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216 - EC8351, EC6304 Electronic Circuits I - Notes 1

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For the transistor to properly operate it must be biased. There are
several methods to establish the DC operating point. We will discuss
some of the methods used for biasing transistors as well as
troubleshooting methods used for transistor bias circuits.

The goal of amplification in most cases is to increase the amplitude of

an ac signal without altering it.

Biasing in electronics is the method of establishing predetermined

voltages or currents at various points of an electronic circuit for the
purpose of establishing proper operating conditions in electronic
components. Many electronic devices whose function is signal
processing time-varying (AC) signals also require a steady (DC)
current or voltage to operate correctly. The AC signal applied to them
is superposed on this DC bias current or voltage. Other types of
devices, for example magnetic recording heads, require a time-
varying (AC) signal as bias. The operating point of a device, also
known as bias point, quiescent point, or Q-point, is the steady-state
voltage or current at a specified terminal of an active device (a
transistor or vacuum tube) with no input signal applied

Most often, bias simply refers to a fixed DC voltage applied to the

same point in a circuit as an alternating current (AC) signal,
frequently to select the desired operating response of a semiconductor
or other electronic component (forward or reverse bias). For example,
a bias voltage is applied to a transistor in an electronic amplifier to
allow the transistor to operate in a particular region of its
transconductance curve. For vacuum tubes, a (much higher) grid bias
voltage is also often applied to the grid electrodes for precisely the
same reason.

A hot bias can lower the tube life span, but a "cool" bias can induce
crossover distortion.

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Bias is also the term used for a high-frequency signal added to the
audio signal recorded on magnetic tape. See tape bias.

Bias is used in direct broadcast satellites such as DirecTV and Dish

Network, the integrated receiver/decoder (IRD) box actually powers
the feedhorn or low-noise block converter (LNB) receiver mounted on
the dish arm. This bias is changed from a lower voltage to a higher
voltage to select the polarization of the LNB, so that it receives
signals that are polarized either horizontal or vertical, thereby
allowing it to receive twice as many channels.

We still need to determine the optimal values for the DC biasing in

order to choose resistors, etc. This bias point is called the quiescent or
Q-point as it gives the values of the voltages when no input signal is
applied. To determine the Q-point we need to look at the range of
values for which the transistor is in the active region.

Bipolar junction transistors

For bipolar junction transistors the bias point is chosen to keep the
transistor operating in the active mode, using a variety of circuit
techniques, establishing the Q-point DC voltage and current. A small
signal is then applied on top of the Q-point bias voltage, thereby
either modulating or switching the current, depending on the purpose
of the circuit.

The quiescent point of operation is typically near the middle of the

DC load line. The process of obtaining a certain DC collector current
at a certain DC collector voltage by setting up the operating point is
called biasing.

After establishing the operating point, when an input signal is applied,

the output signal should not move the transistor either to saturation or
to cut-off. However, this unwanted shift still might occur, due to the
following reasons:

1. Parameters of transistors depend on junction temperature. As

junction temperature increases, leakage current due to minority
charge carriers (ICBO) increases. As ICBO increases, ICEO also

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increases, causing an increase in collector current IC. This

produces heat at the collector junction. This process repeats,
and, finally, the Q-point may shift into the saturation region.
Sometimes, the excess heat produced at the junction may even
burn the transistor. This is known as thermal runaway.
2. When a transistor is replaced by another of the same type, the
Q-point may shift, due to changes in parameters of the
transistor, such as current gain ( ) which varies slightly for each
unique transistor.

To avoid a shift of Q-point, bias-stabilization is necessary. Various

biasing circuits can be used for this purpose.

Load line

A load line is used in graphical analysis of nonlinear electronic

circuits, representing the constraint other parts of the circuit place on
a non-linear device, like a diode or transistor. It is usually drawn on a
graph of the current vs the voltage in the nonlinear device, called the
device's characteristic curve. A load line, usually a straight line,
represents the response of the linear part of the circuit, connected to
the nonlinear device in question. The operating point(s) of the circuit
are the points where the characteristic curve and the load line
intersect; at these points the current and voltage parameters of both
parts of the circuit match.[1]

The example at right shows how a load line is used to determine the
current and voltage in a simple diode circuit. The diode, a nonlinear
device, is in series with a linear circuit consisting of a resistor, R and
a voltage source, VDD. The characteristic curve (curved line),
representing current I through the diode versus voltage across the
diode VD, is an exponential curve. The load line (diagonal line)
represents the relationship between current and voltage due to
Kirchhoff's voltage law applied to the resistor and voltage source, is

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Since the current going through the three elements in series must be
the same, and the voltage at the terminals of the diode must be the
same, the operating point of the circuit will be at the intersection of
the curve with the load line.

In a BJT circuit, the BJT has a different current-voltage (IC-VCE)

characteristic depending on the base current. Placing a series of these
curves on the graph shows how the base current will affect the
operating point of the circuit.

Transistor load line

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Common emitter transistor load line.

The load line diagram at right is for a transistor connected in a
common emitter circuit. It shows the collector current in the transistor
IC versus collector voltage VCE for different values of base current
Ibase. The load line represents a particular value of collector load
resistor (RC). The intersections of the load line with the transistor
characteristic curve represent the different values of IC and VCE at
different base currents.

The point on the load line where it intersects the collector current axis
is referred to as saturation point.[2] At this point, the transistor current
is maximum and voltage across collector is minimum, for a given
load. For this circuit, IC-SAT= VCC/RC.[3]

The cutoff point is the point where the load line intersects with the
collector voltage axis. Here the transistor current is minimum
(approximately zero) and emitter is grounded. Hence VCE-CUTOFF=Vcc.

The operating point of the circuit in this configuration is generally

designed to be in the active region, approximately between middle of
the load line and close to saturation point. In this region, the collector
current is proportional to the base current, and hence useful for
amplifier applications. a load line is normally drawn on Ic-Vce
characteristics curves for the transistor used in amplifier circuit.

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Bipolar transistor biasing

Bipolar transistor amplifiers must be properly biased to operate

correctly. In circuits made with individual devices (discrete circuits),
biasing networks consisting of resistors are commonly employed.
Much more elaborate biasing arrangements are used in integrated
circuits, for example, bandgap voltage references and current mirrors.

The operating point of a device, also known as bias point, quiescent

point, or Q-point, is the point on the output characteristics that shows
the DC collector–emitter voltage (Vce) and the collector current (Ic)
with no input signal applied. The term is normally used in connection
with devices such as transistors.

Bias circuit requirements

Signal requirements for Class A amplifiers

For analog operation of a Class A amplifier, the Q-point is placed so
the transistor stays in active mode (does not shift to operation in the
saturation region or cut-off region) when input is applied. For digital
operation, the Q-point is placed so the transistor does the contrary -
switches from the "on" (saturation) to the "off" (cutoff) state. Often,
the Q-point is established near the center of the active region of a
transistor characteristic to allow similar signal swings in positive and
negative directions. The Q-point should be stable; in particular, it
should be insensitive to variations in transistor parameters (for
example, should not shift if transistor is replaced by another of the
same type), variations in temperature, variations in power supply
voltage and so forth. The circuit must also be practical; both easily
implemented and cost-effective.

Thermal considerations
At constant current, the voltage across the emitter–base junction VBE
of a bipolar transistor decreases 2 mV (silicon) and 1.8mV

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(germanium) for each 1 °C rise in temperature (reference being 25

°C). By the Ebers–Moll model, if the base–emitter voltage VBE is held
constant and the temperature rises, the current through the base–
emitter diode IB will increase, and thus the collector current IC will
also increase. Depending on the bias point, the power dissipated in the
transistor may also increase, which will further increase its
temperature and exacerbate the problem. This deleterious positive
feedback results in thermal runaway.[1] There are several approaches
to mitigate bipolar transistor thermal runaway. For example,

 Negative feedback can be built into the biasing circuit so that

increased collector current leads to decreased base current.
Hence, the increasing collector current throttles its source.
 Heat sinks can be used that carry away extra heat and prevent
the base–emitter temperature from rising.
 The transistor can be biased so that its collector is normally less
than half of the power supply voltage, which implies that
collector–emitter power dissipation is at its maximum value.
Runaway is then impossible because increasing collector current
leads to a decrease in dissipated power; this notion is known as
the half-voltage principle.

The circuits below primarily demonstrate the use of negative feedback

to prevent thermal runaway.

Types of bias circuit for Class A amplifiers

The following discussion treats five common biasing circuits used

with Class A bipolar transistor amplifiers:

1. Fixed bias
2. Collector-to-base bias
3. Fixed bias with emitter resistor
4. Voltage divider bias
5. Emitter bias

Fixed bias (base bias)

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Fixed bias (Base bias)

This form of biasing is also called base bias. In the example image on
the right, the single power source (for example, a battery) is used for
both collector and base of a transistor, although separate batteries can
also be used.
In the given circuit,

Vcc = IBRB + Vbe


IB = (Vcc - Vbe)/RB

For a given transistor, Vbe does not vary significantly during use. As
Vcc is of fixed value, on selection of RB, the base current IB is fixed.
Therefore this type is called fixed bias type of circuit.

Also for given circuit,

Vcc = ICRC + Vce


Vce = Vcc - ICRC

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The common-emitter current gain of a transistor is an important

parameter in circuit design, and is specified on the data sheet for a
particular transistor. It is denoted as β on this page.


IC = βIB

we can obtain IC as well. In this manner, operating point given as

(Vce,IC) can be set for given transistor.

 It is simple to shift the operating point anywhere in the active
region by merely changing the base resistor (RB).
 A very small number of components are required.


 The collector current does not remain constant with variation in

temperature or power supply voltage. Therefore the operating
point is unstable.

 Changes in Vbe will change IB and thus cause IE to change. This

in turn will alter the gain of the stage.
 When the transistor is replaced with another one, considerable
change in the value of β can be expected. Due to this change the
operating point will shift.
 For small-signal transistors (e.g., not power transistors) with
relatively high values of β (i.e., between 100 and 200), this
configuration will be prone to thermal runaway. In particular,
the stability factor, which is a measure of the change in collector
current with changes in reverse saturation current, is
approximately β+1. To ensure absolute stability of the amplifier,
a stability factor of less than 25 is preferred, and so small-signal
transistors have large stability factors.[citation needed]


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Due to the above inherent drawbacks, fixed bias is rarely used in

linear circuits (i.e., those circuits which use the transistor as a current
source). Instead, it is often used in circuits where transistor is used as
a switch. However, one application of fixed bias is to achieve crude
automatic gain control in the transistor by feeding the base resistor
from a DC signal derived from the AC output of a later stage.

Collector Feedback Bias

Collector-to-base bias

This configuration employs negative feedback to prevent thermal

runaway and stabilize the operating point. In this form of biasing, the
base resistor is connected to the collector instead of connecting it
to the DC source . So any thermal runaway will induce a voltage
drop across the resistor that will throttle the transistor's base

From Kirchhoff's voltage law, the voltage across the base resistor

By the Ebers–Moll model, , and so

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From Ohm's law, the base current , and so

Hence, the base current is

If is held constant and temperature increases, then the collector

current increases. However, a larger causes the voltage drop
across resistor to increase, which in turn reduces the voltage
across the base resistor . A lower base-resistor voltage drop
reduces the base current , which results in less collector current .
Because an increase in collector current with temperature is opposed,
the operating point is kept stable.

 Circuit stabilizes the operating point against variations in
temperature and β (i.e. replacement of transistor)

 In this circuit, to keep independent of , the following
condition must be met:

which is the case when

 As -value is fixed (and generally unknown) for a given

transistor, this relation can be satisfied either by keeping
fairly large or making very low.
o If is large, a high is necessary, which increases cost
as well as precautions necessary while handling.

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o If is low, the reverse bias of the collector–base region is

small, which limits the range of collector voltage swing
that leaves the transistor in active mode.

 The resistor causes an AC feedback, reducing the voltage

gain of the amplifier. This undesirable effect is a trade-off for
greater Q-point stability.

Usage: The feedback also decreases the input impedance of the

amplifier as seen from the base, which can be advantageous. Due to
the gain reduction from feedback, this biasing form is used only when
the trade-off for stability is warranted.

Fixed bias with emitter resistor

Fixed bias with emitter resistor

The fixed bias circuit is modified by attaching an external resistor to

the emitter. This resistor introduces negative feedback that stabilizes
the Q-point. From Kirchhoff's voltage law, the voltage across the base
resistor is

From Ohm's law, the base current is

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The way feedback controls the bias point is as follows. If V be is held

constant and temperature increases, emitter current increases.
However, a larger Ie increases the emitter voltage Ve = IeRe, which in
turn reduces the voltage VRb across the base resistor. A lower base-
resistor voltage drop reduces the base current, which results in less
collector current because Ic = β IB. Collector current and emitter
current are related by Ic = α Ie with α ≈ 1, so the increase in emitter
current with temperature is opposed, and the operating point is kept

Similarly, if the transistor is replaced by another, there may be a

change in IC (corresponding to change in β-value, for example). By
similar process as above, the change is negated and operating point
kept stable.

For the given circuit,

The circuit has the tendency to stabilize operating point against
changes in temperature and β-value.

