MVPA Personality - Preprint
MVPA Personality - Preprint
MVPA Personality - Preprint
An Exploratory Report
Hayley K. Jach, Daniel Feuerriegel, and Luke D. Smillie
Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, The University of Melbourne
Can personality be predicted from oscillatory patterns produced by the brain at rest? To date, relatively few
electroencephalographic (EEG) studies have yielded consistent relations between personality trait measures and spectral
power, suggesting that new exploratory research may help develop targeted hypotheses about how neural processes
associated with EEG activity may relate to personality differences. We used multivariate pattern analysis to decode personality
scores (i.e., Big Five traits) from resting EEG frequency power spectra. Up to 8 minutes of EEG data was recorded per participant
prior to completing an unrelated task (N = 168, Mage = 23.51, 57% female) and, in a subset of participants, after task completion
(N = 96, Mage = 23.22, 52% female), measuring the resting state with open and closed eyes. Linear support vector regression
with 10-fold cross validation was performed using the power from 62 scalp electrodes within 1 Hz frequency bins from 1-30 Hz.
One Big Five trait, agreeableness, could be decoded from EEG power ranging from 8-19 Hz, and this was consistent across all
four recording periods. Neuroticism was decodable using data within the 3-6 Hz range, albeit less consistently. Posterior alpha
power negatively correlated with agreeableness, whereas parietal beta power positively correlated with agreeableness. We
suggest methods to draw from our results and develop targeted future hypotheses, such as linking to individual alpha frequency
and incorporating self-reported emotional states. Our open dataset can be harnessed to reproduce results or investigate new
research questions concerning the biological basis of personality.
Keywords Multivariate pattern analysis | power spectra | support vector regression | exploratory | personality traits
This manuscript has been accepted for publication at Cortex. This version has not been copy-edited.
Open data and analysis code can be found at the following link:
Personality traits describe enduring patterns of emotions, (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)—
with personality trait measures. These measurements are
thoughts, and behavior. Personality traits are heritable often taken when participants are at rest and are not
(Bleidorn, Kandler, & Caspi, 2014), relatively stable across engaged in a predefined task. As personality traits are
the lifespan (Specht, Egloff, & Schmukle, 2011; Bleidorn, theorized to reflect relatively stable and sustained
Hopwood, & Lucas, 2018), and predict important life cognitive and emotive processes, we might expect patterns
outcomes such as romantic satisfaction, occupational of neural activity reflecting or facilitating these processes to
success, financial security, substance abuse, and criminal be detectable in such resting-state recordings. For example,
behavior (Ozer & Benet-Martinez, 2006; Soto, 2019). individuals scoring higher in openness/intellect are more
Researchers have dedicated almost a century to describing likely to imagine and daydream, as measured by
and refining the structure of personality traits (Allport, retrospective self-report and experience sampling (Kane et
1937; Digman, 1990), resulting in the dominant Big 5 model al., 2017; Zhiyan & Singer, 1997), and increased
of personality (John, Naumann, & Soto, 2008). The Big 5 daydreaming seems likely to occur at rest. There have, in
model decomposes trait variance into five core dimensions: turn, been several studies observing that
agreeableness (pro-sociality, compassion, and politeness), openness/intellect relates to increased connectivity within
neuroticism (anxiety, depression, and emotional volatility), the default network (Beaty et al., 2016, 2018), a collection
conscientiousness (organization and action regulation in of cortical regions implicated in a variety of self-reflective
goal-directed behavior), extraversion (sociability, processes, including imagination. Relations between
enthusiasm, and assertiveness), and openness/intellect personality traits and resting-state activity have been
(imagination, curiosity, and aesthetic sensitivity). found for each of the Big 5 personality traits (see Allen &
The growing literature of personality neuroscience DeYoung, 2017 for a review).
investigates how personality traits relate to various The majority of studies investigating personality
neurobiological indices, with an ultimate goal to correlates of resting-state activity have used fMRI
understand the mechanistic underpinnings of personality connectivity metrics, which are valuable for identifying
(DeYoung & Gray, 2009; Allen & DeYoung, 2017). In this covariation in activity across brain regions that are active
area, researchers have correlated measures of neural over the resting period. An alternative and complementary
activity—using methods such as electroencephalography approach is to measure the brain’s rhythmic oscillatory
Acknowledgements Funding in support of this project was provided by the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences. Hayley Jach was supported by an
Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. We are grateful to Felix Singleton-Thorn for his helpful comments on an earlier version of this
manuscript, and for providing guidance regarding open analysis code and materials. We are also grateful to Andrea Byfuglien for providing assistance with
processing of EEG data.
