Biodiversity Conservation and Strategies
Biodiversity Conservation and Strategies
Biodiversity Conservation and Strategies
2, 2018
PhD, Research unit “Horticulture, landscape an Environment”, UR2013AGR06, ISA-
IRESA,University of Sousse, Sousse, Tunisia
PhD, Professor, Department of Rural Planning and Development, School of
Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.
PhD, PhD, Habil., Associate Professor and Director, Doctoral School of Urban Planning,
“Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest, Romania.
264 Biodiversity conservation and strategies of public awareness
1. Introduction
The evolution of human society has turned out to be extremely fast during the
last centuries, producing extreme modifications of the natural environment, its
well-defined footprint being represented by the anthropic environment with in
depth modified characteristics (Petrişor et al., 2010). The analysis of the existing
relationship between human communities and the forest highlights the close
correlation between the two basic subsystems of the geographical system (Guran-
Nica et al., 2008).
“The forest biodiversity provides many ecosystem services, such as protection
of plant, water, and soil resources” (Rusu, 2012), and is also essential for
maintaining the ecosystem's functionalities (Petrişor, 2015). According to Kemp
(1992), forests are dynamics systems, their genetic diversity, particularly in forest
formations relatively complex, is due not only to the number of species present in a
given area, but also to the stages of succession.
Forests are also the cover of mountains which have always been special
geographical, economic and social entities (Popescu and Petrişor, 2010). The relief,
climate, history, and cultural heritage imply a specific policy of development,
planning and protection. Much of the plant and animal species in Tunisia are
located in mountain ecosystems (Saadaoui, 2017).
In addition, mountain areas are characterized by significant handicaps leading
to more difficult living conditions and restricting the exercise of certain economic
activities, in particular by a considerable limitation of the possibilities for land use
and a significant increase in the costs of the work involved (Seibert et al., 2001;
Ianoş et al., 2011).
Projects in landscape ecology cover a wide range of issues ranging from
ecological risk analysis to the study of biodiversity and the development of socially
acceptable management and spatial planning strategies as well as the observation
of public attitudes towards landscape changes (Aghzar et al., 2002); therefore,
there is a need to protect the natural vegetation cover of arid areas and assess the
environmental impact and economic cost (Matthew et al., 2006; Kalpana et al.,
Biodiversity (the first link in trophic chains) is now recognized as a vital and
common property. This article focuses on characterizing plant biodiversity in a
mountain forest area and revealing its evolution in space and time. Our objective is
to analyze the current dynamics of plant communities in order to be able to answer
the following questions in the long run: do we observe dynamic stability or, on the
contrary, are communities evolving? What are the underlying variables, and in
particular what are the respective roles of natural (climatic) and local
(anthropogenic) factors causing these changes?
Islem Saadaoui, Christopher Robin Bryant, Hichem Rejeb, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor 265
Tunisia, part of the Mediterranean basin, is one of the richest regions of the
world in terms of biodiversity of flora and fauna (Myers et al., 2000). Indeed, the
Mediterranean countries hold almost 4.5% of the world's flora. Understanding the
evolution of a space involves, first of all, analyzing the visual dimension (the
landscape). As the first step in this article, we present and process the floristic data,
and in particular the floristic lists of the years 2013, 2014 and 2015, in order to
highlight the floristic composition and to characterize the floristic landscape of the
study site.
Next, we have chosen to quantify the floristic biodiversity and to follow its
spatiotemporal evolution through the calculation of the biodiversity indicators of
the same site for three successive years. The final phase consists of statistical
analyses using factorial analyses to reflect the effect of anthropogenic action on the
distribution of flora in the mountainous regions of Central Western Tunisia.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study site
The study is conducted in three of the most representative municipalities in the
region of Central West Tunisia (Fig. 1). These delegations are Feriana, Foussana
and Hidra, which belong administratively to the Governorate of Kasserine,
representing nearly 70% of the mountains of the Governorate and which share a
102 km borderline with Algeria (Commissariat Régional au Développement
Agricole Kasserine, 1995).
