Part 2 - 2017

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Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

IS 16444 (Part 2) : 2017

Hkkjrh; ekud
Indian Standard

,- lh- LFkSfrd VªkUliQkeZj lapkfyr okV

vkWoj ,oa okj vkWoj LekVZ ehVj oxZ
0.2S, 0.5S rFkk 1.0S
Hkkx 2 fof'kf"V VªkUliQkeZj lapkfyr LekVZ ehVj

a.c. Static Transformer Operated

Watthour and Var-Hour Smart
Meters, Class 0.2S, 0.5S and 1.0S
Part 2 Specification Transformer Operated Smart Meters

ICS 91.140.50

© BIS 2017

Hkkjrh; ekud C;wjks

ekud Hkou] 9 cgknqj'kkg T+kiQj ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110002
NEW DELHI-110002

April 2017 Price Group 4

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Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].

Equipment for Electrical Energy Measurement, Tariff and Load Control Sectional Committee, ETD 13

This Indian Standard (Part 2) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Equipment for Electrical Energy Measurement, Tariff and Load Control Sectional Committee had been approved
by the Electrotechnical Division Council.
Several programs have been launched by Government of India to reform the energy and power sector. One such
initiative was introduction of IT enabled services that have set the platform for deploying Smart Grids in India.
The Smart Grid via its environment friendly and consumer centric approach would offer enhanced reliability,
security, safety and efficiency for grid operations. The transition to Smart Grid would achieve the over arching
objectives of Government to reduce AT&C losses and provide 24×7 power for all.
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is a crucial part of a Smart Grid. It is an integrated system of smart
meters, communication networks and data management systems that enables two way communications between
the utilities and consumer premises equipment. The functional blocks of AMI typically include HES — Head end
system, WAN — Wide area network, NAN — Neighborhood area network, Data concentrator unit (DCU)/ Gateway
and HAN — Home area network.
Smart meter is a composite unit consisting of metrology elements, two way communication module/modules and
control elements. It will have functions such as measurement, computation, event capturing, storing, communication
and control. The smart meter would be required to provide data and information that are needed by various Smart
Grid applications.
Smart grid deployment process is still evolving. Various domains of Smart Grids are infused with professional
interventions to adopt and rollout standards-based technologies and products. Many standard making bodies like
IEC, IEEE, NIST, CEN, CENELEC, ITU, ETSI, and IETF are engaged in standardization activities pertaining to
Smart Grids.
The Electrotechnical department of Bureau of Indian Standards has formulated many metering standards such as
IS 13779 : 1999 ‘a.c. Static watthour meters (Class 1 and 2) (first revision)’, IS 14697 : 1999 ‘a.c. Static transformer
operated watthour and var-hour meters, class 0.2S and 0.5S — Specification’, IS 15884 : 2010 ‘Alternating
current direct connected static pre-payment meters for active energy (Class 1 and 2) — Specification’, IS 15959
(Part 1) : 2011 ‘Electricity metering — Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control — Companion
specification Part 1 Static Energy Meter’ and IS 16444 : 2015 ‘a.c. Static Direct Connected Watthour Smart Meter
Class 1 and 2 — Specification’. This standard on the smart meter has been formulated by Bureau of Indian
Standards based on the technical specifications and functional requirements published in June 2013 by Central
Electricity Authority.
The letter ‘S’ denotes special measuring range designated for transformer operated applications, generally for
large power measurements. Current transformers also ‘S’ designated as per IS 2705 (Part 2) : 1992 ‘Current
transformers: Part 2 Measuring current transformers (second revision)’ have measuring ranges comparable to
those of static meters covered by this standard. For the sake of overall accuracy throughout the measuring range,
static meters covered by this standard should preferably be connected with ‘S’ designated current transformers.
For example class 0.5 S meters is used with 0.2 S CT and class 0.2 S meter is used with 0.2 S CT.
While formulating this standard it has been endeavored not to contradict on principle of the adopted/referred
standards of other International organizations/institutions on which this standard is based upon. However, in case
of any divergence/disparity, not amounting to conflict of interpretations that may be revealed later, provisions of
this standard will prevail.
This standard specifies the requirements for smart meters only. Requirements for any other components shown or
referred in the text or diagrams such as DCU, HES, IHD, HHU may be specified separately for functional and
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IS 16444 (Part 2) : 2017

