AEDG Vol3Iss4-online
AEDG Vol3Iss4-online
AEDG Vol3Iss4-online
Official Publication
Editor’s Desk; COP 26-Glasgow Climate Summit: The Sticking Points
7 CHP-Gas Turbine
12 CHP-Steam Turbine
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Association of Energy Engineers | 3168 Mercer University Drive | Atlanta, Georgia 30341 | (770) 447-5083
Volume 3, No. 4 5
Editor’s Desk
PAYING THE BILL—Money has long been a sticking point in the fight
against climate change, and it was no different in Glasgow. Developing
countries are being urged to accelerate their shift away from coal and other
fossil fuels, but they say that they lack the financial resources to do so,
and that rich countries have been stingy with aid. The world’s wealthiest
economies have pledged to do more, but are still falling short of their
Gas Turbines
Gas turbines are available in sizes ranging from approxi-
mately one to more than 300 megawatts (MW) and are used
to meet diverse power needs, including propulsion (e.g.,
aircraft, ships, and trains), direct drive (e.g., pumps and com-
pressors) and stationary electricity generation. For electric-
ity generation, gas turbines are available in a wide range of
capacities and configurations, ranging from relatively small
microturbines (described in a separate fact sheet1) to very
large turbines used for central station power generation.
For CHP applications, gas turbines typically have favorable
economics in sizes greater than five MW. Gas turbines are
well suited for industrial and institutional CHP applications
because the high temperature gas turbine exhaust can either
be used to generate high pressure steam or used directly for
heating or drying. Table 1 provides a summary of gas turbine
Gas turbine CHP installation at a university.
attributes. Photo courtesy of Solar Turbines
1 U.S. Department of Energy, Combined Heat and Power Technology Fact Sheet Series –
Microturbines, 2016.
2 U.S. DOE Combined Heat and Power Installation Database, data compiled through
December 31, 2015.
3 Combined cycle CHP systems use some of the thermal energy from a gas turbine to
produce additional electricity with a steam turbine.
Technology Description
Gas turbines are constant pressure
open cycle heat engines that are
characterized by the Brayton thermo-
dynamic cycle. Primary gas turbine
hardware subsystems include a com-
pressor, a combustion chamber, and an
expansion turbine. Figure 1 shows an
industrial gas turbine configured for
CHP. The CHP arrangement includes
a gas turbine that drives an electric
generator with exhaust heat used to
produce steam in a heat recovery
steam generator (HRSG).
Figure 2. Components in a simple cycle gas turbine. Capital and O&M Costs
Graphic credit ICF International. A gas turbine CHP plant has many interrelated subsystems. The
basic package includes a gas turbine, gearbox, electric generator,
inlet air and exhaust ducting, inlet air filtration, starting system,
and an exhaust silencer. The basic package does not include extra
10 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
equipment such as
a natural gas fuel Table 2. Gas Turbine Performance Characteristics
compressor, heat System
recovery system, Description
water treatment 1 2 3 4 5 6
system, or an
emission control Nominal Electric Power (kW) 3,515 4,600 7,965 11,350 21,745 43,069
system (e.g.,
Net Electric Power (kW)4 3,304 4,324 7,487 10,669 20,440 40,485
selective catalytic
reduction and con- Fuel Input (MMBtu/hr, HHV)5 47.5 59.1 87.6 130.0 210.8 389.0
tinuous emission
monitoring). Useful Thermal (MMBtu/hr) 19.6 25.2 36.3 52.2 77.4 133.8
Installed Power to Heat Ratio6 0.58 0.58 0.70 0.70 0.90 1.03
capital costs vary
significantly Electric Efficiency (%, HHV) 23.7% 25.0% 29.2% 28.0% 33.1% 35.5%
depending on
Thermal Efficiency (%, HHV)7 41.1% 42.7% 41.4% 40.2% 36.7% 34.4%
the scope of the
plant equipment, Overall Efficiency (%, HHV) 64.9% 67.6% 70.6% 68.2% 69.8% 69.9%
area, competitive Note: Performance characteristics are average values and are not intended to represent a specific product.
