Gonzlaes - Project Proposal NSTP

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Republic of the Philippines


(University of the City of Manila) 
General Luna St. cor. Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila, Philippines

National Service
Training Program 1
NSTP 3-6


NSTP – CWTS Output Number 2

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Year 2 & Block 1 

Ma’am Angie C. Alvarez

Professor in NSTP

January 15, 2023

I. Project Proposal
A. Tatak Eco-Brick (EB): Promoting Waste-Free Practices

Tatak EB is a zero waste reduction activity, where "EB" stands for Eco-
Brick. This proposal is for the residents of Barangay Kat-Bayani in Tanay,
Rizal, who have already developed their own creative methods for
recycling plastic, but Eco-bricks intends to use plastic for building
construction instead. A reusable block called an eco-brick is made by
compacting clean, dry old plastic into a PET bottle to a specific density. It
is a method of getting rid of non-biodegradable materials like plastics so
that they can be used to make functional structures like benches. With the
help of packed eco-bricks, hollow blocks will be replaced in this activity,
and the same eco-brick will be used to build a sturdy building for the

Since there is no need to spend a lot of money to address the plastic

pollution, the "Tatak EB" Zero Waste Management Activity will stand out in
a time of rising prices. This enables the public to take action now rather
than later.

B. Given that we are still adhering to the COVID 19 Protocols, we will

conduct this activity through the covered court of Barangay Kat-Bayani.
The participants are those who five (5) volunteer or members in the
Barangay Kat-Bayani, and we will also be visiting various schools, five (5)
students to participate, to demonstrate how to make this eco brick.

C. The project's duration is just one (1) month. Depending on how long the
teaching lasts, the activity will take place for a period of time between one
and three (1-3) hours.
D. With the great support of Sammie's, a bakery, and thepricetag.ph, a
perfume and aroma store, which participated as the project sponsors, we
were able to generate money for the next activity.

E. This aims to benefit, inspire, and educate the barangay about the
advantages of discovering new ways to reinvent and "upcycle" things that
are simply thought of as waste, such as used plastics, papers, and old
bottles to raise awareness of current environmental challenges.
Additionally, we understand that during pandemics we should learn how to
conserve money and respect those resources that are still useful and may
be recycled.

II. Rationale of the Project

Waste management has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19
pandemic containment effort as well as restrictions on business operations,
travel, and the manufacturing sector. In particular, during the COVID-19
pandemic, waste management is essential for human growth and health
consequences. The essential service offered by the waste management industry
makes sure that strange piles of rubbish that are hazardous to health and
accelerate the development of COVID-19 are prevented. In this study, we
observe lockdown and social separation measures to evaluate the influence of
COVID-19 pandemic on trash management. We discovered that waste
production increased in all nations that used staying at home as a social isolation
strategy. Efforts to reduce plastic pollution have been thwarted by the
proliferation of single-use products and panic buying, which has increased
manufacturing and consumption. However, a number of nations have so far put
rules in place to guarantee sustainable waste management while preserving the
security of trash handlers.

Furthermore, nowadays, when society has adopted a linear kind of

consumerism, resources are used up and then carelessly thrown away once their
apparent usefulness has been exhausted. The amount of solid garbage building
up in different landfills across the nation—and, more seriously, around the world
—has expanded tremendously as a result of this phenomena known as the
throwaway culture. This is concerning because a lot of solid trash, particularly
non-biodegradable waste, can still be utilised for a variety of beneficial purposes.
By upcycling waste materials in accordance with the principles of zero waste
management, one can maximize the value gained from them.

According to the aforementioned issues with pandemic waste

management, a researcher came up with projects that implement the idea of zero
waste management in an effort to solve the issue in a specific barangay. Due to
the concentration of people in a compact province, the amount of garbage has
greatly increased, yet only a small portion of it is being properly managed. In
order to address this, a researcher sought to assist the barangay by teaching
them how to make the most of their available resources, such as non-
biodegradable and/or reusable materials, and by providing opportunities for the
barangay members to make money by putting what they had learned into
practice in the form of marketable products.

