VB MAPP Protocol

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Does the child use words, signs, or pictures to ask for desired items or activities?
/1 . Emits 2 words, signs, or PECS, but may require echoic, imitative, pr other prompts, but no

v physical prompts (e.g., cracker, book) (E)

L ·-2
' Em it s' 4 different mands without prompts (except What do you want?) - the desired item can
be present {e.g., music, slinky, bol0 (T)
\ . \ .

3. Gene lizes 6 fTiands across 2 people, 2 settings, and 2 different examples of a reinforcer
(e.g., mands bubbles from mom and dad, inside and outside, a red bottle and a blue bottle) (E)

_ 4. S ontan , ul ly it s (no verbal prompts) 5 mands - the desired item can be present
(TO: 60 lll n.)\

, : . Emits IO different , mands without prompts (except, What do you want?) - the desired item
can be present (e.g., apple, swing, car,juice) (E)
Comments/notes: I



I : ,I
D es the child tact people, objects, body parts, or pictures?
:t · i


)· °' 1, · 'o I l "" I c» Tacts 2 items (e.g.• people• pets, characters, or favorite objects) (T) \

. .

\ _ 2. Ta,ctsany 4 i ems ( : people, pets, characters, or other objects) (T)

. -:3-- ;-.Tac s non-reinforcing items (e.g., shoe, hat, spoon, car, cup, bed) (T)
.•4 pontaneously tacts (no verbal prompts) 2 different items (TO: 60 min.)

t,s:' Tacts IO i,tems (e.g., common ob' Jects, people, body parts, or pictures) (T)


6 I
t. es ro nes Assess m en t: Le ev l
. L S undbegr
Copyri ght © 2008 Mar k. · ·
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. . . . .

· ·..( JI . I ,-: ; ft' _ _1 , - ,:

t :.
(T) = Direct testing; (0) = Observation; (E) = Either testing or observation; (TO) = Timed observation


Does the child attend to and respond to the words spoken by others? -
I. Attends to a speaker's voice by making eye contact with the speaker 5 times (TO: 30 min.)

Responds to hearing his own name 5 times (e.g., looks at the speaker) (T)
_ Looks at, to uches: orpoints to the correct family member, pet, or other reinforcer when ' ·
presented in an array of 2, for 5 different reinforcers (e.g., Where's Elmo?Where's mommy?) (E)
Performs 4 different motor actions on command, without a visual prompt (e.g., Can you jump?
Show me clapping . ) (T)

Selects the correct item from an array of 4, for 20 different objects or pictu es (e.g., Show me

cat.Touch shoe.) (T)

... ......


Does the child attend to and respond to visual stimuli and match objects or pictures?
I. Visually tracks moving stimuli for 2 seconds, 5 times (TO: 30 min.)

2. Grasps small objects with thumb, index finger, and middle finger (pincer grasp) 5 times (0)
\ .,
J. Visually attends to a toy or book for 30 seconds (not a self-stim item) (0)

4. Places 3 items in a container, stacks 3 blocks, or places 3 rings on a peg for 2 of these or simi­lar activities (E),
n .-:- ..; o ;-.o b, !s. Matches any IO identical items (e .g.. inset puu les , toys. objects. or pictures) (E)


B-MAPPI"' il esto ne s Assessment: Level I 7

i' Shows variation in play by independently interacting with 5 different items (e.g.,·pylas.h
, ·rings, then a ball, then a block) (TO: 30 min.)Wrt

i' ' Demonstrates generalization by engaging in exploratory movement and playing with the t
Lin a novel environment for 2 minutes (e.g., in a new playroom) (TO: 30 min.)

,4.. Independently engages in _movement play for 2 minutes (e.g., swinging, dancing, rocki
ing, climbing) (TO: 30 mm.)

·5:' lnd epend ent ly engages in cause-and- effe ct play for 2 minutes (e.g., dumping conta
· with pop-up toys, pulling toy s, etc.) (TO: 30 min.)·

Does the child attend to others and attempt to socially engage others?
}. Makes eye contact as a type of mand 5 times (TO: 30 min.)

2. Indicates that he wants to be held or physically played with 2 times (e.g., climbs up on his

/ mom's lap) (TO: 60 min.)

. _3. Spontaneously makes eye contact with other children 5 times (TO: 30 min.)
• ,·1 •. '
'------'- --'----,--'-- .-..I I I I '

/4 SpontaneousI Y engages .tn parallel play near other children for. a total of 2 minutes

. (e g sits i
· ·•
, the sandbox near other children) (TO: 30 min.) ...

• J
spontaneously follows peers or imitates their motor behavior 2 times (e.g., follows pa¢ ·
a playhouse) (TO: JO min.) . · _· . ··

VB- MA PP Mi le st,o r es Asses sment:
(T) = Direct testing;(0) = Observation;


Does the child imitate the actions of other people?

.:.., : :::; J ,·! u l I.Imitates 2 gross motor movements when prompted with, Do this (e.g., clapping, raising arms)
III _ I\ (T)
,v/ ,,,
r l 2. Imitates 4 gross
1.----r h' • l"I };:o 4TH
1 · J•\ ... \\
motor movements when prompted with, Do this (T)
l1 1:m n '1--:-H IJ.. Imitates 8 motor movements, 2 of which involve objects (e.g., shaking a maraca, tapping stci ks ""together) (T
-1 I I\ I
,4. Spo nt aneo usly imitates the motor behaviors of others on 5 occasions (0)

:'::lm;.= ;. ,.-.;3;'-_:--':-':::i --,5.- . ii_',.

1-.1.r:.-;- Imitates 20 motor movements of any type (e.g., fine motor, gross motor, imitation with
L\ - , _J--'----- \ .'\---- \. ,I \...objects) (T)

ECHOIC (Use the EESA Subtest on page 24) TOTA L SCORE:

Does the child immediately repeat (echo) vowel and consonant phonemes, singly and in c

\ST 1 "
I ?o::\ <rn\ VI . Scores at least 2 on the EESA subtest (T)
2. Scores at least -5 on the EESA subtest (T)

\} 3. Scores at least IO on the EESA subtest (T)

1--'--. ..2...;;i;.;.o...;;;...--r-lCh......;----.-.;,..;,....:H..;.. J 4. Scores at least I 5 on the EESA subtest (T)

J· Scores at least 25 on the EESA subtest (at least 20 from group I) (T)
Raw Score: Comments/notes:

YB-MAPP Mile stone s Assessme nt: Leve l t 9

.. '

f .11! _; ; 5-:::·t,; _ : .;:<f,, T,L-::·-

{\ :::.-: :.! f- I.
(T) = Direct testing; (0) = Observation;

_t .·-t_ttm::.: :-::7:-"
r--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
How often does the child spontaneously vocalize, and what is the nature of the
I. Spontaneously emits an average of 5 sounds each hour (TO: 60 min.)

