2026 - 3r Specification For Power Trfo - Part 3

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IS : 2026( Part III ) - 1981

( Reaffirmed 1984 1
(Reaffirmed 2001)

Indian Standard

( Second Revision)
Fourth Reprint MAY 1993

UDC 621’314’222’6 : 621’317’333


NEW DELHI 110002

Cc 9 February 1982

Indian Standard

(Second Revisionj
Transformers Sectional Committee, ETDC 16
Chairman Representing
SHRID. V. NARKE Bharat Heavy Bkctricals Ltd, Bhopal
Smu PaeM ~~
P. GUPTA } ( Alternates to Shri D. V. Narke )
. SHIUR. S. ARORA Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals
( Inspection Wing ), New Delhi
SHIUD. R. CHANDRAN ( AItctnate )
Smu A. V. BHE~MARAO Gujarat Electricity Board, Vadodara
SHRIS. H. MAKHIJANI ( Alternate )
SHRI A. CHATIZSUBB Calcutta Blectric Supply Corporation Ltd, Calcutta
SHR~T. K. G~osa ( Alternate )
SHP.IS.D. CHOTRANEY Bombay Electric Supply and Transport Under-
taking, Bombay
SHRIY. K. PALVANKAR ( Afterttate )
SHRID. DHAR The General Electric Co of India Ltd, Allahabad
SHRIB. A. SUBIU~UNYAM ( Alternate )
DIRECTOR ( SUBSTATIONS ) Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi
JOINTDIRECTOR TI ( SUBSTATION ) Rese;rc~c~;igns and Standards Organization,
( ELJX ) ( Afternate )
DR M. V. Josm Electrical Research and Development Association,
SHIUP. K. JOSHI( Alternate )
SHRID. B. MEHTA Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply Co Ltd.
SHRIR. cI3ANDRAMOULI ( Alternate )
( Continued on page 2 )

@ Copyright 1982
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 1 and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infrigement of copyright under the said Act.
IS : 2026( Part III ) - 1981

( Continued from page 1 )

Members Representing
SHRI V. R. NAR~~IMHAN Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore
Stiar C. S. SARMA( Alternate )
SHRIP. S. RAMAN( Afternate )
SHIUI. S. PATF% Hindustan Brown Boveri Ltd, Bombay
&rat U. K. PATWARDHAN Prayog Electricals Pvt Ltd, Bombay
DR G. M. PHADKE Indian Electrical Manufacturer’s Association,
SHRI P. K. PHILIP ( Alternate )
SHRIV. N. PRAHLAD Volt;ok;ty ( Motor and Transformer Plant ),

SHRI T. B. SEN ( Alternate )

NDRAK. ROHAT~I Pradip Lamp Works, Patna
Delhi Electricity Supply Undertaking, New Delhi

Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd, New Delhi

SHRI G. L. DUA ( Alternate )
SI-IRIR. K. SEH~AL Bombay Suburban Electric Supply Ltd. Bombay
St-rat H. S. NA’~ARAJAN( Alternate )
SHIUV. T. D’SILVA Siemens India Ltd, Bombay
S~IRIR. G. PARDHANANI( Alternate )
SUPE&NTENIXNOENGINEER Andbra Pradesh State Electricity Department
( TECHNXALP~olECrs ) ( Electricity Projects and Board ), Hyderabad
( GRID OPERATION ) ( Alternate )
DR VAKILAHMED Direc;eEtkneraI of Technical Development,

SHRIS. K. PALHAN( Alternate )

SHRI C. R. VARIER Crompton Greaves Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. V. MANERIKAR( Alternote )
SHRI T. V. VIDYARATNA RAJ Kirloskar Electric Co Ltd, Bangalore
SHRIS. P. SACHDEV, Director General, BIS ( Ex-oficio Member )
Director ( Elec tech )
Deputy Director ( Elec tech ), BIS

Panel for Insulation Levels and Dielectric Tests for Power Transformers,
ETDC 16/P9

SHRID. V. N- Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. Bhopal

gt s&&N~b~“R} ( Altern+ to Shri D. V. Narke )
SW A. K. CHOPM Punjab State Electricity Board, Patiala
* SHN K. L. BHATlA( Afternate )
( Continued on prqpc42 )

Indian Standard

0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part III ) was adopted by the Indian Standards
Institution on 26 May 1981, after the draft finalized by the Transformers
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division
0.2 This standard was first issued in 1962 and was revised in 1977 with a
viewto align it with the revision of IEC Publication76 ‘Power transformers’
issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission and issued in the
following four parts:
Part I General
Part II Temperature-rise
Part III Insulation levels and dielectric tests
Part IV Terminal marking, tappings and connections
0.3 The second revision of this standard ( Part III ) has been undertaken
with a view to bring it in line with the latest thinking at the IEC level. The
most significant modiScation in this revision is that the line of demarcation
to have lightning impulse test as a routine test, has been shifted from
> 145 kV to > 300 kV.
0.4 This second revision also clarifies some anomalies noticed in the first
revision with regard to induced overvoltages and impulse withstand tests.
0.5 This standard ( Part III ) is to be read in conjunction with IS,: 2026
( Part I )-1977*, IS : 2026 ( Part II )-1977t and IS : 2026 ( Part IV )-1977$
0.6 This standard ( Part III ) is based on IEC Pub 76-3 ( 1980 ) ‘Power
transformers : Part III Insulation levels and dielectric tests’ and IEC

*Specificationfor power transformers : Part I General (fist revision ).

flpecification for power transformers: Part II Temperature-rise (first revision ).
$Speciiication for power transformers: Part IV Terminal marking, tappings and
connections (first revision ).

IS : 2026 ( Part III) - 1981

Document 14 ( Central Office ) 51 Draft Amendment No. 1 to Pub 76-3,

issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission.
0.7 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing
the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-1960*.
The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be
the same as that of the specified value in this standard.


1.1 This standard ( Part III ) specifies the requirements relating to insulation
levels and dielectric tests for power transformers.

2.1 The dielectric tests ( see Table 1 ) shall generally be carried out at the
manufacturer’s works with the transformer approximately at ambient
2.2 The transformers shall be completely assembled as in service, except
that for liquid-filled transformers the fitting of external cooling and
supervisory equipment shall not be necessary.
2.3 Transformers for cable box connections or direct connections to metal
enclosed SF 6 installations shall be so designed that the temporary connec-
tions can be made for dielectric tests, using temporary bushings, if _
2.4 When the manufacturer proposes to use non-linear elements or surge
divertors ( built into the transformer or fitted externally ) for the limitation
of transferred overvoltage transients, this shall be brought to the attention
of the user.
NATE - The insulating requirements for power transformers and the corresponding
insulation tests are given with reference to specifk windings and their terminals. For
liquid-filled transformers the requirements apply to the internal insulation only, and
are not related to the properties of external bushing insulation under different weather
conditions or contamination. Any additional requirement or tests regarding external
insulation which are deemed necessary shall be subject to agreement between the
purchaser and the supplier. When an od-filled transformer is specified for operation at
an altitude higher than 1 000 m, it may then be necessary to select bushings designed
for higher insulation levels than those specified for the internal insulation of the
transformer windings. Bushings are subjected to separate type and routine tests in
accordance with IS : 2099-1973t which also verify their phase-to-earth insulation,

*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised).

tSpecification for bushings for alternatiog voltages above 1 000 volts ( firsf revision).

external as well as internal. It is presupposed that bushings and tap-changers are
specified, designed and tested in accordance with IS : 2099-1973’ and IS : 846%1977t.
The insulation tests on the complete transformer, however, check the correct appli-
cation and installation of these components.
2.5 If a transformer fails to meet its test requirements due to a fault in a
bushing, to facilitate continuation and completion of the test without delay,
the replacement of the faulty bushings shall be permissible. A particular
case arises for tests with partial discharge measurements, where certain types
of commonly used high voltage bushings create difficulty because of their
relatively high level of partial discharge in the dielectric. When such
bushings are mounted on the transformer it shall be permissible to exchange
them for bushings of a partial discharge free type during the testing of the
transformer ( see Appendix A ).
3.1 Highest Voltage for Equipment - Each winding of a transformer shall
be assigned a value of highest voltage for equipment denoted by U, which is
the maximum value of the highest voltage of a system to which the winding
may be connected in respect of its insulation.
The rules for coordination of transformers insulation with respect to
transient overvoltages are formulated differently depending on the value of
u When rules about specific tests fori different windings in a transformer
ar?in conflict, the rule for winding with the highest Urn value shall apply.
Rules for a number of special cases are given in 4.
3.1.1 The standard values of U,,, are listed in Tables 2 to 4. The value to
be assigned to a transformer winding shall be the one equal to or nearest
above the rated voltage of the winding.
NOTE 1 -Single-phase transformers intended for connection in star to form a
three-phase bank are designated by phase-to-earth rated voltage, for example,
%!!- kV. The phase-to-phase value determines the choice of U, ( in this case, wn-
sequently, U, = 420 kV ).

