side.
 Railing should have minimum height of 1.1m above roadway.
 Clear distance between lower rail and top of kerb shall not exceed
v) Size of RC slab:

 300mm thickness of slab .

 300 x 150mm fillet at the ends.
vi) Size of Main girder:

 Width of web of main girder= 300mm

 Depth of main girder=2.4m
 Depth of flange=300mm
 Effective spacing of girder = 3m
vii) Size of cross girder:

 Width of web= 300mm

 Depth of girder= 1800mm
 Number of cross beam= 5
 Spacing=8.75 m

B. Bearing:

 Type : Elastomeric Bearing

 Bearing of size = 300x500x52 mm
 Number of bearing with pins= 3
 Number of bearing without pins = 3

C. Sub-structure:
i) Dirt wall

 Size = 2139x600x7300 mm

ii) Abutment cap:

 Size = 1575x300x7300 mm
 Grade of concrete M20
 Grade of Steel Fe 415
iii) Abutment stem and footing:

 Stem Height = 9261 mm

 Stem Width = 1500 mm
 Stem Length = 7300 mm
 Grade of concrete for abutment stem M20
 Grade of Steel for abutment stem Fe 415
 Footing Size = 10500x7300x2000 mm
 Depth of footing = 2000 mm
 Grade of concrete for footing M20
 Grade of Steel for footing Fe 415

5. Designing and detailing of bridge components
5.1. Slab Design

Slab Thickness=300mm
Slab dimension =3m*8.75m
Thickness of wearing course =80mm
Using 12 mm diameter bars with clear cover of 25mm.
Effective depth of slab (d) = 300-25-
= 269 mm
Considering bearing width = 300mm
Effective width is least of:
I. Clear width + effective depth =3+0.269
= 3.269 m
II. Clear width + bearing width = 3+0.3
= 3.3 m
Minimum Value =3.27 m
Effective width is taken as 3.27 m
Effective span is least of:
I. Clear span + effective depth =8.75+0.269
= 9.019 m
II. Clear span + bearing width = 8.75+0.3
= 9.05m
Minimum Value =9.02 m
Effective span is taken as 9m

Dead Load Calculation:
Dead load of slab = 0.3 m*3 m*24 KN/m3
= 21.6 KN/m
Dead load of wearing course = 0.08 m*3 m* 22 KN/m3
= 5.28 KN/m
Total Dead Load = 21.6+5.28 = 26.88 KN/m
Factored Dead Load =1.35*26.88
= 36.288 KN/m
𝑊𝑙 2
Dead load BM=

= 48.5 KNm
Dead Load SF =

= 49.33 KN

Class A loading:
From IRC 6-2014, cl 208.2
Impact Factor fraction =4.5/ (6+L) =4.5/ (6+9)
Therefore, Impact percentage = 30 %
Impact Factor= 1.3
Continuity Factor =0.8
Using effective width method:

K= B/L
= 3.27/9 =0.363
From IRC 21:2000, cl 305.16.2
Alpha (α)= 1.34

57KN 57KN

0.08 m

0.3 m

Load Dispersion length =0.25+2*(0.3+0.08)
= 1.01m
1.01 1.01
Effective length of load = + 1.2 +
2 2

= 2.21 m

Effective width =∝ 𝑥 (1 − ) + 𝑏w

𝑎 1.2
X= −
2 2

a = 3.27m
X= 1.035m
bw = 0.5+2*0.08
= 0.66m
Effective width = 1.34 ∗ 1.035 ∗ (1 − ) + 0.66

= 1.887m

1.8m 1.7m 1.8m

Total effective width of loading =1.275+1.8+1.7+1.8+

= 7.52 m
Load Deduction= ∗ 114

= 49.57 KN
Intensity of loading = = 15.51 KN/m

Maximum Bending Moment
15.51∗ 3.272

= 20.73 KNm
Factored Moment = 1.5*20.73 = 31.095 KNm
To obtain maximum SF, Wheels are adjusted in such a manner that the dispersion
edge just touches the support.

x 1.2 m

x= = 0.51 m

𝑥 0.51
Effective width= =∝ 𝑥 (1 − ) + 𝑏w = 1.34*0.51*(1- )+0.66 = 1.305m
𝑙 9

0.15m 1.8m 1.7m 1.8m 1.275m

Total effective width = 1.275+1.8+1.7+1.8+

= 7.228 m

Intensity of loading =

= 16.14 KN
Maximum Shear Force =

= 26.83 KN
Factored SF =1.5*26.83
= 40.245 KN

Class AA Track Loading:

Effective length of load:


0.08 m

0.3 m

L eff =3.6+2*0.08+2*0.3 =4.36m

Effective width of load:

1.2 m 0.85m 1.2 m 0.85 m

Effective width (be ) =∝ 𝑥 (1 − ) + 𝑏w

𝑏w = 0.85+2*0.08= 1.01m
x= = 4.5

α= 1.34
be= 1.34*4.5*(1- )+1.01

= 4.025 m
For total effective width :
1) 0.875+1.2+ =2.5m
0.85 0.85
2) + 1.2 + = 2.05 m
2 2
be 3.62
3) = = 1.81𝑚
2 2

Total effective width of load =2.5+ 2.05+1.81

= 6.36 m
But effective width available =3.27 m
Load deduction= ∗ 700 =297.169 KN

Dispersed area = 3.27*4.36

Intensity of load =

= 22.93 KN/m
Maximum live load BM=

=30.65 KNm
Factored BM =1.5*30.65 = 45.975 KNm

For Shear Force,
X= = 2.18m
Effective width of dispersion: be = ∝ 𝑥 (1 − ) + 𝑏w
= 1.34*2.18*(1- ) +1.01

= 3.22 m
𝑏 𝑏𝑒
Total Width = 𝑒 +2.05+ =5.27m
2 2

Available width =3.27 m

Load deduction = *700

= 434.35 KN
Dispersed area =3.27*5.27
Intensity of load = = 27.73 KN/m2
Max SF = = 45.34 KN

Factored SF =1.5* 45.34

= 68.01 KN

Class AA wheel Load:

1.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3m 0.3m 0.3m 0.3m

m m m m

1 2 3 4 5
Effective length of load = 0.15+2*(0.3+0.08) = 0.91m

m 0.08m




0.91 0.91
2 2

0.91 0.91
Effective length = + 1.2 + = 2.11m
2 2
Effective width of road: be = ∝ 𝑥 (1 − ) + 𝑏w

α = 1.34
𝑏w = 0.3+2*0.08 =0.46m

3.27 1.2
x= − = 1.035 m
2 2
be = 1.34*1.035*(1- ) +0.46

= 1.69m
For total effective width :
1) 0.875+1.2+ = 2.225m
0.3 0.3
2) + 0.3 + = 0.6𝑚
2 2
0.3 0.3
3) + 0.3 + = 0.6m
2 2
0.3 0.3
4) + 0.3 + = 0.6𝑚
2 2
be 1.69
5) = = 0.845𝑚
2 2

Total effective width of load =4.87m

But available width =3.27 m
Load Deduction = ∗ 400
= 268.58 KN
Dispersed area =3.27*2.11
Intensity of load =
= 48.66 KN/m2
Max live load Bending Moment =
=65.04 KNm
Factored BM= 1.5*55.23
= 97.56 KNm

For Shear,
x= = 0.455 m
Effective width of dispersion =be = ∝ 𝑥 (1 − ) + 𝑏w
= 1.34 ∗ 0.455 ∗ (1 − ) + 0.4= 1.04 m

𝑏 𝑏𝑒
Total Width = 𝑒 + 0.6 + 0.6 + 0.6 +
2 2
=2.84 m
Dispersed area =2.84*2.11
Intensity of load =
= 15.24KN
Maximum SF =
= 24.92KN

Factored SF =1.5*24.92
= 37.38 KN

BM for Slab Design = 97.56 +48.5 = 146.06 KNm

SF for Slab Design = 37.38 + 49.33= 86.71 KN

Slab Design:
Check of slab depth:

dbal = √

𝒙𝒖 𝒙𝒖
Q=0.36*fck* ∗ (𝟏 − 𝟎. 𝟒𝟏𝟔 ∗ )
𝒅 𝒅

= 0.36*25*0.48* (1-0.416*0.48)
= 3.457

dbal = √

= 205.539 mm
Here, dbal < dprovided Ok.
Reinforcing bars:
Since dprovided > dbal , section of slab is designed as SRURS.
𝑀𝑢 146.06∗106
𝑏𝑑 2 1000∗2692

= 2.018
For fck= 25 N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2 , pt min =0.12%
So, adopting pt= 0.635 %
Ast req = ∗ 1000 ∗ 269

= 1708.15 mm2
1000∗ᴨ∗𝑑 2


= 66.21 mm
Minimum Ast= 0.12% of bd = 322.8 mm2
1000∗ᴨ∗𝑑 2
Ast provided =


= 1739.96 mm2
Ast provided > Ast required
So, provide 12mm dia @65 mm c/c.

Transverse Reinforcement:
Transverse reinforcement is provided as Minimum Ast .

1000∗ᴨ∗𝑑 2
4∗𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛


= 350.36 mm
So, provide 12 mm dia @300 mm c/c.

Temperature Reinforcement:
According to provision stated in IRC 21-2000: Cl 305.17.4, Minimum
Reinforcement of 4 nos of 16 mm dia HYSD bars shall be provided parallel to the
free edge @150 mm spacing at @150 mm spacing at the tip divided equally
between the top and the bottom surfaces.
Ast min = 4 ∗ =402.12 mm2

Hence, 10mm dia bars @300mm c/c spacing is provided per m width as
temperature reinforcement in both the directions of slab at the bottom.

Check of Slab for Shear (Ʈuv <kƮuc)

Nominal shear stress (Ʈuv) =


= 0.32234 N/mm2
100∗𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑
Percentage of steel =
100 ∗1739.96

= 0.6468

From IRC 21 Table 12c, For depth =300 mm
K= 1
From IRC 21, table 12B
Ʈc= 0.339 N/mm2

Here, (Ʈuv <kƮuc)

No shear reinforcement is required.

Cantilever Slab Design

Dead Load Calculation:




0.3 m


1. RC Posts:
Dimension= 0.225*0.225*1.1

Spacing =2.1 m
No of post: 0.225 *x+2.1*(x-1)=35
x= 15.95 ≈ 16
Ƴ= 24 KN/m3
Load = 0.225*0.225*1.1*24*

= 1.221 KN/m
2. Steel Pipe: (IS 1161-1998)
Wt per running m for steel bar =3*7.93 kg/m.
Load for steel bar = 3*7.93*
= 0.25 KN/m
3. Foot path
Width= 1.35m
Depth = 0.3m
Load = 24*1.35*0.25
= 8.1 KN/m
4. Slab :
Width=1.35 m
Depth= 0.3m
Load= 24*1.35*0.3
= 9.72 m

Total Dead Load = (1.221+0.25+8.1+9.72)

= 19.291 KN/m
𝑊∗𝑙 2
Bending Moment =


= 4.39 KNm

Shear Force =

= 20.641 KN
Live Load (Pedestrian Load)
From IRC 6- 2000 cl. 209.4
For span> 30m,
Pedestrian Load (LL) =5 KN/m2
Cantilever length of slab =1.35m
Maximum Bending Moment = 𝑊 ∗ 𝑙 ∗
= 5*1.35*

= 9.113 KNm
Shear Force at the face of Slab = W*l
= 5*1.35 = 6.75 KN
Design Load
Bending Moment = 4.39+9.113
= 13.503 KNm
Shear Force = 20.641+6.75
= 27.391 KN
Check of slab depth:

dbal = √

𝒙𝒖 𝒙𝒖
Q=0.36*fck* ∗ (𝟏 − 𝟎. 𝟒𝟏𝟔 ∗ )
𝒅 𝒅

= 0.36*25*0.48* (1-0.416*0.48)
= 3.457

dbal = √

= 62.5 mm
Here, dbal < dprovided Ok.

Reinforcing bars:
Since dprovided > dbal , section of slab is designed as SRURS.
𝑀𝑢 13.503∗106
𝑏𝑑 2 1000∗2692

= 0.432
For fck= 25 N/mm2 and fy = 415 N/mm2 , pt min =0.12%
From SP-16, Table 3
So, adopting pt= 0.127 %
Ast req = ∗ 1000 ∗ 269

= 341.63 mm2
1000∗ᴨ∗𝑑 2


= 331.052 mm
Provide Spacing = 300 mm
Minimum Ast= 0.12% of bd = 322.8 mm2

1000∗ᴨ∗𝑑 2
Ast provided =


= 376.99 mm2
Ast provided > Ast required
So, Provide 12mm dia @300 mm c/c.

Transverse Reinforcement:
Transverse reinforcement is provided as Minimum Ast .
1000∗ᴨ∗𝑑 2
4∗𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑛


= 350.36 mm
So, provide 12 mm dia @300 mm c/c.

Temperature Reinforcement:
According to provision stated in IRC 21-2000: Cl. 305.17.4, Minimum
Reinforcement of 4 number of 16 mm diameter HYSD bars shall be provided
parallel to the free edge @150 mm spacing at @150 mm spacing at the tip divided
equally between the top and the bottom surfaces.
Ast min = 4 ∗ =402.12 mm2

Hence, 10mm dia bars @300mm c/c spacing is provided per m width as
temperature reinforcement in both the directions of slab at the bottom.

5.2 Design and analysis of Main girder

Support Condition and Idealization of Main Beam:
The Longitudinal girders of the bridge rest on elastomeric bearings such that one
side of any individual girder will rest on elastomeric bearing with pin and the other
side of the same girder will rest on elastomeric bearing without pin. This condition
dictates that the girder can be idealized to a simply supported beam with roller and
Hinge support as shown below.

Design Procedure:
1. The Main girder is designed as a simply supported beam and so should be
analyzed as such to assess the design loads acting on it and to determine the
maximum bending moment and Shear force acting on it.
a. Dead Load assessment:
The dead loads acting on the main girder are from the following elements of the
bridge structure:
i. Weight of wearing coat.
ii. Weight of Railing posts and railing bars
iii. Weight of Kerb

iv. Weight of deck slab
v. Self-weight of Main Girders
vi. Weight of Cross Girders
The Load due to the Self-weight of the Cross Girders are treated as point loads
and the other loads are treated as UDL loads.
The unit weight of asphalt concrete wearing course and Reinforced concrete
cement is 22KN/m3 and 24KN/m3 respectively.
The maximum bending moment at the Mid Span and Quarter span and Shear force
at Support and quarter span due to Dead load is calculated by treating Main Girder
as Simply Supported Beam.
b. Live load Assessment
The main girder is subjected to both Class A and Class AA loading as per IRC 6-2017
To calculate the reaction on each girder Courbon’s Method has been adopted
which states that ; Courbon’s method is applicable only if the following conditions
are met:
i. The ratio of span to width is greater than 2 and less than 4.
ii. The number of Symmetric cross-girders is more than 5.
iii. Depth of cross-girder should be at least (3/4)th of depth of main girder beam.
In case of this particular design:
i. Ratio of span to width = 35/9 = 3.89
ii. No. of cross-girder=5
iii. Depth of cross-girder= ¾ x 2400=1800 m
Thus, Courbon’s method is applicable.
The reaction factor thus obtained is multiplied by Impact Factor and the weight
under the wheel load per wheel to obtain the reaction force for the girder under
consideration. The reaction force obtained are used to determine the loading

pattern on the Girder and then Influence Line Diagram (ILD) are drawn at critical
sections to determine the maximum bending moment and shear force at the critical
The maximum bending moment at the Mid Span and Quarter span and Shear force
at Support and quarter span due to Live load is calculated by treating Main Girder
as Simply Supported Beam.
2. Design of Main Girders
The exterior and interior girders are designed at the critical sections for maximum
bending moment and maximum shear force so as to establish the Reinforcement
requirements for the girders.
3. Cable design
The cables are positioned so as it satisfies permissible tendon zones and
permissible stresses are satisfied.
4. Detailing of Main reinforcement
Curtailment, anchorage design and Detailing of Main reinforcement bars are
carried out as per IRC 18.