 In this circuit, to keep IC independent of β the following
condition must be met:

which is approximately the case if

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 As β-value is fixed for a given transistor, this relation can be

satisfied either by keeping RE very large, or making RB very
o If RE is of large value, high VCC is necessary. This
increases cost as well as precautions necessary while
o If RB is low, a separate low voltage supply should be used
in the base circuit. Using two supplies of different voltages
is impractical.

 In addition to the above, RE causes ac feedback which reduces

the voltage gain of the amplifier.

The feedback also increases the input impedance of the amplifier
when seen from the base, which can be advantageous. Due to the
above disadvantages, this type of biasing circuit is used only with
careful consideration of the trade-offs involved.

Collector-Stabilized Biasing

Voltage divider biasing

Voltage divider bias

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The voltage divider is formed using external resistors R 1 and R2. The
voltage across R2 forward biases the emitter junction. By proper
selection of resistors R1 and R2, the operating point of the transistor
can be made independent of β. In this circuit, the voltage divider
holds the base voltage fixed independent of base current provided the
divider current is large compared to the base current. However, even
with a fixed base voltage, collector current varies with temperature
(for example) so an emitter resistor is added to stabilize the Q-point,
similar to the above circuits with emitter resistor.

In this circuit the base voltage is given by:

voltage across

provided .


For the given circuit,


 Unlike above circuits, only one dc supply is necessary.

 Operating point is almost independent of β variation.
 Operating point stabilized against shift in temperature.

 In this circuit, to keep IC independent of β the following
condition must be met:

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which is approximately the case if

where R1 || R2 denotes the equivalent resistance of R1 and R2

connected in parallel.

 As β-value is fixed for a given transistor, this relation can be

satisfied either by keeping RE fairly large, or making R1||R2 very
o If RE is of large value, high VCC is necessary. This
increases cost as well as precautions necessary while
o If R1 || R2 is low, either R1 is low, or R2 is low, or both are
low. A low R1 raises VB closer to VC, reducing the
available swing in collector voltage, and limiting how
large RC can be made without driving the transistor out of
active mode. A low R2 lowers Vbe, reducing the allowed
collector current. Lowering both resistor values draws
more current from the power supply and lowers the input
resistance of the amplifier as seen from the base.

 AC as well as DC feedback is caused by R E, which reduces the

AC voltage gain of the amplifier. A method to avoid AC
feedback while retaining DC feedback is discussed below.

The circuit's stability and merits as above make it widely used for
linear circuits.

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Voltage divider with AC bypass capacitor

Voltage divider with capacitor

The standard voltage divider circuit discussed above faces a drawback

- AC feedback caused by resistor RE reduces the gain. This can be
avoided by placing a capacitor (CE) in parallel with RE, as shown in
circuit diagram.

Emitter bias

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Emitter bias

When a split supply (dual power supply) is available, this biasing

circuit is the most effective, and provides zero bias voltage at the
emitter or collector for load. The negative supply VEE is used to
forward-bias the emitter junction through RE. The positive supply VCC
is used to reverse-bias the collector junction. Only two resistors are
necessary for the common collector stage and four resistors for the
common emitter or common base stage.

We know that,

VB - VE = Vbe

If RB is small enough, base voltage will be approximately zero.

Therefore emitter current is,

IE = (VEE - Vbe)/RE

The operating point is independent of β if RE >> RB/β

Good stability of operating point similar to voltage divider bias.

This type can only be used when a split (dual) power supply is

Class B and AB amplifiers

Signal requirements

Class B and AB amplifiers employ 2 active devices to cover the

complete 360 deg of input signal flow. Each transistor is therefore
biased to perform over approximately 180 deg of the input signal.
Class B bias is when the collector current Ic with no signal is just
conducting (about 1% of maximum possible value). Class AB bias is

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when the collector current Ic is about 1/4 of maximum possible value.

The class AB push–pull output amplifier circuit below could be the
basis for a moderate-power audio amplifier.

A practical amplifier circuit

Q3 is a common emitter stage that provides amplification of the signal

and the DC bias current through D1 and D2 to generate a bias voltage
for the output devices. The output pair are arranged in Class AB
push–pull, also called a complementary pair. The diodes D1 and D2
provide a small amount of constant voltage bias for the output pair,
just biasing them into the conducting state so that crossover distortion
is minimized. That is, the diodes push the output stage into class-AB
mode (assuming that the base-emitter drop of the output transistors is
reduced by heat dissipation).

This design automatically stabilizes its operating point, since overall

feedback internally operates from DC up through the audio range and
beyond. The use of fixed diode bias requires the diodes to be both
electrically and thermally matched to the output transistors. If the
output transistors conduct too much, they can easily overheat and
destroy themselves, as the full current from the power supply is not
limited at this stage.

A common solution to help stabilize the output device operating point

is to include some emitter resistors, typically an ohm or so.
Calculating the values of the circuit's resistors and capacitors is done

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based on the components employed and the intended use of the


Bias compensation

Temperature Compensation Of BJT Differential AmplifiersThe

bipolar junction transistor (BJT) emitter-coupled differential-pair
circuit is a familiar amplifier stage in the repertoire of analog
designers, but has asurprising obscurity that needs to be revealed.
This TechNote examines the emitter-circuit current source, I0, of BJT
diff-amps and the effects on amplifier gain of different
implementations for it. The widespread belief that a BJT current
source can temperature-compensate the diff-amp is true, but the
conditions for it do not appearto be widely known, based on most

Thermal stability

Thermal stability is the stability of a molecule at high temperatures;

a molecule with more stability has more resistance to
decomposition at high temperatures.

Thermal stability also describes, as defined by Schmidt (1928), the

stability of a water body and its resistance to mixing. This is the
amount of work needed to transform the water body (e.g. a lake) to a
uniform water density. The Schmidt stability 'S' is commonly
measured in Joule per square meter or g*cm/cm. Compare


The junction gate field-effect transistor (JFET or JUGFET) is the

simplest type of field-effect transistor. They are three-terminal
semiconductor devices that can be used as electronically-controlled
switches, amplifiers, or voltage-controlled resistors.

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Unlike bipolar transistors, JFETs are exclusively voltage-controlled in

that they do not need a biasing current. Electric charge flows through
a semiconducting channel between source and drain terminals. By
applying a reverse bias voltage to a gate terminal, the channel is
"pinched", so that the electric current is impeded or switched off
completely. A JFET is usually on when there is no potential
difference between its gate and source terminals. If a potential
difference of the proper polarity is applied between its gate and source
terminals, the JFET will be more resistive to current flow, which
means less current would flow in the channel between the source and
drain terminals. Thus, JFETs are sometimes referred to as depletion-
mode devices.

JFETs can have an n-type or p-type channel. In the n-type, if the

voltage applied to the gate is less than that applied to the source, the
current will be reduced (similarly in the p-type, if the voltage applied
to the gate is greater than that applied to the source). A JFET has a
large input impedance (sometimes on the order of 1010 ohms), which
means that it has a negligible effect on external components or
circuits connected to its gate.


Electric current from source to drain in a p-channel JFET is

restricted when a voltage is applied to the gate.

The JFET is a long channel of semiconductor material, doped to

contain an abundance of positive charge carriers or holes (p-type), or
of negative carriers or electrons (n-type). Ohmic contacts at each end

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form the source (S) and drain (D). A pn-junction is formed on one or
both sides of the channel, or surrounding it, using a region with
doping opposite to that of the channel, and biased using an ohmic gate
contact (G).


I–V characteristics and output plot of an n-channel JFET

JFET operation is like that of a garden hose. The flow of water

through a hose can be controlled by squeezing it to reduce the cross
section; the flow of electric charge through a JFET is controlled by
constricting the current-carrying channel. The current also depends on
the electric field between source and drain (analogous to the
difference in pressure on either end of the hose).

Construction of the conducting channel is accomplished using the

field effect: a voltage between the gate and source is applied to
reverse bias the gate-source pn-junction, thereby widening the
depletion layer of this junction (see top figure), encroaching upon the
conducting channel and restricting its cross-sectional area. The
depletion layer is so-called because it is depleted of mobile carriers
and so is electrically non-conducting for practical purposes.[1]

When the depletion layer spans the width of the conduction channel,
"pinch-off" is achieved and drain to source conduction stops. Pinch-
off occurs at a particular reverse bias (VGS) of the gate-source
junction. The pinch-off voltage (Vp) varies considerably, even among
devices of the same type. For example, VGS(off) for the Temic J202
device varies from −0.8 V to −4 V.[2] Typical values vary from −0.3 V
to −10 V.

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To switch off an n-channel device requires a negative gate-source

voltage (VGS). Conversely, to switch off a p-channel device requires
positive VGS.

In normal operation, the electric field developed by the gate blocks

source-drain conduction to some extent.

Some JFET devices are symmetrical with respect to the source and

Schematic symbols

Circuit symbol for an n-Channel JFET

Circuit symbol for a p-Channel JFET

The JFET gate is sometimes drawn in the middle of the channel

(instead of at the drain or source electrode as in these examples). This
symmetry suggests that "drain" and "source" are interchangeable, so
the symbol should be used only for those JFETs where they are
indeed interchangeable.

Officially, the style of the symbol should show the component inside
a circle (representing the envelope of a discrete device). This is true in
both the US and Europe. The symbol is usually drawn without the
circle when drawing schematics of integrated circuits. More recently,
the symbol is often drawn without its circle even for discrete devices.

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In every case the arrow head shows the polarity of the P-N junction
formed between the channel and gate. As with an ordinary diode, the
arrow points from P to N, the direction of conventional current when
forward-biased. An English mnemonic is that the arrow of an N-
channel device "points in".

Comparison with other transistors

At room temperature, JFET gate current (the reverse leakage of the

gate-to-channel junction) is comparable to that of a MOSFET (which
has insulating oxide between gate and channel), but much less than
the base current of a bipolar junction transistor. The JFET has higher
transconductance than the MOSFET, as well as lower flicker noise,
and is therefore used in some low-noise, high input-impedance op-

History of the JFET

The JFET was predicted by Julius Lilienfeld in 1925 and by the mid-
1930s its theory of operation was sufficiently well known to justify a
patent. However, it was not possible for many years to make doped
crystals with enough precision to show the effect. In 1947, researchers
John Bardeen, Walter Houser Brattain, and William Shockley were
trying to make a JFET when they discovered the point-contact
transistor. The first practical JFETs were made many years later, in
spite of their conception long before the junction transistor. To some
extent it can be treated as a hybrid of a MOSFET (metal–oxide–
semiconductor field-effect transistor) and a BJT though an IGBT
resembles more of the hybrid features.

Mathematical model

The current in N-JFET due to a small voltage VDS (that is, in the
linear ohmic region) is given by treating the channel as a rectangular
bar of material of electrical conductivity :[3]

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ID = drain–source current
b = channel thickness for a given gate voltage
W = channel width
L = channel length
q = electron charge = 1.6 x 10−19 C
μn = electron mobility
Nd = n-type doping (donor) concentration

The drain current in the saturation region is often approximated in

terms of gate bias as:[3]


IDSS is the saturation current at zero gate–source

voltage.[clarification needed]

In the saturation region, the JFET drain current is most significantly

affected by the gate–source voltage and barely affected by the drain–
source voltage.

If the channel doping is uniform, such that the depletion region

thickness will grow in proportion to the square root of (the absolute
value of) the gate–source voltage, then the channel thickness b can be
expressed in terms of the zero-bias channel thickness a as:[citation needed]


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VP is the pinchoff voltage, the gate–source voltage at which the

channel thickness goes to zero
a is the channel thickness at zero gate–source voltage.

Then the drain current in the linear ohmic region can be expressed as:

or (in terms of ):[citation needed]


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MOSFET showing gate (G), body (B), source (S) and drain (D)
terminals. The gate is separated from the body by an insulating layer

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Two power MOSFETs in the surface-mount package D2PAK.

Operating as switches, each of these components can sustain a
blocking voltage of 120 volts in the OFF state, and can conduct a
continuous current of 30 amperes in the ON state, dissipating up to
about 100 watts and controlling a load of over 2000 watts. A
matchstick is pictured for scale.

A cross section through an nMOSFET when the gate voltage V GS is

below the threshold for making a conductive channel; there is little or
no conduction between the terminals drain and source; the switch is
off. When the gate is more positive, it attracts electrons, inducing an
n-type conductive channel in the substrate below the oxide, which
allows electrons to flow between the n-doped terminals; the switch is

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Simulation result for formation of inversion channel (electron density)

and attainment of threshold voltage (IV) in a nanowire MOSFET.
Note that the threshold voltage for this device lies around 0.45 V.

The metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET,

MOS-FET, or MOS FET) is a type of transistor used for amplifying
or switching electronic signals. Although the MOSFET is a four-
terminal device with source (S), gate (G), drain (D), and body (B)
terminals,[1] the body (or substrate) of the MOSFET is often
connected to the source terminal, making it a three-terminal device
like other field-effect transistors. Because these two terminals are
normally connected to each other (short-circuited) internally, only
three terminals appear in electrical diagrams. The MOSFET is by far
the most common transistor in both digital and analog circuits, though
the bipolar junction transistor was at one time much more common.

