Herodotou 2017
Herodotou 2017
Herodotou 2017
DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12220
J Comput Assist Learn. 2017;1–9. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jcal © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1
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possible effects. This review can benefit diverse stakeholders, includ- As a consequence, the choice of educational applications in
ing parents, educators, psychologists, policymakers, researchers, and formal and informal settings is informed by evidence about other
mobile application designers, by providing insights as to whether types of technologies, such as the passive television viewing
mobile applications have a positive, negative, or neutral effect on literature, and the “hype” presented in popular media by, for exam-
young children's learning and the conditions (e.g., design features, ple, application developers, more likely leading to erroneous
social interaction, and developmental age) under which they can be decisions. In other cases, educational applications are evaluated by
of most benefit to young children. It is hoped that recommendations qualified educators as a means of guidance to educators and parents
from this review will spark new and systematic research in the field (e.g., www.educationalappstore.com) or by rating systems such as the
leading to a robust understanding of young children's interactions with Common Sense Media (www.commonsensemedia.org/). Although the
mobile technology and the design of pedagogically sound mobile teaching expertise of educators might be an appropriate way to
learning applications. highlight applications that are suitable for young children's learning
and development, the evaluation of mobile applications is not yet based
on evidence from experimental research that considers for the actual
interaction of children with specific applications and their comparison
1.1 | Rationale to baseline measurements. For example, the design of an application
A systematic review of the impact of touch screen devices and mobile might be educationally sound as evaluated by experts, yet an examina-
applications on young children's learning and development is timely for tion of actual use may reveal that children's previous knowledge or
a number of reasons. First, it can shed light on long‐standing memory deficits create misconceptions and lead to poor learning.
controversy in the field. Curriculum policy recommendations stress Third, this systematic review aims to critically engage with
the importance of information, technology, and society (ICT) experi- existing research, identify potential strengths and weaknesses and
ences in early years to set the foundations for ICT efficiency in later how these may affect the interpretation and generalization of
years (Siraj‐Blatchford & Siraj‐Blatchford, 2000). On the other hand, research outputs, and recommend fruitful areas of future research
a large body of research raises concerns about the use of mobile that are either underexplored or not yet effectively explored. It is
devices by young children. The American Academy of Pediatrics anticipated that it will work as a stepping stone for shaping future
(2016) discourages any time interacting with media screen other than directions of research and providing evidence‐based recommenda-
video chatting for children younger than 18 months old and advices tions to a range of stakeholders in this area.
for joint parent–child interactions. Memory constraints related to age
place limitations on what children can learn from 2D media including
touch screens. In particular, toddlers present an inability to transfer 1.2 | Aim and research objectives
learning and information from 2D media to 3D contexts resulting in a
This systematic review aims to collect evidence about whether and, if
transfer deficit. This transfer deficit could be reduced by providing
so, what learning gains emerge from young children's interaction with
additional relevant visual and auditory cues that will help children
tablets, iPads, and smartphones in both formal (e.g., school) and
retrieve information from memory (Barr, 2013). What is meant by
informal (e.g., home) settings. The specific research objectives (ROs)
“screen time” is yet to be determined. Screen time might be a positive
to be addressed are
experience for children when related to activities such as reading and
watching educational television whereas negatively perceived when,
RO1: What evidence exists (positive, negative, or neutral) about the
for example, watching videos in a passive manner.
impact of tablets (or iPads or smartphones) on young children's
Second, this review can inform educators, policymakers, parents,
(5 years old and younger) learning and development (social,
and designers in certain ways. Early years curricula provide no specific
emotional, or cognitive)?
recommendations about which mobile applications best support learn-
ing, more likely due to the lack of empirical evidence and the relatively Experimental studies with randomization of participants and
new release and diffusion of those technologies (M. M. Neumann & comparisons between control and treatment groups are expected to
Neumann, 2014). Schools make choices and uses of technology based effectively address this objective and provide robust evidence of
on individual needs. In addition, there is an absence of high‐quality impact on young children's learning and development. Randomization
educational applications that could be used in early years' learning. can control for pre‐existing differences amongst participants whereas
The current state of the art is the use of rote‐learning applications the formation of a control group ensures that no confounding variables
(Herold, 2015). As Hirsh‐pasek, Zosh, Michnick, Gray, and Robb bias the comparisons. Quasi‐experimental studies do not meet the
(2015, p. 26) describe “we live in the first wave of app[lication] randomization principle, yet they were considered in this analysis,
development, when applications are often just migrations of games and their findings were critically assessed given the noncomparability
and learning scenarios that already exist in non digital form.” The of groups under study and the lack of control groups.
