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Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA

Vol. 8, No. 2, Agustus 2018, pp. 143-148

p-ISSN: 2088-351X
e-ISSN: 2502-5457
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/formatif.v8i2.2305

Physics Module Design of Wave Subject for

Secondary School

Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Fisika Sekolah Menengah Pada

Materi Gelombang

Zulherman (*)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka
Jl. Tanah Merdeka, Kp. Rambutan, Ciracas, Jakarta Timur

Received: February 26, 2018 This research is aimed to develop high school physics teaching materials
Revised: May 4, 2018 that can provide independent learning to high school students in Physics
Accepted: July 9, 2018 learning, in accordance with the demands of the curriculum. The research
applied research development methods. It is implemented in FKIP
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA and the trial and
implementation are done in a number of high schools in Jakarta in
2017.The development of physics learning module with contextual
approach was implemented in several stages, the first is analysis, the
second is feasibility test, and the last is field trial. The instruments
consisted of needs analysis questionnaire, validation sheet of feasibility
test, and validation sheet of the test results.The module developed was
validated by senior physics teachers in several high schools in Jakarta. The
validation shows interpretation score of 73% - 93%. Physics learning
module with contextual approach on wave material already has correct
components, and it is feasible to be used as a companion module.
Keywords: source of high school physics, learning module, contextual.

(*) Corresponding Author: zulherman@uhamka.ac.id@gmail.com

How to Cite: Zulherman, Z. (2018). Physics module design of wave subject for secondary school.
Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA, 8 (2): 143-148. http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/formatif.v8i2.2305


Human Resources (HR) is an indicator of the progress of a nation. Therefore,

improving the quality of human resources is an absolute prerequisite for the achievement
of the nation's progress. The most important way to build and improve the quality of
human resources is through education. The quality of education in Indonesia nowadays is
quite alarming, it can be seen based on data obtained from Kopertis 12, according to data
from the Educational for All (EFA) global monitoring report 2011: The Hidden Crisis,
Armen conflict and education issued the organization of education, science and culture
united nations (UNESCO), which was launched in New York on Monday (1/3/2011), the
educational development Index based on 2008 data is 0.934. The value puts Indonesia
ranked to 69 of 127 countries in the world. According to the United Nations Development
Program, Human Development Index (HDI) of Indonesia in 2011 on the order of 124 out
of 187 countries surveyed, with a score of 0.617. This ranking fell from 108th in 2010.

Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA
Vol. 8, No. 2, Agustus 2018, pp. 143-148
p-ISSN: 2088-351X
e-ISSN: 2502-5457
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/formatif.v8i2.2305

Based on existing data, it can be seen that education is a sector that determines
the quality of life of a nation, since the data of average duration of school is used to
obtain HDI. Therefore, to improve the quality of life of a nation, it must be started from
the arrangement in all aspects of education, ranging from the aspect of educational goals,
educational facilities, learning process, managerial and other aspects that affect education.
Judging from the aspect of goals in education, parents and educators agree that the
primary goal of 21st century education is to prepare children to be independent,
productive, and responsible. High academic excellence is the key to be skilled citizens,
clever in making wise decisions, and responsible.
The learning process in schools empirically in Indonesia today mostly still refers
to classical learning, and is still very much dependent on the information provided by
teachers (teacher center). However, with the learning of Education Unit Level Curriculum
(KTSP), it is expected to provide guidance to educators towards the need to study
learning strategies to prepare a model of learning. And Thus it is very wrong if the
teacher teaches the existing science in textbooks only, because what is in the text book is
only one dimension of science that is "the dimension of the product" (the knowledge)
(Bhakti & Astuti, 2018). Effective learning, efficient and guided by KTSP becomes a
learning that is needed by learners in increasing knowledge, and learners’ skill in
everyday life. Learning process based on KTSP will stimulate learners to put forward
their potential so that learners will not just wait for teacher-centered information but will
be centered on the students (student center) since students activate their potential to
search for various information to solve the problem it is facing
According to Anwari (2014) "PAIKEM in learning the teacher feels easy because
the teacher can activate student learning and ultimately learning objectives can be
achieved with complete. Some learners do not seem to be able to collect the various
information needed independently. This indicates that learners are still not proficient in
utilizing the various sources of learning that have been available.
According to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
(AECT, 1997) in Rusman et all (2008) "learning resources are everything or power that
teachers can utilize, either separately or in combination, for the purpose of teaching and
learning with the aim of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of learning
According to Dick (1996) "Teaching material is a set of material / substance of
learning which is systematically arranged, and it is displaying a whole figure of
competence that will be mastered by the students in learning activities. Packaging of
teaching materials such as this lacks in providing opportunities for learners to develop
their potential. Since learners have considered the teaching material is boring, it does not
arise interest of learners to actively learn independently, with the incidence of inactivity
of learners it will not arise also ideas of innovative and creative learner ideas. Therefore,
learners become less skilled at developing skills in formulating problems, solving
problems, developing understanding and reflecting on learning in society.
Based on Permendiknas Number 22 of 2006 that at the level of SMA / MA, in the
basic framework of the curriculum there are subjects of science and technology and on
the structure of the curriculum there is a subject of physics. The subject of physics is
considered important to be taught as its own subject. According to Giancoli (2001)
"physics is not just a collection of facts and principles; Physics is a process that leads us
to general principles that describe how the behavior of the physical world. Physics studies
all dead matter as well as living things that are related to nature (Astuti, 2016).
Based on the needs analysis conducted in some schools in Jakarta, 72% of
respondents (students) interested in physics subject but 60% of students stated that they

Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA
Vol. 8, No. 2, Agustus 2018, pp. 143-148
p-ISSN: 2088-351X
e-ISSN: 2502-5457
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/formatif.v8i2.2305

sometimes get difficulties to learn some material of physics, because only 60% of
teachers use varied methods in learning, while 40% of other teachers still use lecture
methods in learning. And 80% of respondents said using printed materials, whether in the
form of textbooks, modules or worksheets in the process of physics learning, 66% of
respondents stated that in school there is a learning module but 75% of all respondents
stated that the modules in the school are less attractive, and 71% respondents stated that
they did not understand how the procedure of using the module is because they have
never got a tutorial of learning mechanism of physics module as independent material.
And 95% of respondents (students) and 100% of respondents (senior teachers) agreed to
develop a physics learning module that can present contextual physics material to support
self-learning and 70% expressed their expectation toward the development of physics
learning module with contextual approach.
Based on the results of the analysis it is necessary to implement contextual and
conceptual teaching material, which the presentation uses language and illustrations that
are easily understood learners, and capable of displaying up to date phenomena. In
accordance with the packaging of the desired teaching materials through the presentation
of refreshing ideas that can stimulate learners to actively learn independently, the
development of modules with contextual approach is expected to overcome the problems
that already exist. It is expected that learning done by using physics learning module with
contextual approach makes it easier for students to learn independently, to help physics
learning becomes easier, and learners able to understand the concept of material and
interpret it in everyday life. Contextual module not only contains the material but also
comes with a simple experiment that allows learners to find their own concepts so that
learning will be centered on the students (student center). In addition, learners can also
learn from the events that may be experienced in everyday life and can reflect on learning
in the community.
The module according to Rosa (2015) "Modules are teaching materials that can
be used by students to study independently with minimal help from others." The module
as a teaching and learning package deals with one unit of instructional material. With the
module students can learn individually to reach the stage of completion (mastery).
Students cannot continue the next lesson before reaching the end and through the module,
students can control the ability and intensity of learning (Puti & Jumadi, 2015).
Heinich, et.al. (2005) The basic components in the presentation of modules,
namely a) students are explained the overall contents of the module and explanation of
why students need to learn with the module, b) it is presented the purpose to explain to
the students the things that are obtained after the students learn the module, c ) it is used a
variety of media to engage students actively, d) it has different methods and media to
increase student appeal, e) self-evaluation, f) final module tests.
The US Department of Education in 2001 stated that the Contextual Teaching and
Learning (CTL) approach is a learning concept that helps teachers connect between
materials taught to the real-world situations of students and encourages students to make
connections between their knowledge and application in their lives as family members
and community.
According to Hall (2000) contextual learning is an educational process that aims
to help students see meaning in the lesson material they learn by connecting with the
context of their daily life, with the context of their personal, social and cultural
environments to achieve the goal of contextual learning.
According to Muchith (2008) one of the keys to success in the learning process is
nothing else to do through contextual learning that is learning process designed in a more
humane way and always adjust to the dynamics of student development and science and

Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA
Vol. 8, No. 2, Agustus 2018, pp. 143-148
p-ISSN: 2088-351X
e-ISSN: 2502-5457
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/formatif.v8i2.2305

technology dynamics. Contextual learning is based on the four pillars of education

proclaimed by UNESCO, 1) learning to do, 2) learning to know, 3) learning to be, and 4)
learning to live.
Referring to the various problems that have been described earlier, the researcher
felt necessary to develop learning resources in the form of high school physics learning
module with a contextual approach as a teaching material physics.


