8.information Technology
8.information Technology
8.information Technology
801-802 Introduction
803-804 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
805 ERP Infrastructure
806 System Security
807 Training
Information 808
Implementation of ERP in IR
Technology 810 Areas to be covered under Workshop
ERP application
811 Work Order Computerization
812 Gate Attendance
813 Incentives
814 Supply Management and Stores
815 Quality Management
816 Post out turn rejection
817 ERP systems for open line depots and
818 Conclusion
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801. Introduction
802. Hence the need has arisen to evolve an integrated and self contained
management system such as the ERP in each production unit, workshops and LCDs
progressively, duly linking all departments within the unit. Every such ERP system
shall however have a seamless interface not only with other Production Units,
workshops and LCDs, but also already developed systems like FOIS, MMIS etc thus
sharing freely all relevant and pre-determined information across departmental and
other physical remote locations.
In the fast changing world of IT, it is inappropriate for the code to rigidly define
in detail, the infrastructure requirements; and hence an outline is spelt out below:
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a. Centralized system with no EDP centre at the train care centers.
b. Integration between divisions, zonal headquarters, Railway Board. RDSO
and between sister applications- wise-II, LMS, FMM, PU-ERPs and CMMS
c. Country –wide network connectivity
d. Ease of data entry and automation: kiosks, touch screens, RF-ID card for
man & material, hand-helds for yard work, PDAs, e-pens etc.
e. Web based system which can be accessed from anywhere.
f. Single point access to all managers through a common web portal: ROAMS-
Rolling Asset Management System.
g. IP based local area network built to latest industry standards. Back-bone of
such a network should be rest on optic fiber cabling, with at least two
parallel paths to each shop providing adequate redundancy to cover
damages or outages.
h. LAN for PUs and Train Care Centers treated as a part of basic M&P
infrastructure and kept in view while planning.
i. Connect to outside world with adequate security measures to avoid any
malicious attack at the ERP installation.
j. Internet access should be provided in workshop LAN through a secure
source with appropriate network security infrastructure.
k. Wherever a network is planned for computer aided manufacturing or FMS, it
should be secured from the IP based network installed for the ERP
l. All CNC M&Ps including testing and measuring equipment as far as possible
should be procured with facility for data exchange with ERP system and
capability to integrate with the IP network for on-line access of
manufacturing data from ERP.
m. There should be a CORE team for implementation, change management and
user support in the PU/Workshop with a full time set of officers to look
after the Enterprise Application and Industrial Automation (EA&IA)
functions in the workshops and PUs.
The EA&IA wing in any Production Unit or Train Care Center shall be
responsible for maintaining the local area network through specialized
agency to ensure required uptime to support the applications. This
organization shall be responsible for continued growth and development of
the application, organizing user training, refreshers, change management
trainings and maintain liaison with application hosting agency and the
The system should provide for adequate security such as user Identification
Numbers (User-ID), passwords, biometric identification protocols, codified smart
cards, provisions for using digital signatures to ensure that only the authorized
personnel can have access to data, stored in the system. Where a person is authorized
only to access data without modification rights, his/her access rights should be
correspondingly restricted. Where a person is to be authorized to enter fresh data,
access stored data and modify the same including deletion of the data, provision
should be available to give the person all rights in regard to the data. Only the system
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administrator and his/her assistants required to access the data bases and programs
should be given corresponding access rights. The system should provide for recording
the identification detail of the person who accessed the system to view data, enter,
modify or deleted a data for investigation purposes if required. The system should also
have a built in login register in the form of computer files to have a record of the log-in
and log-off time of all the persons who have been given the access rights of various
levels, for investigation purposes where required. The computer files containing the
log-in and log-off details should be preserved for as many years as applicable to any
other vital office records. The system also needs to cater to exigencies of data breach,
denial of service, protocols to address security breaches and mechanisms /
procedures that may be initiated in case of such breach of the system.
807. Training:
808. E-Library
Production units and train Care centers shall develop an E-Library of their own,
which should, inter alia, ready access to documents and drawings as relevant to all
the users in the unit, subject to copyright/patent right / intellectual property/pricing
An integrated and self contained management system (such as the ERP) has to
be evolved in each Production unit and workshops and open line sheds and depots
train care center, duly linking all departments within the unit.