absence of evidence‐based guidelines in respect of which applications
RO2: What conditions explain the impact of tablets (as identified in
should be labelled as “educational” raises obstacles to the choices
RO1) on children's learning and development?
made by parents and teachers and places under scrutiny claims made
by application developers in terms of their educational value (Shuler Experimental studies that control for specific variables are
et al., 2012). expected to provide insights to this question, for example, how
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applications' interactivity compares to video watching and which full text of resources (in cases where the abstract information was
condition better support learning. In‐depth descriptive methods of not adequate for addressing the inclusion and exclusion criteria)
data collection (e.g., interviews, questionnaires, and observations) are and ensuring that all inclusion criteria were met. Data sets were
expected to also provide insights about the conditions that evidence accessed in the order presented above. An Excel sheet with studies
any impact of tablets on learning including the factors that better meeting the inclusion criteria was created. Any new study identified
support or hinder learning processes. was compared to the existing list of studies and added to it, if not
already included. If the search engine results were large in number,
1.3 | Literature search process a maximum of 250 entries from each database was examined. Less
relevant or irrelevant studies were identified after the first 120
An extensive automated search of electronic resources in nine
entries. Skimming 250 entries was therefore a safe threshold for
databases took place in February 2017. These databases were Web
not excluding any relevant study from the analysis.
of Science, Google scholar, Science Direct, ACM Digital library, Wiley
To assess further the quality of each resource, selected studies
online library, Ebsco ebooks, ERIC, psycINFO, and the institutional
were categorized in terms of whether they were journal, conference,
library search engine. Technology, education, and psychology‐based
or book items and whether they adopted an experimental,
resources were used. Three different sets of keywords were utilized
descriptive, or a mixed‐methods methodology. Also, content map-
to extract relevant resources: (a) tablets (or iPads or touch screens or
ping was performed to visualize information related to authors, year
mobile devices or mobile applications), (b) learning (or development),
of publication, number of research participants, instruments used for
and (c) young children (or preschool or preschooler). A chronological
data collection, research variables, results, general conclusion, and
restriction was also applied for resources published between 2009
mapping to research objectives (see Table S1).
and 2017. A Boolean logic search (e.g., learning or development) or
individual keyword combination search were used as allowed.
1.4 | Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Nineteen studies (N = 19) met the inclusion criteria of reporting
A set of criteria was set to ensure that only literature relevant to
learning effects of touch screen devices (tablets, iPads, and
answering the research objectives of this study was included in the
smartphones) on young children (5 years old and younger) and
analysis. Inclusion criteria were as follows:
published after 2009. The majority of studies were published in 2016
(N = 12) indicating a recent interest from the research community to
(a). resources reporting on the use of tablets (Android‐based or iPads
understand and document the impact of mobile devices on young
and smartphones);
children. The age of participating children ranged between 2 and
(b). examining learning impact (social, emotional, or cognitive);
5 years old. The total number of children participating in experimental,
(c). reporting on young children 5 years old or younger. Studies with quasi‐experimental, or mixed‐method studies (N = 14) was 862 and in
multiple age groups were included, and reference was only made descriptive and correlation studies, 941 (N = 5). The minimum number
to findings about the age group under examination; of children taking part in research was 24 (experimental study) and the
(d). describing empirical research either experimental or descriptive maximum 715 (survey study). Eight studies (N = 8) reported findings on
in formal and/or informal settings; literacy development, eight (N = 8) on science, technology, engineer-
ing, and maths (STEM) mainly mathematics, of which one study
(e). resources were published after 2009 to correspond with the
reported also socio/emotional effects, and three studies (N = 3) on
launch of Android devices in 2009 and Apple iPads in 2010; and
generic skills such as problem‐solving, collaboration, and fine motor
(f). English was the written language used.
skills' development. Only two studies examined the use of mobile
devices in formal education. In the next paragraphs, evidence from
Studies excluded from the analysis were reporting, for example,
these studies is critically analysed.
on the engaging qualities of tablets (e.g., Walter‐laager,
Brandenberg, Tinguely, Pfiffner, & Moschner, 2016), usage patterns
(e.g., Amornchewin & Sitdhisanguan, 2017), tablets as tools for data 2.1 | Literacy development
collection (e.g., Ryokai, Farzin, Kaltman, & Niemeyer, 2013),
Five experimental and quasi‐experimental and four descriptive studies
perspectives without empirical data (e.g., Sheehan & Uttal, 2016),
examined effects of touch screens on young children's literacy
and used iPods, digital books (e‐books), or touch screen apparatus
development, in particular reading and writing, vocabulary acquisition,
(e.g., Zimmermann, Moser, Lee, Gerhardstein, & Barr, 2016). Grey
knowledge of digital print, and emergent literacy skills. The use of
literature, that is, nonpeered review resources, was not included
e‐books or digital books by young children did not form part of this
in the analysis.
analysis, yet studies reporting on the use of tablets or iPads for reading
books were included in the review. Two quasi‐experimental studies
1.5 | Assessing the quality of included resources
presented contradicting evidence as to whether touch screens are
Nineteen studies were selected as meeting the inclusion criteria. (not) superior than traditional books. Touch screens were found to lead
This decision was made after reading the abstract or skimming the to better performance than nondigital books (Masataka, 2014) yet to
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inferior outcomes in parent–child reading activities (Krcmar & Cingel, projectile motion for older children only, early number skills for
2014). This contradiction should be interpreted in light of a lack of low‐income children, Math enhancement using digital manipulatives,
control over the testing and use of books by children and their mothers content knowledge about pets, and an increasing complexity of ways
at home in the former study and the addition of extra features to touch of reasoning about Math. Studies made use of both educational
screens (narration and highlight function) to the selected books in the applications and commercial mobile games, including Nintendogs and
latter study. The effects of touch screens on reading skills were more Angry Birds.
strongly determined by Reich, Yaw, and Warschauer (2016) in their The use of mobile applications was found to effectively support
review of studies comparing e‐books and traditional books. The near but not far transfer incidents. Two experimental studies
authors concluded that well‐designed e‐books can help children learn evidenced transfer of learning about time (Wang, Xie, Wang, Hao,
equally good and in some cases better than print books. Yet, enhanced & An, 2016) and measurement of animals (Alade, Lauricella,
e‐books with animations, sounds, and games were found to distract Beaudoin‐ryan, & Wartella, 2016). In both studies, the inherent
children. Learning with the support of adults is more beneficial in print interactivity (e.g., manipulating items on the screen) of mobile
books as conversations focus on the content of the book as opposed applications was found to support near transfer learning. To explain
to e‐books and a focus on the affordances of the medium. this further, for example, in Alade et al. (2016), study children in the
Only one experimental study examined emergent writing skills intervention groups either played an interactive measurement game
(writing of uppercase letters) and reported no differences in post‐tests or watched a non‐interactive video version of it. The control group
between paper and pencil and tablet and stylus conditions. Yet, the use played a non‐STEM game about cleaning animals. Following the
of tablet with finger (tactile condition) was found to be superior than intervention, a number of knowledge transfer tasks were completed
the use of tablet with a stylus. Despite the similarity between writing by children with the help of a researcher in a quiet place. These
with a pencil and with a stylus, no evidence of near transfer was tasks were composed of a set of printed images that asked children
reported. The same study examined extrinsic and intrinsic feedback. to measure the height and length of objects using items such as
Extrinsic feedback in the tablet condition was found to have no legos and erasers. In the near task, children were presented with
additional benefit over intrinsic (visual when writing; Patchan & information similar to the game or video used in the intervention;
Puranik, 2016). The immediate feedback provided by the device when they were asked to measure animals with the help of a scaffold line
an error is made was not found to have an advantage over the visual that demonstrated the correct direction of measurement. In contrast,
feedback occurring when writing with a pencil. in the far task, similarity between the game or video and the task
In terms of vocabulary acquisition, two experimental studies was limited; children were asked to measure a robot (rather than
reported positive effects of touch screens on vocabulary acquisition animals), and the scaffold line was absent. Findings revealed that
and development, yet the greatest benefits were observed when children in the interactive (game condition) scored better in the near
