SST Grade 5 Term 1
SST Grade 5 Term 1
SST Grade 5 Term 1
Wk Lsn Strand/The Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Key inquiry Learning experiences Learning Assessment Refl
me Questions Resources methods
1 1 NATURAL Natural By the end of the sub strand, the How do we use Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
AND BUILT environment: learner should be able to; maps in our Identify elements of a extended Questions
ENVIRONM Elements of a a. identify the key elements of dailylives? mapin groups, using a environment b) Teacher
ENTS map a map sketch map/wall Real objects made tests
b. Describe the different map/atlas/age Maps c) Observation
elements of a map appropriate map. (title, Photographs, d) Project
c. appreciate use of maps in frame, key/legend, scale, pictures and Work
daily life compass) paintings
Flash cards and
Internet sources
2 Natural By the end of the sub strand, the How do we use Identify elements of a Local and a) Oral
environment: learner should be able to; maps in our mapusing digital extended Questions
Elements of a a. identify the key elements dailylives? resources environment b) Teacher
map of a map using digital Real objects made tests
devices Draw a sketch map Maps c) Observation
b. Draw a sketch map and andindicate the Photographs, d) Project
indicate the elements elements pictures and Work
c. appreciate use of maps in paintings
daily life Flash cards and
Internet sources
3 Natural By the end of the sub strand, the How do we use Practice reading and Local and a) Oral
environment: learner should be able to; maps in our interpreting a map using extended Questions
Elements of a a. Practice reading and dailylives? the elements environment b) Teacher
map interpreting a map using the Real objects made tests
key elements Play computer games in Maps c) Observation
b. Name the different elements groups, on the elements Photographs, d) Project
of map and also play digital ofa map(digital pictures and Work
games on elements of a map maps/atlas/wall maps) paintings
c. appreciate use of maps in Flash cards and
daily life posters
Practice, in groups, using Internet sources
different types of maps to
identify the
2 1 Location By the end of the sub strand, How would you Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
Position and the learner should be able to; give the location Use an atlas/appropriate extended Questions
size of Kenya a. locate the position of Kenya and position of media in environment b) Teacher
in relation to her neighbours Kenya? groups, to identify the Real objects made tests
b. draw a map of Kenya and position of Kenya in Maps c) Observation
indicate her neighbours relation to her neighbours Photographs, d) Project
c. Desire to promote good pictures and Work
relations between Kenya and Draw a map of Kenya and paintings
her neighbours indicate her neighbours Flash cards and
Internet sources
2 Location By the end of the sub strand, How would you Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
Position and the learner should be able to; give the location Use an atlas/appropriate extended Questions
size of Kenya a. locate the position of Kenya and position of media in environment b) Teacher
in relation to her neighbours Kenya? groups, to identify the Real objects made tests
b. draw a map of Kenya and position of Kenya in Maps c) Observation
indicate her neighbours relation to her neighbours Photographs, d) Project
c. Desire to promote good pictures and Work
relations between Kenya and Draw a map of Kenya and paintings
her neighbours indicate her neighbours Flash cards and
Internet sources
3 Location By the end of the sub strand, How would you Use appropriate media in Local and a) Oral
Position and the learner should be able to; give the location pairs, to play games on extended Questions
size of Kenya a. describe the position of and position of locating places on a map. environment b) Teacher
Kenya in relation to her Kenya? Find out the size of Kenya Real objects made tests
neighbours using digital resources and Maps c) Observation
b. state the size of Kenya in share in class Photographs, d) Project
square kilometers Draw a map of Kenya and pictures and Work
c. desire to promote good indicate the size in square paintings
relations between Kenya and Kilometers. Flash cards and
her neighbours Write an essay on Kenya posters
and her neighbours Internet sources
3 1 Location By the end of the sub strand, How would you Use appropriate media in Local and a) Oral
Position and the learner should be able to; give the location pairs, to play games on extended Questions
size of Kenya a. describe the position of and position of locating places on a map. environment b) Teacher
Kenya in relation to her Kenya? Find out the size of Kenya Real objects made tests
neighbours using digital resources and Maps c) Observation
b. state the size of Kenya in share in class d) Project
square kilometers Work
c. desire to promote good Draw a map of Kenya and Photographs,
relations between Kenya and indicate the size in square pictures and
her neighbours Kilometers. paintings
Write an essay on Kenya Flash cards and
and her neighbours posters
Internet sources
2 Main features By the end of the sub strand, Where are the Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
in Kenya the learner should be able to; main physical Explore the immediate extended Questions
a. identify the main physical features found in environment to identify environment b) Teacher
features in Kenya our country? the physical features Real objects made tests
b. name the physical features in Brainstorm in groups ,and Maps c) Observation
the immediate environment identify physical features Photographs, d) Project
c. appreciate the physical found in Kenya(relief and pictures and Work
features found in Kenya drainage) paintings
Flash cards and
Internet sources
3 Main features By the end of the sub strand, Where are the Locate the main physical Local and a) Oral
in Kenya the learner should be able to; main physical features in Kenya using a extended Questions
a. locate the main physical features found in sketch map/ atlas environment b) Teacher
features in Kenya on a map our country? Draw a map of Kenya and Real objects made tests
b. Draw a map of Kenya and locate the main physical Maps c) Observation
locate the main physical features Photographs, d) Project
features Collect and display pictures and Work
c. appreciate the physical maps/pictures showing paintings
features found in Kenya the main physical features Flash cards and
in Kenya posters
Internet sources
4 1 Weather and By the end of the sub strand, What weather Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