In enhancement mode MOSFETs, a voltage drop across the oxide

induces a conducting channel between the source and drain contacts
via the field effect. The term "enhancement mode" refers to the
increase of conductivity with increase in oxide field that adds carriers
to the channel, also referred to as the inversion layer. The channel can
contain electrons (called an nMOSFET or nMOS), or holes (called a
pMOSFET or pMOS), opposite in type to the substrate, so nMOS is
made with a p-type substrate, and pMOS with an n-type substrate (see
article on semiconductor devices). In the less common depletion
mode MOSFET, detailed later on, the channel consists of carriers in a
surface impurity layer of opposite type to the substrate, and

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conductivity is decreased by application of a field that depletes

carriers from this surface layer.[2]

The "metal" in the name MOSFET is now often a misnomer because

the previously metal gate material is now often a layer of polysilicon
(polycrystalline silicon). Aluminium had been the gate material until
the mid-1970s, when polysilicon became dominant, due to its
capability to form self-aligned gates. Metallic gates are regaining
popularity, since it is difficult to increase the speed of operation of
transistors without metal gates.

Likewise, the "oxide" in the name can be a misnomer, as different

dielectric materials are used with the aim of obtaining strong channels
with smaller applied voltages.

An insulated-gate field-effect transistor or IGFET is a related term

almost synonymous with MOSFET. The term may be more inclusive,
since many "MOSFETs" use a gate that is not metal, and a gate
insulator that is not oxide. Another synonym is MISFET for metal–
insulator–semiconductor FET.

The basic principle of the field-effect transistor was first patented by

Julius Edgar Lilienfeld in 1925.


Photomicrograph of two metal-gate MOSFETs in a test pattern. Probe

pads for two gates and three source/drain nodes are labeled.

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Usually the semiconductor of choice is silicon, but some chip

manufacturers, most notably IBM and Intel, recently started using a
chemical compound of silicon and germanium (SiGe) in MOSFET
channels. Unfortunately, many semiconductors with better electrical
properties than silicon, such as gallium arsenide, do not form good
semiconductor-to-insulator interfaces, thus are not suitable for
MOSFETs. Research continues on creating insulators with acceptable
electrical characteristics on other semiconductor material.

In order to overcome the increase in power consumption due to gate

current leakage, a high-κ dielectric is used instead of silicon dioxide
for the gate insulator, while polysilicon is replaced by metal gates (see
Intel announcement[3]).

The gate is separated from the channel by a thin insulating layer,

traditionally of silicon dioxide and later of silicon oxynitride. Some
companies have started to introduce a high-κ dielectric + metal gate
combination in the 45 nanometer node.

When a voltage is applied between the gate and body terminals, the
electric field generated penetrates through the oxide and creates an
"inversion layer" or "channel" at the semiconductor-insulator
interface. The inversion channel is of the same type, p-type or n-type,
as the source and drain, thus it provides a channel through which
current can pass. Varying the voltage between the gate and body
modulates the conductivity of this layer and thereby controls the
current flow between drain and source.

Circuit symbols

A variety of symbols are used for the MOSFET. The basic design is
generally a line for the channel with the source and drain leaving it at
right angles and then bending back at right angles into the same
direction as the channel. Sometimes three line segments are used for
enhancement mode and a solid line for depletion mode. (see
Depletion and enhancement modes) Another line is drawn parallel to
the channel for the gate.

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The "bulk" or "body" connection, if shown, is shown connected to the

back of the channel with an arrow indicating PMOS or NMOS.
Arrows always point from P to N, so an NMOS (N-channel in P-well
or P-substrate) has the arrow pointing in (from the bulk to the
channel). If the bulk is connected to the source (as is generally the
case with discrete devices) it is sometimes angled to meet up with the
source leaving the transistor. If the bulk is not shown (as is often the
case in IC design as they are generally common bulk) an inversion
symbol is sometimes used to indicate PMOS, alternatively an arrow
on the source may be used in the same way as for bipolar transistors
(out for nMOS, in for pMOS).

Comparison of enhancement-mode and depletion-mode MOSFET

symbols, along with JFET symbols. The orientation of the symbols,
(most significantly the position of source relative to drain) is such that
more positive voltages appear higher on the page than less positive
voltages, implying current flowing "down" the page:[4][5][6]




enh bulk) dep

In schematics where G, S, D are not labeled, the detailed features of

the symbol indicate which terminal is source and which is drain. For
enhancement-mode and depletion-mode MOSFET symbols (in
columns two and five), the source terminal is the one connected to the
triangle. Additionally, in this diagram, the gate is shown as an "L"
shape, whose input leg is closer to S than D, also indicating which is

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which. However, these symbols are often drawn with a "T" shaped
gate (as elsewhere on this page), so it is the triangle which must be
relied upon to indicate the source terminal.

For the symbols in which the bulk, or body, terminal is shown, it is

here shown internally connected to the source (i.e., the black triangles
in the diagrams in columns 2 and 5). This is a typical configuration,
but by no means the only important configuration. In general, the
MOSFET is a four-terminal device, and in integrated circuits many of
the MOSFETs share a body connection, not necessarily connected to
the source terminals of all the transistors.

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In electronics, a common emitter amplifier is one of three basic

single-stage bipolar-junction-transistor (BJT) amplifier topologies,
typically used as a voltage amplifier.

In this circuit the base terminal of the transistor serves as the input,
the collector is the output, and the emitter is common to both (for
example, it may be tied to ground reference or a power supply rail),
hence its name. The analogous field-effect transistor circuit is the
common source amplifier, and the analogous tube circuit is the
common cathode amplifier.

Emitter degeneration

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Figure 2: Adding an emitter resistor decreases gain, but increases

linearity and stability

Common emitter amplifiers give the amplifier an inverted output and

can have a very high gain that may vary widely from one transistor to
the next. The gain is a strong function of both temperature and bias
current, and so the actual gain is somewhat unpredictable. Stability is
another problem associated with such high gain circuits due to any
unintentional positive feedback that may be present.

Other problems associated with the circuit are the low input dynamic
range imposed by the small-signal limit; there is high distortion if this
limit is exceeded and the transistor ceases to behave like its small-
signal model. One common way of alleviating these issues is with the
use of negative feedback, which is usually implemented with emitter
degeneration. Emitter degeneration refers to the addition of a small
resistor (or any impedance) between the emitter and the common
signal source (e.g., the ground reference or a power supply rail). This
impedance reduces the overall transconductance of the
circuit by a factor of , which makes the voltage gain

So the voltage gain depends almost exclusively on the ratio of the

resistors rather than the transistor's intrinsic and unpredictable
characteristics. The distortion and stability characteristics of the
circuit are thus improved at the expense of a reduction in gain.


At low frequencies and using a simplified hybrid-pi model, the

following small-signal characteristics can be derived.

Expression (with Expression

Definition emitter (without emitter
degeneration) degeneration, i.e.,

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RE = 0)


If the emitter degeneration resistor is not present, then , and

the expressions effectively simplify to the ones given by the rightmost
column (note that the voltage gain is an ideal value; the actual gain is
somewhat unpredictable). As expected, when is increased, the
input impedance is increased and the voltage gain is reduced.

The bandwidth of the common-emitter amplifier tends to be low due
to high capacitance resulting from the Miller effect. The parasitic
base-collector capacitance appears like a larger parasitic capacitor
(where is negative) from the base to ground.[1] This
large capacitor greatly decreases the bandwidth of the amplifier as it
makes the time constant of the parasitic input RC filter
where is the output impedance of the signal source
connected to the ideal base.

The problem can be mitigated in several ways, including:

 Reduction of the voltage gain magnitude (e.g., by using

emitter degeneration).

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 Reduction of the output impedance of the signal source

connected to the base (e.g., by using an emitter follower or some
other voltage follower).
 Using a cascode configuration, which inserts a low input
impedance current buffer (e.g. a common base amplifier)
between the transistor's collector and the load. This
configuration holds the transistor's collector voltage roughly
constant, thus making the base to collector gain zero and hence
(ideally) removing the Miller effect.
 Using a differential amplifier topology like an emitter follower
driving a grounded-base amplifier; as long as the emitter
follower is truly a common-collector amplifier, the Miller effect
is removed.

The Miller effect negatively affects the performance of the common

source amplifier in the same way (and has similar solutions).When an
AC signal is applied to the transistor amplifier it causes the base
voltage VB to fluctuate in value at the AC signal. The positive half of
the applied signal will cause an increase in the value of VB this turn
will increase the base current IB and cause a corresponding increase
in emitter current IE and collector current IC. As a result, the collector
emitter voltage will be reduced because of the increase voltage drop
across RL. The negative alternation of an AC signal will cause a
decrease in IB this action then causes a corresponding decrease in IE
through RL. The output signal of a common- emitter amplifier is
therefore 180 degrees out of phase with the input signal.

It is also named common- emitter amplifier because the emitter of the

transistor is common to both the input circuit and output circuit. The
input signal is applied across the ground and the base circuit of the
transistor. The output signal appears across ground and the collector
of the transistor. Since the emitter is connected to the ground, it is
common to signals, input and output.

The common- emitter circuit is the most widely used of junction,

transistor amplifiers. As compared with the common- base
connection, it has higher input impedance and lower output
impedance. A single power supply is easily used for biasing. In

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addition, higher voltage and power gains are usually obtained for
common- emitter (CE) operation.

Current gain in the common emitter circuit is obtained from the base
and the collector circuit currents. Because a very small change in base
current produces a large change in collector current, the current gain
(β) is always greater than unity for the common-emitter circuit, a
typical value is about 50.


In electronics, a common collector amplifier (also known as an

emitter follower) is one of three basic single-stage bipolar junction
transistor (BJT) amplifier topologies, typically used as a voltage

In this circuit the base terminal of the transistor serves as the input,
the emitter is the output, and the collector is common to both (for
example, it may be tied to ground reference or a power supply rail),
hence its name. The analogous field-effect transistor circuit is the
common drain amplifier

Basic circuit

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Figure 2: A negative feedback amplifier

The circuit can be explained by viewing the transistor as being under

the control of negative feedback. From this viewpoint, a common
collector stage (Fig. 1) is an amplifier with full series negative
feedback. In this configuration (Fig. 2 with β = 1), the entire output
voltage VOUT is placed contrary and in series with the input voltage
VIN. Thus the two voltages are subtracted according to KVL (the
subtractor from the function block diagram is implemented just by the
input loop) and their difference Vdiff = VIN - VOUT is applied to the
base-emitter junction. The transistor monitors continuously Vdiff and
adjusts its emitter voltage almost equal (less VBEO) to the input
voltage by passing the according collector current through the emitter
resistor RE. As a result, the output voltage follows the input voltage
variations from VBEO up to V+; hence the name, emitter follower.

Intuitively, this behavior can be also understood by realizing that the

base-emitter voltage in the bipolar transistor is very insensitive to bias
changes, so any change in base voltage is transmitted (to good
approximation) directly to the emitter. It depends slightly on various
disturbances (transistor tolerances, temperature variations, load
resistance, collector resistor if it is added, etc.) since the transistor
reacts to these disturbances and restores the equilibrium. It never
saturates even if the input voltage reaches the positive rail.

The common collector circuit can be shown mathematically to have a

voltage gain of almost unity:

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Figure 3: PNP version of the emitter follower circuit, all polarities are

A small voltage change on the input terminal will be replicated at the

output (depending slightly on the transistor's gain and the value of the
load resistance; see gain formula below). This circuit is useful
because it has a large input impedance, so it will not load down the
previous circuit:

and a small output impedance, so it can drive low-resistance loads:

Typically, the emitter resistor is significantly larger and can be

removed from the equation:


Figure 4: NPN voltage follower with current source biasing suitable

for integrated circuits

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The low output impedance allows a source with a large output

impedance to drive a small load impedance; it functions as a voltage
buffer. In other words, the circuit has current gain (which depends
largely on the hFE of the transistor) instead of voltage gain. A small
change to the input current results in much larger change in the output
current supplied to the output load.

One aspect of buffer action is transformation of impedances. For

example, the Thévenin resistance of a combination of a voltage
follower driven by a voltage source with high Thévenin resistance is
reduced to only the output resistance of the voltage follower (a small
resistance). That resistance reduction makes the combination a more
ideal voltage source. Conversely, a voltage follower inserted between
a small load resistance and a driving stage presents a large load to the
driving stage—an advantage in coupling a voltage signal to a small

This configuration is commonly used in the output stages of class-B

and class-AB amplifiers. The base circuit is modified to operate the
transistor in class-B or AB mode. In class-A mode, sometimes an
active current source is used instead of RE (Fig. 4) to improve
linearity and/or efficiency.[1]


At low frequencies and using a simplified hybrid-pi model, the

following small-signal characteristics can be derived. (Parameter
and the parallel lines indicate components in parallel.)

Expression te Conditions



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Where is the Thévenin equivalent source resistance.


In electronics, a common base (also known as grounded-base)

amplifier is one of three basic single-stage bipolar junction transistor
(BJT) amplifier topologies, typically used as a current buffer or
voltage amplifier.

In this circuit the emitter terminal of the transistor serves as the input,
the collector the output, and the base is connected to ground, or
"common", hence its name. The analogous field-effect transistor
circuit is the common gate amplifier

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Simplified Operation

As current is sunk from the emitter this provides potential difference

so causing the transistor to conduct.[1] The current conducted via the
collector is proportional to the voltage across the base-emitter
junction, accounting for the bias, as with other configurations. [2]

Therefore, if no current is sunk at the emitter the transistor does not



This arrangement is not very common in low-frequency circuits,

where it is usually employed for amplifiers that require an unusually
low input impedance, for example to act as a preamplifier for moving-
coil microphones. However, it is popular in high-frequency
amplifiers, for example for VHF and UHF, because its input
capacitance does not suffer from the Miller effect, which degrades the
bandwidth of the common emitter configuration, and because of the
relatively high isolation between the input and output. This high
isolation means that there is little feedback from the output back to
the input, leading to high stability.