Jach, Feuerriegel, & Smillie | Decoding Personality Trait Measures | Pre-print | 24 May 2020 2
patterns: that is, dynamic patterns of energy in given given trait and attempted to discriminate between
frequency bands (alpha, beta, theta, etc.; Buzsáki, 2006). low/high personality trait groups using frequency band
For this task, EEG—which has much higher temporal power estimates across 32 scalp channels. Although the
precision than fMRI—is the method of choice. Researchers models used could classify extraversion and
have extensively documented typical oscillatory behaviors openness/intellect at above chance levels, this was not
related to behavior and cognition at rest and in response to statistically significant after corrections for multiple
task demands (for a review, see Knyazev, 2007) and there comparisons. Despite the strengths of this study, including
is a growing interest in exploring individual differences in a large sample (N = 289) and sophisticated analyses, there
oscillatory activity, providing insights into how sensory are several reasons why further research of this kind is
stimulation is integrated into percepts over time (Cecere, required in order to be confident in its somewhat
Rees, & Romei, 2015), and differences in cognitive abilities pessimistic conclusions. First, most participants provided
(e.g., Grandy et al., 2013; Klimesch et al., 1996) or clinical only short periods of resting data (1 or 2 minutes,
populations (e.g., Schizophrenia and Attention Deficit compared to 8-10 minutes in other studies; Wacker,
Disorder, Başar & Güntekin, 2013; Autism Spectrum Chavanon, & Stemmler, 2010), which may yield a relatively
Disorders, Cornew, Roberts, Blaskey, & Edgar, 2012). low signal to noise ratio when obtaining frequency domain
Investigations of the personality correlates of power estimates. The authors also did not report the
resting-state EEG activity have so far failed to yield robust internal consistency of their personality measures, making
and replicable findings. The largest collection of studies has it unclear how reliable the personality scales were. Poor
concerned frontal alpha asymmetry (i.e., alpha power over reliability indicates that the same participants are
right relative to left frontal cortical areas), which is thought responding inconsistently to survey items within a single
to index processes associated with extraversion and Big 5 trait scale, suggesting that the scale did not
neuroticism (Harmon-Jones, 2003; Wacker & Smillie, successfully tap a latent construct (Cronbach, 1951). Trying
2015). However, in a recent meta-analytic study combining to predict something that was not measured precisely
all published studies (and a number of unpublished would clearly reduce model performance. Additionally,
studies), Kuper, Käckenmester, and Wacker (2019) transforming Likert-scale responses to binary high-low
reported negligible effects, with less than 0.4% of the categories is well-known to lower statistical power and
variance in extraversion and neuroticism explained by potentially produce misleading results (MacCallum, Zhang,
frontal alpha asymmetry. This is concerning for researchers Preacher, & Rucker, 2002). As there were approximately
working to integrate empirical results into overarching Gaussian distributions of personality trait scores across
mechanistic theories in personality neuroscience (e.g., their sample, this also meant that many participants on
Kennis, Rademaker, & Geuze, 2013). If the evidence base each side of the median split would have provided very
drawn upon to develop theories in personality similar personality trait scores. In addition, the authors
neuroscience is not robust, then the resultant theories will used binomial tests to determine statistical significance,
not be useful. which requires a threshold level of classifier performance
These knowledge gaps within the resting-state (here a ~57% correct classification rate) to reach statistical
EEG literature present a challenge to personality significance. If the factors mentioned above did hinder
neuroscience, but also signal an opportunity for new classifier performance, then even in the presence of real
research to thoroughly explore how personality traits patterns that distinguish participants with low and high
relate to EEG indices. One powerful tool for data-driven trait scores, the classifiers may not have met these cutoffs.
research is Multivariate Pattern Analysis (MVPA). Many Korjus and colleagues (2015) did conduct additional
techniques that fall under the umbrella of MVPA consider analyses using continuous trait measures using LASSO
the joint contributions of multiple features of data regression; however, they explored a very large feature
simultaneously, whether they be multiple voxels when space for optimizing the model in their analyses, including
using fMRI or signals from multiple electrodes in the EEG selection of task conditions (eyes open/closed),
(Grootswagers, Wardle, & Carlson, 2017). A key advantage frequencies, electrode sets, and model fitting parameters.
of MVPA is that it can efficiently explore a large feature With such a large feature space relative to the number of
space to identify signals that can predict the outcome of observations, it is possible that their sparse regression
interest in a data-driven fashion. MVPA has been approach may not have selected the most informative
extensively applied to fMRI data (see Tong & Pratte, 2012, features in their data.