The study area presents part of the sub-region of high alpine steppe and covers
an area of 235 thousand ha. The zone is located geographically between the two
following coordinates:
8° 29’3’’ N 35°40’13’’E North.
8°26’30,53’’ N 34°54’14,56’’E South.
2.2. Methodology
The study attempts to inventory the natural vegetation and characterize it in
ecological terms while highlighting the importance of environmental conditions
and anthropogenic action. The method is based on a phyto-ecological analysis
aimed at the quantification of the richness and the floristic diversity of the
ecosystem of those forests using the Generalized Linear Modeling method, for
determining the qualitative environmental realized niche (QERN) of plant species
(Austin et al., 1990). Statistical analyses were carried out using the XLSTAT 2015
software to carry out the Factor Analysis of Matches (FAM) in order to represent
the spatial dynamics in relation to the anthropogenic and natural conditions of the
environment and ecological characteristics of flora. Statistical analyses were
carried out to identify the spatial and temporal dynamics of the flora in relation to
human activities: monitoring of frequencies and indicators of biodiversity (specific
diversity, using the Simpson Index and Shannon Index) (Bryk et al., 1992; Gelman
et al., 2007; Bolker et al., 2009; Scăunaşu et al., 2012; Lohbeck et al., 2017;
Fontana et al. 2018; Kleinebecker et al., 2018; Mensah et al., 2018).
2.2.1. Sampling mode
The first stage is a prospecting phase because the study area was unknown to
us, and it was carried out during the first visits during the year 2013. It was
necessary to eliminate certain sites in order to choose those which, due to their
originality and complexity, were considered appropriate to study.
The second stage is more practical; it is the operational phase in which we
designed transects and plots, collected the plant samples, and surveyed the local
populations both for natural factors and their activities. A comprehensive survey of
species in the defined plots was carried out to determine the different biodiversity
indicators for all the formations studied (Julve, 2000).
2.2.2. The surveys
We identified two parcels; the first is fenced and the second unfenced. Each
has an area of 10,000 m². We placed ropes every 10 m in order to delimit the
square plots of 100 m².
Species are counted and classified according to their biological and ecological
characteristics. Obviously, we used the plots of 100 m² only when the wood groups
were the most dominant. On the other hand, when the plant population is
dominated by herbaceous plants, the minimum area used is 4 m2 (2 m x 2 m) and a
Islem Saadaoui, Christopher Robin Bryant, Hichem Rejeb, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor 267
3. Results
3.1. Current aspects of flora and vegetation
The present aspects of the flora are studied by treating the floristic lists
resulted from a phyto-ecological survey on the two plots (fenced and not fenced)
representative for the same type of territory. This analysis focuses on the nuances
of floristic diversity and distribution of species in plant associations in response to
268 Biodiversity conservation and strategies of public awareness
We also note an abundance of Asteraceae with rates of 43% in the fenced plot
and 57% in the unfenced plot (Fig. 2).
Pinaceae and Cupressaceae have higher rates in the fenced plot; this
distribution was caused by the deforestation of tree species in the unfenced plot.
Islem Saadaoui, Christopher Robin Bryant, Hichem Rejeb, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor 269
The analysis of the autecology data showed that the study site is an
environment characterized by its drought. More than 70% of the species
encountered are species that adapt to poor or very poor water soils. The species
found in the study site are very demanding in relation to light. This indicates a
dense woody environment, allowing the different species to benefit from the light,
and consequently a strong distribution of the heliophilic species.
have a high rate (21%). Species disseminated by barochory have a rate of 32%
among the species encountered.
As expected, the distribution differed according to the type of the plot. Other
than the effect of natural factors, the distribution of cultivated and grassland
species depends on the presence of anthropogenic activity, which indicates a more
intense distribution in the unfenced plot. The study area is very close to an urban
agglomeration, where agriculture (family farming) and pasture (grazing) activities
have been noticed.
Associated with the natural factors of the study area, anthropogenic activities
are responsible for the distribution of cultivated, grassland and wasteland species in
the study sites.
