Activity 8 - Tidal Prediction by Linear Interpolation

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NAV 1 – Terrestrial and Coastal Navigation 1

NAV 1 – Activity 8
Activity Code
Briefing 30 minutes

Execution 2 hours
Debriefing 30 minutes

Total Time 3 hours

Table A-II/1
STCW Table Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a
navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more
Navigation at the operational level
C1. Plan and conduct passage and determine position
Thorough knowledge of and ability to use nautical charts, and publications, such
as sailing directions, tide tables, notices to mariners, radio navigational warnings
KUPs and ships’ routeing information

Tidal prediction by linear interpolation

Activity Title
Obtain topographical, hydrographical and navigational aids and services
Course outcome information from the nautical charts and publications for voyage planning

 Determine the tidal condition by linear interpolation [and harmonic prediction]

 Calculate the under-keel and vertical clearance of the ship for the safe
Learning outcome

Chart Room
Activity Area
 US Tide Tables 2020 – East Coast of North and South America
 Calculator
Materials Needed
Note: The Admiralty Tide Tables Volumes 2 and 7 can also be used in lieu of US
Tide Tables.
Equipment Ratio  1:5
You are going to compute the heights of tide for a particular time in a primary port
Description and a secondary port and for the under keel and vertical clearances.

Briefing Items to be discussed during briefing:

 Objective of the activity (Relate prior discussion)
 Description of the activity and any general instructions
 Evaluation of performance

Instructor’s Action INSTRUCTOR’S COPY ONLY (In the event that the class size exceeds 20
students, a secondary instructor is required.)

1. Distribute the materials to the class. Brief the class with regards to the activity.
2. Demonstrate the class on how to navigate through the tide tables in order to
get the required information.
3. Facilitate the class in the activity.
4. Check students’ answer.
5. Wrap-up the activity by summarizing the topic vis-à-vis the learning outcomes.

Student’s Action 1. Compute for the height of tide in New York (The Battery).
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2. Compute for the height of tide in Brooklyn Bridge.

3. Compute for the under keel and vertical clearances.

Debriefing Items to be discussed during debriefing:

 Summary of the activity
 Summary of the topic vis-à-vis the learning outcomes

Performance Standards
Performance Criteria
3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pt. 0 pt.
1. Determine the tidal Computed height Computed height Computed height Computed height
condition by linear of tide in New of tide in New of tide in New of tide in New
interpolation York (The York (The York (The York (The
- New York (The Battery), New Battery), New Battery), New Battery), New
Battery) York on April 13, York on April 13, York on April 13, York on April 13,
2020, at 2020, at 2020, at 2020, at
noontime is noontime is noontime is noontime is
within ± 0.5 ft of within ± 1.0 ftof within ± 1.5 ftof more than ± 1.5
instructor’s instructor’s instructor’s ftof instructor’s
solution solution solution solution
- Brooklyn Bridge Computed height Computed height Computed height Computed height
of tide in of tide in of tide in of tide in
Brooklyn Bridge Brooklyn Bridge Brooklyn Bridge Brooklyn Bridge
on April 13, on April 13, on April 13, on April 13,
2020, at 2020, at 2020, at 2020, at
noontime is noontime is noontime is noontime is
within ± 0.5 ft of within ± 1.0 ft of within ± 1.5 ft of more than ± 1.5
instructor’s instructor’s instructor’s ftof instructor’s
solution (or the solution (or the solution (or the solution (or the
equivalent in equivalent in equivalent in equivalent in
cm) cm) cm) cm)
2. Calculate the under- Computed under Computed under Computed under Computed under
keel and vertical keel clearance is keel clearance is keel clearance is keel clearance is
clearance of the ship within±10cm of within ±20cm of within ±30cm of more
for the safe passage the instructor’s the instructor’s the instructor’s than±30cm of
solution solution solution the instructor’s
Computed Computed Computed Computed
vertical vertical vertical vertical
clearance is clearance is clearance is clearance is
within ±10cm of within ±20cm of within ±30cm of more
the instructor’s the instructor’s the instructor’s than±30cm of
solution solution solution the instructor’s

Analytical rubric
Scoring Method

Appeals and


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Note: Texts in red ink should be blanked in the Student’s Copy.

1. Compute for the height of tide in New York (The Battery), New York on April 13, 2020, at noontime.


New York (The Battery), NY

Time Height
Time Height Time Height
Corrections Corrections
h.m. ft cm h.m. ft. h.m. ft. cm.

0639 6

1200 117.35

1248 134

2. Compute for the height of tide in Brooklyn Bridge, New York on April 13, 2020, at noontime.


New York (The Battery), NY Brooklyn Bridge

Time Height
Time Height Time Height
Corrections Corrections
h.m. ft cm h.m. ft. h.m. ft. cm.

0639 6 -0004 *1.00 0635 6 182.88

1200 109.7 3,342.5

1248 134 +0024 *0.99 1312 132.7 4,044.7

3. Your ship is going to pass under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. The said bridge has a vertical
clearance of 65.5 meters. The fairway is dredged with a minimum depth of 16.4 meters. Your vessel
has a maximum draught of 15.0 meters and an air draught of 62.0 meters. Compute for the under
keel and vertical clearances.


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