III. Description of the Project

The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially altered everyday life
throughout the world and has had a negative impact on a number of sectors,
daily operations, and resident quality of life. However, there are a number of
essential barangay services whose disappearance would be just as problematic
as the current pandemic. Particularly in the context of trash management, this is
important. Because of this, participant in this activity will collaborate in Barangay
Katipunan Bayani, Tanay, Rizal to solve the urgent problems of inappropriate
trash disposal in their locality. To raise awareness of current environmental
challenges, the barangay will be engaged in an activity that involves upcycling, or
creating something fresh out of rubbish that may be used in homes or as a
source of income.
Through this project, in-depth and comprehensive study has been
conducted to identify the most effective remedies for the environmental issues
the barangay is currently experiencing. A researcher will organize this activity
through the covered court of Barangay Kat-Bayani since it requires a larger
space and a wider distance because we are still complying to the COVID 19
Protocols. Five (5) Members of the Barangay Kat-Bayani or volunteers make up
the participants, and we'll also be visiting several schools, five (5) students to
pariticipate, to show them how to develop this eco-brick. The project will last just
one month. The duration of the activity will be between one and three (1-3)
hours, depending on how long the teaching takes. Eco-bricks are designed to
generate reusable, long-lasting construction blocks by utilizing the durability and
long life of plastic. The blocks will be attached to each other with "tire bands,
silicone, and cement" after being packed into the plastic bottles with a lot of clean
plastic. By compressing clean, dry used plastic inside a plastic bottle to a specific
density, an eco-brick is made. Eco-bricks can help address this urgent issue
because they provide us the opportunity to be accountable for the plastic we use
and how we use it. Plastics may be used to our benefit by creating buildings or
houses for the barangay rather of being seen as a problem. Furthermore, the
barangay's participants will be shown and instructed by the activity leader on how
to build a sturdy building out of their eco-bricks, such as a bench. In view of this,
a researcher developed a Tatak EB: Promoting Waste-Free Practices that would
enable individuals to learn about newly discovered ways of changing used
materials into usable things that can also give a reliable source of income when
the items are made to be available to the public.

IV. Objectives
According to reports, plastic refineries increase the exposure to hazardous
chemicals, which in turn increases health consequences like death, morbidity,
and years lived with a disability. As a result, the increased usage of plastics
during lockdown and stay-at-home drills acts as a conduit for the cross-
contamination of pathogens with human and animal origins, so accelerating the
spread of disease (Perry 2020). The following are the purposes of Tatak EB:
Promoting Waste-Free Practices:
 To advocate the 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle) as a means of Zero-
Waste Management.
 To offer a sustainable livelihood program that will enable barangay members
to make money.
 To introduce the idea of Eco-bricks, the various materials used, and potential
effects in the barangay's homes.
 To make bricks out of plastic bottles that have been solidly filled with various
clean polymers that continue to help the barangay and are used in
replacement of concrete blocks in simple constructions, giving the plastic
waste that is produced a use.

V. Project Plan and Activities

Brief Description and Basic

Activities Timeline
Through this project, a thorough
research has been made in order to
determine the best solutions for the
Observation and accumulation of environmental problems the
relevant data regarding the partner 1 week barangay is currently suffering.
community/barangay Additionally, a researcher
coordinated this event with Barangay

Introduction 10 minutes A prayer will be offered before the

program begins. After that, the lead
facilitator will provide a brief
introduction outlining the agenda for
the day and highlighting Ms. Jezrie
G. Gonzales' motivational address.
The program's schedule will be
presented along with an explanation
of the activity.
Discussion about the program’s topic
to be led by Ms. Jezrie G. Gonzales.
Terminologies will also be covered in
order to provide accurate information
and clear up any misunderstandings
and to ensure a seamless
explanation and thorough
discussion. Recycling or repurposing
General Discussion about Zero
30 minutes waste materials is a key component
Waste Management
of zero waste management. The
three Rs—reusing, reducing, and
recycling—can be used as one of
several strategies to achieve this. It
seeks to advance the idea of zero-
waste management and offer
barangay members a potential
sustainable livelihood program.