NOTE 2 - It may happen, particularly for tapped windings, that for some reason
the rated voltage of a winding is chosen slightly higher than a standard value of U,,,
but that the system to which the winding will be connected has a system highest
voltage which stays within the standard value. The insulation requirements are to be
coordinated with actual system conditions, and therefore the standard value shall be
accepted as U, for the transformer, and not the nearest higher value.

3.1.2 The value U, assigned to each winding in the transformer is part of

the information to be supplied with an enquiry and order.

*Specificationfor btishingsfor alternating voltages above 1 000 volts (first revision ).

tspecification for on-load Cap-changers.

(Clauses 2.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and5.1 )
1. Um c 300 kV a) Power frequency ( 5.2 and Table 2 ) a) Separate source AC ( routine ) ( 10 )
uniform insulation b) Lightning impulse ( 5.2 and Table 2 ) b) Lightning impulse (type ) ( 12 ) on line
( optional for dry type transformers ) terminals
c) Lightning impulse for neutral, if c) Modified impulse test on neutral ( special )
specified ( 5.5.3 )
d) in%%l)overvoltage ( routine ) ( 11.2 )
2. U, < 300 kV a) Power frequency for line terminal a) Separate source AC ( routine ) ( IO )
non-uniform ( 5.3 and Table 2 ) ( corresponding to insulation level of neutral )
insulation b) Lightning impulse for line terminals b) YIgtning impulse on line terminals ( type )
( 5.3 and Table 2 )
c) Power frequency for neutral ( 5.5 ) c) Modified impulse test on neutral ( special )
( 12.3.2 )
d) Lightning impulse for neutral, if d) Induced overvoltage ( routine ) ( 11.3 )
specified ( 5.5.3.)
3. U,,, > 300 kV a) Power frequency for l& terminals a) Separate source AC ( routine ) ( 10 )
non-uniform ( 5.4.1 and Table 3 ) ( correspondirrg to insrlation level of neutral )
insulation specified b) Lightning impulse for line termin& b) y;;mng Impulse on lme termrnals ( routme )
according to ( 5.4.1 and Table 3 )
Method 1 ( 5.4.1 ) c) Power frequency for neutral ( 5.5 ) c) Modified impulse test on neutral ( special )
(\ -12.3.2
- .__- ,)
d) Lightning impulse for neutral, if d) Induced overvoltage ( routine ) ( 11.3 )
specified ( 5.5.3 >
4. Um,3OOkV a) Lightning impulse for line terminals a) Separate source AC (routine ) ( IO )
non-uniform insula- ( 5.4.2 and Table 4 ) ( corresponding to insulation level of neutral )
tion snecified accord- b) Switching impulse for line terminals b) ~f$t~ing impulse on line termmals ( routine )
ing lo Method 2 ( 5.4.2 and Table 4 )
( 5.4.2 ) c) Power frequency for neutral ( 5.5 ) c) Modified impulse test on neutral ( special )
( I.2.3.T ) .
d) Lightning impulse for neutral, if d) T;Fy Impulse on line terminals ( routine )
specified ( 5.5.3 )
e) Induced overvoltage ( routine ) ( 11.4 ) ( with
partial discharge indication )
3.2Insulation Level - The rated withstand voltages for the winding which
constitute its insulation level shall be verified by a set of dielectric tests, and
the set of tests is different depending on the value of U, ( see 5 ).
33.1Two alternative definitions are used to describe rated insulation
a) The rated lightning impulse and short duration power frequency
withstand voltages.
NOTE -Definition ( a ) applies for all windings with highest voltage Urn
lower than 300 kV, and for windings with U, equal to or greater than 300 kV
that are specified according to Method 1 ( see 5 and Table 1 ).

b) The rated lightning and switching impulse withstand voltages

( phase-to-earth ).
NOTE - Definition ( b ) applies for windings with U, equal to or greater
than 300 kV that are specified according to Method 2 ( see 5 and Table 1 1.

3.2.2 If there is a winding with non-uniform insulation, the insulation

level of the neutral terminal shall also be specified by the purchaser
( see also 5.5.3 ). If there is a winding with non-uniform insulation and
U, > 300 kV, it shall be tested according to Method 1 or Method 2
(see5,Table 1 ), and in the case of Method 2 further information shall be
given about the choice of certain alternative procedures in the iminced
overvoltage withstand test ( see 11.4 ).
3.2.3 The insulation level assigned to each winding of a transformer is
part of the information to be supplied with an enquiry and order.
3.2.4 Abbreviated Notation for Insulation Levels - The rated withstand
voltages for all windings rated 3-6 kV and above shall appear on the,rating
plate. The principles of the standard abbreviated notation are shown by the
following examples. The values of rated lightning impulse ( LI ) switching
impulse ( SI ) and power frequency withstand voltage ( AC ) shall be taken
from Tables 2,3 or 4.

Example 1 : A transformer having windings with U, = 72.5 and

12 kV, both uniformly insulated.

Insulation Levels : LI 325 AC 14O/LI 60 AC 28

Data for different windings are separated by a stroke, and

the impulse level is put first.


Example 2 : A transformer having a non-uniformly insulated star-

connected high voltage winding with U, = 245 kV and
neutral to be non-directly earthed. The next winding is
also star-connected with uniform insulation and
U, = 72.5 kV, and further a tertiary, delta-connected
winding with U, = 24 kV.

Insulation Levels : LI 850 AC 360-LI 250 AC 951

LI 325 AC 14O/LI 125 AC 50

For a non-uniformly insulated winding, tine terminal data are given

tit, and then, after a separating dash, neutral terminal data.
Exmple 3 : An autotransformer with U, = 420 and 145 kV specified
according to Method 2 ( see 5.4 ) and with neutral
for direct connection to earth, and a tertiary with
u, = 24 kV.

-Insulation Levels : SI 1050 LI 1300 -AC 38/

LI 550 -AC 381
LI 125 AC 50

In this example the specification of Method 2 determines the testing of

the 145 kV winding as well, and this means that there is no separately
specified power frequency withstand voltage for the line terminals of this
winding. The induced overvoltage withstand test in accordance with 11.4
applies to both autoconnected windings.


4.1 In transformers where uniformly insulated windings having different U,,,
values are connected together within the transformer ( usually autotrans-
formers ), the test voltage for separate-source power-frequency withstand
test shall be determined by the winding with the highest Urn value.
43 For transformers with a high voltage winding having U,) 300 kV,
lightning impulse tests are routine tests for all windings.
4.3 In transformers which have one or more non-uniformly insulated
windings the test voltage for the induced overvoltage withstand test, and for
the switching impulse test, ifused, are determined by the winding with the
highest Urn value, and the windings with lower Urnvalues may not receive
their appropriate test voltages. This discrepancy should normally be

IS: 2026(PartIII)-1981

accepted. If the ratio between the windings is variably by tappings, this

should be used to bring the test voltage for the winding with lower U,
voltage as close as possible to the appropriate value.
4.4 During switching impulse tests, the voltages developed across different
windings are approximately proportional to the turns ratios. If rated
switching impulse withstand voltages are assigned to several windings, the
problem shall be solved as specified in 4.3. A tapped winding of lower U,
without assigned switching impulse withstand voltage shall be connected on
its principal tapping during the switching impulse test.
45 Series windings in booster regulating transformers, phase shifting
transformers, etc, where the rated voltage of the winding is only a small
fraction of the voltage of the system, shall have a value of Urn corresponding
to the system voltage.
NW - It is often impracticable to test such transformers in formal compliance
with this specification and it should be agreed between manufacturer and the u&r
which teats have to be omitted or modified.


5.1 The requirements and tests for different categories of windings shall be
as given in Table 1.
Nom - The extension of the lightning impulse test to include impulses chopped
on the tail is sometimes specified, particularly for cases where the transformer is not
protected by surge arresters. This modification is dealt with in 13.

5.2 Insulation requirements abd dielectric withstand tests for windings with
Urn < 300 kV, uniform insulation.
5.2.1 The rated withstand voltages of the winding shall be as follows:
a) A rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage in
accordance with Table 2.
b) A rated lightning impulse withstand voltage for the line terminals in-
accordance with Table 2.
c) If specified, a rated impulse withstand voltage for the neutral
terminal, with the same peak value as for the line materials. For values of Urn lower than 52 kV there are two lists of
alternatives impulse withstand voltages in Table 2.
For U, = 123, 145, 170, and 245 kV there are different altetitives of
power frequency and impulse withstand voltages in Table.2.


(CrnuseJ3.l.l, 5.2.1,,5.3.1,,7.1 und11.2)


(1) (2) (3)
kVrms kV rms kV peak
List 1
g 20
103 20 40
40 60
12 28 60 75
ii-5 38
24 50 ;: 1;;
36 70 145 170
3 250
-725 12 325

123 fl85 450

1230 -550
1% 230 550
{ 275 650

230 550
170 275 650
-- 750
{ 325
245 :$ 850
- 950
{ 395
No,re - The underlined values are preferred in IS : 585-1962 Specification for
voltages and frequency for ac transmission and distribution systems ( revised 1.

