Curriculum Vitae

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Iván Garcı́a-Kerdan

Contact 10 Princes Gardens +44 (0) 207 594 5424

Information South Kensington Campus,
London, SW7 1NA, UK

Research Energy systems modelling, land use modelling, optimisation, energy policy and planning,
Interests low-carbon and renewable technologies, thermodynamics, machine learning, data analysis

Education University College London

Energy Institute; Bartlett School of Energy, Environment and Resources (BSEER)
Ph.D., Energy and Engineering, Mar 2017
• Thesis Topic: Optimisation of building energy retrofit strategies using dynamic
exergy analysis and exergoeconomics
• Advisors: Paul Ruyssevelt, Prof. and Rokia Raslan, Ph.D

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

Engineering Faculty
M.Sc., Energy and Engineering, Dec 2011
• Thesis Topic: Benchmarking electricity end use indicators of commercial and
service buildings in different climatic regions of Mexico
• Advisor: David Morillón Gálvez, Ph.D
B.Eng., Mechatronics Engineering, Aug 2009
• Thesis Topic: Planning, development and start-up of a company dedicated to
home automation in Mexico and implementation of a novel technology in a
practical case
• Advisor: Victor Vázquez Huarota, Mr

Research Research Associate Nov 2016 to present

Experience Sustainable Gas Institute, Chemical Engineering,
Imperial College London
Supervisor: Adam D. Hawkes, Ph.D
• Co-developer of a novel global Integrated Assessment Model (energy and ecosystems)
• Developer of a multi-regional energy system model for Brazil (MUSE-Brazil)
• Coordination of research efforts with Brazilian institutions to maximize projects
impact. Newton Fund/NERC/FAPESP collaboration project: Understanding
the potential of biogas/biomethane in Brazil’s future energy system.

Research Assistant Jun 2010 to Mar 2011

Institute of Engineering,
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Supervisor: David Morillón Gálvez, Ph.D
• Research of non-domestic sector energy data (data cleaning and statistical analysis)
• Building performance simulation modeller

Teaching Teaching Assistant Sep 2014 to present

Experience Module: BENVGEEA - Advanced Building Simulation
Programme: MSc Environmental Design and Engineering with Dr Rokia Raslan
Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering,

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University College London

Teaching Assistant Aug 2010 – Aug 2011

Modules: Solar Design and HVAC systems
Programme: MEng Bioclimatic Design of Buildings with Dr David Morillón Gálvez
Engineering Institute,
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

Research Visits University of Melbourne, Australia Aug 2018 to Sep 2018

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Feb 2018 to March 2018
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil May 2017

Professional Energy Systems Engineer Mar 2011 to Aug 2012

Experience Company: Grupo Salinas SA de CV (México)
• Project design and development according to national guidelines, policies, and
international sustainability codes (LEED).
• Perform energy audits on the company’s commercial buildings.
• Technical studies on solar and wind energy projects in Latin America
• Development of internal sustainability policies

Building Automation Engineer Jun 2008 to Jun 2010

Company: Grupo Novei SA de CV (México)
• Building automation systems design.
• Project validation and implementation.

Refereed 1. Suarez de la Fuente, S., Larsen, U., Pawling, R., Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Greig,
Journal A., Bucknall, R. “Using the forward movement of a container ship navigating in
Publications theArctic to air-cool a marine organic Rankine cycle unit.” Energy, 159: 1046–
1059, 2018.
2. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P., Morillón Gálvez, D. “A comparison
of an energy/economic-based against an exergoeconomic-based multi-objective
optimisation for low carbon building energy design.” Energy, 128: 244–263, 2017.
3. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P., Vaiciulyte, S., Morillón Gálvez,
D. “Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analysis of a non-domestic Passivhaus
retrofit” Building and Environment, 117: 100–117, 2017.
4. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P., Morillón Gálvez, D. “The role
of an exergy-based building stock model for exploration of future decarbonisation
scenarios and policy making.” Energy Policy, 105: 467–483, 2017.
5. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P., Morillón Gálvez, D. “ExRET-
Opt: An automated exergy/exergoeconomic simulation framework for building
energy retrofit analysis and design optimisation.” Applied Energy, 192: 33–58,
6. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P., Morillón Gálvez, D. “An exergo-
economic-based parametric study to examine the effects of active and passive
energy retrofit strategies for buildings.” Energy and Buildings, 133: 155–171, 2016.
7. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P. “An exergy-based multi-objective
optimisation model for energy retrofit strategies in non-domestic buildings.” Energy,
117(2): 506–522, 2016.

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8. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Morillón Gálvez, D., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P. “Modelling
the energy and exergy utilisation of the Mexican non-domestic sector: A study by
climatic regions.” Energy Policy, 77: 191–206, 2015.

