Jss 2021092812361405
Jss 2021092812361405
Jss 2021092812361405
ISSN Online: 2327-5960
ISSN Print: 2327-5952
Małgorzata Pańkowska
Enterprise Modeling, Enterprise Management, Assurance Map, iStar, Goal
Modeling Language, ArchiMate
1. Introduction
Enterprise Architecture (EA) ensures comprehensive understanding and evalua-
tion of the current and desired state of any business organization. It reveals op-
portunities for integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT)
resources and prevents the development of inconsistent business processes and
low quality information. The ISO/IEC/IEEE 42020:2019 defines architecture as
concepts and properties of an entity, which can be an enterprise, understood as
an organization addressing particular challenges and issues combined with
DOI: 10.4236/jss.2021.99047 Sep. 29, 2021 636 Open Journal of Social Sciences
M. Pańkowska
Fayoumi & Williams, The paper considers EM from a socio-technical systems (STS) perspective
2021 and a new model of enterprise was derived from STS theory and combined
with STS practices.
Vernadat, 2020 The paper summarizes the research works on enterprise modeling in the
last four decades, outlining the modeling constructs, tools, and methods.
Bider & Lodhi, 2019 The paper evaluates whether EM helps in an analysis of hypotheses for
radical change of Business Model Innovation. That analysis supports new
assets acquisition
Vallespir & Ducq, The paper presents the evolution of the EM techniques from the divergence
2018 era to the convergence time, to model-driven approaches and
interoperability problem solving.
Stirna & Sandkuhl, Authors argue that enterprise model consists of a number of related
2018 sub-models, each describing the organization from a particular view, i.e.,
process, rule, goal, actor, or data. However, in each case, the individual set
of models can be created.
Alpers et al., 2018 Authors focus on modeling privacy from business and software engineering
Petrikina, Drews, Authors analyze the possibilities for integrating the enterprise architecture
Schirmer, & and business model.
Zimmermann, 2014
Arachchige, Weigand, In this paper, a meta-modeling approach is used to map the service
& Jeusfeld, 2012 modeling language with value network (e3 value), data and process model.
De La Fuente, Ros, & The paper proposes an enterprise modeling methodology to support the
Ortiz, 2010 supply chain reengineering and integration.
Figure 2. Processes, Stakeholders, Business Actors, Goals and Roles in ArchiMate model.
Figure 3. Actors, goals, tasks and resources, and their interdependencies in GoalML model.
Figure 4. Activities, actors, risks and assurance level in assurance Map model.
5. Conclusion
Although there are many approaches to enterprise modeling, conceptual mod-
eling can be useful not only to the design and implementation of ICT, but the
artifacts created are valuable for business management, in particular for control-
ling and planning business activities and responsibilities. Dealing with the arti-
facts requires the managers to understand their developed models in relation to
those who focus on the artifacts’ implementation in practice, e.g., controllers,
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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