market conditions,
special site requirements, emissions control requirements, and prevailing labor rates. Table 3 shows estimated capital costs for six
representative gas turbine CHP systems used in typical applications. As indicated, there are economies of scale, with installed costs
declining from $3,320/kW for a 3.3 MW system to $1,276/kW for a 40 MW system. Routine maintenance practices include online
running maintenance, predictive maintenance, plotting trends, performance testing, vibration analysis, and preventive maintenance
procedures. Typically, routine inspections are required every 4,000 hours to ensure that the turbine is free of excessive vibration due
Net Electric Power (kW) 3,304 4,324 7,487 10,669 20,440 40,485
Construction and Installation ($/kW) $1,305 $1,072 $753 $698 $562 $503
Total Installed Cost ($/kW) $3,320 $2,817 $2,017 $1,798 $1,474 $1,276
Note: Costs are average values and are not intended to represent a specific product.
nance costs can vary significantly depending on the quality and 6 Power to heat ratio is the electric power output divided by the useful thermal output.
The quantities are expressed in equivalent units, and the ratio is unit-less.
diligence of the preventative maintenance program and operating
7 Thermal energy is based on generating 150 psig saturated steam, with 7% of steam
conditions. production bypassed to deaerator (i.e., 93% of total steam available for process).
Volume 3, No. 4 11
Steam Turbines
Steam turbines are a mature technology and have been
used since the 1880s for electricity production. Most of the
electricity generated in the United States is produced by
steam turbines integrated in central station power plants.
In addition to central station power, steam turbines are also
commonly used for combined heat and power (CHP) instal-
lations (see Table 1 for summary of CHP attributes).
Based on data from the CHP Installation Database,1 there are
699 sites in the United States that are using steam turbines for
CHP operation. These steam turbine CHP installations have an
average capacity of 37 MW and a combined capacity of 26 GW,
representing 32% of the installed CHP capacity in the United
Steam turbine CHP installation at an industrial facility in New York.
States.2 The majority of these CHP steam turbines are used at Photo courtesy of Recycled Energy Development
industrial plants (e.g., paper, chemicals, and food), commercial
buildings with high thermal loads
(e.g., hospitals), and district
heating sites (e.g., universities).
Steam turbines are well suited to
Table 1. Summary of Steam Turbine Attributes for CHP
medium- and large-scale indus- Size range Steam turbines are available in sizes from under 100 kW to over 250 MW.
trial and institional applications
where inexpensive fuels such as Thermal output CHP configurations use backpressure or extraction steam turbines to
coal, biomass, solid wastes and generate power and thermal energy. Backpressure steam turbines
byproducts (e.g., wood chips), produce low pressure steam while extraction turbines deliver both low
refinery residual oil, and refinery pressure and medium pressure steam.
off gases are available.
Part-load Steam turbines have relatively good part-load performance, but
operation efficiency does decline as power output is reduced.
Description Fuel Boilers are commonly used to generate steam required for steam
A steam turbine is driven with turbines, and boilers can utilize a wide range of fuels, including natural
high pressure steam produced by gas, oil, coal, and biomass. For CHP applications, steam turbines are
a boiler or heat recovery steam often implemented when there is access to a low cost opportunity fuel
generator (HRSG). Unlike gas that can be combusted in a boiler to generate steam.
turbines or microturbines, steam
turbines do not directly consume Reliability Steam turbines are a mature technology with excellent durability and
fuel. Rather, the fuel driving the reliability.
process is the fired boiler or plant
Other Steam turbines are typically designed to deliver relatively large
equipment that produces heat for
amounts of thermal energy with electricity generated as a byproduct
the HRSG (e.g., a gas turbine).
of heat generation. Overall CHP efficiencies can reach or exceed 80%.
1 U.S. DOE Combined Heat and Power Installation Database, data compiled through
December 31, 2015.
2 These statistics only include steam turbines integrated with boilers. The statistics do
not include steam turbines driven by steam produced from heat recovery steam genera-
tors used in combined cycle CHP systems.
Performance Characteristics
Table 2 shows performance characteristics for three representative
backpressure steam turbines used in CHP applications with electric
power capacities of 500 kW, 3 MW, and 15 MW. As indicated,
all three systems have overall efficiencies near 80%3 and power
to heat ratios of 0.1 or lower. High overall efficiencies and low
power to heat ratios are common characteristics for steam turbines
configured for CHP applications.
