201-Research Article-1491-1-10-20210706
201-Research Article-1491-1-10-20210706
201-Research Article-1491-1-10-20210706
Azman Hashim International Business school (AHIBS), University Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Absenteeism is a complicated subject in today's progressively competing and challenging condition within which
management (system) performs. From absenteeism appearing, businesses are encountered with hindered productivity, inefficient
service delivery, and decrease performance, thereby negatively touching stability. Absenteeism is an excellent connection with the
field of human resource management. The widespread absenteeism in the safety part does the necessary research. Thus, that
significant bits of help can be created that will, finally, enable managers or employers to help the control being investigated firmly.
This investigation aims to research the effect of absenteeism and expand on which negatively influences managerial fulfillment.
For the aim of this research, quantitative research was applied. The complete number of 120 respondents was selected, with a 100%
reply rate accomplished. The questionnaire was used to collect information reselected the population. The outside elements are on
the other side of the controlling company; the finding indicated that professional stress, Organizational Culture and Leadership,
Job satisfaction, Working Conditions, Personal Factors, and family issue, has an indirect effect on purpose to abandon and
absenteeism. Firms require to develop job satisfaction by decrease professional stress. By decreasing tension, companies keep
decreasing the aim of abandoning and absenteeism. Absenteeism is unforeseeable and essential company trouble, which happens
at the costs of both workers and managers. The effect of absenteeism is not only conducted to the fiscal deficit but also the
company's friendship.
Keywords: Absenteeism, professional stress, Organizational Culture, Job satisfaction, Personal Factors
Corresponding author: Ashkan Razmfarsa, Azman Hashim International Business school (AHIBS), University Teknologi
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Email: ashkan.razmfarsa@gmail.com. https://doi.org/10.47277/JEEP/1(2)34
Journal of Energy and Environmental Pollution 2020, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 29-34
3 Literature Review
3.1 Absenteeism
Absence is the non-appearance of a worker for
arranging work can be distinguished between absence
organized earlier; for instance, every year leave—several
companies points of view in two types tensional (optional)
and unintentional absence. March and Simon (1958) were
initial theories to virtualize this sight of absence mentally.
Tensional or optional absence can contain causes like
aberrance behavior and vacations. Unintentional absence
totality by causing out of a worker's manage like illness
burial ceremony (James et al., 2006). Absenteeism is trouble
encountered by trading worldwide (Johnson, 2006; Mudaly
and Nkosi, 2015). Today, companies are needed to perform
at the most appropriate level while growing prices and
certifying maintainability in an ever-growing competition-
oriented surrounding; for many years, companies have
searched for the means of growing better human resource
management, with particular attention in decreasing
absenteeism. This fact arrived at alarmingly high levels, both
locally and internationally. This literature review attempts to
bring a valuable conception into the several and complicated Figure 1: The proposed research model
causes of absenteeism and the impact on the company's
acting of businesses. 4 Methodology
4.1 Research Design
3.2 Absenteeism around the world The research instrument used in this study has been
As Henry Ongori (2007) stated, the Investigator leads a developed upon review of academic literature. A self-
survey of the source of worker absenteeism and its result on administrated survey was built to gather and record the data
the company in Botswana. The Investigator discovered that in this examination. The questionnaire was divided into five
the workers could be remained alive if they behaved as one sections. The first page of the questionnaire contained the
of the firm's benefits that require consideration. However, explanatory statement of the survey, which justified the
there is no right way to be utilized to stop absenteeism from rationale and reason to undertake the survey. The definition
occurring. However, employers should investigate the rate of validity addresses the question as to how well the
of worker absenteeism and suggest the most excellent measurement device tests the target value, that is, whether
practices appropriate and suitable for them, like incentives the findings of the study are the response to the test query.
and remuneration. Although the Investigator discovered that Despite knowledge of the measurement instrument's
the workers require to feel that they are consequential to the authenticity, the collected data cannot be reliably
firm to increase their capacity to achieve more power and guaranteed. There are many ways to test questionnaire
struggle, the worker has to give the challenging and validity. In this study, content, and construct have been
challenging task. Employers have to be on the basis o Know- validated.
How. (Henry Ongori,2007).
4.2 Data Collection and Questionnaire Validity
3.3 Job Satisfaction When researching what information-gathering
Job satisfaction is a severe element to reduce approach was greatly appropriated for this research, the
absenteeism and Achievement Company. The incentive is a investigators focused on what kind of data they were
master key component of the comportment and achievement considering acquiring. For this study, it was significant to
of a worker that has a straight fluency on whether a company recognize proof from a worker possible to show the reason
is profitable or not. Job satisfaction has been described as a and impact of the connection between employees and work
point of view that workers face their jobs and their company. environment absence. For this motivation, the quantitative
Nevertheless, different elements impact job satisfaction. method was chosen for this study to investigate a sizeable
Therefore, the extent of job satisfaction will vary from single university student. Creswell (1994) explained the
to single (Chen, 2008). quantitative approach as describing circumstance by
gathering analytical (express number) information which is
investigated utilizing statistical (numerical) approaches. The
self-administered questionnaire was used to collecting data.
