EVM Difficult Past Paper Qs

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Paper Questions

Using the climate graph and the information in the

Answers Chapter
Mention the total annual rainfall, and clearly show any dry or wet season. Also mention
table, describe the pattern of rainfall throughout the
if there is rain all-year
Unemployment ; Forced round or not. ; Source of food is lost ; Loss of fuelwood,
to relocate
year. the impacts on local people of deforestation of
the tropical rainforest.
traditional culture, medicines --- Job creation ; better transport ; wood and farming land
solution to tropical rainforest destruction. Do you agree availableMature trees (carbon stores) are taken, leaving younger trees (carbon sinks)
or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your
behind -- forest has a chance to repair itself as it isn't fully destroyed 9
faster Morethat
growing, expensive -- hard
established to enforce
forests -- won't
no longer need,work for already
and that the wood cleared
be sold.
2017 O/N P22 Forest Management Techniques
For reforestation:
volcanoes give out planting
warning trees
-- peoplefor production,
have more timeallowing succession,
to prepare &
Suggest reasons why fewer people are killed during a
Other eruption
than than during
for tourism an earthquake.
and geothermal energy, suggest
evacuate -- few people live -- some eruptions are not violent -- earthquakes may cause
damage extraction,
a long way from epicentre
why people continue to live in regions with volcanic confidence in prediction and evacuation, 6
activity. how tourism development can damage the
Suggest risk perception;
water pollution, litter, noise pollution and visual pollution, are likely to be covered.
environment. More specific examples of damage, such as damage to coral reefs and disruption to 9
rocks along the stream. The limestone disadvantages: changes shape of stream, may cause flood, not long-term, labour
2017 O/N P42 slowly dissolves and makes the water less acidic.
Another way includes constructing a wetland.
advantages: alters food chain/habitat,
long-term solution; nopollutants aren't removed
added chemicals; only uses natural processes + no
need to repeat; few pollutants enter stream disadvantages: high initial cost; damage to 3
Advantages and disadvantages? deforestation of TRF
plantations of palm oil trees. Suggest advantages and area, only suitable forreleases carbon bacteria
some streams, dioxide thus
workspeeding up global
best, at high temperatures
warming/greenhouse effect; 3
2018 M P12 disadvantages of replacing tropical rainforests with
4 reasons why wetlands should not be drained.
(removing any toxins), enhancing water
loss of carbon sink (mature TRF is a carbon store);
and provide employment.
quality. Wetlands protect coasts from erosion
Incentives/Grants for having children; paid maternity/paternity leave; subsidized
Name a few pronatalist policies. healthcare (for parents); free education; reduced fare on public transport; awareness of 8
pressure on ofhealthcare;
an ageing population.
lack of sanitation; pressure on education system & housing; lack
Problems of having a young population.
State the name of the model that shows changes in birth of jobs (in future) and high dependency ratio
rates, death rates and total population over time in a Demographic Transition Model 8
2018 M P42 series of stages.
Describe the purposes of a biosphere reserve
conservation of landscapes/ecosystems/biodiversity and protecting species and avoid
genetic depletion
springs); mines forand to provide
minerals; education,
valuable gemslogistic support and
found; building ecotourism.
materials; geothermal
Suggest reasons why people live on this volcanic
island. a development plan to improve the
power; power from wind/HEP available; risk not great enough to move; volcanoes on 6
the island
flow back may
to thebesea;
apply to Worldjobs; Bank cannot afford
for loan; to move;
control waste family
disposal; use
environment of the Aral Sea region. State your
biological control instead of pesticides; control use of inorganic fertiliser / use organic 9
proposals and give reasons for them. Cyclones north of the equator move counterclockwise; cyclones south of the equator
Cyclone directions.