Once the implementation is done, the EA&IA group, should ensure an in-house
support system by way of trained employees and tie-up with external software and
hardware support vendors are put in place at all times to ensure continuity in the
usage and further improvement with the change in technology. The post
implementation Organisational structure in PU/Workshops will need a different set of
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roles and skills than those dealing with less integrated kind of systems, which shall be
defined at the level of Board.
ERP Sub-systems:
Work order is the first stage and also the basic unit of activity in a production
shop. This comprises of product identification, batch size, work process, bill of
materials-manufactured items, bill of materials- bought outs, job cards containing
allowed time etc. Every step has to be part of one integrated sequential action /
process. Data entry should only be through swipe cards / work station key board.
There should be no provision for data alteration without digital authorization. Work
order closure will occur on elapse of allowed time or by foreclosure. Short produced
quantities have to be entered into the data base to work out revised allowed time and
material issued left out. Surplus material drawn will require suitable entries to be
made and acknowledgement from the Store keeper to be recorded in the data base.
Provision should exist to cross verify the workers job execution with gate attendance –
by data base integration and connectivity.
813. Incentives:
This subject is covered in the Stores Code and the MMIS which drives Material
management functions in the Railways.
Data entry should be mandatory for every rejection against a work order, to
facilitate accountal of actual hours as well as materials used or wasted. This data will
incorporate job card number, worker ticket number, Supervisor particulars and
Inspector’s name.
Zonal Railways may encounter problems on new stock as well as stock turned
out after maintenance. Basic record of new stock has to be in one data base, into
which all subsequent repairs, IOHs, POHs etc have to be entered. Data relating to all
failures also will be entered here – directly by the Railway- where failure occurred.
These will be thrown up as exception reports at the workshops where manufacture /
repairs were done.
All open line sheds and depots shall have HR modules. In addition to this, open
line units shall digitize the functions as relevant to the type of rolling stock dealt
therein like integration with Operating Information Systems pertaining to maintenance
of rolling stock, performance parameters for maintenance, budget/expenditure
management etc.
818. Conclusion
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Annexure 8.1
Once the organization has decided to go for the ERP system, the search for the
package must start, as there are hundreds of packages it is always better to do a
through and detailed evaluation of a smaller number of packages, then doing analysis
of dozens of packages. This stage will be useful in eliminating those packages that are
not suitable for the business process.
3. Evaluation Package
4. Project Planning
This is the phase that designs the implementation process. It is in this phase
that the details of how to go about the implementation are decided. Time schedules,
deadlines, etc for the project are arrived at. The plan is developed, roles are identified
and responsibilities are assigned. It will also decide when to begin the project, how to
do it and its completion. A committee comprising team leaders of each implementation
group usually does such a planning.
5. GAP analysis
This is considered the most crucial phase for the success of ERP
implementation. This is the process through which the organizations create a complete
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model of where they are now, and in which direction will they opt in the future. It has
been estimated that even the best packages will only meet 50% of the organization’s
requirements. The remaining 20% presents problematic issues for reengineering.
6. Reengineering
It is the phase that human factors are taken into consideration. While every
implementation is going to involve a significant change in number of employees and
their job responsibilities, as the process becomes more automated and efficient, it is
best to treat ERP as an investment as well as a cost cutting measure.
7. Team training
8. Testing
This is the phase where one tries to break the system. One has reached a point
where the organization is testing the real case scenarios. The system is configured and
now you must come up with extreme cases like system overloads, multiple users
logging on at the same time, users entering invalid data, hackers trying to access
restricted areas and so on. This phase is performed to find the weak links so that it
can be rectified before its implementation.
9. Post implementation
Once the implementation is over, the vendor and the hired consultants will go.
To reap the fruits of the implementation, it is very important that the system has wide
acceptance. There should be enough employees who are trained to handle problems
that crop up time to time. The system must be updated with the change in technology.
The post implementation will need a different set of roles and skills than those with
less integrated kind of systems.
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