Table 3 shows capital costs and opera- Electric Efficiency (%, HHV) 6.3% 4.9% 7.3%
tion and maintenance (O&M) costs for
Thermal Efficiency (%, HHV) 73.3% 74.8% 72.4%
three representative backpressure steam
turbines. As indicated, installed costs Overall Efficiency (%, HHV) 79.6% 79.7% 79.7%
for the turbine/generator range from
approximately $670/kW to $1,140/kW, Note: Performance characteristics are average values and are not intended to represent
with costs on a per kW basis declining a specific product.
as capacity increases. The
turbine/generator costs in
Table 3 include the steam Table 3. Steam Turbine Capital and O&M Costs
turbine, generator, and System
generator control system. Description
The costs do not include 1 2 3
the boiler, steam loop, and
controls. Net Electric Power (kW) 500 3,000 15,000
Non-fuel O&M costs range Steam Turbine and Generator ($/kW) $668 $401 $392
from 0.6 to 1.0 ¢/kWh for the
Installation and Balance of Plant ($/kW, not $468 $281 $274
three steam turbines shown
including boiler and steam system)6
in Table 3. Similar to capital
costs, there are economies Total Installed Cost ($/kW) $1,136 $682 $666
of scale, and the O&M costs
decline on a per kWh basis O&M (¢/kWh, steam turbine and generator) 1.0 0.9 0.6
as the steam turbine capacity
increases. The O&M costs
shown in Table 3 are for
the steam turbine/generator subsystem and do not include O&M 4 Manufacturers often express fuel input and efficiency values based on the lower heat-
expenses for the boiler and steam loop. ing value (LHV) of the fuel. All quantities in this fact sheet are expressed based on
higher heating value (HHV) unless noted otherwise. For natural gas, the ratio of LHV
to HHV is approximately 0.9.
5 Power to heat ratio is the electric power output divided by the useful thermal output.
The quantities are expressed in equivalent units, and the ratio is unit-less.
6 Installation and BOP costs estimated at 70% of the turbine/generator capital cost.
16 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
can help supply the electrical demand of city and industries. It also can
provide a safer and healthier way to deal with hospital waste. In this
second part, we evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of a
combined hydrogen and electrical power production plan from HSW in
HSW Hospital Solid Waste
PEM Proton Exchange Membrane (proton exchange membrane)
WPME Weifang Haitai Power Machine Company
Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen can be obtained from syngas, which should be previously
scrubbed to get rid or particles, tars, and organic impurities. The syngas
also needs conditioning through reforming and water-gas shifting
[20-21]. Such processes facilitate the next purification process, which
obtains and separates pure hydrogen through membranes. Membrane
technology allows the same equipment (reactor) to perform both
reaction (extraction) and separation (purification) of hydrogen. There
are several types of membranes used in hydrogen purification: polymeric
membranes, porous membranes, dense metallic membranes and proton
exchange membranes [21-23].
Electricity Generation
The power plant included in the proposed system (combined
production of hydrogen and power) utilizes Proton Exchange Membrane
(PEM) fuel cells [24], which utilize hydrogen from the gasification and
purification process [14]. It has been shown that such a power plant can
be economically operated for capacities 1 MWe and higher [14].
• Enough raw material (HSW and other refuse) shall be available all
the time to assure syngas production continuously.
Electric Demand
Figure 2 shows the 500-bed hospital demand profile for a year (June
2016-May 2017), with total annual electric consumption of 3,239,496
kWh, from which 531,720 kW/yr are consumed during peak hours. This
electricity is currently supplied by the local utility grid.
Figure 3: Integrated hydrogen and power system for a 500-bed hospital using HSW.
Volume 3, No. 4 25
These savings include avoided costs from eliminating the need to pay for transport, treatment
and disposal of HSW (external tipping and bio-hazard treatment fees) that would result from
implementing the evaluated combined hydrogen and power plant.