Climate in the learner should be able to; conditions do we Make oral phrases that extended Questions
Kenya a. distinguish between weather experience in our give description of environment b) Teacher
and climate environment? weather Real objects made tests
b. Define the term climate Find out the meaning of Maps c) Observation
c. appreciate the different climate using appropriate Photographs, d) Project
climatic regions in Kenya media pictures and Work
Brainstorm in pairs the paintings
difference between Flash cards and
weather and climate and posters
share with peers Internet sources
2 Weather and By the end of the sub strand, What weather Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
Climate in the learner should be able to; conditions do we Make oral phrases that extended Questions
Kenya a. distinguish between weather experience in our give description of environment b) Teacher
and climate environment? weather Real objects made tests
b. Define the term climate Maps c) Observation
c. appreciate the different Find out the meaning of Photographs, d) Project
climatic regions in Kenya climate using appropriate pictures and Work
media paintings
Brainstorm in pairs the Flash cards and
difference between posters
weather and climate and Internet sources
share with peers
3 Elements of By the end of the sub strand, What weather Think, pair and share on Local and a) Oral
weather the learner should be able to; conditions do we elements of Weather extended Questions
a. identify elements of weather experience in our (rainfall ,wind, environment b) Teacher
in the environment environment? temperature, cloud cover) Real objects made tests
b. locate the main climatic Find out from relevant Maps c) Observation
regions in Kenya sources the elements of Photographs, d) Project
c. appreciate the different weather and write down pictures and Work
climatic regions in Kenya key points paintings
Locate in pairs , the main Flash cards and
climatic posters
regions in Kenya using Internet sources
media/ a map of Kenya
5 1 Elements of By the end of the sub strand, What weather Think, pair and share on Local and a) Oral
weather the learner should be able to; conditions do we elements of Weather extended Questions
a. identify elements of weather experience in our (rainfall ,wind, environment b) Teacher
in the environment environment? temperature, cloud cover) Real objects made tests
b. locate the main climatic Find out from relevant Maps c) Observation
regions in Kenya sources the elements of Photographs, d) Project
c. appreciate the different weather and write down pictures and Work
climatic regions in Kenya key points paintings
Locate in pairs , the main Flash cards and
climatic posters
regions in Kenya using Internet sources
media/ a map of Kenya
2 Characteristics By the end of the sub strand, What weather Discuss in groups the Local and a) Oral
of climatic the learner should be able to; conditions do we characteristics of the main extended Questions
regions in a. describe characteristics of the experience in our climatic regions in Kenya environment b) Teacher
Kenya main climatic regions in environment? Play age appropriate Real objects made tests
Kenya games on the main Maps c) Observation
b. model the map Kenya climatic regions in Kenya Photographs, d) Project
showing the main climatic using appropriate media pictures and Work
regions and display in class Model in groups a map of paintings
c. appreciate the different Kenya showing the main Flash cards and
climatic regions in Kenya climatic regions posters
and display in class Internet sources
3 Characteristics By the end of the sub strand, What weather Discuss in groups the Local and a) Oral
of climatic the learner should be able to; conditions do we characteristics of the main extended Questions
regions in a. describe characteristics of the experience in our climatic regions in Kenya environment b) Teacher
Kenya main climatic regions in environment? Play age appropriate Real objects made tests
Kenya games on the main Maps c) Observation
b. model the map Kenya climatic regions in Kenya Photographs, d) Project
showing the main climatic using appropriate media pictures and Work
regions and display in class Model in groups a map of paintings
c. appreciate the different Kenya showing the main Flash cards and
climatic regions in Kenya climatic regions posters
and display in class Internet sources
6 1 The Built By the end of the sub strand, How could we care Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
Environments the learner should be able to; for the historic Think individually and extended Questions
a. identify the main historic built environments share in pairs on the main environment b) Teacher
built environments in Kenya in our country? historic built
Maps made tests
b. locate the main historic built environments in Kenya
environments in Kenya on a (Museums, monuments, Photographs, c) Observation
pictures and d) Project
map Cultural centres and
paintings Work
c. care for the historic built historical buildings)
environments Use a map of Kenya, in Flash cards
groups, to locate some of and posters
the historic built
2 The Built By the end of the sub strand, How could we care Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
Environments the learner should be able to; for the historic Think individually and extended Questions
a. identify the main historic built environments share in pairs on the main environment b) Teacher
built environments in Kenya in our country? historic built
Maps made tests
b. locate the main historic built environments in Kenya
environments in Kenya on a (Museums, monuments, Photographs, c) Observation
pictures and d) Project
map Cultural centres and
paintings Work
c. care for the historic built historical buildings)
environments Use a map of Kenya, in Flash cards
groups, to locate some of and posters
the historic built
3 The Built By the end of the sub strand, How could we care Develop communication Local and a) Oral
Environments the learner should be able to; for the historic messages on the extended Questions
a. explain the importance of built environments importance of caring for environment b) Teacher
caring for historic built in our country? historic built environments
Maps made tests
environments in Kenya
b. make posters on the Visit a nearby historic built Photographs, c) Observation
pictures and d) Project
importance of caring for environment and write a
paintings Work
historic built environments report after the visit/visit a
c. participate in caring for museum to learn about the Flash cards
historic built environments past and write a report and posters
within the locality Participate in caring for
historic built environments
within the locality.
