Akhila Changeeekrishhhhh
Akhila Changeeekrishhhhh
Akhila Changeeekrishhhhh
In order to satisfy his needs and wants the customer purchases certain
goods on the impression that it would satiety his needs and wants. If the
product; satisfies him. He will buy more and more of the same product. He will
also advertise about the product to others. If is dissatisfied he will stop consult-
ling the product. Measuring customer's satisfaction is important, because 26% of
customers dissatisfied would be enough to stop doing business.
Peter Ducker observed that a company's first task is to "create customers".
Satisfaction is the person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from
comparing a product's perceived performance (outcome) in relation to his I her
expectation. If the performance falls short of expectation, the customer is
Several factors like psychological, personal, social and cultural factors influence
the purchasing behavior of the consumer.
Psychological Factors
1. Personal Factors
2. Social Factors