for a review), and its usage in EEG has grown over the past Given the dearth of research in this area, we
decade. To date, researchers have used MVPA to decode a attempted to predict Big 5 personality trait scores from
range of neural correlates of perceptual and cognitive resting state EEG data using a multivariate analysis
processes, including sensory representations technique well-suited to continuous outcome variables. As
(Hogendoorn, Verstraten, & Cavanagh, 2015), face our study was entirely exploratory, we did not propose any
detection (Cauchoix, Barragan-Jason, Serre, & Barbeau, hypotheses. However, our analyses were designed to
2014), perceptual decisions (Bode et al., 2012), and provide comprehensive results that minimized inferences
evaluations of the subjective relevance of everyday objects from noise. Full details of our approach are detailed in the
(Turner, Johnston, de Boer, Morawetz, & Bode, 2017). Method, but we highlight key contributions here. First, we
To our knowledge, only one study (Korjus et al., assessed the performance of models trained using power in
2015) has used MVPA—specifically support vector particular frequency bands in separate analyses, rather
machine classification—to assess whether personality can than assessing all of the EEG data at once. This allowed us
be predicted from resting EEG frequency power data. They to ascertain which spectral bands may be most relevant to
used a median split to categorize those low or high on a personality trait measures. Second, we assessed
Jach, Feuerriegel, & Smillie | Decoding Personality Trait Measures | Pre-print | 24 May 2020 3
consistency across multiple testing conditions by collecting There was no manipulation in this study. Before
resting data at two time points: before and after completing completing tasks unrelated to the current study,
a task that was unrelated to the current study. At each of participants were asked to sit at rest, alternating between
these time points, we further assessed consistency across open and closed eyes every 60 seconds when prompted by
alternating periods of eyes-open versus eyes-closed the experimenter. This resulted in approximately eight
recordings. This would account for effects that may be minutes of data per participant, comprising four minutes
linked to the specifics of the testing session (e.g., the effect eyes closed, and four minutes eyes open. We collected pre-
of having one’s eyes open or closed; the effect of collecting task resting data for 205 participants1. For a subset of 102
data before or after the unrelated task). And third, we participants, post-task resting data was also obtained
decided a priori to only make inferences from results where approximately 60 minutes after the first resting state
decoding performance was close to r = .20 in all four recording, in the same manner as the pre-task data.
conditions, at approximately the same frequency bands for Following EEG data pre-processing (Section 2.3) we
each condition, according to the following rationale. First, r retained 168 participants in the pre-task conditions (Mage =
= .20 is the average effect size in personality psychology 23.51, SDage = 5.32, range = 18-41, 57% female), hereafter
(Giznac & Szorroli, 2016), and given that we are conducting labeled pre-task eyes open and pre-task eyes closed; and
a purely exploratory study, it seemed appropriate to anchor retained 96 participants in the post-task conditions (Mage =
our predictions to the average effect size in the field. 23.22, SDage = 4.77, range = 18-37, 52% female), labeled
Second, r = .20 is the effect size that we have approximately post-task eyes open and post-task eyes closed. Note that 78
80% power to detect given our sample size using individuals provided only pre-task data, 6 individuals
traditional methods, suggesting it would be unwise to trust provided only post-task data, and 90 participants provided
inferences less than r = .20. And third, we would expect any both pre-and post-task data. This brings the total number
true correlation between a neurobiological measure and a of personality survey responses to N = 174, and this is the
personality scale to be relatively small (Pickering & Pesola, sample that is used for internal consistency estimates and
2014). Specifically, there are many possible causes for descriptive statistics (calculated using the Psych package,
responses to any item on a personality scale, and there are as implemented in R; Revelle, 2018).
also many possible causes for the recorded EEG signal. If
there is a true relationship between oscillatory patterns
and personality, then this suggests that some of the causes
2.3 EEG Acquisition and Pre-Processing
from the EEG signal overlap with some of the causes from We recorded EEG from 64 active scalp electrodes
the items that make up a personality measure. However, using a Biosemi Active Two system (Biosemi, the
because the shared causes could only represent a small Netherlands). Recordings were grounded using common
subset of the causes that contribute shared variance to a mode sense and driven right leg electrodes
personality trait, any observable correlation between a ( To this
personality trait and a neurobiological measure would not montage we added two electrodes located 1cm from the
be expected to be higher than, at an optimistic estimate, the outer canthi of each eye, and two electrodes above and
average effect size in personality research. Thus, assessing below the right eye. EEG was sampled at 512Hz (DC-
the traits that are consistently predicted across conditions coupled with an anti-aliasing filter, −3 dB at 102 Hz). We
at r = .20 is a further guard against over-interpreting attempted to keep electrode offsets within ± 40μV, although
spurious findings. this wasn’t always possible (see below for description of
removed channels).