Indian Standard
CLASS 0.2S, 0.5S AND 1.0S

1 SCOPE and 1.4 (b) shall be suitable for indoor usage and
capable of ‘forwarded only’ or ‘import and export’
1.1 This standard (Part 2) specifies ac static transformer
energy measurement.
operated watthour and var-hour smart meters of accuracy
class 0.2S,0.5S and 1.0S for the measurement of 1.6 It does not apply to,
alternating current electrical active and reactive energy
of frequency in the range 50 Hz for single phase and a) watthour meters and var-hours meters where
three phase balanced and unbalanced loads. It applies to the voltage across the connection terminal
their type tests, routine tests and acceptance tests. exceeds 600 V (line to line voltage for meters
for poly phase systems), and
1.2 It applies only to transformer operated static b) portable meters, and outdoor meters.
watthour and var-hour meters consisting of measuring
element(s) and register(s) enclosed together in the meter 1.7 For rack-mounted meters, the mechanical
case. It also applies to operation indicator(s) and test requirements are not covered in this standard.
output(s). It also applies to multirate tariff meters and
meters which measure energy in both directions.
The following standards contain provisions which,
1.3 Some versions of static reactive energy (var-hour)
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
meters may deemed to be covered by this standard as
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions
if these are active energy (watthour) meters of indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision,
appropriate accuracy class with necessary adjustment and parties to agreements based on this standard are
to power factor. Although it is possible to achieve Class encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
0.2 S accuracy in static var-hour meters, it is of general most recent editions of the standards indicated below:
opinion that accuracy attainable for var-hour
measurement is one level inferior to that in the case of IS No./ Title
kWh measurement with identical design of measuring International
elements. Therefore, it is possible for this standard to Standard
cover static var-hour meter, Class 0.2 S, and 0.5 S for 14697: 1999 a.c. Static transformer operated watt-
reactive energy measurement in all transformer hour and var-hour meters, Class 0.2S,
operated applications. Only ‘power factor’ wherever it 0.5S and 1.0S — Specification
has appeared in this standard, shall be read as ‘sin Ø 15959 (Part 1): Data exchange for electricity meter
inductive’ or ‘sin Ø capacitive’. Where Ø is respectively 2011 reading, tariff and load control —
the lagging or the leading power factor angle Companion : specification Static
energy meter
1.4 It applies to, (Part 2): 2016 Smart meter
a) transformer operated static watt-hour meters IEEE 802.15.4: Standard for local and metropolitan
consisting of measuring element(s), time of 2003 area networks
use of register(s), display and built in type bi- IEEE 1901: Standard for broadband over power
directional communication module all integral 2010 line networks: Medium access
control and physical layer
with the meter housing.
b) Alternately, the bi-directional communication IEEE 1901.2: Standard for low-frequency narrow
module could be plug-in type on a dedicated 2013 band power line communications for
slot with suitable sealing arrangement. The smart grid applications
plug-in module shall be field swappable with ITU-T G.9901: Narrowband orthogonal frequency
suitable integrated communication module as 2014 division multiplexing power line
agreed between the buyer and the seller. communication transceivers —
1.5 The smart meter types as specified in 1.4 (a) Power spectral density specification