Material and Properties:
Grade of concrete= M45 Characteristic strength(fck)= 500 N/mm2
Reinforcement= Fe500 Yield stress of steel(fy)= 25 N/mm2

Unit weight of materials as per IRC : 6-2010:

Concrete (cement-Reinforced) 24.0 kN/m3
Concrete (wearing course) 22.0 kN/m3

Dead Load Calculation

Span 35 m


Width (m)Depth(m)
Footpath 1.5 0.25
Slab 0.3
Carriageway width 6
Total width 9
Length of girder 3
No. of girder = 3

Load calculation

Items No. Width Depth Area Load (KN/m)

Slab 1 9 0.3 2.7 64.8

Fillet (Top) 2 0.3 0.15 0.045 1.08
Fillet (Bottom) 2 0.225 0.15 0.03375 0.81
Web 1 0.3 1.5 0.45 10.8
Bottom Flange 1 0.75 0.3 0.225 5.4
Wt of girder 18.09

Railing 0.225 1.1 1.221

Steel pipe 0.25
Footpath 2 1.5 0.25 0.75 18
Wearing course 1 6 0.08 0.48 10.56

Total ( except main girder) 94.831

Cross girder

Width(m) 0.3
Depth(m) 1.8
Spacing of CG 8.75
NO. og CG 5

Wt of CG 12.96

Dead load of the main girder

The overall depth of the girder is assumed to be 2100 mm at the rate of 60 mm
for every meter of span.

 Span of the girder = 35 m

 Overall depth = span/10 – span/15
= span/15 = 35/15 =2.333
Take overall depth of girder = 2.4m
 The bottom flange is selected so that four to six cables are easily
accommodated in the flange.

The section of the main girder selected is shown in figure.

Depth of rib = 1500mm

Width of rib = 300mm
Depth of flange = 375mm
Width of flange = 750mm
Unit wt of concrete = 24 KN/m^3
Weight of longitudinal girder = 18.09 KN/m
Weight of the cross girder = 12.96 kN/m

Dead-load moments and shears in the main girder

Total dead load on girder = 94.831 KN/m
Load on each girder = 94.831/3 = 31.62 KN/m

Reaction from deck slab on each girder = 31.62 kN/m
Weight of the cross girder = 12.96 kN/m
Reaction on the main girder = (12.96 * 8.75/2) = 56.7 kN
Self-weight of the main girder = 18.09 kN/m
Total dead load on the girder = (31.62 + 18.09) = 49.7 kN/m
Reaction on the main girder = 56.7 KN
Total dead load on the girder = 49.7 KN/m

Calculation of Maximum BM and SF at critical sections due to DL:

At support :
BM = 0
SF at support : Vmax :
X x 35 – 56.7 x (35 + 26.25 + 17.5 + 8.75 ) – 49.7 x 17.5 x 17.5/ 2 = 0
X = 1011.5KN
Vmax = 1011.5 KN
At mid span :
Moment at point 4L/8 = Mmax :
M max = 1011.5 x 17.5 – 56.7 x 17.5 –56.7x 8.75 –49.7x 17.52 /2
= 11613.33 KNm
Shear force at point 4L/8 = V:
SF ( left) = 1011.5 -56.7 x 2 –49.7 x 17.5 = 28.35 KN
SF ( right ) = 1011.5 -56.7 x 3 – 49.7 x 17.5 = -28.35 KN
At quarter span :
Moment at point 2L/8 = M :
BM = 1011.5 x 8.75 – 56.7 x 8.75 – 49.7 x 8.752 /2
= 6451.92KNm
Shear force at point 2L/8 = V :
V = 1011.5 – 56.7 – 49.7 x 8.75
V = 519.93KN
Dead load moment calculation

At support L/8 2L/8 3L/8 4L/8

0 4.375 8.75 13.125 17.5

Bending moment due to structural load 0 3031.011111 5302.33037 6565.896296 7069.771111

Shear force due to structural load 836.3244444 605.9806667 432.3362963 201.9925926

Bending moment due to non structural load 0 670.5711111 1149.545185 1436.921481 1532.7
Shear force due to non structural load 175.1703704 131.3762963 87.58222222 43.78888889 0

Calculation of bending moment and shear force due to live load:
- For calculation of BM and SF due to live load, IRC class AA and A loading are
taken into account.

Class A loading
From figure,
Eccentricity = 0.05m
Here, the resultant load lies at 3.05m from the left kerb and the bridge axis lies at
3m from the
left Kerb.
Reaction at left Exterior girder (i.e. R1) = 4W1/3 * (1 + neX1/ ∑ Xi^2)
Number of girders (n) =3
Spacing of Left exterior girder from central axis of deck (xi)= 3m
∑ 𝑋2 = 32 + 32 = 18
Eccentricity of net load (e)=0.05m
R1 = 4* W1/ 3 * ( 1 + 3 * 0.05* 3/ 18 )
R1 = 1.367 W1 = 0.683 W
Reaction at Interior girder (i.e. R2) = 4W1/3 * (1 + neX1/ ∑ Xi^2)
Number of girders (n) =3
Spacing of Left interior girder from central axis of deck (xi)= 0m
∑ 𝑋2 = 32 + 32 = 18
Eccentricity of net load (e)=0.05m
R2 = 4* W1/ 3 * ( 1 + 3 * 0.05* 0/ 18 )
R2 = 0.667 W
Here R1 is the reaction for both exterior girder at either side and R2 is the
reaction factor for interior girder. The effect of live load on both type of girder are
determined separately.
For exterior girder :
When w=27KN,
Reaction = Axial load x R1 x IF = 27 x 0.683 x 1.302 = 24.01 KN
When w=68 KN,
Reaction = Axial load x R1 x IF = 68 x 0.683 x 1.302 = 60.47 KN
When w=114KN,
Reaction = Axial load x R1 x IF = 114 x 0.683 x 1.302 = 101.376 KN

So the train of loads can be illustrated as,

Calculation of BM:
At Support = 0
At L/8
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
24.01 0.075 0.065
24.01 1.175 1.028
101.376 4.375 3.828
101.376 5.575 3.678
60.47 9.875 3.14
60.57 12.875 2.765
60.57 15.875 2.392
60.57 18.875 2.015

BM = 1410.737 KNm

At quarter span :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
24.01 4.45 -3.3375
24.01 5.55 -4.1625
101.376 8.75 -6.5625
101.376 9.95 -6.2625
60.47 14.25 -5.1875
60.57 17.25 -4.4375
60.57 20.25 -3.6875
60.57 23.25 -2.9375

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

BM = 24.01 x 3.3375 + 24.01 x 4.1625 + 101.376 x 6.5625 + 101.376 x 6.2625 + 6-

.57 x (5.1875 + 4.4375 +3.6875 + 2.9375 )
= 2462.85 KNm

At mid span :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
24.01 12 6
24.01 13.1 6.55
101.376 16.3 8.15
101.376 17.5 8.75
60.47 21.8 6.6
60.57 24.8 5.1
60.57 27.8 3.6
60.57 30.8 2.1

BM = 24.01x 6 + 24.01 x 6.55 + 101.376 x 8.15 + 101.376 x 8.75 + 60.47 x ( 6.6 +5.1
+ 3.6 +2.1)
= 3066.757 KNm

Calculation of SF:
At support:
Loads postion from left ILD ordinate
24.01 0 1
24.01 1 0.968
101.376 4.3 0.877
101.376 5.5 0.842
60.47 9.8 0.72
60.57 12.8 0.6342
60.57 15.8 0.5485
60.57 18.8 0.4628

SF = 364.55 KN

At quarter span :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
24.01 8.75 1
24.01 9.85 0.958
101.376 13.05 0.836
101.376 14.25 0.794
60.47 18.55 0.626
60.57 21.55 0.5123
60.57 24.55 0.398
60.57 27.55 0.2838

SF = 321.95 KN

At mid span :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
24.01 17.5 1
24.01 18.6 0.937
101.376 21.8 0.754
101.376 23 0.685
60.47 27.3 0.44
60.57 30.3 0.268
60.57 33.3 0.097

SF = 362.59 KN

For interior girder :

When w=27KN,
Reaction = Axial load x R1 x IF = 27 x 0.667 x 1.302 = 23.447 KN
When w=68 KN,
Reaction = Axial load x R1 x IF = 68 x 0.667 x 1.302 = 59.05 KN
When w=114KN,
Reaction = Axial load x R1 x IF = 114 x 0.667 x 1.302 = 99.001 KN

The train of loads can be illustrated as :

Calculation Of BM:
At quarter span :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
23.447 4.45 3.3375
23.447 5.55 4.1625
99 8.75 6.5625
99 9.95 6.2625
59.05 14.25 5.1875
59.05 17.25 4.4375
59.05 20.25 3.6875
59.05 23.25 2.9375

BM = 2405.166 KNm
At mid span :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
23.447 12 6
23.447 13.1 6.55
99 16.3 8.15
99 17.5 8.75
59.05 21.8 6.6
59.05 24.8 5.1
59.05 27.8 3.6
59.05 30.8 2.1

BM = 2999.466 KNm

Calculation Of SF :
At support :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
23.447 0 1
23.447 1.1 0.968
99 4.3 0.877
99 5.5 0.842
59.05 9.8 0.72
59.05 12.8 0.6342
59.05 15.8 0.5485
59.05 18.8 0.4628

SF = 356.01 KN

At quarter span :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
23.447 8.75 1
23.447 9.85 0.958
99 13.05 0.836
99 14.25 0.794
59.05 18.55 0.626
59.05 21.55 0.5123
59.05 24.55 0.398
59.05 27.55 0.2838

SF = 314.4 KN

Class AA loading
1) Tracked vehicle
Impact factor = 10%
Impact factor multiplier = 1.1
Ecentricity :
For outer girder, e = 1.375-1.025 = 0.35m
For interior girder, e = 0 m
Using Courbon’s method to determine the proportional factor for load
2𝑊1 𝑛𝑒𝑋1
𝑅= ∗ (1 + )
3 ∑ 𝑋2

Reaction factor for exterior girder, R1 :

2𝑊1 3
R1 = 3 ∗ (1 + 3 ∗ 0.35 ∗ 2∗32)= 0.391W = 0.4W

Reaction factor for interior girder, R2 :

2𝑊1 0
R2 = 3 ∗ (1 + 3 ∗ 0.35 ∗ 2∗32)= 0.33W

R1= 700 x 0.4 x 1.1 = 308 KN

R2 = 700 x 0.33 x 1.1 = 254.1 KN

Calculation of BM and SF for exterior girder :

Load intensity = 462/3.6 = 85.55 KN

Calculation of BM:

At mid span:
Position from left ILD ordinate
0 0
15.7 -7.85
17.5 -8.75
19.3 -7.85
35 0

BM = 2 ∗ ∗ 1.8 ∗ 85.88 = 2566.09 𝐾𝑁𝑚

At quarter span :

Position from left ILD ordinate

0 0
7.85 -5.8875
8.75 -6.5625
11.45 -5.8875
35 0

6.5625+5.8875 6.5625+5.8875
BM = (0.9 ∗ + ∗ 2.7) ∗ 85.88 = 1299.085 𝐾𝑁𝑚
2 2

Calculation of SF :

At support :

Position from left ILD ordinate

0 0
0 -1
3.6 -0.8971
35 0

1 + 0.8971
𝑆𝐹 = ∗ 3.6 ∗ 85.88

SF = 293.26 KN

At quarter span :

Position from left ILD ordinate

0 0
8.75 -0.75
8.75 0.75
12.35 0.6471
35 0

0.75 + 0.6471
𝑆𝐹 = ∗ 3.6 ∗ 85.88

SF = 215.97 KN

Calculation of BM and SF for interior girder :

Load intensity = 254.1/3.6 = 70.58KN

Calculation of BM:
At mid span:

Position from left ILD ordinate

0 0
15.7 -7.85
17.5 -8.75
19.3 -7.85
35 0

BM = 2 ∗ ∗ 1.8 ∗ 105.875 = 2108.93 𝐾𝑁𝑚

At quarter span :

Position from left ILD ordinate

0 0
7.85 -5.8875
8.75 -6.5625
11.45 -5.8875
35 0

6.5625+5.8875 6.5625+5.8875
BM = (0.9 ∗ + ∗ 2.7) ∗ 105.875 =
2 2
1581.69 𝐾𝑁𝑚

Calculation of SF :

At support :

Position from left ILD ordinate

0 0
0 -1
3.6 -0.8971
35 0

1 + 0.8971
𝑆𝐹 = ∗ 3.6 ∗ 105.875

SF = 241.01 KN

At quarter span :

Position from left ILD ordinate

0 0
8.75 -0.75
8.75 0.75
12.35 0.6471
35 0

0.75 + 0.6471
𝑆𝐹 = ∗ 3.6 ∗ 105.875

SF = 177.49 KN

2) Wheeled vehicle
Impact factor = 25%
Impact factor multiplier = 1.25
Ecentricity :
For outer girder, e = 0.55m
For interior girder, e = 0 m

Using Courbon’s method to determine the proportional factor for load
2𝑊1 𝑛𝑒𝑋1
𝑅= ∗ (1 + )
3 ∑ 𝑋2

Reaction factor for exterior girder, R1 :

200 3
R1 = ∗ (1 + 3 ∗ 0.55 ∗ 2∗32 )= 85 KN

Reaction factor for interior girder, R2 :

200 0
R2 = ∗ (1 + 3 ∗ 0.55 ∗ 2∗32 )= 66.67 Kn

R1= 85 x 1.25 = 106.25 KN

R2 = 66.67 x 1.25 = 83.3375 KN

Calculation of BM and SF for exterior girder :

R1 = 106.25 KN

Calculation of BM:
At mid span:

loads postion from left ILD ordinate

106.25 17.5 -8.75
106.25 18.7 -8.15
35 0

BM = 1795.624 KNm

At quarter span :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
106.25 8.75 -6.5625
106.25 9.95 -6.2625
35 0

BM = 1362.656 KNm

Calculation Of SF :
At support:
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
106.25 0 -1
106.25 1.2 -0.9657

SF = 208.855 KN

At quarter span
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
106.25 8.75 -0.75
106.25 9.95 -0.7157
35 0

SF = 155.72 KN

Calculation of BM and SF for interior girder :

R2 = 83.3375 KN

Calculation of BM:

At mid span :
At mid span
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
83.3375 17.5 -8.75
83.3375 18.7 -8.15
35 0

BM = 1408.33 KNm

At quarter span :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
83.3375 8.75 -6.5625
83.3375 9.95 -6.2625
35 0

BM = 1068.75 KNm
Calculation of SF :

At support:
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
83.3375 0 -1
83.3375 1.2 -0.9657
35 0

SF = 163.808 KN
At quarter span :
loads postion from left ILD ordinate
83.3375 8.75 0.75
83.3375 9.95 0.7157
35 0

SF = 122.141 KN

The bending moments are attained from Influence line diagram.
Summary of bending moment and Shear force acting on girder

1. Interior Girder

Description Live load (KNm) Dead load(KNm) LL+DL (KNm)

BM at support 0 0 0
Bm at L/8 1377.572 3701.582222 5079.154222
BM at 2L/8 2405.166267 6451.875556 8857.041822
BM at 3L/8 2947.588667 8002.817778 10950.40644
BM at 4L/8 2999.466 8602.471111 11601.93711
SF at support 356.0186667 1011.494815 1367.513481
SF at quarter span 314.4086667 519.9185185 834.3271852

2. Exterior Girder

Description Live load (KNm) Dead load (KNm) LL+DL (KNm)

