Group 1 Civil Project Report
Group 1 Civil Project Report
Group 1 Civil Project Report
Project Report
Submitted by:
Date: 03/07/2023
Project Guide
We hereby declare that the work carried out in this project “Protective coatings
on the concrete surfaces of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project Unit 3-6” by
Harshit Mathur, Kartikay Singh, Mohd. Shazeb, Nitesh Nagendra Mishra and
Nitish Kumar are an authentic record of our work carried out during the period
from April 2023 to July 2023 under the supervision of Shri. D.V. Srinivas Rao
We have not submitted the matter in this report elsewhere for any kind of award.
Date: 03/07/2023
Place: KKNPP
We are highly thankful to our project guide Shri D.V. Srinivas Rao (SO/E) for his
kind support and guidance. It is with his help and support that we are able to
complete this project in due time. Also, we would like to thank Shri Francis Serraon
(SA/G), Shri Surendra Kumar (SO/D), Shri Sandeep (SO/D), Shri Avinash Sahu
(SO/D), Shri Sanjeev (SO/D), Smt. Shabina (SO/D), and Shri Sujith (SO/C) for
their help, valuable input, and, encouragement without which the project report
could not have been completed. We are also very much thankful to field engineers
and scientific assistants for their help, cooperation and assistance during the
duration of our project. This project was a great learning experience for us.
ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................... 1
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 99
Nuclear power projects have various types of buildings which have certain functions and exposure
conditions. All types of buildings need protective coatings to maintain their durability. Structures
of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project have certain protective coatings out of which paints,
flooring and waterproofing are the most significant ones. Paint is an adherent coating which is
applied on walls to protect the concrete surface against the environment. Based on the exposure
condition, and required functionality, the type of paint is different from one structure to another.
Floor finish is required to give a desired surface finish to the floor and necessary wear and tear
resistance. The type of floor finish depends upon the intended use of that flooring area and the
degree of protection required. Waterproofing is required at ground level to restrict upward seepage
of water from underground and also up to a certain height for the vertical surfaces to prevent
penetration of liquid and chemical attacks to the concrete surfaces. Owing to the diversity in the
exposure conditions and intended functions of buildings, a wide variety of protective coatings are
used thus making it a topic of interest. Overall, this project is an attempt to study and understand
various types of paints, flooring and waterproofing done on the concrete surfaces of KKNPP Units
3 to 6.
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Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project unit 3-6 has broadly three packages namely Hydro-Technical
Structures (HTS), Main Plant, and, Balance of Plant (BOP). All of these have important structures
which have a significant role in the safe and reliable operation of the nuclear power plant. To take
care of the durability of the structure, it is necessary to provide protective coating wherever
required. Now the type of coating be it paint, flooring or waterproofing depends upon several
factors like exposure to water, corrosive substances, temperature, surrounding gases, chemical
composition, etc.
One of the most important coatings on the walls of a structure is paint. Paint is a pigmented liquid
or a mixture that after application to a substrate converts into a solid film. Its purpose is to protect
the surface and prolong the life of the surface on which it is applied. The choice of paint depends
upon the deteriorating action against which it has to provide resistance and usage of that area.
Since, the nuclear power plant has various buildings with different functions and exposure
conditions, that make the choice and selection of paint, an important task.
In the Hydro-technical structures, areas are divided into three categories namely submerged and
Splash zone, above splash zone, and, exterior surfaces, Different paints are identified as suitable
for these areas depending upon the degree of protective action provided by the paints. While, in
the Main plant and BOP (Balance of Plants) structures depending upon the conditions like
temperature, oil area, gaseous exposure, radiation exposure, etc different paints are selected based
on their properties.
Flooring is a form of protective finish applied on top of a slab to provide a desired appearance and
to resist wear and tear. The choice of flooring type depends upon the action against which it has to
resist and also on the type of texture required. Apart from the general flooring requirement, some
floors have specific requirements like resisting abrasion due to movement of equipment, acid-
resistance, self-levelling finish of nuclear and non-nuclear grade, etc. Based on these different
types of floor finishes are chosen as per requirement.
Waterproofing is required at locations below and at ground level to prevent seepage of water.
Protecting the structure from water ingress is a critical part of maintaining the structural integrity
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of the building. Water can wear away at a foundation’s materials, leading to cracks and weakening
the structure. To prevent this, Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) modified bituminous membrane
is provided as a waterproofing membrane on floors and walls of the structures. The waterproofing
membrane is made to restrict the entry of water into the structure and also to prevent any direct
contact of backfilling materials with the concrete surfaces thus preventing any chemical or
environmental deterioration.
To understand the above coating an extensive study of drawings has been done along with
obtaining information from various documents and seeking guidance from everyone to be able to
compile the data below and also to enlist the scientific and engineering reasons behind the usage
of each coating.
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A. Methodology and Data for Paints
Pitch-extended epoxy paint is a type of epoxy coating that contains coal tar or bitumen as an
extender. It is used to protect concrete and metal substrates from aggressive chemicals in marine
and wastewater handling structuresi. Pitch-extended epoxy paint can resist abrasion, and a broad
spectrum of chemicals, and adhere to damp surfaces.
It is composed of two components: a solvent-free liquid epoxy resin and a hardener. The epoxy
resin is modified with refined coal tar pitch or bitumen, which acts as an extender and improves
the chemical resistance and adhesion of the coating. The ratio of epoxy resin to hardener may vary
depending on the product, but typically it is around 4:1 by weight
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An extended epoxy coating is a type of epoxy coating that has been formulated to have a longer
pot life or working time, compared to standard epoxy coatings. This extended pot life allows for
more time to apply the coating, especially in situations where larger areas or complex structures
need to be coated.
Material Properties:
Working Mechanism:
Pitch-extended epoxy paint works by cross-linking the epoxy resin and the hardener through a
curing reaction. The curing reaction can occur through the epoxide or hydroxyl groups of the resin
and can be either catalytic photopolymerization or coupling through a reactive intermediate. ii
The cross-linking reaction forms a thermosetting polymer, which has high mechanical properties
and thermal and chemical resistance. The coal tar pitch or bitumen acts as an extender and
improves the adhesion and abrasion resistance of the coating. iii
Working Procedure:
1. The prepared surface shall be dry and pinholes if any and other surface defects shall be filled by
single component polymer modified cementitious pinhole filler where specified/ recommended
by the manufacturer. The paint has two components viz, base and hardener. Each component
shall be properly stirred separately before mixing to ensure uniform consistency.
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2. Hardener and Base components shall be combined in a suitably sized container. The sides of the
containers shall be scraped to ensure a complete reaction. It shall be mixed properly for 3
minutes with a slow-speed drill and wing-style mixing paddle at 300-400 rpm until a
homogeneous colour is achieved. The paddle shall be kept below the surface to avoid entrapping
air. No mixing by hand is permitted.
3. The paint shall be laid evenly and smoothly with air less spray, brush or roller using crossing
and laying off. It shall be applied in two coats, each at a DFT of 150 microns, the second coat
applied after the first coat has dried and at right angles to it. If the application of the second coat
is delayed, the previous coat shall be abraded to give adequate mechanical key and the surface
shall be wiped with a suitable solvent before the application.
4. While applying with an airless spray gun, the nozzle shall be held sufficiently near the surface
(not closer than 300 mm) to avoid evaporation of volatile constituents of the paint and loss of
material into the air. Coating shall be started from top to bottom. The protective coat shall be
spread uniformly without runs, or sags. The surface on finishing shall present a flat velvety
smooth finish and uniform shade without any patches.
Application in KKNPP:
Pitch Extended Epoxy Paint is used in KKNPP in Hydro-Technical Structures that are in the
submerged zone or in the splash zone due to its water-resistant properties like Intake structure
(UPC), Fish Protection Structure (UPX), Forebay (UPU), Main Pumphouse (UQA), Discharge
Channel (UQN), Breakwater Dyke (UZQ), Training Dyke (UZS). The exterior surfaces of the said
structure would lead to direct exposure to the aggressive action of seawater and thus be subjected
to extreme environmental exposure. The pitch-extended epoxy paint due to its cross-linking and
adhesion and abrasion to chemical reactions is effective for the purpose.
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1.2 High Build Crack-Bridging Paint
This paint refers to a type of paint that is specifically designed to cover and bridge cracks in
surfaces, where the substrate is prone to cracking. It contains special additives and fillers that
provide increased thickness and flexibility.
The high-build nature of the paint means that it has a high solids content, allowing it to fill and
bridge larger cracks effectively. The crack-bridging properties of the paint allow it to stretch and
expand with the movement of the substrate, reducing the chances of new cracks forming or existing
cracks reappearing.
It is designed to prevent water ingress and corrosion caused by atmospheric gases, such as carbon
dioxide, Sulphur dioxide and chloride ions iv. It has a high film thickness and elongation, which
enables it to bridge cracks and cope with the thermal movements of the structures. It also has high
UV resistance, dirt repellence, and fungus resistance, making it suitable for exposure to the tropics.
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Overall, high-build crack-bridging paint offers an effective solution for concealing and minimizing
the appearance of cracks while providing long-term protection against future cracking. It helps to
maintain the integrity and aesthetics of the surface while reducing the need for extensive repairs.
Material Properties:
Working Mechanism:
High-build crack-bridging paint works by forming a flexible and elastic film over the surface of
the structure, which can accommodate the movements of the substrate and bridge the cracks that
may form due to thermal or mechanical stresses. v
Crack bridging is a toughening mechanism that involves the connection of crack faces by ductile
or fibrous elements, such as polymers or reinforcements. These elements exert a counteracting
pressure on the crack opening, reducing the stress intensity factor at the crack tip and slowing
down the crack growth. Crack bridging also dissipates some of the strain energy near the crack tip
through fibre pullout or fibre breakage.
1. High Solids Content: High solids content contributes to the paint's thick consistency and allows
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it to fill in cracks more effectively.
2. Flexibility and Elongation: The paint is formulated with flexible resins and elastomers that
provide the paint with elasticity and elongation properties.
3. Fillers and Reinforcements: The paint often contains specialized fillers and reinforcements,
such as microfibers or synthetic fibres, that enhance its crack-bridging capabilities.
4. Thick Application: The paint is applied in thick layers to ensure adequate coverage and
bridging of cracks.
5. Adhesion and Bonding: The paint is formulated with strong adhesion properties to ensure it
adheres well to the substrate. This strong bond between the paint film and the substrate helps
to prevent the paint from peeling or cracking away from the surface.
Working Procedure:
1. The prepared surface shall be dry and provided with one coat of primer (60-micron DFT) which shall
eliminate the excessive suction and promote adhesion. The primer application shall be made a minimum
of three hours before applying the protective coat or as per the manufacturer's instructions.
2. The crossing and laying off consists of covering the area with paint, brushing the surface hard for the
first time over and then brushing alternately in opposite directions two or three times and then finally
brushing lightly in a direction at right angles. The full process of crossing and laying off constitutes one
3. The next coat shall be applied only after the first coat has dried and sufficiently become hard which
normally takes about 12 hours or as per manufacturer's instructions. A minimum of 2 finishing coats (2
x 150-micron DFT) of the same colour shall be applied unless otherwise specified in the item of work.
Paint may also be applied using rollers and air less spray.
4. The nozzle shall be held sufficiently near the surface (not closer than 300 mm) to avoid evaporation of
volatile constituents of the paint and loss of material into the air. Coating shall be started from top to
bottom. The protective coat shall be spread uniformly without runs, or sags. The surface on finishing
shall present a flat velvety smooth finish and uniform shade without any patches.
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Application in KKNPP:
High Build Crack Bridging paint is used in KKNPP for all the structures above the splash zone in
Hydro Technical Structure. The air in the coastal area is humid and the moisture entering inside
the concrete through the cracks may cause serious damage to the structure. Thus, this paint helps
in covering those cracks and preventing the entry of moisture. It also provides UV resistance, dirt
repellence, and fungus resistance.
There are three zones on the surfaces of reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures based
on the character of environmental attack:
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Zone of variable water level: Reinforced structures alternately influenced by the impact of sea
Above water zone: Reinforced structures permanently influenced by ambient air.
Anti bio fouling painting system is applied in submerged areas which would be difficult to access
on a later date for maintenance, as specified in drawings and as directed by the Engineer.
Working Mechanism:
b) Antifouling Coating
Biofouling of concrete is the process of biological growth on the surface or inside the pores of
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concrete. These organisms include barnacles, algae, and other marine life. It can cause
deterioration of concrete structures by producing acids, sulfates, carbonates and other compounds
that react with the cementitious matrix1. Biofouling can also affect the aesthetic appearance and
thermal performance of concrete buildings.
