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{‫ ث‬- ‫ اﻟﺤﺮوف } أ – ب – ت‬- ُ‫اﻟﺘﱠﺤِ ﯿﱠﺔُ واﻟﺘّﻌَﺎرُف‬

Greetings and Responses in Arabic- The Arabic alphabet

{ ‫ ث‬- ‫ب –ت‬-‫}أ‬
Objectives ‫اﻷھداف‬
Parents should be able to:

-Know how to introduce themselves in Arabic

-Identify the alphabet from alif to ‘tha

-Read and correctly pronounce the letter Alif to ‘tha , then write the given
letters accordingly to its position along the lines
ُ‫اﻟﺘﱠﺤِ ﯿﱠﺔُ واﻟﺘّﻌَﺎرُف‬
Greetings and Responses in Arabic
150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
.‫❖ اﻟﺴﻼم ﻋﻠﯿﻜﻢ‬
as-salāmu ʿalaykum
Peace be upon you
..... ‫❖ اﺳﻤﻲ‬
…My name is
.‫❖ أﻧﺎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﮭﻨﺪ‬
ana min alhindi
I’m from India
.‫ أﻧﺎ أﻋﯿﺶ ﻓﻲ أﺑﻮ ظﺒﻲ‬- ❖
anaā ʾaʿiīšhu fi Abu Dhabi.
I live in Abu Dhabi.

‫❖ ﺳﻌدت ﺑﻠﻘﺎﺋك‬
saʿidtu biliqaāʾik.
it's nice to meet you.
150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
.‫ وﻋﻠﯿﻜﻢ اﻟﺴﻼم‬-2 .‫ اﻟﺴﻼم ﻋﻠﯿﻜﻢ‬-1
waʿalaykum as-salām as-salāmu ʿalaykum ‫ ﻣﺎ اِ ْﺳﻤُﻚ؟‬-3
.And peace be upon you !Peace be upon you mā ismuk?
?What’s your name
‫ و اﻧﺖ؟‬..... ‫ اﺳﻤﻲ‬-4
ismi…..wa anti? ..... ‫ اﺳﻤﻲ‬-5
My name is…… and you ismi…
…My name is
6-‫َﻛﯿْﻒَ ﺣَﺎﻟُﻚِ ؟‬
kayfa Haaluki? [To a woman]
‫ َوأَﻧْﺖَ َﻛﯿْﻒَ ﺣَﺎﻟُﻚَ؟‬,‫ أﻧَﺎ ﺑِ َﺨﯿْﺮ‬-7
How are you?
anaa bikhayr, wa anta kayfa Haaluka?
‫ ُﺷ ْﻜﺮًا‬,‫أﻧَﺎ ﺑِ َﺨﯿْﺮ‬-8 I am fine, and how are you? [To a man]
anaa bikhayr, shukran.
I am fine, thank you. ‫ ﻣﻦ أي ﺑﻠﺪ أﻧﺖ؟‬-9
min ayyi baladin ‘ant?
?Where are you from
.‫ أﻧﺎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﮭﻨﺪ و أﻧﺖ؟‬-10
ana min alhindi wa anti.‘ .‫ أﻧﺎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﮭﻨﺪ‬-11
‫ﺳﻌدت ﺑﻠﻘﺎﺋك‬ ❖
.I’m from India and you ma3assalaama !‫ﻣﻊ اﻟﺴﻼﻣﺔ‬ ana min alhindi
saʿidtu biliqaāʾik.
!Goobye WORLD’S I’m from India
150 92 38 1
Awards in Cambridge IGCSE
it's nice to meet you.
IB World Toppers & Universities accept CBSE Asia &
Education Excellence Scored 8A* & Above Near Perfect Scores TOP 20 GIIS Graduates Middle East Topper
150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
‫ﺣﺮوف اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﯿﺔ‬
Arabic alphabet

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
There are several general points to be noted about Arabic language :

∙ There are 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet.

∙ There is no such thing as capital letters .

∙ Al-Harakaat ( SOUNDS ) are the signs placed above or

below the Arabic letter to illustrate how to pronounce the
letter ”letter Sounds”.

•Arabic is read from right to left.

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
Alef ‫أ‬
Ba’a ‫ب‬
Tha ‫ث‬
150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
Alef ‫أ‬

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
Ba’a ‫ب‬

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
Tha ‫ث‬

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
Al-Harakaat ‫اﻟﺣَ رَ ﻛﺎت‬

Arabic letters are consonants, and they don’t read on its own. The letters are spoken
by the following signs on the top or bottom. We call this signs as harakat which
means movement.
There are three harakat; fatha, kasrah, and damma.

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
The Fatha sign is a small line placed above a letter.
The Fatha gives the “aa” sound.

Ta َ‫ت‬ Aa َ‫أ‬
Tha َ‫ث‬ Ba َ‫ب‬
150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
The Kasrah sign is a small line placed below a letter.
The Kasrah gives the “ee” sound

Te ‫ت‬
ِ Ee ِ‫إ‬
The ‫ث‬
ِ Be ‫ب‬
150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
To ُ‫ت‬ Oo ُ‫أ‬

Tho ُ‫ث‬ Bo ُ‫ب‬

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
The Fatha sign is a small line placed above a letter.
The Fatha gives the “aa” sound.

The Kasrah sign is a small line placed below a letter.

The Kasrah gives the “ee” sound

150 Awards in
Education Excellence 92 Cambridge IGCSE
Scored 8A* & Above 38 IB World Toppers &
Near Perfect Scores TOP 20
Universities accept
GIIS Graduates 1 CBSE Asia &
Middle East Topper
With With With
Pronounc. Pronounc. Pronounc. Pronounc. Letter
Damma Kassra Fatha

Oo ُ‫أ‬ Ee ِ‫إ‬ Aa َ‫أ‬ Alef ‫أ‬

Bo ُ‫ب‬ Be ‫ب‬
ِ Ba َ‫ب‬ Ba’a ‫ب‬
To ُ‫ت‬ Te ‫ت‬
ِ Ta َ‫ت‬ Ta’a ‫ت‬
Awards in
92 Cambridge IGCSE
ِ Tha
38 IB World Toppers &
َ‫ث‬ WORLD’S
Universities accept
‫ث‬1 CBSE Asia &
Education Excellence Scored 8A* & Above Near Perfect Scores TOP 20 GIIS Graduates Middle East Topper
Distance Learning

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