BM at support 0 0 0
BM at L/8 1410.616667 3701.582222 5112.198889
BM at 2L/8 2462.859333 6451.875556 8914.734889
BM at 3L/8 3018.293333 8002.817778 11021.11111
BM at 4L/8 3066.757333 8602.471111 11669.22844
SF at support 364.5586667 1011.494815 1376.053481
SF at quarter span 321.9506667 519.9185185 841.8691852

Section Properties

Area of section (A) 1698750

CG for top fibre (yt) 799.917219
CG for bottom fibre (yb) 1600.082781
Moment of inertia of section Ixx (I) 10^11
Top fibre section modulus (Zt) 958876721
Bottom fibre section modulus (Zb) 479363948.6

Area of longitudinal girder :



0.3m 1.725m


Design section of edge girder:
Depth of slab (Df) :

Av. thickness of left part of slab = 0.22 x 0.6 + 0.335 * 0.75 = 0.284 m
Av. thickness of right part of slab = 0.3 x 1.05 + 0.375 x 0.3 = 0.317 m

So, depth of slab is
Df = 0.284 + 0.317 = 0.3m
Effective width of flange of girder (bef) : [IRC 21 Cl. 305.15.2]
Beff = (le/5)+bw =35 + 0.3 = 7.3m < b act = 3m
Adopt 1.5m on each side of girder.
Actual width on left = 1.35 + 0.15 = 1.5m
Adopt beff = 2*1.5 = 3m
The girder is converted into equivalent rectangle.
Area of top flange = 3000 x 300 = 900000 mm2
Area of web = 1725 x 300 = 517500 mm2
Area of bottom flange = 750 x 375 = 281250 mm2
Area of girder = 1698750 mm2
C.G of section :Y = 0.75 x 0.375 x 0.375/2 + 0.3 x 1.725 x (0.375 + 1.725/2) + 0.3 x 3
x ( 0.375 + 1.725 +0.3/2) / (1698750)

Yb = 1.6m

Moment of inertia of design section of main girder about X-X axis :

I = 0.75 x 0.3753 /12+ 0.75 x 0.375 x (1.6 – 0.375/2)2 + 0.3 x 1.7253/12 + 0.3 x
1.725 x ( 1.6 – 0.375 – 1.725/2)2 + 3 x 0.33/12 + 3x0.3x ( 1.6 -0.375.1.725.0.3/2)2

I = 7.67* 10 11 mm4

The following properties are obtained from IRC 18:

Characteristic strength of concrete (Fck)

Fck 45
Ch. Strength at transfer (fci)
Fci 36
Permissible compressive stress at transfer (Fct)
Fct 18
Permissible tensile stress at transfer (Ftt)
Ftt (class 1) 0
Permissible tensile stress at service (Ftw)
Ftw 0
Permissible compressive stress at service (Fcw)
Fcw 15
Prestressing efficiency (n) 0.85
Permissibe stress in the bottom (Fbr)
Fbr 15.3
Permissible stress in the top (Ftr)
Ftr 15
Ftw/n 0

For calculation at support

Dead load moment (Mg) = 0 Nmm

Live load moment ( Mq) = 0 Nmm

Total moment (Md) = Mg + Mq = 0 Nmm

f (inf) = (Ftw/n) + (Md/nZb)

Md/nZb = 0/ (0.85*479363948.6) = 0

Ftw/n = 0/0.85 = 0

F inf = 0+ 0 = 0 N / mm2
Zb = (Mq + (1-n) Mg) / fbr
= (0 + ( 1- 0.85) * 0) / 15.3
= 0 mm3 <Zb OK
For calculation at L/8
Dead load moment (Mg) = 3701582222 Nmm
Live load moment ( Mq) = 1410616667 Nmm
Total moment (Md) = Mg + Mq = 5112198889 Nmm

f (inf) = (Ftw/n) + (Md/nZb)

Md/nZb = 5112198889/ (0.85*479363948.6) = 12.54652473

Ftw/n = 0/0.85 = 0
F inf = 0+ 12.54652473 = 12.54652473 N / mm2
Zb = (Mq + (1-n) Mg) / fbr
= (1410616667 + ( 1- 0.85) *3701582222) / 15.3
= 128487189.5 mm3 <Zb OK

For calculation at 2L/8
Dead load moment (Mg) = 6451875556 Nmm
Live load moment ( Mq) = 2462859333 Nmm
Total moment (Md) = Mg + Mq = 8914734889 Nmm

f (inf) = (Ftw/n) + (Md/nZb)

Md/nZb =8914734889 / (0.85*479363948.6) = 21.87883221

Ftw/n = 0/0.85 = 0
F inf = 0+21.87883221 = 21.87883221 N / mm2
Zb = (Mq + (1-n) Mg) / fbr
= (2462859333 + ( 1- 0.85) *6451875556) / 15.3
= 224224880.2mm3 <Zb OK
For calculation at 3L/8
Dead load moment (Mg) = 8002817778 Nmm
Live load moment ( Mq) = 3018293333 Nmm
Total moment (Md) = Mg + Mq = 11021111111 Nmm

f (inf) = (Ftw/n) + (Md/nZb)

Md/nZb =11021111111 / (0.85*479363948.6) = 27.04836922

Ftw/n = 0/0.85 = 0

F inf = 0+ 27.04836922 = 27.04836922 N / mm2
Zb = (Mq + (1-n) Mg) / fbr
= (3018293333+ ( 1- 0.85) * 8002817778 ) / 15.3
= 275733071.9 mm3 <Zb OK
For calculation at 4L/8
Dead load moment (Mg) = 8602471111 Nmm
Live load moment (Mq) = 3066757333 Nmm
Total moment (Md) = Mg + Mq = 11669228444 Nmm

f (inf) = (Ftw/n) + (Md/nZb)

Md/nZb =11669228444 / (0.85*479363948.6) = 28.63899985

Ftw/n = 0/0.85 = 0
F inf = 0+28.63899985 = 28.63899985 N / mm2
Zb = (Mq + (1-n) Mg) / fbr
= (3066757333 + ( 1- 0.85) *8602471111 ) / 15.3
= 284779607.8 mm3 <Zb OK

5.3 Prestressing Force
Allowing for two rows of cables, cover required = 200 mm [ IRC 112 Cl.15.3.2]
Maximum possible eccentricity, e = Yb - cc = 1600.082781 – 200 = 1400.08 mm

Prestressing force can be obtained as:

At 4L/8:
P = ( A* Finf * Zb )
(Zb + Ae)
= (1698750 * 28.63 * 479363948.6) / (479363948.6 + 1698750* 1400.08)
= 8160.706 KN
At 3L/8:
P = ( A* Finf * Zb )
(Zb + Ae)
= (1698750 * 27.04* 479363948.6) / (479363948.6 + 1698750* 1400.08)
= 7707.454 KN
At 2L/8:
P = ( A* Finf * Zb )
(Zb + Ae)
= (1698750 * 21.87 * 479363948.6) / (479363948.6 + 1698750* 1400.08)
= 6234.39 KN
At L/8:
P = ( A* Finf * Zb )
(Zb + Ae)
= (1698750 * 12.54 * 479363948.6) / (479363948.6 + 1698750* 1400.08)
= 3575.142 KN
At support:
P = ( A* Finf * Zb )
(Zb + Ae)
= (1698750 *0 * 479363948.6) / (479363948.6 + 1698750* 1400.08)
= 0 N = 0 KN
At Support At L/8 At 2L/8 3L/8 4L/8
Prestressing force 0 3575142.504 6234391.17 7707454.977 8160706.479 N
Prestressing force (P) 0 3575.142504 6234.39117 7707.454977 8160.706479 KN

Using Freyssinet system with anchorage type 19K-13 to IS 6006

Clear cover= 200 mm
Maximum eccentricity = 1400.082781
Prestressing force: (KN)
At support = 0
At L/8 = 3575.142 KN
At 2L/8 = 6234.39 KN
At 3L/8 = 7707.454 KN
At 4L/8 = 8160.706 KN

Using Freyssinet system with anchorage type 19K-13 to IS 6006

Ultimate stress of high tensile wires = 1860 Mpa

No. of strand = 19
Nominal diameter of strands = 12.7mm
Area of strand = 98.7 mm2
Breaking strength of strand = 183.7 KN
Ultimate tensile force per strand = 3490.3 KN

0.1% proof stress = 2966.755 KN
Jacking force must be smaller than 90% of 0.1% proof stress
Taking maximum jack force: 75% of UTS
Maximum Jack force = 2617.725 KN
Adopted pre- stressing force = 2450 KN
Nominal area of strand = 98.7 mm 2
Area provided by 1 cable =no. * area= 19 x 98.7 = 1875.3 mm2

Adopted pre-stressing force = 2450 KN

Number of cables = 8160.705 /2450 = 3.33
Number of cables = 4

Permissible Tendon Zone

At support section :
e < Zb * fct – Zb + Mmin
e < Zb * ftw – Zb + Md
nP A nP

e < Zb * fct – Zb + Mmin
At support:
e < 479363948.6 * 18 – 479363948.6 + 0
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 598.27mm

At L/8
e < 479363948.6 * 18 – 479363948.6 + 3701582222
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800*1000
< 975.99 mm

At 2L/8
e < 479363948.6 * 18 – 479363948.6 + 6451875556
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 1256.632mm

At 3L/8
e < 479363948.6 * 18 – 479363948.6 + 8002817778
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 1414.89 mm

At 4L/8
e < 479363948.6 * 18 – 479363948.6 + 8602471111
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 1476.081 mm

e > Zb * ftw – Zb + Md
nP A nP

At support:
e > 479363948.6 * 0 – 479363948.6 + 0
0.85x9800 x 1000 1698750 0.85x9800 x 1000
> -282.186mm

At L/8:
e > 479363948.6 * 0 – 479363948.6 + 5112198889
0.85x9800x1000 1698750 0.85x9800x 1000
> 331.523mm

At 2L/8:
e > 479363948.6 * 0 – 479363948.6 + 8914734889
0.85x9800x1000 1698750 0.85x9800 x 1000
> 788.01mm

At 3L/8:
e > 479363948.6 * 0 – 479363948.6 + 11021111111
0.85x 9800 x1000 1698750 0.85x9800x 1000
> 1040.876 mm

At 4L/8:
e > 479363948.6 * 0 – 479363948.6 + 11669228444
0.85x9800 x 1000 1698750 0.85x 9800 x 1000
> 1118.681 mm

At Support At L/8 At 2L/8 3L/8 4L/8

Zb*fct/P 880.4643954 880.4643954 880.4643954 880.4643954 880.4643954

Zb/A 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832
Mg/P 0 377.7124717 658.3546485 816.614059 877.8031746
e< 598.2781122 975.9905838 1256.632761 1414.892171 1476.081287

Zb*ftw/nP 0 0 0 0 0
Zb/A 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832
Md/nP 0 613.7093504 1070.196265 1323.062558 1400.86776
e> -282.1862832 331.5230672 788.009982 1040.876275 1118.681477

At mid-section:

e < Zt * ftt – Zt + Mmin
e > -Zt* fcw – Zt + Md
nP A nP

Calculation :

e < Zt * ftt – Zt + Mmin

At support :
e < 958876721* 0 + 958876721 + 0
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 564.46 mm

At L/8
e < 958876721* 0 + 958876721 + 3701582222
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 942.172 mm

At 2L/8
e < 958876721* 0 + 958876721 + 64518775556
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 1222.814 mm

At 3L/8
e < 958876721* 0 + 958876721 + 8002817778
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 1381.074 mm

At 4L/8

e < 958876721* 0 + 958876721 + 8602471111
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 1442.263 mm

At Support At L/8 At 2L/8 3L/8 4L/8

Zt*ftt/P 0 0 0 0 0
Zt/A 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742
Mg/P 0 377.7124717 658.3546485 816.614059 877.8031746
e<= 564.4601742 942.1726459 1222.814823 1381.074233 1442.263349

Zt*Fcw/nP 1726.668765 1726.668765 1726.668765 1726.668765 1726.668765

Zt/A 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742
Md/nP 0 613.7093504 1070.196265 1323.062558 1400.86776
e>= -1162.208591 -548.4992406 -92.01232585 160.8539673 238.6591694

5.4 Cable profiling

Clear cover=200 mm
CG from Bottom fiber (yb)=1600.08 mm
No. of cables=4
2 out of 4 cables are kept straight and only 2 cables are arranged as parabolic.
Cable 1 and 2 are arranged for parabolic profile whereas cable no 3 and 4 are kept
For straight profile
Cable profile is arranged at 450 mm from bottom.
For parabolic profile
At mid

2nd Cable is placed at a distance equal to clear cover i.e., 350 mm from bottom
So x= 17.5 m and y=350mm
From the parabolic equation, y=a*x2
a=y/x2 = 350/ (17.5*1000)2 =1.143*10-7
For cable 2
Cable Profile:

x y Eccentricity
0 1400 200.08
4.375 1071.875 528.205
8.75 787.5 812.58
13.125 546.875 1053.205
17.5 350 1250.08
21.875 546.875 1053.205
26.25 787.5 812.58
30.625 1071.875 528.205
35 1400 200.08

1st Cable is placed at a distance 400 mm from bottom
So x= 17.5 m and y=400mm
From the parabolic equation, y=a*x2
a=y/x2 = 400/ (17.5*1000)2
=1.306 *10-6
For cable no 1
Cable profile

x y Eccentricity
0 1600 0.08
4.375 1225 375.08
8.75 900 700.08
13.125 625 975.08
17.5 400 1200.08
21.875 625 975.08
26.25 900 700.08
30.625 1225 375.08
35 1600 0.08

3 4

1 2
3 4

LENGTH OF CABLE(s)=L+8/3*d^2/L

SN Cable no d(mm) Length of cable(m)

1 1 1600-400=1200 =35.110
2 2 1400-350=1050 =35.084
3 3,4 Cable laid as straight =35.000


Check for stresses :
Pre-stressing force (P) = 9800 KN
Area (A) = 1698750 mm2

Calculation for 4L/8 (mid span)

Ecentricity ( e) = 1250.08mm
𝑃 1000
= 9800 ∗ = 5.768 N/mm2
𝐴 1698750

𝑃𝑒 1250.08
= 9800 ∗ 1000 ∗ = 12.776 N/mm2
𝑧𝑡 958876721
𝑃𝑒 1250.08
= 9800 ∗ 1000 ∗ = 25.556 N/mm2
𝑍𝑏 479363948.6
𝑀𝑔 8602471111
= 958876721 = 8.971 N/mm2

𝑀𝑔 8602471111
= = 17.94 N/mm2
𝑍𝑏 479363948.6
𝑀𝑞 3066757333
= = 3.198 N/mm2
𝑍𝑡 958876721
𝑀𝑞 3066757333
= = 6.397 N/mm2
𝑍𝑏 479363948.6

At transfer stage :
𝑃 𝑃𝑒 𝑀𝑔
(𝜎)𝑡 = − + = 5.768 – 12.776 + 8.971 =1.964 > Ftt (OK)
𝐴 𝑍𝑡 𝑍𝑡
𝑃 𝑃𝑒 𝑀𝑔
(𝜎)𝑏 = + − = 5.768 + 25.556 – 17.94 = 13.379 < Fct = 18 (OK)
𝐴 𝑍𝑏 𝑍𝑏

At working stage

𝑛𝑃 𝑛𝑃𝑒 𝑀𝑔 𝑀𝑞
(𝜎)𝑡 = − + + = 0.85 x 5.768 – 0.85 x 12.776 + 8.971 + 3.198 = 6.213
𝐴 𝑍𝑡 𝑍𝑡 𝑍𝑡
< Fcw = 15 (OK)
𝑛𝑃 𝑛𝑃𝑒 𝑀𝑔 𝑀𝑞
(𝜎)𝑏 = + − − = 0.85 x 5.768 – 0.85 x 25.556 – 17.94 – 6.397 = 2.283
𝐴 𝑍𝑏 𝑍𝑏 𝑍𝑏
> Ftw =0 (OK)

