High Flexation 3-26
High Flexation 3-26
High Flexation 3-26
Investigation performed at the Joint Replacement Center, Ewha Womans University School of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
Background: We are aware of no information about the mid-term performance of the high-flexion total knee arthroplasty,
although early results have been reported. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mid-term results of high-flexion
and conventional knee prostheses.
Methods: We prospectively compared the results of 100 patients with osteoarthritis who had received a NexGen Legacy
Posterior Stabilized (NexGen LPS) prosthesis in one knee and a NexGen Legacy Posterior Stabilized-Flex (NexGen LPS-
Flex) prosthesis in the other. Seventy-five patients (150 knees) were women and twenty-five (fifty knees) were men. The
mean age was sixty-five years (range, forty-eight to eighty-five years) at the time of the index procedure. The mean duration
of follow-up was 10.3 years (range, ten to 10.6 years). The patients were assessed with radiographs, with the rating
system of the Knee Society, and with the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) score
at three months, one year, and annually thereafter.
Results: Total knee scores, knee function scores, pain scores, WOMAC scores, knee motion, and activity scores did not
differ significantly between the two designs of the implants, on the basis of the numbers studied, either preoperatively or
at the time of final follow-up. One knee in the NexGen LPS-Flex group was revised because of recurrent infection. No knee
in either group had aseptic loosening of the components. The Kaplan-Meier survivorship at ten years postoperatively, with
revision defined as the end point, was 100% (95% confidence interval, 94 to 100) for the NexGen LPS prosthesis and 99%
(95% confidence interval, 93 to 100) for the NexGen LPS-Flex prosthesis.
Conclusions: After a minimum duration of follow-up of ten years, there were no significant differences between the two
groups with regard to implant survivorship, functional outcome, knee motion, or prevalence of osteolysis.
Level of Evidence: Therapeutic Level I. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
he high-flexion total knee arthroplasty system was intro- flexion total knee arthroplasty, even when they had used the same
duced to increase the articular surface area at high flexion or a similar implant type2-10. Although there is some information
angles and increase posterior femoral translation and knee about the early performance of high-flexion total knee arthro-
motion. It was postulated that improved tibiofemoral contact at plasty, there is none, to our knowledge, about the mid-term per-
high flexion could decrease contact surface stress and subsequently formance of this prosthesis. The question thus arises as to whether,
decrease osteolysis and wear of the tibial polyethylene component. in the longer term, use of a high-flexion total knee prosthesis
There are conflicting reports of the early results of the high- improves implant longevity, knee function, and knee motion while
flexion total knee prosthesis1-10. Han et al.1 reported a disturbingly decreasing polyethylene wear and osteolysis compared with the
high prevalence of early femoral component loosening after high- same parameters after use of a conventional prosthesis.
flexion total knee arthroplasty. However, authors of other recent The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mid-term
follow-up studies reported excellent early results following high- results of high-flexion and conventional knee prostheses, with a
Disclosure: None of the authors received payments or services, either directly or indirectly (i.e., via his or her institution), from a third party in support of
any aspect of this work. None of the authors, or their institution(s), have had any financial relationship, in the thirty-six months prior to submission of this
work, with any entity in the biomedical arena that could be perceived to influence or have the potential to influence what is written in this work. Also, no
author has had any other relationships, or has engaged in any other activities, that could be perceived to influence or have the potential to influence what is
written in this work. The complete Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest submitted by authors are always provided with the online version of the
particular emphasis on implant survivorship, knee function compiled by a research associate who was not part of the operative team and was
and motion, and prevalence of osteolysis. blinded to treatment allocation. We obtained the Knee Society knee score and
the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC)
score separately for each knee. We found that it was relatively easy for patients to
Materials and Methods distinguish the degree of pain in each knee. We inquired with regard to the degree
Demographics of stiffness with use of the WOMAC instrument separately for each knee, and it
revealed that, for an effect size of 20% in functional outcome as measured with tion, WOMAC scores, and activity scores were evaluated with a paired t test.
a validated instrument such as the linear analog scale assessment and with a = Complication rates and radiographic data were compared between the two
0.05 and b = 0.80, ninety patients would be needed in each group. In addition groups with use of a paired t test as well. All statistical analyses were performed
to the required number of subjects, ten more patients were recruited to allow with a two-tailed t test. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Survivorship
for possible attrition. The changes in the Knee Society knee scores, knee mo- analysis was performed to determine the cumulative rate of survival of the
NexGen LPS 128 (75-150) 113 (70-135) 131 (90-145) 116 (75-130) 132 (90-140) 117 (75-130) 133 (90-140) 118 (75-130)
NexGen LPS-Flex 125 (80-150) 110 (80-130) 132 (85-150) 119 (70-130) 133 (70-135) 120 (70-135) 135 (80-140) 121 (70-135)
P value 0.141 0.831 0.231 0.265 0.516 0.567 0.191 0.182
(paired t test)
*The values are given, in degrees, as the mean with the range in parentheses.