Biofouling can be influenced by several factors, such as the surface roughness, porosity, water
content, pH and composition of the concrete. Some materials, such as copper and its alloys, have
been shown to resist biofouling better than steel, titanium, aluminium, polymers and concrete.
Biofouling can be prevented or reduced by applying antifouling coatings, biocides or bio-receptive
materials that promote beneficial biological growth.
Antifouling paint is a specialized coating applied to slow the growth of and facilitate the
detachment of subaquatic organisms that attach to the concrete surface submerged in the sea.
Antifouling paints work by delivering a controlled, steady release of biocide (such as copper) from
the paint surface into the microscopic layer of water next to the concrete surface. It is this layer of
biocide that stops fouling organisms from attaching to the concrete surface.
Amphiphilic oils can help to improve the fouling release properties of the coating. Amphiphilic
oils have both hydrophilic (water-loving) and lipophilic (oil-loving) properties, which means that
they can interact with both water and oil. This allows them to form a thin, slippery layer on the
surface of the coating that makes it difficult for fouling organisms to attach to the surface.
Application in KKNPP:
There are various structures which are submerged in sea water. There is a high chance of formation
of biofilm on the surfaces of these structures. To protect the concrete from biofouling, Antifouling
paint is used in Intake structures (UPC), Fish Protection Facility (UPX), UPN, etc.
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1.4 Acrylic Emulsion Paint
It is a water-based acrylic copolymer emulsion with rutile titanium dioxide and a few other selected
pigments and fungicides. It exhibits excellent adhesion to plaster and cement surfaces and resists
deterioration by alkali salts. The paint film allows the moisture in the wall to escape without any
deterioration in colour, or without showing flaking, blistering or peeling vi.
1. Putty: It is used to fill uneven surfaces and small holes. It is powder based, a unique mixture of
superfine white cement blended with flexible powder polymer, cellulose, pigments and many
other additives. It is used in both exterior and interior walls to give a smooth, undulation-free
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2. Primer: It is made of the same basic substance as paint, but it has no pigment. It provides a
long-lasting protective coating to a wall and acts as a binder between putty and overcoat. It also
helps in making the walls smoother so that the paint can be set without any undulation. It also
hides imperfections on the wall.
3. Paint: It is an overcoat (top coat) on the surface made up of special types of co-polymers and
fine pigments with special additives like anti-fungal, anti-algae, anti-fading, to get optimum
dispersion level, etc. It gives excellent coverage, durability and a rich matt look when applied
on a zero-undulated surface.vii
Working Mechanism:ix
The acrylic polymer is synthesized by free radical polymerization of acrylic monomers in water
with a suitable initiator and emulsifier. The resulting polymer forms micelles or spherical particles
that are dispersed in water with the help of the emulsifier. The emulsion is then applied to a
substrate by brushing, spraying, dipping or other methods.
As the water evaporates or is absorbed, the polymer particles coalesce and form a continuous film
on the substrate. The film has properties such as gloss, hardness, adhesion, flexibility and
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resistance to chemicals and weathering depending on the type and amount of acrylic monomers
used in the polymerization.
Working Procedurex:
1. Sand the entire prepared surface with emery paper No.100 (Roughness as per manufacturer
recommendation) and wipe it clean.
2. Smoothen the surface by applying a thin coat of wall putty to fill in all substrate imperfections.
Allow the putty to dry (Generally, 04 to 08 hours depending upon manufacturers).
3. Apply the second coat of wall putty on all surfaces and allow it to dry.
4. Then sand the entire surface with emery paper No. 80 and wipe it clean with a cloth.
5. Apply a coat of primer and allow it to dry (Generally, 04 to 08 hours depending upon
6. Then sand the surface if required with emery paper No.220 and wipe it clean with a cloth.
7. Dilute the emulsion paint with water as per the manufacturer's recommendation. (Generally,
8. Apply the first coat after the completion of drying time. (Generally, 03 to 06 hours depending
upon manufacturers).
Application in KKNPP:
It is applied in the interior of the Main Pump House and Essential load pump house above +2.2-
meter elevation.
It is free from toxic and allergens and provides a rich and smooth matt finish, being resistant to
fungus and stains, and offering a wide range of colours. It is affordable and easy to apply with
different types of mechanisms like spraying, brushing, dip, roller, and flow. It is in moderately
humid climatic conditions as experienced in Kundankulam
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2. Paints in Main Plant
It is a water-based acrylic copolymer emulsion with rutile titanium dioxide and a few other selected
pigments and fungicides. It exhibits excellent adhesion to plaster and cement surfaces and resists
deterioration by alkali salts. The paint film allows the moisture in the wall to escape without any
deterioration in colour, or without showing flaking, blistering or peeling xi.
1. Putty: It is used to fill uneven surfaces and small holes. It is powder based, a unique mixture of
superfine white cement blended with flexible powder polymer, cellulose, pigments and many
other additives. It is used in both exterior and interior walls to give a smooth, undulation-free
2. Primer: It is made of the same basic substance as paint, but it has no pigment. It provides a
long-lasting protective coating to a wall and acts as a binder between putty and overcoat. It also
helps in making the walls smoother so that the paint can be set without any undulation. It also
hides imperfections on the wall.
3. Paint: It is an overcoat (top coat) on the surface made up of special types of co-polymers and
fine pigments with special additives like anti-fungal, anti-algae, anti-fading, to get optimum
dispersion level, etc. It gives excellent coverage, durability and a rich matt look when applied
on a zero-undulated surface.xii
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3 Colour Strength 96 - 104
4 Non-Volatile% 46.5 ± 1
5 pH 8–9
6 Specific Gravity 1.35 ± 0.01
7 Viscosity @ 30° 9 ± 1 Poise
8 Whiteness Indices 82 ± 1
9 Gloss at 60 degrees 2.6
Working Mechanism:xiv
The acrylic polymer is synthesized by free radical polymerization of acrylic monomers in water
with a suitable initiator and emulsifier. The resulting polymer forms micelles or spherical particles
that are dispersed in water with the help of the emulsifier. The emulsion is then applied to a
substrate by brushing, spraying, dipping or other methods.
As the water evaporates or is absorbed, the polymer particles coalesce and form a continuous film
on the substrate. The film has properties such as gloss, hardness, adhesion, flexibility and
resistance to chemicals and weathering depending on the type and amount of acrylic monomers
used in the polymerization.
Working Procedurexv:
1. Sand the entire prepared surface with emery paper No.100 (Roughness as per manufacturer
recommendation) and wipe it clean.
2. Smoothen the surface by applying a thin coat of wall putty to fill in all substrate imperfections.
Allow the putty to dry (Generally, 04 to 08 hours depending upon manufacturers).
3. Apply the second coat of wall putty on all surfaces and allow it to dry.
4. Then sand the entire surface with emery paper No. 80 and wipe it clean with a cloth.
5. Apply a coat of primer and allow it to dry (Generally, 04 to 08 hours depending upon
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6. Then sand the surface if required with emery paper No.220 and wipe it clean with a cloth.
7. Dilute the emulsion paint with water as per the manufacturer's recommendation. (Generally,
8. Apply the first coat after the completion of drying time. (Generally, 03 to 06 hours depending
upon manufacturers).
Application in KKNPP:
It is applied in the interior of the Main Pump House and Essential load pump house above +2.2-
meter elevation.
It is free from toxic and allergens and provides a rich and smooth matt finish, being resistant to
fungus and stains, and offering a wide range of colours. It is affordable and easy to apply with
different types of mechanisms like spraying, brushing, dip, roller, and flow. It is in moderately
humid climatic conditions as experienced in Kundankulam.
It is a type of epoxy-based paint that contains zinc phosphate or zinc dust as a pigment. It is a type
of paint that can withstand exposure to harsh chemicals, abrasion, and corrosion. It is used for
coating surfaces that are outdoors or subject to hard wear or temperature variations. There are
different kinds of chemical-resistant enamel paints, such as vitreous enamel coatings, alkyl resin-
based paints, nitrocellulose-based paints, epoxy enamel paints, and polyurethane enamel paints.
We have used epoxy-based enamel paints. It composes of primer and paint.
Materials Propertiesxvi:
a) Epoxy-based clear Primer: It is two component epoxy clear lacquer primer cured with
polyamide, having excellent toughness and high-performance properties.
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Table 6- Material properties of Chemical Resistant Enamel Paint (XB-785) Primer
Table 7- Material properties of Chemical Resistant Enamel Paint (XB-785) coating compound
The chemical resistance data against different chemicals up to 95° C are as follows:
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Sodium Hydroxide 10% Aluminium Sulphate 10% Zinc Nitrate 10%
Potassium Hydroxide 10% Aluminium Chloride 10% Copper Chloride 10%
Sodium Carbonate 10% Butyl Alcohol 10% Barium Hydroxide 10%
Sodium Bicarbonate 10% Ethyl Alcohol 10% Barium Chloride 05%
Working Mechanism:
Epoxy-based chemical-resistant paint works by crosslinking the epoxy resin and the curing agent
through a chemical reaction, creating a dense network of bonds that makes the coating
impermeable and resistant to degradation. The epoxy is used to provide an impermeable barrier,
improve aesthetics, and to enhance chemical resistance to various substrates. xvii.
It has good anti-corrosion properties, resistance to salt and alkaline solutions, gases, hardness and
wear resistance, increased resistance to mechanical loads, good adhesion to the bases, the plasticity
of the coating, and extension of the life of reinforced concrete.
Working procedurexviii:
a) For Primer
1. Clean the surface from dust, dirt, grease, rust and old paint.
2. Apply Arcozinc primer with a brush, roller or spray gun in one layer and let it dry completely.
3. The drying time of Arcozinc primer depends on the temperature and humidity of the
environment, but it is usually 6-8 hours at 25°C and 65% humidity.
4. The Arcozinc primer consumption rate is 7-8 sq.m per litre per coat.
b) For Coating:
1. Prepare the surface by removing any dust, oil, grease, rust or loose paint.
2. Mix the base and hardener components of Arcolite in a 4:1 ratio by volume.
3. Apply the first coat of Arcolite by brush or spray to a dry film thickness of 75-100 microns.
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Allow it to dry for 6-8 hours at 25°C.
4. Apply the second coat of Arcolite by brush or spray to a dry film thickness of 75-100 microns.
Allow it to cure for 7 days at 25°C.
Application in KKNPP:
It is applied for the interior of the TPS Oil Tank room, Reagent Facility Room, Storage Batter
Compartment Room, Tambour in Turbine Building, and Storage Battery Room in Diesel
Generator. Chemical Resistant Enamel Paint due to its inherent feature is effective against the
chemical reaction that may take place if any reagent or acid is spilled over in Reagent Facility
Room and Storage Battery Compartment respectively. It also provides a protective coating against
oil spillage over concrete walls.
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It is high crack bridging & anti-carbonation protective coating applied over concrete surfaces. It is
a one-part, plastic-elastic coating based on UV-curing acrylic dispersion with excellent crack-
bridging properties even at temperatures below 0°C xix.
It is a type of paint that contains an aliphatic acrylic resin as the main component and has
polyurethane compounds that give it flexibility and toughness. It is used to protect concrete
structures from polyurethane compounds that give them flexibility and toughness. It is used to
protect concrete and masonry structures from water ingress, atmospheric gases, and cracks xx.
It consists of the priming coat of Sikagard®-551 W Elastic Primer or equivalent in a single coat
and then coats of the top coat of Sikagard®-550 W Elastic or equivalent with minimum 06 hours
of the time interval between every two coats applied.
Material properties:
Working Mechanism:
Aliphatic acrylate cracks bridging paint works by forming a water-resistant and elastic film over
the surface that can stretch and contract with the movement of the substrate. The acrylic resin
provides adhesion and durability, while the glass fibres reinforce the film and prevent cracking.
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The aliphatic nature of the coating prevents it from yellowing or fading due to sunlight exposure.
The coating also acts as a barrier against carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and chloride ions that
can cause corrosion.
Aliphatic acrylates have high reactivity and can polymerize by free-radical mechanism. They
also react with di-isocyanates to form aliphatic acrylic polyurethane coatings, which have
improved weather ability and adhesion properties xxi.
Working Procedurexxii:
1. Concrete surface must be made dry, sound and free from loose and friable particles. Suitable
preparation methods are steam cleaning, high-pressure water jetting or blast cleaning may be
used. New concrete must be at least 28 days old.
