EVM Difficult Past Paper Qs
EVM Difficult Past Paper Qs
EVM Difficult Past Paper Qs
2021 M P12
effect of climate change; change in food chain; change in habitat ; introduction of new
Suggest why the carrying capacity of the environment
can change.
species / change in competition; natural disasters; availability / lifetime, of resources 8
e.g. minerals, water,
Suggest reasons why an increase in national wealth can transportation; higherfood;domestic usage / more appliances used in homes; able to afford
increase energy consumption in a country. cost of investing in new technologies or renewable energy or named technology e.g. 2
impact; loss of, crops / farmland / habitats / food production; increased migration; lack
Suggest other impacts of flooding and landslides. 6
2021 M P12 Suggest reasons why these limitations make it difficult
of, clean terrains,
different water / adequate sanitation;
make it difficult to risk of, water-related
compare the whole ofdiseases / cholera
Nepal / affect
conditions; not all of the land was sampled / not representative sample; historic data
/ typhoid
local climate/
to reach a conclusion about climate change in Nepal.
improving agricultural practices? Support your view limited;
free labour a year to the project’ farmers need to show commitment; ‘we have been
with references to the comments made by the five trained in a growing a variety of high-yielding crops’ farmers taught to, be more 3
causes a build-up of pressure (because plates are still trying to move); sudden release of
Explain what causes an earthquake.
pressure; or
planning causes
othersudden release of energy; causes, a seismic wave / ground to shake /
life choices
managing human population size.’ To what extent do
you agree
Some with this
countries withstatement? Give
large stores reasons
of fresh for cannot
water your
families need financial encouragement or fines from government 8
some countries inaccessible,
geographically encourage families to have more children
e.g. widely-scattered; water may be frozen; inefficiency /
supply enough drinking water to their populations.
tax relief of
larger system;
families; freesome (fresh)better
schooling; water/ sources,
subsidised contaminated / polluted
medical provision, /
State onereasons why.policy that can be introduced by a
antenatal services, family healthcare; free / subsidised, housing for larger families; child 8
types; prevents all the fish from being caught in the area; (introduce / increase) licensing
Explain two strategies to prevent overfishing.
use boats); restricts
fewer floors number
/ build lower of buildings;
vessels / time
use at sea; (introduce
pyramidal shape; /useincrease) enforcement
reinforced, structureof/
Describe how the structure of modern buildings can
reduce the risk
Often, more of death
people from
die in the earthquakes.
weeks following an
materials; idea of using flexible building materials; idea of using rubber shock absorbers
lack of medical idea
help of / death
in foundations; usingthrough injury; lack
counterweights of clean
on top water / poor sanitation;
of building;
earthquake than during the earthquake itself. Suggest outbreak of, water-borne disease / cholera ; lack of food / starvation / malnutrition; risk
reasons why. of aftershocks / falling structures; crime; lack of shelter / exposurereduces
yield; reduces loss in, growing crops / raising livestock; loss in
to weather;
State the benefits of using pesticides in agriculture. storage / preserves quality of stored produce; enables more efficient use of land; 3
2021 M/J P11 / methane, produced by, microorganisms / bacteria / digestion process; anaerobically / in
Describe how this anaerobic digester is used to generate increases profit;
an anaerobic process; power station: biogas burnt to produce heat; heat turns water into 2
The Usedigester
anaerobic the diagram
uses to support
human your
waste answer.
from toilets. steam; (steam) rotates / turns, turbine; (turbine) rotates / turns, the generator (which
contaminate local, water sources / fields; named disease caused by poor sanitation /
Suggest how using anaerobic digesters reduces the
cannot dispose of all types of waste. More electricity cholera; processed (organic) waste is free of disease / anaerobic digestion process 2
spread of disease. due to sewage processed waste can be used as fertiliser relatively cheap to set up
can be generated by burning waste. To what extent do 2
you agreestrategies
Describe with this for
managing Give
of your emergency, shelters / supplies; better, infrastructure / drainage; restrictions on building /
flooding.why the heavy rainfall and flooding will not
Suggest planningwas
rainfall permission
short); not / land zoning
all water / building
could on stilts;
be stored flood
for later use;defences
most water/ levees / land;
ran off
solve the problems caused by 10 years of drought in no time to infiltrate; flooding can cause soil erosion; drought has caused, 6
Describe strategies a country can use to preserve its desertificationeducation;
agroforestry; / loss of crops / vegetation
investment / fertility;
into other leading national
fuel sources; to, food shortage / loss of
parks / reserves;
forests ecotourism; policing / wardens, to protect forest; increase recycling of, paper / 9
Describe the population structure of the MEDC shown few young dependants / many elderly dependants; many economically active people;
in the diagram. some people live to, old age / 100+; similar shape for both genders up to 65; more 8
standard of living; religious / ethnic, persecution; better job opportunities elsewhere;
State three reasons why people migrate from a country.
large health / medical facilities risk
of animals; elsewhere; better education
of overgrazing: no plantsopportunities
/ tree roots, to elsewhere;
hold soil;
Explain why soil erosion is a risk on this farm. less interception when it rains; cattle compact soil so less infiltration; slope increases 3
run off;
lack no wind
of crop yield;breaks;
lack of food / starvation / malnutrition; lack of income / jobs; dust
Describe other impacts of long-term drought.
