Evaluating and Refining The Enterprise Architectu
Evaluating and Refining The Enterprise Architectu
Evaluating and Refining The Enterprise Architectu
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2 authors, including:
Marne De Vries
University of Pretoria
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Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a new discipline that has emerged from the need to create a
holistic view of an enterprise, and thereby to discover business/IT integration and
alignment opportunities across enterprise structures. Previous EA value propositions that
merely focus on IT cost reductions will no longer convince management to invest in EA.
Today, EA should enable business strategy in the organisation to create value. This resides
in the ability to do enterprise optimisation through process standardisation and integration.
In order to do this, a new approach is required to integrate EA into the strategy planning
process of the organisation.
This article explores the use of three key artefacts – operating models, core diagrams, and
an operating maturity assessment as defined by Ross, Weill & Robertson [1] – as the basis of
this new approach. Action research is applied to a research group to obtain qualitative
feedback on the practicality of the artefacts.
Ondernemingsargitektuur (OA) is ’n nuwe dissipline wat ontstaan het uit die behoefte om ’n
holistiese perspektief van ’n onderneming te skep om sodoende besigheid/IT-integrasie en -
belyningsgeleenthede regoor ondernemingstrukture te ontdek. Vorige OA waarde-
aanbiedings wat hoofsaaklik gefokus het op IT kostebesparings sal bestuur nie meer kan
oorreed om in OA te belê nie. Vandag behoort OA bevoegdheid te gee aan onderneming-
strategie om werklik waarde te skep. Hierdie bevoegdheid lê gesetel in ondernemingso-
ptimering deur middel van prosesstandaardisasie en -integrasie. ’n Nuwe benadering word
benodig ten einde OA te integreer met die strategiese beplanningsproses van die
Hierdie artikel ondersoek die gebruik van drie artefakte – operasionele modelle,
kerndiagramme, en operasionele volwassenheidsassessering soos gedefinieer deur Ross,
Weill & Robertson [1] – as die basis van hierdie nuwe benadering. Aksienavorsing word
toegepas op ’n navorsingsgroep ten einde kwalitatiewe terugvoer te kry oor die praktiese
sin van die artefakte.
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering May 2009 Vol 20(1): 31-43
Contrary to the information technology and cost reduction foci of previous EA endeavours,
this research is used to emphasise a new value-creation focus that includes business
architecture and enables business strategy. In support of this new focus, Ross et al. [1]
defined a new EA approach that incorporates EA decision-making as part of the strategic
decision-making processes of an organisation. Action research is used to gain qualitative
feedback on the perceived practicality of two key artefacts that are used to underpin this
new approach.
The first traces of EA were found in the publication of Zachman [2]. Zachman [3] defined
EA as follows: “Descriptive representations (i.e. models) that are relevant for describing an
enterprise such that it can be produced to management’s requirements (quality) and
maintained over the period of its useful life (change).” Zachman introduced the Zachman
framework, which consists of various models that are used to define and communicate six
characteristics/abstractions (What, How, Where, Who, When, and Why) for five different
viewpoints/perspectives (Planner, Owner, Designer, Builder, and Sub-contractor) (Zachman
[3]). The Zachman framework “is a tool for managing and communicating the vast amount
of information needed to make broad decisions, those that enable the organisation to be
competitive” (O’Rourke, Fishman & Selkow [4]).
Providing a systems view – i.e. describing systems, their components (e.g. people,
processes, information, and technology), their interaction, and interrelationships. This
includes the use of decomposition strategies to ensure holistic solutions in terms of
solution components (TOGAF [5]; Theuerkorn [6]; Gartner in Lapkin [7]; Handler [8]).
Providing a blueprint for directing the company in terms of required high-level
processes and IT capabilities (Ross et al. [1]; Gartner in Lapkin [7]; Boar [9]).
Defining a process / master plan to explore and model the current realities and the
envisioned future state, and enable its evolution (Gartner in Lapkin [7]; Bernard [10];
Schekkerman [11]).
Defining principles that govern the design and evolution of systems (TOGAF [5];
Theuerkorn [6]; Gartner in Lapkin [7]; Wagter, van den Berg, Luiijpers & van Steenberg
Using tools, processes and governance structures to implement enterprise-consistent IT
architectures (Kaisler, Armour & Vallivullah [13]; Gartner in Lapkin [7]; Schekkerman
Ross et al. [1] took one step further. They believe that EA is not only about supporting the
execution of strategy, but should be used as a blueprint for directing strategy.