The research method used in this research is research development which refers
to Borg and Gall formulation. According to Borg & Gall (1983) research development is
a process used to develop and validate the package of educational materials, such as
instructional materials, textbooks, instructional methods, instructional design, and others
conducted in a research and development cycle.
Referring to Borg & Gall (1983), the overall research is carried out in ten steps
consisting of: (1) research and information collecting which includes literature study,
field observation; (2) Planning, including the establishment of appropriate learning
materials, preparation of module design with contextual approach, and module trial under
study; (3) The development of preliminary form of product design, including the making
of module design with contextual approach; (4) Preliminary field testing of developed
modules. At the time of trial conducted data analysis of observations, and questionnaires;
(5) Revision of the main product revision, make module improvements based on test
results; (6) Operational field testing, conducting trials conducted in the classroom to
determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the module; (9) The final product revision,
performing module improvements based on operational trials.
The research was conducted in FKIP Laboratory of Universitas
Prof.Dr.HAMKA. While the operational trials conducted in a number of high schools in
Presentation scores on each aspect contained in the module, is calculated in the
following way:

(Note: max score = total score of each item x 4)


The research on the development of high school physics learning module that has
been done gives a very valuable experience for researcher as student of physics majors.
One of the activities of the researcher is the observation to the school (high school) which
aims to determine the interests of learners of the subject of physics, methods that is often
used in learning, the availability of learning modules, physics teacher constraints in
implementing KTSP, and the importance of the development of physics learning module
SMA with a contextual approach.
At the beginning of the observation, the researcher gave questionnaires on
respondents consisting of high school seniors and senior physics teachers in several high
schools in Jakarta. There are five aspects that will be seen in the observation, the five

Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA
Vol. 8, No. 2, Agustus 2018, pp. 143-148
p-ISSN: 2088-351X
e-ISSN: 2502-5457
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/formatif.v8i2.2305

aspects are translated into 18 indicators. Based on the results of observation, obtained
data in table 1.

Table 1. Interpretation of Observation

Aspect Interpretation of Observation
Result Score
Physics learning process 72 %
Availability of modules and other teaching 60 %
Learning module 60 %
Alternative solutions to physics learning 80 %
problems that are difficult to understand
Expectations on learning modules to be 70 %
designed by researcher

After making the observation, the researcher prepares the module with the steps
that are: 1) describing the indicators according to the basic competence; 2) preparing the
mind maps; 3) collecting contextual images of wave phenomena; 4) describing the
material by referring to the picture in accordance with the concept to be conveyed; 5)
completing the other module components.
Validation was done with several high school physics teachers as respondents.
Five aspects which had been validated were module components, module contents,
module writing language, layout, and module benefits as alternative materials. These five
aspects were translated into 50 items of instrument. The validation results are shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Validation result

Validation is done by senior high school physics teacher in some schools in

Jakarta. The validation results show that the module component obtains a score of 93%
indicates that the module component is excellent, the contents of the score of 81%
indicates that the contents of the module is very good, the design language used scored
79% indicates that the design language used is very good, 78% score shows very good
used layout, module benefit as alternative learning source get score 73% show module
good use and have benefit as teaching material. However, based on the input given by
teachers, the size of the module initially A4 size divided by two, in the end the researcher
decided to change the size of the module to B5.

Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA
Vol. 8, No. 2, Agustus 2018, pp. 143-148
p-ISSN: 2088-351X
e-ISSN: 2502-5457
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/formatif.v8i2.2305

Generally based on the validation score provided by the teacher, the module
aspects are in accordance with ideally. Therefore, the existing modules do not need
improvement and is feasible to be a companion learning resource.


Based on the results of the validation of senior physics teachers in some high
schools in Jakarta, it is obtained a range of validation score of 73% - 93%. Physics
learning module with contextual approach on wave material already has the correct
components, and it is feasible to be used as a companion module.
The researcher suggests that these existing modules are redeveloped with different
approaches to enrich alternative learning resources for students, and are used in high
school learning.


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