5.5 Check for ultimate flexural strength

From IRC 18: 2000 Cl. 12

Ultimate Moment capacity:
Mu = 1.5G+2SG +2.5Q
G = permanent load moment = 7069 KNm
SG = superimposed load moment = 1532.7 KNm
Q = Live load moment = 3066.757 KNm
Mu = 1.5 x 7069 + 2 x 1532.7 + 2.5 x 3066.757 = 21336.95 KNm
Total depth of girder = 2400mm
Clear cover = 200mm
Width of flange (Bf) = 3000mm
Depth of flange (Df) = 300mm
Width of web (Bw) = 300mm

1) Failure by yielding of steel

From IRC 18, Cl. 13.1

Mu = 0.9dbAsfp
As = Area of cable
Area of single cable = 1875.3 mm2
Area of five cables = 1875.3 x 4 =7501.2 mm2

Fp = Ultimate tensile strength = 1860 Mpa

Db = depth of beam from maximum compression edge to centre of gravity
of tendons
= 1775mm
Mult = 0.9 x 1775 x 7501.2 x 1860 = 22288.69062 KNm

2) Failure by crushing of concrete

From IRC 18 CL.13.2
M ult=[0.176bw *db ^2 * fck + 2/3 x 0.8(bf-bw)(db-0.5Df)Df * fck]

Fck = 45Mpa
M ult=[0.176 x 300 *17752 * 45 + 2/3 x 0.8(3000-300)(1775-0.5*300)*300 *
= 39075.885 KNm
Mu< Mult (OK)

5.6 Check for ultimate shear strength

Ultimate shear=1.5G+2SG+2.5Q = =1.5*836.324+2*175.17+2.5*364.55 =

2516.201 KN

The design shear resistance of the support section is calculated by using the
equation specified in IRC 112-2011 clause10.3 as :

𝑉𝑅𝑑. 𝑐 = (𝐼 ∗ ) ∗ (𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑑2 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑝 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑑) ∗ 0.5 + 𝑛𝑃𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
I = 𝑏𝑤 ∗ = 3.456 * 10 11 mm4
bw= 300 mm
D= 2400 mm
n= 0.85
fck 45 N/mm
A= 1698750 mm2
P= 9800000 N
e= 625 mm
L= 35 m

S = 96000000 mm3
Fctd = 0.24* (fck)0.5 = 1.609968944
Fcp = nP/A = 6.029433407
θ =4*e/L= 0.0714
VRd.c= (I*bw/s)*(fctd2+k1*fcp*fctd)0.5+n*P*sin θ = 4092.37 KN > 3533.61 KN
The shear resistance of support section is greater than required ultimate shear

5.7 End block design

Solid end blocks are provided at end supports over a length of 1.5 m. Typical
equivalent prisms on which the anchorage forces are considered to be effective
are detailed.
In horizontal plane, we have the data :
Pk = 2450 KN
Ypo = 125mm
Yo = 250mm
Hence the ration is Ypo/Yo = 0.5
Interpolating form table, the bursting tension is computed as :
Fbst = Pk[0.32-0.3(ypo/yo)} = 416.5 KN
Area of steel required to resist this tension is obtained as,
Area of steel required = = 1153.579837 mm2

Provide 16mm diameter at a spacing 170mm c/c.

The bursting allowable stress can be calculated as :

Bursting allowable stress =

Fck = 45 N/mm2
Fci = 0.8 * Fck = 36 N/mm2
Pbst allowable = 17.28 N/mm2
Pbst allowable = 0.8* Fci = 28.8 N/mm2
Adopting Pbst allowable = 17.28 N/mm2

5.8 Supplementary reinforcement

From clause of IRC 112-2011 :

Minimum longitudinal reinforcement of not less than 0.13% of gross cross
sectional area to be provided to safeguard against shrinkage crack.
Ast= 2208.375 mm2

20mm diameter bar are provided in the compression flange.
Number of bars = 7.033
Provided 8-20mm dia bars.

5.9 Calculation of Loss for pre-stress concrete force :

The initial pre-stress in concrete undergoes a gradual reduction with time from the
stage of transfer due to various causes. This is generally referred to as ‘loss of pre-
stress. A reasonably good estimate of the magnitude of loss of prestress is
necessary from the point of view of design. Types of losses that can be encountered
1) Loss of Pre-stress due to Friction
2) Loss due to anchorage slip
3) Loss due to relaxation
4) Loss due to shrinkage
5) Loss due to elastic shortening
6) Loss due to creep

Calculation of loss due to friction

From IS 1343:2012
For stress relieved corrugated HDPE:
Coefficient of friction between duct and cable (µ)= 0.17
Friction coefficient for wave effect (K) = 0.002 per m
We have elongated cable length as :

Cable 1 2 3 4
Length 35110 35084 35000 35000

At mid span = 4L/8 = 17.5m :
Ecentricity is given as:

Parameter Cable 1 cable 2 cable 3 cable 4

Ecentricity 4L/8 1200.08 1250.08 1150.08 1150.08

Calculation of emerging angle for cables:

Considering that jacking is done at both ends :
For cable 1:
Slope at end = 4e/L = 4 * 1200 / (35*10^3)
= 0.1371

For cable 2:
Slope at end = 4e/L = 4 * 1050/ (35*10^3)
= 0.12
For cable 3,4 :
Slope at end = 4e/L = 4 * 0 / (35*10^3)
We know:
Px = Po*e ^ (µα + kx)
For small values of (µα + Kx), we can write
Px = Po[1 – (µα + kx)

Parameter Cable 1 cable 2 cable 3 cable 4

Ecentricity 4L/8 1200 1050 0 0

Emerging angle (α) 4L/8 0.1371 0.12 0 0

Prestressing force at x
Px = Po* ( 1- (µα+kx)) 4L/8 1226.084 1229.869 1256.43 1256.43

% Loss
(Po-Px)/Po 4L/8 0.058307 0.0554 0.035 0.035
% 5.8307 5.54 3.5 3.5

Loss due to anchorage slip :

Assume slip at jackening end ( Δ ) = 5mm
Average length of cable (Lc) is given in table.
Initial stress (Po) = 1302 MPa
Loss of stress in steel = 𝐸𝑠 ∗

Where, Es = Modulus of elasticity of strand (Es) = 195000 Mpa

Percentage loss in steel (%) = (1 − ) ∗ 100%

Cable1 cable2 3 4

Assume slip at jackening end(Δ) 5 5 5 5

Average length of cable (Lc) 35110 35084 35000 35000
Loss of stress in steel (Es*Δ/Lc) 27.769866 27.79045 27.85714 27.85714
Percentage loss in steel (%) 2.1328622 2.134443 2.139566 2.139566

Loss due to relaxation:

Type of relaxation = Normal
For initial stress = 0.7* UTS

Relaxation Loss = 2.5%
Loss due to shrinkage:
Age of concrete at transfer = 28 days
Strain (Ecs) = 0.00019 ( IRC 18 Tab 3)
Loss of stress in steel ( Ecs *Es) = 37.05
% Loss = 2.845%
Loss due to elastic shortening:
Area of girder = 1698750 mm2
Area of single cable = 98.7 mm2
Zt = 958876721 mm4
Po = 1302 MPa
Force = Po * Area = 1302* 98.7 = 128507.4 N
Ecentricity at end section = 0.08 mm
Ecentricity at mid section = 1200.08 mm
𝐹 𝐹∗𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑑∗𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
Stress in concrete at level of steel (Fc) = ± = 0.0756 at end,
0.0756 at mid
Average stress = 0.0756 + 2/3 * 0.0756 = 0.126
Modular ratio = Es/Ec = 5.099
Loss = Modular ratio * stress (Fc) = 5.099* 0.126 = 0.642 %
Loss due to creep
From ultimate creep strain method as stated in IRC 18
From IRC 18 Table 2

fck creep strain (Ecc)
40 0.00094
50 0.00083
For fck=45 Mpa 0.000885

Loss due to stress in steel = Ecc*Es*fc = 21.757

% Loss = (1 − ) ∗ 100% = 1.671 %

Total loss :
1) Loss of Prestress due to Friction 5.8307
2) Loss due to anchorage slip 2.139565504
3) Loss due to relaxation 2.50
4) Loss due to shrinkage 2.84562212
5) Loss due to elastic shortening 0.642957766
6) Loss due to creep 1.671074629

sum 15.62992002

Since, the loss is greater than assumed, calculation is repeated by considering the
present value of los.
Efficiency = = 0.84371

In table form:
Prestressing efficiency (n) 0.84371
Permissibe stress in the bottom (Fbr)
Fbr= (nfct –
Fbr 15.18678 ftw)
Permissible stress in the top (Ftr)
Ftr = (fcw –
Ftr 15 nftt)
Ftw/n 0

Check for section modulus :

For calculation at 4L/8
Dead load moment (Mg) = 8602471111 Nmm
Live load moment ( Mq) = 3066757333 Nmm
Total moment (Md) = Mg + Mq = 11669228444 Nmm

f (inf) = (Ftw/n) + (Md/nZb)

Md/nZb =11669228444 / (0.84371*479363948.6) = 28.85250841

Ftw/n = 0/0.85 = 0
F inf = 0+ 28.85250841 = 28.85250841 N / mm2
Zb = (Mq + (1-n) Mg) / fbr
= (3066757333 + ( 1- 0.84371) *8602471111 ) / 15.186
= 290465624.9 <Zb OK

At support At L/8 At 2L/8 3L/8 4L/8
Dead load moment (Mg) 0 3701582222 6451875556 8002817778 8602471111
Live load moment (Mq) 0 1410616667 2462859333 3018293333 3066757333
Total moment (Md) 0 5112198889 8914734889 11021111111 11669228444
Md/nZb 0 12.64006118 22.04194258 27.25001936 28.85250841

Permissible stress (Finf) 0 12.64006118 22.04194258 27.25001936 28.85250841

Zb 0 130978189.7 228568726.5 281103283.5 290465624.9
<Zb OK <Zb OK <Zb OK <Zb OK <Zb OK
Zt 0 132609130.1 231414864.3 284603581.6 294082502.9
<Zt OK <Zt OK <Zt OK <Zt OK <Zt OK

Permissible Tendon Zone

At support section :
e < Zb * fct – Zb + Mmin
e < Zb * ftw – Zb + Md
nP A nP

e < Zb * fct – Zb + Mmin
At 4L/8
e < 479363948.6 * 18 – 479363948.6 + 8602471111
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 1476.081 mm
e > Zb * ftw – Zb + Md
nP A nP

At 4L/8:
e > 479363948.6 * 0 – 479363948.6 + 11669228444
0.84371x9800 x 1000 1698750 0.84371x 9800 x 1000
> 1129.125 mm

At support section:

At Support At L/8 At 2L/8 3L/8 4L/8

Zb*fct/P 880.4643954 880.4643954 880.4643954 880.4643954 880.4643954

Zb/A 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832
Mg/P 0 377.7124717 658.3546485 816.614059 877.8031746
e< 598.2781122 975.9905838 1256.632761 1414.892171 1476.081287

Zb*ftw/nP 0 0 0 0 0
Zb/A 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832 282.1862832
Md/nP 0 618.2846569 1078.174758 1332.926212 1411.311465
e> -282.1862832 336.0983737 795.9884752 1050.739929 1129.125182

At mid section :
e < Zt * ftt – Zt + Mmin
e > -Zt* fcw – Zt + Md
nP A nP

Calculation :

e < Zt * ftt – Zt + Mmin

At 4L/8
e < 958876721* 0 + 958876721 + 8602471111
9800 x 1000 1698750 9800 x 1000
< 1442.263 mm

At mid section

At Support At L/8 At 2L/8 3L/8 4L/8

Zt*ftt/P 0 0 0 0 0
Zt/A 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742
Mg/P 0 377.7124717 658.3546485 816.614059 877.8031746
e<= 564.4601742 942.1726459 1222.814823 1381.074233 1442.263349

Zt*Fcw/nP 1739.541371 1739.541371 1739.541371 1739.541371 1739.541371

Zt/A 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742 564.4601742
Md/nP 0 618.2846569 1078.174758 1332.926212 1411.311465
e>= -1175.081197 -556.7965403 -96.90643878 157.8450152 236.2302681

5.9 Check for stresses :

Pre-stressing force (P) = 9800 KN

Area (A) = 1698750 mm2

Calculation for 4L/8 (mid span)

Ecentricity ( e) = 1250.08mm
𝑃 1000
= 9800 ∗ = 5.768 N/mm2
𝐴 1698750
𝑃𝑒 1250.08
= 9800 ∗ 1000 ∗ = 12.776 N/mm2
𝑧𝑡 958876721
𝑃𝑒 1250.08
= 9800 ∗ 1000 ∗ = 25.556 N/mm2
𝑍𝑏 479363948.6
𝑀𝑔 8602471111
= 958876721 = 8.971 N/mm2

𝑀𝑔 8602471111
= = 17.94 N/mm2
𝑍𝑏 479363948.6
𝑀𝑞 3066757333
= = 3.198 N/mm2
𝑍𝑡 958876721
𝑀𝑞 3066757333
= = 6.397 N/mm2
𝑍𝑏 479363948.6

At transfer stage :
𝑃 𝑃𝑒 𝑀𝑔
(𝜎)𝑡 = − + = 5.768 – 12.776 + 8.971 =1.964 > Ftt (OK)
𝐴 𝑍𝑡 𝑍𝑡
𝑃 𝑃𝑒 𝑀𝑔
(𝜎)𝑏 = + − = 5.768 + 25.556 – 17.94 = 13.379 < Fct = 18 (OK)
𝐴 𝑍𝑏 𝑍𝑏

At working stage
𝑛𝑃 𝑛𝑃𝑒 𝑀𝑔 𝑀𝑞
(𝜎)𝑡 = − + + = 0.84371 x 5.768 – 0.84371 x 12.776 + 8.971 + 3.198
𝐴 𝑍𝑡 𝑍𝑡 𝑍𝑡
= 6.257 < Fcw = 15 (OK)
𝑛𝑃 𝑛𝑃𝑒 𝑀𝑔 𝑀𝑞
(𝜎)𝑏 = + − − = 0.84371 x 5.768 – 0.84371 x 25.556 – 17.94 – 6.397
𝐴 𝑍𝑏 𝑍𝑏 𝑍𝑏
= 2.086 > Ftw =0 (OK)

5.10 Check for ultimate shear strength

Ultimate shear=1.5G+2SG+2.5Q = =1.5*836.324+2*175.17+2.5*364.55 =

2516.201 KN
The design shear resisitance of the support section is calculated by using the
equation specified as :

𝑉𝑅𝑑. 𝑐 = (𝐼 ∗ ) ∗ (𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑑2 + 𝑘1 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑝 ∗ 𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑑) ∗ 0.5 + 𝑛𝑃𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃
I = 𝑏𝑤 ∗ = 3.456 * 10 11 mm4
bw= 300 mm
D= 2400 mm
n= 0.8471
fck 45 N/mm
A= 1698750 mm2
P= 9800000 N
e= 625 mm
L= 35 m

S = 96000000 mm3
Fctd = 0.24* (fck)0.5 = 1.609968944
Fcp = nP/A = 6.029433407
θ =4*e/L= 0.0714
VRd.c= (I*bw/s)*(fctd2+k1*fcp*fctd)0.5+n*P*sin θ = 4085.85 KN > 3533.61 KN
The shear resistance of support section is greater than required ultimate shear

5.11 Analysis of Cross Girder

Calculation of dead loads on cross girder

Dead Load Calculation:

A) Dead load of rib=1.725*0.3*24=12.42 KN/m
Dead load of bottom flange=0.75*0.375*24=6.75 KN/m
=19.17 KN/m