This configuration is also useful as a current buffer since it has a

current gain of approximately unity (see formulas below). Often a
common base is used in this manner, preceded by a common emitter
stage. The combination of these two form the cascode configuration,
which possesses several of the benefits of each configuration, such as
high input impedance and isolation.

Low-frequency characteristics

At low frequencies and under small-signal conditions, the circuit in

Figure 1 can be represented by that in Figure 2, where the hybrid-pi
model for the BJT has been employed. The input signal is represented
by a Thévenin voltage source, vs, with a series resistance Rs and the
load is a resistor RL. This circuit can be used to derive the following
characteristics of the common base amplifier.

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Definitio Approximate
Expression Conditions
n expression

e gain




Note: Parallel lines (||) indicate components in parallel.

In general the overall voltage/current gain may be substantially less

than the open/short circuit gains listed above (depending on the
source and load resistances) due to the loading effect.

Active loads

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For voltage amplification, the range of allowed output voltage swing

in this amplifier is tied to its voltage gain when a resistor load R C is
employed, as in Figure 1. That is, large voltage gain requires large R C,
and that in turn implies a large DC voltage drop across R C. For a
given supply voltage, the larger this drop, the smaller the transistor
VCB and the less output swing is allowed before saturation of the
transistor occurs, with resultant distortion of the output signal. To
avoid this situation, an active load can be used, for example, a current
mirror. If this choice is made, the value of R C in the table above is
replaced by the small-signal output resistance of the active load,
which is generally at least as large as the rO of the active transistor in
Figure 1. On the other hand, the DC voltage drop across the active
load is a fixed low value (the compliance voltage of the active load),
much less than the DC voltage drop incurred for comparable gain
using a resistor RC. That is, an active load imposes less restriction on
the output voltage swing. Notice that active load or not, large AC gain
still is coupled to large AC output resistance, which leads to poor
voltage division at the output except for large loads RL >> Rout.

For use as a current buffer, gain is not affected by RC, but output
resistance is. Because of the current division at the output, it is
desirable to have an output resistance for the buffer much larger than
the load RL being driven so large signal currents can be delivered to a
load. If a resistor RC is used, as in Figure 1, a large output resistance
is coupled to a large RC, again limiting the signal swing at the output.
(Even though current is delivered to the load, usually a large current
signal into the load implies a large voltage swing across the load as
well.) An active load provides high AC output resistance with much
less serious impact upon the amplitude of output signal swing.


Semiconductor circuits typically have both DC and AC currents in

them, with a source of DC current to bias the nonlinear semiconductor
to the correct operating point, and the AC signal superimposed on the
DC. Load lines can be used separately for both DC and AC analysis.
The DC load line is the load line of the DC equivalent circuit, defined
by reducing the reactive components to zero (replacing capacitors by

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open circuits and inductors by closed circuits). It is used to determine

the correct DC operating point, often called the Q point.

Once a DC operating point is defined by the DC load line, an AC load

line can be drawn through the Q point. The AC load line is a straight
line with a slope equal to the AC impedance facing the nonlinear
device, which is in general different from the DC resistance. The ratio
of AC voltage to current in the device is defined by this line. Because
the impedance of the reactive components will vary with frequency,
the slope of the AC load line depends on the frequency of the applied
signal. So there are many AC load lines, that vary from the DC load
line (at low frequency) to a limiting AC load line, all having a
common intersection at the dc operating point. This limiting load line,
generally referred to as the AC load line, is the load line of the circuit
at "infinite frequency", and can be found by replacing capacitors with
short circuits, and inductors with open circuits.


A differential amplifier is a type of electronic amplifier that

amplifies the difference between two voltages but does not amplify
the particular voltages.

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Many electronic devices use differential amplifiers internally. The

output of an ideal differential amplifier is given by:

Where and are the input voltages and is the differential gain.
In practice, however, the gain is not quite equal for the two inputs.
This means, for instance, that if and are equal, the output will
not be zero, as it would be in the ideal case. A more realistic
expression for the output of a differential amplifier thus includes a
second term.

is called the common-mode gain of the amplifier.

As differential amplifiers are often used to null out noise or bias-
voltages that appear at both inputs, a low common-mode gain is
usually desired.

The common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR), usually defined as the

ratio between differential-mode gain and common-mode gain,
indicates the ability of the amplifier to accurately cancel voltages that
are common to both inputs. The common-mode rejection ratio is
defined as:

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In a perfectly symmetrical differential amplifier, is zero and the

CMRR is infinite. Note that a differential amplifier is a more general
form of amplifier than one with a single input; by grounding one input
of a differential amplifier, a single-ended amplifier results.

Long-tailed pair

Historical background

Differential amplifiers are usually implemented with a basic circuit

called long-tailed pair. This circuit was originally implemented using
a pair of vacuum tubes. The circuit works the same way for all three-
terminal devices with current gain. The long-tail resistor circuit bias
points are largely determined by Ohm's Law and less so by active
component characteristics.

The long-tailed pair was developed from earlier knowledge of push-

pull circuit techniques and measurement bridges.[1] An early circuit
which closely resembles a long-tailed pair was published by
Matthews in 1934,[2] and it seems likely that this was intended to be a
true long-tailed pair but was published with a drawing error. The
earliest definite long-tailed pair circuit appears in a patent submitted
by Alan Blumlein in 1936.[3] By the end of the 1930s the topology
was well established and had been described by various authors
including Offner (1937),[4] Schmitt (1937)[5] and Toennies (1938) and
it was particularly used for detection and measurement of
physiological impulses.[6]

The long-tailed pair was very successfully used in early British

computing, most notably the Pilot ACE model and descendants,[nb 1]
Wilkes' EDSAC, and probably others designed by people who worked
with Blumlein or his peers. The long-tailed pair has many attributes as
a switch: largely immune to tube (transistor) variations (of great
importance when machines contained 1,000 or more tubes), high gain,
gain stability, high input impedance, medium/low output impedance,
good clipper (with not-too-long tail), non-inverting (EDSAC
contained no inverters!) and large output voltage swings. One
disadvantage is that the output voltage swing (typically ±10–20 V)

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was imposed upon a high DC voltage (200 V or so), requiring care in

signal coupling, usually some form of wide-band DC coupling. Many
computers of this time tried to avoid this problem by using only AC-
coupled pulse logic, which made them very large and overly complex
(ENIAC: 18,000 tubes for a 20 digit calculator) or unreliable. DC-
coupled circuitry became the norm after the first generation of
vacuum tube computers.

A differential (long-tailed,[nb 2] emitter-coupled) pair amplifier
consists of two amplifying stages with common (emitter, source or
cathode) degeneration.

Differential output

Figure 2: A classic long-tailed pair

With two inputs and two outputs, this forms a differential amplifier
stage (Fig. 2). The two bases (or grids or gates) are inputs which are
differentially amplified (subtracted and multiplied) by the pair; they
can be fed with a differential (balanced) input signal, or one input
could be grounded to form a phase splitter circuit. An amplifier with
differential output can drive floating load or another stage with
differential input.

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Single-ended output

If the differential output is not desired, then only one output can be
used (taken from just one of the collectors (or anodes or drains),
disregarding the other output without a collector inductor; this
configuration is referred to as single-ended output. The gain is half
that of the stage with differential output. To avoid sacrificing gain, a
differential to single-ended converter can be utilized. This is often
implemented as a current mirror (Fig. 3).

To explain the circuit operation, four particular modes are isolated
below although, in practice, some of them act simultaneously and
their effects are superimposed.


In contrast with classic amplifying stages that are biased from the side
of the base (and so they are highly β-dependent), the differential pair
is directly biased from the side of the emitters by sinking/injecting the
total quiescent current. The series negative feedback (the emitter
degeneration) makes the transistors act as voltage stabilizers; it forces
them to adjust their VBE voltages (base currents) to pass the quiescent
current through their collector-emitter junctions.[nb 3] So, due to the
negative feedback, the quiescent current depends slightly on the
transistor's β.

The biasing base currents needed to evoke the quiescent collector

currents usually come from the ground, pass through the input sources
and enter the bases. So, the sources have to be galvanic (DC) to
ensure paths for the biasing currents and low resistive enough to not
create significant voltage drops across them. Otherwise, additional
DC elements should be connected between the bases and the ground
(or the positive power supply).

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Common mode

At common mode (the two input voltages change in the same

directions), the two voltage (emitter) followers cooperate with each
other working together on the common high-resistive emitter load (the
"long tail"). They all together increase or decrease the voltage of the
common emitter point (figuratively speaking, they together "pull up"
or "pull down" it so that it moves). In addition, the dynamic load
"helps" them by changing its instant ohmic resistance in the same
direction as the input voltages (it increases when the voltage increases
and vice versa.) thus keeping up constant total resistance between the
two supply rails. There is a full (100%) negative feedback; the two
input base voltages and the emitter voltage change simultaneously
while the collector currents and the total current do not change. As a
result, the output collector voltages do not change as well.

Differential mode

Normal. At differential mode (the two input voltages change in

opposite directions), the two voltage (emitter) followers oppose each
other - while one of them tries to increase the voltage of the common
emitter point, the other tries to decrease it (figuratively speaking, one
of them "pulls up" the common point while the other "pulls down" it
so that it stays immovable) and v.v. So, the common point does not
change its voltage; it behaves like a virtual ground with a magnitude
determined by the common-mode input voltages. The high-resistive
emitter element does not play any role since it is shunted by the other
low-resistive emitter follower. There is no negative feedback since the
emitter voltage does not change at all when the input base voltages
change. Тhe common quiescent current vigorously steers between the
two transistors and the output collector voltages vigorously change.
The two transistors mutually ground their emitters; so, although they
are common-collector stages, they actually act as common-emitter
stages with maximum gain. Bias stability and independence from
variations in device parameters can be improved by negative feedback
introduced via cathode/emitter resistors with relatively small

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Overdriven. If the input differential voltage changes significantly

(more than about a hundred millivolts), the base-emitter junction of
the transistor driven by the lower input voltage becomes backward
biased and its collector voltage reaches the positive supply rail. The
other transistor (driven by the higher input voltage) saturates and its
collector voltage begins following the input one. This mode is used in
differential switches and ECL gates.

Breakdown. If the input voltage continues increasing and exceeds the

base-emitter breakdown voltage, the base-emitter junction of the
transistor driven by the lower input voltage breaks down. If the input
sources are low resistive, an unlimited current will flow directly
through the "diode bridge" between the two input sources and will
damage them.

At common mode, the emitter voltage follows the input voltage

variations; there is a full negative feedback and the gain is minimum.
At differential mode, the emitter voltage is fixed (equal to the instant
common input voltage); there is no negative feedback and the gain is


The common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of a differential

amplifier (or other device) is the rejection by the device of unwanted
input signals common to both input leads, relative to the wanted
difference signal. An ideal differential amplifier would have infinite
CMRR; this is not achievable in practice. A high CMRR is required
when a differential signal must be amplified in the presence of a
possibly large common-mode input. An example is audio
transmission over balanced lines.


Ideally, a differential amplifier takes the voltages, and on its two

inputs and produces an output voltage , where is
the differential gain. However, the output of a real differential
amplifier is better described as

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where is the common-mode gain, which is typically much smaller

than the differential gain.

The CMRR is defined as the ratio of the powers of the differential

gain over the common-mode gain, measured in positive decibels (thus
using the 20 log rule):

As differential gain should exceed common-mode gain, this will be a

positive number, and the higher the better.

The CMRR is a very important specification, as it indicates how

much of the common-mode signal will appear in your measurement.
The value of the CMRR often depends on signal frequency as well,
and must be specified as a function thereof.

It is often important in reducing noise on transmission lines. For

example, when measuring the resistance of a thermocouple in a noisy
environment, the noise from the environment appears as an offset on
both input leads, making it a common-mode voltage signal. The
CMRR of the measurement instrument determines the attenuation
applied to the offset or noise.


n electronics, the Darlington transistor (often called a Darlington

pair) is a compound structure consisting of two bipolar transistors
(either integrated or separated devices) connected in such a way that
the current amplified by the first transistor is amplified further by the
second one.[1] This configuration gives a much higher
common/emitter current gain than each transistor taken separately
and, in the case of integrated devices, can take less space than two
individual transistors because they can use a shared collector.
Integrated Darlington pairs come packaged singly in transistor-like

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packages or as an array of devices (usually eight) in an integrated


The Darlington configuration was invented by Bell Laboratories

engineer Sidney Darlington in 1953. He patented the idea of having
two or three transistors on a single chip sharing a collector. [2]

A similar configuration but with transistors of opposite type (one

NPN and one PNP) is the Sziklai pair, sometimes called the
"complementary Darlington."


View of the chip in an MJ1000

A Darlington pair is like a set of feeders with a high current gain

(approximately the product of the gains of the two transistors). In fact,
integrated devices have three leads (B, C and E), broadly equivalent
to those of a standard transistor.