use was accompanied by adults (Teepe, Molenaar, & Verhoeven, task than the control and non‐interactive groups. What was
2016; Walter‐laager et al., 2016). The four descriptive studies surprising and in contrast to the body of literature suggesting that
identified reported positive outcomes from children's interaction with interactivity or experiential learning (Kolb, 2014) and physical
touch screens as reported by parents and teachers, in particular engagement (Kontra, Lyons, Fischer, & Beilock, 2015) facilitate
observed improvements in knowledge of digital print (Beschorner & learning is that children in the non‐interactive condition performed
Hutchison, 2013), letter sound and name writing skills, print aware- better in far transfer task than the control and the interactive
ness, print knowledge, and sound knowledge (M. Neumann, 2014; condition. Interactivity was found to support specific forms of
M. M. Neumann, 2016), and initial key concepts in literacy in particu- learning, that is, near transfer learning, yet not others (i.e., far trans-
lar for girls (Clarke & Abbott, 2016). No relation of time using the fer learning). This finding aligns well with experimental evidence
tablet with emergent literacy skills was found (M. Neumann, 2014). from Schroeder and Kirkorian (2016) showcasing that older children
only (aged 4–5 years old) achieved far transfer from watching a
video rather than interacting with an application about the quantity
2.2 | STEM development of different sets and growth. Younger children (aged 3 and 5 years
Eight studies (five experimental) examined effects of touch screen old) were found to learn better from a video than a mobile applica-
devices on STEM development, in particular, mathematics and science. tion, yet no transfer was achieved. No effects of character familiarity
These studies examined whether mobile applications facilitate near on learning were identified (Schroeder & Kirkorian, 2016).
and far transfer of learning. Near transfer is achieved when learning These findings come in contrast with a large body of literature
is transferred from one occasion to another with similar deeper showcasing benefits for learning through exploration and interaction
structure and with or without different surface characteristics. On with physical items (e.g., Kolb, 2014; Kontra et al., 2015). Yet, they
the contrary, far transfer occurs when learning is applied to instances could be explained by children's limited working memory and increased
identified as far away from initial learning such as the application of cognitive load. Manipulating items on the screen (interactive condition)
the law of supply and demand to explain high prices when visiting a required a significant amount of working memory resources and, as a
supermarket (Schwartz, Chase, & Bransford, 2012). Improvements result, may have limited children's ability to complete the far transfer
after interacting with mobile devices were reported for near (yet not task (which was cognitively more demanding than the near transfer
far) transfer learning events relevant to telling the time and measuring one). This was not the case for the near transfer task, as similarity
with unconventional units, quantity of different sets, growth, and between the interactive condition and the transfer task more likely
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helped children mimic the manipulation actions they used in the game language milestones. Yet, earlier scrolling of the screen was associated
and successfully applied them to the task in hand (Alade et al., 2016; with earlier fine motor achievement. Finally, in a qualitative study in
Schroeder & Kirkorian, 2016). formal settings, Clarke and Abbott (2016) reported multiple perceived
The developmental abilities of children including their age were benefits from using tablets (one device per child) in classrooms, in
found to relate to the impact of touch screens on young children. particular for girls, including early development of peer assessment
In line with Schroeder and Kirkorian's (2016) study, in a pre‐ and through collaboration, growth in confidence, and better listening skills
post‐evaluation of the game Angry Bird, Herodotou (2017) reported and group work.
significant differences in both game performance and knowledge
about projectile motion between 4 and 5 years old. Learning
improvements were recorded only for the group of 5 years old, in 3 | DISCUSSION
particular, an understanding of how force affects projectile motion
and the prediction of the pathway of a ball as a parabola, but not The lack of research examining the impact of touch screen devices
for the 4 years old (Herodotou, 2017). Transfer of learning from a including tablets, iPads, and smartphones on young children has been
commercial game‐based context to a near transfer pen and paper stated extensively. This systematic literature review revealed an
(i.e., children were presented with images that showed a sling shot, increasing interest in conducting examinations towards this direction
as presented in the game, and were asked to draw the motion of a as evidenced in the number of studies published in 2016 (N = 12) and
ball before it lands to the ground) exercise was only partially the comparatively lower number between 2012 and 2015. Nineteen
achieved for older children. The impact of commercial games on studies met the inclusion criteria and were integrated in this review.
