C49113 Environmental Radiation Monitoring

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D&D Capabilities and Solutions

Radiation Monitoring


•• Real time Monitoring outside •• Perform sample-based

& inside the D&D sites. Environmental Monitoring. Workers dose reduction (ALARA principle)
•• Provide early warning and
Improved impact on environment
identification of possible
radiation release incidents. Data storage of results for history
Real time display of results

Outside Inside Objectives:

Plant Plant
•• To evaluate the real time •• The dispersion of radioactive
contamination in nuclear materials is sometimes strongly
sites, it is important to affected by wind direction and
continuously monitor for, velocity. The characterization
and measure, releases of of air, water, soil and vegetation
radioactive material into the samples for radioactive
environment. materials is necessary.
Environmental monitoring solutions for outside •• Analysis of environmental
and inside of the plant samples in a laboratory
setting is also an important
step to protect the public
from potential radiation

Laboratory sample measurement solutions for

sample-based applications

Mobile vehicle for performing real-time measurements

to determine actual field deposition and dispersion of
radiation for environmental surveying

Expertise for Challenging Measurements

CANBERRA can customize the solution based on the unique requirements of the situation.
All the solutions offered in this flyer can be thoroughly performed by our Measurements &
Expertise (M&E) team, without any purchase of products or systems.
Environmental Radiation
D&D Capabilities and Solutions

Real-time environmental monitoring solution

iCAM continuous air monitor

The intelligent Alpha/Beta Continuous Air Monitor (iCAM)
provides robust and reliable real-time monitoring of airborne
particulate activity in the workplace. iCAM uses an ion-implanted
silicon radiation detector. It acts as a simple alarming monitor for
operators with the sophistication required to provide low false
alarm rates and high protection levels.

•• Continuous total airflow recording and reporting.
•• User-set alarms with local and remote reporting.
•• One-week data storage with detailed event log.
•• Thirty minute protection of full functionality by built-in battery
backup without external pump.
•• Optional remote gamma probe.

Key benefits
•• Auto-adaptive spectrometric compensation for natural radon/
thoron progeny background, yielding lowest false alarm rate in
the field.
•• Rugged steel enclosure which provides IP54 environmental
•• Stable long-term low level measurements.

ICAM Alpha/Beta Air Monitor (iCAM)

EcoGamma™-g Radiation Monitor

CANBERRA’s EcoGamma-g is an advanced, dual detector, EcoGamma g
environmental gamma radiation monitor designed to operate in
the most extreme conditions with unsurpassed accuracy, range
and stability.

Key benefits
•• Environmentally robust housing provides stable, reliable
performance in demanding operating environments.
•• Built-in temperature monitoring provides supplemental
meteorological information and aids.
•• Total Integrated Dose (TID).
•• CANBERRA’s unique “Time-To-Count” technique eliminates
dead time and saturation effects of conventional GM detectors.

Continuous Monitoring of Environmental

Gamma Radiation

Environmental Radiation
D&D Capabilities and Solutions

Horizon® Supervisory Software System

Features are:
•• Supervisory software for remote access to radiation •• Web-based client application provides access to data
and environmental monitoring instrumentation and and control functions from multiple workstations.
personnel/object contamination monitors. •• Rich SCADA tools provide advanced graphic controls
•• Preconfigured instrument array provides easy and for visualizing your data.
fast setup & configuration. •• Simple navigation between monitored areas and
individual instruments.

Network or Serial Network

Communication Lines Communication Lines

Environmental Monitoring systems Contamination Monitoring

Environmental Radiation
D&D Capabilities and Solutions

Laboratory sample measurements

Apex-Gamma™ Radiological Transportable

analysis system radioanalytical labs
Technical description Technical description
•• This system is capable of identifying and quantifying •• Mobile labs allow laboratory-grade analysis to be performed
virtually all nuclides found in a sample. It can be in the field, where the samples are, or they can back up a
calibrated for typical sample types in a range of common standard count room overwhelmed by additional sample load.
sample containers without the use of radioactive sources.
Key benefits
Key benefits •• Turn-key transportable laboratory solutions, which include
•• High purity germanium detector for gamma design, equipment selection, installation, calibration and
spectroscopic analysis of processed or raw food training.
products or any other type of environmental samples. •• Equipment can include gamma spectroscopy system (with
•• Full radionuclide report and automatic notification if HPGe and/or NaI detectors) and alpha/beta counters for
nuclide-specific maximum permissible concentrations are samples.
exceeded. •• Includes the design and construction of labs in vans, trucks,
•• Shields offered that support samples of 4-liter Marinelli trailers and ISO international standard modules and in a
size and smaller or 1-liter and smaller. variety of semi-permanent and mobile configurations.

iMatic™: Gasless iSolo® : Portable

Automatic Alpha/Beta Gasless Alpha/Beta
Counting System Counting System

Apex-Gamma™ System – HPGe-based spectroscopy

system for environmental samples

CANBERRA can assist you in

designing an efficient ISO container
or vehicle-based laboratory.

For more information, review the complete case study on our website:

Radiation Safety. Amplified.  www.canberra.com

C49113 – 06/2016

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