The choice between List 1 and List 2 for U, < 52 kV and the choice
between alternative rated withstand voltages for Urn = 123, 145, 170 and
245 kV depends on the severity of overvoltage conditions to be expected in
the system and on the importance of particular installation. Guidance may
be obtained from IS : 2165-1977*. The values chosen should be clearly
stated in the enquiry.

*Specification for insulation coordination ( secmd revision ).


5.2.2 The rated withstand voltages shall be verified by the following

dielectric tests:
4 A separate-source power frequency voltage withstand test ( see 10 )
( routine test ). This test is intended to verify the power-frequency
withstand strength of the winding under test to earth and other
‘3 An inducedo vervoltage withstand test ( see 11.2 ) ( routine test ).
This test is intended to verify the power frequency withstand
strength along the winding under test, between its phases, and to
earth and other windings.
4 A full-wave lightning impulse test for the line terminals ( see 12 )
( type test ). This test is intended to verify the impulse withstand
strength of each line terminal to earth and other windings, and along
the winding under test.
NOTE- This test becomes a routine test when the winding considered forms
part of a transformer of which at least one winding has the highest voltage for
equipment U, > 300 kV.

4 An impulse test for the neutral terminal ( see 12.3.2 ) ( special test ),
if a rated impulse withstand voltage for the neutral terminal has
been specified. This test is intended to verify the impulse withstand
strength of the neutral terminal to earth and other windings.
NATE - Distribution transformers for suburban or rural installations are in
some cases severely exposed to overvoltages. In such cases, higher test voltages
or additional tests, which are not mentioned here, may be agreed to between
the manufacturer and the user.

5.3 Insnbtion Requirements and Dielectric Withstand Tests for Windings

with U, < 300 kV, Non-uniform Insulation
5.3.1 The rated withstand voltages of the winding shall be as follows:
a) A rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage for the
line terminals in accordance with Table 2,
b) A rated lightning impulse withstand voltage for the line terminals
in accordance with Table 2,
c) A rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage -%r the
neutral terminal in accordance with 5.5, and
d) If specified, a rated impulse withstand voltage for the neutral
terminal in accordance with 5.5.3.
NOTE- Concernirg List 1 and List 2 in Table 2, and alternative values for
U= > 123 kV in Table 2, see 5.2.

I!3 : 2026 ( Part III ) - 1981

5.3.2 The rated withstand voltages shall be verified by the following

dielectric tests:
a) An induced overvoltage withstand test ( see 11) ( routine test ).
This test is intend-o to verify the power frequency voltage withstand
strengtk of the lin Lerminals to earth and other windings and the
withstand strength : :r ;ueen the phases and along the winding under
test. The test is carried Jt according to 11.3.
b) A full-wave lightning im&se test for the line terminals ( see 12 )
( type test ).The purpose of the test is as specified under 5.2.2 ( c ).
NoTE - This test becomes a routine test when the winding considered forms
part of a transformer of which at least one winding has the highest voltage for
equipment U, > 300 JcV.

4 A separate-source power-frequency voltage withstand test for the

neutral terminal ( see 10 ) (routine test ). This test is intended to
verify the power-frequency voltage withstand strength of the neutral
terminal to earth.
4 An impulse test for the neutral terminal ( see 12.3.2 ) ( special test ),
if a rated ‘impulse withstand voltage for the neutral terminal has
been specified. The purpose of the test is as specified under
5.4 bulation Requirements and Dielectric )Ilithstand Tests for Windii
with Urn > 300 kV, Non-uniform Insulation - There are two alternative
methods, Method 1 ( see 5.4.1 ) and Method 2 ( see5.4.2 ) for the specifica-
tion and testing of transformers which have! winding belonging to this
category. Which method has been selected is part of the information to be
supplied with an enquiry and with an order, and if Method 2 has been
selected it is also necessary to indicate the choice between alternative
procedures in the induced overvoltage withstand test ( see 11.4 ).
Method 1 - For specifying and testing this method makes use of rated
lightning impulse withstand voltage and a rated short-duration power-
frequency withstand voltage. The latter is also intended to represent a
su5cient withstand strength against switching impulse voltages ( see 5.4.1).
Meihod 2 - For specifying and testing this method makes use of a rated
switching impulse withstand voltage and a rated lightning impulse withstand
voltage. The induced power-frequency overvoltage test is related only to
stresses under normal operating conditions and temporary overvoltages.
The induced voltage test procedure specified differs from that of Method 1
in that the duration is longer, the test voltage phase-to-earth is lower, and
the test criterion is based on the measurement of partial discharges in the
transformer ( 8ee 5.42 ).


5.4.1 Method 1 The rated withstand voltages of the winding shall be as follows:
a) A rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage for line
terminals in accordance with Table 3;
b) A rated lightning impulse withstand voltage for line terminals, in
accordance with Table 3;
c) A rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage for
neutral terminal, in accordance with 5.5; and
d) If specified, a rated lightning impulse withstand voltage for neutral
terminal, in accordance with 5.5.3. The withstand voltages shall be verified by the following
dielectric tests:
a) An induced overvoltage withstand test ( see 11) ( routine test ).
The test is carried out in accordance with 11.3. The purpose of this
test is as specilkl under 5.3.2 ( a ).
b) A full-wave lightning impulse test for the line terminals ( see l2)
( routine test ). The purpose of this test is as specified under
5.2.2( c ).


( Clauses 3.1.1, 3.2.4 and )

(1) (2) (3)

kV rms kVrms kV peak
300 395 950
{ 460 1050
362 460 1050
{ 510 1 175
- 570 1300
{ 630 1 425

Non 1 - The underlined value is the preferred value in IS : 585-1962 Specitication

for voltages and frequency for ac transmission and distribution systems ( revised ).
NOTES- Guidance for the choice between alternative rated withstand ~01tagt
combinations may be obtained from IS : 2165-1977 Specification for insulation Co-
ordination ( seeold revisfon ).
IS : 2026 ( Part III ) - 1981

4 A separate-source power-frequency voltage withstand test for the

neutral terminal ( see 10 ) ( routine test ). The purpose of this test
is as specified under 5.3.2( c ).
d) An impulse test for theneutral terminal ( see 123.2 ) ( special test,)
if a rated impulse withstand voltage for the neutral terminal has
been specified. The test is carried out on all units of lot. The
purpose of the test is as specified under 5.2.2( d ).

5.42 Method 2 The rated withstand voltages of the winding shall be as follows:
a) A rated switching impulse withstand voltage for line terminals, in
accordance with Table 4.

b) A &ed lightning impulse withstand voltage for line terminals, in

accordance with Table 4.

4 A I rated short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage for

neutral terminal, in accordance with 5.5.

4 If specified a rated lightning impulse withstand voltage for neut@

terminal, in accordance with 5.5.3. The rated withstand voltages shall be verified by the follc
dielectric tests:
a) A switching impulse test for the line terminals (see 14 ) ( routilie
test ). This test is intended to verify the switching impulse withstand
s&en&h of the line terminals to earth, and between line terminals on
three-phase transformers.
b) A full ‘wave lightning impulse voltage withstand test for line terminals
( see 12 ) ( routine test ). The purpose of this test is as specified
under 5.2.2( c ).
cl A separate-source power-frequency voltage withstand test for the
neutral terminal ( see 10 ) (routine test ). The purpose of this test
is as specified under 5.3.2( c).
4 A lightning impulse test for the neutral terminal ( see 12.3.2 )
( special test ) if a rated impulse withstand voltage for the neutral
terminal has been specified. The test is carried out on all units of
the lot. The purpose of the test is as specified under 5.2.2( d ).

4 An induced power frequency overvoltage test with partial discharge

measurement in accordance with 11.4 (routine test ). There are
alternative procedures
specified in this clause, and the choice
between these should be decided at the time of the order. The test
procedure applies to all windings of the transformer having non-
uniform insulation.
This test shall be carried out after completion of the other dielectric
tests. This test is carried out from the point of view of stresses under
normal operating conditions and temporary overvoltages.


(Clauses 3.1.1, 3.2.4 and )

(1) (2) (3)

kVrms kV peak kV peak
300 750 850 and 950
{ 850 950 and 1050
362 950 and 1 050
{ f:X 105Oandlk75
420 950 1 050 and 1 175
{ 1 050 1175,13OOand1425
525 1 175,l 300 and 1 425
: z 1 425 and 1 550
765 1 425 155Oand1800
1 550 18OOand1950
Ncm 1 - During the switching impulse withstand test on a three-phase transformer
the line-to-line test voltage shall be approximately 1’5 times the phase-t&neutral
voltage ( see 14.3 ).
Nom2 - The underlined value is the preferred value in IS : 585-1962 Specification
for voltages and frequency for ac transmission and distribution systems ( rev&d ).
NOTE 3 - Guidance for the choice between alternative rated withstand voltage
combinations may be obtained from IS : 2165-1977 Specification for insulation
coordination ( second revision ).