move clockwise 6
Suggest four strategies for the sustainable harvesting of dredging (destructive methods); quotas; licences; international agreements /
2018 M/J P12 ocean fisheries. conservation
(leisure) sportslaws; patrol/boats
stadiums / enforcement officers; (economic) exclusion zones;
golf courses;
Suggest ways that mines can be used after extraction
has finished
solar power farms;
the ozone layer is responsible for absorbing and protecting Earth from UV radiation in
eco-friendly (flora) projects / restoring habitats;
Explain why the ozone layer is vital to life on Earth. sunlight which is damaging to humans. Without the ozone layer, there would be a much 7
Explain how the damage to the ozone layer over higher chance
aerosols. Theseofare skin cancer,
carried by mutations and cataracts.
winds to Antarctica where they accumulate and act as
Antarctica has occurred. catalysts to destroy ozone. There is a conversion from ozone to oxygen. This is possible 7
Describe why atmospheric temperatures are usually
warmest near the ground surface.
the sun heats the Earth's surface, which heats the air above it. 7
normally temperatures decrease with height; in a temperature inversion, the temperature
What is meant by a temperature inversion?
a city arehence creating
released intoa the
warmair,layer of air
but the trapped between
temperature inversion2 cold
Explain how a temperature inversion increases
allow the pollutants to rise and be blown away. instead, they are pushed back down, and 7
2018 M/J P22 atmospheric pollution in a city.
increase pollution
Suggest ways in which greenhouse gas emissions can renewable sources in ofthe city.(solar, hep), increased energy efficiency, reduced energy
be reduced. wastage,
rivers legislation,
carry silt whicheducation
may fill up the lagoon and clog the turbines, hence reducing the
Suggest why it is important that the rivers Tawe and
Neath still flow into the sea rather than into the lagoon.
amount of electricity generated. fish may be affected, the life of the entire scheme will 2
Suggest why people are concerned about the be shortened,
damage lots ofduring
to habitats dredging required, may cause flooding.
environmental impact of the barrage. loss of habitats; 2
ecosystem refers to the interaction between biotic and abiotic components in a particular
Explain the meaning of the term ecosystem.
area. 9
reducing food intake.
than raw sewage and heavy metals.’ How far do you
agree with this statement? Give reasons for your
Raw sewage: can cause eutrophication. Shellfish and filter feeders consuming poisons – 5
islands has doubled in recent years. Suggest three ways pollution;bioaccumulation
loss of up the food chain.
biodiversity / disruption of, food chains / food web / other specific
that this development could cause environmental effect on wildlife; more, sewage / domestic waste ; AVP, e.g. more turbidity / 9
Describe three ways diving can damage the example of pollution, e.g. more garbage / plastic; damage from boat / boat anchors;
USA. Up to 90%in these areas.fish die before they reach
of these more fish killed;
overfishing; AVP, such
no control of theastypenoise can scare
/ species, of away wildlife
fish caught ; so/ disturb or disruptwill
the populations
2018 M/J P42 these pet shops. Anyone can buy a fish collector licence become depleted / large numbers die / 90% fish die; breeding / reproduction, reduced;
for 50USD
Suggest twoand collect
reasons as many
why there arefishnoasplans
they want to
to remove alter the,
only smallfood chains
scale; / food web;
eventually possibility
the paint of local
chips will extinction
disperse; of species
disturbance / species
might make the
the source
Suggest whyof many
lead contamination
countries havefrom lawsMidway
that aimisland.
to problem worse; AVP; e.g. bigger problems to tackle first / remote location / difficult or 9
control the release of lead from fuels into the
lead does
goes down; notother
break downmay
people / lead
fish; solasts
needsa long time;supervision / law
Discuss the possible problems in maintaining a
Describe thesource of fish if many
environmental impacts fishermen use FADs.
of building
enforcement; using nets catches other species / bycatch, as well; so damage to food 5
less, netsspecies
catch other
on theanimals
ground; such as turtles
as more lightand dolphins,
reaches which drown;
the ground; difficultAVP, e.g.