A general relation between the compound current gain and the

individual gains is given by:

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If β1 and β2 are high enough (hundreds), this relation can be

approximated with:

Darlington pairs are available as integrated packages or can be made

from two discrete transistors; Q1 (the left-hand transistor in the
diagram) can be a low power type, but normally Q2 (on the right) will
need to be high power. The maximum collector current IC(max) of the
pair is that of Q2. A typical integrated power device is the 2N6282,
which includes a switch-off resistor and has a current gain of 2400 at

A Darlington pair can be sensitive enough to respond to the current

passed by skin contact even at safe voltages. Thus it can form the
input stage of a touch-sensitive switch.

A typical modern device has a current gain of 1000 or more, so that

only a small base current is needed to make the pair switch on.
However, this high current gain comes with several drawbacks.


One drawback is an approximate doubling of the base/emitter voltage.

Since there are two junctions between the base and emitter of the
Darlington transistor, the equivalent base/emitter voltage is the sum of
both base/emitter voltages:

For silicon-based technology, where each VBEi is about 0.65 V when

the device is operating in the active or saturated region, the necessary
base/emitter voltage of the pair is 1.3 V.

Another drawback of the Darlington pair is its increased "saturation"

voltage. The output transistor is not allowed to saturate (i.e. its base-
collector junction must remain reverse-biased) because the first

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transistor, when saturated, establishes full (100%) parallel negative

feedback between the collector and the base of the second transistor.[3]
Since collector/emitter voltage is equal to the sum of its own
base/emitter voltage and the collector-emitter voltage of the first
transistor, both positive quantities in normal operation, it always
exceeds the base-emitter voltage. (In symbols,
always.) Thus the
"saturation" voltage of a Darlington transistor is one VBE (about 0.65
V in silicon) higher than a single transistor saturation voltage, which
is typically 0.1 - 0.2 V in silicon. For equal collector currents, this
drawback translates to an increase in the dissipated power for the
Darlington transistor over a single transistor. The increased low
output level can cause troubles when TTL logic circuits are driven.

Another problem is a reduction in switching speed or response,

because the first transistor cannot actively inhibit the base current of
the second one, making the device slow to switch off. To alleviate
this, the second transistor often has a resistor of a few hundred ohms
connected between its base and emitter terminals. [1] This resistor
provides a low impedance discharge path for the charge accumulated
on the base-emitter junction, allowing a faster transistor turn-off.

The Darlington pair has more phase shift at high frequencies than a
single transistor and hence can more easily become unstable with
negative feedback (i.e., systems that use this configuration can have
poor phase margin due to the extra transistor delay).


"Bootstrap" redirects here. For a UI web design tool called

"Bootstrap", see Bootstrap (front-end framework).
For other uses, see Bootstrapping (disambiguation).
In general parlance, bootstrapping usually refers to the starting of a
self-sustaining process that is supposed to proceed without external
input. In computer technology the term (usually shortened to booting)
usually refers to the process of loading the basic software into the
memory of a computer after power-on or general reset, especially the

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operating system which will then take care of loading other software
as needed.

The term appears to have originated in the early 19th century United
States (particularly in the phrase "pull oneself over a fence by one's
bootstraps"), to mean an absurdly impossible action, an

Cascade amplifier
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cascaded amplifier, a simplified diagram

A cascade amplifier is any two-port network constructed from a

series of amplifiers, where each amplifier sends its output to the input
of the next amplifier in a daisy chain.[1]

A cascade is basically a differential amplifier with one input grounded

and the side with the real input has no load. It can also be seen as a
common collector (emitter follower) followed by a common base.
Since the input side has no load there is no gain on that side and the
Miller effect does not come into play. In addition, Vds or Vce stays
fairly constant which reduces distortion. Its advantage over the
cascade is that it does not require as much voltage headroom. Its
disadvantage is since it has two legs it requires twice as much current
as a cascade for similar performance.

The complication in calculating the gain of cascaded stages is the

non-ideal coupling between stages due to loading. Two cascaded
common emitter stages are shown below. Because the input resistance

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of the second stage forms a voltage divider with the output resistance
of the first stage, the total gain is not the product of the individual
(separated) stages.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The cascode is a two-stage amplifier composed of a transconductance

amplifier followed by a current buffer.

Compared to a single amplifier stage, this combination may have one

or more of the following characteristics: higher input-output isolation,
higher input impedance, high output impedance, higher gain or higher

In modern circuits, the cascode is often constructed from two

transistors (BJTs or FETs), with one operating as a common emitter
or common source and the other as a common base or common gate.
The cascode improves input-output isolation (or reverse transmission)
as there is no direct coupling from the output to input. This eliminates
the Miller effect and thus contributes to a much higher bandwidth.


Figure 1: N-channel class A cascode amplifier

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Figure 1 shows an example of cascode amplifier with a common

source amplifier as input stage driven by signal source Vin. This input
stage drives a common gate amplifier as output stage, with output
signal Vout.

As the lower FET is conducting, by providing gate voltage, the upper

FET conducts due to the potential difference now appearing between
its gate and source.

The major advantage of this circuit arrangement stems from the

placement of the upper field-effect transistor (FET) as the load of the
input (lower) FET's output terminal (drain). Because at operating
frequencies the upper FET's gate is effectively grounded, the upper
FET's source voltage (and therefore the input transistor's drain) is held
at nearly constant voltage during operation. In other words, the upper
FET exhibits a low input resistance to the lower FET, making the
voltage gain of the lower FET very small, which dramatically reduces
the Miller feedback capacitance from the lower FET's drain to gate.
This loss of voltage gain is recovered by the upper FET. Thus, the
upper transistor permits the lower FET to operate with minimum
negative (Miller) feedback, improving its bandwidth.

The upper FET gate is electrically grounded, so charge and discharge

of stray capacitance Cdg between drain and gate is simply through RD
and the output load (say Rout), and the frequency response is affected
only for frequencies above the associated RC time constant: τ = Cdg
RD//Rout, namely f = 1/(2πτ), a rather high frequency because C dg is
small. That is, the upper FET gate does not suffer from Miller
amplification of Cdg.

If the upper FET stage were operated alone using its source as input
node (i.e. common gate (CG) configuration), it would have good
voltage gain and wide bandwidth. However, its low input impedance
would limit its usefulness to very low impedance voltage drivers.
Adding the lower FET results in a high input impedance, allowing the
cascode stage to be driven by a high impedance source.

If one were to replace the upper FET with a typical inductive/resistive

load, and take the output from the input transistor's drain (i.e. a

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common source(CS) configuration), the CS configuration would offer

the same input impedance as the cascode, but the cascode
configuration would offer a potentially greater gain and much greater

The cascode arrangement is also very stable. Its output is effectively
isolated from the input both electrically and physically. The lower
transistor has nearly constant voltage at both drain and source and
thus there is essentially "nothing" to feed back into its gate. The upper
transistor has nearly constant voltage at its gate and source. Thus, the
only nodes with significant voltage on them are the input and output,
and these are separated by the central connection of nearly constant
voltage and by the physical distance of two transistors. Thus in
practice there is little feedback from the output to the input. Metal
shielding is both effective and easy to provide between the two
transistors for even greater isolation when required. This would be
difficult in one-transistor amplifier circuits, which at high frequencies
would require neutralization.

As shown, the cascode circuit using two "stacked" FETs imposes
some restrictions on the two FETs — namely, the upper FET must be
biased so its source voltage is high enough (the lower FET drain
voltage may swing too low, causing it to saturate). Insurance of this
condition for FETs requires careful selection for the pair, or special
biasing of the upper FET gate, increasing cost.

The cascode circuit can also be built using bipolar transistors, or

MOSFETs, or even one FET (or MOSFET) and one BJT. In the latter
case, the BJT must be the upper transistor; otherwise, the (lower) BJT
will always saturate[citation needed] unless extraordinary steps are taken to
bias it.


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The cascode arrangement offers high gain, high bandwidth, high slew
rate, high stability, and high input impedance. The parts count is very
low for a two-transistor circuit.

The cascode circuit requires two transistors and requires a relatively
high supply voltage. For the two-FET cascode, both transistors must
be biased with ample VDS in operation, imposing a lower limit on the
supply voltage.

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Small-signal modeling is a common analysis technique in electrical

engineering which is used to approximate the behavior of nonlinear
devices with linear equations. This linearization is formed about the
DC bias point of the device (that is, the voltage/current levels present
when no signal is applied), and can be accurate for small excursions
about this point.

Many electronic circuits, such as radio receivers, communications,

and signal processing circuits, generally carry small time-varying
(AC) signals on top of a constant (DC) bias. This suggests using a
method akin to approximation by finite difference method to analyze
relatively small perturbations about the bias point.

Any nonlinear device which can be described quantitatively using a

formula can then be 'linearized' about a bias point by taking partial
derivatives of the formula with respect to all governing variables.
These partial derivatives can be associated with physical quantities
(such as capacitance, resistance and inductance), and a circuit diagram
relating them can be formulated. Small-signal models exist for
electron tubes, diodes, field-effect transistors (FET) and bipolar
transistors, notably the hybrid-pi model and various two-port

Variable notation

 Large-signal DC quantities are denoted by uppercase letters with

uppercase subscripts. For example, the DC input bias voltage of
a transistor would be denoted .

 Small-signal quantities are denoted using lowercase letters with

lowercase subscripts. For example, the input signal of a
transistor would be denoted as .

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 Total quantities, combining both small-signal and large-signal

quantities, are denoted using lower case letters and uppercase
subscripts. For example, the total input voltage to the
aforementioned transistor would be .

Example: PN junction diodes

Main article: Diode modelling § Small-signal modelling

The (large-signal) Shockley equation for a diode can be linearized

about the bias point or quiescent point (sometimes called Q-point) to
find the small-signal conductance, capacitance and resistance of the
diode. This procedure is described in more detail under diode
modeling, which provides an example of the linearization procedure
followed in all small-signal models of semiconductor devices.

Differences between small signal and large signal

A large signal is a DC signal (or an AC signal at a point in time) that

is one or more orders of magnitude larger than the small signal and is
used to analyse a circuit containing non-linear components and
calculate an operating point (bias) of these components.

A small signal is an AC signal superimposed on a circuit containing a

large signal.

In analysis of the small signal's contribution to the circuit, the non-

linear components are modeled as linear components


From this relationship, lets now "derive" the all important
characteristic relating drain current and drain-source voltage.
Consider the following configuration:

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At some position x along the source-drain channel:

But since ID is constant throughout conducting channel:

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At the peak so that stored charge at the drain

vanishes and the equation is no longer valid. At this point the
drain current has reached its "saturation" value as indicated in
the figure above. The drain current at maximum follows the
parabolic equation


Common source
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Figure 1: Basic N-channel JFET common-source circuit (neglecting

biasing details).

Figure 2: Basic N-channel JFET common-source circuit with source


In electronics, a common-source amplifier is one of three basic

single-stage field-effect transistor (FET) amplifier topologies,
typically used as a voltage or transconductance amplifier. The easiest
way to tell if a FET is common source, common drain, or common
gate is to examine where the signal enters and leaves. The remaining
terminal is what is known as "common". In this example, the signal
enters the gate, and exits the drain. The only terminal remaining is the

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source. This is a common-source FET circuit. The analogous bipolar

junction transistor circuit is the common-emitter amplifier.

The common-source (CS) amplifier may be viewed as a

transconductance amplifier or as a voltage amplifier. (See
classification of amplifiers). As a transconductance amplifier, the
input voltage is seen as modulating the current going to the load. As a
voltage amplifier, input voltage modulates the amount of current
flowing through the FET, changing the voltage across the output
resistance according to Ohm's law. However, the FET device's output
resistance typically is not high enough for a reasonable
transconductance amplifier (ideally infinite), nor low enough for a
decent voltage amplifier (ideally zero). Another major drawback is
the amplifier's limited high-frequency response. Therefore, in practice
the output often is routed through either a voltage follower (common-
drain or CD stage), or a current follower (common-gate or CG stage),
to obtain more favorable output and frequency characteristics. The
CS–CG combination is called a cascode amplifier.


At low frequencies and using a simplified hybrid-pi model, the

following small-signal characteristics can be derived.

Definition Expression

Current gain

Voltage gain

Input impedance

Output impedance


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Figure 3: Basic N-channel MOSFET common-source amplifier with

active load ID.

Figure 4: Small-signal circuit for N-channel MOSFET common-

source amplifier.

Figure 5: Small-signal circuit for N-channel MOSFET common-

source amplifier using Miller's theorem to introduce Miller
capacitance CM.

The bandwidth of the common-source amplifier tends to be low, due

to high capacitance resulting from the Miller effect. The gate-drain
capacitance is effectively multiplied by the factor , thus

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increasing the total input capacitance and lowering the overall


Figure 3 shows a MOSFET common-source amplifier with an active

load. Figure 4 shows the corresponding small-signal circuit when a
load resistor RL is added at the output node and a Thévenin driver of
applied voltage VA and series resistance RA is added at the input node.
The limitation on bandwidth in this circuit stems from the coupling of
parasitic transistor capacitance Cgd between gate and drain and the
series resistance of the source RA. (There are other parasitic
capacitances, but they are neglected here as they have only a
secondary effect on bandwidth.)