learning was also examined in a quasi‐experimental case study by All studies were published in academic journals in the fields of
Miller et al. (2012) making use of the game Nintendogs. Pre‐ and psychology and education. The great majority of studies (N = 14) made
post‐tests revealed improvements in knowledge about pets after use of an experimental (N = 9) or quasi‐experimental research design
playing the game Nintendogs and enhanced self‐worth and self‐effi- (N = 5). Such research designs, in particular, experimental studies, are
cacy. Participating teachers reported also enhanced peer interaction. appropriate for concluding on the impact of mobile devices on young
One experimental study was considered for the role of children's children and enhance our confidence in the robustness of the reported
socio‐economic status and the potential of mobile devices to bridge findings and their generalizability across the population of young
previous gaps in learning and development. Low‐income children children.
were randomly allocated to a control and treatment groups. This systematic review aimed to address two research questions.
Improvements in early number skills (e.g., quantity discrimination The first question (RQ1) was what evidence exists about the impact
and numeral identification) after interacting with a Math application of tablets (or iPads or smartphones) on young children's (5 years old
were observed for the treatment group. These differences equal to and younger) learning and development (social, emotional, or
learning of approximate 1 year more Math than children in the cognitive)? Fourteen studies reported positive effects from using
control group (Schacter & Jo, 2016). tablets devices; four studies reported mixed findings (both positive
Lastly, the role of digital manipulatives hosted on mobile devices and negative; Alade et al., 2016;Herodotou, 2017 ; Patchan & Puranik,
was examined in an experimental and a quasi‐experimental study. 2016 ; Schroeder & Kirkorian, 2016); and one study reported negative
The former study reported mutual benefits from using both digital only findings (Krcmar & Cingel, 2014). A dearth of studies examining
and traditional manipulatives for improving Math concepts (Mattoon, the effects of mobile devices on children younger than 2 years old
Bates, Shifflet, Latham, & Ennis, 2015). The latter study reported on was observed. Participating children were in the range of 2 to 5 years
more complex ways of reasoning about Math concepts, the more old. The great majority of studies examined cognitive effects on
children use a variety of digital manipulatives. Design features science and mathematics (N = 16), with only three studies examining
supporting learning were the open‐ended nature of tasks, variety generic skills such as problem solving and fine motor skills'
of representations, and levels of difficulty (Watts et al., 2016). development. The social and emotional effects (or no effects) of mobile
devices on young children are considerably underexplored, with the
exception of two classroom‐based examinations making reference to
2.3 | Generic skills development enhanced peer interaction (as observed by teachers) and emotional
One experimental and two descriptive (one large‐scale survey and effects including enhanced efficacy and self‐worth from completing
interviews with educators) studies made reference to more generic game tasks (as measured through pre‐ and post‐tests; Beschorner &
skills in relation to tablet use. In particular, B. Huber et al. (2016) Hutchison, 2013; Miller et al., 2012).
reported on improvements in problem‐solving, planning ability, and The 14 studies reporting positive effects from using tablets devices
executive functioning in both a transfer and a nontransfer randomly concerned enhanced vocabulary skills (Teepe et al., 2016; Walter‐laa-
allocated groups when solving a digital and a physical puzzle game ger et al., 2016), reading and writing skills (Beschorner & Hutchison,
(the tower of Hanoi), advocating in favour of mobile applications to 2013; Masataka, 2014; M. Neumann, 2014; M. M. Neumann, 2016),
learn problem‐solving skills. In a large‐scale survey with 715 parents, enhanced Math or science knowledge and skills (Alade et al., 2016;
Bedford et al. (2016) reported no negative associations between age Mattoon et al., 2015; Miller et al., 2012; Schacter & Jo, 2016; Wang
of first touch screen usage and developmental milestones as well as et al., 2016; Watts et al., 2016), earlier fine motor development
no relation between touch screen use and either gross motor or (correlational study; Bedford et al., 2016), enhanced problem‐solving
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skills (S. Huber, Krist, & Wilkening, 2003), and general improvements Towards this direction and drawing from the science of learning,
in literacy, numeracy, social interaction, and growth in confidence Hirsh‐pasek et al. (2015) proposed a set of conditions that is deemed
(case study; Clarke & Abbott, 2016). Mixed findings were reported to be essential for achieving deep learning. Children learn best when
in relation to emergent writing skills and science knowledge and skills an application enables them to be actively involved and engaged with
of older children (Herodotou, 2017; Patchan & Puranik, 2016; the learning materials, is meaningful and relates to their lives, and
Schroeder & Kirkorian, 2016). The one study reporting on negative interacts with others in a high‐quality manner; materials have clear
findings referred to reading ability in joint parent–child interactions learning goal and support scaffolded exploration around a specific
(Krcmar & Cingel, 2014). learning goal.
