Rope III

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Preformed wire ropes

Preforming is a manufacturing process which has the effect of

relieving the wires and the strands of much of the internal stress
which exist in nonpreformed ropes.
ropes During the process the strands
and wires are given the helical shape they will assume in the finished

A preformed rope is one in which the component strands are shaped

to their final helical form before being laid into the rope.

When wires, strand, and wire rope is preformed, it is actually curved

g y duringg the manufacturingg p
process ((think of a wave).
the ppath is traced of the strands through
g the performing
p g head.

This curvature to the strands going into the wire rope, it

lowers the propensity of the rope to rotate along its own axis
Preformed rope offers certain advantages over non-preformed rope,

1. It does not tend to unravel and is less liable to form itself into
loops or kinks
ki k and
d is
i thus
h more easilyil installed
i ll d
2. It is slightly more flexible and conforms to the curvature of
sheaves and pulleys
3. Due to the reduction in internal stresses it has greater resistance
to bending fatigue. This makes the rope easier to handle and
4. Greater stability and better resistance to shock loading and
5. Improved rope life due to the better equalisation of loading
between strands in the rope and reduction of internal stresses in
the rope.
6. Greater safety in handling of ropes as broken wire ends do not
protrude. This factor also reduces wear on equipment in contact
with the rope.
Non-Strands ropes (locked coil ropes)
• It is heavier and stronger but less flexible then the
stranded rope of the same dia.
• It is used in winding and hoisting purposes.

• Its construction is difficult

• The interior cannot lubricated from outside
• It cannot spliced
• It is not flexible
Selection of wire ropes

• Watery places and corrosive atmosphere: a galavanised

rope should used.

• High temperature: rope with fibre core should avoided

• Stationary and running coil rope:

Selection of wire ropes

• Spinning or rotating quality

• Shock loads

• Resistance to wear

• Tensile strength
• Bending strength

• Grove size

• Crushing and distortion


Wire rope in service is subjected to several kinds of stresses.

The stresses most frequently encountered are direct tension, stress due
to acceleration, stress due to sudden or shock loads, stress due to
g and stress resultingg from several forces actingg at one time.

For the most part, these stresses can be converted into terms of simple
tension, and a rope of approximately the correct strength can be chosen.

As the strength of a wire rope is determined by its, its size,

size grade and
construction, these three factors should be considered.

The safety factor is the ratio of the strength of the rope

to the working load. A wire rope with a strength of
10 000 pounds
10,000 d andd a totall working
ki lload d off 2,000
2 000 pounds
would be operating with a safety factor of five.

It is not possible to set safety factors for the various types

of wire rope using equipment, as this factor can vary with
conditions on individual units of equipment.

The proper safety factor depends on the followings

• Loads applied,
• Speed of operation,
• Shock load applied
• Type of fittings used for securing the rope ends,
• Acceleration and deceleration,,
• Length of rope,
• Number, size and location of sheaves and drums,
• Factors causing abrasion and corrosion
• Facilities for inspection.

Fatigue failure of the wires in a wire rope is the result of the propagation of
small cracks under repeated
p applications
pp of bendingg loads.

It occurs when ropes operate over comparatively small sheaves or drums.

The repeated bending of the individual wires, as the rope bends when
passing over the sheaves or drums, and the straightening of the individual
wires as the rope leaves the sheaves or drums
wires, drums, causing fatigue.

The best means of preventing early fatigue of wire ropes is to use sheaves
and drums of adequate size.

To increase the resistance to fatigue, a rope of more flexible construction

should be used, as increased flexibilityy is secured through
g the use of
smaller wires

The ability of a wire rope to withstand abrasion is determined by the

• size, carbon and manganese content,

• heat treatment of the outer wires
• construction of the rope.

The larger outer wires of the less flexible constructions are better
able to withstand abrasion than the finer outer wires of the more
flexible ropes.

The higher carbon and manganese content and the heat treatment
used in producing wire for the stronger ropes, make the higher grade
ropes better able to withstand abrasive wear than the lower grade

Loss of strength due to bending: Loss of strength due to bending is

caused by the inability of the individual strands and wires to adjust themselves
to their
h changed
h d position when
h the h rope is bent.
The loss of strength due to bending wire ropes over the sheaves found in
common use will not exceed 6% and will usually be about 4%.

Fatigue effect of bending: The fatigue effect of bending appears in the form
of small cracks in the wires at these over-stressed.

These cracks propagate under repeated stress cycles,

cycles until the remaining
sound metal is inadequate to withstand the bending load. This results in
broken wires showing no apparent contraction of cross section.

size of the sheave or drum

Mass and strength of wire ropes

Space factor of rope 50 to 60 % and 75% lock coil rope

Mass of rope = kd2

Where k is a constant depending upon rope design, d is dia
off rope iin cm. and
d mass iis iin kg/m
k /

Strength = sd2
Where s is a constant depending on rope design and quality
of steel.

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