Electric Brake System

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ESC030-040FA [A883]

PART NO. 524153634 1800 YRM 997

• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly fas-
tened, and that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and chains
have the capacity to support the weight of the load.

• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

• Wear safety glasses.

• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on

electric lift trucks.

• Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.

• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE
LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.

• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

• Use the correct tools for the job.

• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

• Always use YALE APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet
or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using
force to remove parts.

• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or
if the unit needs repairs.

• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are
flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels
and when working on these fuel systems.

• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away
from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this manual:

Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!

Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Electric Brake System Table of Contents


General.................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Description and Operation..................................................................................................................................... 1
Electric Brake Repair............................................................................................................................................. 1
Inspect............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Remove ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Adjust ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Install................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Electric Brake Operational Check.......................................................................................................................... 4
Brake Pedal Assembly........................................................................................................................................... 4
Remove ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Install................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Repair................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Bushings and Spring..................................................................................................................................... 5
Remove .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Install ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Brake Switch Assembly ................................................................................................................................ 6
Remove .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Install ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Adjust........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

This section is for the following models:

ESC030-040FA [A883]

©2001 Yale Materials Handling Corp. i

1800 YRM 997 Electric Brake Repair

This section provides the description and repair procedures for the brake and brake pedal assemblies for model
ESC030-040FA (A883).

Description and Operation

The electromechanical braking system consist of two NOTE: The normal method of stopping the lift truck is
spring-applied, electrically released brakes. These through the use of "plugging" using the control handle.
brakes are mounted to the top of the traction motors.
The brakes can be used to bring the truck to a rapid The electric brakes are actuated in two ways. The first
stop. The brakes are also designed to act as a parking is via the traction controller. When the controller senses
brake, and when properly adjusted, will hold the lift the truck has come to a complete stop, the brakes are
truck plus a capacity load on a 10 percent slope [1.0 applied and act as a parking brake. The second method
m rise in 10 m (1 ft rise in 10 ft)] or a 15 percent slope of brake operation is via the brake pedal. When the
[1.5 m rise in 10 m (1.5 ft rise in 10 ft)] with the forks operator removes his foot from the brake pedal, the
facing uphill. See the table below. brakes will be fully applied by the brake springs. Apply-
ing the brakes in this manner while the truck is moving
Model Grade will bring the truck to a rapid stop. Repeated applica-
tion of the electromechanical braking system to stop a
ESC030FA 10 percent slope
moving truck may lead to accelerated friction disc wear
ESC035FA 10 percent slope and may cause damage to the electric brake.
ESC040FA 15 percent slope The electric brake is installed on the top of the drive
motor. The hub is installed on the shaft of the drive
If the brakes do not hold on a grade as described, have motor with two snap rings, one on the bottom and one
a qualified maintenance mechanic make the necessary on the top, to hold the hub in place on the shaft of the
adjustment or repairs. motor. The rest of the brake is installed on the shaft and
hub, and is bolted down to hold it in place.

Electric Brake Repair

INSPECT holes with 1/4-20 UNC threads in the armature plate of
each brake. Install two 1-1/4" long maintenance cap-
NOTE: Under normal conditions, inspecting and replac- screws in holes, and tighten them until air gap between
ing the friction disc is all that is needed to keep the brake magnet body and armature disappears. This will pull ar-
in good operating order. See Figure 1. mature away from friction disc and allow motor to turn
1. Remove hydraulic cover for access to hydraulic
When the brake is manually released, put a DO NOT
OPERATE tag on the steering control handle and
remove the key as a warning to prevent operation. NOTE: Whenever measuring air gap on a brake assem-
To help prevent injury or damage, do not operate bly, brake should be de-energized.
the lift truck without a brake.
2. Using a feeler gage, measure air gap between mag-
WARNING net body (item 1) and armature (item 5) in three
places and use smallest measurement. The gap
Before returning the truck to operation or placing it
should be greater than 0.279 mm (0.011 in.). If it
in storage, inspect the brake to make sure the two
is 0.279 mm (0.011 in.) or less, then friction disc
maintenance capscrews have been removed.
should be replaced.
NOTE: If lift truck must be moved without battery power,
the brakes can be manually released. There are two

Electric Brake Repair 1800 YRM 997

Legend for Figure 1

2. COIL 11. HUB


Put a DO NOT OPERATE tag on the steering control
handle and remove the key as a warning to prevent
operation. To help prevent injury or damage, do not
operate the lift truck without a brake.