Figure 1 compares the previous value creation approaches with the new value creation
approach of Ross et al.[1] – ‘EA as Strategy’.
EA should provide a directional blueprint to ensure that companies build a foundation for
execution – i.e. they use their IT infrastructure and digitised business processes to
automate the company’s core capabilities. The rationale is that routine processes are
digitised to provide reliability and predictability in business-critical processes. Once these
processes have been digitised, management can shift their attention from fighting fires on
lower-value activities to strategic issues. Ross et al. [1] recommend eight steps in creating
a ‘foundation for execution’. During the first three steps, three key artefacts are defined,
which should be used in combination to establish EA objectives. The key artefacts are now
discussed briefly.
Ross et al. [1] suggest that organisations should decide on an operating model for the entire
organisation on which to build a foundation for execution. The selected operating model
provides a “stable and actionable view of the company” (Ross et al. [1]) and is used to
shape future strategic choices.
While the operating model defines the process standardisation / integration requirements
of the company, the core diagram is used to translate these requirements into the
necessary organising logic for business processes and IT infrastructure. The core diagram
should be used to:
Facilitate discussions between business and IT managers to clarify requirements for the
company’s foundation for execution, and
Communicate the vision (high-level business process and IT requirements of a
company’s operating model).
A core diagram contains four main components: (1) core business processes – the stable set
of enterprise processes required to execute its operating model and respond to market
opportunities; (2) shared data driving the core processes – e.g. customer data shared across
product lines or business units of a company; (3) key linking and automation technologies –
technologies that enable integration of applications (middleware) to shared data, major
software packages such as ERP systems, portals providing standardised access to systems
and data, and electronic interfaces to key stakeholder groups; and (4) key customers –
major customer groups served by the foundation for execution (Ross et al. [1]). The
template for a unification operating model is given in Figure 3.
Linked and Linking and
Key customers standard (core) Shared data automating
processes technologies
Automating technologies
Outcome Data
Figure 3: Core diagram template for a unification operating model (Ross et al. [1:54])
Ross et al. [1] also defined four operating maturity levels. In terms of IT management, each
level requires different business objectives, IT capabilities, IT funding priorities, and
management capabilities. Usually immature organisations will start with a focus on IT
efficiency / cost reduction. For instance, research performed by Gartner (Kreizman, Knox &
James [17]) indicated that research respondents still ranked IT cost reduction as the most
important driver for justifying EA investments. This merely reflected their current
operating maturity (stage 1 or 2 according to Figure 4 and its associated cost reduction
business objectives. The IT cost-focus of the respondents also correlated with the
comparatively low number of business architects (compared with other full-time equivalent
architects) employed by the organisation (Kreizman et al. [17]). As organisations mature,
business operational efficiency and strategic agility become more important (see Figure 4,
stages 3 and 4).
The operating model should be used in combination with the current operating maturity of
the organisation to identify realistic EA objectives. If an organisation is, for example, at the
first stage of operating maturity, the organisation needs to standardise all technology
infrastructure (elevating to stage two) irrespective of the operating model of the
organisation. However, elevating from stage two (standardised technology) to stage three
(optimised core) requires that the organisation define process standardisation and
integration objectives according to the required operating model.
Ross et al. [1] believe that the key artefacts that were discussed in the previous sections
could be used to direct the strategic decision-making processes and to shape future
strategic choices. Strategic decision-making is, according to Johnson, Scholes & Whittington
[18]), one of three components of strategic management. The three components consist of
(1) defining the strategic position (e.g. current strategic capability, the environment,
expectations and purposes); (2) defining strategic choices (e.g. corporate-level /
international decisions, business level decisions); and (3) defining strategy execution (e.g.
organising, enabling, and managing strategic change). One would require inputs from two of
these components (strategic position and previous strategic choices) to define the three key
artefacts. The modelled artefacts should then be used in combination to influence the
direction of future strategic choices and the subsequent strategic objectives. The set of
strategic objectives may then be converted to strategic initiatives / projects with various
strategic conversion mechanisms, such as those defined by Kaplan & Norton [19, 20, and 21]
(balanced scorecards, strategic themes, and strategy maps). The conceptual process is
delineated in Figure 5.
5.1 Purpose
The purpose of this research was to receive feedback on the perceived practicality of
defining the first two key artefacts – the operating model and the core diagram. Action
research was used to receive qualitative feedback on the difficulties experienced in
defining the current operating model and the core diagram for an organisation / sub-
Action research was selected for qualitative research for the following reasons:
The ‘EA as strategy’ approach of Ross et al. is still new (published in 2006). Research
respondents needed to have a good understanding of EA in general and of the new ‘EA
as strategy’ approach. The ‘Business Architecture’ post-graduate course was used as a
vehicle to convey knowledge about EA and the ‘EA as strategy’ approach, techniques,
and artefacts to students, who were then used as respondents.
