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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)

ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-11, Feb 2019

A Review on Gear Hobbing Process

Himanshu Vasnani, 2Dr. Neeraj Kumar
Ph.D (Scholar), 2Prof.& HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Suresh Gyan Vihar
University, Jaipur (Raj) India.

Abstract—Gear hobbing is most dominant process for manufacturing gears. Vibration monitoring I gear hobbing is
essential to improve quality and prevent catastrophic failure of hob tool. The aim of the paper is to review past
researches conducted on gear hobbing process and suggest possible research directions.

Index Terms—Gear hobbing, condition monitoring, vibration analsys.

I. INTRODUCTION superimposition of feed of hob over the gear face on the

rotation of the hob tool. Gear hobbing is regarded as
GEARS are used as primary components for power and perpetual generating process. Tangential, radial or axial
motion transmission .They are also employed for changing feed can be given to the hob. In the production of worm
torque, speed or direction of power source. Gear drives wheels radial feed is employed. The axes of hob and tool
provide a highly precise and controlled motion than other are perpendicular in such case and the motion of tool takes
drives such as belt drives, due to constant velocity ratio and place in radial direction. Whereas the axis of gear blank and
fixed tooth ratio. Gears are used in many geometries and hob is parallel in axial feed. In tangential feed the axis of
applications such as machine tools, automobiles, industrial hob is aligned horizontally although normal to the blank‘s
robots, speed drives, precision equipment etc. Thus, gear axis. Before feeding forward axially the hob is maintained
manufacturing industry forms most important part of at full depth. The above mentioned practice is utilized for
various industrial segments. The ever increasing demand creating teeth profile in worm wheel and also for producing
for quality assurance has imposed high standards on gear spur and helical gears.
manufacturing industry. Continuous improvement is
necessary to stay competitive in market. During gear hobbing processes, many factors contribute to
the overall cycle time and the gear qualities, including hob
Traditional machining techniques such as grinding and design , tool wear, workpiece deformation, and working
turning are employed to manufacture the common geometry temperatures. Hob cutters are highly expensive due to their
element of gears. However, the aforementioned methods complex geometry. Thus maximum utilization of hob tool‗s
are feeble for manufacturing tooth gap. Additionally high life. Capstan Meters, Jaipur reported recurring hob tool
quality and accuracy requisites on gears make it failures before fulfillment of expected life.. Machine tool
compulsory to use gear definitive manufacturing process. cost decreases as production efficiency increases whereas
These technologies includes casting, forming, powder contrasting behavior is observed in case of hob cost as it
metallurgy, stamping and injection moulding. These can be increases with production efficiency due to rapid wear and
broadly classified as Gear generating process Gear form tear. Thus to achieve target cost the process parameters
cutting and gear generating are the two major gear must lie within a specified range. Additionally to stay
manufacturing process. In gear generating process gear competitive in the industrial market domestically as well as
profile is formed by relative motion between rotation of globally manufacturers must produce highest possible
cutting toll and translational or rotational motion of quality at the minimum possible cost. The cost per piece is
workpiece. The two primary generating processes are determined by quality , productivity and tool life. Hobbing
hobbing and shaping.Gear form-cutting uses formed cutting process is influenced by characteristics of hob
tools that have the actual shape, or profile, desired in the tool(Geometry ,structure, material, cutting) , machine tool
finished gear. The two primary form-cutting methods are (machinability, dynamic efficiency and service life), work
broaching and milling . Bevel and cylindrical gears are the piece(Geometry, machinability and material) and cutting
mostly used for such applications. parameters(Cutting speed, Axial feed rate and feed
Gear Hobbing is acknowledged as the most advantageous strategy). Catastrophic failure of any equipment may result
or profitable manufacturing process for producing external in severe machine downtime, thus health monitoring or
gears[1-4]. Gear hobbing process undergoes same condition monitoring is essential for gear hobbing process.
kinematics as a worm gear rolling on a worm drive[5]. American Gear follows guidelines established by American
Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) which is ISO
In gear hobbing synchronous rotation exists between 9001:2008 certified[6] . In gear hobbing certain conditions
workpiece and hob tool along with simultaneous such as dislocation in tool or workpiece clamping or