2 :o; ?_o 4 7H j 2. Spontaneously emits 5 different sounds, averaging IO total sounds each hour (TO: 60

I I I I · ·
j :.::; I ::::-::) · 47
: '.:;-;- ·• ,· _, 3. Spontaneously emits IO different sounds with varying intonations, averaging 25 total
I _ _ 1_ _ :..; each hour (TO: 60 min.)

i : c- 2 '" I 3 " " I :- ,, j 4. Spontaneously emits 5 different whole word approximations (TO: 60 min.)
.: _ I _! :;-_:-_l._: _:. l_ _!•i-•.- ; 5. _: Spontaneou ly vocalizes 15 whole words or phrases with appropriate intonation and
rhythm _ _. "- .

-, _ 1 _ _ I ,.1 (TO: 60 mm.) .


........ -- -- - .
. .. . . .. . .. ... --·--- ---··-· ··- - ----- --- -- ---- -- ------ - ------- - -

j. '

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'. \ I I



Does the child demonstrate frequent and spontaneous manding primarily co nt roell d _ by
motivation (MOs)?
, .2ND 3:-o 4m6. Mands for 20 different missing items without prompts (except, e.g., What do you need?) (e.g.,
vmands for paper when given a crayon) (E)
IsT 2tm 3:m TH• 7.

Mands for others to emit 5 different actions or missing actions needed to enjoy a desired activity (e.g., op
Emits 5 diffe_rent mands that.contain 2 or more words (not inclu?ing, / w nt)(e.g,.; Go _ fast My

I 4

' ST I I I _ t.. urn. Pour JUiee.)

. 2r.o lao TH \
(TO: 60 mm.) , ->_ - ••---1 J• .;
emits 15 different mands (e.g., Let's play. Open. I want book.) (TO: 30 min.)
!!:;, 2N::> hn!.-:-H_,., 9.

I -. ''.T I 2 '° I I • ix _
l•o 10. Emits 10 new mands without specific training (e.g., spontaneously says Where kitt
J- formal mand training) (0)


---i. : D .3
--:"'T H__::

Does the child tact nouns and verbs?

! ST2N D J r,o 4 TH
Tacts 25 items when asked, What's that? (e.g., book, shoe, car, dog, hat) (T)
Generalizes tacts across 3 examples of 50 items, tested or from a list of known gene rahz tio n. s (e.g., tact
I !:;T · l tm 3,m 4TH

I '<T 1«ho0 ,,TH I
8. Tacts IO actions when asked, for example, W h1it am I doing? (e.g.,jumping, sleeping, eating) (T)
1 11
9. Tacts 50 two-component verb-noun or noun-verb combinations, tested or from a list of
\k'! wn two-component tacts (e.g., washing face,Joe swinging, baby sleeping) (T)

I 0. Tacts a total of 200 nouns and/or verbs (or other parts of speech), tested or from an accumu­lated list of k


Cop yright © 2008 M ark L. Sundberg VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 2 11

(TO) = Timed observation



Is the child acquiring more advanced listener skills? .

f sT 21lo 3so 4 n i 6. Selects the correct item from a messy arrayo
f 6 f
40 different objects or pictures (eg.., Find
or I I ,

I- · -
, is-:: :h;o J;::o
·- -
4, :-
_V cat.Touch ball.) (T)
7. Generalizes listener discriminations (LDs) m a messy array O
a f or 3 different examples of SO
\J items (e.g., the child can find 3 examples of a train) (T)
-L_-,s _J..._ I
-:::--, I . d ( 8. Performs
Sh specific Can
IO lapping motor
you hop?)on(T)
actions comman e.g.,
ow me c ·

I_ I I t -
- ! sr lrm- 3:::o ... rn 9. Follows 50 two-component noun-verb and/or verb-noun •instructi· ons ( e.g·• Show me the baby
V slee ping. Push the swing.) (T)
I '"lT , loo, · Tl l I I 0. Selects the correct item in a book, picture scene, or natural environment when named for 2SO
items, tested or from an accumulated list of known words (T)



Does the child match identical and non-identical objects and pictures?
r-- -,.-l=r m --
j..l.;;;.:,;0 4...:.-.;.,.i.;_1 )' · Matches identical objects or pictures in a messy array of 6, for 25 items (T)
I! ' I . , . \
• I , \ I ! ,

7. Sorts similar colors and shapes for IO different colors or shapes given models (e.g., given red, blue,
. . ---'-----l_ _J J and green bowls and a pile of red, blue, and green bears the child sorts the items by color) (T)
l ,a tc hes identical objects or pictures in a messy array of 8 containing 3 and pony) (T)similar stimuli, for
-...--!,.-.......,.,.J.-.,._,J,,,,_,,..., ; r- ! items( e.g., matches a dog to a dog in an array that also contains a cat, pig,
2 D
, . Matches non-identical objects or non-identical pictures in a messy array of IO, for 25 items
(e.g., matches a Ford truck to a Toyota truck) (T)
1. . 0 Match es no n 1'd · I b ' (JD) .
V . . -. e_nt1cao Jects to pictures (2D) and/or vice versa, in a messy array of · ·
containing 3 similar sti mu li, for 25 items (T) 1
M ilesto nes A
s sc s s rnem : l evel 2

= (TO) = Timed observatio

(T) :: Direct testing; (0) Observation; (E) = Either testing or observation;


Does the child engage in independent play behavior that is automatically reinforcing?
6. Searches for a missing or corresponding toy or part of a set for 5 items or sets (e.g., a puzzle ·
Pie ce, a ball for a drop-in toy, a bottle for a baby doll) (E) 1

7. Independently demonstrates the use of toys or objects according to their function for 5 items
L L- -'-- (e.g., placing a train on a track, pulling a wagon, holding a telephone to the ear) (0)

1 1" M ho 4 8. Plays with everyday items in creative ways 2 times (e.g., uses a bowl as a drum or a box as an
imaginary car) (0)

TH I I 1
1 1 ca 2 Jeo 4a H \ 9. Independently engages in play on structures and playground equipment for a total of 5 minutes
1 (e.g., going down a slide, swinging) (TO: 30 min.)
:o :
1 I I0. Assembles toys that have multiple parts for 5 different sets of materials (e.g., Mr. Potato Head,
little People sets, Cooties bugs, Kid K' Nex) (0)



Does the child spontaneously participate in activities with other children and sponta
neously verbally interact with them?
6. Initiates a physical interaction with a peer- 2 times (e.g., a push in a wagon, hand holding,
Ring Around the Rosy) (TO: 30 min.) .

