Autophagy - A Forty-Year Search
Autophagy - A Forty-Year Search
Autophagy - A Forty-Year Search
utophagy is the major self-degradative process in case, making room and providing nutrients for the cells that
eukaryotic cells, with fundamental roles in cellular will eventually give rise to the adult insect [6]. In mammals,
and organismal homeostasis, and is involved in autophagy occurs in virtually all cells at a basal rate, and has
many developmental and pathological situations. Structures been shown to be required for the elimination of old and
targeted for autophagic destruction are sequestered nonfunctional organelles and protein complexes [7]. Growth-
into newly emerging double-membrane vesicles called promoting hormones such as insulin inhibit autophagy [8],
autophagosomes, and delivered for lysosomal degradation. whereas glucagon, synthesized in response to low blood
Despite recent advances in understanding the molecular sugar levels, induces this process [9]. Autophagy has been
mechanisms of autophagy, a long-standing question suggested to play a protective role during aging, cell death,
concerning the source of the autophagic membrane remains defense against intracellular pathogens, neurodegenerative
unresolved. Two major alternatives can be considered: the diseases, and tumorigenesis, emphasizing the biological and
membrane may be derived from a pre-existing cytoplasmic medical importance of autophagy [2,10].
organelle such as the endoplasmic reticulum (maturation
model), or assembled from constituents at its site of genesis The Morphology of Autophagy
(assembly model). During autophagy, large membrane-bound portions of
the cytoplasm are delivered for destruction to lysosomes,
Introduction organelles loaded with various acidic hydrolases specialized
The stability of all biological systems—from single cells to for rapid and effective degradation of cellular and
ecological communities—is based on the continuous turnover extracellular material. As early as the 1960s, the morphology
of individual units. Just as new organisms are born to replace of the major pathway of autophagy, macroautophagy
dying ones, turnover of constituents within a cell ensures that (simply referred to as autophagy hereafter), was established
old or damaged macromolecules and organelles are replaced by electron microscopic studies [1,9]. Upon induction of
by newly synthesized ones. This constant replacement autophagy, a membrane cisterna (fold of membrane) known
underlies the adaptability of biological systems, for example as the isolation membrane (IM; sometimes referred to as
allowing cells to rapidly change their metabolism in response phagophore in mammals [11]) appears and curves around
to a changing environment. Cellular homeostasis (the ability part of the cytoplasm. Sealing of the edges of the IM results
to maintain a stable condition inside the cell) is therefore in a unique double membrane vesicle, the autophagosome.
based on the proper balance of synthesis and destruction. Soon after forming, autophagosomes fuse with a lysosome,
In eukaryotic cells, various specialized cytoplasmic enzymes where degradation of the delivered material for recycling
are responsible for the specific degradation of proteins (the takes place (Figure 1A and 1B). The membranes of IMs and
ubiquitin-proteasome pathway), lipids, ribonucleic acids, autophagosomes differ from other membranes in the cell
sugars etc.; these degradation events can be crucial to the in having few intramembrane proteins, evident by electron
execution of cellular signaling and metabolic pathways. microscopy [12–14].
In contrast, nonspecific degradation of these materials The dynamic membrane rearrangements of autophagy
occurs through autophagy (“self-eating” in Greek; in this are also unique in that topologically intracellular material
case at a subcellular level) [1]. This process plays several (cytoplasm) becomes converted into topologically
important roles in the life of a cell. During times of starvation,
autophagy ensures survival by randomly degrading bulk Citation: Juhasz G, Neufeld TP (2006) Autophagy: A forty-year search for a missing
cytoplasm including organelles to provide breakdown membrane source. PLoS Biol 4(2): e36.
products that can be used for energy and synthetic processes
Copyright: © 2006 Juhasz and Neufeld. This is an open-access article distributed
[2]. In response to a change in available nutrients, autophagy under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
is also used to specifically eliminate obsolete metabolic unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in ay medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
organelles in several yeast species [3]. In multicellular
organisms, autophagy is tightly controlled through several Abbreviations: Atg, autophagy-related gene; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; IM,
signaling pathways [4,5], and has been integrated into isolation membrane; PAS, preautophagosomal structure
various developmental and physiological events, such as the Gabor Juhasz and Thomas P. Neufeld are in the Department of Genetics, Cell
remodeling of cells, tissues, organs, or even the entire body. Biology, and Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United
To take an extreme example, nearly all of the larval tissues of States of America
a metamorphosing insect are self-digested inside the pupal Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.