Receptive Shapes & Colors: Stimuli and Data Sheet Aligned With VB-MAPP

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Milestone 11:

Receptive Shapes & Colors

Stimuli and Data Sheet

Aligned with VB-MAPP©

Selecting images by shape and color

Point to the triangle cracker. Show me the gray basket.

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Information for VB-MAPP© LRFFC Milestone 11

11-M: Selects by color and shape from an array of 6 similar stimuli for 4 colors and 4 shapes.
These materials are meant to be used by a practitioner trained in administration of the VB-MAPP©

● Present 1 array at a time and ask corresponding prompts (e.g. “Where’s the…”)
● Alternate prompts: “Find the…” “Show me…” “Where’s the…” “Point to the…”

What you will find in this package:

● Data sheets with questions (Sd): no more thinking on the fly!
● 8 arrays with 6 similar stimuli: no wasting time looking for nearly identical images!
● Shapes: 24 images for 8 shapes (only 4 are needed for mastery)
○ In array 3, the blue eraser could be either a square or diamond; you choose for
the type of learner you’re assessing/teaching
● Colors: 24 images for 10 colors (only 4 are needed for mastery)
● Easily correlate arrays & questions: codes on top left of page: “LR 11-M Array # 1”

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Listener Responding 11-M
Selects items by shape from an array of 6 similar stimuli, for 4 shapes (e.g. "Find the square Points

Array 1 Array 2 Array 3 Array 4

1 square cracker 7 triangle box 13 heart eraser 19 oval plate
2 triangle cracker 8 heart box 14 star eraser 20 circle plate

3 rectangle cracker 9 square box 15 rectangle eraser 21 square plate

4 diamond cracker 10 star box 16 circle eraser 22 diamond plate
5 oval cracker 11 circle box 17 triangle eraser 23 heart plate
6 circle cracker 12 rectangle box 18 square/diamond eraser 24 star plate
Selects items by color from an array of 6 similar stimuli, for 4 colors (e.g. "Find the red car.") Points

Array 5 Array 6 Array 7 Array 8

1 red car 7 black mug 13 yellow flower 19 red basket
2 orange car 8 white mug 14 green flower 20 gray basket
3 yellow car 9 purple mug 15 purple flower 21 pink basket
4 green car 10 orange mug 16 orange flower 22 purple basket
5 blue car 11 blue mug 17 white flower 23 black basket.
6 gray car 12 red mug 18 pink flower 24 yellow basket

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LR 11-M Array 1

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LR 11-M Array 2

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LR 11-M Array 3

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LR 11-M Array 4

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LR 11-M Array 5

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LR 11-M Array 6

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LR 11-M Array 7

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LR 11-M Array 8

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