The action research process provided the opportunity to assess the students’
understanding of the course content, and guide them towards the correct use of the
‘EA as strategy’ approach, techniques, and artefacts.
The action research process that was followed is based on the work of specialists (referred
to by Hodgkinson and Maree [22]):
Planning – A literature study was conducted in the field of EA to design the course
content and assessment mechanisms. Special emphasis was placed on strategic
management, the ‘EA as strategy’ approach, techniques and artefacts, the business
architecture domain, and the development of an EA plan.
Implementation – Live presentations from the course presenter and industry speakers,
course notes, and literature references were used to convey the course content to
students. Students then had the opportunity to work individually or in pairs and to
select an organisation in which to implement some of the techniques presented in the
course. An interim project report was submitted for assessment. Students also wrote a
semester test to assess their understanding of EA principles and of the ‘EA as strategy’
approach, techniques, and artefacts defined by Ross et al. [1].
Observation – The course presenter observed/assessed the students’ understanding of
the course content. Feedback was given to the students in the light of their semester
test and interim project report. Students now had the opportunity to improve/update
their project reports and submit a final project report. Based on the final report, they
had to submit a completed survey.
Evaluation – The final reports were assessed and surveys were analysed. Analysis of
qualitative survey feedback gave new insight into the practicality of two key artefacts
(operating models and core diagrams). New insights were used to define suggested
improvements, recommendations, and an agenda for further research.
The survey consisted of twenty-eight questions. Some of the questions were taken from the
on-line survey used by the Institute for Enterprise Architecture Developments (IFEAD)
(Schekkerman [23]). Categorisation of business activities was taken from the Oracle
Magazine subscription form (Oracle Magazine [24]). Questions were categorised according
to parameters that could have a significant influence on the perceived practicality of
defining the two key artefacts – the operating model and the core diagram (see Figure 6).
Figure 6: Parameters that influence the practicality of defining two key artefacts
Thirty post-graduate students took part in the final assessment mechanism. As students had
the opportunity to work in pairs, a total of twenty-one final project reports and completed
surveys was submitted.
Figure 7 indicates that fifty-two percent (52%) of the students had previously obtained an
engineering degree, thirty-two percent (32%) a technical diploma, twelve percent (12%) a
Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree, and four percent (4%) a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
degree. Tertiary qualifications also correlated with the working positions of the students.
Most of the students held positions that were related to business process planning and
improvement. Questions regarding prior knowledge about information systems indicated
that sixty-seven percent (67%) of the students had previously enrolled for information
system-related courses, while thirty-eight percent (38%) indicated work-exposure in the
field of information systems.
BCom degree,
BSc degree, 0.04
Technical degree, 0.52
diploma, 0.32
Finally, students had to indicate the main reason(s) for course enrolment. Students could
provide additional reasons if the standard categories were not sufficient. Most of the
students (19 out of 21) selected the course as part of their Honours studies. They also
showed significant interest in the management / improvement of business processes (18 out
of 21) and organisational management / governance (12 out of 21).
Most of the companies that were used for analysis purposes by the students employed fewer
than 10,000 employees (see Table 1).
technology manufacturing OEM (3 out of 21), industrial manufacturing (3 out of 21),
professional services (3 out of 21), research (3 out of 21),other business services (5 out of
21) and 12 remaining business activities (17 companies out of 21). None of the analysed
companies was in the financial/insurance services industry. According to Matthee, Tobin &
Van der Merwe [25], the financial sectors usually invest in EA endeavours owing to their
high dependency on IT.
Figure 8 indicates that a large number of companies (9 out of 21) managed their divisions in
silos. A significant number had progressed to the level of standardised technology (7 out of
21) and optimised core (5 out of 21). None of the companies operated according to a
modular business design. According to Table 2, business architecture was well-established
at 11 out of 21 companies. The perceived level of business architecture activity may also be
explained by the process inclination of the students.
Optimised Business
Core, 5 Modularity, 0
Business Silos,
Technology, 7
Only four students indicated the use of architecture modelling technology that includes a
repository. Tools include ARIS, Casewise, and Systems Architect. According to Figure 9,
eight companies (38%) did not use a framework.