for small
pipelines in tropical rainforest, as shown in the
Describe a method you could use to record changes in animals to cross the pipeline; so habitat cut into small sections; populations isolated; 9
photograph. pipe / N and S; use of quadrat; quadrat of defined size; count number of species; count
plant biodiversity between the pipeline and the tropical 9
2019 M P22 number of each species / percentage cover / other named measurement; stated number
rainforest. that it would not develop these reserves if gain some revenue without having to invest in oil extraction; so can still fund other
other countries would pay towards keeping the oil in government project; maintains park for other use, e.g. tourism / medicinal plants;
encourages research into alternative fuels; call sell own reserves; keeps the price of oil
..benefits to other countries
countries so oil extraction has now started on the edge high; oil is aconserves
main exportfossil fuel reserves;
/ main source of idea of increased
income; trade
to maintain opportunities;
demand AVP,
or increase e.g.
of the Yasuni National Park. Suggest reasons why the creates employment; increases, tax revenue / national wealth / GDP; prevents the need
Describe twoofwaysEcuador continues
a supply of safetodrinking
invest inwater
oil for imports; to sanitation to separate from water source; piped water; digging wells /
could be provided to the area.
storage reservoirs; bottled water / water tankers; sewage treatment system; chlorination /
teak trees are a monoculture / reduced to one species; habitat removed / period of no
Suggest how replacing natural rainforest with managed boiling / water filter; water treatment plant;
teak forest can affect biodiversity
forest cover; reduction in biodiversity; genetic depletion; different species move into 9
area of forest. Instead of banning all timber extraction area as more(than
biodiversity suitedexcessive
to teak tree habitat;extraction
logging); effect on,isfood chain / food
potentially web; teak trees can
in natural rainforests, some countries allow selective be replanted / allows young trees to grow; provides, jobs / employment; provides 9
Suggest reasons why low and middle income countries types of, industry / work done / more factories; use of open fires for cooking indoors;
2019 O/N P12 were greatly affected by air pollution in 2012. greater population density; poor housing / lack of ventilation; older / poorly maintained,
Suggest two health problems that could be caused by asthma / bronchitis / breathing problems / breathing difficulties / COPD; lung cancer;
the air pollution. eye irritation; cardiac problems;
Suggest reasons why governments have difficulty in public; difficult to restrict individual / company, activity; pollution produced by
reducing air pollution neighbouring countries / air pollution exceeds international boundaries; needs 7
climate change / increasing sea temperatures; chemical / oil, pollution; acidification of
Suggest two reasons for this decrease. (coral reefs)
the sea; disease;
territory of more human
than one damage
country by,and
collecting / boats
all countries / fishing
need / tourism;
to agree; difficult to patrol;
Suggest reasons why it is difficult to make coral reefs
into marine ecological reserves.
reduces income of local people who use the coral reef; coral reefs bring in money from 5
two parts(oil) pollution
- inner in ocean
and outer core; currents
the first cannot
is solide,bethe
latter isfrom
liquid.entering marine
the outer core is
Describe the core of the Earth. (using image)
cold thanisthe
water inner core.
pumped underground, and when it comes into contact with hot rocks it
Explain how heat in the Earth’s crust can be used to
generate electricity in a geothermal power station.
heats up and is changed to steam. the steam is piped to the power station. the steam then 2
turns turbines,
fertile soils for which
farming are(due
to lava to& electricity generators.
ash), tourism, minerals can be mined (sulfur,
Suggest other benefits of living near a volcano
crews are gold),
safer,building materials
GPS location, & precious
SONAR can bestones,
used tosource of employment.
accurately locate fish, weather
Explain 2 advantages & 2 disadvantages of using
2018 O/N P12 modern technology for ocean fishing.
disadvantages: overfishing,
push factor - negative factorsnegative
that make impact
people onwant
marine ecosystems/food
to leave an area ; pullwebs,
factor -
Explain what is meant by a push or pull factor.
positive factors that attract people to an area 8
Explain three pull factors that would result in rapid housing/electricity/piped water; PF - services, doctors/hospitals; PF - educational
Explain why growth in megacities.