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IS 16444 (Part 2) : 2017

IS No./ Title display module meant for mounting inside the consumer
International premises. The IHD shall receive data/ messages from
Standard smart meter and send responses to smart meter as and
ITU-T G.9903 : Narrowband orthogonal frequency when required from HES. This standard does not cover
2014 division multiplexing power line the requirements of IHD.
communication transceivers for
3.2.6 Hand Held Unit [HHU] — This is a device used
G3- PLC networks
to communicating locally over the optical port to the
ITU-T G.9904: Narrowband orthogonal frequency
smart meter. Communication functionality requirements
2012 division multiplexing power line
are as mentioned in IS 15959 (Part 2).
communication transceivers for
prime networks 3.2.7 Forwarded Energy
3 TERMINOLOGY It is the measurement of energy in import register for
3.1 General Definitions — For the purpose of this energy in both forward and reverse direction.
standard all definitions given in IS 14697, IS 15959 3.2.8 Import Energy
(Parts 1, 2 and 3) and the following shall apply.
It is the measurement of energy in import register for
3.2 Definitions of General Smart Metering Terms energy in forward direction only
3.2.1 Smart Meter — Smart meter is an a.c. static 3.2.9 Export Energy
transformer operated watthour and Var-hour meter with
It is the measurement of energy in export register for
time of use registers and two way communication
energy in reverse direction only.
It is designed to measure ‘forwarded only’ or ‘import 4 GLOSSARY OF TERMS
and export’ energy, store and communicate the same AMI : Advanced metering infrastructure
along with other parameters defined in this standard. It
AT&C : Aggregate technical and commercial
shall be remotely accessed for collecting data/events,
programming for selected parameters. CEA : Central electricity authority
COSEM : Companion specification for energy
Load switch is not applicable for the meters covered in metering
this standard. DCU : Data concentrator unit
3.2.2 Neighborhood Area Network [NAN] — This is DLMS : Device language message
a network comprising of group of smart meters and specification
any other network elements such as DCU all of which DoT : Department of telecom
communicate in a two way mode. DSM : Demand side management
3.2.3 Data Concentrator Unit [DCU] — This device DR : Demand response
is part of NAN. It acts as a secured aggregate router ETA : Equipment type approval
and is an interface between smart meter and HES. It ETSI : European telecommunications
shall facilitate secured two way data transfer either in standards institute
transparent/store and forward mode as per system HAN : Home area network
designs. The other terminologies like Network Element/ HHU : Hand held unit
Grid Router/Access point/edge router shall be ICT : Information and communications
synonymously used in place of DCU. This standard technology
does not cover the requirements of DCU. IEC : International electro technical
3.2.4 Head End System [HES] — This entity is a set commission
of ICT based systems situated at the top of AMI system IEEE : Institute of electrical and electronics
and receives data and events over NAN/WAN. HES is engineers
responsible for using these data/information and IETF : Internet engineering task force
manage NAN/WAN components, smart meters and IHD : In home display
IHD. HES is also responsible for handling security IS : Indian standard
keys, passwords intended for smart meter ITU : International telecommunication
programmability and firmware upgrade and host union
applications such as remote connect/disconnect,
LCD : Liquid crystal display
analytics, billing, messaging etc. This standard does
not cover the requirements of HES. NAN : Neighborhood area network
PLC : Power line communication
3.2.5 In Home Display [IHD] — This is a compact RF : Radio frequency
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IS 16444 (Part 2) : 2017

ToU : Time of use 2.2 The smart meters may have wide usage and the
WPC : Wireless planning co-ordination buyer may like to choose desired features to meet the
NFAP : National frequency allocation objectives of their overall system and site conditions.
In order to facilitate such a flexible approach, the Smart
meter architecture are categorized into two variants.
Based on the technical feasibility buyer may choose
5.1 The smart meter is a component of Advanced the combination of the variants best suited for a given
Metering Infrastructure. For the purpose of this geographical area. The Smart meter shall have either
standard the smart meter is conceived as single unit NAN or WAN module as mandatory communication
comprising of following functional zones: module for communicating to DCU or HES,
a) Metering,
b) Load switch (not applicable in this part of If IHD is chosen, then there could be a suitable
standard for transformer operated meters), additional communication module within the Smart
c) Data exchange and communication protocol, Meter. The two variants are diagrammatically
and represented in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. These variants are
applicable to both built in type and pluggable type of
d) Communication modules.
smart meters.

Optical port — As per IS 15959 (Part 2)
A – Metrology C1 – IHD Connectivity SM IHD (optional)
C – Data Exchange and Metering Protocol C2 – NAN Connectivity SMDCU
D – Communication
1 The smart meter variant based on Fig. 1 shall provide connectivity C2 for two way communication with DCU using a NAN module.
2 If IHD is chosen this smart meter shall provide connectivity C1 for two way communication with IHD using the same NAN module
or a suitable additional module as per buyer-seller agreement.

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IS 16444 (Part 2) : 2017

A – Metrology Optical port — As per IS 15959 (Part 2)
C – Metering protocol C1 – IHD Connectivity SMIHD (Optional)
D – Communication C3 – WAN Connectivity SMàHES
1 The smart meter variant based on Fig. 2 shall provide connectivity C3 for two way communication with HES using a WAN module.
2 If IHD is chosen this smart meter shall provide connectivity C1 for two way communication with IHD using a suitable additional
module as per buyer-seller agreement.