Analysis of Results
If there were enough HSW (over 15,500 MT/year) and the utility
would buy back excess power, operating the MWe plant with a capacity
factor of 100% (Option C) would improve the project economics: (i)
by reducing Option A payback from ≈ 10 years to 7 years, and (ii) the
profitability would improve from Option A IRR ≈ 3 % to Option C IRR
≈ 10 %. Increased power sales revenues of 5,521 MWh/year amounting
to 425,078 USD/yr would make this possible.
Volume 3, No. 4 27
Environmental Considerations
A distributed generation network using fuel cells fed with
hydrogen, resulting from solid waste gasification would contribute to
mitigate the environmental impact of both solid waste disposal and
conventional power generation with fossil fuels. [37-39].
Utilizing solid waste from the city of Lima (9,080 MT/day
[40]), in a combined hydrogen and electricity plant, could generate
1,869 GWh/year (using Table 2 yields). Such production could
serve 10% of electric consumption in the Lima Region [41]. In such
hypothetical case, solid municipal waste represents a significant
potential for power supply and a more rational way to deal with solid
waste disposal.
28 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
We thank OMPECO, Italy, for their technical data and bibliographic
support during the development of this study.
[1] Ministerio del Ambiente, «Sexto informe Nacional de Residuos Sólidos de la Gestión del
Ámbito Municipal y No Municipal 2013,» 12 2014. [En línea]. Available: http://redrrss. [Último acceso: 24 03 2017].
[2] N. Abas, A. Kalair y N. Khan, «Review of fossil fuels and future energy technologies,»
Futures, vol. 69, pp. 31-49, May 2015.
[3] MINSA, «“Plan nacional de gestión de residuos sólidos en establecimientos de salud y
servicios médicos de apoyo 2010-2012,”» 2012.
[4] H.-C. Liu, J.-X. You, C. Lu y Y.-Z. Chen, «Evaluating health-care waste treatment
technologies using a hybrid multi-criteria decision making model,» Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 41, pp. 932-942, 2015.
[ 5] J. I. Blenkharm, «Clinical Waste Management,» Encyclopedia of ENvironmental Health,
pp. 716-731, 2011.
[6] Ministerio de Salud, «Ministerio de Salud del Perú,» [En línea]. Available: http://www.
[7] W. Berrocal Rodríguez, «Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la instalación de una planta
de tratamiento de residuos sólidos hospitalarios bio-contaminados y especiales en la
provincia de Lima,» 2011. [En línea]. Available:
[8] CDPH—California Department of Public Health, «Alternative Medical Waste
Treatment Technologies,» Setiembre 2016. [En línea]. Available: https://archive.cdph. [Último
acceso: 30 Junio 2017].
Volume 3, No. 4 29
[9] Health Care Without Harm, «Non-Incineration Medical Waste Treatment Technologies:
A Resource for Hospital Administrators, Facility Managers, Health Care Professionals,
Environmental Advocates, and Community Members,» Agosto 2001. [En línea].
[10] United Nations Environment Programme, «Compendium of Technologies for
Treatment/Destruction of Healthcare Waste,» 2012. [En línea]. Available: https://www.
[11] R. Stringer, «Alternative Health-Care Waste Treatment Technologies,» 2014. [En
línea]. Available:
[12] United Nations Development Programme, «Compilation of Steam-based Treatment
Technology Vendors,» [En línea]. Available:
[13] World Health Organization, «Safe management of wastes from health-care activities,»
2014. [En línea]. Available:
management_of_wastes_from_healthcare_activities.pdf ?ua=1.
[14] J. Ramos-Saravia, P. Muñoz, C. Ames, A. Sancho, E. Gonzales, F. Valencia y C. Zavala,
«Microsistema energético de respaldo para hospitales basado en pilas de cobustible
accionadas con biohidrógeno a partir de bagazo de caña de azucar,» de XXVIII
Congreso Interamericano de Ingeniería Química, Cusco, 2016.
[15] OMPECO, OMPECO, comercial offer, Vinovo-Italia, 2013.
[16] M. Hossain y P. Charpentier, «Hydrogen production by gasificarion of biomass and
opportunity fuels,» de Compendium of Hydrogen Energy, Hydrogen Production and
Purification, Woodhead Publishing, 2015, pp. 137-175.
[17] E4tech, «Review of technology for the gasificarion of biomass and wastes. Final
report.,» Junio 2009. [En línea]. Available:
uploads/2016/01/gasification2009.pdf. [Último acceso: 15 Setiembre 2016].
