Immunity and Evolution
Immunity and Evolution
Immunity and Evolution
he ongoing battle between change; dN) often greatly exceed because the luxury of adaptive
hosts and pathogens has long those of synonymous substitution per immunity is not available to most
been of interest to evolutionary site (silent change; dS), as expected if organisms, having probably evolved
biologists. Because hosts and pathogens most mutations are fixed because they along with the vertebrates (Bartl et al.
act as environments for each other, increase fitness (Figure 1). 1994), whereas the more widespread
their intertwined struggle for At the host level, most studies of the innate immune system is often depicted
existence is both continual and rapid. selection pressures acting on immune as a primitive characteristic.
At the molecular level, this cycle of system genes have concentrated on
environmental change and evolutionary genes implicated in the adaptive Molecular Evolution of the Innate
response means that mutations are immune response against microbial Immune System
continually being tried out by natural pathogens, particularly those producing The genes involved in innate
selection. It is therefore little wonder antibodies (Sitnikova and Nei 1998; immunity have recently come under
that the host and pathogen genes Sumiyama et al. 2002), or genes the molecular evolutionists’ gaze. One
that control infection and immunity encoding reconnaissance molecules important group are the defensins,
frequently show high levels of genetic known as the major histocompatibility a large class of short antimicrobial
diversity and present some of the best complex (MHC), which control the peptides that constitute an effective
examples of positive selection (adaptive action of T-cells (Hughes and Nei immune response team in organisms as
evolution) reported to date (Yang 1988; Yeager and Hughes 1999) (Box diverse as plants and primates (Boman
and Bielawski 2000). In particular, 1). As its name suggests, the role of 1995). Because defensins are cationic
rates of nonsynonymous substitution the adaptive immune response is to (positively charged), they are able
per site (resulting in an amino acid stimulate and ‘memorise’ immunity to to interact with negatively charged
specific pathogens. molecules on the surface of microbes
As microbial and permeate their membranes.
pathogens such as Sequence analyses of defensins and
viruses are both similar antimicrobial peptides have
abundant and revealed the telltale signatures of
rapidly evolving, positive selection, with dN greater than
positive selection dS in many comparisons (Hughes
on components 1999; Duda et al. 2002; Maxwell et
of the adaptive al. 2003). Other genes of the innate
immune response immune system also seem to be subject
is often very strong to powerful positive selection. One
(Yeager and dramatic example described in this
Hughes 1999). issue of PLoS Biology is the APOBEC3G
Far less attention gene of primates (Sawyer et al. 2004).
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020307.g001 has been directed This case is especially striking because
Figure 1. Measuring Selection Pressures by Comparing the Ratio of toward the less rather than killing pathogens through
Nonsynonymous to Synonymous Substitutions Per Site specific innate protein or cellular interactions, like
(A) Classification of substitutions. Nonsynonymous substitutions (‘nonadaptive’) most immune genes, APOBEC3G works
(red) are those that change the amino acid sequence of the immune response,
protein encoded by the gene, while the degeneracy of the genetic
code ensures that synonymous substitutions (yellow) result in the even though this Citation: Holmes EC (2004) Adaptation and immunity.
same amino acid sequence. response requires PLoS Biol 2(9): e307.
(B) Calculation of dN/dS. By assuming that synonymous a wide array of
mutations are neutral and fixed by random genetic drift, genes and acts as Copyright: © 2004 Eddie C. Holmes. This is an
it is possible to determine the mode of selection acting on open-access article distributed under the terms of
nonsynonymous mutations. If all nonsynonymous substitutions the front line of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
immune defence permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduc-
were neutral, then their rate of occurrence per site (dN) would tion in any medium, provided the original work is
be the same as that of synonymous substitutions per site (dS), (Box 1). Would properly cited.
so that dN/dS equals one. A lower ratio of nonsynonymous to we expect the
synonymous substitutions per site (dN/dS < 1) means that some same strength of Abbreviations: C, cytosine; dN, rate of nonsynonymous
proportion of the nonsynonymous mutations are deleterious and substitution per site; dS, rate of synonymous substitu-
removed by purifying selection. Conversely, positive selection positive selection tion per site; GA, guanine-to-adenine; HIV, human
fixes advantageous nonsynonymous mutations faster than genetic on a generalized immunodeficiency virus; MHC, major histocompat-
drift fixes synonymous mutations (dN/dS > 1), although this is ibility complex; U, uracil
pathogen control
usually restricted to a small proportion of amino acid sites within system? This is Eddie C. Holmes is in the Department of Zoology at
any gene. In the hypothetical example of five gene sequences the University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
shown here, with dS given above the diagonal and dN below the a question of
diagonal, there is no evidence for positive selection because the fundamental
mean dN/dS (0.577) is less than one. importance DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020307