8.75m longitudinal girder

3m Cross girder
Fig: Dead load on cross girder

B) A cross girder derives dead load from two triangular portions of the slab
as shown in Fig.
DL from slab=1*0.3*24=7.2 KN/m2
DL from WC=0.08*22=1.76 KN/m2
8.96 KN/m2
DL from slab=2*1/2*3*1.5*8.96
=13.44 KN/m
∴Total Dead load=13.44+19.17=32.61 KN/m
∴Reaction on longitudinal girder=32.61*6 =65.22 KN

Calculation of live loads on Cross Girder

Class AA loading

Maximum load transferred to cross girder=350(3-0.9)/3=245 KN

Assuming equal sharing, the reaction from longitudinal girders =
245*2/3=163.33 KN
Live load shear force=1.1*163.33=179.66 KN

Maximum live load in the cross girder will be developed below the load
itself. Live load B.M. including impact factor is=
(163.33*1.975)*1.1=354.83 KNm
Dead load B.M. (at the location where the live load B.M. is maximum) is
=65.21 KN-m
∴Design BM=354.83+65.21=420.04 KN-m
∴Design SF=179.66+65.21=244.87 KN

Class AA loading

Calculation of maximum BM at mid span due to DL and LL
Mu= (48.91*3/2-32.61*3/2*3/4) + (128.25*3/2-128.25*0.9)
=113.63 KN-m

Calculation of maximum SF at support due to DL and LL

=151.51 KN

Design of Intermediate Cross Girder

Design Bending Moment (M) = 420.04 kNm
Design Shear Force (Vu) = 244.87 kN
= (420.04*10^6)/ (230*-0.904*1720) ⸪j=0.904
=1174.535 Eff. Depth (d) =1800-
Provide 4 bars of 20 mm diameter
∴A provided=4*pi*20^2/4
=1256 mm2
Shear stress= (244.87*10^3)/ (300*1720) (Г=V/bd)
=0.474 N/mm2
For, p=100As/bd=0.243% & concrete grade M45
Гc=0.3744 N/mm2
Shear taken by concrete= Гc*b*d
=193.19 KN
Balance shear= 244.87-193.19=51.68 KN
Using 10mm dia. 2-legged stirrups
Spacing=(230*2*79*1720)/(51.68*10^3)=1209.46 mm

5.12 Design of Elastomeric Bearing

Analysis and Design of Bearing

Elastomeric bearing is designed as per IRC 83 Part II, applying Working Stress
Design Method. Loads calculated for the design of elastomeric bearing are
working loads.
I Calculation of Loads on Bearing

1. DL from Superstructure
Weight of wearing coat = 6 × 0.08 × 22 × 35 = 369.6 KN
Weight of railing = 2× 16× 0.225 × 0.225 × 1.1 × 25 + 2 × 35 × 3 × 0.0437 =
53.727 KN
Weight of kerb = 0.25 × 0.875 × 35 × 2 × 25 = 382.81KN
Weight of slab = 0.3 ×9 × 35 × 25 = 2362.5 KN
Weight of fillet = 0.3 ×90.15× 35 × 25×8 = 315 KN
Weight of web of main girder = 0.3 × 2.1 × 35 × 25 × 3 = 1653.75KN
Weight of web of cross girder= 0.3 × 1.5 × 5.7 × 5 × 25 = 320.625KN
Weight of enlarged portion of main girder=3 × 0.5 ×0.15 × 0.45 × 35× 25 +
3× 0.45 × 0.3 × 35 × 25=363.234

Total DL from super structure (Wu) = 369.6 +53.727 + 382.81 + 2362.5 + 315
+ 1653.75 + 320.625 + 363.234 = 5821.246 KN
DL from superstructure on a bearing ( DLsup) = 5821.246/6 = 970.207KN

2. LL from Superstructure
Maximum LL on a bearing (LL) = Maximum reaction of a main girder
= 546.838/1.5
= 364.559KN
3. Load due to braking effort
i). Class A loading
Braking load = 0.2 × (2×27 + 2 × 114 + 4 × 68)
= 110.8KN

Horizontal Braking load on a bearing (FbrH) = 110.8/3

= 36.933 KN
Braking loads acts at 1.2m above wearing coat. Point of application of
braking load is 3.68 m (1.2+0.08+2.4) from bearing. It induces vertical
reaction on bearing.

3.68 m

v v
Fbr l = 35m Fbr

Vertical reaction on a bearing due to Braking load (FbrV=(110.8×3.68)/(35×3)

= 3.883 KN
ii). Class AA loading
a. Tracked vehicle
Braking load= 0.2×700= 140 KN
Horizontal Braking load on a bearing (FbrH) = 140/3 = 46.667 KN
3.68 m

v v
Fbr l = 35m Fbr

Vertical reaction on a bearing due to Braking load (FbrV)= (140×3.68)/(35×3) =

4.906 KN
b. Wheeled vehicle
Braking load= 0.2×400 =80 KN
Horizontal Braking load on a bearing (FbrH) = 80/3 = 26.667 KN
3.68 m

v v
Fbr l = 35m Fbr

Vertical reaction on a bearing due to Braking load (FbrV)= (80×3.68)/(35×3) =

2.804 KN
4. Wind load
 Wind load in transverse direction of bridge (FWT) = PZ × A × G × CD = 84.755
Take, Ht. of bridge = 10 m, Basic wind speed = 47 m/s and Terrain with
Where, Va 17.80×47/33 = 25.35 m/s [Refer Cl. 209, IRC 6]
PZ =190.5×(332 /472)=386.43 N/m2
G = 2 up to 150 m span
CD=2(1+c/20d)= 2(1+ 3/20×1.8) = 1.083
A = (2.4 + 0.25) × 35 + 0.225 × 1.1 × 16 + 0.0483 × (35-16 ×
0.225) × 3 = 101.26 m2

Wind load in transverse direction on a bearing (FWT) = 84.755/3 = 28.251 KN

 Wind load in longitudinal direction of bridge (FWL) = 0.25 × FTW = 21.19 KN

Wind load in longitudinal direction on a bearing (FWL) = 21.19/3 = 7.063 KN

 Wind load in vert. dir. of bridge (FWV) = PZ × A3 × G × CL
(CL=lift co-efficient= 0.75 clause 209.3.3, IRC 6)
= 386.43 × 10-3× 9 × 35 × 2 × 0.75 = 182.588 KN
Wind load in vertical direction on a bearing (FWV) = 182.588/6 = 30.43 KN

5. Seismic Load

 Seismic load (FSh) [Refer Cl. 219, IRC 6]

FShL = 1833.686 KN in longitudinal direction of

FShT = 1868.588 KN in transverse direction of

Take, Seismic Zone - V, Soil Strata - Medium, Damping - 2%, Bridge Class -
Ah=Z/2 × I/R × Sa/g= 0.315; Z = 0.36, I = 1, R = 2,
W = 5821.225 KN in longitudinal direction
W = 5821.225 + 0.2 × (2×27+2 × 114 + 4 × 68) = 5932.025 KN in
transverse direction
Seismic load in transverse direction on a bearing (FShT) = 1868.588/3 = 622.86 KN
Seismic load in longitudinal direction on a bearing (FShL) = 1833.686/3 = 611.23 KN
 Vertical reaction due to seismic load on support of bridge (FSv)
Seismic loads acts on c. g. of seismic weight. It creates additional vertical
load on bearing. Consider c. g. of seismic weight = 0.9 m from bearing.

V. reaction on a bearing when s. load acts in tr. dir. (FSVT )=(1868.588 ×

0.9)/3×6=93.429 KN

FS 0.9 m

FS l=6m FS

Vert. react. on a bearing when seis. load acts in long. dir. (FSVL) = (1833.686
× 0.9)/(3×6)= 91.684 KN

FS 0.9 m

FSVLSVL l = 35 m F

Load Combination [Refer IRC 6 Table 1]

Vertical Load Horizontal

Combinatio Load Permissible
n of Load Along Across Along Across Stress (%)
Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic
DLsup DLsup
LL LL 100%

DLsup DLsup
DLsup DLsup
DLsup DLsup
0.2 LL 0.2 LL
0.5 0.5 150%

Calculation of Loads on Bearing According to Combination of Loads

Vertical and horizontal loads subjected to bearing in the direction of traffic are
only taken for design.

Combination I [N]
Total Vertical load = DLSup + LL + FbrV = 970.2042 +364.559 + 4.906 = 1339.67 KN
Total Horizontal load = FbrH = 46.667 KN

Combination II (A) [N+T]

Total Vertical load = DL + LL + FbrV = 970.2042 +364.559 + 4.906 =
1339.67 KN Total Horizontal load = FbrH + Fcst = 46.667 + 0 =

Combination III (A) [N+T+W]

Total Vertical load = DL + LL+ FbrV + FWV = 1339.67 + 30.43 = 1370.099 KN

Total Horizontal load = FbrH + Fcst+ FWL = 46.667 + 7.063 = 53.73 KN

Combination VI
Total Vertical load = D L+ 0.2 × LL + 0.5 × FbrV + FsvL
= 970.2042+ 0 .2 × 364.559 + 0.5 × 4.906 + 91.684=
Total Horizontal load = 0.5 × FbrH + Fcst + FshL = 0.5 × 46.667 + 0 + 611.23 =

Design of Elastomeric Pad Bearing for Combination I [N]

1. Geometrical design
In geometrical design, approximate length, breadth and thickness of
elastomeric pad and number, thickness and cover of steel laminates are
found. Geometrical design is carried out using the guidelines of IRC.

[Refer standard plan dimensions of IRC 83, Part II, Cl. 916.2, Appendix I]

Nmin = DL = 970.2042 KN; Nmax = Tot. Vertical load on bearing = 1339.67

KN; H = 46.667 KN

Take, Steel laminates of 3 mm b0
• b0 = 300 mm, b = 288mm Cross-section
• l0 = 500 mm, l = 488 mm c c
• hi = 10 mm c
• he = hi/2 = 5 mm
l l0
• hs = 3 mm
• n=3
• c = 6 mm
• h0 = (n +1)hs +nhi + 2he = 52 mm
• h= nhi + 2he = 40 mm

Check geometry of bearing

i. l0 / b0 ≤ 2 (i.e 1.67) OK
ii. h = 40 < b0/5 = 60 OK
> b0/10 = 30 OK
iii. s = (lb/2hi(l+b))=9.055> 6 and < 12 OK

iv.Bearing stress in concrete Allowable Bearing stress OK
BS in concrete (σm) = Nmax/l×b = 9.53 N/mm2
Allowable BS = 0.25 × fck ×(A1/A2)1/2= 0.25 × 45 = 15.91 N/mm2
2. Structural design
Bearing is further checked for translation, rotation, friction and shear :

a) Check for translation

Design strain in bearing (γd) < 0.7
Shear str. of elastomeric bearing(γd ) γd= Δbd/ h + τmd = 0.146+
0.276= 0.422 <0.7
Where, Δbd/ h = 5 × 10-4 × 35 × 103/(3 × 40) = 0.146
τ md = H/ A × G = 46.667 × 103 / (288 ×
488 × 1.2) = 0.276;
G=shear modulus of Elasticity=1.2 N/mm2

b) Check for rotation

Design rotation in bearing (αd) βnαbimax

βnαbimax = 0.00603
MDL =11613.336/1.35=8602.47 kNm
MLL =4600.136/1.5=3066.757 kNm
= 33541.02 N/mm2
Igr = 7.27x1011 m4
β = 0.1σm= 0.1×9.53
= 0.953
σm max=10N/mm2

αbimax = 0.5×σmmax×(hi/ b×s2)
= 0.5×10×(10/ 288×9.0552)
= 0.00211

c) Check for friction

Design strain in bearing (γd) ≤ 0.2 + 0.1σm
Normal stress in bearing (σm ) > 2 N/mm2 and ≤ 10 N/mm2
0.2 + 0.1σm = 0.2 + 0.1 × 9.53 = 1.153
N/mm2 σm= 9.53 N/mm2

d) Check for shear stress

Total shear stress ≤ 5 N/mm2
τc + τr + τα = 2.875 N/mm2 < 5

Shear stress due to axial compression = 1.5 ×(9.53/9.055)=

1.578 N/mm2
Shear stress due to horizontal deformation (τr) = γd = 0.422 N/mm2
Shear st. due to rotation =0.5 x ( b/hi )2 x αbimax = 0.5 x ( 288 /10 )2 x
0.00211 = 0.875 N/mm2

Check of Elastomeric Pad Bearing for Combination VI [N+T+S]

Loads are not varied significantly in first three combinations of loads. But in
seismic combination i.e. in N + T + S case, horizontal load is about two times

greater than other combinations. So designed bearing has been checked for
seismic combination (along the traffic) of loads only.

Nmin = 970.2042 KN Nmax = 1137.253 KN H = 653.482 KN

Check bearing stress in concrete

Bearing Stress in concrete Allowable bearing stress in concrete
Bearing stress in concrete (σm) =Nmax/l×b= 8.091 N/mm2

Allowable bearing stress in concrete = 0.25 ×fck × .25 × 45 = 15.91


Check bearing for translation

Total strain in bearing (γd) < 0.7
Design strain in bearing (γd) < 0.7
Shear str. of elastomeric bearing(γd ) γd= Δbd/ h + τmd = 0.146+
3.874= 4.02> 0.7
Where, Δbd/ h = 5 × 10-4 × 35 × 103/(3 × 40) = 0.146
τ md = H/ A × G = 653.482 × 103 / (288 ×
488 × 1.2) = 3.874;
G=shear modulus of Elasticity=1.2 N/mm2

Size of bearing provided for loads of combination I (N) is not sufficient for loads
of combination VI (N+T+S). Check for translation shows that provided size of
bearing could not accommodate the horizontal force of combination VI. In the
situation it is suggested to provide elastomeric pad bearing with pin on one side
of support to resist horizontal load

Diameter of Pin
Shear stress in pin due to horizontal loads ≤ Allowable shear stress in pin (𝜏 ≤
𝜏 𝑎)
Take pin of Fe250 grade
Horizontal Loads /Cross Section Area of Pin = 653.482×103/ πr2=0.4fy;
That is, 653.482×103/ πr2 =0.4×500
𝑟 =32.25 mm
Provide 65 mm dia. stainless steel pin. Pin should be extended up to the depth
of cap of support.

Steel laminates 288mm 6 mmc
of 3 mm
c 6 mm
52mm 488mm
10mm 500mm
5 mm

Cross Section Plan

Provide 52 x 300 mm bearing which will satisfy the Transitional failure at one side
and 500 x 250 mm with pin of diameter 65mm at the other side.


For analysis of loads for bearing without pin, the bearing is

assumed to take only the creep, shrinkage and temperature
variation forces as horizontal forces.

1. Load Combinations:
Calculation of Loads on Bearing According to Combination of Loads
As the bearing with pin is assumed to take creep, shrinkage and
temperature variant forces, Fcst for bearing with pin is calculated
as; Maximum horizontal force on a bearing (Fcst) = ×G×A=
37.838 KN
 Strain due to temp., creep and shrinkage = 5 × 10-4 [Refer IRC
83 Part II Cl. 916.3.4]
 Horizontal deformation of bearing (∆) = 5 × 10-4 × 35 × 103×
= 8.75 mm
 Shear modulus of elastomer (G) = 1.2 N/mm2 [Refer IRC 83
Part II, Cl. 915.2.1]
 Preliminary height of bearing (h0) = 39 mm
 Preliminary effective sectional area of bearing (A) = b × l = 288
× 488 = 140544 mm2

Vertical and horizontal load (due to creep shrinkage and

temperature only) subjected to bearing in the direction of traffic are
only taken for design of bearing without pin.