All pre-processing was conducted in Brain Vision
2 Method Analyzer Version 2.1.2 (Brain Products GmbH, 2017). To
aid reproducibility, the full EEG processing pipeline used
2.1 Open Science Practices for this analysis can be found in our data documentation.
Our materials, data, and analysis code are available EEG data were filtered with IIR zero-phase Butterworth
so that others may view the data, reproduce our analyses, filters (0.5hz high-pass with time constant 0.318 and order
and conduct additional analyses (accessible from 2; 30hz low-pass with order 2; 50hz notch) and an initial manual check for flat-lined or artefact-ridden channels was
conducted; if found, these were excluded from subsequent
2.2 Participants and Experimental Procedure processing steps (re-referencing, manual artefact removal
Data were provided by 210 participants (Mage = and ocular artefact removal), and later interpolated (i.e.,
23.85, SDage = 5.48, 59% female) who took part in a variety estimated from surrounding channels) as noted below. We
of EEG experiments in our lab (e.g., Hughes et al., 2015; made an a priori decision to remove a dataset if more than
Smillie et al., 2019) and provided personality trait ratings four channels appeared to be artefact-ridden or flat-lined.
on a 5-point Likert scale via the Big 5 Aspects Scale (BFAS; This resulted in the removal of 37 datasets in the pre-task
DeYoung, Quilty, & Peterson, 2007). As we used existing condition, and 6 datasets in the post-task condition2. Our
data, sample size was determined by the number of full data processing records are included with the open data
participants that had previously been collected. and code.
1 Five participants provided survey data but did not take part in the EEG parietal/occipital areas were frequently tolerated to expedite data
experiment. collection. As a result, many more participants were removed here than
2 Much of the data was originally collected to assess frontal activity (e.g., might be expected.
Hughes et al., 2015), and faulty or poorly connected channels in the
Jach, Feuerriegel, & Smillie | Decoding Personality Trait Measures | Pre-print | 24 May 2020 4
We initially referenced the data to channel Cz (or, for With this number of individual regressions and
12 datasets where Cz appeared to be dead/artefact ridden, conditions—and given that our sample size is smaller than
to CPz). Sections of data with muscle artefacts or skin the number at which correlations of around r = .20 typically
potentials were identified by visual inspection and stabilize (n ~ 250; Schönbrodt & Perugini, 2013)—it is
removed. Data were segmented into 1-minute epochs time- possible that some frequency bins may show high decoding
locked to the onset of “eyes open” and “eyes closed” cues, performance by chance. However, we implemented several
and an Independent Components Analysis (ICA) was steps to guard against making inferences from potentially
performed using an infomax (gradient) restricted spurious high values. First, to reduce the influence of
algorithm, classic PCA sphering (such that all components random variation in decoding performance, we used 10-
are treated equally), a convergence bound of 1E-07, and a fold cross-validation procedures for all analyses. Cross-
maximum of 512 iterations. Components corresponding to validation is the recommended practice to avoid data
eye blinks and saccades were removed. Following ICA, we overfitting and to increase the stability of estimates (Arlot
interpolated any excluded channels using spherical splines & Celisse, 2010). For each SVR analysis, the dataset was
(4th order) and subsequently re-referenced to the average split into ten subsets; the model was trained on nine of the
of all scalp channels. Next, data were segmented into 2- subsets and tested on the remaining subset. This process
second epochs with a 1-second overlap. Segments were was repeated nine times with a different subset allocated as
tapered using a Hamming window. Segments 200ms before the test data each time. To minimise any drawing biases
and after artefacts were excluded from analyses using an from the particular subset of data, we repeated this entire
automated rejection algorithm (where artefacts were cross-validation procedure 10 times (5 times for permuted
considered to be any of the following: greater than 50uV labels). In other words, we obtained the average of 100
difference in voltage per millisecond; greater than 200uV correlation coefficients per frequency bin, which should
difference in a 200ms interval; less than 0.5uV difference reduce the impact of outliers in decoding performance.
between the maximum and minimum voltage in a 100ms Following this procedure, we averaged decoding
interval). Segments of EEG data were converted into performance measures over analysis repetitions (following
frequency domain representations using fast Fourier Turner et al., 2017).