2. Primer must be applied. For use on a very dense substrate, 10% Sika® Thinner DS or equivalent
thinner may be added to it.
3. After a minimum wait of 06 hours, the first layer of the top coat would be applied by brush,
roller or airless spray.
4. After a minimum wait of 06 hours, the second layer of top coat shall be applied.
Application in KKNPP:
As the exterior surfaces of the above-said buildings/structures are exposed to direct sunlight the
paint is effective against UV rays and does not fade with time. It also acts as a barrier to numerous
gases, ions and pollutants present in the atmosphere thus effectively preventing the concrete
surface from any adverse effect. They also have good weather ability against changing external
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2.4 Chemical Resistant Enamel EP-773 Paint
Enamel EP-773 is a chemical-resistant paint that is used to protect metal surfaces from corrosion
in alkaline environments. It is based on epoxy resin and contains fillers and pigments. It is
produced according to GOST 23143-83xxiii.
The EP-773 Paint can withstand temperatures from 20 to 1000 degrees Celsius. It resists alkalis of
any concentration, as well as oil solutions, gasoline and moisture and provides a smooth, matte or
semi-matt finish.
Materials Propertiesxxiv:
Chemical Properties:
1. Resistance to potassium hydroxide (40%): not less than 2 hours for cream colour and not less than
8 hours for green colour.
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4. Resistance to water: not less than 24 hours
Working Mechanism:
1. The enamel contains epoxy resins and anticorrosive fillers that react with the metal surface and
form a polymer network that resists the attack of alkaline solutions, oils, gasoline and water.
2. The enamel dries and hardens by evaporation of the solvent and cross-linking of the epoxy
3. When the metal surface is exposed to high temperature and pressure, the enamel undergoes a
thermochemical reaction and forms a protective layer that reduces friction and wear.
4. The protective layer also prevents the penetration of alkaline solutions, oils, gasoline and water
into the metal surface, thus preventing corrosion.
Working Procedurexxv:
1. The surface should be prepared according to GOST 9.402-80 or GOST 9.403-80 depending on
the type of metal and the degree of corrosion.
2. The primer coat should be selected from the list of compatible primers given in GOST 23143-
83, such as EP-0198, EP-0199, EP-0200 or EP-02012.
3. The EP-773 paint should be applied in two layers with a total dry film thickness of 60-80
microns. The interval between the layers should be 24 hours at 20°C or 8 hours at 60°C. The
curing time should be 7 days at 20°C or 16 hours at 60°C.
4. The quality of the painting/coating should be checked according to GOST 9.407-84 or GOST
9.408-81 depending on the type of metal and the method of application.
Application in KKNPP:
It is applied on the ceiling and wall in one room at 0 m elevation in a turbine building.
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2.5 Chemical Resistant Enamel XB-124 Paint
Chemical Resistant Enamel Paint XB124 is a PU-based anti-rust enamel that provides long-term
protection and durability to metal surfaces. It is suitable for brush and spray applications and
imparts a rich gloss and smooth finish to metal surfaces.
The paint dries and hardens by evaporation of the solvent and cross-linking of the PU resins. It
forms a glossy and smooth coating that adheres well to the metal surface. When the metal surface
is exposed to high temperature and pressure, the paint undergoes a thermochemical reaction and
forms a protective layer that reduces friction and wear. The protective layer also prevents the
penetration of chemical and industrial agents into the metal surface, thus preventing corrosion.
Materials Properties:
Working Mechanism:
1. The enamel dries and hardens by evaporation of the solvent and cross-linking of the epoxy
2. When the metal surface is exposed to high temperature and pressure, the enamel undergoes a
thermochemical reaction and forms a protective layer that reduces friction and wear.
3. The protective layer also prevents the penetration of alkaline solutions, oils, gasoline and water
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into the metal surface, thus preventing corrosion.
Working Procedure:
2. Pre-wetting of the surface before application of 1st coat of Trucare wall putty suprema.
3. Application of Trucare wall putty Suprema diluted to 40-50% in water using a knife/trowel.
Recoating should be done after 6-8 hours.
4. Again sanding the surface with sandpaper 180 and wipe it clean.
5. Application of Trucare Suprema Interior Primer (WT) diluted to 100% in water using a brush.
recoating should be done after 4-6 hours.
7. Applying the first Coat Apcolite Suprema Premium Interior Emulsion. Recoating period 4-6
Application in KKNPP:
It is used in the Air Intake Chamber and Ventilation Room of the UMV (Normal Operation Power
Supply) building.
As Air Intake Chamber and Ventilation Room would bring environmental air in direct contact with
the structure which contains numerous types of gaseous, particulate matter and chemical ions that
may lead to the deterioration of the structure.
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2.6 Epoxy Paint EP-5285 Paint
It has excellent adhesion to steel, concrete and aluminium-plated surfaces. It has high chemical
resistance to water, salt water, alkalis, acids, oils and solvents. It has good mechanical properties
such as abrasion resistance, impact resistance and flexibility. It has low water absorption and
permeability. It has high durability and weather resistance.
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Materials Properties:
Working Mechanism:
1. The paint forms a strong bond with the metal surface by chemical and physical adhesion.
2. The paint cures by a chemical reaction between the epoxy resin and the polyamine hardener,
forming a cross-linked polymer network.
3. The paint forms a smooth and glossy coating that resists the penetration of water, chemicals and
corrosion agents into the metal surface.
4. The paint provides a durable and protective layer that reduces friction and wear on the metal
Working Procedure:
1. Remove dirt, oil and grease from the surface by solvent cleaning or degreasing.
2. Remove rust, old paint and other contaminants from the surface by abrasive blasting or
mechanical cleaning.
3. Remove dust from the surface by vacuuming or blowing with clean air.
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4. Repair any cracks, spalls or defects on the surface by filling or grinding.
5. Mix the base and hardener components of EP-5285 in the ratio of 4:1 by weight or volume.
6. Stir the mixture thoroughly until a uniform colour and consistency is obtained.
8. Apply two coats of paint with a minimum interval of 24 hours between coats.
Application in KKNPPxxvi:
It is applied on the interior surfaces of all rooms of the Reactor Building e.g., Filter Room, Fuel
Melt Trap Apartment, System filter compartment, High-temperature filter reloading compartment,
etc. It is also applied in Annulus and Compartment Rooms Walls between the inner and outer
compartments, interior surfaces of all rooms in RCPS and Steam Cell Room. It is also applied in
Solid Radioactive Waste Reprocessing and Storage Building and New Fuel Storage Building.
Epoxy EP-5285 is used in radioactive areas because it is a de-contaminable coating that can be
easily cleaned from radioactive contamination by using chemical solutions. It also provides high
resistance to aggressive liquid media, such as acids and alkalis, that are used in nuclear power
plants and radiochemical production.
It has excellent adhesion to steel, concrete and aluminium-plated surfaces. It has high chemical
resistance to water, salt water, alkalis, acids, oils and solvents. It has good mechanical properties
such as abrasion resistance, impact resistance and flexibility. It has low water absorption and
permeability. It has high durability and weather resistance.
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2.7 Chemical Resistant Paint
It also has a low iodine value, which means it has a low degree of unsaturation and is less prone to
oxidation by acids. It is applied to prevent corrosion and contain any accidental spills. Lacquer
XB-784 is also resistant to the effects of moisture, solutions of acids, alkalis, and alcohol.
Materials Properties:
Table 13- Material properties of Chemical Resistant Paint (Lacquer XB 784 based Primer with
Enamel XB 785 Coating)
Working Mechanism:
Epoxy-based chemical-resistant paint works by crosslinking the epoxy resin and the curing agent
through a chemical reaction, creating a dense network of bonds that makes the coating
impermeable and resistant to degradation. The epoxy is used to provide an impermeable barrier,
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improve aesthetics, and enhance chemical resistance to various substrates.
It has good anti-corrosion properties, resistance to salt and alkaline solutions, gases, hardness and
wear resistance, increased resistance to mechanical loads, good adhesion to the bases, the plasticity
of the coating, extension of the life of reinforced concrete
Working Procedure:
1. Prepare the surface by removing dust, dirt, grease and old paint.
3. Apply one coat of lacquer XB 784 by brush, roller or spray without dilution.
4. Allow the lacquer to dry for at least 24 hours before applying the next coat or enamel.
Application in KKNPP:
It is used on the ceiling and wall of the Storage Battery Compartment, Acid, CPS Board Storage
and Tambour Room at different elevations in UBA.
The battery rooms are exposed to corrosive electrolytes such as sulfuric acid or potassium
hydroxide that are used in batteries. These substances can damage the metal, concrete, wood, or
reinforced concrete structures of the battery room. Therefore, a protective coating such as lacquer
XB-784 is applied to prevent corrosion and contain any accidental spills. Lacquer XB-784 is also
resistant to the effects of moisture, solutions of acids, alkalis, and alcohol, which are common in
battery rooms.
Lacquer XB-784 consists of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin, which is a type of thermoplastic
polymer that has high chemical stability and resistance to acids, alkalis, and solvents. It forms a
protective film on the surface of the coated material that prevents the acid from penetrating and
corroding the base. It also has a low iodine value, which means it has a low degree of unsaturation
and is less prone to oxidation by acids.
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2.8 Xypex Coating in Reactor Building
Xypex is a permanent waterproofing and protection system for concrete. The Xypex crystalline
system for concrete waterproofing and protection is different from traditional barrier products
(membranes, cementitious coatings, etc). Xypex creates a crystalline structure deep within the
pores and capillary tracts of the concrete mass to prevent the penetration of water and aggressive
chemicalsxxvii. Xypex products are suited for both new and existing concrete structures requiring
repair or refurbishment.
Paint Thickness:
Working Procedure:
1. Apply Xypex with a semi-stiff nylon bristle brush, push broom (for large horizontal surfaces),
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or specialized spray equipment. Do not apply Xypex with a trowel, roller, paintbrush or paint
2. The Xypex coating must be uniformly applied and should be just under 1.25 mm thick. A thicker
coating can cause curing or other difficulties, especially in warm weather.
3. When a second coat (Xypex Concentrate or Modified) is required, it should be applied after the
first coat has reached an initial set but while it is still “green” (less than 48 hours). Curing by
misting the coating with water should be done between coats. Ensure the first coat is in SSD
condition before application of the second coat.
4. For slab (horizontal) applications, care should be taken to spread the Xypex evenly, pulling a
heavy broom over the fresh Xypex. This should be done in long strips and will serve to eliminate
settlement of the Xypex in low spots on the slab and also to remove excess material which may
have been applied.
5. In hot weather it is advisable to apply Xypex either early in the morning or late in the day. This
will prevent the Xypex coating from drying out too quickly.
Application in KKNPP:
Xypex is used in Inspection wells and Fuel pool in Reactor Building. It qualifies the surrounding
Heavy density concrete of permeability 8 kg/cm2 to 12 kg/cm2.
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3. Paints in Balance of Plant (BOP):
1. Resins: Chemical-resistant paints often contain specialized resins that provide resistance to
various chemicals. These resins may include epoxy, polyurethane, vinyl, or polyester resins.
They form a protective barrier against chemical attacks and offer durability and adhesion to
the substrate.
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2. Crosslinking Agents: Crosslinking agents, also known as curing agents or hardeners, are
added to the paint formulation to initiate the chemical reaction that forms a strong and
chemically resistant film. The choice of crosslinking agent depends on the resin system used
in the paint.
3. Pigments: Pigments are added to provide color and opacity to the paint. In chemical-resistant
paint, inorganic pigments are often preferred for their resistance to fading and chemical
attacks. Titanium dioxide and other specific pigments may also be used to enhance the paint's
resistance to UV radiation and degradation.
4. Fillers: Fillers are incorporated into the paint formulation to enhance properties such as
hardness, abrasion resistance, and chemical resistance. Common fillers used in chemical-
resistant paint include silica, talc, calcium carbonate, and other mineral-based materials.
Material Properties:
Working Mechanism:
Chemical-resistant paints are formulated with special resins and additives that provide excellent
resistance to acids, alkalis, solvents, and corrosive substances. They create a protective barrier
between the surface and the chemicals, preventing damage or corrosion. These paints are
commonly used on concrete floors, steel structures, tanks, pipes, and other surfaces that come into
contact with chemicals.
Working Procedure:
1. The surface to be coated shall be cleaned and all dirt, dust, grease and loose particles shall be
removed. Any old paint shall be removed with a removal agent as per the manufacturer's
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instructions. The surface affected by moss, fungus, algae, and efflorescence shall be treated in
accordance with IS: 2395.