Before removing the brake, chock the drive wheels
to prevent movement of the truck.

1. Disconnect battery connector.

2. Remove battery to gain access to drip shield cap-


3. Remove drip shield for access to brake assemblies.

4. Disconnect truck wiring harness connector from

brake connector.

5. Remove four capscrews (15) that secure brake to

drive motor.

6. Carefully remove brake assembly from drive motor.

NOTE: If removing brake assembly only, then no further

disassembly is required.

Be careful when removing or installing snap rings.
These snap rings can come loose during removal
or installation with enough force to cause an injury.
Always use the correct snap ring pliers, and wear
Figure 1. Electric Brake Assembly eye and face protection during removal and instal-

7. Remove snap ring.

8. Remove hub and woodruff key from shaft of motor.

1800 YRM 997 Electric Brake Repair

ADJUST 10. Using a feeler gage, measure air gap between mag-
net body and armature in three places. Air gap
New brakes are preadjusted at the factory for the correct must be within 0.28 mm (0.011 in.) to 0.41 mm
air gap of 0.279 mm (0.011 in.) to 0.406 mm (0.016 in.). (0.016 in.).
The air gap is the distance between the magnet and
the armature when the brake is de-energized. As the INSTALL
brake wears, the air gap increases. When the air gap
exceeds 0.51 mm (0.02 in.), the brake should be read- 1. Install woodruff key into keyway in motor shaft. This
justed. Readjustment is also required when the friction is best done by aligning woodruff key and gently
disc is replaced. If the friction disc is worn to a thick- tapping on it with a brass hammer until it seats in
ness of 5.5 mm (0.22 in.) or less, or if it is damaged or keyway.
broken, it should be replaced.
2. Check hub for wear or damage and replace as nec-
1. Perform Step 1 through Step 4 of Remove section essary. Install hub by sliding it onto motor shaft and
above. over woodruff key until it contacts lower snap ring.
Gentle tapping on it with a brass hammer may be
2. Turn brake over and place it on a bench. required.
3. Measure air gap to determine how many shims
must be removed to bring gap back into tolerance. WARNING
Be careful when removing or installing snap rings.
4. Install two maintenance screws into magnet body These snap rings can come loose during removal
and armature. or installation with enough force to cause an injury.
Always use the correct snap ring pliers, and wear
5. Loosen three brake assembly socket head cap-
eye and face protection during removal and instal-
screws, but do not remove them entirely.
6. Remove one of the screws and slip out a shim from
3. Install snap ring onto motor shaft in snap ring
between adapter and spacer. Shims are 0.20 mm
groove. Be sure it snaps firmly and securely into
(0.008 in.) thick. If there are no shims in assembly,
then friction disc needs to be replaced and three
shims need to be added to each capscrew. 4. Carefully reinstall brake on to top of motor by sliding
it over hub. Be very careful not to damage splines
7. Repeat Step 5 for remaining two capscrews.
on friction disc. Turn brake assembly so brake ca-
8. Install three brake assembly socket head cap- ble is pointing inward toward truck wiring harness
screws and tighten them. connector.

5. Install four brake mounting screws.

Before returning the truck to operation or placing it 6. Plug brake cable into truck wiring harness.
in storage, inspect the brake to make sure the two
7. Check brake for proper operation.
maintenance capscrews have been removed.

9. Remove two maintenance screws.

Brake Pedal Assembly 1800 YRM 997

Electric Brake Operational Check

6. Reconnect battery by aligning connectors and
WARNING pulling back on red battery disconnect lever.
The operational check must be done in an open area
with no personnel in the area of the truck. 7. Turn key switch ON and restart truck.

After servicing the electric brake, the unit should be 8. Operate truck at full speed with forks trailing.
checked for operation as follows:
9. Push red battery disconnect lever forward. This will
NOTE: These lift trucks have two electric brakes. For instantly de-energize brake and cause it to apply.
ease of description only one will be described here.
10. Truck should stop in 9 to 12 feet.
1. Start truck and drive it at a very slow speed, with
forks trailing. NOTE: Driving the truck, then releasing the foot switch,
does not check the brake because the drive motor goes
2. Check for proper release of brake. When travel into regenerative mode and stops the truck without the
is requested by moving control handle forward brake.
slightly, a slight metallic click should be heard in
area of brake assembly to indicate that it has been 11. Remove battery to gain access to holes for drip
energized and armature has snapped against coil shield capscrews.
housing. Truck should move forward smoothly at NOTE: Remember to apply adhesive sealant (HCE-92)
this time. behind the leading threads of the two drip shield cap-
3. Push red battery disconnect lever forward. This will screws and torque them to 20 N•m (180.0 lbf in).
instantly de-energize brake and cause it to apply. 12. Replace drip shield.
4. Truck should stop abruptly. NOTE: Always replace hydraulic cover by first align-
5. Visually check brake for damage. If no damage is ing the two taps on lower part of cover with slots in
apparent, proceed to next step. the frame, and then rotate cover back until it engages
frames clips. Push until cover snaps in place.