transforms (0.5 Hz frequency resolution), and the average To provide a further safeguard against over-
amplitudes in each frequency bin across segments were interpretation, we assessed consistency in model
computed for each eyes open and eyes closed condition. performance for each personality trait in four conditions
Power in frequency bins ranging from 0.5-30 Hz were used (pre eyes open, pre eyes closed, post eyes open, post eyes
for MVPA. closed) via the Fisher-transformed correlation coefficients
between predicted and actual labels. As previously
2.4 Multivariate Pattern Analyses (MVPA) of EEG mentioned in Section 1, we decided a priori to only make
Power Spectra inferences from results where decoding performance was
The Decision Decoding Toolbox (DDTBox; Bode, close to r = .20 in all four conditions, at approximately the
Feuerriegel, Bennett, & Alday, 2018) was used to perform same frequency bands for each condition.
support vector regression (SVR). Plots of decoding Finally, in addition to our SVR analyses predicting
performance (Figure 1 and 2) were computed in R version personality trait scores, we also randomized which
3.6.1 (R Core Team, 2018) using ggplot2 (Wickham, 2016). personality scores were assigned to each participant
The feature space used across different analyses dataset and performed SVR on this resulting EEG data with
consisted of frequency spectra including 30 frequency bins permuted labels. Permuted-labels decoding allowed us to
ranging from 0.5-30Hz at 62 scalp channels3. Sets of 0.5 Hz empirically estimate the chance level of decoding
frequency bins were averaged to create the 30 frequency performance, which is often a more stringent control than
bins used for MVPA. For example, the 1 Hz frequency bin comparisons against theoretical chance level (Combrisson
used for MVPA consisted of data from the 0.5 Hz and 1 Hz & Jerbi, 2015). We then compared decoding performance in
frequency bins produced by the FFTs. the permuted labels analyses with that of the original
Participants’ scores for a given personality trait (e.g., analyses across different frequency bands. Although it is
neuroticism) were used as the values to be predicted in the possible to compute a p-value by comparing actual
regression models. We performed separate regression decoding performance to a null distribution of e.g., 1,000
analyses for each condition (pre eyes open, pre eyes closed, iterations of permuted labels decoding, we did not calculate
post eyes open, post eyes closed), and each personality trait p-values here so as not to incorrectly imply that our
(neuroticism, openness/intellect, extraversion, analyses were confirmatory. This aligns with
agreeableness, and conscientiousness), resulting in 20 recommendations for exploratory studies to focus on
separate conditions. For each condition, we used SVR with estimation of effect sizes and their uncertainty, rather than
a linear kernel, as implemented in LIBSVM (Chang & Lin, on significance testing (Szucs & Ioannidis, 2017).
2011), to predict personality trait scores from the joint
patterns of spectral power over all 62 channels within a 2.5 Post-hoc Spectral Power Correlations
given frequency bin (e.g., 1Hz). The analysis was then Although above-chance decoding can indicate that
repeated for each of the remaining frequency bins from 2 to information related to personality traits is present in the
30Hz. resting EEG data, this does not inform us as to the direction
of such relations between neural and personality measures.
3 We analyzed the data without Cz and CPz, as these had been used as included, and results were highly similar. The linked data repository
reference electrodes during data processing. As a robustness check, we includes these electrodes such that researchers are able to replicate
assessed decoding performance both with and without these electrodes results with the full 64 channels.
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Thus, for any above-chance decoding for a given 3.2 MVPA of Frequency Band Power Estimates
personality trait that was consistent across the four Figure 1 displays the mean decoding performance
conditions in any frequency band, we conducted post-hoc over cross-validation folds, analysis repetitions, and
Spearman correlations (de Winter, Gosling, & Potter, 2016) pre/post eyes-open/eyes-closed conditions for each of the
between scores for that trait and measures of power within Big 5 traits, with Panel F providing a summary of the results
each frequency bin at each channel. This permitted for all traits. The supplementary information includes exact
assessment of any clear monotonic relations between correlations obtained at each frequency bin.
spectral power and personality trait scores. Given the For two of the five traits (agreeableness and
number of correlations computed for this analysis, there is neuroticism), scores could be predicted from the EEG data
likely to be some imprecision around the estimates. across multiple conditions. Of these, agreeableness (Figure
However, again, we focus on results that are highly similar 1, panel A) emerged as the trait that was most consistently
across the four conditions (pre-task eyes open, pre-task predicted across the largest number of frequencies. The
eyes closed, post-task eyes open, post-task eyes closed). correlation between model-predicted agreeableness scores
and survey scores was around r = .20 between
approximately 8 and 19 Hz. Assessing agreeableness
results from each eyes open/closed and pre/post task
3 Results conditions (Figure 2, Panel A), there was higher variability
in decoding performance when compared to the condition-
3.1 Descriptive Statistics for Personality Traits averaged plots. Despite this, it is striking how consistently
the model predicts agreeableness, particularly in the range
and EEG Measures
of 12-18 Hz (the lower beta band).
