Renewable Electrification in Remote Sites in Algeria by Wind-Diesel Hybrid Systems

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Renewable electrification in remote sites in Algeria by wind-diesel hybrid



Département of Science Exacte, Université TAHRI Mohamed of Béchar, Alegria
Département of Technologie, Université TAHRI Mohamed of Béchar, Alegria

In Algeria, most isolated regions, the diesel generator is the main source of electrical
energy. For these regions, the price of extending the electricity network is prohibitive and
the price of fuel increases radically with isolation .The continuous fall in prices of
generators based on renewable energies and the increasing reliability of these systems have
led to a greater use of these renewable energies for energy generation in these regions. The
requirements of sustainable development lead to an increase in the production of electricity
from renewable sources. Wind is currently the most competitive resource and the
improvement of wind turbines is leading to a lot of research, particularly in the energy field.
Diesel generators can be incorporated with other renewable energy sources to create a new
energy production system called a hybrid system. Recently intermittent renewable
resources such as wind turbines have been viewed as the clean generation of electricity and
are seen to be deployed to reduce global emissions. Electric installations using hybrid
renewable energies will experience a definite interest in the medium term thanks to their
flexibility vis-à-vis primary energy sources. The objective of this work is the study of a
hybrid power plant, which combines a renewable energy source (wind) and a generator.
The energy management of the different sources is ensured by a manager who controls the
opening and closing of the switches, depending on weather conditions (wind speed).

Keywords: hybrid system, renewable generation, clean energy, wind, remote

electrification, Di-Eol

1. Introduction

Electricity is the easiest form of energy to exploit today. But before consuming it, it would
have been necessary to produce it, generally in large power production units, transport it, then
distribute it to each consumer. This represents a heavy financial burden for the electrification of
premises in isolated sites in Algeria. Installing power lines for hundreds of kilometers cannot solve
this problem. This is due to the presence of the constraints due to bad weather including the sand
wind, the temperature gradients between the different seasons and that between night and day for
the winter season.
The energy produced in Algeria is obtained from fossil materials such as petroleum and
natural gas, resulting in significant environmental pollution through the release of greenhouse gases
which cause irreversible climate change. The constant growth of energy consumption in all its
forms and the associated polluting effects, mainly caused by the combustion of fossil fuels, are at
the heart of the problem of sustainable development and care of the environment in a discussion for
the future of the planet. To this end, we thought of circumventing the problem by another solution
namely the hybrid system. This method of producing electricity has proven to be profitable in
remote and windy areas. Thus, this system would be intended to supply a load for domestic use and
be able to meet needs with a certain guarantee in terms of autonomy.
The objective of this work is the study of a hybrid electricity production system, which
combines between a renewable energy source (wind turbine) and a generator. We simulated the
hybrid system (wind turbine - diesel group) under the Matlab-Simulink software and we present the
results obtained for various cases applied to the Tindouf region.


The hybrid system has a double advantage in order to minimize environmental disturbance,
thanks to consumption at the place of production of renewable natural resources and security of
supply, whatever the weather conditions.
The system chosen in our study is designed in such a way as to obtain operation of a wind
source with a generator set designed for supplying an isolated site [1].
At low wind speeds, the induction generator and the synchronous diesel generator are
required to supply the load. When the wind power exceeds the load request, the diesel generator can
be stopped. In this all-wind mode, the synchronous machine is used as a synchronous condenser
and its excitation system controls the network voltage at its nominal value. A secondary load bank
is used to regulate the frequency of the system by absorbing wind energy exceeding consumer

Fig. 1: Physical diagram of the electrical energy conversion

chain wind- diesel hybrid)

3. Sizing Of The Hybrid Installation

The dimensioning of the installation to be studied will be organized as follows: the study of
the energy potential on the chosen site, the determination of the load profile of consumers, the wind
generator, the diesel generator. The weather data depends on the site chosen to install the system.
we simulated this system under the Matlab-Simulink software and we present the results obtained
for different cases (winter, summer or any day during the year) applied to the Tindouf region
(Latitude: 27.40 ° N, Longitude : 8.06 ° E, Altitude: 401m), of a desert topographic situation (Fig

Fig. 1. desert topographic situation

Figures 2 and 3 show the average monthly distribution of wind speed and average cubic
speed respectively on the Tindouf site at a height of 10 m from the ground. We note in these figures
that the Tindouf region is characterized by enormous monthly wind variations [1].

Fig. 2. Monthly variation in average wind speed for Tindouf site

Fig. 3. Monthly variation in the average cubic wind speed for the Tindouf site

4. Modeling Of The Hybrid System

The system presented in this article uses a synchronous 480 V, 300 kVA machine, a wind
turbine driving a 480 V, 275 kVA induction generator, a customer load. from 50 kW and a variable
secondary load (0 to 446.25 kW).

Fig. 4. Diagram of a typical installation of a hybrid system (wind turbine-diesel)

4. 1 Turbine modeling

A wind blade transforms the energy of the moving air mass and delivers mechanical power,
characterized by the speed of rotation and the mechanical torque [2].

Fig. 5. Model of the wing

According to the characteristic of the canopy Cp (λ) given by the following equation:

Cp = 3 1
We can calculate the wind power which is given by the equation below:
= 1 C (λ)×ρ×S×V
P 2
eol 2 p
The wind torque is given by the following equation:
1 Cp ( λ ) . ρ . R . S . V 3
C = C v

eol mec =2 λ

4. 2. diesel engines:

It is the replacement of generators and small fossil combustion turbines with diesel or
natural gas, which is typically used for emergency power or for powering remote sites.

Fig.6. Configuration of the Diesel generator

5. Simulation And Interpretation Of Results

In this context, we used the model of a hybrid wind power plant and a diesel generator for
the production of electrical energy for an isolated site from SIMULINK / MATLAB. The choice of
this example is suitable for the application on the region of Tindouf, because this region is has a
power station of autonomous electric power production of 30kv max, and power 24Mw max.
according to the results provided by the meteorological service of this region, figure 7 illustrates the
monthly variation of the wind during a year

Fig. 7.. Monthly wind speed

When the wind speed is low, the diesel engine powers the load. When the wind power
exceeds the load request, the diesel generator can be stopped. In this all-wind mode, the
synchronous machine is used as a synchronous condenser and its excitation system controls the
network voltage at its nominal value. A secondary load bank is used to regulate the frequency of the
system by absorbing wind energy exceeding consumer demand.
Fig. 8. the tensions,. currents, frequency, load and wind speed

Fig. 9 active and reactive power

The simulation results show the proper functioning of our Di-Eol. The voltage and
frequency are kept constant and the load is continuously served.
Figures 9, show the active and reactive power at the load level with variations due to the
connection between the new wind power plant and the diesel plant, it is the flow of energy between
the two stations ..
6. Conclusions
The work presented in this article concerns systems for producing electricity for
autonomous operation. These devices seem to be leading to significant developments linked
essentially to an increasingly displayed desire to diversify means of production and better respect
for the environment. Our work therefore focused on the modeling and simulation of a hybrid
system using Simulink software (Matlab) which allowed us to represent the system in the form of a
block diagram.


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