For forest species, the mountainous zone of the Center-West region of Tunisia
is characterized by the abundance of the Aleppo Pine forest species. We noticed a
decrease in the number of forest species in the 2014 surveys. This decrease is more
visible in the unfenced plot. It is mainly due to the effect of the deforestation
carried out by the inhabitants of this mountain area and the total absence of
enforcement by agents of the Directorate General of Forests.
A slight increase in the number of trees is noticed for the year 2015. During
the field visits, we noticed the presence of young development of Aleppo Pine
regenerated by seeding, Eucalyptus and also of Acacia.
Deforestation remains the most serious damage to the forest ecosystem. More
than three hundred feet of Aleppo pines are cut off each year, and their wood is
sold out to public baths and other operators. The frequency of annual and perennial species and their evolution
over time. The analysis of the spatiotemporal variation of the flora yielded the
following results:
The number of perennial species decreased from one year to the next. We
noticed a decrease of the specific centesimal frequency in the two parcels:
In the fenced plot, from 76.8% for the year 2013 to 39.1% for the year
In the unfenced plot, from 47.5% to 17.2%.
Perennial species are deforested by the population of the area, especially
within the unfenced plot, but this action is also carried out in the protected plot,
suggesting the existence of a major threat to the forest ecosystem of the area. The
analysis of the evolution of the number of annual species showed a significant
increase in the specific frequency throughout the territory from the year 2013 to the
year 2015.
In order to study the dynamics of evolution in time and space of perennial and
annual species, we used the “ANOVA test” for two factors with repetition of
The results are presented in Tables 3 and 4.
Islem Saadaoui, Christopher Robin Bryant, Hichem Rejeb, Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor 273
Table 3. Analysis of variance: two factors with repetition of experience – the case of
DETAILED REPORT Fenced plot Unfenced plot Total
Perennial species in 2014
Number of samples 14 14 28
Variance 68,7472527 24,5934066 57,6455026
Perennial species in 2015
Number of samples 14 14 28
Variance 64,7472527 46,9945055 58,0992063
ANOVA Two factors with repetition of the experience
Variation sources F Probability Critical value for F
Sample 2,06502344 0,1567027 4,02663122
Columns 8,36771601 0,00556619 4,02663122
Interaction 0,5854789 0,4476317 4,02663122
Inside the group 2108,5 86 24,5174419
prairie species (e.g., Stipa tenacissima, Thymelaea hirsuta, and Retama retam). The
distribution of these species is influenced by anthropogenic actions.
The site is a forest environment, a nature influenced by human practices
(forest environment correlated with the steppic and prairie vocation).
Negative coordinates
Adventitious, cultivated and uncultivated species had negative indices,
suggesting the existence of weak anthropogenic actions in the study area. These
species are positively correlated with grassland species.
We concluded that anthropogenic activities favored the distribution of prairie
species. It is mainly the pasture and the contribution of the herds in the site that
favors the dissemination of certain species (dissemination by endozoochory and
Through this article and based on the phyto-ecological approach, we have
reached our objectives: the description and understanding of vegetation, and the
two-dimensional spatial and temporal organization, qualitatively and
quantitatively, of the plant species that constitute it. The Centre West of Tunisia is
an area of the arid steppe with xerophilic formations adapted to low precipitation
(150-400 mm/year), high thermal amplitudes, intense evaporation and a high
276 Biodiversity conservation and strategies of public awareness
frequency of dry winds. In this article, we have studied a forest environment with a
steppe tendency with a clear presence of anthropogenic actions, given the
geographical location of the study site, its proximity to an urban agglomeration,
presence of farms close to the forest environment, all justifying the presence of
fallow and cultivated species in the studied plots.
Despite the fragility of these landscapes generally linked to the physical
conditions of the natural environment and pressures exerted by the anthropic factor,
the development of this area is always possible through a landscaping mediation
that connects the forces of decision-makers, managers and involves the occupants
of this region who could switch (we hope) to a potential and formal sustainable
development of their territory. On the same note, it is necessary to draft overall
management plans that safeguard the sustainability of the human and non-human
landscape elements.
It would be wise to continue this cross-disciplinary research to detect the real
landscape potential of the border areas and eventually propose concrete actions of
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