Means, standard deviations, reliability (omega
Neuroticism also appeared to be consistently
total), and correlations between personality traits are
predicted by the model at levels above chance, in this
presented in Table 1. All traits displayed strong internal
instance between approximately 3 to 6 Hz (i.e., the theta
consistency. Medium-to-large correlations could be
band). For pre-task eyes open and pre-task eyes closed
observed between several personality traits: for example,
conditions (Figure 2B, first and second plot), correlations
agreeableness, extraversion, and openness/intellect. These
hovered around r = .20 in this frequency band. For the two
patterns of intercorrelations are commonly observed in the
post-task conditions (Figure 2B, third and fourth plot), the
literature (e.g., DeYoung, 2006) and support the
same pattern emerged, but the correlations were smaller
assumption that out data are representative of typical
(post-task eyes open r ~ .10; post-task eyes closed r ~ .16).
personality survey scores. Supplementary Figure S1
Between 10-12 Hz there were somewhat consistent
compares the distributions of trait scores in the pre- (N =
negative correlations between the model-predicted and
168) and post- (N = 96) conditions, including correlations
actual neuroticism scores across conditions, which can also
between traits in each of these conditions. These were very
be seen in the condition-averaged plots for extraversion,
similar, suggesting that any differences in model decoding
openness/intellect, and conscientiousness. It is difficult to
across pre- and post- conditions would not be due to
interpret decoding performance that is worse than chance
differences in personality trait distributions.
level; however, this may hint at subgroups of participants
Supplementary Figure S2 displays spectral power
that show different relations between neuroticism scores
patterns at different frequency bands averaged across
and EEG activity, or nonlinear relationships between EEG
participants. EEG data were representative of what is
power and personality trait scores. Models trained
typically observed in the literature (Buzsáki, 2006)
predominantly on one subset, and tested on those from a
suggesting that decoding results may also be
different subset, could produce below-chance performance
representative of what is found in the wider population of
as seen here. For example, co-occurring differences in the
individual alpha peak frequency and alpha band amplitude
(e.g., Klimesch, Doppelmayr, Schwaiger, Auinger, &
Winkler, 1999) might produce such nonlinear
Table 1.
Means, Standard Deviations, Internal Consistency, and Correlations Between Personality Traits
Variable M SD ω 1 2 3 4
1. Agreeableness 3.91 0.45 .87
2. Conscientiousness 3.35 0.52 .87 .11
3. Extraversion 3.42 0.54 .90 .32 .30
4. Neuroticism 2.86 0.65 .92 -.08 -.35 -.26
5. Openness/Intellect 3.77 0.46 .78 .25 .15 .28 -.05
Note. M and SD represent mean and standard deviation, respectively. ω = omega total (internal consistency; roughly equivalent but superior to
Cronbach’s alpha). Italic font indicates p < .05. Bold font indicates p < .01.
Jach, Feuerriegel, & Smillie | Decoding Personality Trait Measures | Pre-print | 24 May 2020 6
Figure 1. Mean decoding performance for each personality trait (A through E) and all traits combined (F). Colored lines depict decoding performance for
real personality survey responses, and gray lines depict decoding performance of models trained using permuted labels. A dotted horizontal line at r = .20
is included to compare decoding performance to this threshold. Agreeableness is consistently decoded at approximately r = .20 across 8 to 19 Hz frequency
bins, whereas neuroticism is consistently decoded close to r = .20 from 3-6hz. For A-E, error bars depict the standard error of correlation coefficients across
the four conditions (pre eyes-open, pre eyes-closed, post eyes-open, and post eyes-closed). M = Mean Correlation Coefficient, PM = Permuted-Labels
Analysis Mean Correlation Coefficient.
Figure 2. (A) Decoding performance for each condition of agreeableness, all four conditions. (B) Decoding performance for neuroticism, all four conditions.
Error bars depict the standard error of the 10 repetitions of 10-fold cross-validation. EO = Eyes open, EC = Eyes closed, M = Mean Correlation Coefficient,
PM = Permuted-Labels Analysis Mean Correlation Coefficient.
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Figure 3. Correlations between spectral power at each electrode and frequency bin and personality trait scores for A) agreeableness and B)
neuroticism. Scalp maps display Spearman correlation coefficients averaged across selected frequency bands. EO = Eyes open, EC = Eyes Closed.