3. As regards safety measures, inhalation of solvent vapours or paint mist and contact of liquid
paint with skin & eyes shall be avoided. Forced ventilation shall be provided when applying
paint in confined spaces or stagnant air. The manufacturer's safety instructions shall be followed
while applying the paint.
Application in KKNPP:
Plastic emulsion paint is a type of water-based paint that contains a plastic resin binder. It is a
popular choice for interior and exterior wall coatings due to its versatility, ease of application, and
durability. Plastic emulsion paint offers several advantages over other types of paint. It has a low
odour, dries quickly, and is easy to clean up with water, making it more user-friendly and
environmentally friendly compared to solvent-based paints. It also exhibits good colour retention,
resistance to fading, and excellent adhesion to a variety of surfaces, including concrete, plaster,
wood, and previously painted surfaces.
Additionally, plastic emulsion paint is available in a wide range of colours and finishes, including
matte, eggshell, satin, and gloss, allowing for various decorative and aesthetic options. It can be
applied using brushes, rollers, or sprayers, depending on the desired effect and the surface being
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1. Polymer Emulsion: The polymer emulsion serves as the binder in plastic emulsion paint. It is
typically an acrylic-based polymer that is dispersed in water. The polymer emulsion provides
adhesion, durability, and flexibility to the paint film.
2. Pigments: Pigments are added to plastic emulsion paint to provide colour and opacity. They
can be organic or inorganic compounds and contribute to the visual appearance of the paint film.
Inorganic pigments are commonly used due to their durability and lightfastness.
3. Fillers: Fillers, also known as extenders, are inert materials added to plastic emulsion paint to
increase volume, improve coverage, and reduce cost. Common fillers include calcium carbonate,
talc, silica, and other minerals. They help to provide texture, enhance hiding power, and improve
the overall performance of the paint.
4. Water: Water serves as the solvent or dispersion medium in plastic emulsion paint. It helps to
dissolve or disperse the polymer emulsion, pigments, fillers, and other additives and allows for
easy application and cleanup.
Material Properties:
Working Mechanism:
The working mechanism of plastic emulsion paint involves the application of a polymer emulsion,
usually acrylic-based, onto a prepared surface. As the paint is applied, the water in the emulsion
begins to evaporate, allowing the polymer particles to come closer together and form a continuous
film through a process called coalescence. This film acts as a binder, providing adhesion to the
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surface and binding the pigment particles together. As the water continues to evaporate, the paint
film dries and cures, forming a durable and protective coating that offers resistance to cracking,
peeling, moisture, UV radiation, and staining. The specific performance and characteristics of
plastic emulsion paint depend on the formulation and additives used by different manufacturers.
Working Procedure:
1. Plastic emulsion paint shall conform to IS 5411 (Part-1) and shall be of approved shade. The
preparation of paint shall be as per the manufacturer's instructions.
2. The paint mix, shall be continuously stirred while applying for maintaining uniform consistency.
number of coats shall be as specified. The painting shall be laid evenly and smoothly through
the crossing and laying off. The crossing and laying off consists of covering the area with paint,
brushing the surface hard at first, then brushing alternately in the opposite direction 2 to 3 times
and then finally brushing lightly in a direction at right angles to the same. In this process, no
brush marks, no hair marks no clogging of paint puddles shall be permitted. The full process of
crossing and laying off will constitute one coat. The paint shall be applied by means of a brush
or roller.
3. Before starting painting with plastic emulsion paint, the prepared surface shall be treated with
two coats of primer consisting of cement, primer, whiting and plastic emulsion paint shall start
only after the preceding coat has become sufficiently hard to resist brush marking. Subsequent
coats of plastic emulsion paint shall also be started after the preceding coat is dried by
evaporation of water content.
4. The surface on finishing shall present a flat, velvety smooth finish, even and uniform shade
without patches, marks, paint drops etc.
Application in KKNPP:
Plastic emulsion paint is used in various building such as the chemical laboratory, nitrogen plant,
non-safety chiller building, common control room and electrical substation. Plastic emulsion paint
provides resistance to cracking, peeling, moisture, UV radiation, and staining and these properties
are needed in parts of these building.
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3.3 Epoxy paint
Epoxy paint is a type of coating that is formulated using epoxy resins as the primary binder. It is
known for its exceptional durability, chemical resistance, and adhesion properties. Epoxy paint is
commonly used in industrial, commercial, and residential applications where a tough and long-
lasting finish is required. The chief components of epoxy paint are:
1. Epoxy Resin: Epoxy resin is the main binder in epoxy paint. It is a two-part system consisting
of a base resin and a hardener. The epoxy resin provides adhesion, durability, and chemical
resistance to the paint film.
2. Hardener: The hardener, also known as the curing agent, is mixed with the epoxy resin to
initiate the curing process. When the epoxy resin and hardener are combined, a chemical reaction
occurs, leading to cross-linking and the formation of a strong, durable coating.
3. Pigments: Pigments are added to epoxy paint to provide color and opacity. They can be organic
or inorganic compounds that give the paint its desired hue. Pigments also contribute to the hiding
power and coverage of the paint.
4. Fillers: Fillers are added to epoxy paint formulations to improve various properties. They can
include materials such as calcium carbonate, silica, talc, or other inert substances. Fillers help
enhance the paint's viscosity, texture, and resistance to sagging.
Material Properties:
Sr Properties Specifications
1 Recommended Coat/DFT 75-150 microns
2 Drying time at 30° C Surface dry - 4 hours
Hard dry - 16 hours
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Full Cure - 7 days
3 Overcoating interval at 30° C Min - 16 hours
Max — 72 hours, provided the surface is dry &
clean from all contamination
Working Mechanism:
The working mechanism of epoxy paint involves the chemical reaction between epoxy resins and
curing agents, typically amines or polyamides. When epoxy paint is applied to a surface, the epoxy
resin and curing agent combine, initiating a crosslinking process known as curing. This chemical
reaction forms a tough, durable, and chemically resistant coating. The epoxy paint cures through
an exothermic reaction, generating heat as the molecules link together to form a three-dimensional
network. This crosslinked structure creates a highly adhesive, solvent-resistant, and mechanically
strong film on the surface. Epoxy paint is known for its excellent adhesion, durability, corrosion
resistance, and resistance to chemicals, making it a popular choice for industrial, commercial, and
high-performance applications.
Working Procedure:
1. The surface to be coated shall be cleaned and all dirt, dust, grease and loose particles shall be
removed. Any old paint shall be removed with a removal agent as per the manufacturer's
instructions. The surface affected by moss, fungus, algae, and efflorescence shall be treated in
accordance with IS: 2395.
2. Epoxy is a two-pack system consisting of a base and a catalyst. These shall be mixed thoroughly
in the specified proportion as detailed by the manufacturer. The mixing is done by using an
electrically operating mixing device, or rod. The paint shall be thinned if necessary to achieve
a spraying viscosity of 100/120 secs.
3. Viscosity is to be checked for every batch with a standard viscosity cup known as Ford cup No.
4 or cup No. 4 of IS 3944 Epoxy trowelling compound consisting of base and catalyst, which
shall also be similarly mixed if necessary to form a semi-solid paste, to consistency for ease of
application with a putty blade ( made of thin MS/G1/Copper sheets).
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Application in KKNPP:
Epoxy paint is used in chemical laboratories, nitrogen plants, non-safety chiller building and
common control rooms. Epoxy coatings are used in components of the cooling system. These
coatings provide protection against corrosion caused by water and other cooling fluids, ensuring
the efficiency and longevity of the system. Epoxy paint is used in these building as it provides
durability, chemical resistance and corrosion protection.
Organic silicate paint, also known as mineral paint or silicate mineral paint, is a type of paint that
combines organic and inorganic components to create a durable and environmentally friendly
coating for various surfaces. It is commonly used on exterior masonry surfaces, such as concrete,
stucco, brick, and natural stone. The main components of organic silicate paint include:
1. Inorganic Binder: The inorganic binder is typically potassium silicate, also known as
potassium waterglass. It is a water-soluble compound that serves as the primary adhesive
component of the paint. When applied to a mineral substrate, the potassium silicate reacts with
carbon dioxide in the air to form a durable and chemical bond.
2. Organic Additives: Organic additives are included in the paint formulation to enhance various
properties such as workability, viscosity, adhesion, and drying time. These additives can include
binders, thickeners, dispersants, defoamers, and preservatives. The specific additives used can vary
between manufacturers and can depend on the desired performance characteristics of the paint.
3. Pigments: Pigments are added to organic silicate paint to provide color and opacity. They can
be organic or inorganic compounds, and they contribute to the aesthetic appearance of the paint
film. Inorganic pigments are commonly used due to their durability and resistance to fading.
4. Extenders/Fillers: Extenders or fillers are inert materials added to organic silicate paint to
increase the volume, improve coverage, and reduce cost. Common extenders include calcium
carbonate, talc, silica, and other minerals. They help to provide texture, enhance hiding power, and
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improve the overall performance of the paint.
Material Properties:
Working Mechanism:
The working mechanism of organic silicate paint involves the application of a paint containing a
combination of organic resins and silicate compounds onto a surface. As the paint dries, it
undergoes a process called silicification, where the silicate compounds react with atmospheric
carbon dioxide (CO2) to form a hard and durable surface.
The absorbed CO2 triggers a chemical reaction, leading to the polymerization of the silicate
compounds and the formation of a strong, chemically bonded network within the paint film. This
results in the development of a solid and cohesive film with excellent adhesion, and resistance to
moisture, chemicals, UV radiation, and temperature variations.
The organic components in the paint also undergo drying and curing, further enhancing the
hardness and durability of the paint film. Overall, the working mechanism of organic silicate paint
combines the benefits of organic resins with the chemical reactivity of silicate compounds to create
a robust and long-lasting protective coating.
Working Procedure:
The work procedure for organic silicate paint typically involves the following steps:
1. Surface Preparation: Prepare the surface to be painted by ensuring it is clean, dry, and free
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from dust, dirt, grease, and loose particles. Remove any existing loose or flaking paint by scraping,
sanding, or using a pressure washer if necessary. Repair any cracks, holes, or imperfections in the
surface and allow them to dry and cure properly.
2. Mixing the Paint: Organic silicate paint is typically supplied as a two-component system
consisting of a base and a hardener or activator. Mix the base and hardener components according
to the manufacturer's instructions. Use a clean container and stir the components thoroughly to
ensure proper mixing and activation of the paint.
3. Application: Apply the mixed organic silicate paint to the prepared surface using a brush, roller,
or spray equipment. Start by cutting in the edges of the surface with a brush and then fill in the
larger areas with a roller or sprayer for even coverage. Work in small sections to ensure proper
application and avoid drying before completing the entire surface.
4. Drying and Curing: Organic silicate paint relies on a chemical reaction called silicification for
drying and curing. This process involves the absorption of carbon dioxide from the air, which
reacts with the silicate binder in the paint, forming a hard and durable surface. The drying and
curing time can vary depending on factors such as temperature, humidity, and thickness of the
paint film. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the recommended drying and curing times.
5. Recoating: If additional coats are desired, wait until the first coat has fully dried and cured
before applying subsequent coats. Follow the same application procedure for each coat, ensuring
proper mixing and sufficient drying and curing time between coats.
6. Clean-Up: Clean brushes, rollers, and other painting tools immediately after use with water or
the recommended cleaning solvent, as specified by the manufacturer. Dispose of any excess paint
or waste materials properly according to local regulations.
Application in KKNPP:
Organic silicate is used in chemical preparation and storage plant building, H2 and O2 generation
building, nitrogen plant, non-safety chiller building, and common control room. Organic silicate
paints are resistant to alkaline environments, making them suitable for applications where exposure
to high pH is expected. It also provides durability and resistance to weathering which is required
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for these buildings.
It is a water-based acrylic copolymer emulsion with rutile titanium dioxide and a few other selected
pigments and fungicides. It exhibits excellent adhesion to plaster and cement surfaces and resists
deterioration by alkali salts. The paint film allows the moisture in the wall to escape without any
deterioration in colour, or without showing flaking, blistering or peeling xxviii.
1. Putty: It is used to fill uneven surfaces and small holes. It is powder based, a unique mixture of
superfine white cement blended with flexible powder polymer, cellulose, pigments and many
other additives. It is used in both exterior and interior walls to give a smooth, undulation-free
2. Primer: It is made of the same basic substance as paint, but it has no pigment. It provides a
long-lasting protective coating to a wall and acts as a binder between putty and overcoat. It also
helps in making the walls smoother so that the paint can be set without any undulation. It also
hides imperfections on the wall.