13. Replace hydraulic cover.

Brake Pedal Assembly

The electric brake pedal assembly is a dual-function, NOTE: The complete brake pedal assembly normally
two-position brake pedal. There are two switches in- does not need to be removed to make repairs. Remove
side the brake pedal assembly. The first switch is ac- only the parts necessary to make the repair. See Fig-
tivated when the operator lifts his foot halfway off the ure 2.
brake pedal. This partial lifting causes the lift truck to go
into the regenerative braking mode and slows the truck 1. Disconnect battery. Put blocks on each side of drive
down. The second switch is activated when the oper- wheels to prevent movement of lift truck.
ator lifts his foot completely off the brake pedal. This
2. Remove floor pad for access to floor plate. Remove
complete lifting causes the electric brake to be applied
the four screws that hold floor plate to truck frame.
and stops the truck.
Carefully lift front of floor plate for access to the
brake pedal assembly. Disconnect wire to the brake
pedal assembly.

WARNING 3. Remove floor plate along with brake pedal assem-

Put a DO NOT OPERATE tag in the operator’s com- bly.
partment and remove the key as a warning to pre-
vent operation. To help prevent injury or damage,
do not operate the lift truck without a brake.

1800 YRM 997 Brake Pedal Assembly



Figure 2. Electric Brake Pedal Assembly

4. Carefully place floor plate and brake pedal assem- REPAIR

bly on a safe, clean work bench for repair.
NOTE: The complete brake pedal assembly normally
5. Remove three socket head capscrews that attach does not need to be removed to make repairs. Remove
brake pedal assembly to floor plate. only the parts necessary to make the repair.

6. Remove brake pedal assembly. Bushings and Spring


1. Install brake pedal assembly onto floor plate using 1. Remove brake pedal pad to allow more room.
three socket head capscrews.

2. Carefully place floor plate on truck frame. CAUTION

Be careful when removing the spring. It may release
3. Reconnect wire to the brake pedal assembly. with enough force to cause personal injury.
4. Lower floor plate onto truck frame. Install four 2. Unseat spring but do not attempt to remove it.
screws that hold floor plate to truck frame and
install floor mat. 3. Remove locking nut and washer.

Troubleshooting 1800 YRM 997

4. Slide brake arm weldment out of brake pedal weld- Brake Switch Assembly
ment far enough to remove spring.
5. Remove brake arm weldment and both bushings.
1. Remove two screws and lockwashers.
2. Remove brake switch assembly, nut plate, insulator
1. Install both bushings into brake pedal weldment. sheet, and bracket.

2. Apply lubricant to shaft of brake arm weldment. Install

3. Slide brake arm weldment into brake pedal weld-

ment far enough to replace spring.
To prevent possible damage to the brake switch as-
4. Install spring using a back and forth motion to com- sembly, always install the insulator sheet.
press spring.
Replace brake switch assembly by reversing the re-
5. Install washer and locking nut. The locking nut will move steps.
not tighten all the way down to the brake pedal weld-
ment. Adjust

Check operation of brake pedal assembly by press- NOTE: The brake switch assembly does not normally
ing pedal down while listening to hear if both mi- require any adjustment.
croswitchs open and close.

6. Replace brake pedal pad.



The brake will not release. Battery is discharged or not con- Charge or connect battery.

Wires to the brake assembly or brake Connect wires to brake assembly or

switch are not connected. brake switch.

Brake assembly is not adjusted cor- Adjust brake assembly.


Brake switch has a defect. Replace brake switch.

The brake will not stop the lift Brake system is not adjusted correctly. Adjust brake system to correct specifi-
truck. cations.

Friction disc is worn or damaged. Replace friction disc.

There is oil or grease on the friction Clean or replace the friction disc or
disc or brake plates. brake plates.

Yale Materials Handling Corp.
1400 Sullivan Dr., Greenville, NC 27834-2001

1800 YRM 997 12/01 Printed in U.S.A.

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