6 METERING to avoid any possible tampering with adequate

provision for sealing.
6.1 Metering Requirement
6.2.1 Terminals-Terminal Block(s) —Protective Earth
Metering and metrology requirement shall be according Terminal
to IS 14697.
The requirements given in 6.4 of IS 14697 shall apply.
6.1.1 Classification
6.2.2 Terminal Cover
The classification as per 4 of IS 14697 shall apply.
The requirements given in 6.5, 6.5.1, 6.5.2 and 6.7 of
6.1.2 Ratings IS 14697 shall apply. Standard reference voltage
6.3 Clearance and Creepage Distances
As per 5.1 of IS 14697.
The requirements given in 6.6 of IS 14697 shall apply. Standard basic current
6.4 Resistance to Heat and Fire
As per 5.2 of IS 14697.
The requirements given in 6.8 of IS 14697 shall apply. Maximum current
6.5 Mechanical Requirements
As per 5.3 of IS 14697.
The requirements for mechanical shall be as per 12.3 Standard reference frequency
of IS 14697 and the requirements for protection against
As per 5.4 of IS 14697. penetration of dust and water shall be as per 6.9 and
12.5 of IS 14697 shall apply.
6.2 General Constructional Requirements
6.6 Display of Values
The requirements given in 6.1 to 6.4 of IS 14697 shall
apply. The communication modules shall be either built The requirements given in 6.10 of IS 14697shall apply.
in type or plug in type as mentioned in 1.4. The plug-in The non-volatile memory shall support retention period
communication modules shall be properly secured on of 10 years.
the smart meter, both physically and electrically, so as

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IS 16444 (Part 2) : 2017

6.7 Output Device CT operated smart meter at maximum current, reference

frequency and reference temperature shall not exceed
The requirements given in 6.11 of IS 14697 shall apply.
a maximum of 1 VA.
Distinct LED/LCD indicators shall be provided for
communication in progress. 6.10.2 Influence of Supply Voltage

6.8 Marking of Smart Meter The requirements given in 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 of IS 14697
shall apply.
6.8.1 The requirements given in 7 of IS 14697 shall
apply. 6.10.3 Influence of Short —Time Over currents

The following additional information shall also be The requirements given in 9.2.3 of IS 14697 shall apply.
provided as applicable in the name plate: 6.10.4 Influence of Self-Heating
a) Communication technology for WAN or NAN The requirements given in 9.3 of IS 14697 shall apply.
(with carrier frequency).
6.10.5 Influence of Heating
b) Communication technology if IHD is
supported (with carrier frequency). The requirements given in 9.4 of IS 14697 shall apply.
6.8.2 BIS Certification Marking 6.10.6 Insulation Requirements
The use of Standard Mark is governed by the provisions The requirements given in 9.5 of IS 14697 shall apply.
of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 and the 6.10.7 Immunity to Earth Fault
Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The details of
conditions under which the license for the use of The requirements given in 9.6 of IS 14697 shall apply.
Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or
6.11 Electromagnetic Compatibility
producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian
Standards. The requirements given in 10 of IS 14697 shall apply.

6.9 Climatic Condition 6.12 Accuracy Requirements

The requirements given in 8 and 12.6 of IS 14697 shall The requirements given in 11, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4,
apply. 11.5, 11.6 and 11.7 of IS 14697 shall apply.

6.10 Electrical Requirements 6.13 Test and Test Conditions

6.10.1 Power Consumption Given in 9 of this standard.
The measurement of power consumption in the voltage 7 DATA EXCHANGE PROTOCOL
and current circuits shall be determined as described
in the followings. The requirements as per IS 15959 (Part 1) shall apply.
The data exchange protocol chosen for Smart Meter shall Voltage circuits be as per IS 15959 (Part 3) including specific requirements
The active and apparent power consumptions of a for Smart Meters for the application layer. This application
transformer operated Smart meter for each circuit at layer protocol which is primarily DLMS/COSEM shall
reference voltage, reference temperature, and reference work through the other layers as given in 8.
frequency shall not exceed 5.0 W and 15 VA during 8 COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENT
the idle mode of communication module. This applies
to either one NAN or one WAN module present in the The NAN, WAN and IHD communication modules that
smart meter. If a separate module for servicing to IHD are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 are for establishing
is present, the above figures shall not exceed 6W and connectivity with smart meter by the external entities
18VA during the idle mode of communication module. such as DCU and HES, respectively and optionally with
IHD. These are either wired or wireless communication
The additional power requirement during technology, the choice of technology shall be chosen by
datatransmission shall not exceed 7 W per the buyer based on the technical feasibility best suited
communication module. The smart meter shall be for a given geographical area. The communication
capable of sourcing additional power for powering the module(s) may be of PLC or RF for NAN and cellular
plugin communication module as agreed to between technologies or OFC technology for WAN.
the buyer and the seller.
8.1 Connectivity Technologies Current circuit
The apparent power taken by each current circuit of a 8.1.1 The connectivity C1, C2 and C3 in variant 1

