Sem 421
Sem 421
Sem 421
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2021-2022 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT
Human Resource Management
Paper Code: BBA - 401
Total Credit: 6
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours
Sl. Topic/Module Hour
1. Module 1: 10
Human Resource Management-Overview Introduction of the paper,
Definition of Human Resource, Definition & Concept of Personnel
Management, Comparison between Personnel Management & HR. Nature,
Aim and Objectives, Scope & Coverage & Nature of HRM, Importance of
Human Resource Management. Historical Perspective & Evolution of
Human Resource Management in India. Development of HR Functions,
Structure & Function of HR Manager, Role of Line Managers in Managing
Human Resources. Difference Between Line Function and Staff Function.
Changing Function of Human Resource Management with Examples.
2. Module 2: Human Resource Planning Meaning, Objectives, Importance 10
of Human Resource Planning, Need for HR Planning, Assessment of
Available HR in the Organization, Work Load Analysis, Manning Norms,
Demand Analysis of Future Requirement of HR, HR Policy.
3. Module 3: Job Analysis: Concept, Uses, Job Description, Job Specification, 4
Methods of collecting Job Analysis Data, Job Evaluation.
4. Module 4: Talent Acquisition and Training: Recruitment: Definition, 10
Sources of Selection, Process of Selection, Difference Between Recruitment
and Selection.
Training: Definition, Difference between Training, Development and
Education, Different Methods of Training,
5. Module 5: HRD: Definition, objective, process of HRD, Assessment 8
of HRD Needs, HRD Methods.
6. Module 6: Introduction to Performance appraisal: Purpose, Methods, 10
Appraisal instruments, 360 degree Appraisal, HR Score Card, Errors in
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2021-2022 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT
Suggested Readings:
1. Dessler, G : Human Resource Management, Pearson.
2. Rao, V.S.P: Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, Excel Books.
3. D. K. Bhattacharya: Human Resource Management, Excel Books.
4. M. Saiyadain: Personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Raman Preet: Future of Human Resource Management: Case Studies with Strategic
Approach, Willey.
6. K. Aswathappa: Human Resource Management: Text & Cases, 8 th Edition , Tata
McGraw Hill.
Suggested Readings:
1. Sahu. P. K.: Salesmanship & Sales Management, Vikas Publication.
2. Still, Cundiff, Govoni at al.: Sales Management, Pearson Education.
3. Ramneek Kapoor: Fundamentals of Sales Management, Macmillan.
4. Robert. J. Calvin: Sales Management, TMGH
5. Pingali Venugopal: Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective, SAGE.
6. Tapan K Panda, Sunil Sahdev: Sales & Distribution Management Oxford University
Press 2012.
Suggested Readings:
1. Francis Buttle: Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Tools, Routledge.
2. Francis & Stan Maklan Buttle: Customer Relationship Management : Concepts and
Technologies, T&F India
3. Jagdish N Sheth, Parvatiyar Atul, et al. Customer Relationship Management:
Emerging Concepts, Tools and Applications, McGraw Hill Education.
4. Dr. Ruchi Jain and Dr. Ruchika Jeswal: CRM Customer Relationship Management: a
conceptual approach, Galgotia Publishing Company.
5. Lars Helgeson: CRM for Dummies, Wiley.
6. Payne : Strategic Customer Management: Integrating Relationship Marketing and
CRM, Cambridge University Press.
Suggested Readings:
1. Sanjay Saxena, A First Course in Computers, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
2. Pradeep K. Sinha and Preeti Sinha, Foundation of Computing, , BPB, Publication.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2021-2022 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT