Artikel JPF-Alpi Zaidah

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Vol 10 (1), 2022, 031-041 ISSN: 2302-0105 (p); 2684-9828 (e)

PhET Simulation Software-Problem Based Learning to Improve

Physics Concepts on Newton’s Law
Alpi Zaidah1, Asrorul Azizi2, Hardani3*
Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global, Indonesia
Politeknik Medica Farma Husada Mataram, Indonesia

Received: June 7, 2022 Accepted: June 12, 2022 Published: June 13, 2022

Abstract: The purpose of this action research is to improve students' understanding of basic
physics concepts by using the Problem Based Learning model on Newton's law of motion and
its application with PhET simulation media. This research is classroom action research with two
cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and
reflection. The subjects in this study were students of Science Education at the Global
Nusantara Education Institute. Data collection techniques with observation and tests.
Meanwhile, the data were analyzed using a combination method with a convergent parallel
mixed method. Quantitative data analysis with descriptive analysis, data analysis used on
qualitative data for data presentation, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that
the use of the Problem Based Learning model with PhET Simulation Media could improve
students' understanding of basic physics concepts in Newton's law of motion and its application.
The improvement in students' understanding of basic physics concepts is marked by an
improvement in the average value of understanding basic physics concepts, namely the average
value of students from 36.50 (0%) at the pre-action stage to 63.75 (55%) after the first cycle of
action and again increasing after-action cycle 2 with an average value of 84.75 (90%). From
these data, it can be seen that the use of the Problem Based Learning model with PhET
Simulation Media can improve students' understanding of basic physics concepts.

Keywords: Understanding Physics Concepts; Problem Based Learning; PhET Simulation


© 2022 The Author, Published by Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Fisika, FKIP,

Universitas Lampung. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA
license (
32 Zaidah, / vol 10 (1), 2022, 031-041

The purpose of higher education is to prepare students to become members of
the community who have professional academic abilities and can apply, develop and
disseminate knowledge to improve people's lives and enrich national life. One of the
universities in Lombok, namely the Global Nusantara Education Institute (IPNG), has a
science education study program. The learning activities, it is prepared so that students
have the ability and skills to apply the learning outcomes in everyday life.
Basic physics is a compulsory subject that must be taken by students in the
science education study program. Each student is required to pass this course and is
only allowed to take other physics courses in the following semester. However, the
graduation of students in this course does not guarantee their high understanding of the
concept of Physics, this happens to students of IPNG science education. Almost all
students passed this course, but most of them complained about their lack of
understanding of basic physics concepts which made it difficult for them to follow
several other physics courses.
The results of the preliminary study indicate that the students' lack of
understanding of basic physics concepts is caused by several factors, one of which is the
way the lecturers teach still uses the old method, namely lectures and group discussions,
and emphasizes problem-solving exercises. This model does not train students to
understand basic physics concepts. The results of observations at IPNG also found that
the science laboratory room was still used for classrooms. Laboratory equipment is still
limited and rarely used so the teaching and learning process that requires students to do
practicum does not run smoothly and affects the understanding of the concepts of the
material taught to students. The lack of use of laboratory equipment in the learning
process and the lack of practicum activities result in less active students during learning
and increasingly boring so that the concepts taught are poorly understood (Athaillah 2017). Experiments in science learning, especially physics, are useful for
constructing students' understanding in understanding natural phenomena, concepts, and
principles of science (Yahya 2019). Experimental activities in the laboratory must
be carried out in physics learning and require laboratory space (Tuhusula et al. 2020).
One solution to solving student problems is to use a Problem Based Learning
(PBL) model which will be combined with PhET simulation media. The PBL model is a
learning model that has student-centered characteristics in solving problems and the
problems studied are contextual problems found in everyday life, activating the
participation of students in learning experiences, and forming students into flexible
thinkers in problem-solving (Jailani, 2017; Maryati, 2018). This can train students'
understanding of basic physics concepts. This can train students' understanding of basic
physics concepts. Several previous research results show the successful application of
the PBL model in learning. The results of research conducted by (Rosyidi, 2018) show
that the "Problem-based learning model can improve student learning outcomes”.
Research results (Aristawati et al. 2018) also showed that there were significant
differences in conceptual understanding between students who studied with the
problem-based learning model and students who studied with the direct learning model.
The group of students who studied using the problem-based learning model showed a
higher understanding of students' physics learning concepts than the group of students
who used the direct learning model so the application of the problem-based learning

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model made a positive contribution to students. Research conducted by (Tania et al.

2017) also shows that the problem-based learning model is student-centered learning to
solve a problem through the stages of the scientific method, students can learn
knowledge related to the problem.
Concepts can be interpreted as a basic unit of cognition that is formed through
knowledge schemas that are used to group objects into a category (Churchill, 2017).
Conceptual understanding is an understanding that is built and obtained from factual
knowledge and events that produce principles, laws, and theories without the need for
deep difficulties (Stern et al. 2018; Aulia et al. 2017). Concept understanding is defined
as a very important thing that can be used by students to solve problems and is needed
by students in mastering various fields of science (Radiusman, 2020). Understanding
the concepts and principles of Physics is a requirement for successful learning of
Physics and increasing student interest in Physics. The learning process is said to be
successful if the acquisition of knowledge and skills of each student is as expected.
Understanding of students' physics concepts can be seen in student learning outcomes.
Activities that can be done to improve students' understanding of physics concepts are
using learning media.
One of the means to realize aspects of increasing understanding of the concept
of physics is with computer media. One of the computer-based media that can support
the learning process is simulation. Simulation media must be by existing concepts and
theories. One of the appropriate simulation media used in physics lessons in Physics
Education Technology or commonly known as PhET. PhET interactive simulation is a
fun and research-based interactive simulation media in the form of software and can be
used to clarify physics concepts or phenomena that have been put into practice.
Hasibuan (2020) said that the application of the PhET simulation learning media was
effective in increasing the understanding of physics concepts for modern physics
students. The results of other studies show that learning using PhET Simulation can
improve students' understanding of physics concepts with the results of calculating the
n-gain in the experimental class of 0.62 while for the control class it is 0.13 (Masita et
al. 2020). The use of virtual PhET simulation laboratories as learning media can
improve students' understanding of physics concepts by increasing student learning
outcomes by obtaining high criteria with an n-gain score of 0.732 (Theasy 2021).
In PhET there are theoretical and experimental simulations that actively involve the
user. Users can manipulate activities related to experiments. So apart from being able to
build concepts, PhET can also be used to develop science process skills (Wati
2015). PhET was developed to provide a virtual laboratory-based physics teaching and
learning simulation that makes it easier for lecturers and students to learn in the

This research is action research with the research subject being Students of
Natural Science Education (IPA) at the Global Nusantara Education Institute in
semester 1. Data collection techniques are observation and tests. While the data analysis
technique used is the data analysis technique using quantitative and qualitative data
analysis, the combination method used is a type of convergent parallel mixed method,
that is, the researcher collects quantitative and qualitative data at the same time,

Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika (JPF) – Pendidikan Fisika, FKIP, Universitas Lampung

34 Zaidah, / vol 10 (1), 2022, 031-041

analyzes the data separately, and compares the results to determine whether the findings
are complementary or not (Sugiyono, 2015). Type convergent parallel mixed methods
can be described as follows:

Quantitative Data
Collection and
Analysis (QUAN) Compare or Interpretation
Qualitative Data
Collection and
Analysis (QUAL)

Figure 1. Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods (Sugiyono, 2015)

Based on Figure 1, both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used
together at the same time. Researchers collect quantitative and qualitative data and
analyze it. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis were then compared
and interpreted. Quantitative data were analyzed by themselves using descriptive
statistics with average calculations, while qualitative data were analyzed using the
qualitative method of the Miles and Huberman model (Sugiyono, 2015) using the
following steps:
a. Data reduction
Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, and focusing on the
important things. Thus the data that has been reduced will provide a clearer picture of
the data obtained so that researchers can make conclusions that can be accounted for.

b. Data presentation
After being reduced, the next step is to present the data, so that the data can be
organized, and arranged in a pattern of relationships to make it easier to understand.

c. Conclusion
The final step is to provide conclusions and verification. The initial conclusions put
forward are still temporary, and will change if no strong evidence is found to support
the next stage of data collection, but if the conclusions raised at an early stage are
supported by valid and consistent evidence when the researcher returns to the field.
collect data, then the conclusions put forward are credible because they have been

Quantitative data in this study is the result of a test of understanding the concept
of physics, then qualitative data is the result of observing student activities. Students'
abilities are assessed during the learning process using observation sheets and assessed
from the results of the tests given. The indicator of success in this action research is if
students can achieve (KKM). Learning outcomes are said to improve if: there is an
improvement in the average score obtained by students, there is an improvement in the
number of students who get a standard score of 65%, and an improvement in classical
power of 85% (Trianto, 2010).

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The action research procedure will be carried out in several cycles, each cycle
having stages, namely:
1) Action planning
The planning includes: making lesson plans and preparing instruments to
measure understanding of the basic physics concepts of Newton's law of motion and its

2) Action implementation
The plan that has been prepared is then implemented, namely the implementation of
basic physics learning with a problem-based learning model combined with PhET
Simulation media.

3) Observing
During the action (learning process), the researcher observes and interprets the learning

4) Reflection.
At this stage, the researcher analyzes and reflects on what has been done and the results
achieved. Is the implementation of the plan, whether the results achieved are by the
objectives. If the goal has not been achieved in cycle 1, namely increasing students'
understanding of basic physics concepts, the cause will be sought. After the errors were
corrected, it was continued with the second cycle, to prove whether the improvements
made were effective or not. If the goal has been achieved then the learning is stopped
until cycle 2.
The stages of action research carried out are as follows:

Reflection CYCLE I Implementation

Reflection CYCLE II Implementatio
? on

Figure 2. Classroom Action Research Cycle Model Kemmis and Mc. Taggrat (Arikunto, 2010)


The study discusses matters relating to data processing and discussion based on
the data obtained by the data collection techniques and procedures in this study. The
data processing referred to here includes the level of understanding of physics concepts
and the activities of students and lecturers towards learning basic physics courses using

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36 Zaidah, / vol 10 (1), 2022, 031-041

a problem-based learning model of PhET Simulation learning media. Data obtained

from observations made through direct observations during the learning process and
giving students understanding tests of basic physics concepts at the pre-action stage,
cycle 1 action stage, and cycle 2 action stage.

Improved Understanding of Physics Concepts

The improvement of students' understanding of physics concepts is seen based
on the results of the student's conceptual understanding test, totaling 20 people, at the
pre-action stage, the action stage of cycle 1, and the action stage of cycle 2. This
research was carried out through several cycles, where the next cycle was an
improvement from the previous cycle. If in the next cycle the data obtained is by the
expectations of the researcher, the research can be stopped. The increase in the results of
the students' understanding of basic physics concepts from the pre-action stage, the
action stage of cycle 1, and the action stage of cycle 2 can be seen in Table 1 below:

Table 1. Improved Understanding of Physics Concepts

Concept Understanding Test
No Initials Information
Pre-action Cycle 1 Cycle 2
1 ZU 20 50 75 Improve
2 AH 35 50 80 Improve
3 WF 30 75 90 Improve
4 AFS 30 50 85 Improve
5 PS 20 45 80 Improve
6 SI 25 85 95 Improve
7 ES 40 40 75 Improve
8 IA 45 70 85 Improve
9 SNV 60 80 90 Improve
10 KAA 50 65 90 Improve
11 LS 35 55 80 Improve
12 MA 45 70 90 Improve
13 MAA 40 75 85 Improve
14 DI 50 80 95 Improve
15 PA 50 75 90 Improve
16 SA 55 70 85 Improve
17 SIW 35 65 80 Improve
18 FP 20 60 80 Improve
19 TH 25 55 80 Improve
20 RE 20 60 85 Improve
Total 730 1275 1695
Average 36,50 63,75 84,75
0% 55% 90%

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Based on table 1, it is known that there is an increase in students' understanding

of basic physics concepts as indicated by an increase in the average value of students'
understanding of basic physics concepts, which is 36.50 before receiving the action to
63.75 after receiving the first cycle of action and again increasing to 84.75 after
receiving the action. received cycle 2 action with a success percentage of 90% of
students succeeded in increasing their understanding of basic physics concepts. More
clearly the increase in the success of understanding students' basic physics concepts can
be seen in the diagram below:

90 %

55 %


Figure 3. Diagram of increasing understanding of physics concepts

Based on the diagram in Figure 3, it can be seen that in general students'

understanding of basic physics concepts in pre-action is still relatively low, it can be
seen that the percentage of student success is 0% with a class average of 36.50. After
the action stage of cycle 1 was carried out, the success rate was 55% with a class
average of 63.75 but it was not said to have experienced success because classical
completeness had not yet reached 85%. After the action stage of cycle 2 experienced
significant success, it can be seen that the class average was 84.75 with a success rate of
90%. This shows that the application of problem-based learning models with PhET
Simulation media can improve students' understanding of basic physics concepts from
pre-action, cycle 1 to cycle 2. This is in line with research conducted (Yanti et al. 2019)
that there is an effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model through
PhET simulation on increasing students' understanding of concepts .