Combination I [N]
Total Vertical load = DLSup + LL + FbrV
= 970.2042 + 360.559 + 4.906
= 1339.67 KN
Total Horizontal load = FbrH = 0 KN
Combination II (A) [N+T]
Total Vertical load = DLSup + LL + FbrV
= 970.2042 + 360.559 + 4.906
= 1339.67 KN
Total Horizontal load = FbrH + Fcst
= 0 + 37.838
= 37.838 KN
Combination III (A) [N+T+W]
Total Vertical load = DLSup + LL+ FbrV + FWv
= 970.2042 + 364.559 +
4.906 +30.43
=1370.099 kN
Total horizontal load = FbrH + Fcst + FWL
= 0 + 37.838 + 0
= 37.838 KN

Combination VI[N+T+S]
Total Vertical load = DL+ 0.2 × LL + 0.2× FbrV + FsvL
= 1135.78 KN
Total Horizontal load = 0.2 × FbrH + Fcst + FshL
= 0.2 ×0+ 37.838 + 0 = 37.838 KN

2. Geometrical design

Design of Elastomeric Pad Bearing for Combination I [N]

In geometrical design, approximate length, breadth and thickness

of elastomeric pad and number, thickness and cover of steel
laminates are found. Geometrical design is carried out using the
guidelines of IRC.

[Refer standard plan dimensions of IRC 83, Part II, Cl. 916.2,
Appendix I]

Nmin = DL = 970.2042 KN; Nmax = Tot. Vertical load on bearing

=1339.67 KN; H = 37.838KN

Take, Steel laminates of 3 mm

• b0 = 300 mm, b = 288mm h0
• l0 = 500 mm, l = 488 mm he
b 0
• hi = 10 mm Cross Section
• he = hi/2 = 5 mm
c c
• hs = 3 mm
• n=3
• c = 6 mm l l0
• h0 = (n +1)hs +nhi + 2he = 52 mm
• h= nhi + 2he = 40 mm

Check geometry of bearing
v. l0 / b0 ≤ 2 (i.e 1.67) OK
vi. h = 40 < b0/5 = 60 OK
> b0/10 = 30 OK
vii. s = (lb/2hi(l+b))=9.055> 6 and < 12 OK

viii. Bearing stress in concrete Allowable Bearing stress OK

BS in concrete (σm)= = 9.53 N/mm2
Allowable BS = 0.25 × fck ×(A1/A2)1/2= 0.25 × 45 = 15.91 N/mm2

2. Structural design
Bearing is further checked for translation, rotation, friction and shear

a) Check for translation

Design strain in bearing (γd) < 0.7
Shear str. of elastomeric bearing(γd ) γd= Δbd/ h + τmd = 0.146+
0.224= 0.37<0.7
Where, Δb*d/ h = 5 × 10-4 × 35 × 103/(3 × 40) = 0.146
τ md = H/ A × G = 37.838 × 103 / (288 ×
488 × 1.2) = 0.224
G=shear modulus of Elasticity=1.2 N/mm2

b) Check for rotation

Design rotation in bearing (αd) βnαbimax


βnαbimax = 0.00603

MDL =11613.336/1.35=8602.47 kNm
MLL =4600.136/1.5=3066.757 kNm
= 33541.02 N/mm2
Igr = 7.27x1011 m4
β = 0.1σm= 0.1×9.53
= 0.953
σm max=10N/mm2
αbimax = 0.5×σmmax×(hi/ b×s2)
= 0.5×10×(10/ 288×9.0552)
= 0.00211

c) Check for friction

Design strain in bearing (γd) ≤ 0.2 + 0.1σm
Normal stress in bearing (σm ) > 2 N/mm2 and ≤ 10 N/mm2
0.2 + 0.1σm = 0.2 + 0.1 × 9.53 = 1.153
N/mm2 σm= 9.53 N/mm2

d) Check for shear stress

Total shear stress ≤ 5 N/mm2
τc + τr + τα = 2.875 N/mm2 < 5

Shear stress due to axial compression ( = 1.5 ×(9.53/9.055)=
1.578 N/mm2

Shear stress due to horizontal deformation (τr) = γd = 0.422 N/mm2
Shear st. due to rotation =0.5 x ( b/hi )2 x αbimax = 0.5 x ( 288 /10 )2 x
0.00211 = 0.875 N/mm2

4. Sketch of designed bearing without pin

Steel laminates 288mm 6 mmc
of 3 mm
c 6 mm
52mm 488mm
10mm 500mm
5 mm

Cross Section Plan

Provide 52 x 300 mm bearing which will satisfy the Transitional failure at

one side and 500 x 300 mm without pin at the other side.

5.13 Design of RC Abutment with Spread Footing

RC Abutment has been designed in the following steps.
I. Planning and Preliminary Design
Design of abutment is started with the planning of shape, sizes and selection
materials of abutment. In this stage, approximate sizes of abutment stem,
bridge seating, abutment cap and footing are found.

II. Analysis and Design of Abutment Cap

In this stage, loads on abutment cap are assessed for different combinations
of loads and cap of abutment are designed and detailed for maximum
(Refer IRC 6, IRC 21, IRC 78 and IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC design
and detailing)

III. Analysis and Design of Abutment Stem and Dirt Wall

In this stage, loads on abutment stem and dirt wall are assessed for different
combinations of loads, maximum responses to loads at critical sections are
found, stability of abutment is checked and critical sections of abutment are
designed and detailed for maximum responses.
(Refer IRC 6, IRC 21, IRC 78 and IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC design
and detailing)

IV. Analysis and Design of Spread Footing

After the design of abutment stem, footing of abutment is designed.
Responses of footing at its centroidal axes are calculated first and then
critical sections of footing are designed for BM and SF.
. Planning and Preliminary Design

A. Selection of Type of Abutment

Abutment may be of masonry or reinforced cement concrete. Masonry is
technically / economically feasible up to 5m height of abutment. In the particular
case, abutment is greater than 5 m height. So reinforced concrete wall type
abutment has been selected.

B. Material Selection
 M20 grade of concrete for abutment stem
 M25 grade of concrete for abutment cap
 Fe 415 HYSD bars for all RC work

C. Geometry of Abutment

Seating width:

From IRC 6 Cl. 209.1 Fig 23

Minimum seating width = 305 + 2.5 × span + 10× Ht. of

Span (Le)= 35m

Ht of abutment (H)= 14m
Minimum seating width= 532.5mm

Seating width ≥ Bearing width + 150 mm + Projection of cap + Width of

Expansion Joint

Bearing width= 0.3m

Projection of cap= 0.075m

Width of Expansion joint ≥ Le × 10^3 × 0.000011/ °C
× 50°× ½ = 9.625 mm
>= 5 x 10-4 x le x 103 x
1/2 = 8.75 mm


Adopt width of expansion

joint 50mm

Seating width ≥ 0.575m

Adopt seating width 0.575m

Height of dirt wall

Height of dirt wall = Depth of girder + height of bearing – thickness of approach

Depth of girder= 2.4m
Height of bearing= 0.039m
Thickness of approach
slab= 0.3m

Height of dirt wall= 2.139m

Thickness of dirt wall

Thickness of dirt wall ≥

200 mm
≥ Height of dirtwall/7 = 0.305571 m

Thickness of dirt wall= 0.6m

Width of stem of

Width of stem of
abutment ≈ H/10= 1.4m
Width of stem ≥ thickness of dirt wall + seating width –
projection = 1.1m

Adopt width of stem of

abutment 1.5m

Thickness of footing

Thickness of footing ≈ H/8 1.75

Adopt thickness of footing 2m

Width of footing

Width of footing ≈ 0.75 H =10.5m

Adopt width of footing =10.5m

Thickness of abutment (Minimum thickness of abutment ca

cap =300mm =200mm)

Length of abutment

Length of abutment ≥ C/C distance between girders + Width of bearing + 2 ×


c/c distance between

girders 6m
Width of bearing 0.3m
Clearance 0.05m

Length of abutment 6.4m

Size of approach slab 3.5*7.3*0.3m

Expansion Joint of 50 mm

3.5 m
0.3 m

2.139 m
0.25 m
0.3 m 1.575 m

300 mm × 500 mm × 52 mm
Elastomeric Bearing

0.25 m
9.261 m
0.5 m 1.575 m
0.3 m
3m 3m 0.65m
7.3 m 55 m
6m 1.5 m 3 m
2m m3
10.5 m 3m
Cross Section of Abutment Plan of Abutment at333Bearing Level

II. Analysis and Design of Abutment Cap
Check thickness of abutment cap for punching shear

1370.099 × 1.5×1000 /(2 × 0.5 + 2 × d + 2× 0.3 + 2 × d) × d

Ksτc=1.369 N/mm2, Ks=1 + βc= 1, τc= 0.25√fck= 1.369 N/mm2
d= 500-40-16/2

Take area of steel AS = 1 % of area of cap and distribute these bars equally at
top and bottom of cap. [Refer IRC 78 CL. 716.2]
 As in longitudinal direction of abutment

= 1% of 300 × 1575 = 4725 mm2,

As on one side = 4725/2 = 2362.5 mm2 Take 16 mm bar,
n = 11.75,
Adopt n=12
 As in transverse direction of abutment
= 1% of 300 × 7300 = 21900 mm2 As on one side = 21900/2 =10950 mm2
Take 16 mm bar n = 54.46 Adopt n = 55
In transverse direction bars are provided in the forms of stirrups.

In addition, two layers of mesh reinforcement, each consisting 6 mm @ 75

mm c/c in both directions one at 20 mm and other at 100 mm from the top
of cap are provided directly under the bearing.

Bearing 12 – 16 mm dia.

300 mm
55 – 16 mm dia.
1575 mm

Mesh of 6 mm dia. @ 75 mm c/c in both directions

Abutment Cap

III. Analysis and Design of Abutment Stem

Load Calculation
1. DL from superstructure [Refer bearing design]
= Wt. of railing + Wt. of kerb + Wt. of slab + Wt. of main beam + Wt. of cross
= 53.727 + 382.81 + 2362.5 + 2331.984 + 320.625 = 5451.646 KN
Load on an abutment per unit length (DLSS)=5451.65/(7.3x2)= 373.4 KN/m
2. Weight of wearing Coat [Refer bearing design]
= 369.6 KN
Load on an abutment per unit length (DL wc)=369.6/(7.3x2)=25.315 KN/m
3. Weight of approach slab [Take half of total weight of approach slab]
= 0.3 × 7.3 × 3.5 × 25 × 1/2 = 95.813 KN
Load on an abutment per unit length (DL Ap.S)=95.813/7.3=13.125 KN/m
4. LL from superstructure
Load on an abutment per unit length (LL) = =100.047KN/m

5. Load from braking effort [Refer bearing design]
Horizontal braking load per unit length (FbrH)=110.8/(7.3x2)=7.59 KN/m
Vertical reaction due to braking load per unit length
(FbrV)=3.883x(3/7.3)=1.596 KN/m

6. Wind load [Refer bearing design]

Transverse Wind load per unit length FwT = 84.755/(7.3x2)=5.81 KN/m
Longitudinal Wind load per unit length FWL = 21.19/(7.3x2)=1.45 KN/m

Vertical Wind load per unit length F WV =

182.588/(7.3x2)=12.51 KN/m

7. Seismic Load due to the DL and LL from superstructure

Seismic load (FSh) [Refer Cl. 219, IRC 6]

FShL = 873.184 KN in longitudinal direction of
bridge FShT = 889.803 KN in transverse
direction of bridge

Take, Seismic Zone - V, Soil Strata - Medium, Damping - 5 %, Bridge Class

- Normal
Ah 5; Z = 0.36, I = 1, R =
W = 5821.225 KN in longitudinal direction
W = 5821.225 + 0.2 × (2 × 114 + 3 × 68) = 5932.025 KN in transverse

Seismic load in transverse direction per unit length FShT = 889.803/7.3=

60.945 KN/m
Seismic load in longitudinal direction per unit length FShL =873.184/7.3=
59.81 KN/m

Vertical reaction due to seismic load on support of bridge (FSv)
Seismic loads acts on c. g. of seismic weight. It creates additional vertical
load on support. Consider c. g. of seismic weight = 0.9 m from bearing.

Vertical reaction on abutment per unit length when seismic load acts in
trans. dir.
FSvT =889.803/(6x7.3)= 20.315 KN FSvL = 873.184/(35x7.3)=3.42 KN
Vertical reaction on abutment per unit length when seismic load acts in
long. dir.

8. Load due to temperature variation, creep and shrinkage effect

Load on two bearings due to CST × G × A/2=( 8.75/52) x 1.2 x 140544x2 =

56.76 KN
Load per unit length Fcst = 56.76/7.3=7.77 KN/m

9. Self-weight of Abutment
Self weight = (2.139 × 0.25 + 0.3 × 1.575 + 1.5 × 9.261) × 7.3 × 25 = 2738.54
Load per unit length DLAb =2738.54/7.3= 375.1425 KN/m

10. Seismic load due to the self weight of abutment

FS AbthT = FS AbthL × W = 0.15 x 2738.54= 410.781 KN

Load per unit length FS AbthT = 410.781/7.3= 56.27 KN/m

11. Load due to static earth pressure
Load due to active earth pressure has been found by Coulomb’s Theory.


KA γs H
, i=0 H= 14
PA=0.5 × soil × H × KA = 430.416 KN/m m

Static Earth Pressure

Horizontal component of load per unit length PEPH(s) = PA cos (24°) = 393.204 KN/m
Vertical component of load per unit length PEPV(s) = PA sin (24°) = 175.066 KN/m

12. Load due to dynamic earth pressure

Load due to active earth pressure has been found by
Mononobe Okabe Theory.
PA= 0.5 × soil × H 2 × KAdyn =733.824 KN/m


, i=0

= 7.77° and 9.47° 0.6H dyn

KA γs H
soil = 18 KN/m , H= 14 m

Dynamic Earth Pressure

Horizontal component of load per unit length PEPH(d) = PA cos(24°) = 673.83 KN/m
Vertical component of load per unit length PEPV(d ) = PA sin(24°) = 290.61 KN/m

13. Surcharge load

1.2 m earth fill from road surface is taken as surcharge load.
Psur = KA × 𝛾s × h × W = 0.244 × 18 ×1.2 × 14 = 73.78 KN/m
Horizontal component of load per unit length PsurH = Psur cos (24°) = 67.75 KN/m
Vertical component of load per unit length PsurV = Psur sin (24°) = 29.22 KN/m

14. Backfill weight on heel slab of footing

WBF = (14– 2 – 0.3) × 6 × 7.3 × 18 = 9224.28
Load per unit length WBF =9224.28/7.3= 1263.6 KN/m

15. Weight of footing

WFooting = 2 × 10.5 × 7.3 × 25 = 3832.5 KN
Load per unit length WFooting =3832.5/7.3= 525 KN/m

Analysis of Abutment Stem
In the example, responses of abutment at bottom and at 2 m from the bottom
for basic combination and seismic combination of loads have been calculated.
Loads taken are vertical and longitudinal loads. Although seismic and wind load
in transverse direction are greater than seismic and wind load in longitudinal
direction, reduction in earth pressure and other loads in transverse directions
make the longitudinal direction’s load critical.
[Refer annex B, Table 3.2, IRC 6-2010]

0.25 m
0.5 m 1.575m
x x
0.3 m m

3m 3m 0.65m

Sectional Plan of Abutment at the Level of Bearing

Responses of abutment at its bottom in basic combination of loads

Load ɽf Distance from Ecentricity Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy

bottom(m) x (m) y(m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (m) (m)
DL ss 373.4 1.35 0.05 504.09 25.2045 0
DL wc 25.315 1.75 0.05 44.30125 2.2150625 0
DL ap.s 13.125 1.35 -0.45 17.71875 -7.9734375 0
LL 100.0472 1.5 0.05 150.0708 7.50354 0
F br^H 7.59 1.15 9.913 0 0 86.5256205 8.7285
F br^V 1.596 1.15 0.05 1.8354 0.09177 0
F wL 1.45 1.5 9.913 0 0 21.560775 2.175
DL ab 375.1425 1.35 0 506.442375 0 0
P ep(Vs) 175.066 1.5 -0.75 262.599 -196.94925 0
P ep(Hs) 393.204 1.5 3.88 0 0 2288.44728 589.806
P sur (V) 29.22 1.2 -0.75 35.064 -26.298 0
P sur (H) 67.75 1.2 4.85 0 0 394.305 81.3
Total 1522.12158 2594.632861 682.0095

Responses of abutment at its bottom in seismic combination of loads:

Load ɽf Distance from Ecentricity Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy

bottom(m) x (m) y(m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (m) (m)
DL ss 425.91 1.35 0.05 574.9785 28.748925 0
DL wc 28.875 1.35 0.05 38.98125 1.9490625 0
DL ap.s 13.125 1.35 -0.45 17.71875 -7.9734375 0
LL 114.116 0.2 0.05 22.8232 1.14116 0
F br^H 0 0.2 9.913 0 0 0 0
F br^V 1.82 0.2 0.05 0.364 0.0182 0
Fs (HL) 0 1.5 9.913 0 0 0 0
Fs (VL) 3.898 1.5 0.05 5.847 0.29235 0
Fcst 7.76 0.5 9.913 38.46244
DL ab 391.185 1.35 0 528.09975 0 0
Fs (abt HL) 58.68 1.35 5.266 0 0 417.161988 79.218
P ep(Hd) 673.83 1 6.4 0 0 4312.512 673.83
Pep (Vd) 290.613 1 -0.75 290.613 -217.95975 0
P sur (V) 29.22 0.2 -0.75 5.844 -4.383 0
P sur (H) 67.75 0.2 4.85 0 0 65.7175 13.55
Total 1485.26945 4635.68744 766.598

Responses of abutment at 2m from its bottom in basic combination of loads

Responses of abutment at 2m from its bottom in seismic combination of loads:

Design of Abutment Stem
Results of analysis shows that maximum design axial load (Pu = 854.577 KN) is
less than 0.1 fck Ac (0.1 × 20 × 1000 × 1500 × 10-3 = 3000 KN ). For the case,
where Pu 0.1 fck Ac , compression member is treated as a flexure member. So
in the example abutment stem has been designed as a cantilever slab.