The second research question (RQ2) aimed to detail the conditions
that explain the impact of tablets on children's learning and
development. The 19 studies under examination investigated the 4 | CO NC LUSIO NS
following conditions: (a) Application features including interactivity
supporting near transfer (Alade et al., 2016; S. Huber et al., 2003; This systematic review forms a starting point for building an in‐depth
Wang et al., 2016) yet being an obstacle to far transfer (where video understanding of the impact of mobile devices and applications on
was found to be more effective; Alade et al., 2016), narration and young children's learning and development. The extensive search of
highlight functions supporting reading performance (Masataka, 2014), academic databases revealed a limited number of empirical studies
open‐ended tasks, variety of representations and levels of difficulty (N = 19) examining learning effects of tablets, iPads, or smartphones
supporting refinement of Math ideas (Watts et al., 2016), extrinsic on children 5 years old and younger; therefore, drawing firm
feedback not supporting writing on a mobile device over naturally conclusions remains a challenge. Yet, two facts are quite promising;
occurring feedback when writing on paper (Patchan & Puranik, the research community is increasingly interested in conducting
2016), and no effects of character familiarity on learning (Schroeder research in the field and adopts experimental methodologies with
& Kirkorian, 2016); (b) the role of adults leading to greater vocabulary randomization to study effects on learning, an approach that can
growth (Walter‐laager et al., 2016) yet negative outcomes in reading yield robust and conclusive evidence.
due to evaluative comments about the medium (Krcmar & Cingel, The great majority of the 19 studies included in this review
2014); (c) age of children including greater benefits for older children examined cognitive effects of mobile devices on young children,
in near transfer tasks (Herodotou, 2017; Schroeder & Kirkorian, relevant to mainly literacy, science and Math, and reporting positive
2016; Wang et al., 2016); (d) similarity between mobile applications outcomes. There is a lack of studies examining possible impact of
and transfer context (near transfer) was found to facilitate learning, mobile devices on children's social and emotional development and a
yet writing with a stylus was not found to support learning despite need for gaining a fine‐grated understanding as to why observed
similarity when writing with a pen (Patchan & Puranik, 2016). Far effects have been identified. Experimental methods and random
transfer was achieved when children watched instead of playing with allocation of participants into groups minimize allocation bias and
applications (Schroeder & Kirkorian, 2016); and (e) one‐device‐per controls for differences between participants (Sullivan, 2011). Yet,
child was observed to lead to cognitive benefits in diverse domains they do not consider for the factors explaining observed differences
especially for struggling students and girls (Clarke & Abbott, 2016). unless these are built in the design of the study. A mixed‐methods
It could be argued that the line of research examining the approach with, for example, follow‐up interviews or debriefing of
conditions under which mobile applications are more beneficial to use, could enrich and explain experimental findings and provide
young children is still in its infancy. Despite the promising initial insights as to the conditions under which the use of mobile
insights, more examinations need to be done to identify how app applications might be more beneficial for young children.
