Vineland 3

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Vineland-3™: The adaptive behavior assessment

you know and trust
Now giving the people in your care an even better chance at success

Accurately assessing a person’s adaptive behavior is crucial to get them the services needed to function
effectively in daily living. The updated Vineland-3 helps you more efficiently identify their strengths and
weaknesses with less room for error.
The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition (Vineland-3) is an individually-administered measure of
adaptive behavior that is widely used to assess individuals with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities.
The three administration formats help describe each client’s profile from a different and important point of view:
• The Interview Form (for ages 0–90+) uses the time-honored Vineland semistructured interview technique to
elicit information about the examinee’s adaptive functioning from a parent or caregiver.
• The Parent/Caregiver Form (for ages 0–90+) asks about home and family-life behavior using a questionnaire
format completed by a parent or caregiver.
• The Teacher Form (for ages 3–21 years) collects a teacher’s experiences with adaptive behavior in school,
preschool, or in a structured daycare setting.
Depending on the purpose of the evaluation, you may choose either a longer version (Comprehensive) or the
new, briefer one (Domain-level). Six new instruments are now available to help you collect the information you
need most.
Use Vineland-3 to measure the
adaptive behavior of individuals with: TM

• Intellectual and developmental disabilities

• Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)
• Traumatic brain injury
• Hearing impairment
• Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease

The domain and subdomain scores and overall test score are useful for diagnosis, qualification for
special programs, progress reporting, program and treatment planning, and research.

Preserving the best of Vineland-II

Listening to feedback from loyal users, these fundamental features remain unchanged in the Vineland-3:
• Same multiple-rater (Interview, Parent/Caregiver, and Teacher) formats
• Same normative age ranges as Vineland-II forms (ages 0-90+ for the Interview and Parent/Caregiver Forms,
ages 3-18 for the Teacher Form (age 18 norms used for ages 19-21)

The Vineland-3 also has the same domain and subdomain structure as the Vineland-II:

Domains Subdomains
Communication Expressive
Daily Living Skills Domestic
Interpersonal Relationships
Socialization Play and Leisure
Coping Skills
Motor Skills Fine Motor
(Optional) Gross Motor

Maladaptive Behavior

Significant Vineland-3 Enhancements

Updated item content and norms—Everyday life has changed. Advances in technology—and its
increased use—in addition to our evolving understanding of developmental disabilities—e.g., autism spectrum
disorders—are just two examples. Some Vineland–II items have been retained, but others have been revised,
and many new items have been added to Vineland-3 to make it relevant for the decisions you’ll make today.
New norms are available for all forms at all ages.

New briefer form options—When a simpler evaluation not requiring fine-grained results for intervention
planning is sufficient, the new Domain-Level versions (available in all three formats) can be administered in less time.
These forms provide reliable, valid domain scores only (no subdomain scores) for examinees ages 3+.
New online administration on Q-global®—Computer-based test administration
means fewer (or no) administration materials and less time spent scoring. Completing the

Vineland-3 on a mobile device makes it just as portable as questionnaire booklets. Digital

administration allows these advantages: Q-global ®

• Basal and ceiling rules for the Comprehensive Parent/Caregiver and Teacher Forms
The adaptive Vineland–3 online administration automatically selects the most developmentally appropriate
items for each respondent based on her or his previous responses. Basal and ceiling rules are applied
“behind the scenes” for Parent/Caregiver and Teacher Forms, eliminating any distractions from manual
tracking. (Note: This is a feature for only the Comprehensive Forms, not the new Domain-level Forms.)

• Suggested interview questions and item-specific probes for the Interview Form
Proficiency with the semi-structured interview technique requires training and experience. Suggested interview
questions and probes have been added to the Vineland–3 Interview Form to help inexperienced interviewers
conduct interviews more effectively and develop this skill more quickly.

Separate Interview and Parent/Caregiver Forms—Although the Vineland–3 Interview and

Parent/Caregiver Forms still cover the same adaptive behavior areas, the language used in the new
Parent/Caregiver Form has been simplified to roughly a fifth-grade reading level and is available in Spanish.

Changes to the Motor Skills Domain—In addition to item updates in the Vineland-3, the Motor Skills
domain is now optional and no longer required as part of the overall test score (the Adaptive Behavior Composite,
or ABC). The normative range has also been extended from 0-6 years in the Vineland-II to 0-9 years, allowing its
use when motor functioning is a concern for examinees through age 9.

Overview of the Vineland-3 Forms

Interview Parent/Caregiver Teacher

Comprehensive Domain-Level Comprehensive Domain-Level Comprehensive Domain-Level

Age Range Birth to 90+ 3 to 90+ Birth to 90+ 3 to 90+ 3 to 21 3 to 21

Core 9 subdomains --- 9 subdomains --- 9 subdomains ---

Adaptiv 3 domains 3 domains 3 domains 3 domains 3 domains 3 domains
e overall overall overall overall overall overall
r Scores
Based on 381 items 135 items 381 items 120 items 246 items 96 items
Optional Motor Skills (77) Motor Skills (25) Motor Skills (77) Motor Skills (25) Motor Skills (47) Motor Skills (20)
Domain Maladaptive Maladaptive Maladaptive Maladaptive Maladaptive Maladaptive
s (no. of Behavior (44) Behavior (35) Behavior (44) Behavior (35) Behavior (40) Behavior (33)

Total 502 195 502 180 333 149

aAdaptive Behavior Composite

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