5.5 Insulation Requirements and Tests for the Neutral Terminal of a Winding
with Non-uniform Insulation

5.5.1 General - The necessary insulation level depends on whether the

neutral terminal is intended to be directly earthed or not. In the latter case
IS:2026( PartIII)-1981
an overvoltage protective device should be installed on the neutral terminal
in order to limit transient over voltages otherwise non-uniform insulation
of the winding is not recommended.
NOTE - 55.2 and 5.5.3 deal with determination of the necessary minimum with-
stand voltage for the neutral terminal. An increase of the value may sometimes
easily be arranged and can improve the interchangeability of the transformer in the
system. It may also be necessary to design the winding with higher neutral insulation
level because of the test connection to be used for the induced power-frequency test of
the transformer ( see 11.3 ).

5.5.2 Neutral Terminal Intended to be Directly Earthed - This i neutral

terminal which is permanently connected to earth directly or through a
current transformer but without any intentionally added impedance in the
connection. In this case the short-time power-frequency withstand voltage
shall be at least 38 kV. No impulse test on the neutral terminal is recommended.
During impulse tests on a line terminal the neutral terminal shall be connec-
ted directly to earth.
5.53 Neutral Terminal not Intended to he Directly Earthed - This is
neutral terminal which is not permanently in direct connection to earth.
This may be connected to earth through a considerable impedance ( for
example, arc-suppression coil earthing ). Separate phase-winding neutral
terminal may be connected to a regulating transformer. The rated voltage
of the surge arrester which is to be installed for neutral protection.shall be
selected at least equal to the maximum power-frequency voltage under such
conditions of system faults as are considered. It is the responsibility of the user to select the overvoltage
protective device, to determine its impulse protection level, and to specify
the corresponding impulse withstand voltage for the neutral terminal of the
transformer; A suitable standard value should preferably be selected from
Table 2. The corresponding rated power-frequency withstand voltage from
the table shall also apply. It should be checked that the power-frequency
withstand voltage is greater than the above mentioned system-fault voltage.
553.2 The rated impulse withstand voltage of the neutral terminal is
verified by either of the two tests described under 12.3.2. A chopped-wave
impulse test on the neutral is not recommended.


6.1 If the tapping range is rt5 percent or less, the dielectric test shall be
done with the transformer connected on the principal tapping.

IS : 2026 ( Part III ) - 1981

4~2 If the tapping range is larger than f5 percent, the choice of tapping
cannot\be prescribed universally. Testing conditions determine the choice
of tappmg required for induced power-frequency test and for switching
impulse test ( see 4 ).
6.3 Under lightning impulse test the dielectric stresses are distributed
differently depending on the tapping connection and general design of the
transformer. Unless impulse testing on a particular tapping has been
agreed, the two extreme tappings and the principal tapping shall be used,
-one tapping for each of the three individual phases of a three-phase trans-
ray or the three single-phase transformers designed to form a three-phase


7.0 Pending preparation of a separate standard for dry type transformers
the provisions of 7.1 shall apply.
7.1 Dry type transformers are not a uniform category with respect to
insulation requirements and tests. The clauses of thi’s standard are applica-
ble when dry type transformers are intended for general power distributio%
in public or industrial systems. They are then designed in accordance
with 5.2 and Table 2 ( List 1 or 2 ).
However, for application in particular systems where the insulation
requirements are lower than in general, and where this has been proven by
experience, dry type transformers not designed for impulse type tests and
with even lower power frequency test voltage may be applied. No definite
. figures are recommended here.


8.1 lf a transformer has already withstood complete dielectric acceptance
tests according to this standard, in accordance with 5.2, 5.3 or 5.4.1, and
subsequently. acceptance tests are to be repeated, the test voltage levels shall
be reduced to 75 percent of the original values, unless otherwise agreed, and
provided that the internal insulation has not been modified in the meantime.
NOTE- The rule does not apply to the induced power freqbency overvoltage test
( see 11.4 ) on transformers specified in accordance with 5.4.2.


9.1 Unless otherwise specified, the wiring for auxiliary power and control
circuitry shall be subjected to a one-minute,power-frequency withstand test
with 2-O kV rms to earth. Motors and apparatus for auxiliary
equipment shall fulfil insulation requirements to the relevant

IS,:2026(PartIII)- 1981
zhdian Standards ( which are generally lower than the value specified for the,
wiring alone and which may sometimes make it necessary to disconnect them
in order to test the circuits ).
NATE- Auxiliary e uipment for large transformers is usually dismantled for
shipment. After camp ‘fetion of erection on site a 1 000 V megohm meter test is


10.1The separate-source voltage jest shall be made with single-phase
alternating voltage as neaily as possible to the sine-wave form and of any
convenient frequency not less than 80 percent of the rated frequency.
10.2 The peak value of voltage shall be measured. The peak value divided _
by l/r shall be equal to the test value.
10.3 The test shall be commenced at a voltage not greater than one-third of
the specified test value and shall be increased to this value as rapidly as is
consistent with measurements. At the end of the test, the voltage s-1 be
reduced rapidly to less than one-third-of the test value before switching off.
10.4 The full test voltage shall be applied for 60s between the winding uhder
test and all terminals of the remaining windings, core, frame and tank or
casing of the transformer, connected together to earth.
10.5 The test shall be successful if no collapse of the test voltage occurs.
No-m - On windings with non-uniform insulation the test shall be carried out with
only the test voltage specified for the neutral terminal, The line terminals therefore
receive a modified induced overvoltage test in accordance with 11.3 or 11.4.


11.1 General - The test shall be carried out in three alternative ways in
accordance with 11.2, 11.3, or 11.4 for different categories of windings.
11.1.1 An alternating voltage shall be applied to the terminals of one
winding of the transformer. The voltage shall be, as nearly as possible, to
the sine-wave form and of a frequency suitably increased above the rated
f&quency to avoid excessive excitation current during the test.
+ 11.1.2 The peak value of the induced test voltage shall be measured. The
peak value divided by d2-shall be equal to the test value.
11.13 The test shall_ be qommenced at a voltage not greater than one-
- third of the test value and Wall be increased to the test value as rapidly as is
consistent with measurement. At the end of the test, the voltage shall be
reduced rapidly to less than one-third of the test value before switching off.

11.1.4 Unless otherwise specified in the subsequent clauses, the duration
of the test at full test voltage shall be 60s for any test frequency up to and
including twice the rated frequency. When the test frequency exceeds twice
the rated frequency, the duration of the test shall be
120 x rated frequency
test frequency
but not less than I5 seconds.
11.2 Induced Overvoltage Withstand Test for Transformers with UoiformIy
Insulated High-Voltage Winding - The test voltage across an untapped
winding of the transformer shall be equal to twice the ratedvoltage, but the
line-to-line test voltage of any three-phase winding shall not exceed the
rated withstand voltage as given in Table>2, co1 2.
11.2.1 A three-phase winding shall preferably be tested with symmetrical
three-phase voltages induced in the three winding phases. If the winding
has a neutral terminal, this may be earthed during the test.
11.2.2 The test shall be successful if no collapse of the test voltage o&irrs.
11.3 Iodnced Phase-@Ear&b Overvoltage Withstand T&for Transformer with
Non-uniformly Insulated High-Voltage Windings - Urn -c 300 kV ( see 5.3 ),
or U,,, ) 300 kV, specified according to Method 1 ( see 54.1).
113.1 The line terminals shall receive the test voltage value specified in
the appropriate table.
11.3.2 On single-phase transformers the test is normally carried. out with,
the neutral terminal earthed. If the ratio between the windings is variable
by tappings, this should be used to satisfy test voltage conditions on differtnt
windings simultaneously as far as possible. In exceptional cases ( see 4 )
the voltage on the neutral terminal may be raised by, connection to an
auxiliary booster transformer. Another winding of the transformer under
test may also be connected in series with the high voltage winding.
11.3.3 The test,sequence for a three-phase transformer consists of three
single-phase applications of test voltage with different points of the winding
connected to ewh at each time. Recommended test cdnnections which
avoid excessive overvoltage between line terminals are -shown in Fig. 1.
There are also other possible methods.
Other separate windings shall generally be earthed at the neutral ifthey
are star-connected and at one of the terminals if they are delta-connected.
11.3.4 The voltage per turn during the test reaches different values
depending on the test connection. The choice of a suitable test connection
is determined by the characteristics of the transformer and of the test plant.

IS : 2026( Pait III ) - 1981

NOTE - In the case of transformers with domplicated windings arrangements it is

recommended that the complete connection of all windings during the test should be
reviewed between manufacturer and user at the contract stage so that the test
represents a realistic service stress combination as far as possible.