3. Paint: It is an overcoat (top coat) on the surface made up of special types of co-polymers and
fine pigments with special additives like anti-fungal, anti-algae, anti-fading, to get optimum
dispersion level, etc. It gives excellent coverage, durability and a rich matt look when applied
on a zero-undulated surface.xxix
Material Properties:xxx
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3 Colour Strengthxxxii 96 - 104
4 Non-Volatile% 46.5 ± 1
5 pH 8–9
6 Specific Gravity 1.35 ± 0.01
7 Viscosity @ 30° 9 ± 1 Poise
8 Whiteness Indices 82 ± 1
9 Gloss at 60 degrees 2.6
Working Mechanismxxxiii:
The acrylic polymer is synthesized by free radical polymerization of acrylic monomers in water
with a suitable initiator and emulsifier. The resulting polymer forms micelles or spherical particles
that are dispersed in water with the help of the emulsifier. The emulsion is then applied to a
substrate by brushing, spraying, dipping or other methods.
As the water evaporates or is absorbed, the polymer particles coalesce and form a continuous film
on the substrate. The film has properties such as gloss, hardness, adhesion, flexibility and
resistance to chemicals and weathering depending on the type and amount of acrylic monomers
used in the polymerization.
Working Procedurexxxiv:
1. Sand the entire prepared surface with emery paper No.100 (Roughness as per manufacturer
recommendation) and wipe it clean.
2. Smoothen the surface by applying a thin coat of wall putty to fill in all substrate imperfections.
Allow the putty to dry (Generally, 04 to 08 hours depending upon manufacturers).
3. Apply the second coat of wall putty on all surfaces and allow it to dry.
4. Then sand the entire surface with emery paper No. 80 and wipe it clean with a cloth.
5. Apply a coat of primer and allow it to dry (Generally, 04 to 08 hours depending upon
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6. Then sand the surface if required with emery paper No.220 and wipe it clean with a cloth.
7. Dilute the emulsion paint with water as per the manufacturer's recommendation. (Generally,
8. Apply the first coat after the completion of drying time. (Generally, 03 to 06 hours depending
upon manufacturers).
Application in KKNPP:
In the balance of plant it is used in various buildings such as chemical preparation and storage
plant building, chemical laboratory, nitrogen plant, non-safety chiller building and common
control room. Acrylic emulsion paints are widely used for these buildings as they provide a
durable, water-based, and quick-drying finish. Acrylic paints also offer good color retention,
resistance to fading, and excellent adhesion to different surfaces like concrete, wood, metal, and
Acid and alkali resistant epoxy paint is a specialized type of epoxy coating that is designed to
withstand exposure to acidic and alkaline environments. It is commonly used in industrial settings,
such as chemical processing plants, laboratories, manufacturing facilities, and storage areas where
the surfaces may come into contact with corrosive substances.
The acid and alkali resistance of this type of epoxy paint is achieved through its unique
formulation, which typically includes the following characteristics:
1. Epoxy Resins: Acid and alkali resistant epoxy paints use epoxy resins as the primary binder.
Epoxy resins provide excellent adhesion, durability, and chemical resistance.
2. Curing Agents: Specific curing agents or hardeners are used in the formulation to promote the
crosslinking reaction of the epoxy resins. These curing agents enhance the chemical resistance and
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overall performance of the paint.
3. Chemical Resistant Additives: Acid and alkali-resistant epoxy paints may include specialized
additives that enhance the resistance to acidic and alkaline substances. These additives can provide
additional protection against chemical attacks and help maintain the integrity of the coating in
harsh environments.
4. Pigments and Fillers: Pigments and fillers are added to the epoxy paint formulation to provide
colour, opacity, and reinforcement. In acid and alkali-resistant epoxy paints, inorganic pigments
and fillers are often preferred for their superior resistance to chemical degradation.
Material Properties:
Working Mechanism:
The working mechanism of acid or alkali-resistant epoxy paint involves the application of a
specialized epoxy coating designed to withstand exposure to corrosive acids or alkaline substances.
The paint consists of a two-component system, typically a base and a hardener. When the
components are mixed, a chemical reaction is initiated, resulting in the formation of a cross-linked
polymer network.
This cross-linking process creates a dense and durable paint film that exhibits high resistance to
acid or alkali attacks. The cured epoxy paint acts as a barrier, preventing the corrosive substances
from reaching the underlying surface. The chemical resistance and protective properties of the
paint are attributed to the chemical structure and bonding of the epoxy polymer, which provides
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excellent adhesion, durability, and impermeability.
The working mechanism of acid or alkali-resistant epoxy paint combines the inherent chemical
resistance of epoxy with a specialized formulation to create a robust protective coating for surfaces
exposed to corrosive environments.
Working Procedure:
The working procedure for applying acid or alkali-resistant epoxy paint involves several steps.
Here is a general outline of the process:
1. Surface Preparation: Prepare the surface to be painted by ensuring it is clean, dry, and free
from any contaminants. Remove any loose paint, dirt, grease, or other substances by scraping,
sanding, or using a suitable cleaning agent. Repair any cracks or defects in the surface and allow
them to dry and cure properly.
2. Mixing the Components: Acid or alkali-resistant epoxy paint is typically supplied as a two-
component system consisting of a base and a hardener. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for
the correct mixing ratios and blend the components thoroughly. Use a clean container and mix the
components using a stirrer or mechanical mixer to achieve a homogeneous mixture.
3. Application: Apply the mixed epoxy paint to the prepared surface using a brush, roller, or spray
equipment. Start by cutting in the edges with a brush and then fill in the larger areas with a roller
or sprayer for even coverage. Apply the paint in thin, even coats, and avoid over-application to
prevent sagging or drips. Follow the recommended application thickness and coverage rates
provided by the manufacturer.
4. Curing: After application, epoxy paint requires a curing period to achieve its full acid or alkali
resistance and durability. Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the curing time and
ambient conditions required for optimal performance. It is essential to protect the freshly painted
surface from moisture, dust, and other contaminants during the curing process.
5. Recoating (if necessary): If additional coats are required, allow the initial coat to dry and cure
according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Then, lightly sand the surface to promote
adhesion and remove any imperfections before applying subsequent coats. Follow the same
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application procedure for each coat, ensuring proper mixing and sufficient drying and curing time
between coats.
6. Clean-Up: Clean brushes, rollers, and other painting tools immediately after use using the
recommended cleaning solvent or water, as specified by the manufacturer. Dispose of any excess
paint or waste materials properly according to local regulations.
Application in KKNPP:
It is used in chemical laboratories and non-safety chiller building. Acid and alkali resistant epoxy
paint is used in areas where resistance to corrosive chemicals is required and in these building
there is chance of spillage of chemicals hence, it is used in these buildings.
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B. Methodology and Data for Flooring
Heavy-duty cement concrete flooring can be made more abrasion-resistant by using a metallic dry-
shake hardener. When sprinkled and troweled into fresh wet concrete floors, it forms a coloured,
extremely wear-resistant smooth and dense surface. It provides a non-staining, ultra-hard-wearing,
metallic dry shake topping for monolithic floors and has the highest wear resistance rating.
Metallic Hardener-This will consist of a topping (incorporating iron particles) to bond with the
concrete base while the concrete is “Green”. The following specifications are to be followed:
1. Layer Thickness: Unless otherwise specified the metallic hardener finish shall be of 12mm depth
over a 28 mm thick concrete base. The total thickness shall be 40 mm thick.
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2. Material: The hardening compound shall be uniformly graded iron particles free from non-
ferrous metal impurities.
3. Mix: 1 part of metallic hardener shall be mixed dry with 4 parts cement, by weight. To this
mixture, 6mm nominal size stone chips shall be added in a proportion of 1 part cement (mixed
with hardener) to 2 parts of stone chips by volume and uniformly mixed. A minimum quantity of
water shall be added to make it workable.
Laying Procedure:
The concrete floor shall be laid as per the technical specification of ‘Concrete - Plain & Reinforced’
under the relevant Clause and levelled up to the required grade. Glass strips as per relevant IS shall
be provided between different panels. 12mm thick finish shall be laid while the concrete under 28
mm thick is still very “Green” within about 3 hours of laying the latter.
The finish shall be of uniform thickness and free from trowel marks, pin holes etc. This topping
layer shall be pressed firmly and worked vigorously and quickly to secure a full bond with the
concrete base.
Curing: The finished floor shall be cured for 7 days by keeping it wet/ ponding.
Application in KKNPP:
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1.2 Ceramic Tiles
Ceramic tiles are a popular choice for both residential and commercial spaces because they are
strong, versatile, budget-friendly, easy to clean, possess low porosity, and require minimal
maintenance. They are made up of sand, natural products, and clays and once moulded into the
shape they are then fired in a kiln. They can either be glazed or unglazed.
The tiles shall be of earthenware, covered with glaze, white or coloured, of dimensions as approved
by the Engineer. The edges and the underside of the tile shall be completely free from glaze so that
these may adhere properly to the surface below. The tolerances shall be +1.5mm for length and
breadth and +0.5mm for thickness.
Cement, sand, pigments and water shall be as specified. Lime shall confirm to IS:712 latest edition.
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Lime putty may be prepared from hydrated lime or quicklime. Hydrated lime shall be mixed with
water to form a putty and stored with reasonable care to prevent evaporation for at least 7 days
before use.
Laying Procedure:
1. The under bed as shown in the drawings shall be laid with a mortar consisting of 1 part of cement
and 3 parts of clean, sharp, coarse sand.
2. The thickness of the under bed shall be at least 20 mm or as shown on the drawings. While still
green, the underbed shall be deeply scratched. The under bed shall be laid not earlier than 48 hrs.
before commencing to set the tiles.
3. A mortar setting bed 6 mm thickness shall be laid over the underbed to make an even and true
surface over which the tiles shall be laid. This layer shall consist of 1 part of portland cement, 1
part of lime putty and 3 parts of clean, sharp, medium sand.
4. After the mortar setting bed has been levelled, a skin of neat portland cement shall be trowelled
to the mortar setting bed immediately before the tiles are set.
5. As soon as the mortar setting bed has sufficiently hardened, all tiles shall be firmly secured in
place and gently beaten in, with the finished surface brought to the desired level.
6. The completed work shall be free from cracked, broken or otherwise damaged tiles. No joint
shall be more than 1.5 mm thick. The joints shall be flush-pointed with white or coloured cement
to match the tile surface.
Application in KKNPP:
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2. Flooring in Main Plant
For all types of flooring, skirting, dado and similar locations, the base to receive the finish shall be
adequately roughened by chipping, taking out joints and cleaning thoroughly all dirt, grease etc.,
with water and hard brush and detergent if required.
The following materials are used in the preparation of cast in-situ terrazzo floor:
1. Aggregate: The item of work shall be carried out in general conformity with IS:2114 - latest
edition. Aggregates for under-bed shall conform to IS: 383 latest editions. All other materials shall
be as given above in clause 1.2 of this specification.
2. Dividing Strips: Glass dividing strips shall be used at the panel edges. The thickness of strips
shall not be less than 1.5 mm.
3. Mixture: The underbed shall be of cement concrete in the proportion of 1 part of cement, 1-1/2
parts clear, sharp, coarse sand, 3 parts 10mm down, well-graded approved stone chips (by volume).
Terrazzo topping shall consist of one part of white-coloured cement and 2 parts of selected chips
mixed dry. Water shall be added to the mix to make it workable, but not too wet.
Laying Procedure:
1. The base to receive the finish shall be adequately roughened by chipping, taking out joints and
cleaning thoroughly all dirt, grease etc., with water and hard brush and detergent if required. To
prevent loss of water from the finishing treatment the base shall be thoroughly soaked with water
and all excess water mopped up.
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2. The underbed shall be laid and compacted in such a way as to keep the top 10 mm below the
finished floor level, but the minimum thickness shall not be less than as shown on the drawings.
After laying the underbed, the dividing glass edge of the strips shall be at the finished floor level.
The underbed shall be laid in such a way that each rectangular panel shall be more than 2.5 m long.
3. No panel shall be cast in contact with another already concreted until the contraction of the latter
has taken place. Then the topping shall be laid with a minimum thickness of 10 mm.
5. This surface shall be kept moist and cured for at least seven days.
6. Further grinding and polishing shall be done as per standard approved practice.
Application in KKNPP:
Nuclear-grade epoxy flooring is a type of epoxy flooring that has been tested and certified for use
in Nuclear Level 1 areas in a variety of systems.