138 | IJREAMV04I1147055 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2019.0026 © 2019, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-11, Feb 2019

tolerance of tool and workpiece may occur which leads to fields[11].Scholars have conducted extensive studies on this
deviations[7].The characteristics deviations are shown in topic, and several productive results have been reported in
Fig 1.1. the literature. Hsu et al. [12] proposed an experimentally
verified compensation method for a five-axis machine tool.
Industries are always apprehensive about effectiveness,
Yang et al. [13] proposed an integrated positioning
protection and consistency of gear hobbing process[8].The
dependent geometric error (PIGE) identification and
ideal and operating performance of machine differs
corresponding compensation method. Kono et al. [14]
significantly. Condition monitoring is the tool which aids in
proposed an analysis method that can separate different
reminiscing the ideal performance and efficiency of
kinds of geometric errors. Based on the hobbing method, a
compensation method for the geometric errors was
In spite of being efficient condition monitoring is arduous developed. Zhang et al. [15] proposed a convenient and
and laborious task as it requires maintenance crew to effective measuring method for geometric error
continuously monitor and troubleshoot the errors. This identification of the rotary table on five-axis machine tools
drawback can be by using double ballbar (DBB) as the measuring
instrument. Andolfatto et al. [16] analyzed errors
introduced by servo systems. Abukhshim et al. [17]
investigated heat generation during the high-speed gear
hobbing process as well as the pattern of heat transfer in the
machine. Wang et al. [18] established an experimental
platform to study the thermal deformation of gear hobbing
machines and proposed a method to compensate for the
thermal error caused by it. In addition, Wang et al. [19]
conducted a study to discover the mapping relationship
between the geometric error and geometric precision of
gears. Based on that, the model, which shows the quota
mapping relation between the hob profile deviation and
gear profile deviation, was developed accordingly. Franco
et al. [9,] studied the influence of tool error on tool surface
quality. Friderikos et al. [20] investigated a type of failure
of dry An essential feature of high quality gears is low
vibration excitation in all operating conditions. Therefore,
especially in the automotive industry, the tooth design
phase focusses on optimized micro-geometry [21]. The aim
is, to reduce transmission errors and thereby vibration
Fig 1.1 Characteristics cutting deviation in Gear hobbing[7] excitation. This micro-geometry is influenced by the gear
manufacturing processes, especially the finishing
swamped by vibrational analysis in condition monitoring of operations [22 ] this paper introduces a case-study, as to
machine[9].Effective vibration signal extracting techniques highlight the influence of two of these parameters, profile
have a critical part in diagnosing a machine. angle deviation (fHα) and tooth trace angle deviation (fHβ),
The aim of this paper is to review past studies conducted on on run-off cycle on test benches, for high-performance
vibration analysis of gear hobbing machines. The rest of the automatic transmission, designed for passenger
paper is organized as follows: Section II summarizes the vehicles.[23]. The noise level depends on quality not only
past researches in the mentioned domain. The obtained of planetary gears, but of the other matting gears, as well,
results are discussed in Section III. Section IV concludes precisely ring gears and sun gears. An in process fuzzy rule
the paper and Section V suggests possible research based in process decision making approach is proposed in
direction or future scope. [24] for inspecting parameters of pinion being produced by
gear hobbing process.Significant improvement in decision
II. LITERATURE SURVEY making under ambiguous conditions was incurred from the
Quality of a gear, highlighted by its elements, is defined by performance analysis. Thus the proposed method may lead
the accuracy of applied manufacturing processes, as to to reduced defects and manufacturing costs,
achieve the geometrical and dimensional demands, required In this context the gear is represented by the
by functional conditions and using cycles, for each dexelmodelling technique. Coupling the model with a finite
component of an assembly or subassembly [10] .In order to element simulation, the simulation framework is able to
improve the hobbing precision of gear hobbing machines, calculate deviations of the gears induced by the thermo-
the precision evolution mechanism of gear hobbing mechanical load during gear hobbing.[25] A method for
becomes a research focus in both academic and industrial

139 | IJREAMV04I1147055 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2019.0026 © 2019, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-11, Feb 2019

