Lecture 4-1

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Types of Research

 Exploratory Research
 Conclusive Research
 Descriptive research
 Casual research

Exploratory Research

It is an initial research conducted to clarify and define the nature of the problem. It is
also conducted to clarify ambiguous problem. The primary objective of exploratory
research is to provide insights understanding of the problem confronting the researcher.
Exploratory research is used in cases when we must define the problem more precisely,
identify relevant courses of action, or gain additional insights before an approach can be


Suppose an organization considering a program to help employees with child care

needs. Here an exploratory research may be conducted with a small number of
employees who have positive reactions to the possibility of the programs are from the
families in which both parents work. In this case exploratory research helps to crystallize
a problem and identify information needs for future research.

Conclusive Research

Research designed to assist the decision maker to determining, evaluating and

selecting the best course of action to take in a given situation. The objective of
conclusive research is to test specific hypotheses and examine specific relationships.
This requires that the researcher clearly specify the information need. Conclusive
research is typically more formally and structured than exploratory research. It is based
on the large, representative samples, and the data obtained are subjected to
quantitative analysis. The findings from this research are considered to be conclusive in
nature in that they are used as input into managerial decision making.

Differences between Exploratory and Conclusive Research

Exploratory Conclusive

To test specific hypotheses and

Objective To provide insights understanding
examine relationship.

 Research process is flexible and

 Research process is formal
and structured.
Characteristics  Sample is small and non-
 Sample is large and
 Analysis of primary data is
 Analysis of data is quantitative
Tentative Conclusive

Generally followed by further Findings used as input into

exploratory or conclusive research decision making

Descriptive Research

It is designed to describe the characteristics of a population or a phenomenon. It seeks

to determine the answers of five ‘W’ questions i.e. it determine who, what, when, where
and how type question’s answers. Descriptive research conducted for the following

a) To describe the characteristics of relevant groups.

b) To estimate the percentage of units in a specified population exhibiting a certain
c) To determine the perceptions of product characteristics.
d) To determine the degree to which variables are associated.
e) To make specific predictions.


 Is the university service adequate or not?

 Is the way of teaching of every department sufficient?

Casual Research

It is a type of conclusive research where the major objective is to obtain evidence

regarding case-and-effect relationships among variables where the research problem
has already been narrowly defined. Like descriptive research, causal research requires
a planned and structured design. For example, the common assumption that a
decrease in price will lead to increased sales and market share does not hold in certain
competitive environments. Causal research is appropriate for the following purposes:

a) To understand which variables are the cause (independent variables) and which
variables are the effect (dependent variables) of a phenomenon.
b) To determine the nature of the relationship between the causal variables and the
effect to be predicted.


In one morning of Atlantic City’s beach a large number of ice cream are sold and that
afternoon there is a large number of drownings. It is not concluded that eating ice cream
causes drowning. The effect was produced in other way. There may be alternative
explanation for the observe relation.
Comparison of Basic Research Designs

Exploratory Descriptive Causal

Discover ideas and Describe characteristics or Determine cause and

insights. functions effect relationships

 Manipulation of one
 Flexible  Marked by the prior
or more
Characteristi  Versatile formulation of specific
c  Often the front hypotheses
end of total  Preplanned and
 Control of other
research design structured designs
mediating variables
 Expert Surveys  Secondary data
 Pilot surveys  Surveys
Methods  Secondary data  Panels  Experiments
 Qualitative  Observational and
research other data

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