7. Spontaneously'mands to peers 5 times (e.g., My turn. Push me. Look! Come on.)
(TO: 60 min.)

8. Engages in sustained social play with peers for 3 minutes without adult prompts or reinforce
ment (e.g., cooperatively setting up a play set, water play) (TO: 30 min.)

9. Spontaneously responds to the mands from peers 5 times (e.g., Pull me in the wagon. I want
the train.) (E)

I : 57
I 2"" I
4 711
I I 0. Spontaneously mands to peers to participate in games, social play, etc., 2 times (e.g., Come on
3 1_ _ you guys . Let's dig a hole.) (TO: 60 min.)
. _ _
VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 2 13
i:r y·-.t , -i;-- -: : - . . ..,.,". ·f ' J:" ; , /, ·r f < , ., . ;-"··_" _."'
. ·.-- J_.t, ! l:,
-·- :; < - • ._ - r .1tl iJ (_ ·• f-_< ·"'--·- ,_-:.,, ---. -_ - - -- · · - - -
-l . --· . . . .- .....:-,. •on· (E) = Either testing or (TO) = Timed observa

, :, observation;
. . (O) = Observat1 , [ - _ Jf : t:r :

, ,t ',
(T)" Direct


. , •1 "' } "
., • :

Does the child imitate the actions of other people?

r / 6. Imitates IO actions that require selecting a specific object from an array (e.g., selec sa drum-
\ (.,,;, stick from an array also containing a horn and a bell, and imitates an adult's drumming) {T)
1/ Imitates 20 different fine motor actions when prompted, Do this (e.g., wiggle fingers, pinching,
V making a fist, making a butterfly) (T)

l:;T2rw 3RD ,J( Imitates 10 different three-component sequences of actions when prompted, Do this (e.g.,
clapping, jumping, touching toes ; pick up a doll, place her in a crib, and rock the crib) (T)
9.. Spontaneously imitates 5 functional skills in the natural environment (e.g., eating with a spoon,

1L- _._ _ . , J putting on a coat, removing shoes) (0)

!:;r _ 2ND 3r.o . •t TH IO• lt. 1n·tat

1 es (or attempts to wrt· h approximations
· ) any noveI motor action
· mo de Ie d by an a duI t
\.· L}v ith and without objects (i.e., a "generalized imitative repertoire") (T)


ECHOIC (Use the EESA Subtest on page 24) TOTAL SCORE:

Does the child i mediately repeat (echo) specific words and phrases?
2ND3r.o _ 4n-1
6. Scores at least 50 on the EESA subtest (at least 20 from Group 2) (T)

[ l:T j 2''°j Jr.oj o! I m J·Scores at least 60 on the EESA subtest (T)

J B· Scores at least 70 on the EESA subtest (T)

J 9. Scores at least 80 on the EESA subtest (T)

Raw Score:
-- ,...._- -- ..- - - --...- - ...;....,;;..;,_., ,... - ..........•_• ....,... r ·
(r} = Direct testing; (0) = Observation; (E) = Either testing or observation; (To) = Timed obse rvat io n
- rtl'Jl ( -,- i Ar ,:,1.:f :.-'· · ·:. t
-·. '·._-

LI STENER RESPO N D IN G BY FUNCTION, FEATURE, AND !_......:_._ ' l l!G - - 1--

.;.·- : ' , .

(LRFF C) TOTALSCORE: L- -1-- ..L.-_._._ J

-Does the child understand as a listener words that describe or modify nou s and verbs
by their functions, features, or classes?

E ,, !,;,
6. Selects 5 different '.oods or drinks when each is presented in an array of 5 _(along with 4 no. n-

_ I I I
3r.o food or non-drink items) and asked the verbal fill-ins You eat... and You drmk... (T) ..


[ l<T 1,m· h n · 4T H I 7. Selects the correct item from an array of 8,for 25 different LRFFC fill-in statements of
_ \ I I I any type (e.g., You sit on a...) (T)
v_ _ j . 8 . Selects the correct item from an array of IO (or from a book), for 25 different verb-noun LRFFC
,! T ,H \

1 I _ 1
/ which, or who questions (e.g.,What do you ride? Which one barks? Who W" hop?) (T.}. .

9. Selects an item given 3 different verbal statements about each item when independently
/ ..-,, presented (e.g.,Find an animal.What barks?What has paws?) for 25 items (T)
I 0. Spontaneously tacts the item on 50% of the LRFFC trials (e.g., says dog given the verbal state-
-/ ent, Find an animal, and a visual array containing a picture of a dog) (E) .


Does the child verbally respond to the content of the words of others?
I :.T 2 m3Ro4m6. Completes IO different fill-in-the-blank phrases of any type (e.g., song fill-ins, social games and
Vfun fill-ins, animal or object spunds) (T): r

! -r2ND 3Ro 4-rn 7. Provides first name when asked, What is your name? (T)
!5T 2ND 3RD 4TH Completes 25 different fill-in-the-blank phrases (not including songs) (e.g., You eat ..You sleep in
a... Shoes and...) (T) , · \ i 1

[. c T 2,. l..o , .. 1 \/' Answers 25 different what questions (e.g., What do you like to eat?) (T)

_ I l I I .,
I 0. Answers 25 different who or where questions (e.g., Whose your friend?Where is your pillo ?) (T)

VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment : Level 2

a classroom and appropriately participate in group activities, and respond in a group-teaching format?

