CG Week3.2 DLPactivity
CG Week3.2 DLPactivity
CG Week3.2 DLPactivity
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Caloocan
The learner demonstrates understanding in maintaining tools,
A. Content Standards
equipment and paraphernalia in caregiving.
The learner independently maintains tools, equipment and
B. Performance Standards
paraphernalia in caregiving.
LO 1. Perform aftercare activities for tools, equipment and
1.1 Clean tools, equipment and paraphernalia after use
1.2 Store tools, equipment and paraphernalia in the
C. Most Essential Learning appropriate area
Competencies (write the LC 1.3 Check tools, equipment and paraphernalia regularly
code) for orderliness/tidiness
1.4 Carry out routine maintenance as per Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP)
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. identify the parts of the equipment for cleaning, washing
and laundry and paraphernalia for taking vital signs;
b. arrange the procedures for caring for and maintaining
the equipment for cleaning, washing and laundry and
D. Learning Objectives paraphernalia for taking vital signs; and
c. share the importance of understanding the procedures
for caring and maintaining the equipment for cleaning,
washing and laundry and paraphernalia for taking vital
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures
Activity Sheet
Preliminary Cleanliness
activities Checking of attendance
Checking of assignments
Review What was our last topic all about?
(Reviewing How many steps do we have to care and maintain Blender?
previous lesson) How about for Coffee Maker?
How about for Food Processor?
How about for Electric Can Opener?
How about for Microwave Oven
Why do we need to care and maintain the caregiving tools and
equipment for meal preparation?
Motivation “PRRR” AND “PUKUTU”
(Establishing Directions: The class will be divided into two. Each group has its own group
purpose of the name. The first group named “prrr” and the other named “Pukutu”. If the
lesson) teacher calls out “prrr”, the students need to stand on their toes and move their
elbows out sideways. When the teacher calls out “Pukutu”, the students have to
stay still and may not move. If a student moves, he is disqualified. This student
may distract the other students.
instances of the
new lesson)
The students will draw at least 4 caregiving tools and equipment for cleaning,
washing and laundry and label it correctly.
Directions: Label the parts of a flat iron and a thermometer. Write your answers in
the space provided.
Directions: Arrange the steps in using the caregiving equipment or
paraphernalia by numbering them as to which should come first. Write the
numbers 1 to 4 in the circles provided.
Directions: Arrange the steps in using the caregiving equipment or
paraphernalia by numbering them as to which should come first. Write the
numbers 1 to 4 in the circles provided.
Answer Key:
I. Label Me!
A. Thermometer B. Stethoscope
1. Battery Cover 6. Handle
2. On/Off Button 7. Cord
3. LCD Display 8. Temperature Control
4. Body 9. Signal Lamp
5. Probe 10. Sole Plate
Generalization 1. What are the common equipment that we used in cleaning, washing and
(Making laundry?
Generalizations 2. What are the common equipment that we used in taking vital signs?
and Abstractions 3. Why is it important to understand the procedures for caring and maintain
about the Lesson)
the equipment for cleaning, washing, and laundry?
Evaluation Directions: Fill in the blanks to complete the steps in caring for and maintaining
(Evaluating the equipment for cleaning, washing and laundry and for taking vital signs.
Learning) Choose the correct answer in the box below.
Unplugged Wipe
LCD Discard
1. Clean the other parts with warm ______ water.
2. Always make sure that the unit is _______ and cooled down before any
3. ________ all the used cotton balls, tissue, and paper towels properly.
4. Do not immerse the _______ with water.
5. ________ the outside of the dryer with a soft cloth and a small amount of
liquid detergent.
Answer Key:
1. Soapy 4. LCD
2. Unplugged 5. Wipe
3. Discard
Assignment a. What is Hazard?
b. What is Risk?
c. What are the types of hazard in caregiving?
Total number of learners =>
A. Number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. Number of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson works? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?