The employees reported by the H.R. manager were
respondents of the study. Questionnaires were distributed in
the workplace by the H.R. department to respondents and
were followed up to speed up answering. The researcher
requested the H.R. manager's assistance to introduce or
Journal of Energy and Environmental Pollution 2020, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 29-34
assign their employees to participate in the survey. The study based on the normality of the variable distribution in the
paradigm for this investigation was a mix of practical population. To estimate the expected statistical distribution
methods and explanative methods. Explanative research can the skewness and kurtosis are used. The acceptable range of
provide discernment to be recognized, surveyed, and skewness and kurtosis that is accepted is between -2 to +2
explicated (Bryman and Bell, 2007). As section of the study for standard data. In this study, the minimum skewness was
question looked to survey a worker's perception of absence. -0.411, the maximum was 0.077, and the minimum and
It was significant to merge the explanative style to look for maximum kurtosis were -0.994 and 0.008 that all results are
worker's perceptions and awareness. If the helpful method acceptable.
were only grasped for this study, these would have been lost.
The definition of validity addresses the question as to how 6 Evaluation
well the measurement device tests the target value, that is,
whether the findings of the study are the response to the test 6.1 Outliers
query. Despite knowledge of the measurement instrument's Statistically, Outliers are data that differ significantly
authenticity, the collected data cannot be reliably from a group's data and differ significantly from other
guaranteed. There are many ways to test questionnaire sample members. The outlier is data that is significantly
validity. In this study, content, and construct have been different from the rest of the sample members. There are
validated. several ways to identify discarded data, which can be divided
into three general categories. In this study, Z-score is used to
detect outliers. An acceptable range of Z-score is between -
4.3 Data Analysis 3 to +3. The results indicate that all of the Z-score are in the
Content validity is a way to ensure that the acceptable range see (Table 1).
questionnaire used in a study can measure the desirable
concept or attribute. Along these lines, the survey will be
Table 1: Examination of outliers
sent to specialists and posed to demonstrate whether
Z score
inquiries measure the ideal trait or not? What is more,
Minimum Maximum
regardless of whether the inquiries spread the entire
Job Satisfaction -1.96816 1.84477
substance of the investigation or not? If there is an Moral -2.06676 1.39398
understanding of the diverse specialists in the legitimacy of Organizational Culture -1.64627 1.36169
the question, the questionnaire has content legitimacy. Work Conditions -1.71454 1.44287
Logical and face validity are two types of Content validity Stress -1.77447 1.94812
that applied in this study. Illness -1.64626 1.36135
Personal Issues -1.71457 1.44236
4.4 Convergent Validity and Alpha Cronbach Family Issues -1.77445 1.94845
Whenever one or more characteristics are measured, the
correlation between these measurements provides two 5.2 Multicollinearity
essential validity indicators. If the correlation between factor There are several methods to determine the severity of
loads is high, the questionnaire has a convergent validity. multicollinearity, two of which are very common: the study
This correlation is used to ensure that the test measures what of the two-variable, multivariate correlation matrix, and the
needs to be measured. For convergent validity, the average calculation of variance inflation factors (VIF) and tolerance
extracted variance (AVE) should be calculated. Cronbach's (Pallant, 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2012). The results of
alpha is a universal principle to evaluate the reliable the correlation matrix show that none variable correlations
measurement of the research instrument. A value greater were higher than 0.8, and the effects of VIF tolerance
than 0.7 represents the acceptable level for Cronbach's alpha. indicated that the value of the large VIF was 8,443,
Nevertheless, the Threshold value of 0.6 is acceptable for indicating a lack of multicollinearity.
constructs that contain few items.
5.3 Non-Response Biasness
5 Analysis Using the Mann-Whitney-U test proposed by Weiss
5.1 Test of Normality and Heide (1993), the risk of systematic error due to lack of
The concept of normal distribution applies to response was calculated, considering the difference between
parametric data (not nonparametric data). By creating a early and late respondents compared with the average value
graph of the probability of being average (in the form of a for all variables. After receiving the completed survey, the
bell and also symmetrical relative to the mean), the first fifty completed search tools were selected as the first
normality test whether the research observations follow a respondents, and the last fifty were chosen as late based on
normal distribution. Normalization is the most basic premise the date of the survey. The results showed that there were no
of multivariate analysis. However, specific statistical tests noticeable critical differences between early and late
are invalid and unusable (Hair et al., 2010). The importance respondents. Therefore, distortion without reaction is not a
of familiarity and measuring the normality of data problem in this study (See Table 2).
distribution is that some statistical methods such as Pearson
correlation, t-tests, and analysis of variance analysis are
based on the assumption that data distribution is expected (in
society). For example, the population parameter is estimated
Journal of Energy and Environmental Pollution 2020, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 29-34
Journal of Energy and Environmental Pollution 2020, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 29-34
can serve as an example to encourage Iranian researchers to hypothesis testing. The result indicated that all factors have
adopt empirical or positivistic methodologies. a positive and significant effect on absenteeism. The result
Second, this research also serves as a pioneer study for indicated that the effect of all eight factors and absenteeism
indigenizing these well-developed constructs and is positively significant. Moreover, the results indicated that
instruments for future application in the Iranian context. a few elements or working methods had been employed in
Reliable and valid instruments are valuable tools in studying or growing work environment evaluation and
organizational studies. This research intends to observe the attendance.
validity and reliability of the constructs and instruments
being studied in an Iranian context. As a result, this study Acknowledgments
can test the validity of theoretical frameworks in a different The research reported in this paper was supported and
context and provide evidence for instrument refinement. granted funds from AHIBS/UTM.
Third, this study can fill a gap in existing organization and
management literature and contribute knowledge to the
subjects being studied in Iranian contexts. References
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resource management practice, both in Iran and Western science of learning from
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constructs and absenteeism in Iranian food industries. workplace absenteeism and the investigation of
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Dublin, National College of Ireland).
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Journal of Energy and Environmental Pollution 2020, Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 29-34