L · ._ .I .L-I .I h
,[ .
3:ca- H4
'" c V
Sits at a group snack or lunch table without negative behavior for 3 minutes (0)

f !sc j
l I
. Puts away personal items, lines up, and comes to a table with only I verbal prompt (0)

I '"II
1:.o Ja ,:,•rn

2, l "D 1 4TH.Transitio I ns between classroom activities with no more than I gestural or verbal prompt (0)

9; Sits in a small group for 5 minutes without disruptive behavior or attempting to leave the group (0

I ! ST I 0. Sits in a small group for IO minutes, attends to the teacher or material for 50% of the peri
i' and responds to 5 of a teacher's S0 s (0)


Is the child's articulation becoming clearer? Is his speaker and listener vocabulary grow- ing, and is

1ST ; 2110 J:m 4TH i

6. The child's articulation of IO tacts can be understood by familiar adults who cannot see the
_ljI_item tacted (T)
, l sT· '..?No- 3RD 4m 7. Has a total listener vocabulary of 100 words (e.g., Touch nose.Jump. Find keys.) (T)

I ! 2 " 3" I•
m,4r: 8.; Emits
lcr 10 different 2-word utterances per day of.any type except echoic (e.g., mand, tact) (E)
_ \ r [_

.J· Emits functional prosody (i.e., rhythm, stress, intonation) on 5 occasions in one day (e.g., puts emp

2ND 3m) ,.Has a total speaker vocabulary size of 300 words (all verbal operants, except echoic) (E) •


16 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 2

(T) = Directt e sting ; (O)=Observation;(E) = Either testing or observation;(TO)= Timed observation


Does the child mand for information, mand with different parts of speech, and give directions to othe

I s T. lr.o ;.:;::: TH I ISpontaneously mands f r different; erbal informati n sni g a WHq es otin wo d5· t is (e g. ,''
What's your name? Where do I go?) (TO: 60 min.)

" .,, II

1 2. P litely mands to stop an undesirable activity, or remove any aversive MO under 5 different circumstances (e
L----'------- -

t ( '° IIs T ,3 o<rn

1 fast.) (TO: 60 min.)
I 3. Mands with IO different adjectives, prepositions, or; d erbs ( e.g., My crayon is 't; oke·n.'Don't

rl"l"1"i l•oj
take it 1out. Go

4 TH1 .4 Gives directions, inst ruct io ns, or explanations as to how to do something or how to partici­pate in an ac

15 . Mands for others to attend to his own in.t raverbal behavior 5 times (e.g., Listen to me... I'll tell
you... Here's what happened... I'm telling the story...) (0)

Co mments /note s:


Does the child emit a wide variety of tacts, and do they contain several different parts of
speech? ._. _ _
J rs.
2 N::, .3 R:::i 4n -; 11 cts t h e co I or, s hape , and function of 5 o·bie cts (15 trial ) when each hobjec· t anthd
· qu/esti· on 7is presented •in a m1· xe d o rder (e·g·• What color is the refriger.ator? What s a)
pe ,s do you do with the ball?) (This is part tact and pa in ve r ba l). (T -.- - e- va entme.
What -

es-:1' 2NDI ) Ro I 4TH j .

12. Tacts 4 d1 fferent prepo
SI ·t· s (e g in out, on under) and 4 pronouns (e.g., I, you, me, mine)
,on . . ' ' '


13. Tacts 4 di. fferent: ad 1. ect·ives, excluding colors and shapes ( .g., big, litt le , long, short) and 4
adverbs (e.g., fast, slow, 9 ! eyl , &:
nytl(E) -. · ·· · - · - · . ··
!""V::::::-=,.,....,....,....,e::.-...........- · - • -· · • • 4 or more words, 20 times (E)
!ST l rJ~o s r-:.o 4-:-1-1 . 14. Tacts with complete sentences containing

l T 2ND 3 RD
. . . f I 000 o ds (n uns : verbs, adjecc i es, tc .), tested or from an accumu-
15. Has a tact vocabula1 Y O w
lated list of known tac_t s (T.)

VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3 17
Copyright © 2008 Mark L Sundberg
(E) = Either testing or observation; (TO) = Timed obse rvati on
(T) = Direct testing;
(0) = Observation;


Does the child understand complex words and sentences involving the different parts of

r 1 ;;-;- 2m Jo- 4i"H · 11·. s elects items by color and shape from an array of 6 similar stimuli, for 4 colors and
(e.g., Find the red car. Find the square cracker.) (T)
4 shapes

1 :io i )SD I 12. different

Follows pronouns
2 instructions
Touch my6 ear.) (T) prepositions (e.g., Stand behind the chair.) and 4


I lsT ,
,J o
47H I 13. . Selects items from an array of similar stimuli based on 4 pairs of relative adjectives (e.g., big-
lit tle, long-short) and demonstrates actions based on 4 pairs of relative adverbs (e.g., quiet-loud,
fast-slow) (T)
1 14. . Follows 3-step directions for IO different directions (e.g., Get your coat, hang it up, and
sit down.) (T)

.1- 5;
.!;.; ;
T.;. 2 N ':":::">'-,-.,;- - --·rH"""'1 15 . Has a total listener repertoire of 1200 words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.), tested or from
an accumu lated list of known words (T)



Does the child complete complex designs, patterns, and sequences?

11. Spontaneously matches any part of an arts and crafts activity to another pe rs·on' s sample 2 times (e.g.

rnl . 12. Demonstrates generalized non-identical matching in a messy array of fO with 3 similar st

t lsT("
2 0
I looj13. Completes 20 different block designs, parquetry, shape puzzles, or ·si m il ar tasks with at least 8 different p
1 4. Sorts 5 items from 5 different categories without a model (e.g., animals, clothing, furniture) (T)

rm lr.o4TH
15. Cnt i nue20 three-step patte r s, sequences, or seriation t sks (e.g., sta , triangle, heart, star,
---""-'--'-.- ,ria_ngle..) (T)


VB-MAPPMilestones Assessment: Level3
· -4.· · • ·
(T) = Direct testing; (0) = Observation; (E) = Either testing or observation; (TO)= Timed observation


Does the child spontaneously engage in independent play that is automatically reinforcing?
I I ;Spontaneously engages in pretend or imaginary play n 5 occasions (e.g.,-d ressig up, a pretend
L-,....,,J..,=-,..,i..,...,.,,.,.,,..,,...,.,,,.,..,,,,.,....·.. party with stuffed animals, pretends to cook) (0)..