implant during the period of the study and reported with 95% confidence knee score was 93 points (range, 75 to 100 points) and the Knee
intervals (CI). The end point for the analysis was aseptic loosening and revision Society function score was 85 points (range, 60 to 100 points). In
surgery for any reason.
the NexGen LPS-Flex group, the mean postoperative Knee So-
Source of Funding ciety total knee score was 92 points (range, 70 to 100 points) and
There was no external funding source for this study. the Knee Society function score was 82 points (range, 71 to 100
points) (Table I).
Clinical Results Pain
Knee Score The postoperative Knee Society pain scores did not differ signif-
Alignment* (deg)
Preoperative 13.1 varus (8-23 varus) 12.9 varus (6-21 varus) 0.781
Postoperative 5.5 valgus (2-7 valgus) 5.7 valgus (3-7 valgus) 0.932
Femoral component position (femoral angle)* (deg)
Coronal 97 (89-102) 98 (93-103) 0.959
Sagittal 0.3 (25-7) 0.2 (27-9) 0.643
Tibial component position* (tibial angle) (deg)
Coronal 87 (85-91) 88 (83-92) 0.782
Sagittal 85 (79-89) 83 (81-92) 0.851
Posterior slope of tibial component* (deg) 2 (0-4) 3 (0-5) 0.131
Joint line level* (mm)
Preoperative 16 (11-25) 17 (9-27) 0.717
Postoperative 15 (9-27) 14 (9-26) 0.521
Posterior condylar offset* (mm)
Preoperative 25 (17-32) 24 (18-33) 0.821
Postoperative 24 (19-32) 24 (17-32) 0.869
Radiolucent lines <1 mm (no. [%] of knees)
Femoral side: zone 1 5 (5%) 9 (9%)
Tibial side: zone 1 7 (7%) 9 (9%)
Osteolysis (no. [%] of knees) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
*The values are given as the mean with the range in parentheses.
H I G H -F L E X I O N T O TA L K N E E A R T H R O P L A S T Y :
V O L U M E 94-A N U M B E R 15 A U G U S T 1, 2 012
d d
In both groups, the preoperative WOMAC scores (65.2 and
67.3 points) were found to be significantly improved at the time
of latest follow-up (28.9 and 32.3 points) (Table I).
Activity Score
The preoperative activity scores of Tegner and Lysholm (1.6
and 1.7 points) were also improved significantly at the time
of latest follow-up (5.7 and 5.9 points) in both groups
(Table I).
Range of Motion
Preoperatively, the mean knee flexion contracture was 15°
(range, 0° to 50°) in the NexGen LPS group and 14° (range, 0° to
50°) in the NexGen LPS-Flex group. Eighty-nine patients (89%)
had a notable (10° or greater) flexion contracture preoperatively.
At one year, no knee had a measurable flexion contracture. The
mean ranges of flexion in supine and squatting positions pre-
operatively, at one year, at five years, and at ten years did not
differ significantly between the two groups (p = 0.381) (Table II).
Seventy-five patients (75%) were fully satisfied and twenty-five
patients (25%) were satisfied with the outcome of the operation
with the NexGen LPS prosthesis. Seventy-two patients (72%)
Fig. 2-A were fully satisfied with the NexGen LPS-Flex prosthesis, twenty-
Figs. 2-A and 2-B Radiographs of both knees of a sixty-six-year-old woman seven patients (27%) were satisfied, and one (1%) was dissat-
with osteoarthritis made at ten years after surgery. Fig. 2-A Antero- isfied because of constant moderate pain. Eighty-seven patients
posterior radiograph revealing that the NexGen LPS (right) and the (87%) had no preference, seven patients (7%) preferred the
NexGen LPS-Flex (left) prostheses are embedded rigidly. No radiolucent NexGen LPS prosthesis, and six patients (6%) preferred the
lines or osteolysis are demonstrated around the tibial components in NexGen LPS-Flex prosthesis. Preference of one knee over
either knee, and no gross wear of the polyethylene tibial insert is visu- the other knee was determined by stiffness of one knee.
alized in either knee.