7 1 The Built By the end of the sub strand, How could we care Develop communication Local and a) Oral
Environments the learner should be able to; for the historic messages on the extended Questions
a. explain the importance of built environments importance of caring for environment b) Teacher
caring for historic built in our country? historic built environments
Maps made tests
environments in Kenya
b. make posters on the Visit a nearby historic built Photographs, c) Observation
pictures and d) Project
importance of caring for environment and write a
paintings Work
historic built environments report after the visit/visit a
c. participate in caring for museum to learn about the Flash cards
historic built environments past and write a report and posters
within the locality
Participate in caring for
historic built environments
within the locality.
2 PEOPLE Culture and By the end of the sub strand, the How does Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
AND Social learner should be able to; African Brainstorm in groups, the extended Questions
POPULATIO Organizations: a. identify methods of traditional meaning of environment b) Teacher
N Culture instruction used in African education African traditional Maps
made tests
traditional education promote values in education c) Observation
pictures and
b. define the term traditional our community? d) Project
African education Discuss in pairs, methods
Flash cards and Work
c. apply African traditional of instruction used in posters e) Anecdotal
education in promoting African traditional
values education such as Records
narratives, stories, songs, f) Checklist
lides/ Internet
riddles and proverbs sources g) Portfolio.
Live Radio
3 Culture and By the end of the sub strand, the How does View video tapes/listen to Local and a) Oral
Social learner should be able to; African narratives, stories/observe extended Questions
Organizations: a. identify methods of traditional pictures on aspects of environment b) Teacher
Culture instruction used in African education African traditional Maps
made tests
traditional education promote values in education c) Observation
pictures and
b. define the term traditional our community? d) Project
African education Engage with a resource
Flash cards and Work
c. apply African traditional person on methods posters e) Anecdotal
education in promoting of instruction used in
values African traditional Records
education lides/ Internet f) Checklist
sources g) Portfolio.
Live Radio
8 1 Culture and By the end of the sub strand, the How does Discuss, in groups, the Local and a) Oral
Social learner should be able to; African traditional importance of African extended Questions
Organizations: a. explain the importance of education promote traditional education in environment b) Teacher
Culture African traditional education values in our promoting values Maps
made tests
in promoting values community? Give a summary of an c) Observation
pictures and
b. design posters on methods of aspect of African d) Project
instruction used in African traditional education and
Flash cards and Work
traditional education share the information in posters e) Anecdotal
c. apply African traditional class.
education in promoting Find out from Records
values parents/guardians the f) Checklist
lides/ Internet
methods of instruction sources g) Portfolio.
used in African traditional Live Radio
education and share in Broadcasts
Design posters in groups,
on methods of
instruction used in African
2 Culture and By the end of the sub strand, the How does Discuss, in groups, the Local and a) Oral
Social learner should be able to; African traditional importance of African extended Questions
Organizations: a. explain the importance of education promote traditional education in environment
b) Teacher
Culture African traditional education values in our promoting values Maps
made tests
in promoting values community? Give a summary of an c) Observation
pictures and
b. design posters on methods of aspect of African d) Project
instruction used in African traditional education and
Flash cards and Work
traditional education share the information in posters e) Anecdotal
c. apply African traditional class.
education in promoting Find out from Records
values parents/guardians the lides/ Internet
f) Checklist
methods of instruction sources g) Portfolio.
used in African traditional Live Radio
education and share in Broadcasts
Design posters in groups,
on methods of
instruction used in African
Traditional Education
3 School By the end of the sub What is the Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
Administration strand, the learner should importance of Think, pair and share the extended Questions
be able to; having an administrative environment b) Teacher
a. identify the administrative administrative leaders in school Maps
made tests
leaders in school structure in Discuss in groups the order c) Observation
pictures and
b. Discuss the order of school? of administration in school. d) Project
administration in school .
