Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Lecture 3 – Chapter 3
Course Lecturers: Prof. Noha El-Bassiouny & Dr. Hadeer Hammad
Winter Semester 2024
Chapter 3:
Research Design
Learning Objectives
Figure 3.1
A Classification of Marketing
Research Design
Classification of Research Design
Exploratory vs. Conclusive Research
One type of research design, which has Research designed to assist the decision
as its primary objective the provision of maker in determining, evaluating, and
insights into and comprehension of the selecting the best course of action to
problem situation confronting the take in a given situation.
Classification of Research Design
Exploratory vs. Conclusive Research
Objective To provide insights and understanding To test specific hypotheses and examine
Characteristics -Information needed is loosely defined -Information needed is clearly defined.
2 -Research process is formal and
-Research process is flexible and
unstructured. structured.
-Sample is small and non-representative. -Sample is large and representative.
-Data analysis is qualitative -Data analysis is quantitative.
Outcome Generally followed by further conclusive Findings used as inputs into decision
research. making.
Classification of Research Design
Types of Conclusive Research
A type of conclusive research that has as A type of conclusive research where the
its major objective the description of major objective is to obtain evidence
something-usually market characteristics regarding cause-and-effect (causal)
or functions. relationships.
Classification of Research Design
A Comparison of Basic Research Designs
-Understanding new phenomena.
-Formulate a problem or define a problem more precisely.
-To explore issues that are difficult to quantify.
-Gain insights for developing an approach to the problem.
-Develop hypotheses for further investigation or quantification.
-Determine key variables and relationships for further examination.
-Identify alternative courses of action.
Classification of Research Design
Exploratory Research
Example: Supermarket Patronage
-A review of academic and trade literature to identify the relevant choice criteria
consumers consider when shopping, demographic and psychographic factors that
influence consumer patronage of supermarkets.
-To understand which variables are the cause (independent variables) and which variables
are the effect (dependent variables) of a phenomenon.
-To determine the nature of the relationship between the causal variables and the effect to
be predicted.
Classification of Research Design
Causal Research
Example: Supermarket Patronage
Figure 3.1
A Classification of Marketing
Research Design
Classification of Research Design
Descriptive Research
Cross-Sectional Designs
T1 T2 Time
Classification of Research Design
Descriptive Research
Cross-sectional vs. Longitudinal Research Design
Cross-Sectional Design Sample surveyed at T1 DIFFERENT Sample surveyed at T2
T1 T2 Time
Classification of Research Design
Descriptive Research
Cross-sectional vs. Longitudinal Research Design
Cross-sectional study:
A cross-sectional study of high school stress would show
which grade level currently had the highest stress levels.
Longitudinal study:
A longitudinal study would follow a single group of
students to see how their stress levels rose or fell over time.
Relationships among Exploratory, Descriptive & Causal Research
Alternative Research Designs
Figure 3.2
Potential Sources of Error
in Research Design
Potential Sources of Error
Total Error: Random Sampling Error vs. Non-Sampling Error
Total Error
The variation between the true mean value
in the population of the variable of interest
and the observed mean value obtained in
the marketing research project.
Non-Sampling Error
Non-sampling errors are errors that can be
attributed to sources other than sampling.
Researcher Error
These are response errors made by the
Interviewer Error
These are response errors made by the
Respondent Error
These are response errors made by the
MRP Components:
1. What are the criteria consumers focus on when buying shampoos?
2. What are the consumption patterns of shampoo products among consumers?
3. What are the possible usage occasions for potential consumers?
4. What is the demographic and psychographic profile of potential consumers?
5.Who are the major competitors in the market? what are their relative strengths and
6.What are the possible promotional tools that would encourage potential consumers
to buy the product?
7. What price would consumers be willing to pay for the product?
Defining the Problem & Developing an Approach
Case Discussion
3. Develop two suitable RQs and formulate research hypotheses for each.
Research Questions (RQs) and Research Hypotheses for MRP component 2:
MRP component 2: What are the criteria consumers focus on when buying shampoos?
RQ1: What product-related criteria do consumers consider on buying shampoos?
H1: Package size has a positive impact on consumer’ buying intentions
H2: Shampoo scent can increase consumers’ buying intentions.
4. What is the appropriate research design that should be adopted in the above case?
5. What are the possible research methods that could be employed with the selected
research design?