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Lecture 6 Hydraulics

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Fundamental of Fluid Flow

Lecture – 06 2. Uniform and Non-uniform Flow

Ideal Fluids In uniform fluid flow, the velocity at a given instant of time is same at any
point of the fluid and has the same magnitude in all directions, the flow
Fluids which do not have viscosity and are incompressible are termed depth does not change with distance as well.
as ideal fluid. It flows steadily without friction and do not have shear
resistance. In non-uniform fluid flow, the velocity of the fluid changes at every
instant for any point at a given time. Fluid factors like: pressure, velocity
It is an imaginary fluid because all the fluid that exists in the environment and speed keeps on changing continuously.
have some viscosity. So, there is no ideal fluid.
Real Fluids
3. Laminar Flow and Turbulent
Fluids which do possess viscosity are termed as real fluids. These fluids
always offer shear resistance. Three physical properties of real fluids During a laminar flow, the velocity of movement is sufficiently low, the
that are particularly important: density, viscosity, and surface tension. individual particles will follow well defined paths that do not cross or
intersect one another.
On a turbulent flow, the separate particles will follow irregular paths
Classification of Fluid Flow which keep on crossing and re-crossing one another to form an intricate
1. Steady and Unsteady pattern of interlacing lines. Turbulent flow is more common at high flow
2. Uniform and Non-Uniform speeds and larger scales
3. Laminar and Turbulent For a laminar flow in circular pipes, the velocity distribution is three
4. Compressible and Incompressible dimensional paraboloid of revolution where the maximum velocity is
5. Rotational and Irrotational twice of the mean velocity.
6. One-, Two-, and Three-dimensional fluid flow
The transition from laminar to turbulent flow starts when a certain
velocity of flow, known as the critical velocity, is attained and exceeded.
1. Steady Flow and Unsteady Flow Beyond this critical point, the amount of turbulence increases with the
The flow is said to be steady at a point in the flowing fluid if the velocity, velocity and will ultimately reach a state in which the turbulence is said
pressure and other flow characteristic at that point do not change with to be fully developed.
The flow is said to be unsteady if the velocity and other such 4. Compressible and Incompressible Flow
characteristics vary with time at a point in the flowing fluid.
Compressible flow exists if the density of each fluid particles remains
relatively constant as it moves through the flow field. The density is
constant which means the density of the fluid does not change from three space coordinates (x, y, z). It is a flow in which the velocity vector
point to point. depends on only three space corrdinates.
Incompressible flow means flow with variation due to pressure changes. u = f1(x,y,z), v = f2(x,y,z), and w =f3(x,y,z)
5. Rotational and Irrotational
The rotational fluid flow is defined as the type of fluid flow in which the Path lines, Streamlines and Flow Nets
fluid particles while flowing along streamline rotate about their own axis.
Path lines
Whereas, the irrotational fluid flow is defined as the type of fluid flow in
It is a locus of points traversed by a given particles as it travels in a field
which the particles while flowing along streamline do not rotate about
of flow. It provides us with a history of particle’s location.
their own axis.
It is a line made by single particle as it moves during a particular period
of time.
6. One dimensional, two dimensional and three dimensional flow
One dimensional flow is that type of flow in which the flow parameter
Streak lines
such as velocity is a function of time and one space coordinate only, say
x. It is a flow in which the velocity vector depends on only one space It is defined as the instantaneous line whose points are occupied by all
variables. Such flow occurs away from geometry changes in long, particles originating from some specified points in the flow field.
straight pipes or between parallel plates.
It tells where the particles are “right now”.
u = f(x), v = 0 and w = 0
where u, v and w are velocity component in x, y and z directions
respectively. Streamlines

Two dimensional fluid flow is the type of flow in which velocity is a It is a line in the flow possessing the following property: the velocity
function of time and two rectangular space coordinate say x, y. It is a vector of each particle occupying a point on the streamline is tangent to
flow in which the velocity vector depends on only two space variables. the streamline.
An example is a plane flow, in which the velocity vector depends on only It is a line which gives the velocity direction of the fluid at each point
two spatial coordinates x and y. along the line at a given instant.
u = f1(x,y), v = f2(x,y), and w =0 It refers to an instantaneous picture of the velocity direction of number
of particles

Three dimensional flow is the type of flow in which velocity is a function

of time and three mutually perpendicular directions. The function of Stream tube
It is a tube whose walls are streamlines. When streamlines are drawn
through a closed curve, they form boundaries across which no fluid
could pass.
A pipe is a stream tube since its walls are streamline; an open channel
is a stream tube since no fluid crosses the walls of the channel.
Key Concept: In a steady flow, path lines, streak lines and streamlines
are all coincident.
Fluid Flow Equations
First Law of Thermodynamics

Three Basic Law Newton’s Second Law

1. Law of Conservation of Mass
2. First Law of Thermodynamics
3. Newton’s Second Law

Law of Conservation of Mass

Continuity Equation
A continuity equation in physics is an equation that describes the Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a mass by virtue of
transport of a conserved quantity. Since mass, energy, momentum, its motion or velocity. It is expressed as:
electric charge, and other natural quantities are conserved under their
respective appropriate conditions, a variety of physical phenomena may
be described using continuity equations.

The unit is Newton-meter (N-m) or Joule (J) in SI Units

The kinetic energy per unit of weight represented by:

The unit is Newton-meter per Newton (N-m/N) or simply meter (m). In

fluid flow, it is commonly called the velocity head.