Self-levelling epoxy flooring works by being applied over a concrete floor. During application, the
epoxy spreads out to fill cracks or chips in the concrete floor. This creates a smooth and seamless
Self-levelling epoxy is a type of epoxy floor coating that can be applied over concrete floors to
create a durable, low-maintenance flooring surface. Specifically, self-levelling epoxy flooring can
be applied over old cracked and damaged concrete floors to create a smooth, seamless surface.
Before the commencement of application, proper surface preparation is essential. Use an effective
method such as scarifying, wet-sand blasting or any other appropriate method to prepare the
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a. Priming coat: Prime the prepared surface with approved primer, Primer (Mastertop TC460 NPP
or equivalent).
b. Body coat: Apply Epirex 160A as body coat (Mastertop BC 360NPP or equivalent) - either by
coating or as a self-Ievelling floor screed between 12hr~14hr after application of the priming
coat. Beyond this time interval, re-prime after roughening the surface and cleaning it free from
1. Mix mechanically using a slow-speed (350-400 rpm) hand-held drilling machine fitted with a
spiral paddle (agitator).
2. Empty the hardener into the base container. Stir quickly for a minute, without entraining air,
until the mixture is homogeneous.
3. Self-levelling screed: Transfer the above mixture to a pail. Keeping the mixer running, add the
filler component and continue mixing until the mixture is homogeneous.
4. Place the mixed material within 10 minutes (at 23° C) after mixing.
5. Pour the mixed coating on the primed surface and spread it to a thickness of 500 microns using
a notched trowel. Finish with a short-napped mohair roller.
6. Pour the mixed "material onto the primed surface and spread it out to a thickness of 2 mm using
a notched trowel. Allow escapement of entrained air for a minute and roll it with a spiked roller
to remove leftover air.
7. Epirex 1600A is self-curing. The coating will be fully cured after 7 days.
Application in KKNPP:
Ventilation Shaft, Valve Chamber, Emergency Cooldown Sump, Compressor Room etc.
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2.3 Acid-Resistant Tiles
Chemical-resistant tiles protect the surface beneath them by creating a barrier between the surface
and any harsh chemicals that may come into contact with it. The tiles are designed to withstand
these chemicals and prevent them from penetrating the surface beneath. This helps to preserve the
integrity of the surface and prevent any damage or degradation that may occur due to exposure to
harsh chemicals.
The tiles shall be vitrified tiles of approved size, thickness & colour as per the approved
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manufacturer's specification and shall be homogeneous. They shall have the following properties:
1. Base and background surface over which the tiles are to be laid shall be prepared as per IS:
2. Tiles shall be fixed on the prepared surface over a bitumen priming layer, bitumen mastic layer
and resin-type chemical-resistant mortar in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendation. The bitumen shall conform to IS: 702 and the laying of bitumen mastic shall
conform to IS: 1196.
3. Joints shall be allowed to be set for 24 hours. The floor shall then be washed as per the
manufacturer's specifications to remove all marks from the tile surface.
Application in KKNPP:
Multiple rooms in Normal Operation Power Supply Building and Diesel Generator Building.
Heavy-duty cement concrete flooring can be made more abrasion-resistant by using a metallic dry-
shake hardener. When sprinkled and troweled into fresh wet concrete floors, it forms a coloured,
extremely wear-resistant smooth and dense surface. It provides a non-staining, ultra-hard-wearing,
metallic dry shake topping for monolithic floors and has the highest wear resistance rating.
This will consist of a topping (incorporating iron particles) to bond with the concrete base while
the concrete is “Green”. The following specifications are to be followed:
1. Layer Thickness: Unless otherwise specified the metallic hardener finish shall be of 12mm depth
over a 28 mm thick concrete base. The total thickness shall be 40mm thick.
2. Material: The hardening compound shall be uniformly graded iron particles free from non-
ferrous metal impurities.
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3. Mix: 1 part metallic hardener shall be mixed dry with 4 parts cement, by weight. To this mixture,
6 mm nominal size stone chips shall be added in a proportion of 1 part cement (mixed with
hardener) to 2 parts of stone chips by volume and uniformly mixed.
Laying Procedure:
1. The concrete floor shall be laid as per the technical specification of ‘Concrete - Plain &
Reinforced’. 12mm thick finish shall be laid while the concrete under 28 mm thick is still very
“Green” within about 3 hours of laying the latter.
2. The finish shall be of uniform thickness and free from trowel marks, pin holes etc. This topping
layer shall be pressed firmly and worked vigorously and quickly to secure a full bond with the
concrete base.
3. Curing: The finished floor shall be cured for 7 days by keeping it wet/ ponding.
Antistatic linoleum flooring works by having inclusions of carbon or carbon filament in its
composition. This allows it to dissipate static electricity.
1. Linoleum: It repels dust and dirt due to its antistatic qualities. Linoleum flooring is also
hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. It is a durable product that is comfortable, warm and
quiet. The built-in shock and sound absorbers of the cork backing act as an excellent sound-
deadening material.
Antistatic Linoleum may be laid on any base that is finished even and smooth such as concrete,
timber boarding or mastic asphalt.
Linoleum shall conform in all respects to IS: 653-1992. Linoleum shall be of the thickness
specified in the description of the item.
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Recommended Thickness
2 For offices, shops and the like, depending upon the 3.2 mm to 4.5 mm
intensity of traffic
The adhesive used for laying the linoleum shall be those recommended by manufacturers of the
floor covering and shall conform to specifications laid down for adhesive in IS:1198-1982.
Laying Procedure:
1. Linoleum shall be kept at a temperature of not less than 20°C for at least 48 hours before it is
unrolled. Linoleum shall be unrolled and loosely laid out flat for 2 to 3 days before it is cut to
size, as it shrinks in length and expands in width after rolling.
2. Till the expansion of the spread roll stops, the two widths of Linoleum should be allowed
overlap and after the expansion stops it should be cut to fit. Laying should be taken up only
after sheets are finally cut to size after the expansion has stopped.
3. The length of borders shall be first cut and adjusted. The Linoleum shall then be adjusted in
the central portion with their edges overlapping the adjacent pieces by about 12 mm. The edges
shall then be cut with the help of a special instrument called the ' Gauge' which enables the
marking of the edge of the top pieces exactly over the edge of the adjacent piece.
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4. The adhesive shall then be brushed over the base. The sheets shall then be firmly pressed down
and rolled with a light cast iron 70 kg roller, to ensure that they stick evenly to the base and no
air pockets are left under them.
5. Finishing: After laying, any adhesive contaminating the face of the sheets shall be removed
immediately with kerosene oil or spirit. The flooring shall be cleaned with soap and wet cloth
and then wiped dry.
Linoleum shall not be creased, as it will crack. Excess water, which is liable to creep into the joints
and strongly alkaline soaps shall not be used for cleaning.
Mild bar soap may be used. Linoleum shall be handled carefully with its exposed face protected
from damage by sharp points.
Application in KKNPP:
Multiple rooms in Normal Operation Power Supply Building and Diesel Generator Building.
Ceramic tiles are a popular choice for both residential and commercial spaces because they are
strong, versatile, budget-friendly, easy to clean, possess low porosity, and require minimal
maintenance. They are made up of sand, natural products, and clays and once moulded into the
shape they are then fired in a kiln. They can either be glazed or unglazed. Ceramic Tiles shall
conform to IS 777 latest editions.
1. The tiles shall be of earthenware, covered with glaze, white or coloured, of dimensions as
approved by the Engineer.
2. The edges and the underside of the tile shall be completely free from glaze so that these may
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adhere properly to the surface below. The tolerances shall be +1.5mm for length and breadth and
+0.5mm for thickness.
4. Lime shall confirm to IS:712 latest edition. Lime putty may be prepared from hydrated lime or
quicklime. Hydrated lime shall be mixed with water to form a putty and stored with reasonable
care to prevent evaporation for at least 7 days before use.
Laying Procedure”
1. The under bed as shown in the drawings shall be laid with a mortar consisting of 1 part of cement
and 3 parts clean, sharp, coarse sand.
2. The thickness of the under bed shall be at least 20 mm or as shown on the drawings. While still
green, the underbed shall be deeply scratched. The under bed shall be laid not earlier than 48 hrs.
before commencing to set the tiles.
3. A mortar setting bed 6 mm thickness shall be laid over the underbed to make an even and true
surface over which the tiles shall be laid. This layer shall consist of 1 part of Portland cement, 1
part of lime putty and 3 parts clean, sharp, medium sand.
4. After the mortar setting bed has been levelled, a skin of neat Portland cement shall be trowelled
to the mortar setting bed immediately before the tiles are set.
5. As soon as the mortar setting bed has sufficiently hardened, all tiles shall be firmly secured in
place and gently beaten in, with the finished surface brought to the desired level.
6. The completed work shall be free from cracked, broken or otherwise damaged tiles. No joint
shall be more than 1.5 mm thick. The joints shall be flush-pointed with white or coloured cement
to match the tile surface and the surface shall be cured for 7 days.
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3. Flooring in Balance of Plant
Chemical-resistant tiles protect the surface beneath them by creating a barrier between the surface
and any harsh chemicals that may come into contact with it. The tiles are designed to withstand
these chemicals and prevent them from penetrating the surface beneath. This helps to preserve the
integrity of the surface and prevent any damage or degradation that may occur due to exposure to
harsh chemicals.
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The tiles shall be vitrified tiles of approved size, thickness and colour as per the approved
manufacturer's specification and shall be homogeneous. They shall have the following properties:
6 Density 2.0Gm/CC
The base and background surface over which the tiles are to be laid shall be prepared as per IS:
Tiles shall be fixed on the prepared surface over a bitumen priming layer, bitumen mastic layer
and resin-type chemical-resistant mortar in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.
The bitumen shall conform to IS: 702 and the laying of bitumen mastic shall conform to IS: 1196.
Joints shall be allowed to be set for 24 hours. The floor shall then be washed as per the
manufacturer's specifications to remove all marks from the tile surface.
Application in KKNPP:
Chemical Storage Area, Nitric Acid Handling Area, Sulfuric Acid Handling Area, Caustic Soda
Handling Area etc.
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3.2 Vitrified Tiles
Vitrified tiles are a type of ceramic tile with very low porosity. They are made by hydraulic
pressing a mixture of clay, quartz, feldspar, and silica, which creates a vitreous surface. This makes
them hard with low porosity. They are often used outdoors due to their water and frost resistance.
Vitrified tiles shall be as specified above except that the tiles shall conform to Table 12 of IS 15622
(Tiles with water absorption E ~0.08 per cent Group BI a) and the joint thickness in flooring shall
not be more than 1mm.
Laying Procedure:
1. The tiles shall be laid over a coating of specified adhesive (as per approved manufacturer's
specifications) laid on the base floor/wall plaster. The joints of the tiles shall be cleaned off and all
dust and loose mortar removed. The joints then shall be flush pointed with cement paste (white
cement and pigment conforming to IS: 2114, Table-I) or any other joint fixing compound as
recommended by Tile Manufacturer matching the shade of tiles.
2. Tiles shall be laid as per desired pattern. Joints shall be uniform kept as thin as possible and in
straight lines. Cut tiles shall be permitted only in unavoidable cases as directed by Engineer- In-
3. The base on which tiles are to be laid shall be cleaned of all dust, dirt and properly wetted by
applying neat cement slurry@ 2.75 kg. of cement per Square meter of area.
Application in KKNPP:
Operator Room, Control Panel Room, Toilet, Water Closet, Change Room
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3.3 Glazes Vitrified Tiles
Glazed Vitrified Tiles (GVT) are manufactured using digital technology with the help of high
volume Inkjet Printers. The glaze is applied to the surface of the tile and then fired at high
temperatures to create a hard, glass-like surface. These tiles have low water absorption (0.5%) and
low porosity as it is made using a vitrification process. Vitrified tiles are durable, stronger, and
resistant to stains.
The meaning of Glazed Vitrified Tiles is that there is a Glazed surface on the top of the tiles. The
glaze surface coating layer is less than 1 mm. The tiles shall be of approved make and shall
generally conform to IS 15622. They shall be flat, and true to shape and free from blisters crazing,
chips, welts, crawling or other imperfections detracting from their appearance. The tiles shall be
tested as per IS 13630.