113.5 The test is successful if no collapse of the test voltage occurs.

u/3 u 0 u 0 0 u/J u 0 0
I@ I’

UlTi L!uT
00 u

0 0

II=4 I%.

“t =



U2. Unl-U.

Un,- Un2

NOTE 1 - Connection ( a ) may be used when the neutral is designed to withstand at

kast one-third of the voltage U. Three different generator connections to the low
voltage winding are shown. Only ( al ) is possible, if the trapsformer has unwound
magnetic return paths ( shell form or five-limb core form ).
NOTE 2 - Coonectioo (b ) is possible and recommended for three-phase trans-
formers having unwound magnetic return paths for the flux in the tested limb. If
there is a delta-connected winding, it has to be open during the test.
Nore3- Connection ( c ) shows an auxiliary booster transformer, which gives a
bias voltage XJ, at the neutral terminal of an auto-transformer under test. Rated
voltages of the two auto-connected windings are U,,, U,,, and the corresponding test
voltages, VI, u,. This connectioo may also be used for a three-phase transformer
without unwound magnetic return paths having the neutral insulation designed for less
,th@one-third of the voltage II.

IS : 2026 ( Part III) - 1981

11.4 Induced Overvoltage Withstand Test for Transformers with Non-

uniformly Insulated High-Voltage Windings, 17, > 300 kV, Specified
According to Method 2 ( 5.4.2 )

11.4.i The test applies to all non-uniformly insulated windings_ of the

transformer, regardless of whether they are auto-connected or separate.
11.4.2 The- neutral terminal of the winding under test shall be earthed.
For other separate windings, if they are star-connected they shall be earthed
at the neutral, and if they are delta-connected they shall be earthed at one
of the terminals.
A three-phase transformer shall be tested either phase by phase in a
single-phase connection that gives voltages on the line terminals as shown
in Fig. 2, or in symmetrical three-phase connection. The choice shah be
agreed between the parties at the time of placing the order.

U -o*su -0.50

I 1 1

11.4.3 The time sequence for the application of test voltage shall, be as
shown in Fig. 3. The voltage shall be switched on at a level not higher than
one-third of U,, raised to Uz, held there for a duration of 5 min, raised to
U,, held there for a duration of 5 seconds, immediately reduced again
without interruption to U,,held there for a duration of 30 min, and reduced
to a value below one-third of U, before switching off. The duration of the test shall be independent of the test
11.4.4 During the whole application of test voltage partial discharge shall
be monitored as described below. The apparent charge shall not be higher
than a specified value q.



MIR THE APPLICATIONOF TEST VOLTAGE test voltages between line and neutral terminals shall be

expressed in per unit ( PU ) of U,,J@ as follows:

Uz shall be either l-5 Um/l/j with q = 500 PC

or 1.3 Urn/q5with q = 300 pC,The choice shall be as agreed to between the manufactureradd
the user at the time of placing the order.
NOTE- The values of q are provisional and Sttbje4 te Tevidw ~h the lit of
experience.‘The partial discharges shall be observed ‘andevahrated as

follows. , Further information may be obtained from Appendix
-_ A, which,
in turn, refers to IS : 6209-1971*. -
a) Measurements shall be carried out at the line terminals of all non-
uniformly insulated windings , which means that the higher and
lower voltage li,ne terminals of an autoconnected pair of windings
will be used simultaneously.
b) The measuring channel from each terminal used shall be calibrated
with repetitive impulses between the terminal and earth, and this
calibration is used for the evaluation of readings during the test.
4 The apparent charge measured at a specif?c terminal of the trans-
former, using the appropriate calibration as described in ( b ) shall
refer to the highest steady-state repetitive impulses. Occasional
higher kicks should be disregarded.
d) Before and after the application of test voltage, the background
noise level shall be recorded on all measuring channels.

*Methods for partial discharge measurements.


e) The background noise level shall be lower than half the specified
limit for apparent charge q.
f-l During the raising of voltage up to level U, and reduction from U,
down again, possible inception and extinction voltages shall be
g) A reading shall be taken and noted during the first period at
voltage U,.
h) Observations during the short application of voltage lJz shall not be
3 During e whole of thes econd period at voltage U,, the partial
discharg 2h level shall be continuously observed and readings at
intervals noted or recorded. The test shall be successful, if:
4 No collapse of the test voltage occurs,
W The continuous level of apparent charge q during the last 29 of the
3Q min application of voltage U, stays below the specified limit in
all the measuring channels, and does not show a sign&ant, steadily
rising trend near this limit.
If the apparent charge reading rises above the specified limit for a
significant time and then returns below this level again the test may
continue without interruption until acceptable readings have been
obtained for 30 min. Occasional high kicks should be disregarded.
NOTE - As long as no breakdown occurs, and unless very high partiaI&- .
charges are’sustained for a long time the test shall be regarded as non-destruc-
tive. A failure to meet the partial discharge acceptance criterion shall, therefore,
not warrant immediate rejection but lead to consultation between user and
manufacturer about further investigation. Suggestions for such procedures are
given in Appendix A. Difliculties concerning the bushings are mentioned in 2.


12.1 General - The impulse generator circuit, impulse shape measuring
equipment and calibration method shall be in accordance with IS : 2071
( Part I)-1974*, IS : 2071 (Part II)-1974t and IS : 2071 (Part III )-1976#.
121.1 For oil-immersed transformers the test voltage chosen shall
normally be of negative polarity, because this reduces the risk of erratic
external flashover in the test circuit.

*Methods of hi voltage testing: Part I General detbritions and test requirementa

( firsf revision ).
*Methods of high voltage testing: Part II Test procedures (first revision ).
$Methods of high voltage testing: Part III Measuring devices ( first revision ).

IS : 2026 ( Part III ) - 1981

12.1.2 Bushing spark gaps may be removed or their spacing increased to

prevent sparkover during the test.
12.1.3 When non-linear elements or surge diverters - built into the trans-
former or external - are installed for the limitation of transferred overvol-
tage transients, the impulse test procedure shall be discussed in advance for
each particular case. If such elements are present during the test, the
evaluation of test records may be difficult ( see 12.5)
12.1.4 The test impulse shall be a full standard lightning impulse
l-2 f 30 percent/50 f 20 percent microseconds.
12.1.5 There are cases, however, where this standard impulse shape can
not reasonably be obtained, because of low winding inductance or high
capacitance to earth. The resulting impulse shape is then often oscillatory.
Wider tolerances may, in such cases, be permitted by agreement between the
parties. The amplitude of opposite polarity of an oscillatory impulse
should not exceed 50 percent of the first amplitude.
The impulse shape problem may also be treated by alternative methods
of earthing during the test ( see 12.3 ).
12.1.6 The impulse circuit and measuring connections shall remain
unchanged during calibration and full voltage tests.
12.2 Test Sequence - The test sequence shall consist of one impulse of a
voltage between 50 percent and 75 percent of the full test’ voltage, and three
subsequent impulses at full voltage. If during any. of these applications an I
external flashover in the circuit or across a bushing gap should occur, or if
the oscillographic recording should fail on any of the specified measuring
channels, that application shall be disregarded and a further application
12.2.1 Additional impulses at amplitudes not higher than 50 percent may
be used but need not be shown in the report of the test.

123 Termind Comtections

123.1 Terminal Comiectiom During Tests on Line Terminah The impulse test-sequence is applied to each of the line
terminals of the tested winding in succession. In the case of a three-phase
transformer, the other line terminals of the winding shall .be earthed
directly or through a low impedance, such as a current measuring shunt.
123.13 If the winding has a neutral terminal, the neutral shall be
earthed directly or through a low impedance, such as a current measuring
shunt. The tank shall be earthed.

123.13 In the case of a separate-winding transformer, terminals of
windings not under test are likewise earthed directly or through impedances
so that under all circumstances the voltage appearing on them is limited to
less than 75 percent of their rated withstand voltage. In the case of an auto-transformer, when testing the line
terminals of the high-voltage winding, it may happen that the standard
impulse wave-form can not reasonably be obtained if the line terminals of
the common winding are earthed directly or through a current measuring
shunt. The same applies to the testing of the line terminals of the oommon
winding if the line terminals of the high-voltage winding are earthed. It is
then permissible to earth the non-tested line terminals through resistors not
exceeding 400 ohms. On the other side the voltages appearing on the non-
tested line terminals to earth should not exceed 75 percent of their rated
lightning impulse withstaad voltage.
12.3.15 With impulse testing windings with low impedance it is difficult
to obtain correct impulse shape on the tested terminals. In this case wider
tolerances may be applied by agreement between the parties ( see 12.15 ).
It is also possible to simplify the problem by earthing the no&tested
terminals of the winding through resistors. The resistance value shall not
be higher than 500 ohms and shall be chosen so that the voltage appearing
on the terminals- is limited to not more than 75 percent of their rated with-
stand voltage. Alternatively by agreement at the time of placing the order
the transferred surge method in accordance with 12.3.3 may be employed.
Exceptions from this main procedure are given under 12.3.2 and 12.33.
123.2 Impulse Test on a Neutral Terminal When the neutral terminal of a winding has a rated impulse
withstand voltage it may be verified by an impulse test ‘applied through any
one of the line terminals or through all three line terminals of a three-phase
winding connected together. The neutral terminal is connected to earth
through an impedance, and the voltage amplitude developed across this
impedance when a -standard lightning impulse is applied to the line terminal
shall be equal to the rated withstand voltage of the neutral terminal. The
amplitude of the impulse applied to the line terminal is not prescribed but
shall not exceed 75 percent of the rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
of the line terminal. As an alternative an impulse test corresponding to the rated
withstand voltage of the neutral may be applied directly to the neutral with
al1 line terminals earthed. In this case. however, a longer duration of the
front time is allowed-up to 13 microseconds.

