Demi Lovato Sober PDF
Demi Lovato Sober PDF
Demi Lovato Sober PDF
Demi Lovato
Arr.: Elaine Kelkel
B♭m A♭ G♭ D♭ B♭m A♭
= 85
I got no ex cu ses for all of these good byes, Call me when it's
G♭ D♭ B♭m A♭
o ver, 'cause I'm dying in side, Wake me when the shakes are gone, and the cold sweats dis ap pear, Call me when it's
11 G♭ D♭ B♭m
o ver and my self has re ap peared, I dont know, I dont know, I dont know, I dont know why,
14 A♭ G♭ D♭ B♭m
A♭ G♭ D♭ A♭
try and I try and I try and I try and I try, Just hold me, I'm lone ly. Mom ma I'm so sor ry I'm not so
22 B♭m G♭ D♭
ber an y more, And dad dy, please for give me for the drink spilled on the floor, To the ones
25 A♭ B♭m G♭ D♭
B♭m A♭ G♭ D♭maj7 A♭ B♭m G♭
D♭ B♭m A♭
I'm sor ry that I'm here a gain, I prom ise I'll get help, It was n't my in
G♭ D♭
ten sion, I'm sor ry to my self.