The tiles shall be square or rectangular of nominal size. Tables 1, 3, 5, and 7 of IS 15622 give the
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modular preferred sizes and tables 2, 4, 6 and 8 give the most common non-modular sizes. The
manufacturer/supplier and party shall choose the work size of tiles to allow a nominal joint width
of up to 2mm for rectified floor tiles and up to 1mm for rectified floor tiles. The joint in case of
spacer lug tile shall be as per spacer. The tiles shall conform to Table 10 of IS 15622 with water
absorption of 3 to 6% (Group BIi). ·
The top surface of the tiles shall be glazed. Glaze shall be either glossy or matt as specified.
The underside of the tiles shall not have a glaze on more than 5% of the area so that the tile may
adhere properly to the base. The edges of the tiles shall be preferably free from the glaze. However,
any glaze if unavoidable, shall be permissible on only up to 50 per cent of the surface area of the
Application in KKNPP:
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3.4 Anti-Skid Polished Kota Stone
Kota Stone is naturally non-slippery and has very good anti-slip properties. It can also be treated
with a chemical that alters the existing surface by creating thousands of micro-pores. When wet,
these micro-pores are filled with water and the pressure of footfall squeezes out the water creating
hundreds of vacuum cups sucking the foot onto the surface thus radically reducing the possibility
of the foot slipping.
The Kota Stone slabs shall be of selected quality and shade, hard, sound, dense, and homogenous
in texture, free from cracks, decay, weathering and flakes. These shall be machine-cut to the
requisite size and thickness and chisel dressed. The slabs shall have the top (exposed) face polished
before being brought to site.
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1. Dressing of Slabs
Each slab shall be machine cut and rubbed to the required size and shape and fine chisel dressed
at all edges to full depth so that a straight edge laid along the side of the stone shall be in full
contact with it. All angles and edges of the slabs shall be true, square and free from chippings
giving a plane and smooth surface.
2. Preparation of Surface
Cement mortar (in accordance with civil structural specification) of specified thickness and mix
shall be laid over the base after making it rough, cleaning & wetting thoroughly and applying neat
cement slurry @ 2.75 kg of cement per square meter of area to receive the mortar. The mortar shall
be laid for fixing one slab at a time.
In case of skirting/ dado/ risers, the joints shall be raked out to a depth of at least 12mm in masonry
walls. In case of concrete surface, the surface shall be hacked and roughened with wire brushes.
The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly, washed with water and kept wet before laying kota stone.
Laying Procedure:
1. Laying on floor
It shall be laid over cement mortar bedding, pressed, and tapped gently to bring it in level. It shall
be then lifted and laid aside. The top surface of the mortar then shall be corrected by adding fresh
mortar at hollows and depressions. The mortar then shall be allowed to harden and a cement slurry
of honey-like consistency @ 4.4 kg of cement per square meter shall be spread over the mortar.
The edges of the slabs shall be buttered with white cement with pigment grout to match the shade
of the slabs. The slabs shall then be gently placed in position and tapped with wooden mallets till
it is properly bedded in level. The finished surface shall be true to levels and slopes as instructed
by the Engineer-inCharge. The slabs shall be laid in patterns as per drawings and size.
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The outer face of the slabs shall be checked for plane and plumb and corrected. The joints shall be
as fine as possible and shall be filled with neat cement paste/ grout with white cement and pigment
to match the colour of the slabs. Temporary supports shall be removed after the mortar filling in
the gap has acquired sufficient strength. The top line of the skirting/ dado/ risers shall be truly
horizontal and joints truly vertical.
Joints in treads and platforms shall be permitted only at curvature or when width/ length is more
than 0.6/ 2 metres respectively. Number of joints in each direction shall not be more than one
number for every 2 metres length beyond the initial 2-meter length.
Grinding/ polishing shall be commenced after a minimum period of 7 days when the stone and the
joints are properly set. Grinding shall be done by machines.
Grinding/ polishing shall be done with carborundum stone of 320 grit using water in abundance.
The stone shall be washed clean with water, oxalic acid powder shall then be dusted at 33 gms/sq.
m. on the surface rubbed with machine fitted hessian bobs or rubbed hard with woolen rags.
Application in KKNPP:
Such flooring shall consist of a sub-base, a base course and a finishing layer of floor finish. It
protects the surface beneath the floor due to its abrasion resistance.
1. Sub-base
The sub-base shall be laid on the prepared bed and shall be of specified thickness and as per
structural drawings and specifications. Sub base shall be laid in slope ranging from 1:48 to 1:60.
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2. Base Course
Base course shall consist of one layer of cement concrete of specified mix and thickness.
3. Floor Finish
Finishing layer shall be of cement, hardener and stone aggregate mix of specified thickness laid
over the base course. Unless otherwise mentioned, one part of approved quality hardener and four
parts of cement by weight shall be mixed dry. This dry mixture shall be mixed with stone grit of 6
mm and down size in the ratio of 1 hardener and cement mixture: 2 stone grit by volume. Just
enough water shall then be added to the mix. The mixture so obtained shall then be laid on the
base course within 2 to 4 hours of latter's laying. The junction of floor with wall plaster, cladding,
skirting shall be rounded off uniformly upto a radius of 25 mm unless otherwise mentioned.
4. Curing
Each finished portion of floor, on completion shall be kept wet with ponding for a minimum period
of 10 days.
Application in KKNPP:
Maintenance & Preparation Room, Ventilation Room, Shed Area, Electrical Tool Room,
Mechanical Tool Room.
It provides a non-staining, ultra-hard wearing, metallic dry shake topping for monolithic floors and
has the highest wear resistance rating.
Metallic Hardener
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This will consist of a topping (incorporating iron particles) to bond with concrete base while the
concrete is “Green”. Following specifications are to be followed:
1. Layer Thickness: Unless otherwise specified the metallic hardener finish shall be of 12mm depth
over 28 mm thick concrete base. Total thickness shall be 40mm thick.
2. Material: The hardening compound shall be uniformly graded iron particles free from non-
ferrous metal impurities.
3. Mix: 1-part metallic hardener shall be mixed dry with 4 parts cement, by weight. To this mixture
6mm nominal size stone chips shall be added in proportion of 1 part cement (mixed with hardener)
to 2 parts of stone chips by volume and uniformly mixed. Minimum quantity of water shall be
added to make it workable.
Laying Procedure:
The concrete floor shall be laid as per the technical specification of ‘Concrete - Plain &Reinforced’
under relevant Clause and leveled upto the required grade. Glass strips as per relevant IS shall be
provided between different panels. 12mm thick finish shall be laid while the concrete underbed
28mm thick is still very “Green” within about 3 hours of laying of the latter.
The finish shall be of uniform thickness and free from trowel marks, pin holes etc. This topping
layer shall be pressed firmly and worked vigorously and quickly to secure full bond with the
concrete base.
Curing: The finished floor shall be cured for 7 days by keeping it wet/ ponding.
Application in KKNPP:
Supply Air Centrifugal Fan Room, Battery Charger Room, Exhaust Air Centrifugal Room,
Switchgear Room etc.
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3.6 Self Smoothing, Solvent Free Epoxy Floor Coating
Self-leveling epoxy works by spreading out and filling all the cracks and fragments present on the
floor when applied. The epoxy is formulated to have a low viscosity, which allows it to flow and
level itself out when applied to a surface. This creates a very smooth surface that is free of any
cracks or chips.
Self-smoothing epoxy floor coating shall be a four component, self-smoothing, solvent free, epoxy
overlay system, formulated to protect the floor from common chemicals and tyre traffic, while
maintaining an easily cleanable, hygienic surface when applied at thicknesses as per approved
manufacturer's specification.
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Overall, the system shall be able to offer good abrasion resistance. It shall not exceed wear loss of
230 mg when subjected to H22 test wheel on Taber wheel apparatus as per ASTM D 4060 in 1000
cycles. Also, the product shall have a compressive strength minimum of 24 MPa at 24 hours and
50 MPa at 7 days. The system shall offer hardness over 80 on the Shore D scale as per
2. Screed
The bond strength of the substrate must be at least 1.5 MPa. Ensure that the compressive strength
of floor concrete is at least 25MPa and that floor slabs directly in contact with the ground have a
proper vapour barrier installed and that the moisture content of substrate shall not be higher than
4% throughout.
3. Primer
It is essential to seal the concrete surface before the application of the Self-smoothing epoxy floor
coating. Apply primer at 5-8m2/kg depending on the flatness of the substrate. Recoat primer if the
surface appears patchy. Allow the primer to dry before application of epoxy coating.
4. Finishing Coat
Add colour paste completely to the Base in its container and mix well. Pour the Hardener into the
Base container and mix for a minute. Transfer the mixed resin system to a pail, and keep the mixer
running to obtain a homogeneously mixed epoxy coating with a uniform colour. Pour the mixed
material onto the primed and sealed surface, and spread to 1 mm thickness using a pin screed or a
2 mm notched trowel.
5. Coverage
The system shall be applied @ 1650 gms/square meter (minimum) per coat forming the
recommended topping coat of 1mm thickness on fair-faced primed substrate.
Application in KKNPP:
400 KV GIS Building, Switchyard Central Control Building, 220 KV GIS Building etc.
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4. Methodology and Data for Waterproofing
A relatively thin layer of material placed on either the external or internal face of a structure that
will provide resistance to the passage of moisture inside the structure is called a Waterproofing
membrane. Waterproofing of underground structures and basements is done by using SBS-
modified elastomeric bitumen-based waterproofing membranes. SBS describes a family of
synthetic rubber derived from styrene and butadiene. It is a thermoplastic elastomer that has
excellent abrasion resistance and ageing stability when blended with bitumen. It has excellent
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dimensional stability and is resistant to extreme weather conditions making it a suitable choice of
waterproofing material.
These are provided below the raft and along the outer walls up to ground level and the underground
structures as required. The design provides for multilayer (at least 2 layers) waterproofing of
underground parts of the main structures/ buildings, whereas for some other areas, it may single a
layer waterproofing system as required.
Materials Required:
2. Material dimensions of the 4.5 mm thick SBS membrane shall be 4.5kg/m 2 (For Both
Horizontal & Vertical concrete surfaces.)
6. Cement concrete blocks on the vertical face for protecting the waterproofing membrane
1. On the excavated rock concrete bed, Class M25 a minimum 100 mm thickness shall be laid.
2. Over this, a layer of screed concrete levelling course (M25) (Fine-grained concrete with
maximum grain size not exceeding 5 mm and water-resistant grade W6), 20 mm thick shall be
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3. Over this, 2 layers of ‘Technoelastomost-B’ or equivalent elastomeric bitumastic membrane
shall be laid. For ‘Technoelastomost-B’ the time interval between the application of two layers
is at least 2 hours. (For single layer applications this is not applicable)
5. Above this, a protective layer of screed concrete (M25), (Fine-grained concrete with maximum
grain size not exceeding 5 mm and water-resistant grade W6), 30 mm thick shall be laid.
1. After the surface preparation of the vertical faces, two layers of ‘Technoelastomost-B’ or
equivalent shall be laid. For ‘Technoelastomost B’ the time interval between the application of
successive layers is at least 24 hours. (For single layer applications this is not applicable)
2. Over this, 2 layers of polyethene film 400 microns thick each shall be laid. This is protected
with cement sand mortar (strength 20 N/mm2),20 mm thick.
3. As a last layer, a protective wall made of cement concrete blocks 150 mm thick on cement sand
mortar 1:4 shall be provided.), 20 mm thick.
4. The time interval between the applications of two layers to be carried out is at least 2 hours. On
a vertical surface, the reeled material should be laid with overlaps of the sheets not less than 15
cm in transverse joints and 8-10 cm in longitudinal joints.
d) Laying Procedure:
1. The waterproofing surface shall not have cavities, concrete excrescences, cracks and roughness
with sharp edges, oil spots and dust. Oil spots shall be taken off by burning; concrete
excrescences shall be chipped off and polished.
3. Prior to laying the waterproof material, the surface must be cleaned from debris, dust and
Page 78 of 100
cement film. It is not permitted to treat the surface with cutters forming grooves in concrete.
4. Prior to laying the waterproof material, the surface must be dry. The concrete moisture in the
surface layer shall not be more than 4%.
5. At all places, where the waterproofing membrane changes from horizontal surface to vertical
surface, it shall be smoothened by fine-grained (sand) concrete of 100 to 150 mm radius.
6. Two layers of the waterproofing material shall be laid by melting the cover layer of the
membrane being adhered by flame using air-propane burners. (for single layer system this is
not applicable)
7. On horizontal and vertical surfaces, the reeled material should be laid with over laps of the
sheets not less than 15 cm in transverse joints and 8 to 10 cm in longitudinal joints.
