Measurement and analysis of inequality of opportunity in access of maternal and child health care
in Togo
In low- and middle-income nations like Togo, access to mother and child health care is marked by
large disparities. The majority of studies in Togo have focused on overall health disparities and the
factors that influence people's health. In Togo, there have been little empirical investigations on
inequalities of opportunity in maternal and child health. To close this gap, we used data from the
Togo Demographic and Health Surveys to estimate changes in access to maternal and child health
care between 1998 and 2013. (DHS).
We used five indicators of access to healthcare and one composite indicator of access to adequate
care for children to calculate the Human Opportunity Index (HOI), which is a measure of how
individual, household, and geographic characteristics like sex and place of residence can affect
individuals' access to services or goods that should be universal. Birth in a public or private health
institution; whether the infant had gotten any vaccines; access to prenatal care; prenatal care
provided by qualified staff; and having at least four antenatal appointments were the five
indicators of access. Then we looked at the changes between the two years.
Inequality of opportunity reduced for four of the six metrics between 1998 and 2013. Inequalities
in access to antenatal care given by qualified professionals (5.9% to 12.5%) and access to
appropriate treatment, on the other hand, grew (27.7 percent to 28.6 percent ).
Dissimilarity index; Human opportunity index; Inequality of health opportunities; Maternal and
child health; Togo. Although inequality of opportunities reduced between 1998 and 2013 for some
of the key maternal and child health indicators, the average coverage and access rates underscore
the need for sustained efforts to ensure equitable access to primary health care for mothers and