Lab Report 3 Phys101la44
Lab Report 3 Phys101la44
Lab Report 3 Phys101la44
E103 & E104
Malibiran, Christianne Claire
Lovino, Julia Margaret Lee U.
Parazo, Hans Josef. S.
Yamongan, Gian Carlo A.
Mapúa University
Abstract: E103 discusses on the procedures and results of data gathered in moment of
interia experiment. On the other hand, E104, discuss the experiment of achieving the
rotational equilibrium of the beam in its two different rotational axis.
1. INTRODUCTION 1. The model balance is set up by placing
Experiment 104 deals with torque and the second the beam’s axis of rotation at the center
condition of equilibrium. Torque is the ability of of the stand.
force to move an object in rotational motion either 2. and are placed
clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. The 2 nd on each end of the beam. Pans should
condition of equilibrium is theory of rotational be opposing each other.
equilibrium whereas the total torque of an object
must be equal to zero. The objective of the 3. Place the = 10 grams on
experiment is to achieve the rotational equilibrium and move the pans to
in two different situations. First situation where the achieve equilibrium. Measure
center of rotational axis is placed in the center of .
the beam while balancing two pans with different 4. Place the = 5 grams on
weights on it. Second situation, the rotational axis is
and move the pans to
offset to the left side of the center where a pan with
achieve equilibrium. Measure
weight is placed on its opposite side in order to
counter the gravity pull on the beam. .
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for trial 2.
2. THEORY 6. Compute for and
The Second Condition of Equilibrium states that the
total torque acting on the beam must equal to zero. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
In order to achieve the equilibrium of the beam
carrying the weights its placement must be precise Table 1. Determining the Weight of Pans
on each sides to avoid any accelerating rotation Actual value of pan 1, P= 24.8 grams
otherwise it would be a failed experiment. Actual value of pan 2, P= 24.9 grams
8. Compute the angular acceleration and torque I. Screenshots of Trial 1 (Set Up and v vs. t graph):
in each trial using a II. Sample Computation of Trial 1 (a, IC and IE):
III. Analysis: Based from the data in Table 1, answer
the following questions.
9. Click reset and repeat the steps using different a. What factors determine the moment of inertia of a
values for the falling mass m. solid disk pulley?
b. What effect does the falling mass have on the
Part 2. Moment of Inertia of a Ring Pulley moment of inertia of the solid disk pulley?
c. What effect does increasing/decreasing the falling
1. Set the inner radius r of the pulley r such that it is mass m have on linear acceleration?
greater than zero but less than the outer radius R (R IV. Conclusion:
> r > 0). Enter the values of r and R in Table 2. R
and r are constants for all trials.