design and social conditions surrounding use such as clear goals, As Lieberman et al. (2009) suggest, research approaches should
feedback, interaction with others and children's individual shift from “proof‐of‐concept” examinations demonstrating, for
characteristics such as age, gender, and previous attainment support example, the potential of technology for learning and types of learning
or inhibit both surface and deep forms of learning. In terms of app gains (skills and knowledge), towards studies that are longitudinal in
design, one of the few studies available (Falloon, 2013) examined a nature to identify long‐term effects of use and overcome novelty
range of apps and their features and how may affect the learning path- effects that might occur in short‐scale implementations, recruit large
ways of 5 years old. The effectiveness of apps was judged based on samples to allow for multivariate analysis and group comparisons,
whether children could complete the app tasks in hand and was and theory‐driven investigations that draw from established theories
engaged. Features found to influence learning pathways were of children's development. Future studies should build on the
embedded scaffolds (e.g., modelling and reflection time), corrective outcomes from this review and design investigations that consider
and formative feedback, text‐to‐speech functionality, and impedi- for established theories of learning, the affordances of mobile devices
ments (e.g., advertisements and buying content). Despite the and specific mobile applications, and are structured upon collabora-
usefulness of these outcomes for designing engaging and easy to com- tions between educators, psychologists, academics, and researchers
plete mobile apps, more research is needed to identify how design fea- to design high‐quality applications for learning.
tures may inhibit or facilitate learning as measured by performance In addition, evidence from experimental studies such as Schacter
indicators over and above app's task completion such as pre‐ or post‐ and Jo (2016) that considered for the socio‐economic status of
tests and comparisons between apps that share similar learning goals. children and identified benefits for children from low‐income
HERODOTOU bs_bs_banner
backgrounds after interacting with Math applications is very promising repeated presentations) might facilitate understanding and what role
for closing attainment gaps and should pave the way for additional mediation of viewing by adults might have on attention and learning.
research in the same direction. Further studies should seek to establish Television studies have also been focused on examining the prosocial
whether and under what conditions mobile devices could be used to effects of media (e.g., Strasburger et al., 2009). The interactive and social
minimize previous attainment gaps amongst children from diverse features of touch screen media suggest new forms of prosocial
socio‐economic backgrounds and help children reach their maximum behaviour that merit examination including understanding what
potential. characteristics of the media or of certain applications might affect
In the same line of thinking, what is still lacking is to determine emotional competences, how children might relate to application
how mobile interventions compare to existing approaches to characters and exhibit empathy or accepting or rejecting others.
teaching and learning in early years along with detailing the pedagog- Moreover, given the play‐like character of mobile applications in early
ical conditions that can better support mobile learning in formal and years, it might be fruitful to examine how interaction with such technol-
informal settings. In terms of the former, there is a lack of studies ogies relates to children's imaginary play, their understanding of the
comparing mobile learning with existing teaching approaches and distinction between fantasy and reality and the extent to which
identifying whether this form of learning is more or less beneficial. interaction with this new media enriches their imaginative and creative
For example, literacy effects could be examined by comparing mobile capacities (see Singer & Singer, 2011).
literacy apps with focus group multisensory techniques involving
elements such as creating and acting out stories, which are found ORCID
to be beneficial for oral language development and spoken skills C. Herodotou http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0980-1632
(Fricke, Bowyer, Haley, Hulme, & Snowling, 2013). Another exam-
ple relates to understanding science concepts and vocabulary and RE FE RE NC ES
how science‐related apps compare to approaches such as respon- Alade, F., Lauricella, A. R., Beaudoin‐ryan, L., & Wartella, E. (2016). Measur-
sive (i.e., child‐initiated learning supported by materials and oppor- ing with Murray: Touchscreen technology and preschoolers' STEM
learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 433–441. https://doi.org/
tunities provided by the teacher such as playing in parallel with
children and describing what children are doing and saying) and
American Academy of Pediatrics (2016). Media and young minds. Pediat-
explicit teaching (i.e., explicit introduction of concepts and vocabu- rics. Retrieved from http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/
lary words), a combination of which was found to be effective early/2016/10/19/peds.2016‐2591
compared to responsive only teaching (Hong & Diamond, 2012). Amornchewin, R., & Sitdhisanguan, K. (2017). Evaluation of the impact of
In terms of the latter, it remains unknown what an effective tablet screen size on children tracing performance. Artificial Life and
Robotics, 22(2), 191–196. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10015‐016‐0343‐0
technology‐enhanced early year curriculum looks like. Research needs
to move over and above mere descriptions of mobile uses in the Barr, R. (2011). Attention and learning from media during infancy and early
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