Radiographic Results
Of the 100 knees treated with the NexGen LPS-Flex prosthesis, There were no significant differences between the two groups with
seventy-one (71%) were not painful, twenty-eight (28%) were regard to the alignment of the knee, the position of the femoral
mildly painful, one (1%) was moderately painful, and none and tibial components in the coronal and sagittal planes, the
were severely painful. posterior slope of the tibial component, the joint line, or the
Fig. 2-B
Lateral radiographs showing the absence of radiolucent lines or osteolysis around the femoral, tibial, and patellar components in both knees.
H I G H -F L E X I O N T O TA L K N E E A R T H R O P L A S T Y :
V O L U M E 94-A N U M B E R 15 A U G U S T 1, 2 012
d d
amount of the tibial surface area covered by the implants (tibial was no evidence proving the superiority of the NexGen LPS-
capping). The alignment of the knee was a mean of 5.5° of Flex prosthesis over the NexGen LPS prosthesis. We believe that
valgus in the NexGen LPS group and 5.7° of valgus in the the excellent results of the NexGen LPS-Flex and NexGen LPS
NexGen LPS-Flex group. No knee in either group had tibial, prostheses are attributable to adequate support of the anterior
femoral, or patellar osteolysis (Table III). and posterior femoral condyles due to accurate bone cuts, rela-
tively good bone quality, and good cementing technique.
CT Evaluation There are inconsistencies regarding the reported differ-
The CT scans showed no significant difference in external ro- ences in the range of knee motion between patients with a high-
tation of the femoral or tibial components between the two flexion knee prosthesis and those with a conventional knee
designs. The CT scans showed no tibial, femoral, or patellar prosthesis. Several authors2,18,19 found that patients with a high-
osteolysis in either group. flexion knee prosthesis gained notably more knee motion than
those with a conventional knee prosthesis. However, others3,10
Complications did not find a difference in knee motion between the high-
The complication rate was low and was similar in the two groups. flexion and conventional knee components. In the current
One knee in each group exhibited deep infection. Both knees study, maximal flexion in the group with a NexGen LPS-Flex
were treated with open debridement, followed by intravenous component was similar to that in the group with a NexGen LPS
antibiotics for six weeks. There was no recurrence of infection in component. The NexGen LPS-Flex component did not dem-
the knee in the NexGen LPS group, but infection recurred in the onstrate its theoretical advantage of providing a better range
knee in the NexGen LPS-Flex group; that knee was subsequently of motion of the knee. Therefore, we believe that other factors
treated with a two-stage revision total knee arthroplasty. such as a good preoperative range of motion, flexion space bal-
ancing, posterior tibiofemoral articular contact stability, limb
Survivorship Analysis characteristics (long and slender versus short and thick), and the
Kaplan-Meier survivorship15 analysis, with revision defined as patient’s motivation may have affected the range of knee motion.
the end point, showed a 100% implant-survival rate for the All of the patients in both groups in the current study had an
NexGen LPS prosthesis (95% CI, 94 to 100) and a 99% rate for improvement in knee function as assessed with the Knee Society
the NexGen LPS-Flex prosthesis (95% CI, 93 to 100) at ten knee function score and the WOMAC score.
years postoperatively. With aseptic loosening as the end point, Several authors have suggested that the articulating surface
the survival rate was 100% (95% CI, 95 to 100) in both groups of the high-flexion femoral component is much more con-
at ten years postoperatively (Fig. 2). forming at a high flexion angle than is the conventional total knee
design4,6,20. Therefore, they suggested that the high-flexion total
Discussion knee designs decrease stress concentration on the polyethylene
Second, it is frequently difficult for a patient who has under- NexGen LPS-Flex prosthesis (particularly in patients with
gone bilateral total knee arthroplasty to distinguish the func- small bones) may affect femoral component fixation and may
tion of one knee from that of the other. Therefore, the be a concern should revision arthroplasty be necessary. n
WOMAC function scores should be interpreted with caution
because it is difficult for patients to attribute functional status
to a particular knee.
After a minimum duration of follow-up of ten years, we
found no significant differences between these two groups with Young-Hoo Kim, MD
regard to survivorship, functional outcome, knee motion, or Jang-Won Park, MD
prevalence of osteolysis. Although the present study does not Jun-Shik Kim, MD
The Joint Replacement Center,
clearly direct the surgeon toward either arm of treatment, we Ewha Womans University MokDong Hospital,
believe that the extra bone that was removed from the posterior 911-1, MokDong, YangChun-Ku,
femoral condyles and intercondylar notch to allow for the Seoul, South Korea 158-710.
thicker posterior femoral condyles and the femoral cam in the E-mail address for Y.-H. Kim: younghookim@ewha.ac.kr
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