Potential Energy
Potential energy is the energy possessed by a mass by virtue of its
Energy and Heads of Fluids in Motion position or elevation above some horizontal reference plane.
It represents the amount of work which the mass is capable of doing if
it is allowed to descend to the reference plane.
Energy Equation This energy is the same in magnitude as the amount of work that must
be used up in raising the mass from the datum plane to its assigned
Energy is defined as the ability to do work.
For a mass having a weight W and positioned at a distance z above the
It exists in several forms and in case of fluids in motion the datum plane, the potential energy is:
kinetic, potential and pressure energies. Potential Energy = Wz
The dimension or unit is Newton-meter (N-m) or Joule (J).

Kinetic Energy
with each maintaining the usual dimension of length, that is meter (m)
or Newton-meter per Newton (N-m/N)

Kinetic or Velocity Head for Non-uniform Velocity Distribution

Pressure Energy
Pressure energy is the energy possessed by a mass by virtue of the
pressure maintained within the mass.
The work done or the energy exerted by the pressure P is:

The unit or dimension of pressure energy is Newton-meter (N-m) or Joule


Total Head or Total Energy

The total energy per unit of weight or the total head is the sum of the
velocity head, elevation head and pressure head , or
Power is defined as the rate of doing work. It is the amount of energy per
unit time. Its dimension in SI units is Newton-meter per second (N-m/s)
or Joule per second (J/s) or simply watt (W).

Bernoulli’s Energy Theorem

Daniel Bernoulli proved that, in any fluid motion where friction is
neglected, the total energy possessed by a given mass is the same at
every point along the path of flow.
This is in line with the Law of Conservation of Energy and simply states
that “each one of the three forms of energy (kinetic, elevation and
pressure energies) may be transformed into either of the other forms
without suffering any loss, assuming a frictionless flow”. So, if there is a
loss of energy in any of the three forms, there must be a corresponding
gain of energy in the other two forms.
Power of a Fluid in Motion
Energy Equation with Pump

Energy Equation Without Headloss (Frictional Flow)

Energy Equation with Turbine

Energy Equation with Head Loss (Friction Considered)

Momentum Equation Sample Problem 1
Water flows through a 75 mm diameter pipe at a velocity of 3 m/s.
a. Volume flow rate
b. Mass flow rate
c. Weight flow rate

Sample Problem 2
What is the rate of flow of water passing through a pipe with a diameter
of 20 mm and speed of 0.5 m/s.

Sample Problem 3
A 100-mm diameter plunger is being pushed at 60 mm/sec into a tank
filled with oil having sp. gr. at 0.82. If the fluid is incompressible, how
many N/s of oil is being forced out at a 30mm diameter hole?

Sample Problem 4
A pipeline consists of three successive lengths of 50 cm, 40 cm and 30 and the velocity is 10 m/s. Neglecting friction, determine the difference
cm diameter pipes. With a continuous discharge of 300 L/s ( s=0.750), in elevation of the channel floors.
compute the mean velocity in each pipe.
Sample Problem 5
A fluid flowing in a pipe 30 cm in diameter has a uniform velocity of 4 m/s.
The pressure at the center of the pipe is 40 kPa, and the elevation of the
pipe’s centerline above an assumed datum is 4.5m. Compute the total Sample Problem 9
energy per unit of weight of the flowing fluid if it is
The diameter of the pipe carrying water changes gradually from 15 cm at
a. water section 1 to 45 cm at section 2, section 1 being 5m lower than section 2.
b. oil s=0.800 When 200 L/s is flowing, find P2 – P1. Neglect loss of energy.
c. gas ( unit weight = 8.50 N/m3 )

Sample Problem 10
Sample Problem 6
A pipe carrying oil of specific gravity 0.877 changes in size from 150 mm
A liquid having specific gravity of 2.0 is flowing in a 50 mm diameter pipe. at section 1 and 450 mm at section 2. Section 1 is 3.6 m below section 2
The total head at a given point was found to be 17.5 Joule per Newton. and the pressures are 90 kPa and 60 kPa respectively. If the discharge is
The elevation of the pipe above the datum is 3 m and the pressure in the 150 lit/sec, determine the head lost and the direction of flow.
pipe is 65.6 kPa. Compute the velocity of flow and the horsepower in the
stream at that point.
Sample Problem 11

Sample Problem 7 A 30 cm pipe is connected by a reducer to a 10 cm pipe. Points 1 and 2

are along the same elevation. The pressure at 1 is 200 KPa. The flow is
A liquid of specific gravity 1.75 flows in a 6 cm pipe. The total energy at a 30 L/s and the energy lost between 1 and 2 is equivalent to 20 m.
point in the flowing fluid is 80 J/N. The elevation of the pipe above a fixed Compute the pressure at 2 if the liquid flowing is water.
datum is 2.60m and the pressure in the pipe is 75 KPa. Determine the
velocity of the flow and the power available at that point.
Sample Problem 12

Sample Problem 8 The pump shown draws water from the reservoir A at elevation 10 m and
lifts it to reservoir B at elevation 60 m. The loss of head from A to 1 is two
Water is flowing in an open channel at a depth of 2 m and a velocity of 3 times the velocity head in the 200 mm diameter pipe and the loss of
m/s . It flows down a chute into another channel where the depth is 1 m head from 2 to B is ten times the velocity head in the 150 mm diameter
pipe. Determine the rated horsepower of the pump and the pressure
heads at 1 and 2 in meters when the discharge is 0.03 m3/sec.

Sample Problem 13
Water enters a motor through a 600 mm diameter pipe under a pressure
of 14 kPa. It leaves through a 900 mm diameter exhaust pipe with a
pressure of 4 kPa. A vertical distance of 2.5 m separates the centers of
two pipes at the sections where the pressures are measured. If 500 liters
of water pass the motor each second, compute the power supplied to
the motor.

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