Using Miller's theorem, the circuit of Figure 4 is transformed to that

of Figure 5, which shows the Miller capacitance C M on the input side
of the circuit. The size of CM is decided by equating the current in the
input circuit of Figure 5 through the Miller capacitance, say i M, which

to the current drawn from the input by capacitor C gd in Figure 4,

namely jωCgd vGD. These two currents are the same, making the two
circuits have the same input behavior, provided the Miller capacitance
is given by:

Usually the frequency dependence of the gain vD / vG is unimportant

for frequencies even somewhat above the corner frequency of the
amplifier, which means a low-frequency hybrid-pi model is accurate
for determining vD / vG. This evaluation is Miller's approximation[1]
and provides the estimate (just set the capacitances to zero in Figure

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so the Miller capacitance is

The gain gm (rO || RL) is large for large RL, so even a small parasitic
capacitance Cgd can become a large influence in the frequency
response of the amplifier, and many circuit tricks are used to
counteract this effect. One trick is to add a common-gate (current-
follower) stage to make a cascode circuit. The current-follower stage
presents a load to the common-source stage that is very small, namely
the input resistance of the current follower (R L ≈ 1 / gm ≈ Vov / (2ID) ;
see common gate). Small RL reduces CM.[2] The article on the
common-emitter amplifier discusses other solutions to this problem.

Returning to Figure 5, the gate voltage is related to the input signal by

voltage division as:

The bandwidth (also called the 3dB frequency) is the frequency where
the signal drops to 1/ √ 2 of its low-frequency value. (In decibels,
dB(√ 2) = 3.01 dB). A reduction to 1/ √ 2 occurs when ωC M RA = 1,
making the input signal at this value of ω (call this value ω3dB, say) vG
= VA / (1+j). The magnitude of (1+j) = √ 2. As a result the 3dB
frequency f3dB = ω3dB / (2π) is:

If the parasitic gate-to-source capacitance Cgs is included in the

analysis, it simply is parallel with CM, so

Notice that f3dB becomes large if the source resistance RA is small, so

the Miller amplification of the capacitance has little effect upon the
bandwidth for small RA. This observation suggests another circuit

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trick to increase bandwidth: add a common-drain (voltage-follower)

stage between the driver and the common-source stage so the
Thévenin resistance of the combined driver plus voltage follower is
less than the RA of the original driver.[3]

Examination of the output side of the circuit in Figure 2 enables the

frequency dependence of the gain vD / vG to be found, providing a
check that the low-frequency evaluation of the Miller capacitance is
adequate for frequencies f even larger than f3dB. (See article on pole
splitting to see how the output side of the circuit is handled.)


Common gate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain

unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. Please help
to improve this article by introducing more precise citations.
(April 2009)

Figure 1: Basic N-channel common-gate circuit (neglecting biasing

details); current source ID represents an active load; signal is applied

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at node Vin and output is taken from node Vout; output can be current
or voltage

In electronics, a common-gate amplifier is one of three basic single-

stage field-effect transistor (FET) amplifier topologies, typically used
as a current buffer or voltage amplifier. In this circuit the source
terminal of the transistor serves as the input, the drain is the output
and the gate is connected to ground, or "common," hence its name.
The analogous bipolar junction transistor circuit is the common-base


This configuration is used less often than the common source or

source follower. It is useful in, for example, CMOS RF receivers,
especially when operating near the frequency limitations of the FETs;
it is desirable because of the ease of impedance matching and
potentially has lower noise. Gray and Meyer[1] provide a general
reference for this circuit.

Low-frequency characteristics

Figure 2: Small-signal low-frequency hybrid-pi model for amplifier

driven by a Norton signal source

At low frequencies and under small-signal conditions, the circuit in

Figure 1 can be represented by that in Figure 2, where the hybrid-pi
model for the MOSFET has been employed.

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Figure 3: Hybrid pi model with test source i x at output to find output


The amplifier characteristics are summarized below in Table 1. The

approximate expressions use the assumptions (usually accurate) rO >>
RL and gmrO >> 1.

Table 1 Definition Expression



Note: Parallel lines (||) indicate components in parallel.

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In general the overall voltage/current gain may be substantially less

than the open/short circuit gains listed above (depending on the
source and load resistances) due to the loading effect.

Closed circuit voltage gain

Taking input and output loading into consideration, the closed circuit
voltage gain (that is, the gain with load RL and source with resistance
RS both attached) of the common gate can be written as:

which has the simple limiting forms

depending upon whether gmRS is much larger or much smaller than


In the first case the circuit acts as a current follower, as understood as

follows: for RS >> 1/gm the voltage source can be replaced by its
Norton equivalent with Norton current vThév / RS and parallel Norton
resistance RS. Because the amplifier input resistance is small, the
driver delivers by current division a current vThév / RS to the amplifier.
The current gain is unity, so the same current is delivered to the
output load RL, producing by Ohm's law an output voltage vout =
vThévRL / RS, that is, the first form of the voltage gain above.

In the second case RS << 1/gm and the Thévenin representation of the
source is useful, producing the second form for the gain, typical of
voltage amplifiers.

Because the input impedance of the common-gate amplifier is very

low, the cascode amplifier often is used instead. The cascode places a
common-source amplifier between the voltage driver and the
common-gate circuit to permit voltage amplification using a driver
with RS >> 1/gm.


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The Common Source JFET Amplifier

So far we have looked at the bipolar type transistor amplifier and

especially the common emitter amplifier, but small signal amplifiers
can also be made using Field Effect Transistors or FET’s for short.
These devices have the advantage over bipolar transistors of having
an extremely high input impedance along with a low noise output
making them ideal for use in amplifier circuits that have very small
input signals.

The design of an amplifier circuit based around a junction field effect

transistor or “JFET”, (N-channel FET for this tutorial) or even a metal
oxide silicon FET or “MOSFET” is exactly the same principle as that
for the bipolar transistor circuit used for a Class A amplifier circuit
we looked at in the previous tutorial.

Firstly, a suitable quiescent point or “Q-point” needs to be found for

the correct biasing of the JFET amplifier circuit with single amplifier
configurations of Common-source (CS), Common-drain (CD) or
Source-follower (SF) and the Common-gate (CG) available for most
FET devices.

These three JFET amplifier configurations correspond to the

common-emitter, emitter-follower and the common-base
configurations using bipolar transistors. In this tutorial about FET
amplifiers we will look at the popular Common Source JFET
Amplifier as this is the most widely used JFET amplifier design.

Consider the Common Source JFET Amplifier circuit configuration


Common Source JFET Amplifier

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The amplifier circuit consists of an N-channel JFET, but the device

could also be an equivalent N-channel depletion-mode MOSFET as
the circuit diagram would be the same just a change in the FET,
connected in a common source configuration. The JFET gate voltage
Vg is biased through the potential divider network set up by resistors
R1 and R2 and is biased to operate within its saturation region which
is equivalent to the active region of the bipolar junction transistor.

Unlike a bipolar transistor circuit, the junction FET takes virtually no

input gate current allowing the gate to be treated as an open circuit.
Then no input characteristics curves are required. We can compare the
JFET to the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in the following table.

JFET to BJT Comparison

Junction FET Bipolar Transistor

Gate, ( G ) Base, ( B )

Drain, ( D ) Collector, ( C )

Source, ( S ) Emitter, ( E )

Gate Supply, ( VG ) Base Supply, ( VB )

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Drain Supply, ( VDD ) Collector Supply, ( VCC )

Drain Current, ( ID ) Collector Current, ( IC )

Since the N-Channel JFET is a depletion mode device and is normally

“ON”, a negative gate voltage with respect to the source is required to
modulate or control the drain current. This negative voltage can be
provided by biasing from a separate power supply voltage or by a self
biasing arrangement as long as a steady current flows through the
JFET even when there is no input signal present and Vg maintains a
reverse bias of the gate-source pn junction.

In our simple example, the biasing is provided from a potential

divider network allowing the input signal to produce a voltage fall at
the gate as well as voltage rise at the gate with a sinusoidal signal.
Any suitable pair of resistor values in the correct proportions would
produce the correct biasing voltage so the DC gate biasing voltage Vg
is given as:

Note that this equation only determines the ratio of the resistors R1
and R2, but in order to take advantage of the very high input
impedance of the JFET as well as reducing the power dissipation
within the circuit, we need to make these resistor values as high as
possible, with values in the order of 1 to 10MΩ being common.

The input signal, (Vin) of the common source JFET amplifier is

applied between the Gate terminal and the zero volts rail, (0v). With a
constant value of gate voltage Vg applied the JFET operates within its
“Ohmic region” acting like a linear resistive device. The drain circuit
contains the load resistor, Rd. The output voltage, Vout is developed
across this load resistance. The efficiency of the common source
JFET amplifier can be improved by the addition of a resistor, Rs

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included in the source lead with the same drain current flowing
through this resistor. Resistor, Rs is also used to set the JFET
amplifiers “Q-point”.

When the JFET is switched fully “ON” a voltage drop equal to Rs x

Id is developed across this resistor raising the potential of the source
terminal above 0v or ground level. This voltage drop across Rs due to
the drain current provides the necessary reverse biasing condition
across the gate resistor, R2 effectively generating negative feedback.

So in order to keep the gate-source junction reverse biased, the source

voltage, Vs needs to be higher than the gate voltage, Vg. This source
voltage is therefore given as:

Then the Drain current, Id is also equal to the Source current, Is as

“No Current” enters the Gate terminal and this can be given as:

This potential divider biasing circuit improves the stability of the

common source JFET amplifier circuit when being fed from a single
DC supply compared to that of a fixed voltage biasing circuit. Both
resistor, Rs and the source by-pass capacitor, Cs serve basically the
same function as the emitter resistor and capacitor in the common
emitter bipolar transistor amplifier circuit, namely to provide good
stability and prevent a reduction in the loss of the voltage gain.
However, the price paid for a stabilized quiescent gate voltage is that
more of the supply voltage is dropped across Rs.

The the value in farads of the source by-pass capacitor is generally

fairly high above 100uF and will be polarized. This gives the

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capacitor an impedance value much smaller, less than 10% of the

transconductance, gm (the transfer coefficient representing gain)
value of the device. At high frequencies the by-pass capacitor acts
essentially as a short-circuit and the source will be effectively
connected directly to ground.

The basic circuit and characteristics of a Common Source JFET

Amplifier are very similar to that of the common emitter amplifier. A
DC load line is constructed by joining the two points relating to the
drain current, Id and the supply voltage, Vdd remembering that when
Id = 0: ( Vdd = Vds ) and when Vds = 0: ( Id = Vdd/R L ). The load
line is therefore the intersection of the curves at the Q-point as

Common Source JFET Amplifier Characteristics Curves

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BiCMOS Cascode

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Miller effect
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In electronics, the Miller effect accounts for the increase in the

equivalent input capacitance of an inverting voltage amplifier due to
amplification of the effect of capacitance between the input and
output terminals. The virtually increased input capacitance due to the
Miller effect is given by

where is the gain of the amplifier and C is the feedback


Although the term Miller effect normally refers to capacitance, any

impedance connected between the input and another node exhibiting
gain can modify the amplifier input impedance via this effect. These
properties of the Miller effect are generalized in the Miller theorem.
The Miller capacitance due to parasitic capacitance between the
output and input of active devices like transistors and vacuum tubes is
a major factor limiting their gain at high frequencies. Miller
capacitance was identified in 1920 in triode vacuum tubes by John
Milton Miller.

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An ideal voltage inverting amplifier with an impedance connecting

output to input.

Consider an ideal inverting voltage amplifier of gain with an

impedance connected between its input and output nodes. The
output voltage is therefore . Assuming that the amplifier
input draws no current, all of the input current flows through , and is
therefore given by

The input impedance of the circuit is

If Z represents a capacitor with impedance , the resulting

input impedance is

Thus the effective or Miller capacitance CM is the physical C

multiplied by the factor .[2]

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As most amplifiers are inverting ( as defined above is positive), the

effective capacitance at their inputs is increased due to the Miller
effect. This can reduce the bandwidth of the amplifier, restricting its
range of operation to lower frequencies. The tiny junction and stray
capacitances between the base and collector terminals of a Darlington
transistor, for example, may be drastically increased by the Miller
effects due to its high gain, lowering the high frequency response of
the device.

It is also important to note that the Miller capacitance is the

capacitance seen looking into the input. If looking for all of the RC
time constants (poles) it is important to include as well the
capacitance seen by the output. The capacitance on the output is often
neglected since it sees and amplifier outputs are typically
low impedance. However if the amplifier has a high impedance
output, such as if a gain stage is also the output stage, then this RC
can have a significant impact on the performance of the amplifier.
This is when pole splitting techniques are used.

The Miller effect may also be exploited to synthesize larger capacitors

from smaller ones. One such example is in the stabilization of
feedback amplifiers, where the required capacitance may be too large
to practically include in the circuit. This may be particularly important
in the design of integrated circuits, where capacitors can consume
significant area, increasing costs.

The Miller effect may be undesired in many cases, and approaches
may be sought to lower its impact. Several such techniques are used
in the design of amplifiers.

A current buffer stage may be added at the output to lower the gain
between the input and output terminals of the amplifier (though not
necessarily the overall gain). For example, a common base may be
used as a current buffer at the output of a common emitter stage,

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forming a cascode. This will typically reduce the Miller effect and
increase the bandwidth of the amplifier.