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4 Discussion However, this provides little insight into how or why traits
might be represented by neural data. Thoroughly parsing
our results (and indeed, any data concerning neural
In the current study we used MVPA to examine correlates of personality) firstly requires consideration of
whether scores on any of the Big 5 personality traits could what kinds of processes might, in principle, drive decoding
be predicted from spectral power of resting-state EEG. We performance.
found that agreeableness scores could be predicted based Any relation between a neural measure and a
on EEG power in the alpha and lower beta bands (between personality trait can likely be explained in one of two ways.
8-19 Hz), and that neuroticism scores could be predicted First, there could be behaviors, cognitions, or emotions
using EEG power in the lower theta band (between 3-6 occurring at the time that data is collected—that is, state
Hz). Further analyses revealed that alpha power at processes—that individuals scoring higher on a
posterior channels was negatively correlated with personality trait are more likely to display. This possibility
agreeableness, and parietal beta power was positively (that our neural measure is capturing one or more state
correlated with scores for this trait. These findings processes) is in line with evidence that personality traits
contribute new insights into the neural correlates of correspond well to density distributions of psychological
personality, particularly for agreeableness which, to our states (Fleeson, 2001; Fleeson & Gallagher, 2009). This
knowledge, has never before been linked to power in the explanation would suggest that the neural measure
beta band. If robust, the associations reported here will reflects aspects of momentary cognition or emotion to
help to inform and constrain theory and research in which individuals higher on the personality trait are
personality neuroscience. susceptible.
Second, there could be some more enduring or
4.1 Neural Correlates of Personality Trait stable differences in neural activity between those higher
Measures or lower on the trait that is captured by the neural
The primary motivation for conducting an measure. This possibility is more of an essentialist
exploratory study was the fledgling state of the literature perspective aligning with classic theories concerning the
concerning personality traits and resting state EEG. There biological bases of personality (e.g., Depue, 1995; Eysenck,
is minimal direct prior research concerning the relation 1967). This explanation suggests that the neural measure
between oscillatory patterns and either agreeableness or reflects a modulatory process that is present to a greater
neuroticism, either at rest or during a task, and the few or lesser degree in those higher in the personality trait,
studies that exist are considerably underpowered for that might influence momentary emotion, behavior, or
analyzing individual differences (e.g., N < 60, see Mar, cognition, but is not itself a reflection of these processes.
Spreng, & DeYoung, 2013 for discussion of this problem). Of course, these two kinds of explanations are not
It therefore did not make sense to formulate hypotheses mutually exclusive: enduring differences in neural activity
about which traits would relate to which frequencies or may influence phasic responding, and neural plasticity
brain regions. Rather, the lack of prior research made it allows for state processes to influence brain structure,
appropriate to utilize data-driven methods that are connectivity, and general functioning (see Harmelech &
inclusive of a wide range of oscillatory frequencies and Malach, 2013, for an outline of this process as a possible
brain regions. However, the lack of direct prior research to explanation for variance in the resting state). 4
cross-reference also places obvious constraints on Nevertheless, the distinction between momentary state
generating decisive explanations for the present and more sustained or chronic processes is important if
observations. Until future research confirms our results the ultimate aim is to derive a mechanistic understanding
with straightforward MVPA replications or targeted of the biological basis of personality (Allen & DeYoung,
analyses relating a trait to a neural marker, we hold any 2017). We gain different insights from learning that we are
inferences delicately. This does not detract from the value measuring a momentary process versus a sustained
of our study for deriving tentative hypotheses to be tested modulatory factor that drives action tendencies. For
in future work; indeed, observations such as we have made example, chronic processes should be measurable during
here are foundational and necessary before these any situation, whereas state processes should only
hypotheses could be developed. With this caveat in mind, manifest in contexts that generate the relevant behavior,
we now turn to potential explanations for our results, emotion, or cognition. Any proposed model of the links
drawing on personality theory and prior research relating between the neural measure and behavior would thus be
oscillatory patterns to relevant frequencies. different when representing either of these explanations.
Both explanations are potentially congruent with
4.1.1 How and why are personality traits linked the results obtained in the current study, and at present it
to neural data? Personality neuroscience recognizes that is difficult to identify evidence that distinguishes between
all individual differences in behavior, cognition, and the two perspectives. As we measured participants at rest
emotion must be represented by corresponding rather than performing a task, it might seem more likely
differences in brain activity (Allen & DeYoung, 2017). that we detected a sustained process related to
4 Finally, there is an additional artefactual explanation: it is possible that contribute in the current study, we would be more likely to see
MVPA is detecting some increased motor movement not entirely correlations solely at frontal channels and decoding performance across
removed by pre-processing (e.g., eye-blinks) that could meaningfully a broad set of frequency bins, which was not the case. Future studies
relate to the trait: for example, individuals higher in neuroticism looking may wish to guard against this possibility by tracking eye movement
around the room more due to nervousness. However, if eye blinks did and closely monitoring movement in the testing environment.