12.33 Tran.$erred Surge Method When the low voltage winding cannot in service be subjected
to lightning overvoltages from the low voltage system, this winding may by
an agreement between the manufacturer and the user, be impulse-tested with
surges transferred from the high voltage winding. A guidance for this
purpose is provided in Appendix B.
1233.2 This method is justified when the design is such that an
impulse directly applied to the low voltage winding could result in unrealis-
tic stressing of higher voltage windings, particularly when there is a large
tapping winding physically adjacent to the low voltage winding.
12.333 In applying the transferred surge method, the tests on the low
voltage winding are carried out simultaneously with the impulse tests on the
adjacent higher voltage winding. The line terminals of the low voltage
winding are connected to earth through resistances of such value that the
amplitude of transferred impulse voltage between line terminal and earth or
between different line terminals or across a phase winding is as high
as possible but not .exceeding the rated impulse withstand voltage. The
resistance shall not exceed 5 000 ohms. The wave at the low voltage winding
terminals may have any shape and shall be acceptable. The details of the procedure shall be agreed before the test.

12.4 Records of Test

12.4.1 The oscillographic recordes obtained during calibrations and tests

shall clearly show the applied voltage impulse shape ( front time, time to
half value ).
12.4.2 At least one more measurement channel shall be used. In most
cases an oscillogram of the current flowing to earth from the tested winding
will present the best sensitivity for fault indication. The current flowing
from tank to earth, or the transferred voltage in a non-tested winding are
examples of alternative suitable measuring quantities.
12.5 Test Criteria - The absence of significant differences between voltage
and current transients recorded at reduced voltage and those recorded at full
test voltage constitute evidence that the insulation has withstood the test.
NOTE1 -The detailed interpretation of the oscillographic test records and
discrimination of marginal disturbances from true records of failure require a great
deal of skill and experience.
No.1732- If there is doubt about the interpretation of possible discrepancies
between o~~ill~~arns,three subsequent impulses at full voltage shall be applied, or
the wfiole impulse test on the terminal shall be repeated.
NOTE3 -Additional obs&iitions during the test (smmd effect, etc) may be
used to confirm the oacilIogra~hic rawrds, but they do not cotwitutc evidawe ia


13.1 General - This test is a special test to be carried out on line terminals
of a winding. When it has been agreed to carry out this test it shall be
combined with the full lightning impulse test in the manner described below.
The peak value of the chopped impulse shall be the same as for the full
Usually, the same settings of the impulse generator and measuring
equipment are used, and only the chopping gap equipment is added. The
standard lightning impulse sl.$l have a time to chopping between 2 to 6
13.2 Chopping Gap md Characteristics of the Chopping - The use of a
triggered-type chopping gap with adjustable timing is recommended
although a plain rod-rod gap is allowed. The chopping circuit shall be so
arianged that the amount of overswing to opposite polarity of the rded
impulse will be limited to not more than 30 percent of the amplitu z? of the
chopped impulse.
13.3 Test Sequence and Test Criteria - As indicated under 13.1, this test is
combined with full impulse test in a single sequence. The recommended
order of the different pulse applications is:
a) one reduced full impulse,
b) one 100 percent full impulse,
c) one or more reduced chopped impulses,
d) two 100 percent chopped impulses, and
e) two 100 percent full impulses.
13.3.1 The same types of measuring channels and oscillograms as for the
full impulse test ( see 12 ) shall be used.
13.3.2 In principle, the detection of faults during a chopped impulse test
depends essentially on a comparison of the oscillographic records of 100
percent and reduced chopped impulses. The neutral current record ( or any
other supplementary recording ) presents a superposition of t&sient
phenomena due to the front of the original impulse and from the chopping.
Account should therefore be taken of the possible variations, even slight, of
the chopping time delay. The latter part of the oscillation pattern is then
modified, and this effect is difficult to separate from the record of a fault.

1333 The recordings of successive 100 percent full impulse tests con&i-
tute a supplementary criterion of a fault, but they do not constitute in
themselves a quality criterion for the chopped impulse test.


14.1 General
14.1.1 Measuring equipment and calibration methods shall be in accord-
ance with 1s : 2071 ( Part I )-1974*. The test is a routine test for windings
with & > 300 kV specified according to Method 2 ( see 5.4.2 ).
14.13 The impulses shall be applied either directly from the impulse
voltage source to a line terminal of the winding under test, or to a lower
voltage winding so that the test voltage is inductively transferred to the
winding under test. The specified test voltage shall appear between line -and
neutral terminals and the neutral shall be earthed. In a three-phase trans-
former the voltage developed between line terminals during the test shahbe
approximately 1.5 times the voltage between line and neutral termi,nals
( see 143 ).
14.13 The test voltage should normally be of negative polarity because
this reduces the risk of erratic external Sashover in the test circuit.
14.1.4 The voltage developed across different windings of the transformer
are approximately proportional to their effective numbers of turns, and the
.$est voltage shall be determined by the winding with the highest U, value
#*e 4).
.X4.1.5 The voltage impulse shall have a virtual front time of at least 20
‘croseconds, a time above 90 percent of the specified amplitude of at least
z&l microseconds, and a total duration from the virtual origin to the first
zero passage of at least 500 microseconds.
NOTE1 - The impulse form is purposely different from the standard waveshape of
25012 500 microseconds.
NOTE2 - TKe front time shah be selected by the manufacturer so that the voltage
distribution along the winding under test will be essentially uniform. Its value is
usually less than 250 microseconds. During the test considerable flux is developed m
the magnetic circuit. The impulse voltage can be sustained up to the instant when
the core reaches saturation and the magnetizing impedance of the possible impulse
duration can be increased by introducing remanence of opposite polarity before each
full voltage test impulse. This is accomplished by lower voltage impulses of simflar
shape but opposite polarity or by temporary connection to a dc voltage source.

*Methods of high voltage testing: Part I General de&&ions and test requjrements
( jirst rfrvtiorr).


14.2 Test Seqaence and Records - The test sequence shall consist of one
impulse ( calibration impulse ) of a voltage between 50 percent and 75 per-
cent of the full test voltage and three subsequent impulses at full voltage. If
the oscillographic recording should fail, that application shall be disregarded
and a further application made. Oscillographic records shall be obtained
of at least the impulse wave-shape on the line terminal under test.

143 Terminal Connections

14.3.1 During the test the transformer shall be in a no-load condition in
order to present &Sent impedance. Windings not used for the test shall
be suitably earthed at one point but not short-circuited. For a single-phase
transformer the neutral of the tested winding shall be earthed.
143.2 A three-phase winding shall be tested phase by phase with the
neutral terminal earthed and with the transformer so connected that a
voltage of opposite polarity and about half amplitude appears on the two
remaining line terminals ( see Fig. 2 ).
1433 Bushing spark gaps and additional means for limitation of over-
voltages shall be as specified for the lightnipg impulse test ( see 12.1 1.
144 Test riteria - The test is successful if there is no sudden collapse of
voltage indFcated on the oscillograms.
NOTE- However, the successive osdosrams may be different because of the
influence of magnetic saturation on impulseduration.

14.4.1 Additional observations during the test ( abnormal sound effects,

etc ) may be used to confirm the oscillographic records, but they do not
constitute evidence in themselves.


15.1 The technical information on insulation and dielectric tests to be

supplied with the enquiry and order is given in Appendix C.