Alternatively, a voltage buffer may be used before the amplifier input,

reducing the effective source impedance seen by the input terminals.
This lowers the time constant of the circuit and typically increases
the bandwidth.

Impact on frequency response

Figure 2: Amplifier with feedback capacitor CC.

Figure 2A shows an example of Figure 1 where the impedance

coupling the input to the output is the coupling capacitor C C. A
Thévenin voltage source VA drives the circuit with Thévenin
resistance RA. The output impedance of the amplifier is considered
low enough that the relationship Vo= AvVi is presumed to hold. At the
output ZL serves as the load. (The load is irrelevant to this discussion:
it just provides a path for the current to leave the circuit.) In Figure
2A, the coupling capacitor delivers a current jωCC(Vi − Vo) to the
output node.

Figure 2B shows a circuit electrically identical to Figure 2A using

Miller's theorem. The coupling capacitor is replaced on the input side
of the circuit by the Miller capacitance CM, which draws the same

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current from the driver as the coupling capacitor in Figure 2A.

Therefore, the driver sees exactly the same loading in both circuits.
On the output side, a capacitor CMo = (1 + 1/Av)CC draws the same
current from the output as does the coupling capacitor in Figure 2A.

In order that the Miller capacitance draw the same current in Figure
2B as the coupling capacitor in Figure 2A, the Miller transformation
is used to relate CM to CC. In this example, this transformation is
equivalent to setting the currents equal, that is

or, rearranging this equation

This result is the same as CM of the Derivation Section.

The present example with Av frequency independent shows the

implications of the Miller effect, and therefore of C C, upon the
frequency response of this circuit, and is typical of the impact of the
Miller effect (see, for example, common source). If CC = 0 F, the
output voltage of the circuit is simply Av vA, independent of
frequency. However, when CC is not zero, Figure 2B shows the large
Miller capacitance appears at the input of the circuit. The voltage
output of the circuit now becomes

and rolls off with frequency once frequency is high enough that ω
CMRA ≥ 1. It is a low-pass filter. In analog amplifiers this curtailment
of frequency response is a major implication of the Miller effect. In
this example, the frequency ω3dB such that ω3dB CMRA = 1 marks the
end of the low-frequency response region and sets the bandwidth or
cutoff frequency of the amplifier.

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The effect of CM upon the amplifier bandwidth is greatly reduced for

low impedance drivers (CM RA is small if RA is small). Consequently,
one way to minimize the Miller effect upon bandwidth is to use a low-
impedance driver, for example, by interposing a voltage follower
stage between the driver and the amplifier, which reduces the
apparent driver impedance seen by the amplifier.

The output voltage of this simple circuit is always Av vi. However,

real amplifiers have output resistance. If the amplifier output
resistance is included in the analysis, the output voltage exhibits a
more complex frequency response and the impact of the frequency-
dependent current source on the output side must be taken into
account.[3] Ordinarily these effects show up only at frequencies much
higher than the roll-off due to the Miller capacitance, so the analysis
presented here is adequate to determine the useful frequency range of
an amplifier dominated by the Miller effect.

Miller approximation
This example also assumes Av is frequency independent, but more
generally there is frequency dependence of the amplifier contained
implicitly in Av. Such frequency dependence of Av also makes the
Miller capacitance frequency dependent, so interpretation of CM as a
capacitance becomes more difficult. However, ordinarily any
frequency dependence of Av arises only at frequencies much higher
than the roll-off with frequency caused by the Miller effect, so for
frequencies up to the Miller-effect roll-off of the gain, Av is accurately
approximated by its low-frequency value. Determination of C M using
Av at low frequencies is the so-called Miller approximation.[2] With
the Miller approximation, CM becomes frequency independent, and its
interpretation as a capacitance at low frequencies is secure.

CE Amplifier – High Frequency Response

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We have seen that a symmetric differential amplifier can be analyzed

with a differential half circuit. This still holds true for high-frequency
small-signal analysis.

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CS Amplifier – High Frequency Response

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H 
C 1  1

gs  Cgd 1 gm RL ' Rs CT Rs


In electronics, gain is a measure of the ability of a circuit (often an

amplifier) to increase the power or amplitude of a signal from the
input to the output by adding energy converted from some power
supply to the signal. It is usually defined as the mean ratio of the
signal output of a system to the signal input of the same system. It is
often expressed using the logarithmic decibel (dB) units ("dB gain").
A gain greater than one (zero dB), that is, amplification, is the
defining property of an active component or circuit, while a passive
circuit will have a gain of less than one.

The term gain alone is ambiguous, and can refer to the ratio of output
to input voltage, (voltage gain), current (current gain) or electric
power (power gain). In the field of audio and general purpose
amplifiers, especially operational amplifiers, the term usually refers to
voltage gain, but in radio frequency amplifiers it usually refers to
power gain. Furthermore, the term gain is also applied in systems
such as sensors where the input and output have different units; in
such cases the gain units must be specified, as in "5 microvolts per
photon" for the responsivity of a photosensor. The "gain" of a bipolar
transistor normally refers to forward current transfer ratio, either h FE
("Beta", the static ratio of Ic divided by Ib at some operating point), or

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sometimes hfe (the small-signal current gain, the slope of the graph of
Ic against Ib at a point).

The term gain has a slightly different meaning in antenna design;

antenna gain is the ratio of power received by a directional antenna to
power received by an isotropic antenna.

Power gain
Power gain, in decibels (dB), is defined by the 10 log rule as follows:

where Pin and Pout are the input and output powers respectively.

A similar calculation can be done using a natural logarithm instead of

a decimal logarithm, and without the factor of 10, resulting in nepers
instead of decibels:

Voltage gain
When power gain is calculated using voltage instead of power,
making the substitution (P=V 2/R), the formula is:

In many cases, the input and output impedances are equal, so the
above equation can be simplified to:

and then the 20 log rule:

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This simplified formula is used to calculate a voltage gain in

decibels, and is equivalent to a power gain only if the impedances at
input and output are equal.

Current gain
In the same way, when power gain is calculated using current instead
of power, making the substitution (P = I 2R), the formula is:

In many cases, the input and output impedances are equal, so the
above equation can be simplified to:

and then:

This simplified formula is used to calculate a current gain in

decibels, and is equivalent to the power gain only if the impedances at
input and output are equal.

The "current gain" of a bipolar transistor, hFE or hfe, is normally given

as a dimensionless number, the ratio of Ic to Ib (or slope of the Ic-
versus-Ib graph, for hfe).

In the cases above, gain will be a dimensionless quantity, as it is the

ratio of like units (Decibels are not used as units, but rather as a
method of indicating a logarithmic relationship). In the bipolar
transistor example it is the ratio of the output current to the input
current, both measured in Amperes. In the case of other devices, the
gain will have a value in SI units. Such is the case with the

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operational transconductance amplifier, which has an open-loop gain

(transconductance) in Siemens (mhos), because the gain is a ratio of
the output current to the input voltage.

his article is about signal processing. For other uses, see Cutoff

Magnitude transfer function of a bandpass filter with lower 3 dB

cutoff frequency f1 and upper 3 dB cutoff frequency f2

A bode plot of the Butterworth filter's frequency response, with corner

frequency labeled. (The slope −20 dB per decade also equals −6 dB
per octave.)

In physics and electrical engineering, a cutoff frequency, corner

frequency, or break frequency is a boundary in a system's frequency

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response at which energy flowing through the system begins to be

reduced (attenuated or reflected) rather than passing through.

Typically in electronic systems such as filters and communication

channels, cutoff frequency applies to an edge in a lowpass, highpass,
bandpass, or band-stop characteristic – a frequency characterizing a
boundary between a passband and a stopband. It is sometimes taken
to be the point in the filter response where a transition band and
passband meet, for example, as defined by a 3 dB corner (a frequency
for which the output of the circuit is −3 dB of the nominal passband
value). Alternatively, a stopband corner frequency may be specified
as a point where a transition band and a stopband meet: a frequency
for which the attenuation is larger than the required stopband
attenuation, which for example may be 30 dB or 100 dB.

In the case of a waveguide or an antenna, the cutoff frequencies

correspond to the lower and upper cutoff wavelengths.


A linear amplifier responds to different frequency components
independently, and does not generate harmonic distortion or
Intermodulation distortion. No amplifier can provide perfect linearity
(even the most linear amplifier has some nonlinearities, since the
amplifying devices—transistors or vacuum tubes—follow nonlinear
power laws such as square-laws and rely on circuitry techniques to
reduce those effects).
A nonlinear amplifier generates significant distortion and so
changes the harmonic content; there are situations where this is
useful. Amplifier circuits intentionally providing a non-linear transfer
function include:

 a device like a Silicon Controlled Rectifier or a transistor used

as a switch may be employed to turn either fully ON or OFF a
load such as a lamp based on a threshold in a continuously
variable input.
 a non-linear amplifier in an analog computer or true RMS
converter for example can provide a special transfer function,
such as logarithmic or square-law.

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 a Class C RF amplifier may be chosen because it can be very

efficient, but will be non-linear; following such an amplifier
with a "tank" tuned circuit can reduce unwanted harmonics
(distortion) sufficiently to be useful in transmitters, or some
desired harmonic may be selected by setting the resonant
frequency of the tuned circuit to a higher frequency rather than
fundamental frequency in frequency multiplier circuits.
 Automatic gain control circuits require an amplifier's gain be
controlled by the time-averaged amplitude so that the output
amplitude varies little when weak stations are being received.
The non-linearities are assumed to be arranged so the relatively
small signal amplitude suffers from little distortion (cross-
channel interference or intermodulation) yet is still modulated
by the relatively large gain-control DC voltage.
 AM detector circuits that use amplification such as Anode-bend
detectors, Precision rectifiers and Infinite impedance detectors
(so excluding unamplified detectors such as Cat's-whisker
detectors), as well as peak detector circuits, rely on changes in
amplification based on the signal's instantaneous amplitude to
derive a direct current from an alternating current input.
 Operational amplifier comparator and detector circuits.

A wideband amplifier has a precise amplification factor over a

wide frequency range, and is often used to boost signals for relay in
communications systems. A narrowband amp amplifies a specific
narrow range of frequencies, to the exclusion of other frequencies.
An RF amplifier amplifies signals in the radio frequency range of
the electromagnetic spectrum, and is often used to increase the
sensitivity of a receiver or the output power of a transmitter.[7]
An audio amplifier amplifies audio frequencies. This category
subdivides into small signal amplification, and power amps that are
optimised to driving speakers, sometimes with multiple amps grouped
together as separate or bridgeable channels to accommodate different
audio reproduction requirements. Frequently used terms within audio
amplifiers include:

 Preamplifier (preamp), which may include a phono preamp with

RIAA equalization, or tape head preamps with CCIR

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equalisation filters. They may include filters or tone control

 Power amplifier (normally drives loudspeakers), headphone
amplifiers, and public address amplifiers.
 Stereo amplifiers imply two channels of output (left and right),
though the term simply means "solid" sound (referring to three-
dimensional)—so quadraphonic stereo was used for amplifiers
with four channels. 5.1 and 7.1 systems refer to Home theatre
systems with 5 or 7 normal spacial channels, plus a subwoofer


The performance obtainable from a single stage amplifier is often

insufficient for many applications, hence several stages may be
combined forming a multistage amplifier. These stages are
connected in cascade, i.e. output of the first stage is connected to form
input of second stage, whose output becomes input of third stage, and
so on.

Overall gain

The overall gain of a multistage amplifier is the product of the gains

of the individual stages (ignoring potential loading effects):

Gain (A) = A1* A2*A3 *A4 *... *An.

Alternately, if the gain of each amplifier stage is expressed in decibels

(dB), the total gain is the sum of the gains of the individual stages:

Gain in dB (A) = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + ... An

Inter-stage coupling

Depending on the manner in which the different amplifier stages are

connected, one of the following amplifiers may result:

 R-C coupled amplifier

 R-L coupled amplifier

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 L-C coupled amplifier

 Transformer coupled amplifier
 Direct coupled amplifier

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An operational amplifier (op-amp) is a DC-coupled high-gain

electronic voltage amplifier with a differential input and, usually, a
single-ended output.[1] In this configuration, an op-amp produces an
output potential (relative to circuit ground) that is typically hundreds
of thousands of times larger than the potential difference between its
input terminals.[2]

Operational amplifiers had their origins in analog computers, where

they were used to do mathematical operations in many linear, non-
linear and frequency-dependent circuits. Characteristics of a circuit
using an op-amp are set by external components with little
dependence on temperature changes or manufacturing variations in
the op-amp itself, which makes op-amps popular building blocks for
circuit design.

Op-amps are among the most widely used electronic devices today,
being used in a vast array of consumer, industrial, and scientific
devices. Many standard IC op-amps cost only a few cents in moderate
production volume; however some integrated or hybrid operational
amplifiers with special performance specifications may cost over
$100 US in small quantities.[3] Op-amps may be packaged as
components, or used as elements of more complex integrated circuits.

The op-amp is one type of differential amplifier. Other types of

differential amplifier include the fully differential amplifier (similar to
the op-amp, but with two outputs), the instrumentation amplifier
(usually built from three op-amps), the isolation amplifier (similar to
the instrumentation amplifier, but with tolerance to common-mode
voltages that would destroy an ordinary op-amp), and negative
feedback amplifier (usually built from one or more op-amps and a
resistive feedback network).