[18] C. Vargas, «Estudio comparativo de la utilización de las tecnologías de gasificación
Downdraft y lecho fluidizado burbujeante para la generación de energía eléctrica en
aplicaciones de baja potencia,» 2012.
[19] A. Bridgwater, «Renewable fuels and chemicals by thermal processing of biomass,»
Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 91, pp. 87-102, 2003.
[20] Y. Richardson, M. Drobek, A. Julbe y F. Pinta, «Biomass Gasification to Produce
Syngas.,» de Recent Advances in Thermo-Chemical Conversion of Biomass, Elsevier,
2015, pp. 213-245.
[21] E. Ruiz y J. Sánchez, «Purificación y acondicionamiento del gas de gasificación de
biomasa,» España, 2014.
[22] P. Bernardo y J. Jansen, «Polymeric membranes for the purification of hydrogen,» de
Compendium of Hydrogen Energy, Hydrogen Production and Purification, Woodhead
Publishing, 2015, pp. 419-443.
[23] F. Gallucia, E. Ekain Fernandez, P. Corengia y M. van Sint Annaland, «Recent advances
on membranes and membrane reactors for hydrogen production,» Chemical Engineering
Science, vol. 92, pp. 40-66, 2013.
[24] J. Ramos, A. Inga, S. Quesnel, H. Álvarez, C. Nuñez, O. Morante, J. Calderón, Y.
Carhuaricra, E. Grandy, G. Fuentes, C. Gonzales y B. Oyague, «Plantas de producción
combinada de hidrógeno y electricidad a partir de residuos sólidos hospitalarios no
peligrosos. Parte I: Tecnología..”
[25] P. Basu, Combustion and gasification in fluidized beds, USA: CRC Press, 2006.
30 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
José Ramos Saravia, corresponding author, holds a doctorate
in Advanced Thermal Engineering and Energy Optimization from
University of Zaragoza (Spain). He is a Mechanical Engineer graduated
from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria (UNI), Peru. Dr. Ramos is an
Associate Editor of the Alternative Energy & Distributed Generation
Journal of the Association of Energy Engineers, Atlanta, GA, USA.
His research interest are: Process energy integration, polygeneration
systems (cogeneration and trigeneration), combined cycel plants, refuse
gasification, and Waste-To-Energy plants. Currently, he is a professor in
the Department of Energy Engineering at Universidad de Ingeniería y
Tecnología—UTEC. He was awarded the First Prize of the engineering
contest XVIII CONIMERA (2009).
A Aspect ratio (H/L)
Cp Specific heat
g Acceleration due to gravity
Gr Grashoff number (Ra = Gr Pr)
Tc Cold wall temperature
h Heat transfer coefficient
H Height of cavity (height of vertical walls)
K Thermal conductivity
L Width of cavity (spacing between vertical walls)
Nu Nusselt number
Ra Rayleigh number
T Temperature
Th Hot wall temperature
Tc Cold wall temperature
x,y Cartesian coordinates
β Compressibility factor
θ Inclination from horizontal direction
μ Viscosity of fluid
ν Kinematic viscosity of fluid
tor and it is transparent which allows light rays to pass through it and
there by slowing the rate of temperature exchange between the outdoor
and the indoor. By using fiberglass instead of wooden frames the rate of
temperature exchange can be reduced. A wooden frame allows the air
to escape through leakage, thus reducing the temperature difference. By
using both multi-pane windows and fiberglass frames the energy wastage
can be reduced.
1. In the present work the Nusselt number is computed for different
aspect ratios varying from 10 to 40 for vertical air cavity.
2. The details of flow features are studied with the help of stream func-
tion. Temperature distribution is studied to understand the heat
transfer trends in vertical air cavity with Side Wall Heating.
When two glass frames separated by an air cavity are exposed to the
surrounding, different modes of heat transfer take place, i.e. conduction,
convection, radiation.
In the present work only the 2-D natural convection,, taking place
inside a double pane window, is considered and the effect of conduction
and radiation is neglected. Our problem deals with double pane window
when the cavity is filled with air as a working fluid. In this problem side
walls are maintained at different temperatures (Th > Tc) while the other
walls are insulated from the surroundings as shown in Figure 2.