12. Repeatsa gross motor behavior to obtain a better effect for 2 activities (e.g., throwing a ball inabasket, swinging a bat at a T

- - - ·-
13. Independently engages in arts and crafts type activities for 5 minutes (e.g., drawing, coloring, paintin

14. Independently engages in sustained play activities for 10 minutes without adult prompts or reinforc

4n 1
lsT 2No 3Ro 15. Independently draws or writes in pre-academic activity books for 5 minutes (e.g., dot-to-dot, match



Does the child spontaneously engage in play and reciprocal verbal interactions with peer
!sT 2No·ho 4mi1. Spontaneously cooperates with a peer to a complish a specific outcome 5 times (e.g., one child holds a bu

I 2. Spontaneously mands to peers with a Hquestion 5 times'(e.g., Where are you going?What's· that
13. lntraver baIIy respon ds to 5. dlfferent questions or statements from peers (e.g., verbally

responds to What do you want to play7.) (E) +t-++-- . -

- 14. Engages .m pretend soc1· Plaa.yI activities w.ith peers foOr 5) minutes without adult prompts
(e.g., dress up play, acting out videos, playing house) (
I 5. Engages in 4 verbal exchanges on I topi.c with peer)s f(oOr )5 topics (e.g., the children go back


VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3 I9

_ .£-? UC >- :.....


Does the child show interest in words and books, tact and LD letters, and read and com
prehend a few words?
l,...!.;:.:....,..:.:..;.:;.,-;........,-4-T_H. 11. Att d-s to a book wh a story is being read to him for 75% of th time (TO 3 min.)

-= ..,-;;.;R.;.o, .-r- 4T_, H_, 12. Selects (LDs) the correct uppercase letter from an array of 5 letters, for 10 different letters
:r lsr
i 2 No
lR o· AT-H 1 13. Tacts 10 uppercase letters on command

I (- V
. J_ , _

2ND, l•y
2ND, l• o l
4 rn
14. Reads his own name

15. Matches 5 words to the corresponding pictures or items in an array of 5, and vice versa (e.g.,
matches the written word bird to a picture of a bird) (T)
1 1



Does the child draw, copy letters and numbers, and independently write his name?
11. Imitates 5 different writing actions modeled by an adult using a writi ng instrument and writing surface (T)
.. lsT 2 N.o 3RD4TH
f' sr j foof lr.o 4TH) 12. Independently traces within 1/4 inch of the lines of 5 different geometrical shapes (e
___1 __square, triangle, rectangle, star) (T)
·s·r· 2Nri Jim·4n 13. Copies IO letters or numbers legibly (T)

14. Legibly spells and writes his own name without copying (T)

2NDJno .f rn I 5. Copies all 26 upper and lower case letters legibly (T)


20 VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment : level 3


(T) :: Direct (0) = Observation;

(E) = Either testing or observation; (TO) = Timed observation



Does the child understa d asa listener multiple words that describe or modify nouns
and verbs by their funct10ns, features, or classes?
2N D 3RD. 4
I I. Selec-tst he correct ite fr m an array of IO that contains 3 ail ·;s t mi - li(e s i iai r co 1·; ;,· ·,
sim g,.
shape, or class, but they are the wrong choices), for 25 different WH quet oi LRFF tasks( ! ),
2ND 3 o 4TH
12. Selects items froma book based on 2 verbal components: either a co ol func
feature(e.g,. r, )
tion (e.g., draw with), or class (e.g., clothing) for 25 LRFFC tasks (e.g., Do you seea brown ani
mal? Can you f,nd some clothing with buttons?) (T)
lsr 2N::, . 3RD 4TH
13. Selects items from a page in a book or in the natural environment based on 3 v ; b I compo
nents (e.g., verb, ad jective, preposition, pronoun) , for 25 WH question LRFFC tasks (e.g.,
Which fruit grows on trees?) (T)
14. Selects the correct items from a book or the natural environment given 4 different rotating
LRFFC questions about a single topic (Where does the cow live?What does the cow eat?Who
milks the cow?) for 25 different topics (T)
3R D 4T H
15. Demo nstrates I 000 different LRFFC responses, tested or obtained from an accumulated list of
known responses (T)


Does the child verbally respond to the content of the words of others?

11 . the
Spontaneous Iy em1·ts 20 intraverbal comments (can be r,part mand)
• d " (0)(e.g., Dad says, I'm going to
car, and the child spontaneously says, I want to go ,or o " e.,

12. Demonstrates 300 d1 •fferent intraverbal responses, tested or obtained from an accumulated
list of known intraverbals (T) _
Answers 2 questi ons
ei.ng read short passages (15+ words) from books, for 25 passages
ft b
a er
(e.g., Who blew the house down?) (T)
. ·es etc. with 8+ words (e.g•. Te/I me what happened...
14. Describes 25 different eventsb, v deos ,5; ; ail ran into theh ouse.) (E)
The big monster scared every O Yan _. . _ ,_ -, ·
2 ND 3no· 4m . bo ut a single topic for IO) topics
15. questionsa (T) (e.g.,Who takes
Answers d·ffI erent roat ting 1 100 17 What do you take to school.7 _ ··--- '
o 14. .Where do you_ go to sc .
you to schWH -· -· - ·
VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3 21

--· ··- - ·--- :m:.. a .

"f d llow classroom routines and learn in a group-teaching format?
h 0

r - ,,
Does the c ' _ _ _
· ,T 2ND · 3,:o 4rn u .the toilet and ;.,.,hes hands ;,,;th o n.ly verbal prompts (E)
L 1 J l - ~- - -
· r .. °ZNP 3F D _ "ifTH_ . I 2. Responds to 5 different group instructions or questions without direct rompts in a group of
3 or more children (e.g., Everybody stand up. Does anyone have a red shtrt on?) (0)
. -
l tW
3 RD.
13. · w orks independently for 5 minutes in a group, and stays on task for 50% of the period (0)

14. Acquires 2 new behaviors during a 15-minute group-teaching format involving 5 or more
children (T)

15. Sits in a 20-minute group session involving 5 children without disruptive behaviors,
and answers 5 intraverbal questions (T)



Is the child emitting more complex syntax and language structure demonstrated by cor rect
grammatical use of plurals, possession, tense markers, and noun and verb modifiers?
I I. Emits noun inflections by combining IO root nouns with suffixes for plurals (e.g., dog vs. dogs)
and IO root nouns with suffixes for possessions (e.g., dog's collar vs. cat's collar) (E)
J - . •

12. Emits verb inflections by combining IO root verbs with affixes for regular past tense (e.g.,
played) and IO root verbs with affixes for future tense (e.g.,will play) (E)