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An op-amp without negative feedback (a comparator)

The amplifier's differential inputs consist of a non-inverting input (+)

with voltage V+ and an inverting input (–) with voltage V−; ideally the
op-amp amplifies only the difference in voltage between the two,
which is called the differential input voltage. The output voltage of
the op-amp Vout is given by the equation:

where AOL is the open-loop gain of the amplifier (the term "open-
loop" refers to the absence of a feedback loop from the output to the

Open loop
The magnitude of AOL is typically very large—100,000 or more for
integrated circuit op-amps—and therefore even a quite small
difference between V+ and V− drives the amplifier output nearly to the
supply voltage. Situations in which the output voltage is equal to or
greater than the supply voltage are referred to as saturation of the
amplifier. The magnitude of AOL is not well controlled by the
manufacturing process, and so it is impractical to use an operational
amplifier as a stand-alone differential amplifier.

Without negative feedback, and perhaps with positive feedback for

regeneration, an op-amp acts as a comparator. If the inverting input is

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held at ground (0 V) directly or by a resistor Rg, and the input voltage

Vin applied to the non-inverting input is positive, the output will be
maximum positive; if Vin is negative, the output will be maximum
negative. Since there is no feedback from the output to either input,
this is an open loop circuit acting as a comparator. The circuit's gain is
just the AOL of the op-amp.

Closed loop

An op-amp with negative feedback (a non-inverting amplifier)

If predictable operation is desired, negative feedback is used, by

applying a portion of the output voltage to the inverting input. The
closed loop feedback greatly reduces the gain of the circuit. When
negative feedback is used, the circuit's overall gain and response
becomes determined mostly by the feedback network, rather than by
the op-amp characteristics. If the feedback network is made of
components with values small relative to the op amp's input
impedance, the value of the op-amp's open loop response AOL does
not seriously affect the circuit's performance. The response of the op-
amp circuit with its input, output, and feedback circuits to an input is
characterized mathematically by a transfer function; designing an op-
amp circuit to have a desired transfer function is in the realm of
electrical engineering. The transfer functions are important in most
applications of op-amps, such as in analog computers. High input
impedance at the input terminals and low output impedance at the
output terminal(s) are particularly useful features of an op-amp.

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In the non-inverting amplifier on the right, the presence of negative

feedback via the voltage divider Rf, Rg determines the closed-loop
gain ACL = Vout / Vin. Equilibrium will be established when Vout is just
sufficient to "reach around and pull" the inverting input to the same
voltage as Vin. The voltage gain of the entire circuit is thus 1 + R f/Rg.
As a simple example, if Vin = 1 V and Rf = Rg, Vout will be 2 V,
exactly the amount required to keep V− at 1 V. Because of the
feedback provided by the Rf, Rg network, this is a closed loop circuit.

Another way to analyze this circuit proceeds by making the following

(usually valid) assumptions:[4]

 When an op-amp operates in linear (i.e., not saturated) mode,

the difference in voltage between the non-inverting (+) pin and
the inverting (−) pin is negligibly small.
 The input impedance between (+) and (−) pins is much larger
than other resistances in the circuit.

The input signal Vin appears at both (+) and (−) pins, resulting in a
current i through Rg equal to Vin/Rg.

Since Kirchhoff's current law states that the same current must leave a
node as enter it, and since the impedance into the (−) pin is near
infinity, we can assume practically all of the same current i flows
through Rf, creating an output voltage

By combining terms, we determine the closed-loop gain ACL:

IC biasing Current steering circuit using MOSFET

Current Steering Circuits

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A current mirror may consist of many MOSFET current sources!


IL1 =Iref IL3=Iref

R Iref RL1 RL2 IL2=Iref RL3

Qref Q1 Q2 Q3

This circuit is particularly useful in integrated circuit design, where

one resistor R is used to make multiple current sources.

Q: What if we want to make the sources have different current

values? Do we need to make additional current mirrors?

A: NO!!

Recall that the current mirror simply ensures that the gate to source
voltages of each transistor is equal to the gate to source voltage of the

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V ref V V V 
GS GS 1 GS 2 GS 3

Therefore, if each transistor is identical (i.e., Kref  K  , and


Vt ref Vt1 Vt2  ) then:

Iref  Kref VGSref Vt ref 


 Kn VGSn Vtn   IDn


In other words, if each transistor Qn is identical to Qref , then each

current IDn will equal reference current Iref .

But, consider what happens if the MOSFETS are not identical.

Specifically, consider the case where Kn  Kref (but Vtn Vt ref ).

Remember, we know that VGSn VGSref still, even when Kn  K ref .

Thus, the drain current IDn will now be:

IDn  Kn VGSn Vtn 


 
 Kn VGSref Vt ref

 K  Iref 
n  
K ref 
 K 
  n  Iref
 K ref 

The drain current is a scaled value of Iref !

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For example, if K1 is twice that of Kref (i.e., K1  2Kref ), then ID1

will be twice as large as Iref (i.e., I1  2Iref ).

From the standpoint of integrated circuit design, we can change the

value of K by modifying the MOSFET channel width-to-length
ratio (W/L) for each transistor.

  W L 
1 k W
2 L
  n n
Kref 1 k W  W L 
2 L ref ref


K K K3
IL 1 I L2  2 I ref I L 3  I ref
 1I K ref K ref
K ref

R Iref RL1 RL2 RL3

Qref Q1 Q2 Q3

MOSFET current sources

A current source is an electronic circuit that delivers or absorbs an

electric current which is independent of the voltage across it.

A current source is the dual of a voltage source. The term constant-

current 'sink' is sometimes used for sources fed from a negative
voltage supply. Figure 1 shows the schematic symbol for an ideal

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current source, driving a resistor load. There are two types - an

independent current source (or sink) delivers a constant current. A
dependent current source delivers a current which is proportional to
some other voltage or current in the circuit.

PMOS and NMOS current sources

P-type metal-oxide-semiconductor logic uses p-channel metal-

oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) to
implement logic gates and other digital circuits. PMOS transistors
operate by creating an inversion layer in an n-type transistor body.
This inversion layer, called p-channel, can conduct holes between p-
type "source" and "drain" terminals.

The p-channel is created by applying voltage to the third terminal

called gate. Like other MOSFETs, PMOS transistors have four modes
of operation: cut-off (or subthreshold), triode, saturation (sometimes
called active), and velocity saturation.

The p-type MOSFETs are arranged in a so-called "pull-up network"

(PUN) between the logic gate output and positive supply voltage,
while a resistor is placed between the logic gate output and the
negative supply voltage. The circuit is designed such that if the
desired output is high, then the PUN will be active, creating a current
path between the positive supply and the output.

While PMOS logic is easy to design and manufacture (a MOSFET

can be made to operate as a resistor, so the whole circuit can be made
with PMOS FETs), it has several shortcomings as well. The worst
problem is that a DC current flows through a PMOS logic gate when
the PUN is active, that is whenever the output is high. This leads to
static power dissipation even when the circuit sits idle.

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Also, PMOS circuits are slow to transition from high to low. When
transitioning from low to high, the transistors provide low resistance,
and the capacitative charge at the output accumulates very quickly
(similar to charging a capacitor through a very low resistor). But the
resistance between the output and the negative supply rail is much
greater, so the high to low transition takes longer (similar to discharge
a capacitor through a high resistor value). Using a resistor of lower
value will speed up the process but also increases static power

Additionally, the asymmetric input logic levels make PMOS circuits

susceptible to noise.

Though initially easier to manufacture, PMOS logic was later

supplanted by NMOS logic because NMOS is faster than PMOS.
Modern fabs use CMOS, which uses both PMOS and NMOS
transistors together. Static CMOS logic leverages the advantages of
both by using NMOS and PMOS together in the wafer.

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Amplifier with active loads - enhancement load, Depletion load

Enhancement Loads

Resistors take up far too much space on integrated circuit substrates.

Therefore, we need to make a resistor out of a transistor!

Q: How can we do that!? After all, a resistor is a two terminal

device, whereas a transistor is a three terminal device.

A: We can make a two terminal device from a MOSFET by

connecting the gate and the drain!

+ +

v v

i - i

Enhancement Load Resistor Load

Q: How does this “enhancement load” resemble a resistor?

A: Consider the i-v curve for a resistor:

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Now consider the same curve for an enhancement load.

Since the gate is tied to the drain, we find vG  vD , and thus vGS  vDS
. As a result, we find that vDS  vGS Vt always.

Therefore, we find that if vGS Vt , the MOSFET will be in

saturation (iD  K (vGS Vt )2 ), whereas if vGS Vt , the MOSFET is
in cutoff (iD  0 ).

Since for enhancement load i  iD and v  vGS , we can describe the

enhancement load as:

0 for v Vt
i  
K v V 
for v  V
 t t

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Plotting this equation:


i  K (v Vt )2

So, resistors and enhancVement loads are far from exactly the same,

1) They both have i  0 when v  0.

2) They both have increasing current i with increasing voltage




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Therefore, we can build a common source amplifier with either a

resistor, or in the case of an integrated circuit, an enhancement load.

vO vO
vI vI

For the enhancement load amplifier, the load line is replaced with a
load curve (v VDD vDS )!




And the transfer function of this circuit is:

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Q in saturation


Q: What is the smalV

l tsignal behavior of an enhancement load?

A: The enhancement load is made of a MOSFET device, and we

understand the small-signal behavior for a MOSFET!

Step 1 - DC Analysis

If V Vt , then
I  K V Vt  or:

V  Vt
K -

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Step 2 – Determine gm and ro

gm  2K VGS Vt   2K V Vt 

1 1 1
ro    2
I D I K V Vt 

Step 3 – Determine the small-signal circuit

Inserting the MOSFET small-signal model, we get:

i  id
+ D
v =vgs
gmvgs ro

Redrawing this circuit, we get:
+ D
v ro
- gmv

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Or, simplifying further, we have the small-signal equivalent circuit for

an enhancement load:

It is imperative that you understand that the circuit to

my right is the small-signal equivalent circuit for an
enhancement load.

Please replace all enhancement loads with this small-

signal model whenever you are attempting to find the
small-signal circuit of any MOSFET amplifier.

v ro

Enhancement Load
Small-Signal Model

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Depletion Loads

We can also make a transistor “load” by using a depletion MOSFET!

Note vG  vs , therefore vGS  0 !

+ Q: Doesn’t that mean that the

MOSFET is in cutoff!?
A: No! Note we are using a
depletion MOSFET. Recall that for
these devices, a conducting channel
i is implanted—we do not need to
induce a channel!

Instead, the channel is cutoff only if it is fully depleted, where

depletion is accomplished by making the gate-to-source voltage
negative (for NMOS). Thus, the threshold voltage for a depletion
NMOS transistor is negative (Vt  0 ).

For the depletion load shown above, VGS  0 Vt , so that the
MOSFET can never be in cutoff—the channel is always conducting!

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The question then is whether the MOSFET is in triode or saturation.

Recall an n-channel MOSFET is in triode if:

vDS vGS Vt

and since v  vDS and vGS  0 , we find that the depletion load
MOSFET is in triode if:

v  Vt

Note that since the threshold voltage for a depletion NMOS device is
negative, the value Vt is a positive number!

Recall that a MOSFET in triode has drain current:

iD  K 2 vGS Vt vDS v 2
DS 

And since for the depletion load, i  iD , v  vDS and vGS  0 :

i  K  2Vt v v 2 
 K 2Vt v v

Since v  Vt, this current value is actually positive (i  0) if voltage

v is positive.

Now, if v  Vt (i.e., vDS vGS Vt ), we find that the depletion
MOSFET in the load will be in saturation, and thus
iD  K vGS Vt  . Since for the depletion load i  iD , v  vDS and

vGS  0 , we find that in saturation:

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i  K Vt 2

A constant!

If we account for channel-length modulation effects (i.e., the

MOSFET output resistance), we modify the above equation to be:
i  K V 2

Summarizing, we find that the i-v relationship for a depletion load

 
 K (2V  v )v for v  V
t t
i  
K Vt 2 v for v  Vt
 ro

Thus the i-v curve is:

i  K Vt 2 resistor
i v  Vt

i  K Vt 2
i  K V 2
i  K (2Vt  v )v


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Therefore, we can build a common source amplifier with either a

resistor, or in theV case of an integrated circuit, a depletionVDloD ad.


vI vO
vI Q1

The “load curve” thus looks like:

Depletion Load (Q2) NMOS (Q1)


Resistor Load


V is:
And the circuit transfer function

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Both Q1 and Q2
in saturation

We can likewise determine the small signal circuit for this load.
Step1 – DC Analysis

In saturation:
I  KVt 2
VGS  0 I

Step 2 – Determine Small-signal Parameters

gm  2KVt  a positive number!

1 1
r  
I  K Vt2

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Steps 3 & 4 – Small-Signal Analysis

Inserting the MOSFET small-signal model, we get:

i  id
+ 
vgs = 0 g v r vds  v
- m gs o 

Note that the dependent current sSource is zero !!! Redrawing this
circuit, we get:
i  id
G 

vds  v

Further simplifying, we get thS

is simple small-signal equivalent
i D
 The Depletion Load
ro v Small-Signal Model
WARNING!: We have ignored body effects!


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