( Clauses 2.5, and )




A-l.1 A partial discharge ( PD ) is an electric discharge that only partially

bridges the insulation between conductors.
In a transformer such a partial discharge causes a transient change of
voltage to earth, at every externally available winding terminal.
A-l.2 Measuring impedances are connected effectively between the earthed
tank and the terminals, usually through a bushing tap or through a separate
coupling capacitor as described under A-2.
A-1.2.1 The actual charge transferred at the site of a partial discharge
cannot be measured directly. The preferred measure of the intensity of a
partial discharge is the apparent charge, q, as defined in 23.1 of IS : 6209-
A-1.22 The apparent charge, q, related to any measuring terminal is
determined by a suitable calibration ( see A-2 ).
A-l.23 A particular partial discharge gives rise to different values of
apparent charge at different terminals of the transformer. The comparison
of simultaneously collected indications at different terminals may give
information about the location of the partial discharge source within the
transformer ( see A-5 ).
A-$2.4 The acceptance test procedure specified in the standard calls for
measurement of apparent charge at the winding line terminals.
This is considered to give sufficiently ‘good sensitivity to arbitrary
discharge sources irrespective of location, provided that the recommenda-_
tions below are observed. The specified, tentative acceptance values of
apparent charge are based on practical experience from partial discharge
measurements on transformers which have in addition passed traditional ac
dielectric tests.

*Methods for partial discharge measuremqnts.

2 30



A-2.1 The measuring equipment is connected to the terminals by matched

coaxial cables. The measuring impedance in its s’ plest form is the
matching impedance.of the cable which may, in turn, bei he input impedance
of the measuring instrument.
A-2.2 In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of ,the complete measur-
ing system, it may be convenient to make use of tuned circuits, pulse trans-
formers; and amplifiers between the test object terminals and the cable. The
circuit shah represent a reasonably constant resistance, when viewed from
the test object terminals, throughout the frequency range used for the partial
discharge measurement.
A-2.3 During the measurement of partial discharge between a line terminal
of a winding and the earthed tank, the preferred arrangement is to instal
the measuring impedance effectively between the condenser bushing capaci-
tance tap and the earthed flange ( fig. 4 ). If a capacitance tap is not
provided it is also possibte to insulate the bushing flange from the tank and




use it as the measuring terminal. The equivalent capacitances between the

central conductor, the measuring terminal and earth work as an attenuator
for the partial discharge signal. This is, however, covered by the calibra-
tion which takes place between the top terminal of the bushing and earth.
A-2A If measurements have to be taken at a live terminal without any
available condenser bushing tap ( or insulated flange ), the method with a
high-voltage coupling capacitor shall be used. A partial discharge-free
capacitor shall be used, and its capacitance value shall be suitably large in
comparison with the calibration genemtor capacitance C,. The measuring
impedance ( with a protective gap ) shall be connected between the low-
tension terminal of the capacitor and earth ( see Fig. 5 ).



A-23 The calibration of the complete measurir$ system is made by injecting

known charges between the calibration terminals. A calibration generator
in accordance with IS : 6209-1971* consists of a step voltage pulse generator
with short rise time and a small series capacitor of known capacitance C,.
The rise time should be not more than 0.1 microsecond and C, should be

*Met&d8 for putid discharge



around 50 pF. When this generator is connected between two calibration

terminals presenting a capacitance much greater than C,,, the injected charge
from the pulse generator will be
qcJ= L’. c,
where U is the voitage step ( usually 2 to 50 V ).
A-2.5.1 It is convenient if the calibration generator has a repetition
frequency of the order of one impulse per half cycle of the power frequency
used for the test on the transformer.
A-2.5.2 If the calibration terminals are spaced far apart, there is a risk
that stray capacitances from connecting leads may cause errors. One
method for calibration between earth and another terminal is shown in
Fig. 4. Capacitor C’ shall then be placed at the high-voltage terminal and
a coaxial cable with a matching resistor shall be used from the step voltage
A-2.53 If neither of the calibration terminals is earthed, capacitance from
the pulse generator itself will also be a source of error. The generator shall
preferably be battery-operated and have small physical dimensions.
A%33 The instruments used shall have response characteristics in con-
formance with IS : 6209-1971*. -
A-3.2 Oscillographic monitoring of the test is generally useful, particularly
because it offers possibility of discriminating between true partial discharge
in the transformer and certain forms of external disturbances. This is based
on rate of repetition, point on the wave, polarity differences, etc.
A-33 The indications shall be observed continuously or at frequent intervals
throughout the test period. Continuous recording by oscillograph or tape
recorder is not obligatory.
A-3.4 Measuring systems for partial discharges are classified as narrow-
band or wide-band systems.
A-3.4.1 A narrow-band system operates with a band width of about
10 kHz or less at a certain tuning frequency ( for example radio noise
meters ). A wide-band system utilizes a relatively large ratio between upper
and lower limit of the frequency band, for example, 150 to 50 kHz or even
400 to 50 kHz.
A-3.4.2 By using a narrow-band system, interference from local broadcast-
ing stations may be avoided by suitably adjusting the mid-band frequency,
but a check has to be made to show that winding resonances near the

*Methods for partial discharge measurements.

measuring frequency do not greatly affect the measurement. The narrowr-
band instrument should be operated at a frequency not higher than 500 kHz,
and preferably less than 300 kHz. There are two reasons for this -first the
transmission of the discharge pulse entails a high attenuation of the higher
frequency components and second when applying a calibration pulse to the
line terminal, the pulse is likely to excite local oscillations at and near the
terminal, and this will complicate the calibration when mid-band frequencies
greater than 500 kHz are used.
A-3.4.3 A wide-band measuring system is less critical to attenuation and
response to different pulse shapes and more receptive to disturbances in test
locations without electromagnetic shielding. Band-stop filters may be used
against radio transmitters. Identification of partial discharge sources by
comparison of shape and polarity of individual. pulses may be possible.


A-4.1 At the end of 11.4 acceptance criteria are given. The steady state
partial discharge level, expressed as apparent charge measured between the
prescribed measuring terminals shall not be above the specified limit, and
there shall not be a significant, rising trend in the vicinity of this limit.
If there has been no voltage collapse; but the test has been unsuccessful
because of too high but still moderate partial discharge reading ( within a :
few thousand PC or less ) then the test is regarded as non-destructive. The
test object shall not be rejected immediately upon such a result but further
investigations shall be undertaken. The testing environment should first be
investigated to find any obvious sign of irrelevant sources of partial
discharges. This should be followed by consultations between the manufac-
turer and purchaser to agree to further supplementary tests or other action
to show either the presence of serious partial discharge, or that the trans-
former is satisfactory for service operation.
Below are some suggestions which may be useful during the above
courses of action:
a) Investigation whether the indications are truly correlated to the test
sequence or just represent coincident, irrelevant sources. This is
oftenfacilitated by oscillographic monitoring of the test-disturbances
may, for example, be identified by their being asynchronous with
the test voltage.
b) Investigation whether the partial discharge may be transmitted from
the supply source. Low-pass lilters on the supply leads to the
transformer under test can help in such cases.

IS : 2026 ( Part III ) - 1981

c) Investigation to determine whether the partial discharge source is

within the transformer or outside (spitting from objects at floating
potential in the hall, from live parts in air, or from sharp edges on
earthed parts of the transformer ). As the test concerns the internal
insulation, provisional electrostatic shielding on the outside is
permitted and recommended.
d) Investigation of the probable location of the source ( or sources ) in
terms of the electrical circuit diagram of the transformer. There
are several known and published methods. One is based on correla-
tion of readings and calibrations at different pairs of terminals ( in
addition to the obligatory readings between live terminal and earth ).
It is described in A-5. It is also possible to identify individual pulse
shapes during the test with corresponding calibration wave forms, if
records from wide-band circuits are used. A particular case is the
identification of partial discharge in the dielectric of the condenser
bushings ( see A-5 ).
e) Investigation by acoustic or ultrasonic detection of the geographical
location of the source or sources within the tank.
f) Determination of the probable physical nature of the source p”j
conclusions drawn from variation with test voltage level, hysteresis
effect, pulse pattern along the test voltage wave, etc.
g) Partial discharge in the insulation system may be caused by
insufficient drying or oil impregnation. Re-processing of the trans-
former, or a period of rest, and subsequent repetition of the test
may, therefore, be tried. It is also well known that a limited
exposure to a relatively high partial discharge may lead to local
cracking of oil and temporarily reduced extinction and reinception
voltages, but that the original conditions may be self-restored in a
matter of hours.
h) If the partial discharge indications are above the acceptance limit
but are not considered as very important, it may be agreed to repeat
the test, possibly with extended duration, and even with increased
voltage level. Relatively limited variation af the partial discharge
level with voltage increase, and absence of increase with time may
be accepted as evidence that the transformer is suitable for service.
j) Traces of partial discharges, visible.after untanking are usually not
found unless the transformer has been exposed for a considerable
duration of time to levels which are very high in comparison with
the acceptance limit. Such a procedure may be the last resort if
other means of improving the behaviour of the transformer or
identifying the source have failed. .




