0917 Final
0917 Final
0917 Final
Jui-Hsi Cheng
College of Business & Management, Xiamen Huaxia University, P.R. China
Corresponding author: zhengrx@hxxy.edu.cn
Jiun-Kai Huang
School of Management, Sanming University, P.R. China
Jian-feng Zhao
College of Accounting, Guangdong University of Finance, P.R. China
Ping Wu
Jinyi College of Internet Economy, Jinhua Polytechnic, P.R. China
The study aims to explore the role played by the factors namely external collabora-
tion, organizational learning capability as well as knowledge sharing on the positive
outcomes of the Open Innovation. Three different propositions have also been devel-
oped in the paper based on the discussions made pertaining to the conceptualizations
of open innovation along with its associated factors. All these discussions have been
made in the form of a literature review, wherein only academic research outcomes
have been included for deriving the required data. The developed propositions have
also been proved for the attainment of the ultimate aim of the study.
novation directly. Another is the out- is, therefore, important for the organi-
bound open innovation, which has an zations to become aware of the fact
indirect effect on the combination of that incorporating the behavior of an
the organizational learning ability that altruistic leader may influence organ-
is exploitative in nature and the radical izational learning, which may further
innovation-related activities. However, contribute to the attainment of radical
the experiential outcomes clearly por- innovation (Dominguez Escrig et al.,
trayed the fact that, with the support of 2016). It has, in this context, been
organizational learning ability, radical mentioned by Wang and Xu (2018)
innovation is indirectly affected (Wang that the products of radical innovation
& Xu, 2018). It has further been men- in order to succeed for an organization,
tioned by Abdi et al. (2018) that inno- it contributes largely in gaining long-
vation is the only factor driving the term competitive advantages thereby
strategic concerns associated with in- improving the customer values, corpo-
creased level of innovation. This is rate performance, and reducing the
mainly done by encompassing the costs among others. Wang and Xu
augmentation of the levels of produc- (2018) also opined about the customer
tivity, economic growth, business knowledge management, which aims at
competitiveness, and sustainability delivering continuous customer im-
among others. The concept also takes provement and this can be obtained
into consideration the fact that this fac- largely with the support of open as
tor of innovation is a continuous proc- well as radical innovation both directly
ess of searching, learning as well as and indirectly. Therefore,
exploring the outcomes in the form of
new techniques, products, and even Proposition 1: Organizational Learn-
new markets to a large extent (Abdi et ing Capability is positively re-
al., 2018). lated to the effectiveness of the
outcomes of open innovation.
According to Dominguez Escrig
et al. (2016), the contributions of such External Collaboration and Open
researches on organizational learning Innovation
and innovation within workplaces are
primarily found to surpass the aca- According to Henttonen and Le-
demic sphere of both the organizations htimäki (2017), the concept of open
as well as the businesses. Our results innovation is considered to be an un-
thus, prove to be advantageous for the ending subject of research and, there-
organization in implementing a favor- fore, can be explored using both inter-
able working environment, thereby at- nal as well as external viewpoints. It
taining the innovation performance for has further been opined by Aloini et al.
accomplishing radical innovations in (2016) that one of the most important
the long run. The challenges faced by factors that are considered to be of
the organization have been clearly il- great importance in understanding the
lustrated as the push for innovation and concept of open innovation is the col-
competitiveness along with the con- laboration of the external resources and
tinuous as well as insightful shifts. It the partners. This collaboration is
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 3, January 2019
2018-0917 IJOI
stant need for strategic innovation. laborations for the purpose of develop-
With the passage of time, the company ing an innovative technology. It can
has been able to integrate its growth thus be stated that, “a central dimen-
with internationalization, thereby fol- sion in the tension field of knowledge
lowing a process of structural differen- sharing and protection is “knowledge
tiation (Schneckenberg, 2015). There- characteristics” as the properties of
fore: knowledge determine how it can be
both shared and protected (Bogers
Proposition 2: The collaboration be- 2011, p.101) It also helps in determin-
tween firms is positively related to ing the action that can be undertaken
the effectiveness of the outcomes for supporting the knowledge ex-
of open innovation. change concept (Bogers, 2011). Ham
et al. (2017), taking into concern the
Knowledge Sharing and Open aspect of knowledge sharing has de-
Innovation fined the concept of open innovation
as, “the use of purposive inflows and
According to Bogers (2011), outflows of knowledge to accelerate
monitoring the regular trends increases internal innovation and expand the
the necessity of learning the pressure markets for external use of innova-
between the protection of R&D col- tion, respectively” (p. 1166). Its basic
laborations as well as knowledge shar-
assumption thus portrays the con-
ing activities. The majority of the firms
junction between the external as well
have thus come up with their bounda-
as the internal knowledge and the
ries to tap knowledge from the external
world just for the sake of using the firms’ performance with regard to its
market as the firms’ extension. There- improvement even within the rapidly
fore, it is considered to be the best op- changing working environment (Ham
tion for incorporating a strategic appli- et al., 2017).
cation into the collaborative agree-
ments of a firm in relation to the other Contextually, Alberti and
organizations. A varied range of theo- Pizzurno (2017) mentioned the out-
retical perspectives has been used in comes of open innovation, which poses
the corporate world for the sake of ex- a tremendous impact not only on the
ploring the knowledge sharing aspects policymakers but also on the managers
and in general considering the collabo- of the organizations. This open innova-
rative agreements. Bogers (2011) fur- tion is thus said to have initiated from
ther opined that transaction cost eco- a mixture of different types of knowl-
nomics, as well as the resource-based edge, especially the ones acquired with
view of the firm, are the two different the support of the heterogeneous play-
theories, which contributes largely to ers’ collaboration, which also includes
serve as an appropriate environment the new start-ups. The managers, in
for the strategic management. It has this case, are found to possess the po-
also been noted that firms from all gen- tential to develop the strategies of open
res integrate their surroundings’ innovation for the purpose of balancing
knowledge in the case of R&D col- their collaboration portfolio. This is
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 3, January 2019
2018-0917 IJOI
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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 3, January 2019
2018-0917 IJOI
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation
Volume 11 Number 3, January 2019