13. Emits IO different noun phrases containing at least 3 words, ith 2 modifiers (e.g., ad je- tiv;e ,
r • J.,,,- ""--
J....-...1 prepositions, pronouns) (e.g., He's my puppet. I want chocolate ice cream.) (E)
-.... - .... .. - - - - ... .. - ....- ,, _
14. . Emits IO different verb phrases containing at least 3 words, with 2 modifiers (e.g.,
adverbs, prepositions, pronouns) (e.g., Push me hard. Go up the steps.) (E}
, ,,J.s-:T:-::.- . -l,:;N:-- Q ---J-4: 5. C mbines noun and verb phrases to produce IO different syntacticallyc c t clau es r s n-·
=r_.o_,,,.,. H. -, ,· r
_t nces contain'ing at least 5 words (e.g.,The dog licked my face.) (E}
- .. • -j - , • - '-' ~---------------------••


VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment: Level 3
(r)::: o·rect test·1ng·, (0) = Observation; (E) = Either test 1n· g or b . (TO) T d b
I o servat1on·, = ime o servation


5 the childdemonsrta tebeginning math skills involving numbers quantities count-
oe and measurement?. (N ote: Re Iated begm· nm· g geometry skills suc'h as shape
. mg, .) , ,
Ssed in other sections
a e --.
3 RD4TH11. Identifies asalistener the numbers 1-5 inar ya f S different numbers( T)·--

-- """':;-R;.3o--,-anf t:=rf-'l12. Tacts the numbers 1-5 (T)

l sr2 ND 3 RD4TH -- -.. -
· 13. Counts out 1-5 items from a larger set of items with I to I correspondence(e. g.,Give m
cars. Now give me 2 cars.) (T)
tsr t3oR- 4 rn 14. Identifies as a listener 8 different comparisons involving measurement (e.g., show me mo
less, big or little, long or short, full or empty, loud or quiet) (T)
ls i 2t oi3no. ·4 rn I 5. Correctly matches a written number to a quantity and a quant it y to a written number fo


VB-MAPP Milestones Assessment level 3

;ir J' ... ; ,; {,t s, ! 'fil ,
.; ,ti: m. - · ,f . "'':-·.•·· .· . . -S• , - • ( ;;r ,'

{,. ,.. ., . . .. c, • ,. , , . v -. r • }:·,. f ., .'• '! : j'.:-· i' ,. tJ( '; ... , • ··.. " ;,,

. e: f;- . . . . · . ).;,,!, 1
, · :':.'" .r. . '. ,;.·; , ' : · • , '., :,;
.,,.,_, .
' ' '- • •.•,Y.. {,::
,;. ·.: , / :! /".".:-' -, ' . ", l'-,..1., ,• 1 ·,;.1;ll.,• • ·

¥ . !.•
,, . , ·..·- . ,
,· . , ! i· -- ,-

f f· .. _..;..:,..._..-_...·•... the best response of up to 3 trials TO TAL 1.: .L ;

.. ;;
F o ;
coXr i=ng corGr.ercot usobpul sndr1ess-ap3no:dns ceo r b .uet:inc:o:r:reec;t ;or;m,
RA;,'"- }r:. j r!
. . · {/.l /
islsiengs c(oI npsonnat)nts or extra syllables (' ½ .point) o':s.upcs
O_I R5E):
r:' i h f.t;
_: .
BlanIk== nreocoregsnpizoanes.e, mcorred vowel's or missing syllables (0 points)

Group I : s· 1mpl c and red up lic a te d syllabh

T,. arge.ts. Y:ow. els, diphthongs, consonants p, b, m, n,

' w

.O we
O bye bye O one
Oah Oup Qboy
bee OQhop
mama OOmy

□D knee
□ papa O no
O pop O wawa
Ooo Orne Ooh O too
O toy
S ub -total
O baa
Group I
Group 2: 2-syllable co m binations
Targets: Add consonants k, g, d, f,y, ng
..Obaby Owindow
Oopen O taco
eat Otunny
0 oh
0 foo-ey
D icky
too hot
' O meow
0 hank ie

0 too bad 00
kitty potty mo
0 uh-oh
pay day
0 cookie 0
pokey daddy
0 D puppy 0 hot dog
Group 3: 3-sylla ble co m bni a t
io ns do high five
0 tiny pan Q how many
0 tubby toy 0
oh foo-ey
0 peek a boo
0 potty time
0 banana potato
0 binky boo
Qgo bye bye
teddy bear 0 giddy-up
0 fee fi foe 0 fat doggy
one cookie
open up
0 doggy bone
Q wet mitte n :
0 0 funny king

daddy up
Qgoofy goat
0 0 peanut hat
teepee boat S b-tota J
0 in a boat
hey me too
0 my big toe 0 a hiccup
0 puppet game
0 B
Gr ou p 4 :P r o s o d y : sp o ke n p h r a s e s (Model: l
X = e m p h as i s o n c o rr ect sy lla ble s ( I p o in t)
Emphasize syllables in bold italics) a
/ = emphasis on non-target syllables (½ point) n
= monotone response (no emphasis) (0 points) G ro p 3

0 no WAY O ONE bunny

0 bug-a-BOO J □ UH.oh 0 in a MIN-ute
0 TAKE it ' 0 my MOM-my
0MYmommy Dbow-Wow D BUG-a-boo
Group 5: Prosody: o the r contexts
X = response correct or nearly so( I point)
Blank= response does not closely match model (0 points)

0 LEochuodesnp ;e1ss v,, 1,.; 0 0, ;n 1-2 IITT,s of, fam,l;a, •ong Q Echooc, o n, ; nuo u, w..,bie (6,.. truck O O)

0 EDcuhroaow,tioln1,;p ., ni g O Echoe,

quiodlo"d (,,,._byr" · BYE- BYE )

0 Sustains ohh for 3 secon,sd ec ho cl a yll

Su b -to t.ii

Thc-VB-MArP E:irly Echo ic Ski lsl As ss rn.n:: t Group 5 ,

Copy r gi n, © 2008 & rba ra £ Esch

I.Negative Behaviors

o. Does not demonstrate any significant negative behavior

I. Engages .in s. ome min. or negativ. e behaviors week,ly but srecovery 1. s quick
2. Emits a variety of minor negative behaviors daily (e gc. b
3. Emits more severe negative behavior daily (e.g., tan r ::,•J ::nal r fusal, falling to the floo_r)
4. Often emits severe negative behavior that is a dan er to h " gt h'"gs,property des ruct1on.
g tmself or others (e.g., aggression, self-mJury)