A-5.1 An arbitrary partial discharge source will deliver signals at all accessi-
ble measuring terminal pairs of the transformer, and the pattern of these
signals is a unique ‘fingerprinp. If calibration pulses are fed in at alternative
calibration terminal pairs, these pulses also deliver characteristic combina-
tions of signals at the measuring pairs.
If there is an evident correlation between the profile of the test
readings at different measuring terminal pairs and the profile obtained at
the same measuring terminals for pulses fed in at particular pair of calibra-
tion terminals, then it is assumed that the actual partial discharge source is
closely associated with this calibration pair.
This means that it is possible to draw a conclusion as to the location
of the partial discharge source in terms of the electric circuit diagram of the
transformer. The ‘physical location’ is different concept - a partial discharge
source which is ‘electrically~ located in the vicinity of a particular terminal
may be physically located at any place along the terminal conductors
associated with this terminal or at the corresponding end of the winding
A-5.2 The procedure for obtaining the profile comparison is as follows:
While the calibration generator is connected to a specific pair of a
calibration terminals, the indications at all pairs of measuring terminals are
-observed. The procedure is then repeated for other pairs of calibration
terminals. Calibrations are made between winding terminals and earth, but
may also be applied between the live terminals of the high voltage bushings
and their capacitance taps ( simulating partial discharge in the bushing
dielectric ) between high voltage and neutral terminals, and between high-
voltage and low-voltage winding terminals.
All combinations of calibration and measuring pairs form a ‘calibration
matrix’ which gives the interpretation reference for the readings in the actual
The example, Fig. 6, shows an extra high-voltage single-phase auto-
connected transformer with a low voltage tertiary winding. Calibrations
and tests are made with reference to the terminals as indicated in the
informal table in Fig. 6. The line with results at 1.5 Urn is compared with
different calibrations and it is easy to see, in this case, that it corresponds
best to calibration ‘2*1-earth’. This suggests that there are partial
discharges with apparent charge of the order of 1 500 pC, associated with
terminal 2.1, and probably from live parts to earth. The physical location

IS : 2026( Part III ) - 1981

may be at any place along the connecting leads between the series winding
and the common winding, or at the adjacent winding ends.

The method as described is successful mainly in those cases where one

distinct source of partial discharge is dominant, and the background noise
is low. This is certainly not always the case.


1.1 2.1 2.2 3.1
arbitrary units
l*l-earth 2 000 pC 50 20 5 10
Pl-carth 2 000 pC 5 50 30 8
2*2-earth 2 000 pC 2 10 350 4
3’1-eartb2000pc 3 2 35 25

UP0 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5
u- u, < 0.5 < 0.5 0.5 0.5
u = 1.5 u, 6 40 25 8



A particular case of interest is to determine whether observed partial

discharges may originate in the high-voltage bushing dielectric. This is
investigated by a calibration between bushing line terminal and bushing
capacitance tap. This calibration gives the closest correlation to the profile
of partial discharges in the bushing.


( Clause )

R-l.1 The problem of transferred overvoltage is treated from a system
viewpoint in IS : 2165-1977*. The information given below concerns only
problems associated with the transformer itself under particular conditions
of service. The transferred overvoltages to be considered are either transient
surges or power frequency overvoltages.
B-2.1 General - A study of a particular transformer installation with regard
to transferred surge overvoltages is in general justi8ed only for large
generator transformers - which have a high turns ratio and for large high-
voltage system transformers with a low voltage tertiary winding.
It, is convenient to distinguish between two mechanisms of surge transfer,
namely, ‘capacitive transfer’ and ‘inductive transfer’.
B-2.2 Capacitive Transfer
B-2.2.1 The capacitive transfer of overvoltage to a low voltage winding
may in the first approximation be described as a capacitive voltage division.
The simplest equivalent circuit as seen from the low voltage winding consists
of an emf source in series with a transfer capacitance Ct ( see Fig. 7 ).
B-2.2.2 The equivalent emf is a fraction of the incoming surge on the
high voltage side. Ct is of the order of lOWeF. Cs and Ct are not well-
defined quantities but dependent on the shape of the surge front. They can
be determined together by oscillographic measurements. Pre-calculation is

lSpeci6cation for insulation coordination ( second rev&on ).




B-2.2.3 A loading of the secondary terminals with switchgear, short cables

or added capacitors ( a few nF ), which act as lumped capacitance C, directly
on the terminals ( even during the first microsecond ), will reduce the trans-
ferred overvoltage peak. Longer cables or busbars are represented by their
wave impedance. The resulting shape of secondary overvoltage will
normally have the character of a short ( microsecond) peak, corresponding
to the front of the incoming surge.
R-2.3 Inductive Transfer - The inductive transfer of surge voltage depends
on the flow of surge current in the high-voltage winding. If no external
loading is applied to the secondary winding, the voltage transient usually has
a super-imposed damped oscillation with a frequency determined by leakage
inductance and winding capacitances. A reduction of the inductively
transferred overvoltage component can be effected either by resistive damping
through a surge diverter or by modification of the oscillation with capacitive
loading. If capacitors are used, the capacitance value has usually to be of
the order of tenths of microfarads. ( They will therefore automatically
eliminate the capacitively transferred component so long as the circuit
inductance is low. )
The transformer parameters which are involved in inductive surge
transfer are better defined and less dependent on rate of rise ( or frequency ).



B-3.1 If a low voltage winding, which is physically adjacent to the high

voltage winding, is left without connection to. earth or with only a high-
impedance co~ection to earth while the high voltage winding is energized,
there is a risk of power frequency overvoltage by capacitance division.

R-3.2 The risk is obvious for a single-phase winding, but it can also exist for
a three-phase winding if the primary winding voltage becomes asymmetric,
as occurs during earth faults. Under particular circumstances resonance
conditions may arise.
R-3.3 Tertiary winding and stabilizing windings in large transformers are
also subjected to the same risk. It is the responsibility of the user to
prevent a tertiary winding being accidentally left with too high an impedance
to earth. A stabilizing winding should normally be arranged for permanent
connection to earth ( tank ) either externally or internally.

The overvoltage is determined by capacitances between windings and

between windings and earth. These can be measured at low frequency from
the terminals of the transformer in different combinations, and they can also
be calculated with sufficient accuracy.


( Clause 15.1 )

C-l. For all windings:

a) Value of U,.
b) Rated withstand voltages constituting the insulation,level for line

Is:2026(Partrn) -1Y81
c) Whether the winding is to have uniform or non-uniform insulation
and in the case of non-uniform insulation, the power frequency
withstand voltage of the neutral.
d) Whether a rated impulse withstand level is assigned to the neutral,
and, in such case, the appropriate withstand voltage.
e) Whether the lightning impulse test on the line terminals shall be
extended to include a chopped impulse test.

C-2. For Transformers Having a High-Voltage Winding with Urn > 300 kV :
a) Whether the transformer shall be specified and tested according to
Method I or Method 2 ( see 5.4 ).
b) If the transformer shall be specified according to Method5 a, choice
shall be made between alternative procedures for the induced over-
voltage withstand test in accordance with 11.4.
C-3. It is further recommended that test connections and procedures should
be discussed before the time of testing5 particularly with regard to the
connection for induced overvoltage test on complicated transformerS; with
non-uniformly insulated _high-voltage winding ( see 11.3.4, Note ) and the
method to be used for impulse tests on high-power low-voltage windings and
neutral terminals ( see 123 ).

IS -: 2026 ( Part III ) - 1981

( Contirudfiom page 2 )

Members Representing
SHRI S. D. CHOTRANEY Bombay Electric Supply and Transport Under-
taking, Bombay
SHRI Y. K. PALVANKAR( Alternate )
DIRECTOR( SUBSTATIONS) Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi
SHRI P. K. DWWEDI Nati$,li Thermal Power Corporation Ltd, New

SHRI A. K. GUEA UP State Electricity Board, Lucknow

SHRI INDERJITSINGH KALRA Bhakra Beas Management Board, Chandigarh
SHRI S. V. MANERIKAR Crompton Greaves Ltd, Bombay
SHRI I. S. PATEL Hindustan Brown Boveri Ltd, Howrah
SHRI M. S. DHARWADKAR ( Alternate )
SHR~P. K. PHILIP Transformers & Electricals Kerala Ltd, Ernakulam
SHRI V. N. PRAHLAD Voltas Ltd ( Motor and Transformer Plant ),
s HRI J. R. MAHAJAN ( Alternate )
SHRI S. G. RAMACHANDRA Kirloskar Electric Co Ltd, ‘angalore
SHRI N. J. RONGHE Maharashtra State Electricity Board, Bombay
SHRI A. J. KHAN ( Alternate >
SHRI A, M. SAHNI Tata;&I&;zy Electric Power Supply Co Ltd,


SHRI P. K. SAXENA Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI K. V. JAYADEV( AIternnte )
SHRI R. SJUNIVASAN Rescarr;inFsigns and Standards Organization,

SIW B. A. SUBRAMANYAM The General Electric Co of India Ltd, Allababad

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IS 2026 ( Part 3 ) : 1981 SPECIFICATION FOR POWER

(Page 27, clause 13.1, line 3 ) - Add the words ‘test as per clause 12 ’ at
the end of the second sentence.

Reprogmpby BIS,NewDelhi,Iadi

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