obtaining optimized cutting torque in context of gear development. To reveal the characteristics of force-induced
hobbing is proffered in [26]. The proposed system is based errors of hobbing machines, Wu et al. [41] developed an
on Adaptive fuzzy control system. A large number of error model and conducted a univariate analysis of the
simulations and experiments have shown violent influence of force-induced error on the quality of gear
fluctuations in the cutting force of gear hobbing process[27- hobbing operation. A following onsite experiment validated
30], which makes the cutting conditions of the process very the analyzed results. The authors developed a direct force
bad. So in order to avoid tool breakage and machine induced error model for dry gear hobbing machine by using
overload, conservative cutting parameters (e.g., feed rate the analytical results obtained from Finite Element
and spindle speed) are usually selected in gear hobbing Simulation of entire system. Accordingly, the mapping
process. Therefore, the productivity will be relatively low relation between the force-induced error and gear hobbing
when using constant cutting parameters. For these reasons, precision was studied both theoretically and experimentally.
the adaptive control technique is very suitable for the The influence of machining accuracy of gear parameters on
process to increase the efficiency and protect the machine noise vibration harshness conditions has been tested and
and cutting tool simultaneously by regulating the machining experienced, therefore, it can be observed that, in order to
parameters online. Model-based techniques and intelligent reduce the level of noise and vibrations, it is important not
control techniques have been used to realize adaptive only the machining accuracy, but also the fine adjustment
cutting force control[31]. Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is of some parameters, as to ensure a smooth gearing process,
selected in this article from all the available techniques concerning the complexity of brand-new automatic
because it has proven useful in control and industrial transmissions [42].
engineering as a highly practical optimizing tool for its
Anna and etal[43] analyzed vibration behavior of two
tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth and
industrial gear hobbing machines. Experiment was
its ability to model non-linear functions of arbitrary
performed on two gear hobbing machines with identical
complexity[32]. For these reasons, FLC has been used in
parameters. Natural frequencies were determined by
many industrial applications to achieve online adaptive
accelerometer and impact hammer.. The sensors are
machining[33].The authors in [34] have presented a force-
connected to a dynamic signal analyzer to obtain Frequency
induced error model for a dry hobbing machine functioning
Response Function for each system.. The frequency
at high speed. The proposed model has high applicability
response function reveals that The vibrations coincided
and utilizes Finite Element Simulation and homogenous
with input frequencies from the tool‗s teeth impacting on
coordinate transformation of the entire gear hobbing
the work piece surface. This caused the entire system to
machine. Another important advantage of the model is
vibrate excessively and induced disastrous limitations in
significant reduction in parameters in error estimation.
tool life. The possible corrective actions suggested by
Exqusite insights during chip formation, i.e., stress, strain, authors include changing cutting parameters, changing
strain rate, temperature gradients, etc., were provided. Zaeh frequency of vibration source and changing natural
et al. [35] conducted a numerical investigation on the frequencies by structural modification. Bouzakis et al. [44],
dynamic response of gear hobbing machines and its approximately linear tool wear progression at a steady rate
influence on hobbing precision. Based on principles of gear was observed for the flank wear. Hence, a uniform wear
skiving, Guo et al. [36] studied the relation between the rate could be assumed and the tool wear rate could be used
process parameters and tooth surface quality. Compared to to evaluate the tool wear in this study. To model the tool
conventional hobbing machines, a high-speed dry hobbing wear rate during gear hobbing processes, Usui‘s tool wear
machine is a kind of green manufacturing machine tool, rate model was implemented in [45], which was proven to
which can effectively reduce pollution and resource waste. successfully predict the tool wear rate of carbide tools by an
At present, gear hobbing technology is being developed extensive range of studies on machining processes [46–50].
toward high-speed, high-rigidity, high-precision, and large
Gear hobbing has accounted for nearly half of all
material removal. Although there is a long history of
gear fabrication operations, but this process has not
research on cutting force and the related force-induced
benefited much from the enormous advances of condition
deformation, there has been more focus on the conventional
monitoring techniques especially vibration analysis, as
turning and milling process [37, 38]. Dong et al. [39]
compared to turning, milling and drilling processes. At the
predicted cutting forces, torques, and temperature and stress
same time, during gear hobbing process, there exists long
distributions of the hobbing tools and workpieces by using
strokes in both entry process and exit process, of which the
a three-dimensional (3D) finite element model. Dimitriou et
cutting force is smaller. Furthermore, gear hobbing process
al. [40] developed a software program HOB3D that
is a signally multi-parametric and complicated gear
simulates accurately the manufacturing of spur and helical
fabrication method as many cutting processes based on the
gears. The resulting three dimensional solid geometrical
rolling principle[51].
data provides the whole geometrical information needed for
predicting of the cutting forces, tool stresses, and wear Many past researches have tested the efficiency of
various vibrational analysis techniques for fault diagnosis

140 | IJREAMV04I1147055 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2019.0026 © 2019, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-11, Feb 2019

of rotatingmachinery.Most of the studies in past decades be concluded that development of numerical and analytical
provide review of vibration monitoring techniques from model for simulation of gear hobbing process has remained
different perceptions. For instance a survey of vibration prime research concern to determine un deformed chip
monitoring techniques for rolling element bearing in both geometry, cutting forces, and tool wear. But much less
time and frequency domain is provided by Mathew and attention is paid towards vibrational analysys of gear
etal[52]. hobbing machine.
Health monitoring of a machine is crucial because even IV. FUTURE SCOPE
in the most excellent operating conditions vibrations exists
due to minor defects. Therefore each machine has a natural In future the author plan to implement vibration monitoring
or normal level of vibration which does not affects its by using fuzzy logic techniques on industrial gear hobbing
performance. But in some situations such as onset of machine.
mechanical troublethe vibration level or noise level may REFERENCES
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