2. Instructional Control (Esca pe and Avoidance

of Instructional De mand s)

o. Typically cooperative with adult instructions and demands

I. Som. e demands w. ill evoke .minor non.compliant behavior:, but recovery 1·s qu1·ck
2. Emits noncomplrant behavior, a few times a d,ay with minor tantrums, or oth er m·inorb eh av·1ors
3. Emits nonc.ompliant b. ehavior. several times a d,ay with longer tantrums andmore severeb eh av·1ors
4. Noncomphant behavior dominates the child's day, negative behaviors can be severe and dangerous

3._ Abse nt, Weak, or Im pa ire d Mand Re pe rto ire

0. The mand repertoire is growing consistently and is in proportion with the other Milestones
I. Mands occur, echoics are strong, but the tact and listener skills (LDs) Milestone scores are higher than the mand
2. Mands are limited to a small set of consumable reinforcers, despite strong tacts, LDs, and echoic skills
3. Mands are very limited, are prompt bound, are rote, scrolling occurs, responses do not match the motivating
operations (MOs), negative behaviors fun ctio n as mands, excessive or inappropriate mands occur
4. No effective mands, associated negative behaviors, same problems in #3 above may oc.cur

4. Absent, Weak, o r Impaired Tact Repertoire SCORE:

0. The tact repertoire is growing co n.s iste nt l y and is in proportion with the other Milestones
I. Tacts occur, echoics are strong, but listener skHls (LDs) markedly outnumber tacts
2. Tact errors occur, strong echoic and LDs, tacts are prompt bound or scrolled, maintenance required
3. Many tact errors occur, echoic and LDs are strong, stuck at nouns and verbs, rote tacts, single word tacts despite
multiple-word LDs, no spontaneity, fails to generalize
4. Minimal tact skills despite strong echoic and LDs, many failed attempts at _teaching tacts

S. Abse nt,Weak, or Impaired Mo t o r Imit a t io n SCORE: )

0. The motor imitation repertoire is growing consistently and is in proportion with the other Milestones
I. Motor imitation occurs, but the scores are lower than those on the other Milestone skills
2. Imitation doesn't easily generalize, is inappropriate, or there is a dependence on imitative prompts
3. Imitation is prompt bound physically or ve rbally, weak MOs to imitate, has abilities in other areas
4. Has no imitation skills , or does have imitation skills but they never occur in any functional way

Copyright © 2008 Mork L. Sundbe rg VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment 25

6. Absent,Weak, or Impaired Ee h o1
R t. SCORE: ."
c eper .... _.. -L-._.. l_

· The echoic repertoire is growing consistently and is in proportion _with the other Milestones
• Echoics occur, but motor imitation is markedly strong r t an echo_1c . .
h • mpts transfer from echoics 1s difficult, failure to generalize echoic skills
2. Dependent on echo,1c1·proor
Demonstrates ec o a 1a del yed echolalia , requires extensive
. teaching
. . to acquire new echoics
. .
·4. No ech 01c k'II b t has othe r skills uses signs or PECS echoic trammg may evoke negative behaviors
s I s, u . • '

Absent,Weal<, or Impaired Vis ual Perceptual Skill s and

o. Visual and matching skills are growing consistently and are in proportion with the other Milestones
1. Matching occurs, but scores are lower than those on the other Milestone skills, especially LD scores
2. Matching errors occur, due to scrolling, side or position bias, poor scanning, or selects the last item reinforced
3. Negative behavior during MTS, no generalization, only small arrays, problems with similar stimuli .
4. No matching skills, but has other skills, repeated failed attempts to teach MTS, escape and avoidance occurs

Absent,Weak or Im paire d List e ne r Re pe rtoires

(e.g., LD, LRFF C) SC O RE:

0. The listener repertoires are growing consistently and are in proportion with the other Milestones
I. LDs occur, but scores are lower than those on the other Milestone skills, especially tact scores
2. LD errors occur due to scrolling, side or position bias, poor scanning, or selects the last item reinforced
3. Negative behavior occurs, no generalization, only small arrays, problems with complex verbal stimuli
4. No LD skills, but has other skills, repeated failed attempts to teach LD, escape and avoidance occurs

9. Absent,W eak, or Impaired lnt rave rbal Re pertoir e SCORE:

0. The intraverbal repertoire is growing consistently and is in proportion with the other Milestones
I. lntraverbals occur, but scores are lower than other Milestone scores, especially tact, LO, and LRFFC
2. lntraverbal errors occur, rote responding, scrolling, prompt bound, no spontaneity, or echolalia occurs
3. limited progress in intraverbal training, frequent errors, rote responding, intraverbals are quickly forgotten, no
generalization, no peer intraverbal behavior, but has mand, tact, and LD skills
4. No functional intraverbal behavior, or has strong rote responding, despite mand, tact, and LO skills

I 0. Absent,Weak, or Impaired Social Skills SCORE:

0. Social skills are age-appropriate, growing consistently, and in proportion with the other Milestones
I. Social behavior occurs, but the scores fall behind the other Milestone scores ·
2. Engages in parallel play, but does not initiate social interaction, rarely imitates or mands to peers
3· Do sn't_ take turns or share, does not respond to peer's mands, or cooperate with peers, does not engage in social
or imaginary play with peers, but has language skills
4. Mostly plays by himself, no verbal or nonverbal interactions with peers. other skills may be high

16 YB-MAPP Barriers Assess ment

O = No problem; I = Occasional problem; 2= M d . . ' ... · .,. .-. -
0 erate problem; 3 = Persisent problem; 4 = Severe problem

I I.Prompt Dependent

. j ; .,J:J ,
0. Consistently learns new skills' and doesno t III
h ow . ·d •
I. It often takes several trials to fade prom ts s tb h signs of pro mpt epen dency
2. Some skills become prompt bound sue/ '.u t e :ransfer of control process is typically successful
h · orr 1stener d.1scr.im.mat.1ons
3. It is typically difficult to eliminate, prom tsas hmtraver al ' social beav,ors,
4. Prompts are very difficult to fade

most k'.I ey are often subtle, and verbal skills are limited
s Is are prompt bound by echoic, imitative, or verbal prompts

12. Scrolling Responses


0. Does not scroll in any of the repertoires

I. Scrolli.ng .occasionally. occurs wh.en new words are added,b ut scroII'mg stops after a few t·rials
2. Scrolli. ng 1s a f.requent problem• 1t takes many trials to sto p,b ut eventua IIy new word s are learned
3. Scr llmg continues to re- urfa e ith previously "acquired" words, and occurs with either (or all) mand, tact, LD, and , traverb