Jach, Feuerriegel, & Smillie | Decoding Personality Trait Measures | Pre-print | 24 May 2020 9
to an even greater degree in a task designed to elicit them 4.3 Future Uses of the Open Dataset.
(e.g., for neuroticism, a fear induction paradigm). Our data and analysis scripts are available online,
providing the opportunity for them to be used to address
4.2.3 Decoding lower-order personality facets new research questions, or to top-up with additional data
and nuances. The current study assessed decoding and investigate whether results are consistent with a
performance for global personality traits. However, each larger sample. Note that although we did not perform
trait can be decomposed into lower-order facets: for inferential analyses on the data, we did thoroughly explore
example, in the scale used for the current study, the data, making null hypothesis significance testing with
agreeableness can be divided into politeness and our data plus a top-up sample inappropriate (Banks et al.,
compassion; and neuroticism can be divided into volatility 2019) unless the research question was very different
and withdrawal (DeYoung et al., 2007). Given that we did from our own. However, given that there is current
not have prespecified hypotheses for which traits could be uncertainty over how many data points are required for
decoded, we did not aim to assess the impact of individual machine learning decoding performance to stabilize, it
facets. This also would have required us to conduct many could be highly valuable to re-run MVPA results with
more statistical tests, increasing the risk of spurious progressively different numbers of participants and
findings. However, future research can attempt to assess if observe consistency of estimates. It is possible that with
specific facets within these traits are driving decoding larger samples, consistent effects will be observed for
performance. Given that facets within a trait are highly additional personality traits.
correlated with each other (as they must be, to form a Additionally, because we computed MVPA
general factor), these analyses should be conducted analyses separately for each frequency bin, it was not
controlling for the other facet/s in the global trait. This possible to assess the dynamic coupling between different
approach could help to disentangle the tricky question of frequencies. This has been suggested as a source of
finding out whether it is a state response or trait individual differences in personality traits (Knyazev et al.,
regulatory process that we are detecting with MVPA: if one 2003; Knyazev & Slobodskaya, 2003; Knyazev, Schutter, &
observed that only one facet in the global trait was driving van Honk, 2006). For example, Miskovic and colleagues
decoding performance, then we would have some (2010) found that slow- and fast-wave coupling in the
evidence against the regulatory process possibility (as resting state related to social anxiety (which relates to
some sort of regulatory process would be expected to neuroticism; Kashdan, 2002). Future researchers could
affect shared variance across the facets). This could be use similar methods to explore the present data, perhaps
taken even further by analyzing individual items in a scale specifically focusing on neuroticism.
(aka nuances; Mõttus, Kandler, Bleidorn, Riemann, & Finally, our analysis scripts can assist with
McCrae, 2017), although this would come at the cost of replications of the current findings. If researchers have
increased measurement error. collected EEG resting data and personality measures
across large samples, then it would be straightforward to
adapt the analysis scripts that we have provided to assess
4.2.4 Computational approaches. The final whether finding related to agreeableness and neuroticism
method is to build mathematical models that test the are consistent in an entirely new sample.
correspondence between the model’s predictions and
future data. There are many different ways that formal 5 Conclusion
models can incorporate neural measures and processes
(see Turner, Forstmann, Love, Palmeri, & Van Maanen,
2017, for a review). Formal models are advantageous The current study is one of the first to use
because researchers must specify all components of the multivariate pattern analysis to decode personality traits
model, including which neural level they wish to model from EEG power spectra. We found that agreeableness and
(e.g., modelling state or phasic responses versus tonic or neuroticism could be decoded across multiple testing
baseline responses—or the interconnections between conditions, with post-hoc analyses demonstrating
these). Although these types of models are not frequently consistent associations between agreeableness and the
used in personality psychology, they have been effectively alpha/beta band. These initial results are foundational
employed to investigate a theory linking extraversion with before future confirmatory investigations could be
dopamine function (Wacker & Smillie, 2015), by proposed, several of which we discussed in Section 4.2
simulating the firing of dopamine neurons in the basal above. We hope that this study provides clues for future
ganglia in response to reward signals (Pickering & Pesola, research to understand how neurobiological factors drive
2014). For the current study, models could be built individual differences in emotion, cognition, and
following results derived from investigations of individual behavior—that is, personality.
alpha frequency or targeted state theories. Highly
constrained hypotheses of how agreeableness or
neuroticism relates to the brain regions, frequencies, or
emotional states would be a valuable way to build from the
initial empirical findings of the current research and future
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