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Radio Variante 2 1 PDF

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1) tubule anode x ray is:

D) positive pole

2) x-ray hardness:

A) depend of the difference of potential between anode and

B) is influenced by temperature of tungsten filament

3) dosimetry:

A) is an important study of biologic phenomena produced by radiation-

C) absorbed dose corisponding to quantity of energy absorbed form body which

is exposed to radiation and is measured with Gy. (unità di misura)

4)computerized tomography:

A) is a method based on x-ray

B) can be used with or without contrast substances-

C) is used for pulmonary pathology

5) which of the following statement are false about thoracic radiography in front incidence:

B) can analyzed shoulder

6) which of following statement are false:

C) hollow images are images with an excess of transparent

7) pneumomatocele:

A) characterized pulmonary emphysema

B) appears in pneumonia

C) has a fleeting character (?)

D) in differential diagnosis can be pulmonary aericl cysts


B) radioscopy is observed in inspiration time…

C) can be reversible in initial state


A) appears with opacities of different size is often macro-nodular, multiple, localized


B) occuours in basal region

D) tends to consolidate

C) contours are all define (net) (?)

10) radiographic…

D) pulmonary cancer

A) hydatid cyst (?)

11)pleurite “inchistata” diaphragmatic:

A) right diaphragmatic contour high and low or absent movements but never paradoxal .

B) On the left diaphragmatic pleurisy secluded behave less difficulty due to the presence of gas
bubble stomach.
D) right diaphragmatic contour high and low or absent movements but never
paradoxal .

12) X-ray of the profile of mediastinum. can be seen:

B)in the medial part there are: trachea, primitive bronchi, heart and pericardium,big vessel of the
base of the heart , ganglionar groups tracheal and bronchial, frenic nerve, superior vagus.

C)the posterior part contain thoracic aorta (discendent), esophagus, thoracic duct, inf part of vagus ,
posterior ganglionic groups.

D)the region is divided in three compartments (ant, med, post) that are situated at the ant, post, and
at the same compartment of the trachea.

13)Thoracic aortography

A)in catheterism of humeral,axillary,subclavicular arteries or femoral a.after Seldinger

C) it is possible to explore the aorta selectively.

D)the most used is the Seldinger technique entering by the femoral a.

14)the aneurism of aorta at x ray:

A) clean opacity

15)differential diagnosis between pericarditis and myocarditis:

A)vascular pedicle narrow in exudative peritonitis, normale or large in myocarditis

16)At the standard x ray. Can be seen:

A)air in the intestine

B)hydroaeric levels

C)radiopaque foreign bodies

17) Which are the true answer about contrast substance?

A)is hypertonic

D)Are used in suspect of occlusion

E)are used in suspect of perforation

18) Are true about intestinal diverticulum.

A)can exist without symptoms.

C)are attached to the lumen throught a neck.

D)their inflammation can cause steathorrea.

19)the following ilear organic modification can be seen at x-ray:

B)Thickness of haustrae

C)hypertrophia of linphatic follicles

D)hypertrophia Peyer

20. which are the incriminating causes of non specific benign

Mellasez bacillus
21. which of the following statements are true regarding benign
tumors of intestine?
Are not frequent
Is difficult to underline it when are small
22 . which are the main methods in diagnostic assessment of large
Barium passage
Exploration in double contrast
23 . simple abdominal X-ray can underline
Interposition between colon, liver and diaphragm
Chilaiditi syndrome
Radiopaque foreign body
24. peutz-jeghers associates with
GI poliposis and pigmentation near orifices
25 . X-ray with barium enema with double contrast in case of
ulcerative colitis detects
Double contrast with infiltration of barium in mucosa and
Polipoid modifications
Disappearance of safety border
26. which of this statements regarding small intestine are true
Long duration (3-4 hours)
Utilization of accelerators of transito
Utilization of accelerators of transit metaclopramid
27. following statements regarding small intestine are true
Include duodenum, jejunum and ileum
Extension from pylorus to ileo-cecal valve
Conniving valves protrudes in intestinal lumen
28. following statements regarding small intestine are true
Is 5-6 m long
Ileo-cecal junction represents the fix portion of intestine
29. the following represents ileal organic modifications
highlighted radiologically
Superficial erosions of mucosa
Mesenteric edema achieving an omega appearance of the loop
30. the following represents functional cecal modifications
Bauchin controlateral spasm
Emphasizing of Haustre ( cec in frunza de stejar)

31) which are the most early radiological changes of sacro-iliac joints in ankylosing spondylitis?
a) values of cortical margins of subcondral bone
b) erosions
c) sclerosis
e) joint rubbing (sfregamento)

32) tha bamboo column appears in:

d) ankylosing spondylitis

33) In ankylosing spondylitis the radiological exam of sacro-iliac joints reveals :

a) severe diffuse periarticular demineralization
d) the modifications and progressions of the lesions are usually asymmetric
e) radiological changes in the sacro-iliac joints appear before those at the spine

34) Sacroileitis in ankylosing spondylitis is a :

a) complication of the disease OR late manifestation

35) The incomplete fractures are:

a) " green wood" in children

36) There are the following pathways of fracture except:

a)sproidal produced by direct mechanism

37) the pathological fractures of bone are the following:

a)fracture of the bone with osteomielitis
b) fracture of the bone with osteomalacia
c)fracture of the bone with metasthatic tumor
d)fracture bone with osteoporosis

38)the absolute condition to establish the existence of the fracture and the positioning:
a) standard radiological exam

39) late focal complications are:

a)callus vicious
c) arthrosis
d)joint stiffness

40) which is the most immediate complication of the fracture?

a)open fracture
41) in fracture, pseudoarthrosis represents a complication:
- local tardive

42) for children the following forms of fracture are more frequent:
- fractures to the green wood
- distal metaphyseal deformation of radius

43) Ombredanne disease is:

- poliostica (non so come tradurla in inglese perchè nn l'ho capita neanche in rumeno ma
ho trovato la malattia descritta proprio con la stessa parola "Boala exostozanta
Ombredanne - displazie directionala - este poliostica caracterizata prin
dezvoltarea unor formatiuni exostozice osteocartilaginoase localizate
predominant pe oasele lungi in apropierea cartilajului articular. Radiologic se
observa una sau mai multe excrescente osoase care se continua cu corticala si
spongioasa osului pe care se dezvolta (spre deosebire de osteofite care nu au
corticala si spongioasa)".
- directional dysplasia
-development of osteocartilaginous formations
- in radiological exam are observed bony outgrowths

44) differential diagnosis in rachitis is made with:

- Paget disease
45) aseptic bone necrosis:
- appears after bone infection
- localises at epiphyseal level

46) localization osteoarticular tuberculosis:

- is secondary
- comes from a diffusion through pulmonary tubercolosis
- the initial outbreak is epiphyseal

47) late congenital syphilis:

- osteitis localized in the long bones
- thin osteitis
- osteomyelitis
- arthritis

48) in advanced period of osteosarcoma following radiological forms:

- peripheral osteolytic form
- central osteolytic form

49) differential diagnosis of chondroma is made with:

- osteolytic metastases
- osteolytic osteosarcoma
- (forse anche) osteoma

50) true statements on Ewing sarcoma:

- is a reticulosarcoma
- in the evolution of tumor there is a periostal reaction

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