4. Scrolling occursa lmost every trial, attempts at stopping scrolling may have a long history of failure

13. Impaired Scanning Ski Is SCORE:

0. Typically scans arrays if the task requires scanning
I. Large arrays with similar stimuli cause some scanning trouble, but is successful after 2 attempts
Scanning is weak, often needs to be prompted, restricted to arrays of 5 or less, limited scene scanning
Scanning is limited to an array of 2 or 3, selection responses are prompt bound, weak MTS, LD, & LRFFC
Does not scan arrays, responds before scanning, scanning tasks evoke negative behavior when pressed

14. Failure to Make Cond it io na l Dis crimina t io ns (C 0 s) SCORE:

0. Makes conditional discriminations at a level that is in balance with his Milestone scores
I. Has trouble when the C0 requires more effort or attending (e.g., large arrays, scenes, similar stimuli)
Limited progress on tasks that involve verbal C0 s (LD, LRFFC, IV), but good progress in other areas
Fails at most tasks that involve C 0 s (expect MTS), emits negative behavior, history of failed attempts
Does not make C0 s, but can do simple discriminations (e.g., single mands, echoics, tacts, imitation)

Failure to Generalize
O. Demonstrates both stimulus and response generalization at a level commensurate with his other skills
I. Demonstrates some difficulty with stimulus generalization, or generalizing with certain skills
Requires formal generalization t aining on most skills, but eventually gets it
Requires extensive generalization training across most skills, often "generalized" skills are lost
Does not generalize, other than very simple types (e.g., time, settings) rote responding, slow progress

VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment

j......,._ · ,, No problem; I " Occasional problem; 2 = Moderate problem;

Weak or.Atypical Motivating Operations (MOs)
O. Demonstrates a wide range of age-appropriate MOs
I. Adults begin to notice that the motivators are slightly different from those o of ther ch·11d
I' 2. MOs for odd behavior patterns, weak MOs for age-appropriate reinforce k . ren
t . t rs, social Mos
3. Aberrant MOs ,or re m ,orcers, values of existing MOs decreas
I d We a
un earne . k l
4. Very h·m1· te d MOs, odd MOs t hat are strong, very few age-appropriate Me Osqu. ic Y, stereotypY strong

Response Requirement Weakens the MO
0. Does not typically lose interest in reinforcers when the demands are reasonable
I. Demonstrates some lack of interest if the demands become slightly higher
2. Has strong MOs, but will only tolerate a small set of responses before losing interest · th · f
3. Qu. ick to show lack interest after a few responses are required in e rein orcer
4. Walks away from his strongest reinforcers if the slightest demand is placed upon him

18. Reinforcement De pe ndent SCORE:

0. Has no problem with moving to intermittent reinforcement or to social and verbal reinforcers
I. Demonstrates some difficulty with moving to social or intermittent reinforcers, but eventually does so
2. Requires frequent consumable and tangible re.inforcers on an intermittent schedule
3. Difficult to work with the child without using frequently delivered consumable and tangible reinforcement,exhibits
escape or avoidance behavior
4. Dependent on consumable and tangible reinforcers delivered after each response for learning to occur

19. Self-Stimulation SCORE:

0. Does not engage in self-stimulatory or repetitive behaviors

I. Engages in some self-stimulation, but it doesn't compete with other activities ... .
2. Engages in a relatively high rate of self-stimulation that often competes with other c_ti_vities
3. Engages in a high rate of self-stimulation that competes with learning and social activities
4. Almost constantly engages in a high rate of self-stimulation, other reinforcers are weak

20. Articulation Problems

I. Most
0. Someadults can pronouncing
difficulty understand the child'swords,
certain existing
usualIbehavior d nart·1culation improves
Y can be un derstood aM 'I tone scores
2. Has difficulty being understood by strangers, despite having mostly L_eve 1 2 I
3. Very limited vocal skills and demonstrates a • e varied Y · t of articulation errors
d M'I stone scores
4. Non-vocal, or has·completely unintelligible speech, despite other elevate e
VB-MAPP B;lrriers Assessment
O =No problem; = Occasional problem; 2 = Moderate problem; 3 =Persisent problem; 4 =Severe problem

21. Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior

0. Does not demonstrate any obsessive behaviors tht ·dI.
. I Some minor·b. o sessions, but they are easily overcomea
a tmpe
d d e ,earning
·rf ..
. 2 severaI o bsessi·ons, emi•ts mi. ld negative behaviors wh
non t bmte e.re· with learn mg
learning tasks without further disruption en not met, ut will usually comply and participate in the
3. Several obsessions, emits negative behavior, but often will not com I · 1t h0..·
learning is disrupted. P Yw ut completing the obsession, and
4. bStrong obsessions are the major focus of ea h d ayt, h ey may consume a significant amount of time negative
h. b "f h c
eav1ors may e severe I t ey are not met, and learning is regularly disrupted '

22. Hyperactive Behavior


0. Not e cessively _hyper com ared to typically developing peers, attends to tasks without ifficulty ·
I. Occasionally emits hyperactive behavior or fails to attend, but the behaviors are not disruptive to [earning or
daily activities ·
2. Moves round the environment frequently, restless, difficulty attending to tasks, learning is isrupted
Often d1ffic lt to contr I the hyperactive behavior, may not wait in lines, sit calmly, or stay on task longer thana couple of minut
Constantly "on the go," fidgety, impulsive, climbs or jumps on furniture, may talk excessively, difficult to keep engaged in any

23. Fa ilu re to Make Eye Conta ct, or Attend to People

0. Makes age-appropriate eye contact with others, and attends to other people
I. Adults begin to notice that eye contact is different from that of other children
2. Does not make frequent eye co nta ct, or attend to faces or people in a manner similar to other children
3. No eye contact while manding, difficult to get any eye contact, typically looks away when talking to others, attends
more to objects th n people
4. Almost never makes eye contact, avoids people, but may have verbal skills

24. Sensory De fe nsive ne ss

0. No problems related to sensory stimuli
I. Adults begin to notice that sensitivity to various sensory stimuli is different from that of other children
Certain sensory stimulation may affect the child, but the defensiveness is mild and does not usually interfere with learning act iv_ it
Frequently reacts to specific sensory stimuli with escape behavior such as hands over ears, closing eyes, or
getting agitated_
Co ns iste ·nt1y reacts to specific sensory stimuli with negative behavior such as tantrums and aggression, presence of certain se

YB-MAPP Barriers Assessment 2

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