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IS 16444 (Part 2) : 2017

(see Fig.1) and variant 2 (see Fig. 2) are generally NOTE — For network and adaptation layers, the connectivity
option is valid only for C1 and C2 not for C3, mentioned in
designed with wired or wireless technology for the
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
physical medium. For connectivity C1 and C2, if PLC
(wired) technology is chosen the standards shall be any 8.3.2 The other layers may be as per 8.1.
one of those given in Fig. 2. For connectivity C1 and
C2, if RF (wireless) technology is chosen the standard 9 TESTS AND TEST CONDITIONS
may be as per IS 15959 (Part 2). The smart meter with plug-in/built in communication
8.1.2 Wherever, PLC technology is used the ‘AC line modules as a composite unit shall be subjected to
connection for coupling/decoupling shall be from within specified tests for metrology, for data exchange protocol
for smart meter with plug-in/built in type smart meter’. and for smart meter communicability.
8.1.3 The technology for WAN may be any of the 9.1 Test for Metrology
cellular technologies supporting: 2G/3G/4G or an
optical fibre communications network complying to The tests for metrology shall include ‘Type Tests’,
IPv6. ‘Routine Tests’ and ‘Acceptance Tests’, as identified in
8.1.4 The standards cited in 8.1.1 are indicative and IS 14697. The schedule and recommended sequence of
non-exhaustive. Other suitable standards from ITU/ type tests shall be as given below in Table 1. In Table 1,
IEC/IEEE/CEN/CENELEC/ETSI may be considered the sequence of tests mentioned is as that of Table 16 in
for NAN and WAN as per agreement between the IS 14697. The clause numbers in Table 1 against the
supplier and the purchaser. name of the tests are the numbers of this standard.

8.2 RF Technology Requirements 9.2 Number of Samples and Criteria for

The RF technology, if used for NAN/IHD
communication modules shall be in the frequency bands Type tests shall be applied to three test specimens. In
notified by Government of India. the event of one specimen failing to comply in any
Wireless technologies need to comply with the Indian respect, further three specimens shall be taken, all of
statutory bodies that govern communication related which shall comply with the requirement of standards.
aspects such as WPC (Wireless Planning Co-ordination Additional one sample for test for data exchange
wing) which oversees licensing and management of all protocol shall be submitted.
wireless spectrums in India.
The requirement given in 12 of IS 14697 shall apply
Equipment Type Approval (ETA) is to be obtained for
communication modules as per Department of Telecom, NOTE — Smart meter is to be submitted along with
Government of India requirements. communication module in its place as integral part of the meter.

Radio emission characteristics for the chosen band shall 9.3 Display
comply with latest NFAP and the G.S.R (General Minimum 7 digits LCD display. For testing purpose,
Statutory Rules) notifications from Department of high resolution display having at least 3 decimal digits
Telecom, Government of India.
shall be provided.
8.3 Communication Layer Protocol
9.4 Test for Data Exchange Protocol
The smart meter may use a layered Communication
protocol stack. The top four layers of such a stack shall This test shall be carried out on optical port as per
be as mentioned below: IS 15959 (Part 3) Table 27 (List of tests Category D3
Transformer operated three phase a.c. static watthour
Application : IS 15959 (Part 1) and IS 15959 smart meters for HV/LV consumer application) and
(Part 2)
Table 28 (List of tests for Category D4 Transformer
Transport : TCP/UDP operated three phase a.c. static watthour smart meters
Network : IPv6 RPL for Boundary/Bank /Ring /ABT metering application).
Adaptation : 6LoWPAN RFC (6282) The test shall be performed on a separate sample.
8.3.1 For Connectivity C1 and C2 the network protocol
9.5 Tests for Smart Meter Communicability
shall be IPv6 RPL and 6Low PAN [RFC 6282] for
convergence/adaptation layer. For Connectivity C3 the 9.5.1 The modules for WAN/NAN/IHD shall be
network protocol shall be IPv6 RPL and IETF RFC approved by designated agency authorized by DoT and
2464, 5072 and 5121, PPP (IETF RFC 1661). shall have ETA as mentioned in 8.2.