Flash cards and Work
c. demonstrate support to the posters e) Anecdotal
work of administrative
leaders in school Records
f) Checklist
lides/ Internet
sources g) Portfolio.
Live Radio
9 1 School By the end of the sub What is the Draw and display in class Local and a) Oral
Administration strand, the learner should importance of the administrative extended Questions
be able to; having an structure of the school environment b) Teacher
a. state duties of administrative State duties of Maps
made tests
administrative leaders in structure in administrative leaders in c) Observation
pictures and
school school? school using digital /print d) Project
b. draw the administrative media
Flash cards and Work
structure of the school Role play duties of posters e) Anecdotal
c. demonstrate support to the administrative leaders in
work of administrative school Records
leaders in school Share with parents or f) Checklist
lides/ Internet
guardians on the duties sources g) Portfolio.
of school administrators Live Radio
2 School By the end of the sub What is the Draw and display in class Local and a) Oral
Administration strand, the learner should importance of the administrative extended Questions
be able to; having an structure of the school environment b) Teacher
a. state duties of administrative administrative State duties of Maps
made tests
leaders in school structure in administrative leaders in c) Observation
pictures and
b. draw the administrative school? school using digital /print d) Project
structure of the school media
Flash cards and Work
c. demonstrate support to the Role play duties of posters e) Anecdotal
work of administrative administrative leaders in
leaders in school school Records
Share with parents or f) Checklist
lides/ Internet
guardians on the duties sources g) Portfolio.
of school administrators Live Radio
3 Language By the end of the sub strand, the How do different Learners are guided to: Local and a) Oral
Groups In learner should be able to; language groups Work in groups to extended Questions
Kenya a. identify the main language environment
interact? brainstorm on language b) Teacher
groups in Kenya groups in Kenya made tests
b. Name the various language Identify the language pictures and c) Observation
groups in Kenya groups in Kenya using paintings d) Project
c. Develop communication digital Flash cards and Work
messages on the benefits of resources/appropriate posters e) Anecdotal
interdependence of media (Nilotic, Records
language groups in Kenya TV/video/films/s
Cushitic, Bantu, Asians f) Checklist
lides/ Internet
and Europeans)and sources g) Portfolio.
share their findings in Live Radio
class Broadcasts
10 1 How language By the end of the sub strand, the How do different Find out African stories Local and a) Oral
groups in learner should be able to; language groups on origin of various extended Questions
Kenya depend environment
a. explain how different interact? language groups in Kenya b) Teacher
on each other Maps
language groups depend on and report back to made tests
each other in Kenya the class pictures and c) Observation
b. role play interdependence of Share experiences on paintings d) Project
language groups in Kenya how people depend on Flash cards and Work
c. desire to live each other in the posters e) Anecdotal
peacefully with others community. Records
Discuss in groups how lides/ Internet
f) Checklist
language groups in sources g) Portfolio.
Kenya depend on each Live Radio
other and write down Broadcasts
the main points
2 How language By the end of the sub strand, the How do different Share experiences in Local and a) Oral
groups in learner should be able to; language groups class on the benefits of extended Questions
Kenya depend environment
a. explain how different interact? interdependence of b) Teacher
on each other Maps
language groups depend on language groups in made tests
each other in Kenya Kenya. pictures and c) Observation
b. role play interdependence of Role-play paintings d) Project
language groups in Kenya interdependence of Flash cards and Work
c. desire to live language posters e) Anecdotal
peacefully with others
groups in Kenya. TV/video/films/s
lides/ Internet
f) Checklist
sources g) Portfolio.
Live Radio
3 Importance on By the end of the sub strand, the How do different Develop in groups, Local and a) Oral
interdependen learner should be able to; language groups communication extended Questions
ce of language environment
a. Develop communication interact? messages on the benefits Maps
b) Teacher
groups in messages on the benefits of of interdependence of made tests
Kenya Photographs,
interdependence of language groups in pictures and c) Observation
language groups in Kenya and post them in paintings d) Project
Kenya strategic places in school Flash cards and Work
b. explain the benefits of posters e) Anecdotal
interdependence of Records
language groups in f) Checklist
lides/ Internet
Kenya sources g) Portfolio.
c. desire to live Live Radio
peacefully with others