Since design bending moment is higher in seismic combination of loads, design of

abutment stem has been carried out for seismic combination of loads only.

Design of bottom section

Check depth of slab

d = D – CC – ø/2 = 1500 – 50 – 32/2 = 1434

1409.33 mm

Where, Q = 0.36 fck× 0.48 × (1 – 0.416 × 0.48) = 2.76 Mu=5480.52 kNm

ind reinforcing bars

, section is designed as Singly Reinforced Under-Reinforced

Section (SRURS).
In the example, section design has been carried out by using SP 16.

a. Main vertical bars (vertical bars in the side of backfill)

𝑏𝑑 2

From table- 2 SP16
For =2.665 and Fe 415
𝑏𝑑 2
Ast,req=0.912 x 10-2 x 1000 x 1434= 13078 mm2

Provide 32 mm bars
No of bars=17
Ast,prov=13672.25 mm2
t,prov= 0.953%
spacing= =58.82 mm
Provide 32 mm bars @55 mm c/c

b. Outer vertical reinforcement (vertical bars in the side of river)

[Refer detailing criteria of IRC 112-2011 and IS 4]
Take 0.12 % of gross sectional area of abutment as outer vertical
As = 𝑥1000𝑥1434 = 1720.8 mm2
Provide 16 mm bars
No of bars= 9
Ast,prov= 9x 𝒙𝟏𝟔𝟐 = 1809.56 mm2
Spacing= = 𝟏𝟏𝟏. 𝟏𝟏

Provide 16 mm dia. bars @110 mm c/c

c. Horizontal Reinforcement
Take, As = 0.1% of stem area of abutment or 25% of main vertical bars
= 0.001 × 1500 × 9261 = 13891.5 mm2
Provide 25 mm bars

No of bars=28.99
Provide 30-25mm dia bars on each face

Check bottom section for shear

Check K
Τuv= =0.596 N/mm2
= 0.609 N/mm2 for M20 and pt = 0.953 %
= 3.1 N/mm2
K =1 [Refer table 19 & 20, IS 456]

K shear reinforcement is not required.

Design of abutment section at 2 m from its bottom

Check depth of slab

d = D – CC – ø/2 = 1500 – 50 – 32/2 = 1434 mm

dbal=√ = 1135.08 mm

dprov > dbal

Where, Q = 0.36 fck × 0.48 × (1 – 0.416 × 0.48) = 2.76

Find reinforcing bars

, section is designed as Singly Reinforced Under-Reinforced

Section (SRURS). In
the example, section design has been carried out by using SP 16.

a. Main vertical bars (vertical bars in the side of backfill)
𝑏𝑑 2

From table- 2 SP16

For =1.726 and Fe 415
𝑏𝑑 2
Ast,req=0.539 x 10-2 x 1000 x 1434= 7729.26 mm2

Provide 32 mm bars
No of bars=10
Ast,prov=8042.5 mm2
t,prov= 0.56%
spacing= =100 mm
Provide 32 mm bars @100 mm c/c

Curtail half of main vertical bars (bars designed for bottom section of
abutment) at 3.434 m (2 m + d) from the bottom of abutment.

b. Horizontal Reinforcement
Take, As = 0.1% of stem area of abutment or 25% of main vertical bars
= 0.001 × 1500 × 9261 = 13891.5 mm2
Provide 25 mm bars
No of bars=28.99
Provide 30-25mm dia bars on each face

Stability Check
Stability of abutment is checked for overturning and sliding. In the
following table overturning moment and restoring moment about the toe
of footing of abutment and shear at the base of footing have been

Stability check for basic combination of loads

Load yf Lever arm Overturning Restoring Shear force Vertical load

Overturning Restoring moment moment
DL ss 373.4 0.95 3.7 0 1312.501 0 354.73
DL wc 25.315 1 3.7 0 93.6655 0 25.315
DL ap.s 13.125 0.95 4.2 0 52.36875 0 12.46875
LL 100.0472 0 3.7 0 0 0 0
F br^H 7.59 1.15 11.913 103.9826205 0 8.7285 0
F br^V 1.596 0 3.7 0 0 0 0
F wL 1.45 1.5 11.913 25.910775 0 2.175 0
DL ab 375.1425 0.95 3.75 0 1336.44516 0 356.385375
P ep(Vs) 175.066 0 4.5 0 0 0 0
P ep(Hs) 393.204 1.5 5.88 3468.05928 0 589.806 0
P sur (V) 29.22 0 4.5 0 0 0 0
P sur (H) 67.75 1.2 6.85 556.905 0 81.3 0
W (BF) 1263.6 0.95 7.5 0 9003.15 0 1200.42
W (Footing) 525 0.95 5.25 0 2618.4375 0 498.75

Total 4154.857676 14416.5679 682.0095 2448.069125

Total Overturning moment = 4154.85KN-m

Total Restoring moment= 14416.567KN
Total Shear at base of footing = 682.01KN
Total Vertical Load at base of footing = 2448.069 KN

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
a. = 3.47 > 2 (Safe in
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑉𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙
b. = = 2.07 > 1.25 (Safe in
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐻

Stability check for seismic combination of loads

Load yf Lever arm Overturning Restoring Shear force Vertical load

Overturning Restoring moment moment
DL ss 373.4 1 3.7 0 1381.58 0 373.4
DL wc 25.315 1 3.7 0 93.6655 0 25.315
DL ap.s 13.125 1 4.2 0 55.125 0 13.125
LL 100.0472 0 3.7 0 0 0 0
F br^H 7.59 0.2 11.913 18.083934 0 1.518 0
F br^V 1.596 0 3.7 0 0 0 0
Fs (HL) 59.81 1 11.913 712.51653 0 59.81 0
Fs (VL) 3.42 0 3.7 0 0 0 0
DL ab 375.1425 1 3.75 0 1406.784375 0 375.1425
Fs (abt HL) 56.25 1 3.675 206.71875 0 56.25 0
P ep(Hd) 673.83 1 8.4 5660.172 0 673.83 0
Pep (Vd) 290.613 0 4.5 0 0 0 0
P sur (V) 29.22 4.5 0 0 0 0
P sur (H) 67.75 6.85 0 0 0 0
W (BF) 1263.6 1 7.5 0 9477 0 1263.6
W (Footing) 525 1 5.25 0 2756.25 0 525
Total 6597.49121 15170.40488 791.408 2575.583

Total Overturning moment = 6597.49 KN-m

Total Restoring moment = 15170.40 KN-m
Total Shear at base of footing = 791.408 KN
Total Vertical Load at base of footing = 2575.583 KN

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
a. = 2.3 > 2 (Safe in
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑉𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙
b. = = 1.88 > 1.25 (Safe in
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐻

Abutment is safe in stability for basic and seismic combination of loads.

Analysis of Abutment with bearing without pin
Responses of abutment at its bottom in basic combination of loads.
Load ɽf Distance from Ecentricity Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy
bottom(m) x (m) y(m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (m) (m)
DL ss 425.91 1.35 0.05 574.9785 28.748925 0
DL wc 28.875 1.75 0.05 50.53125 2.5265625 0
DL ap.s 13.125 1.35 -0.45 17.71875 -7.9734375 0
LL 114.116 1.5 0.05 171.174 8.5587 0
F br^H 8.656 1.15 9.913 0 0 98.6779672 9.9544
F br^V 1.82 1.15 0.05 2.093 0.10465 0
F wL 1.655 1.5 9.913 0 0 24.6090225 2.4825
Fcst 7.76 1.5 9.913 115.38732
DL ab 391.185 1.35 0 528.09975 0 0
P ep(Vs) 175.066 1.5 -0.75 262.599 -196.94925 0
P ep(Hs) 393.204 1.5 3.88 0 0 2288.44728 589.806
P sur (V) 29.22 1.2 -0.75 35.064 -26.298 0
P sur (H) 67.75 1.2 4.85 0 0 394.305 81.3
Total 1642.25825 2730.14474 683.5429

Responses of abutment at its bottom in seismic combination of loads.

Load ɽf Distance from Ecentricity Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy

bottom(m) x (m) y(m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (m) (m)
DL ss 425.91 1.35 0.05 574.9785 28.748925 0
DL wc 28.875 1.35 0.05 38.98125 1.9490625 0
DL ap.s 13.125 1.35 -0.45 17.71875 -7.9734375 0
LL 114.116 0.2 0.05 22.8232 1.14116 0
F br^H 0 0.2 9.913 0 0 0 0
F br^V 1.82 0.2 0.05 0.364 0.0182 0
Fs (HL) 0 1.5 9.913 0 0 0 0
Fs (VL) 3.898 1.5 0.05 5.847 0.29235 0
Fcst 7.76 0.5 9.913 38.46244
DL ab 391.185 1.35 0 528.09975 0 0
Fs (abt HL) 58.68 1.35 5.266 0 0 417.161988 79.218
P ep(Hd) 868.198 1 6.4 0 0 5556.4672 868.198
Pep (Vd) 374.44 1 -0.75 374.44 -280.83 0
P sur (V) 29.22 0.2 -0.75 5.844 -4.383 0
P sur (H) 67.75 0.2 4.85 0 0 65.7175 13.55
Total 1569.09645 5816.77239 960.966

Responses of abutment at 2m from its bottom in basic combination of loads
Load ɽf Distance from Ecentricity Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy
bottom(m) x (m) y(m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (m) (m)
DL ss 425.91 1.35 0.05 574.9785 28.748925 0
DL wc 28.875 1.75 0.05 50.53125 2.5265625 0
DL ap.s 13.125 1.35 -0.45 17.71875 -7.9734375 0
LL 114.116 1.5 0.05 171.174 8.5587 0
F br^H 8.656 1.15 7.913 0 0 78.7691672 9.9544
F br^V 1.82 1.15 0.05 2.093 0.10465 0
F wL 1.655 1.5 7.913 0 0 19.6440225 2.4825
Fcst 7.76 1.5 7.913 92.10732
DL ab 316.185 1.35 0 426.84975 0 0
P ep(Vs) 86.907 1.5 -0.75 130.3605 -97.770375 0
P ep(Hs) 201.645 1.5 4.2 0 0 1270.3635 302.4675
P sur (V) 20.87 1.2 -0.75 25.044 -18.783 0
P sur (H) 48.39 1.2 4.85 0 0 281.6298 58.068
Total 1398.74975 1657.925835 372.9724

Responses of abutment at 2m from its bottom in basic combination of loads

Load ɽf Distance from Ecentricity Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy

bottom(m) x (m) y(m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (m) (m)
DL ss 425.91 1.35 0.05 574.9785 28.748925 0
DL wc 28.875 1.35 0.05 38.98125 1.9490625 0
DL ap.s 13.125 1.35 -0.45 17.71875 -7.9734375 0
LL 114.116 0.2 0.05 22.8232 1.14116 0
F br^H 8.656 0.2 7.913 0 0 13.6989856 1.7312
F br^V 1.82 0.2 0.05 0.364 0.0182 0
Fs (HL) 68.217 1.5 7.913 0 0 809.7016815 102.3255
Fs (VL) 3.898 1.5 0.05 5.847 0.29235 0
Fcst 7.76 0.5 7.913 30.70244
DL ab 316.185 1.35 0 426.84975 0 0
Fs (abt HL) 47.43 1.35 4.279 0 0 273.9865095 64.0305
P ep(Hd) 442.96 1 6 0 0 2657.76 442.96
Pep (Vd) 191.04 1 -0.75 191.04 -143.28 0
P sur (V) 20.87 0.2 -0.75 4.174 -3.1305 0
P sur (H) 48.39 0.2 2.85 0 0 27.5823 9.678
Total 1282.77645 3691.197677 620.7252
Design of Abutment Stem without pin
Results of analysis shows that maximum design axial load (Pu = 1642.26 KN) is less
than 0.1 fckAc i.e. (0.1 × 20 × 1000 x 1500) = 3000 KN. For the case, where Pu 0.1
fckAc, compression member is treated as a flexure member. So abutment stem
has been designed as a cantilever slab. Since design bending moment is higher in
seismic combination of loads, design of abutment stem has been carried out for
seismic combination of loads only.
Design of bottom section
Check depth of slab

d = D – CC – ø/2 = 1500 – 50 – 32/2 = 1434

1295.99 mm

Where, Q = 0.36 fck× 0.48 × (1 – 0.416 × 0.48) = 2.76 Mu=4635.687 kNm

Find reinforcing bars

, section is designed as Singly Reinforced Under-Reinforced

Section (SRURS).
In the example, section design has been carried out by using SP 16.

a. Main vertical bars (vertical bars in the side of backfill)

𝑏𝑑 2

From table- 2 SP16

For =2.25 and Fe 415
𝑏𝑑 2

Ast,req=0.737 x 10-2 x 1000 x 1434= 10568.58mm2

Provide 32 mm bars
No of bars=13.14
Adopt n=14
Ast,prov=11259.5 mm2
t,prov= 0.785%
spacing= =76.1 mm
Provide 32 mm bars @75 mm c/c

b. Outer vertical reinforcement (vertical bars in the side of river)

[Refer detailing criteria of IRC 112-2011 and IS 4]
Take 0.12 % of gross sectional area of abutment as outer vertical
As = 𝑥1000𝑥1434 = 1720.8 mm2
Provide 16 mm bars
No of bars= 9
Ast,prov= 9x 𝒙𝟏𝟔𝟐 = 1809.56 mm2
Spacing= = 𝟏𝟏𝟏. 𝟏𝟏

Provide 16 mm dia. bars @110 mm c/c

c. Horizontal Reinforcement
Take, As = 0.1% of stem area of abutment or 25% of main vertical bars
= 0.001 × 1500 × 9261 = 13891.5 mm2
Provide 25 mm bars
No of bars=28.99

Provide 30-25mm dia bars on each face

Check bottom section for shear

Check K
Τuv= =0.534 N/mm2
= 0.568 N/mm2 for M20 and pt = 0.785 %
= 3.1 N/mm2
K =1 [Refer table 19 & 20, IS 456]

K shear reinforcement is not required.

