Why FT-NIR Spectrocopy EN
Why FT-NIR Spectrocopy EN
Why FT-NIR Spectrocopy EN
- No Sample Preparation
For an NIR measurement in the lab, the sample is simply
filled into a glass vial or Petri dish, because glass is transpa-
rent in the NIR spectral region. Since NIR light not only
Modern software interfaces guide the user step by step to the analy- analyzes the surface but penetrates deeper into the
sis results material, it is ideal for measuring heterogeneous samples.
Moreover, FT analyzers
provide (in contrast to - Multi Component Quantitative Analysis
scanning dispersive spec- The amount of light absorbed by the sample depends on
trometers) the possibility the concentrations of its ingredients (Beer’s Law). To quan-
to rotate the sample during tify the amount of different ingredients the spectrometer
the analysis in order to scan determines the light loss at the related frequencies. Since
a bigger sampling spot the NIR spectrum contains the analytical information of
compared to a static every component simultaneously, the the operator receives
measurement, leading to all quantitative information by collecting just one spectrum.
more representative result Measuring through glass avoids
and higher accuracy. complicated sample preparation. For markets with standardized products, e.g. food or
affected by tilt. feed industry, Bruker offers complete solutions with precali-
- No Waste, No Chemicals brated systems. Regardless if the instrument is delivered
In contrast to time consuming wet chemical analysis, the ready-to-use or if users create their own calibrations,
NIR method produces no wastes, causes no pollution, and a fast analysis of multiple components simultaneously will
requires no chemical reagents. help to save both, time and money.
Bruker Optics is continually improving its products and reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
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