In Figure 2, H is the height of the double pane window and L is
length of the cavity along which the heat transfer takes place. Th is the
hot-wall temperature and Tc is the cold-wall temperature and the upper
38 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
Boundary Conditions
Side wall 1: Higher temperature T = Th (308 K)
Side wall 2: lower temperature T = Tc (303K)
Top and bottom walls: Zero heat flux (adiabatic walls) q=0
ad page
Volume 3, No. 4 41
Mesh Generation
After creating the geometry, it is required to discretize the flow
domain into smaller non-overlapping cells. This is called meshing of the
flow domain. As geometry is simple structured grid is used and option
as “MAP” and element option as “QUARD.” The next step in mesh-
ing process is identification of different boundaries. The boundary faces
on which the boundary conditions are satisfied are “face zone” and the
domain in which flow take place is “cell zone.”
Table 1. Grid size of double pane window for different aspect ratio
Boundary Condition
In double pane window side walls are maintained at a different tem-
perature and top wall and bottom wall are adiabatic which is shown in
Table 3.
Convergence Criteria
The convergence criteria are set 10-3 for continuity, x-momentum,
y-momentum and 10-4 for energy equation. The convergence history of
A=10 is shown in Figure 4, indicates that all residues have decreased in
order of 3 to 4 by magnitude. The result indicates good convergence of
the solution.
Post Processing
After convergence of solution, the flow pattern is visualized with help
of contours of stream function, vectors of velocity, temperature contours
and many other plots. In the present work average Nusselt number is
obtained which is the most important parameter in natural convection
heat transfer.
tions seems to be quite high but the heat transfer correlations are only best
possible curve-fit to large amount of experimental or numerical data.
Stream Function Plots for Different Aspect Ratios
The flow features of air inside double pane window is visualized
using stream function plot for different aspect ratio varying from 10 to 40
shown in Figures 6 to 9. It is observed that for all aspect ratio circulation
of air takes place from upward to downward. This circulation pattern
exists due to density difference between hot wall and cold wall which is
caused due to temperature differences. It is observed that flow is unicel-
lular for A=10 and multi-cellular for A=15 to 40.
Volume 3, No. 4 47
i.e., Nu=fRa, A,
Nu=c Ra0.25Aβ1
Nu = C Αβ1 (Eq 1)
Where C= c (Ra)0.25
Nu=0.31(Ra)0.25 (A)-0.246
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62 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
• Renewable Electricity for Public Transport (Electric Vehicles)
• Government Commitment
We discuss the interplay of these factors next.
Figure 2. Totals may not add up due to rounding. Source: REN21. Based on
IEA data. The renewable share in transport has grown only 1% over the past
decade. See endnote 6.
procuring renewables for their own traction needs in daily mobility oper-
ations, alongside scaling up local renewable power generation for office
buildings, stations and depots. Multiple renewable energy sources can be
used by both road and rail-based public transport and should be chosen
according to the local context, resources and operating conditions. There
are a variety of tools and technologies available, offering complementar-
ity, and each has an important part to play in the transition to truly zero-
emission public transport.13 The four main types of renewable energy
for public transport are: (1) gaseous or liquid biofuels, (2) the direct use
of renewable electricity, (3) renewable electricity-based hydrogen and (4)
renewable electricity-based synthetic fuels.14
Biofuels in Transport
Biofuels currently make the largest renewable contribution to the
transport sector. Renewable fuels such as biogas and biodiesel (provided
they are transformed and processed before use), either in combination
with energy efficient combustion engines or used alongside electricity in
hybrid engines, can help to reduce the total well-to-wheel carbon emis-
sions of a public transport vehicle by up to 90% compared with fossil
fuels.15 As these renewable fuels can be derived from organic material
such as agricultural waste, they can also play a wider role in supporting
circular economy models of energy sourcing across the entire fuel value
chain, from production to tailpipe (See case study in Abidjan in next sec-
tion. It is important that biofuels are produced sustainably. Sustainable
biofuel production is discussed next.