Design of abutment section at 2 m from its bottom

Check depth of slab

d = D – CC – ø/2 = 1500 – 50 – 32/2 = 1434 mm

dbal=√ = 1019.34 mm

dprov > dbal

Where, Q = 0.36 fck × 0.48 × (1 – 0.416 × 0.48) = 2.76

Find reinforcing bars

, section is designed as Singly Reinforced Under-Reinforced

Section (SRURS). In
the example, section design has been carried out by using SP 16.

a. Main vertical bars (vertical bars in the side of backfill)
𝑏𝑑 2

From table- 2 SP16

For =1.39 and Fe 415
𝑏𝑑 2
Ast,req=0.424 x 10-2 x 1000 x 1434= 6080.16 mm2

Provide 32 mm bars
No of bars=7.56
Adopt 8 no of bars
Ast,prov=6434 mm2
t,prov= 0.448%
spacing= =125 mm
Provide 32 mm bars @125 mm c/c

Curtail half of main vertical bars (bars designed for bottom section of
abutment) at 3.434 m (2 m + d) from the bottom of abutment.

b. Horizontal Reinforcement
Take, As = 0.1% of stem area of abutment or 25% of main vertical bars
= 0.001 × 1500 × 9261 = 13891.5 mm2
Provide 25 mm bars
No of bars=28.99
Provide 30-25mm dia bars on each face

Check K
Τuv= =0.360 N/mm2
= 0.455 N/mm2 for M20 and pt = 0.448 %
= 3.1 N/mm2
K =1 [Refer table 19 & 20, IS 456]

K shear reinforcement is not required.

Stability check for abutment with bearing without pin

Stability Check for basic combination of loads
Load yf Lever arm Overturning Restoring Shear force Vertical load
Overturning Restoring moment moment
DL ss 425.91 0.95 3.7 0 1497.07365 0 404.6145
DL wc 28.875 1 3.7 0 106.8375 0 28.875
DL ap.s 13.125 0.95 4.2 0 52.36875 0 12.46875
LL 114.116 0 3.7 0 0 0 0
F br^H 8.656 1.15 11.913 118.5867672 0 9.9544 0
F br^V 1.82 0 3.7 0 0 0 0
F wL 1.655 1.5 11.913 29.5740225 0 2.4825 0
Fcst 7.76 1.5 11.913 138.66732 0
DL ab 391.185 0.95 3.75 0 1393.59656 0 371.62575
P ep(Vs) 175.066 0 4.5 0 0 0 0
P ep(Hs) 393.204 1.5 5.88 3468.05928 0 589.806 0
P sur (V) 29.22 0 4.5 0 0 0 0
P sur (H) 67.75 1.2 6.85 556.905 0 81.3 0
W (BF) 1263.6 0.95 7.5 0 9003.15 0 1200.42
W (Footing) 525 0.95 5.25 0 2618.4375 0 498.75

Total 4311.79239 14671.464 683.5429 2516.754

Total Overturning moment = 4311.79 KN-m

Total Restoring moment= 14671.464KN
Total Shear at base of footing = 683.54KN
Total Vertical Load at base of footing = 2516.754 KN

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
a. = 3.4 > 2 (Safe in
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑉𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙
b. = = 2.125 > 1.25 (Safe in
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐻

Stability check for seismic combination of loads

Load yf Lever arm Overturning Restoring Shear force Vertical load
Overturning Restoring moment moment
DL ss 425.91 1 3.7 0 1575.867 0 425.91
DL wc 28.875 1 3.7 0 106.8375 0 28.875
DL ap.s 13.125 1 4.2 0 55.125 0 13.125
LL 114.116 0 3.7 0 0 0 0
F br^H 8.656 0.2 11.913 20.6237856 0 1.7312 0
F br^V 1.82 0 3.7 0 0 0 0
Fs (HL) 0 1 11.913 0 0 0 0
Fs (VL) 3.898 0 3.7 0 0 0 0
DL ab 391.185 1 3.75 0 1466.94375 0 391.185
Fs (abt HL) 58.68 1 3.675 215.649 0 58.68 0
P ep(Hd) 868.198 1 8.4 7292.8632 0 868.198 0
Pep (Vd) 374.44 0 4.5 0 0 0 0
P sur (V) 29.22 4.5 0 0 0 0
P sur (H) 67.75 6.85 0 0 0 0
W (BF) 1263.6 1 7.5 0 9477 0 1263.6
W (Footing) 525 1 5.25 0 2756.25 0 525
Total 7529.13599 15438.02325 928.6092 2647.695

Total Overturning moment = 7529.14 KN-m

Total Restoring moment = 15438.02 KN-m
Total Shear at base of footing = 928.609 KN
Total Vertical Load at base of footing = 2647.695 KN

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
a. = 2.05 > 2 (Safe in
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑉𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙
b. = = 1.646 > 1.25 (Safe in
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝐻

Abutment is safe in stability for basic and seismic combination of loads.

Design of Dirt Wall

Design the dirt wall as a cantilever slab of span 2.139 m. Consider basic
combination and seismic combination of loads to determine the responses
of dirt wall.
Here seismic combination is considered for design. Dirt wall have been
designed as a cantilever slab of unit width. Detailing of wall is carried out
prescribed by
IRC 112 - 2011 Cl. 16.3.

Surcharge load = 1.2 × 18 × KADyn × 2.139 x 1 = 19.22 KN/m

Load due to earth pressure × KADyn × 18 × 2.1392× 1= 17.13 KN/m
Seismic load due to weight of dirt wall (Ah × W) = 0.15 × 2.139 × 0.25 × 25 ×
1 = 2.005 KN/m
2.139 2.139
Mu at bottom = 19.22 × + 17.13 × 0.65 ×2.139 + 2.005 ×
2 2
= 46.52 KNm
Effective depth(d)= 600-40- = 554 mm

𝑀𝑢 46.52𝑥106
= =0.15
𝑏𝑑 1000𝑥554 2
For M20 and Fe 415

Ast,req= 0.043x 10-2x 1000 x 554= 238.22 mm2
Minimum Ast= 0.12 x 10-2x 1000 x 554= 664.8 mm2
Hence Ast= 664.8 mm2
Provide 12 mm bars
No of bars=5.878
Provide 6 bars of 12 mm
Ast,provided= 6x113.097
=678.58 mm2
Spacing=166.67 mm

Provide 12 mm ∅ bar @ 165 mm c/c at both sides of dirt wall Provide 10

mm ∅ bar @ 250 mm c/c as horizontal reinforcement

Check bottom of slab for shear

Total shear at bottom of dirt wall = 19.22 + 17.13 + 2.005 = 38.355 KN

Nominal Shear Stress 0.188N/mm2

Τuc= 0.426 N/mm2 k=1
𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝜏𝑢𝑣 < K , no shear reinforcement requires.

10mm dia. @ 250 mm c/c

12mm dia. @ 140 mm c/c

2139 mm
1575 mm

5.14 Analysis and Design of Spread Footing

Analysis of Spread Footing

Responses of footing at its base in basic combination of loads

Load ɽf Ecentricity
Distance from Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy
bottom(m) x (m) y(m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (m) (m)
DL ss 373.4 1.35 1.55 504.09 781.3395 0
DL wc 25.315 1.75 1.55 44.30125 68.6669375 0
DL ap.s 13.125 1.35 1.05 17.71875 18.6046875 0
LL 100.0472 1.5 1.55 150.0708 232.60974 0
F br^H 7.59 1.15 11.913 0 0 103.9826205 8.7285
F br^V 1.596 1.15 1.55 1.8354 2.84487 0
F wL 1.45 1.5 11.913 0 0 25.910775 2.175
Fcst 8.87 1.5 0 0 0 0
DL ab 375.1425 1.35 1.5 506.442375 759.6635625 0
P ep(Vs) 175.066 1.5 0.75 262.599 196.94925 0
P ep(Hs) 393.204 1.5 5.88 0 0 3468.05928 589.806
P sur (V) 29.22 1.2 0.75 35.064 26.298 0
P sur (H) 67.75 1.2 6.85 0 0 556.905 81.3
W (BF) 1263.6 1.35 -2.25 1705.86 -3838.185 0
W (Footing) 525 1.35 0 708.75 0 0
Total 3936.731575 2403.649223 682.0095

X’ X
10.5 m
6m .1.5 m 3m

Y’ 2m Y’

0.65 m

X’ X

Responses of footing at its base in seismic combination of loads

Load ɽf Distance from

Ecentricity Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy
bottom(m) x (m) y(m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (m) (m)
DL ss 373.4 1.35 1.55 504.09 781.3395 0
DL wc 25.315 1.35 1.55 34.17525 52.9716375 0
DL ap.s 13.125 1.35 1.05 17.71875 18.6046875 0
LL 100.0472 0.2 1.55 20.00944 31.014632 0
F br^H 7.59 0.2 11.913 0 0 18.083934 1.518
F br^V 1.596 0.2 1.55 0.3192 0.49476 0
Fs (HL) 59.81 1.5 11.913 0 0 1068.774795 89.715
Fs (VL) 3.42 1.5 1.55 5.13 7.9515 0
Fcst 8.87
DL ab 375.1425 1.35 1.5 506.442375 759.6635625 0
Fs (abt HL) 56.25 1.35 3.675 0 0 279.0703125 75.9375
P ep(Hd) 673.83 1 8.4 0 0 5660.172 673.83
Pep (Vd) 290.613 1 0.75 290.613 217.95975 0
P sur (V) 29.22 0.2 0.75 5.844 4.383 0
P sur (H) 67.75 0.2 6.85 0 0 92.8175 13.55
W (BF) 1263.6 1.35 -2.25 1705.86 -3838.185
W (Footing) 525 1.35 0 708.75 0
Total 3798.952015 5155.116571 854.5505

Design of Spread Footing

Upward pressure of soil

Basic Combination
𝑃𝑢 𝑀𝑢𝑥
pu = ± 𝑦 =264.12 KN/m2 and 122.24 KN/m2
𝐴 𝐼𝑥𝑥

Seismic Combination
𝑃𝑢 𝑀𝑢𝑥
pu = ± 𝑦 =321 KN/m2 and 40.63 KN/m2
𝐴 𝐼𝑥𝑥

Ixx= =192.94m4, y = 5.5 m A = 2 × 10.5 = 21 m2

Here maximum positive soil pressure =321.177 kN/m2

maximum negative soil pressure =122.24 kN/m2

Critical section for BM

d d = 2000 – 75 – 20/2 = 1915


Critical section for SF

321.177 KN/m2
122.24 KN/m2

Soil Upward Pressure

Analysis of footing
Find Maximum BM at face of abutment and one-way shear at the section lying at
d distance from the face of abutment.
321.77+236.26 3
Maximum BM at ‘IM’ = -x 3 x 2 𝑥 = 2639.385 Kn-m
2 2
122.24+236.26 6
Maximum BM at ‘IIM’= -x 6 x 2 x = 6453 Kn-m
2 2
Maximum SF at ‘IV’ = × 1.085 × 2 = 675.66 KN
Maximum SF at ‘IIV’ = × 4.085 × 2 =1464.47 KN

Design of footing
Check depth of

Since, d>dbal design the footing section as SRURS.

Find reinforcing bars

Find bottom reinforcing bars at critical section IIM

𝑀𝑢 6453𝑥106
= =1.76
𝑏𝑑 1000𝑥19152

For M20 and Fe 415
Ast,req= 0.5506x 10-2x 1000 x 1915= 10543.99 mm2
Provide 32 mm bars
No of bars=13.11
Provide 14 bars of 32 mm
Ast,provided= 14 x 804.25
=11259.5 mm2
1000 𝑥 804.25
Spacing= =71.43 mm

Provide 32 mm bars @ 70 mm c/c

Find bottom reinforcing bars at critical section IM

𝑀𝑢 2636.385𝑥106
= =0.72
𝑏𝑑 2 1000𝑥19152
For M20 and Fe 415
Ast,req= 0.209x 10-2x 1000 x 1915= 4002.35 mm2
Provide 32 mm bars
No of bars=4.98
Provide 6 bars of 32 mm
Ast,provided= 6 x 804.25 pt,prov= 0.252%
=4825.25 mm2
1000 𝑥 804.25
Spacing= =166.67 mm

Provide 32 mm bars @ 160 mm c/c

Find reinforcing bars at top and distribution bars at

bottom Take, 0.12 % of bD for top and distribution
As= x 1000 x 1915 = 2298 mm2
Provide 16 mm ∅ bar @ 85 mm c/c as distribution bars at bottom Provide 16 mm
∅ bar @ 85 mm c/c at top of footing in both direction

Check depth of slab for one way shear at IV

Nominal Shear Stress τuv = =0.353 N/mm2
Shear strength of section 𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.361 N/mm2 for M20 and pt= 0.252 %,
Maximum Shear Stress ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2.8 N/mm2
Depth factor (K) =1

𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝝉𝒖𝒗 <K𝝉𝒖𝒄, shear reinforcement is not required

Check depth of slab for one way shear at IIV

Nominal Shear Stress τuv = = 0.764N/mm2
Shear strength of section 𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.508 N/mm2 for M20 and pt= 0.588%,
Maximum Shear Stress ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2.8 N/mm2
Depth factor (K) =1

𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝝉𝒖𝒗 >K𝝉𝒖𝒄, shear reinforcement is required.

Provide 10 mm ϕ 2-legged vertical stirrups
0.87𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑆 𝑑 0.87 𝑥 415 𝑥 157.08 𝑥 1915
Spacing= =(0.764−0.508)𝑥 = 221.53 mm
𝑣𝑢𝑠 1000 𝑥 1915

Adopt spacing 220 mm

Provide 10 mm ϕ 2-legged vertical stirrups at 220 mm spacing

Check development length of bar beyond the face of abutment
[Refer IRC 21- 2000 Cl. 304.6.2]
Design Anchorage length = 1460.8 mm
𝑙𝑑= 𝛼1𝛼2𝑙0
𝛼1= 1 for bars with straight ends
𝛼2 = Bars required / Bar provided = = 0.83
𝑙0 = 55∅ = 55 × 32 = 1760 mm
Shorter length of footing provided beyond the face of abutment = 3000 –
75 = 2925 mm

Since provided length > 𝒍𝒅, additional anchorage for bars are not required

10.5 m
6m 1.5 m 3m

32 mm dia. @ 70 mm
1460.8 mm

32 mm dia. @ 70 mm
16 mm dia. @ 85 mm

7.3 m

Bottom arrangement of reinforcing bars

6. Drawing


7. Quantity Estimate

8. Conclusion

In this way, we have completed the Project Work entitled “Design of PSC-
T girder Bridge over Thopal Khola, Dhading”. The rigorous study,
teamwork and proper guidance of our supervisor made it easier for us to
complete this final report. The report encompasses all of our work and
the best use of our knowledge and skills.
The project work helps us to improve our theoretical knowledge through
application into pragmatic knowledge. The report incorporates our
knowledge and skills encompassing all work done during the project work
This hereby concludes our final year bridge project work.

1. Victor, D.J. 2012. Essentials of Bridge Engineering, Oxford and IBH Publishing
Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. Design Examples Provided by Asso. Prof. N.C. Sharma, IOE, Pulchowk
3. Krishnaraju, N. Design of Bridges, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi
4. Chandra, R. 1981. Design of Steel Structures Vol. II, Standard Book House,
New Delhi
5. Jain, A.K. 2002. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, Nem Chand and Bros,
Roorkee, India (Reprint 2009)

1) “IRC: 6-2014”, “IRC: 6-2010”,IRC: 6-2017

2) IRC 18
3) “Nepal bridge standard-2067”, Government of Nepal, Ministry of Physical
Planning and works, Department of Roads
4) “Standard specification of roads and bridges”, Government of Nepal, Ministry
of Physical Planning and works, Department of Roads
5) “IRC 83-1987(part II)”
6) “IRC 78-2000 Foundations and substructures”
7) “IRC 5-1998 Loads and Stresses”
8) “IS 456-2000”


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