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IS 16444 (Part 2) : 2017

Table 1 Schedule of Type Tests 9.5.2 Test for Smart Meter Communicability
(Clause 9.1)
Test for Smart meter communicability shall be carried
Sl Test Ref to, Clause of out as per the provisions of 28 of IS 15959 (Part 3).
No. this Standard
(1) (2) (3) NOTE — This note is optional test to be mutually decided
i) Test of Insulation Properties 6.10.6 between the buyer and the seller.
Impulse voltage test
a.c. High voltage test 10 SMART METER FUNCTIONAL
Insulation resistance test REQUIREMENTS
ii) Test of Accuracy Requirements 6.12 The smart meter developed as per this standard is
Test on limits of error
required to support handling of following operational
Interpretation of test results
Test of meter constant
Test of starting condition
10.1 Smart meters shall respond to the following:
Test of no-load condition
Test of ambient temperature a) Meter readings on demand from HES,
Test of repeatability of error
b) Scheduled meter reading from HES,
Test of influence quantities c) Remote Firmware upgrade from HES, and
iii) Test of Electrical Requirement 6.10 d) All programming requests from HES.
Test of power consumption test 6.10.1
Test of influence of supply 6.10.2 10.2 Smart meter shall detect ‘First breath (power on)
voltage and Last gasp (power off)’ condition and communicate
Test of influence short-time over 6.10.3 to HES.
Test of influence of self-heating 6.10.4
Test of influence of heating 6.10.5
Test of influence of immunity to 6.10.7
earth fault
iv) Test for Electromagnetic 6.11
Radio interference measurement
Fast transient burst test
Test of immunity to electrostatic
Test of immunity to
electromagnetic HF field
Surge Immunity Test
(as per Clause 7.2.6 of IEC62052-11)
v) Test for Climatic Influences 6.9
Dry heat test
Cold test
Damp heat cyclic test
vi) Test for Mechanical 6.5
Vibration test Shock test
Spring hammer test
Protection against penetration of
dust and water
Test of resistance to heat and fire
NOTE — Following tests shall be carried out to assess for
smart meter functional condition and functionality of
communication module after the ‘Type test and acceptance test’
for metrology is carried out but before ‘Test of resistance to
heat and fire’:
a) Accuracy of the meter at pre-defined points [5 percent Ib,
Ib and Imax] UPF.
b) Manufacturer shall demonstrate the functionality of
communication module by data read test, that is reading
kWh energy register through the communication module.

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technical aspects taking into consideration the features and provisions of this standard for deployment of AMI.The
requirements of other components chosen shall be finalized between buyer and seller.
A separate standard covering requirements for data exchange specific to smart meter has been formulated and
released. Therefore IS 15959 : 2011 has been revised as follows:
IS 15959 Data exchange for electricity meter reading, tariff and load control — Companion
(Part 1) : 2011 Static energy meter
(Part 2) : 2015 Smart meter
(Part 3) : 2017 Smart meter (Transformer operated kWh and kvarh, Class 0.2S, 05S and 1.0S)
under print
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’ . The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
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Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: ETD 13 (10589).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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MUMBAI 400093 { 2832 9295, 2832 7858
2832 7891, 2832 7892

Published by BIS, New Delhi

ee Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Signals & Systems (India) Pvt Ltd
Chennai( [for non-commercial use only].


IS 16444 (PART 2) : 2017 a.c. STATIC TRANSFORMER



(Page 6, clause 9.2, para 1) — Substitute the following for the existing

‘Type test shall be made on minimum one or more specimens (1st Set) selected
by the manufacturer and test sequence shall be as given in Table 1. Each
specimen shall comply with all the tests given in Table 1. In case of one test
specimen failing to comply in any respect, further same number(s) of
specimen(s) (equivalent to 1st set) shall be taken, all of which shall comply with
requirements of standard given in Table 1.

In addition, one additional sample shall comply with data exchange protocol
requirement of this standard.

For acceptance test, recommended sampling plan and the criteria for acceptance
of the lot are given in relevant Annex of IS 14697.’

(ETD 13)
Publication Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

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