Long-term droughts in MEDCs are less likely to result storms transport/ air pollution;
supplies; (forced)
larger storesmigration; reliance
of food; more on foodinaid;
investment water quality
exploration decreases;
of underground
2021 M/J P12 in large numbers of deaths than long-term droughts in sources; more / better, water storage systems; greater ability to, purchase / import
LEDCs. reasons
Suggestwhywhy.long-term droughts are expected climate
abilitytemperatures / global warming;
to, purify / desalinate water; more increased evaporation;
facilities to prevent disruption
to occur more frequently
to rainfall patterns; increased population; increased deforestation; increased urbanisation
easier to catch / guaranteed catch; controlled feeding; controlled breeding; controlled
Explain why fish farming is a more sustainable method (qualified);
of food supply than catching fish from the oceans.
harvesting; control of disease; faster growth / greater yield; less predation; breeding of 5
Suggest the impacts of urbanisation on the carbon improved
plants); stock rather
increased carbon than wild types;
dioxide no bycatch;(due
(in atmosphere) lesstodamage
increasedto seabed;
use of fossil fuels in
cycle. cars, etc.); idea of, loss / exploitation of, carbon sinks; idea that hard surfaces reduce 7
force countries to reduce their atmospheric pollution by
at least 20% over the next 10 years. To what extent do
disagree: difficult to get all countries to agree some countries are larger polluters than 7
others 20% reduction for some countries will be large other countries will have little
Describe the meaning of bioaccumulation toxins / chemicals are ingested or absorbed; faster than lost / excreted; 3
Suggest one reason why soil pH affects the yield of
(reduces / increases) uptake of nutrients; 4
Describe strategies, other than burn bans, for managing pollution from dust; AVP, e.g. causes subsidence, loss of biodiversity, damages food
Describe strategies, other than burn bans, for managing the impacts of drought
the impacts of drought introduce / use / be aware of / vote for, laws and regulations; increase / introduce,
Suggest ways that the people of Florida can prevent
controls at points of entry; raise awareness of / educate people on, dangers of invasive
invasive animal species from reaching the Everglades loss of biodiversity as more land needed to, house / feed people; more older people so
Suggest two impacts of the increasing population on the species; do not release (exotic) pets into the wild; do not import banned animals;
greater cost for health care or social care; increase in economic wealth as more people
state of Florida.
Suggest ways Hurricane Irma affected Florida’s spending money;
transport, for, cropsmore jobs needed
/ livestock; soil /contaminated
unemployment; (withmore infrastructure
sewage needed
/ salination); ideae.g.of
farming industry. long-term
have effect: the
understood ideavisual
of recovery time; trees
signs; people wereneed
given replanting;
temporarysoil washed
housing away; this
quickly, no
government quickly helped to find temporary shelter
reduced injury / death numbers; bottled water reduced chance of, disease / cholera;
for many people. Many homes had no water for weeks. assess current state of environment in the area of the planned mine, e.g. are there any
Other than finding out the views of local people, negatives: not everyone has a radio; people died so planning did not save them / only 90
2020 O/N P23 suggest
A three
national more
park wasrequirements
established inforthe
EIA. in
endangered species; suggest alternatives to the proposed project; plan for mitigation of
conserve biodiversity;
negative impacts of mine, for drinking
e.g. waste, water
noise / recharges
pollution,aquifer; protect, the
visual pollution; endangered
publish a report; /
1947. Suggest reasons why Everglades National Park threatened species / named species e.g. sandhill crane, American crocodile; size of
Over one million tourists visit Everglades National Park Everglades has decreased; people are building canals; prevent urbanisation;
was established. electricity / don’t use air conditioning; stay with local communities (rather than hotels);
each year. Describe ways ecotourism can benefit
eat local food / don’t eat imported products; respect local customs/traditions; consult
The level ofNational
the waterPark.
table in the Biscayne aquifer can pesticides / fertilisers / gasoline / chemicals; can directly interact with natural (bodies of
get very close to the surface of the land. Suggest surface) water; can directly interact with, man-made (bodies of surface water) /
Explain how planting more than one crop helps to infiltration; reduced or no surface run off / soil not washed away; less wind near soil /
data to be representative of the banana harvest. Suggest soil
soil erosion. any not
sample: (roots)
(than or5),
bind (soil); /adds
bananas fruits;organic
more material
than one or nutrients
bunch /
/ different
improvements the first student can make to collect bunches; more / different, plants; different, varieties / species / types; different locations
representative data nutrients
(of farm);/ different
less risk of malnutrition or famine or hunger; the value of one crop might be
programme aims tofrom the banana
increase the numberharvest on this
of different occasions, e.g. days, months, times, years;
determined by external markets; AVP; government: (saves money as) does not have to
2021 M/J P21 crops grown by farmers. Suggest ways this programme
Suggest reasons why a subsurface mine is expected to provide, aid / subsidies; economic benefit, e.g. income (from exports) / more taxes / less
cause less damage to the environment than the surface
impact on, biodiversity / food chains / animals being scared away; dust / debris; waste
piles / overburden; noise; surface run off; so less chance of water pollution; visual
mine shown
Suggest in the drawing.impacts of large numbers of traffic / air travel; litter / plastic / waste; sewage; building / expansion of cities; water,
the environmental
demand / usage; food, demand / usage; electricity / energy / fuel, demand / usage;
Only visiting a tourism
sustainable city suchshould
as Santo Domingo.
be allowed in the demand on infrastructure,
environments e.g. transport,
/ reduced deforestation hospitals;
/ reduced lossdamage to tourist
of habitats; attractions;
employment / improves
future. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of
local economy; site protected for future generations; AVP;
developing sustainable tourism.
were paid to manage forests sustainably. strategy 2: paying to replant trees; strategy 2: any one from: mature forests have many trees / new
Cutting down
Explain mature
ways that forests
climate was banned.
change Suggest
could cause the how more
trees can growweather
extreme in the protected (mature)
events; leads forest / trees climate
to, unfavourable act as carbon store; forces
in established people
habitats /
population of the Resplendent Quetzal birds to destruction of existing habitats / more wildfires which destroy habitat; increased
decrease. temperatures; lead to, change in plants growing in area / change in available food /