DL Ict
DL Ict
DL Ict
Department of Education
Region XII
City Schools Division of Tacurong
Grino, Tacurong City
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate and understanding of concepts and underlying principles in performing computer operations
Let the students answer the riddle Let the student name the icon Show different kinds of
B. Establishing a purpose for the about computer hardware that the teacher will show storage devices to
lesson them. students.
C. Presenting examples/ Let the students identify the different Among the icons let them Let the students identify the
instances for the new lesson computer hardware that they know choose 1 to give description. different storage devices
Discuss the different computer Discuss the different types of Discuss what is storage
D. Discussing new concepts and hardware and their functions. computer software. devices.
practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and Let the students compare the different Identify the different
practicing new skills #2 computer hardware to human body storage devices
F. Developing mastery Identify what hardware is like parts of Identify and describe the Categorize different storage
(Leads to Formative human body according to their uses different type of computer devices into Primary and
Assessment) software Secondary storage
G. Finding practical applications Ask the students why is it important to Ask the students why is it Let the students explain
of concepts and skills in daily know the uses and function of different important to know the different how to store file on the
living. computer hardware. computer software application. different storage devices
H. Making Generalizations and The teacher will review the topic The teacher will review the Call a student to
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