Yef,im Kotlyar
l 6. Sigma
--J: machine age was 20 years, The use of longer- and
higher-performance hobs was limited by the
Figure 1 Process var;iatioll for the "flat gear" j machines' rpm and shifting capability. Only two
famil.y was out ofeomrol. I
(out of rive) hobbing machines had a.n automatic
shifting feature. There was not precise control on
hob positioning relative to the workpiece or the
bob shifting di lance. The e machines were in
constant need of maintenance.
Fixlllring and Automation. Only 'two
machines in the cell had automatic loaders,
Fixturing and automation documentation was not
readily available, Some of the fixture items were
reverse engineered and not always compatible
with each other. Our company relied mostly on the
Figure 2-COSI breakdowlI .by percentage for lIew experience of setup people. This led to a wide
carbide hobbi,lg: cell: variation in setups. fixture, and cutting conditions.
1.2 MAY/JUNE 2002 • GEA,R TECHNOLOGY. www.gl!lsrtecllnology.com • www.oowertrsnsmiseton.com
Cutting Tools. A long-standing tradition in
fine-pitch gear manufacturing wa . the use of 0-
material removal per cutting edge of the hob.
Hob .Le'.lgth Significance. In addition to
Hob Length
changing the hob material to carbide. we intro-
duced longer hobs. This further reduced the cut-
Hob Wear Distnbution
Figure Sa-Wear distributioll OIl a shorter hob. Ling tool cost per gear and reduced downtime
caused by hob change because longer hobs make
Gear Cen1er Line
more gears per sharpening. Conventional think-
ing implies that the improvement would be pro-
portional to the hob length increase.
However, in reality. the improvement is pro-
portional to the shifting increase. Figure 8a and
8b show the load and wear distribution 011 short
and longer hobs, Short hobs may have little or no
shifting length available. Frequently. a small hob
_ Roughing _ Generatins__ Shifting
Zone Zone Zone length increase can result in manyfold hob per-
Hob Wear formance improvements.
j ,----- C!dtilJg Tools Cost Reduction, A conservative
estimate of per-gear tooling cost reduction is
close [0 threefold (Fig. 9).
Hob Wear Distribution Support SysCems
Figure 8b- Wear distribulioll(HI a lmlger hob. To understand and maintain the carbide hob-
optimum wear? What were the sharpening bing process. our company introduced a system
nuances (i.e, edge preparation)? When was the for monitoring process performance. A setup
right time to strip the coaling, and was itpossi- database wa created to include all process docu-
ble? What was the hob life and tool cost per gear? mentation. such as fixture. cutting tools. gear
Was there any predictability in carbide hobbing? parameters. cutting conditions. cycle time and
Figure 7 is an example of one of the many other necessary setup information. For every
challenges that we experienced. Coating fractures setup, the database query creates a single sheet of
can contribute to poor hob performance. Coaling paper with the late t etup information.
on the illustration is breaking away from the tool The original tooling has been expanded to
Close inspection within theseareas reveals multi- process more than .180 differem part numbers.
pie coating layers that chipped on the outer sur- Machine part programs are backed upperiodically,
face, while the lower coating layers have Fixture and automation change parts are stored in
remained intact. a clearly marked storage area adjacent to the
Layer Bllildup. ..Each coating is approximately machine. A~ was mentioned before, every hob has
0.0004" thick. The top layer is a single layer of a worksheet with a history of usage, sharpening,
TiAIN. Underneath that are two layers of Futura and recoating ..Figures 10 and 11 demonstrate pro-
coating, each composed of 27-35 alternating sub- ductivity over a three-month period..
[ayers ofntanium nitride (TiN) and titanium alu- Improvements Sum_mary
minum nitride (TiAlN). The yellow lines between ProductivUy Imp,-,ovemerlts. Major productiv-
layers are TIN. The light-colored ubstrate is seen ity improvements were realized due to carbide
16 MAY/JUNE 2002 • GEAR TECHNOLOGY • www.g(!art,«,~hn"/o.gy.c,,m • www.powe,r,a"smissJon.com
hobs having speed capabilities three times higher
than HSS hobs, Other factors contributing to the
productivity improvements were etup time
reduction, CNC-controlled hob travels, more con- $0.150
,. Sharpen. cost
sistent etups and cycle time , a drastic reduction $0 ..1100
in process debugging time for lead/invo- .11rIj,tjalcost
lute/runout problems, and precise calculations of
bobbing cycles and goal setting. $0.000
De pite all of the challenges with carbide hobs, Carbide I'Iobs IHSS Ilobs,
the productivity improvement made it possible for Figure ~Cost-per-gear ,comparison between carbide(lIId liS'S lI.obs.
u to replace four machines. In addition, we
~r- ~~tlfl.B-~·C~-~~ -,
increased production by in-sourcing all gear hob-
bing and k.iving, with a $280.,000 annual volume.
QlllZlily improvemellt. Prorated annual scrap
savings was $47,000 as compared with three
mechanical pinion cells using old machines and
HSS cutting 1001s and producing approximately the
17· 2-1· aI· 7· 1.... 21·
same amount of parts (Fig. 12). .lJI-..lJI Ng Ng Ng
.'seI!!p Time i
variables: new machines that were statistically eval-
• Value, Nlded T1me
uated for the process capability during the runoff,
AA quality cutting 10015. preci ion fixtures, better
quality blanks, ISO-compliant. quality systems, and
having setup and cutting parameter consistency, The
improvements in the process capability made it pos-
1_1- -
2e. _
-- '-
- ~I·~- 1·
.lJI Aug
sible to reduce the inspection and rework expenses.
III closing. the investment ill new carbide hob- Figure l1-Time allocation breakdown during carbide 1I0bb.illg trial.
bing technology made us look at our operation $60.000 r----------......;,;=~~-----."
tools, blanks. and qUality system. The results are 520.000 +-----------------
better quality gears at a lower cast.O $0 IL--"
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