Journal Papers 1. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Giarola, S., Hawkes, A. “Modelling technological diffusion in
Under Revision the agricultural sector: Interactions and implications on land and energy systems”.
Submitted to Applied Energy (Elsevier)
2. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Skinner, E., Tuleu, M., Giarola, S., Hawkes, A. “Future
mechanisation adoption, energy demand and emissions of major agricultural crops:
A comparison of the United States and China”. Submitted to Energy (Elsevier)
3. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Morillón Gálvez, D., Sousa, G., Suarez de la Fuente, S.,
Silva, R. “Multi-objective thermodynamic optimisation of coastal social housing
considering the influence of the sea-land breeze”. Submitted to Applied Energy

Papers in
Conferences 1. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Giarola, S., Hawkes, A. “Projecting the future carbon
capture and sequestration potential from reforestation: A Brazil case study.”13th
Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems
(SDEWES2018), September 30th- October 5th, Palermo, Italy
2. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Giarola, S., Hawkes, A. “Implications of Future Natural Gas
Infrastructure on Bioenergy Production, Land Use Change and Related Emissions:
A Brazil Case Study.”1st Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development
of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems (LA.SDEWES2018), January 28th-
31st, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
3. Suarez de la Fuente, S., Larsen, U., Pawling, R., Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Greig,
A. “Using the forward movement of a container ship navigating in the Arctic to
air-cool a marine organic Rankine cycle unit.” IV International Seminar on ORC
Power Systems (ORC2017), September 13-15th 2017, Milano, Italy
4. Papasifaki, A., Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Ucci, M. “Multi Objective Optimisation
analysis of non-domestic building retrofit strategies in the UK, under climate
change uncertainty: A Passivhaus case study approach.” Proceedings of 6th Masters
Conference: People and Buildings, September 23th 2016. London, UK
5. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P. “An exergy-based simulation
stock model: A new approach for policy making.” IBPSA Building Simulation
Conference (BS2015), December 7-9th, 2015. Hyderabad, India
6. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P. “Parametric study and simulation-
based exergy optimization for energy retrofits in buildings.” 28th International
Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact
of Energy Systems (ECOS2015), June 30th-3rd July, 2015, Pau, France
7. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P. “Dynamic exergy simulation
coupled with thermoeconomic analysis to support retrofit decisions in non-domestic
buildings.” The 9th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings
(SSB2014), December 10th-12th, 2014. Liege, Belgium
8. Garcı́a Kerdan, I., Raslan, R., Ruyssevelt, P. “An exergy-based simulation tool
for retrofit analysis in school buildings.” Building Simulation and Optimization
(BSO2014), June 23-24th, 2014, London, UK

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1. Morillón Gálvez, D., Escobedo, A., Garcı́a Kerdan, I. “Retos y oportunidades
para la sustentabilidad energética en edificios de México: Consumo y uso final de
energı́a en edificios residenciales, comerciales y de servicio [Transl. Challenges and
oportunities for energy sustainability in Mexican buildings: Energy Consumption
and end-use in domestic, commercial, and service buildings.],” Serie de Investigación
y Desarrollo, Instituto de Ingenierı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
México, 2015

Awards Grants
• CONACYT-UCL Graduate Fellowship (£90,240) Aug 2012
Awarded by the Mexican Council of Research and University College London.
• CONACYT National Master Scholarship (£13,500) Aug 2009
Awarded by the Mexican Council of Research.

Travel Awards
• Bartlett Conference fund Dec 2015
• Bartlett Conference fund Jun 2015

Presentations Canada Gas & LNG Conference, Vancouver, Canada May 2018
RCGI + SGI Joint Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil Sep 2017

Evidence of Reviewer in Journals Sep 2016 – Present

ESTEEM Elsevier Applied Energy
Elsevier Applied Thermal Engineering
Elsevier Journal of Cleaner Production
Elsevier Energy and Buildings
Elsevier Energy Conversion and Management
Elsevier Energy Policy
Springer Energy Efficiency
Springer Building Simulation
MDPI Energies
MDPI Entropy
MDPI Sustainability

Other Skills Hardware and Software Skills

Energy Systems Models: VEDA-TIMES, MUSE
Building Energy Design: EnergyPlus, TRNSYS, IES-VE
Programming and Statistics: Python, MatLab, R, C
Mechanical Design: AutoCAD, Solid Edge, Unigraphics
Electronic Design: PROTEL, PROTEUS, LabView
Other: Office, LaTex

Language skills
English: Advanced
German: Intermediate
Russian and Spanish: Mother tongues

References Adam D. Hawkes, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer in Energy Systems, Phone: +44 (0) 20 7594 9300
Director, Sustainable Gas Institute E-mail:
Imperial College London

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Rokia Raslan, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer in Building Performance Simulation, Phone: +44 (0) 20 3108 5972
Vice Dean for Innovation and Enterprise E-mail:
Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment,
University College London
Paul Ruyssevelt, Ph.D.
Professor of Energy & Building Performance Phone: +44 (0) 20 7679 9062
Director of Enterprise, UCL Energy Institute, E-mail:
Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment,
University College London

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