Radiology MCQs
Radiology MCQs
Radiology MCQs
2.) The presence of bilateral, multiple round shaped opacities on chest x-ray is
characteristic of:
b. pulmonary metastasis
4.) The hemodynamic changes in left atrium in cases of isolated mitral stenosis are due to:
c. presence of residual blood during contraction of the left atrium
7.) The screening method for diagnosis of diseases of the urogenital system is:
b. ultrasound examination
10.) Which of the following radiological signs cannot be referred to the degenerative
dystrophic disease (arthrosis) of the musculo-skeletal system?
b. calcification of the salt tissues
12.) Ring structures (?) on frontal chest radiography are characteristic of:
c. lung cavities
23.) Which of the following cardiac chambers are normally not seen on the frontal chest
a. right ventricle
26.) In cases of suspected intestinal obstruction, the radiography of the abdominal region
is conducted in:
c. both answers (upright position, laterography in supine position)
28.) The main radiographic signs from intravenous urography in chronic pyelonephritis are:
a. changes in size and outlines of the kidneys
31.) Which is the most common cause for bronchial obstruction in children?
b. foreign body in the bronchus
35.) On plain radiographs of the abdomen, the air-fluid levels are characteristic of:
a. Ileus
42.) The most frequently used method for performing arteriography is:
b. puncture method of Seidinger
43.) The radiological symptom „filling defect“ in the contrast examination of the gastro-
intestinal tract is characteristic of
b. cancer of the stomach
44.) Screening method for diagnosis of diseases of the liver and gall bladder is:
b. Ultrasound
45.) Renovasography is a radiological contrast method for examination, which we use for
diagnosis of:
b. vascular diseases and arterial hypertension
46.) The most frequent radiological signs in renal tumours on intravenous urography are:
b. deformation and displacement of the small causes and defects in there filling
54.) Which is the most informative method of examination of liver and gall bladder
c. Ultrasound examination
60.) The cardiac apex in cases of enlargement of the left cavities is:
b. moving down
70.) Which of the following diseases is the most frequent demand for lymphography?
b. neoplastic disease primary and secondary
72.) The x-ray differentiation between calculus in the gallbladder and a calculus in the
right kidney is possible by using the following additional projection:
c. lateral radiography
74.) For differentiation between cystic and solid breast formations we use:
b. ultrasonography
78.) The cardiac apex in cases of enlargement of the right cavities is:
a. moving up
87.) The most accurate method for differentiation of solid from cystic formation in the lung
c) CT of lungs
88.) Does the position of the body affect the shape of the cardiac shadow on chest x-ray?
a. yes
90.) The radiological sign „filling defect“ seen in the stomach in barium meal examination is
a condition of:
c. gastric cancer
93.) From the plain x-ray of the genitourinary system in cases of renal tumour, we receive
the following information:
a. changes in position, shape, size and outlines of the kidneys
101.) The preparation of a patient for contrast examination of upper GIT includes:
c. the examination is made in the morning on an empty stomach
102.) Which is the most useful method for diagnostics of renal cystic formations:
b. ultrasound examination
103.) Which of the following radiological symptoms is not a direct symptom of stomach
c. hyper secretion and pyloric concentration