Observation of Student and Lecturer Activities

Observational data is carried out through direct observation during the learning
process. The pre-action stage is the stage before the action is given. The results of
observing the activities of lecturers/researchers and students at the pre-action stage are
as follows:

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a. The basic physics learning process still uses the lecture method and group
discussion and only emphasizes problem-solving exercises.
b. Basic physics practicum is rarely done due to limited laboratory equipment.
c. Students are still passive in learning.
d. Students feel bored learning basic physics.
e. Lack of understanding of students' basic physics concepts.
f. The questions asked by students are often outside the context of the learning
g. Students want to learn basic physics with more practice than theory.

Problems found in the pre-action stage were solved in the action stage of cycle
1. To overcome the above problems, the researcher applied a problem-based learning
model using Physics Education Technology (PhET) media. The material that will be
discussed is Newton's law of motion and its application. The actions that will be taken
in the first cycle are: preparing a learning implementation plan (RPP) that contains the
steps of learning activities using a problem-based learning model assisted by PhET
simulation media, preparing the media needed in learning activities in the form of (in
focus, student worksheets, and PhET simulation) explains to students the steps of
learning activities using PhET simulation and prepares observation sheets for student
learning activities and the learning process of problem-based learning assisted by PhET
simulation media.
The results of the observation of the activities of lecturers/researchers and
students at the action stage of cycle 1 are as follows:
a. The basic physics learning process is carried out with a problem-based learning
model through 5 phases, namely the stage of orienting students to problems,
organizing students to study, assisting in independent and group investigations,
and students developing and presenting their work in front of the class, and
helping students analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process. which has
been done.
b. Students are starting to be active in learning, but there are still some students
who do not dare to express their opinions and are less serious in responding to
c. Students enjoy learning basic physics.
d. With the PhET simulation media, virtual laboratory-based physics teaching and learning
simulations can be carried out which makes it easier for lecturers and students to learn
in the classroom. However, students are still too relaxed watching the PhET animation
so they don't have time.
e. The questions asked by students are by the material being studied.
f. The ability of students to work on the LKM is still not careful.
g. Students begin to understand basic physics, but there are still indicators that
have not been achieved, seen from the level of mastery of learning and student
mastery both classically and individually.

The deficiencies found in cycle I was then resolved in cycle 2. The

improvements made in cycle 2 were making planning in cycle 2. The plans carried out

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were; Researchers improve several steps in the implementation of the lesson plan by
applying the Problem Based Learning learning model, researchers provide opportunities
for all students to provide answers, and researchers are more careful in explaining
important concepts that must be understood by students, researchers remind participants
to be more careful in observing animations PhET and researchers remind time so they
are more serious and less relaxed.
The results of observing the activities of lecturers/researchers and students at the
action stage of cycle 2 are as follows:
a. The basic physics learning process is carried out with a problem-based learning
model through 5 phases, namely the stage of orienting students to problems,
organizing students to study, assisting in independent and group investigations,
and students developing and presenting their work in front of the class, and
helping students analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process. which has
been done.
b. Students are active during the learning process, actively asking and answering
c. Students enjoy learning basic physics.
d. With PhET simulation media, virtual laboratory-based physics teaching and
learning simulations can be carried out which makes it easier for lecturers and
students to learn in the classroom.
e. Students begin to understand basic physics.

The results showed that in learning students were very active and made a big
contribution during learning, which was different from before, which made the lecturer
the center of learning, and students contributed very little. Likewise, student responses
to the use of problem-based learning models with PhET Simulation media are very good
and feel happy with the categories from the aspect of ease and assistance in the learning
process so that student activities increase by using problem-based learning models
assisted by PhET Simulation media. This is to what was said by (Agusmin et al. 2018)
namely the application of the Problem Based Learning model assisted by PhET
simulation can improve learning activities, learning motivation, and student learning

Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the
use of the Problem Based Learning model with PhET simulation media can improve
students' understanding of basic physics concepts in Newton's law of motion and its
application with PhET Simulation media. The increase in students' understanding of the
basic physics concepts of students is indicated by an increase in the average value of
understanding students' basic physics concepts, which is 36.50 before receiving the
action to 63.75 after receiving the first cycle of action and again increasing to 84.75
after receiving the second cycle of action with a percentage 90% of students succeed in
increasing their understanding of basic physics concepts.

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This writing gets a lot of help for the author. Therefore, thank you, especially:
first to Mr. Dr. A Talib as Chancellor of the Global Nusantara Institute of Education.
Second, the entire academic community of the Global Nusantara Education Institute.

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Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika (JPF) – Pendidikan Fisika, FKIP, Universitas Lampung

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