What kind of EA framework does the company
CIMOSA, 1 No framework is
used, 8
own , 4
Framework , 5
Students preferred to apply the ‘EA as strategy’ approach on a business unit level (17 out of
21) rather than a corporate level (4 out of 21). The different types of operating models
were well-represented: diversification (7 out of 21), unification (6 out of 21), replication (5
out of 21), and coordination (3 out of 21).
Students indicated their difficulty in deciding on one specific operating model (14 out of
19). A few students (4 out of 19) indicated minimal difficulty in identifying the operating
model. Qualitative feedback was tagged according to emerging themes:
Half the students (10 out of 20) experienced difficulty in selecting the main
components of the core diagram. These students had trouble in identifying the shared
technologies (4 out of 10 who experienced difficulty), shared data (3 out of 10), shared
processes (3 out of 10), and the key customers (1 out of 10). The problematic
identification of shared technologies may be attributed to the student profile / limited
exposure to technology infrastructure.
Some students (6 out of 20) had difficulty in understanding the generic core diagram
templates provided by Ross et al. [1] or relating the diagram components to their
company. They also questioned the validity of their own core diagram designs.
Another concern was the availability and/or the consolidation of available information
(4 out of 20 students).
It was found that most of the students had an engineering background, held positions
related to business process planning and improvement, and showed significant interest in
the management / improvement of business processes and organisational management /
governance. Students also had sufficient knowledge of information systems.
Concerning the organisation profile, most of the companies that were used for analysis
purposes employed fewer than 10 000 employees, and were involved in a large number of
business activities excluding the financial sector. Results further indicated a relatively low
level of operating maturity – most of the analysed companies displayed business silo
behaviour, while none of the companies operated according to a modular business design.
The study indicated that business architecture was well established at the analysed
companies. Use of architecture modelling technology was limited.
The perceived practicality of the operating model and core diagram artefacts could not be
evaluated on a corporate level, as most of the students defined operating models at a
business unit level. According to Ross et al. [1], this should not be a hurdle in validating the
artefacts per se, as operating models and core diagrams may be defined at various levels of
the organisation. The interpretation of the various difficulties experienced follows:
Based on the qualitative feedback received from the action research effort, the researcher
revisited the main objectives of the operating model and core diagram:
To aid the main stakeholders / users of these artefacts (business and IT managers) in
guiding them during their strategic decision-making processes.
To communicate architecture vision to other stakeholders (in terms of process
standardisation / integration requirements).
If the main stakeholders are to use these artefacts to guide them during the strategic
decision-making processes, the artefacts should be based on a more rigorous approach to
attaining the artefact outputs. This will increase their validity and reliability. The
researcher also believes that process standardisation / integration requirements should be
based on a more scientific approach to define optimal standardisation / integration
requirements for an organisation. Porter [26], for instance, believes that decisions
regarding process standardisation / integration are complex and require detailed analysis
based on the strategic intent of the organisation (e.g. cost leadership / differentiation /
focus-driven for target segments). Cost leadership companies, for instance, would have to
assess the impact that process standardisation / integration could have on overall cost,
while differentiation-focused companies need to assess if process standardisation /
integration could increase the uniqueness of an activity or lower its cost of differentiation.
This study emphasised the limited value gained from EA when measured in terms of ROI due
to cost reductions alone. Today EA practitioners realise that new value propositions emerge
when EA is used to support the strategic direction of the organisation. This new focus was
used to introduce a new approach towards EA value creation, called ‘EA as strategy’. The
approach incorporates EA planning as part of the strategic decision-making process using
three key artefacts: operating models, core diagrams, and an operating maturity
Action research was used to assess the practicality of two key artefacts (operating model
and core diagram), which highlighted some difficulties that were experienced and led to
some critical evaluations and recommendations regarding the artefacts. It is believed that
the operating model and core diagram could be useful in visualising the process
standardisation / integration requirements of an organisation / sub-division. The artefacts
should, however, be supported by a more scientific approach to their derivation, to
increase their validity/reliability.
Further research has been initiated to perform a case study at an organisation. The case
study incorporates processes to model baseline architectures, current strategic choices
(markets, products/services), operating/organising logic, business processes, main
databases, and technologies of the organisation. This will be followed by various analyses
(e.g. value chain analyses) to identify process standardisation / integration opportunities.
Current artefact designs (e.g. operating model and core diagram) may need to be adapted
to convey the process standardisation / integration requirements to strategic decision-
makers. The new artefact designs will be distributed to different strategic decision-makers
to gain feedback about their usefulness during strategic decision-making.
This material is based upon work financially supported by the National Research
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