have used different types of targets, policies and actions to show their
renewable energy ambition: more than 1 billion people—around 25%
of the urban population—lived in a city with either a renewable energy
target and/or policy in 2020.25 City governments have made strides to
decarbonize their public transport fleets and mobility infrastructure, in
addition to promoting active modes of transport, and expanding pub-
lic transport fleets and services. To support decarbonization, more than
330 city governments have used their policy-setting abilities, in par-
ticular to advance EVs city-wide. This includes mandates to install EV
charging points in new buildings, as well as fiscal and financial incen-
tives—including grants, tax rebates and tax exemptions. In addition,
cities have undertaken efforts to establish low-emission zones and bans
and/or restrictions on the circulation of certain types of vehicles in their
jurisdictions. Although some cities have continued to support the use
of biofuels in fleets, urban policies and procurement have increasingly
focused on the electrification of transport. However, only a few cities
have taken e-mobility as an opportunity to specifically increase the share
of renewables in the sector. Opportunities to do this include direct invest-
ment in new renewable electricity capacity via power purchase agree-
ments and/or by setting obligations or requirements for procurement.
For example, a few cities require the use of renewables to charge electric
buses: in 2019, São Paulo (Brazil) integrated 15 electric buses into its
fleet that must be charged using solar power, while new electric buses in
Portland (Oregon, US) will be 100% wind-powered as part of the city’s
aim for a non-diesel fleet by 2040.26
improve air pollution exist. There is no single solution that will work in
every locality. Adapting to the physical environment, local policy and
governance capacity, citizen needs, and financing/funding sources are all
fundamental to the success of any public transport plan.
Leverage Public Transport’s Purchasing Power and Develop New Business Models
While the public transport sector cannot alone influence the national
Volume 3, No. 4 75
energy mix, its large purchasing power does mean that it can leverage
this influence to increase the level of local renewable power generation.
This can help to lock in prices and achieve emissions reductions at lower
costs. Developing smart charging systems could also bring added financial
value to the public transport sector. The sector is also typically a major
land and building owner, so it can use its infrastructure and purchasing
power to drive the demand for renewables in a city (See Case Study Del-
hi). Agreements such as renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs)
have proven to be successful, as well as the leasing of assets (e.g., station
and depot roof space) to companies interested in generating renewable
power for the sector. These arrangements are increasingly common and
can reduce exposure to changes in the wholesale energy market. This
adds cost certainty and long-term cost savings can be achieved, while
also helping meet climate change targets through developing new renew-
able power generation projects.29 New sources of revenue and financing
should be explored to support a broad range of integrated public trans-
port and renewable energy projects. Given the significant size of new
public transport infrastructure projects, they lay the foundation for inte-
grating renewable energy into other modes of transport, such as private
EVs, taxis, car sharing/pooling or electric micro-mobility options. Their
immense scale even offers the opportunity to provide a source of renew-
able power to residential and commercial buildings. This can also create
new sources of revenue streams for the sector, but implementing such
schemes requires the coordination of different sectors and new actors
as well as possibly new sources of finance. National coordination bodies
should therefore be established to make this possible. Finally, new inno-
vative financing mechanisms such as Green Bonds should be explored as
they are a powerful but underutilized tool at the local level.30
1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate change widespread, rapid, and
intensifying (Geneva, Switzerland October 2021)
uploads/2021/08/IPCC_ WGI-AR6-Press-Release_en.pdfernmental Panel on Cli-
mate Change, Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying (Geneva, Switzer-
land October 2021) WGI-
2. UN Climate Change, “Climate Commitments Not On Track to Meet Paris Agree-
ment Goals” as NDC Synthesis Report is Published, (February 2021) https://unfccc.
3. The International Association of Public Transport, UITP Declaration on Climate
Leadership an Update on Implementation 2020 (August 2020)
4. International Transport Forum, How Transport CO2 Reduction Pledges Fall Short,
(November 2018) reduction-pledges
5. International Transport Forum, ITF Transport Outlook 2021 (May 2021), https://
6. REN21 (2021). Renewables 2021 Global Status Report, 7
REN21 (2021).
7. Renewables in Cities 2021 Global Status Report (Paris: REN21 Secretariat), www.
78 Alternative Energy and Distributed Generation Journal
Volume 3 | Issue 1 | 2021
Official Publication