Brief Discussion and Teaching of 1-2 hours The barangay's members were
Eco Bricks and its importance taught the method as well as the
concept of the Eco-brick. By cutting
up plastics and other non-
biodegradable materials like
cellophane and Styrofoam, the eco-
brick is made. The plastic fragments
can then be packed tightly into 1.5 L
or 2.0 L plastic bottles using a sturdy
stick to create a structure that is as
solid as a block. Each barangay
member was given the responsibility
of building eco-bricks going forward,
and a researcher checked the eco-
bricks during the course of the
planned events. Furthermore, the
activity leader will demonstrate and
teach the barangay's participants on
how to build a sturdy building out of
their eco-bricks, such as a bench.
If there are any questions during the
program for our participants, they
are welcome to interact or ask them.
Open Forum (Q and A) 30 minutes Ms. Jezrie G. Gonzales will respond
to each of them and utilize one of
them as a topic.

To evaluate each activity,

discussion, and the entire program.
Evaluation 30 minutes
A paper will be used to gather the
This program will also bring a token
of appreciation for its participants as
a way of acknowledging them for
their participation in the program. A
Token of Appreciation 30 minutes
15 kilograms supply of rice, instant
noodles, and canned items will be
provided to them.

Closing commemoration 10 minutes A summary and overview of the

entire event will be given along with
closing remarks and a closing

VI. Financial Plan and Projected Expenditures

In addition to the money raised from the sponsors, Ms. Jezrie Gonzales is
willing to provide the event a maximum contribution of P2, 000.00. Projected
costs total P3, 915.00 for the tokens of appreciation, which include rice, canned
products, and instant noodles. Additionally, there will be fees for the materials
used, which include scissors, sticks, and cutters, as well as cement and sand.

Sponsorship Description Collected Fund
Amazing Grace Sari-sari store P1, 000.00
Sammie’s Pastry Shop P1, 000.00
TOTAL: P2, 000.00


Qty. Unit Items Purpose Cost

Materials to
be used in
6 bags P250.00 Cement P1, 500.00
how eco
bricks are
4 bags (40 kg) P160.00 Sand Materials to P640.00
be used in
how eco
bricks are
P42.00 For token of
10 kilograms Rice P420.00
(1kg) appreciation.
For token of
10 P35.00 Canned goods P350.00
For token of
30 P8.00 Instant noodles appreciation. P240.00

Going to
various stores
5 P15.00 Transportation P75.00
to purchase
the supplies
Retractable Materials for
15 P12.00 sharp plastic Eco Brick P180.00
Materials for
10 P45.00 Scissors P450.00
Eco Brick
Materials for
3 packs P20.00 Sticks P60.00
Eco Brick
TOTAL: P3, 915.00


Target budget: 
P1,500.00 – for cement
P640.00 – for sand
P420.00 – rice
P350.00 – Canned goods
P240.00 - Instant noodles
P75.00 – Transportation
P180.00 - Retractable sharp plastic cutters
P450.00 – Scissors
P60.00 - Sticks
Total = P3, 915.00
P1, 000.00 – Amazing Grace
P1, 000.00 – Sammie’s
Total = P2, 000.00

Researcher’s contribution: P2, 000.00

Left-over money/Change: P85.00

Finding KGG. Kapitan Anacleto B. Tongohan

Communicating to Kapitan’s

Sample of Eco-bricks

B, K. (2020, July 11). How recycled accessories can be an eco-friendly style statement.

Telengana Today. Retrieved December 23, 2022, from




Ecobricks. (2020, July 11). Ecobricks transform plastic trash into reusable building

blocks. inhabitat:. Retrieved December 23, 2022, from





Popfalushi, D. (2021, April 26). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the waste

management system in Ukraine and what problems in this area have been

identified. Zero Waste Europe. Retrieved December 23, 2022, from




Sarkodie,, S. A., & Owusu, P. A. (2020, July 11). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on

waste management. NCBI - LINER. Retrieved December 23, 2022, from



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