Feminist Criticism

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Name: Pearl Angelique Goluya

Grade and Section: ABM-12 St. Maximilian Kolbe

The Real Poison in Henrietta Rose-Innes’s "Poison" by Chelsea Larymore

The female character Lynn's portrayal as oblivious and meek could be the subject of feminist critique of
the piece because it perpetuates negative gender stereotypes. Women are often expected to be passive and to
wait for rescue or help, rather than taking action and saving themselves. This reinforces the idea that women are
unable to take control of their own lives and need to be saved by men. Additionally, the focus on Lynn's
ignorance rather than the larger societal and systemic issues that contributed to the explosion at the chemical
factory and her subsequent plight, reinforces the idea that individuals, particularly women, are solely
responsible for their own problems and should be held accountable for their ignorance. This approach ignores
the broader systemic factors that contribute to societal issues and reinforces the idea that it is solely the
responsibility of individuals, particularly women, to address these problems.

Furthermore, feminist criticism of the piece should highlight the unequal allocation of power between
men and women, which contributes to Lynn's predicament. The story promotes the notion that women have
little authority and are at the whim of larger, male-dominated institutions and systems. Lynn's stranding at a gas
station as a result of a chemical industry explosion exposes the harmful and toxic effects of patriarchal systems
on women's lives. The author's emphasis on Lynn's ignorance rather than bigger cultural and systemic concerns
supports the notion that women are unaffected by these challenges and are exclusively responsible for their own

Moreover, the language used to describe Lynn reinforces gender stereotypes. The use of words like
"willful ignorance" and "passive" present Lynn as weak and lacking agency, which reinforces the idea that
women are not capable of taking control of their own lives. The author's choice to describe Lynn as "part of a
large majority" of people who are "willfully ignorant" further reinforces the idea that women are a
homogeneous group and reinforces harmful gender stereotypes.

The author's comparison of Lynn's situation to global warming is also problematic from a feminist
perspective. The issue of global warming is a complex issue with multiple factors contributing to its persistence,
yet the author presents it as solely an issue of individuals' ignorance. This reinforces the idea that individuals,
particularly women, are solely responsible for larger societal issues and reinforces patriarchal power structures.
In conclusion, the article's focus on Lynn's ignorance reinforces harmful gender stereotypes and
reinforces patriarchal power structures. Feminist criticism of the article could point out these issues and
highlight the ways in which patriarchal systems contribute to the unequal distribution of power and reinforce
harmful gender stereotypes.

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