8. The distance between the transverse over lapping of the neighbouring rolls shall be not less than
30 cm.
9. When carrying out the waterproofing works, measures shall be taken to protect the membrane
material from ultra-violet rays.
10. The junction of horizontal and vertical waterproofing layers shall be joined as detailed in the
drawings. As these joints will be carried out months after the horizontal layers are laid, proper
care shall be taken to protect the horizontal layer from damage during the concreting of the
Page 79 of 100
Summarized Chart
Page 80 of 100
(U2) Paint
Discharge pipeline UQW Protective Coating Paint Below -0.7 m
outlet portal (3UW)
Pitch Extended Epoxy Between -0.7 m to +0.90 m
Paint (Only outside exposure area
other than water passage area)
HBCB Elastomeric Above +0.9 m
Protective Paint
Discharge pipeline UQG Protective Coating Paint Below -0.6 m
inlet portal (3UW)
Pitch Extended Epoxy Between -0.6 m to +2.8 m
Paint (Only outside exposure area
other than water passage area)
HBCB Elastomeric Above +2.8 m
Protective Paint
Bridge UPY Pitch Extended Epoxy Below -1.0m
Pitch Extended Epoxy Between -1.0m to +1.4m
HBCB Elastomeric Above +1.4m
Protective Paint
Forebay UPU Pitch Extended Epoxy Interior of Forebay below - 2.4
Paint (Submerged) m
Pitch Extended Epoxy Interior of Forebay between -
Paint (Splash Zone) 2.4 m to 0.8 m
HBCB Elastomeric Interior of Forebay above +0.8
Protective Paint m
Main pump house UQA Pitch Extended Epoxy Exterior & Interior of Pump
Paint (Submerged) House below -2.4 m
Pitch Extended Epoxy Exterior & Interior of Pump
Page 81 of 100
Paint (Splash Zone) House for elevation -2.4 m to
+0.8 m
HBCB Elastomeric Exterior for elevaion above
Protective Paint +0.8 m
HBCB Elastomeric Interior for elevation between
Protective Paint +0.8 m to +2.2 m
Acrylic Emulsion Interior for elevation above
+2.2 m
Pump house of UQC Pitch Extended Epoxy Exterior & Interior of Pump
essential loads Paint (Submerged) House below -2.4 m
Pitch Extended Epoxy Exterior & Interior of Pump
Paint (Splash Zone) House for elevation -2.4 m to
+0.8 m
HBCB Elastomeric Exterior for elevaion above
Protective Paint +0.8 m
HBCB Elastomeric Interior for elevation between
Protective Paint +0.8 m to +2.2 m
Acrylic Emulsion Interior for elevation between
+ 2.2 m to +22.1 m
Siphon wells UQX(U1) Pitch Extended Epoxy Below +3.6m
Paint (Submerged)
Pitch Extended Epoxy Between +3.6m to +6.2m
Paint (Splash Zone)
HBCB Elastomeric Above +6.2m
Protective Paint
UQX Pitch Extended Epoxy Below +5.5m
(U2, U3 Paint (Submerged)
& U4) Pitch Extended Epoxy Between +5.5m to +6.2
Paint (Splash Zone)
HBCB Elastomeric Above +6.2
Page 82 of 100
Protective Paint
Caisson/Intake UPA Protective Coating Paint Below -1.3m
Pipe (3UW)
Protective Coating Paint Between -1.3m to +1.7m
Protective Coating Paint Above +1.7m
Breakwater Dyke UZQ Pitch Extended Epoxy Below -1.0m
Paint (Submerged)
Pitch Extended Epoxy Between -1.0m to +1.4m
Paint (Splash Zone)
HBCB Elastomeric Above +1.4m
Protective Paint
Training Dyke UZS Pitch Extended Epoxy Below -1.0m
Paint (Submerged)
HBCB Elastomeric Above +1.4m
Protective Paint
Page 83 of 100
1.2 Paint in Main Plant
Page 84 of 100
Turbine Building UMV High Performance Exterior Surfaces
Aliphatic Acrylate Based
Protective Coating
(Dekaquard Primer &
coating of Dekaquard S
White Water Dispersion On the ceiling and wall of the
Paint Generator shaft oil supply, Oil
Tank, and Reserve Room at
different elevation
Chemical Resistant Enamel In Air Intake Chamber and
Paint XB124 Ventilation Room
Reactor Building UKA Numerous coats of EP- Interior surfaces of all rooms
5285 (Epoxy Paint )
UJA Numerous coats of EP- At different elevations for all
5285 (Epoxy Paint ) rooms e.g. Filter Room, Fuel
Melt Trap Apartment, System
filter compartment, High-
temperature filter reloading
compartment, etc.
Xypex Coating Inspection Well and Fuel Pool
UJB Numerous coats of EP- Annulus and Compartment
5285 (Epoxy Paint ) Rooms Walls
High Performance Exterior Surfaces
Aliphatic Acrylate Based
Protective Coating
UJC High Performance Exterior Surfaces
Aliphatic Acrylate Based
Protective Coating
UCC Water Dispersion Paint Interior Surfaces of all rooms
High Performance Exterior Surfaces
Aliphatic Acrylate Based
Page 85 of 100
Protective Coating
Page 86 of 100
Protective Coating
Emergency Power UKD Water Emulsion Paint In Air Intake Chamber, Cable
Supply and Floor, Reserved Power System,
Control Building and Vent Shaft
Pentaftaleum Enamel Paint In Air Intake Chamber at 0m
Chemical Resistant Paint On the ceiling and wall of the
Storage Battery Compartment,
and Acid
Organic Silicate Paint Exterior Surfaces
Page 87 of 100
1.3 Paint in Balance of Plant
Epoxy Paint
Epoxy/Polyurethane Paint
Page 88 of 100
Epoxy/Polyurethane Paint
Epoxy/Polyurethane Paint
Pump House UQA 40mm Thick Heavy Duty Pump Installation Floor +7.5
& Cement Concrete Flooring
UQC with 12mm Metallic
Page 89 of 100
1.5 Flooring in Reactor Building
Page 90 of 100
Concrete of B25
reinforcement mesh dia
6mm 200*200
power polishing
Page 91 of 100
supply Concrete of B 30 grade, UBA02R001, UBA02R003,
building group B coating, W8 UBA02R004
Page 92 of 100
the basis of acid-proof
Polyisotylene plate in 2
layer-2.5 on the glue 88NP
Page 93 of 100
Metallic concrete hardener 31UKD10R002, 31UKD10R003,
mix 12mm, B22.5 concrete 31UKD10R004
Page 94 of 100
Texself 2mm thick, cement
sand mortar M150 8 mm
Page 95 of 100
1.6 Flooring in Balance of Plant
Page 96 of 100
Non-Slip Vitrified Tiles Toilet
Change Rooms
40 mm Thick Heavy Duty HVAC Room
Cement Concrete Flooring
with 12mm Metallic
50 mm Thick Heavy Duty Rectifier Room
Cement Concrete Flooring Panel Room
Lobby & Corridor
H2 & O2
Non-Slip Vitrified Tiles Toilet
Generation 0UTQ
50 mm Thick Heavy Duty Maintenance & Preparation Room
Cement Concrete Flooring Ventilation Room
with Non-Metallic Shed Area
50mm Thick Heavy Duty Hall
Cement Concrete Flooring Maintenance Area
with 12mm Metallic Ventilation Room
Nitrogen Plant 0UTP Hardener Overhead Expansion Tank Area
Bare Concrete Finish Ventilation Room Roof
Glazed Vitrified Tiles Attendent Room
Non-Slip Vitrified Tiles Toilet & Water Closet
50 mm Thick Heavy Duty Pipeline Arrangement Room
Cement Concrete Flooring Cable Room
Cable Floor
Non Safety Chiller Room
Chiller Building SwitchGear Room
Vent System control Panel Room
Cleaning Implements Room
Service Room
Page 97 of 100
50mm Thick Anti-skid Staircase
Polished Kota Stone Vestibule
Vitrified Tiles Control Panel Room
Non-Slip Vitrified Tiles Water Closet
2mm Thick Anti-Static Common Equipment Room
PVC Sheet
Non-Slip Vitrified Tiles Toilet
Clean Agent Room
50 mm Thick Heavy Duty AC Plant Room
Common Control Cement Concrete Flooring
Room 50mm Thick Anti-skid Store & Instrument Store Room
Polished Kota Stone Lobby & Passage
50mm Thick Heavy Duty Electrical Room
Cement Concrete Flooring
With Chequered plate over
Cable Trench
50 mm Thick Heavy Duty Cable Room
Cement Concrete Flooring Platform Room
Polished Kota Stone Staircase
40mm Thick Heavy Duty SwitchGear Room
Cement Concrete Flooring Transformer
0UBS with 12mm Metallic Exhaust Air Centrifugal Fan
Hardener Room
AC Package Room
Battery Charger Room
Supply Air Centrifugal Fan Room
20mm Thick Acid/Alkali Battery Room
Resistant Tiles Flooring
Page 98 of 100
The purpose of this project was to do a detailed study of the specialized protective coatings used
on the concrete surfaces in the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project unit 3-6. Paints, flooring and
waterproofing are the coatings which are essential in maintaining structure’s durability and
protecting it from degradation. KKNPP has structures which offer a variety of exposure conditions
ranging from direct exposure to sea water, alternate wetting and dry conditions, bio-fouling
possibility, exposure to corrosive gases, nuclear radiation exposure possibility, oil and chemical
housing area etc. Therefore, we have a variety of paints and flooring in Hydro-Technical structures,
Main Plant and BOP to protect the surface from a particular condition. On the other hand, a
waterproofing sheet is provided below and at ground level in all of the structures owing to the risk
of seepage of water. Overall, this project report presents and elaborates various paints, flooring
and waterproofing used in KKNPP lucidly and systematically.
Page 99 of 100
MasterProtect 1812 | Epoxy coating for concrete and metal | Marine and wastewater structures (
Epoxy Resin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Curing mechanisms and mechanical properties of cured epoxy resins | SpringerLink
MasterProtect 300 (
Crack Bridging - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Technical Specification Main Plant 3&4, Chapter 13. Painting, Page No. 229
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Batch Test Certificate - Platina Rangoli Emulsion PO BS, Batch No. 330/250868/07 /22/12.07.2022
Acrylic Emulsion Technology - National Historic Chemical Landmark - American Chemical Society (
Work Procedure for application of Acrylic Emulsion Paint on concrete and plastered surface (Document Acceptance
Note) dated 29.01.2022.
Technical Specification Main Plant 3&4, Chapter 13. Painting, Page No. 229
Berger Rangoli Material Data Sheet, Page No. 01
Batch Test Certificate - Platina Rangoli Emulsion PO BS, Batch No. 330/250868/07 /22/12.07.2022
Acrylic Emulsion Technology - National Historic Chemical Landmark - American Chemical Society (
Work Procedure for application of Acrylic Emulsion Paint on concrete and plastered surface (Document Acceptance
Note) dated 29.01.2022.
Material Data Sheet of Arcozinc primer & Arcolite Paint, Arcoy Industries
Understanding chemical resistance in epoxy system.
Solvent Based Epoxy Coating - Arcolite at best price in Ahmedabad (
Product Data Sheet: Sikagard®-550 W Elastic
Dekaguard S: High performance aliphatic acrylate based protective and decorative coating for concrete & masonry
What is Aliphatic Acrylic Polyurethane Coating? (
Sikagard®-550 W IN
Enamel EP-773 - properties, characteristics and specifics of application (
RussianGost|Official Regulatory Library - GOST 23143-83
GOST 23143-83 in English | Download PDF | GOSTPEREVOD.COM
Interzinc® 5285 (
Xypex Modified - Coating
Technical Specification Main Plant 3&4, Chapter 13. Painting, Page No. 229
Berger Rangoli Material Data Sheet, Page No. 01
Batch Test Certificate - Platina Rangoli Emulsion PO BS, Batch No. 330/250868/07 /22/12.07.2022
It is the apparent reflectance of the material backed by a perfectly absorbing surface (black) divided by its apparent
reflectance when backed by a white surface. The ratio between this two reflectance is the contrast ratio.
Evaluation and Testing of Colstor Strength-Measuring Methods in the Graphic Arts
Acrylic Emulsion Technology - National Historic Chemical Landmark - American Chemical Society (
Work Procedure for application of Acrylic Emulsion Paint on concrete and plastered surface (Document
Acceptance Note) dated 29.01.2022.