untreated water from rivers may not be opportunities,
may contain harmfulschools/university;
pathogens/microbesPF - transport/infrastructure, public transport;
that could lead to water-borne diseasesPFor-
safe to use. water-related diseases, like cholera and typhoid. they also may be polluted with 4
Suggest the benefits for the farmers and the government industrial/agricultural
farmers have access towaste. a larger market and can make more money; governments can
of exporting the avocado fruits. gain income
reduced from GDP
interception; and taxes
reduced infiltration; (increased) surface run-off; soil no longer
Describe how deforestation can result in soil erosion. held in place by roots; soil washed away; trees act as wind breaks; wind blows soil 9
2018 O/N P42 Suggest two ways the seed and skin could be used on a away;
use seeds to grow more trees; use to make compost / manure; use as animal feed; 3
2018 O/N P42
holes can be filled with, waste rock / overburden; landfill; landscape / spoil heaps, can
Describe strategies that can be used to reduce the
impact on the environment after closure of a mine.
be shaped; covered with soil; and soil planted; use plants that absorb toxins; reference 1
to, safe drainage through soil heaps; AVP, e.g. National Park / wildlife reserve;
Why is plant growth reduced outside desired pH range? inability to take up nutrients; soil is too acidic or alkaline. 3
Describe intensive farming. farming system with high inputs (like machinery and fertilizers) to produce high yields 3
Disadvantages of increased mechanization damage to soil structure, increase soil erosion, expensive 3
Management of pest control biological control, crop rotation, pest resistant crop varieties and artificial pesticides 3
risk of residue (which may harm humans), spray drift/runoff into water (affecting
Suggest why some people are anti pesticides
increased soilbioaccumulation, reduced loss
erosion, desertification, pollinators, ethical preferences
of biodiversity, reduce
Impacts of deforestation on the local ecosystem infiltration/transpiration -> affects water cycle, loss of habitat, food chains/webs are 9
2018 O/N P22 3 ways government can help conserve trees
legislation/fines, reserves to sustain habitats, alternative land for crops or alternative
Are sustainable agricultural techniques a viable it is profitable. Farmers may not want to change current practices and may lack skills or
economic strategy for farmers? need to learn new techniques. External / governmental pressure may be needed to 3
technological advancements, improved recycling, resource scarcity, demand/use of
Quantities of metals extracted has changed. Why?
other materials, cost, improve mining tech 1
recycling, efficient use of raw materials, processing of waste, legislation to ban waste
3 ways waste production can be reduced.
producing process 1
Why do LEDCs have high organic waste and MEDCs LEDCs have high organic waste since there is more agriculture, MEDCs have a high
have high paper/cardboard waste? paper/cardboard waste as there is more packaging and paper use in the MEDCs 8
Some countries don't require buildings to use lesser government may not see it as a priority, lack of resources, lack of capital, abundant
India Why?
contains nearly 19% of the world’s population, energy supply 2
low / use public transport; electricity not available for many; less ownership of energy-
but contributes only 6% of the world’s greenhouse
using equipment, e.g. TVs, central heating; limited industry / not as technologically 8
gases. Suggest
State one piece reasons why.in the photograph that the
of evidence
soil has been eroded.
cracks / channels / gullies, have developed 3
Explain the reasons for rapid population growth in contraception; due to, tradition / religion; pronatalist government policies; migration /
2019 M/J P12 some parts of the world.
State two factors that cause migration.
immigration; falling / low, death rates; due to better sanitation; due to improved health
war / conflict; famine / drought / natural disaster; economic / employment; lifestyle
‘Education is the best strategy for managing human choice / quality of life; family;
availability of contraception, family planning clinics and improved healthcare, meaning
population size.’ To what extent do you agree with this
children are
millions moreago;
of years likely to reach
(coal adulthood.
is formed from) Others will cover
the remains government
of, trees strategies
/ plants; (when the
statement? Give reasons for your answer.
Describe the formation of coal. plants died,) they settled to the bottom of swamps; forms peat; covered by, sediments /
(crop) rotation; fertilisers; (improved) irrigation; insect control / use of insecticide;
Describe two other techniques to improve agricultural mud / sand; pressure and heat (over millions of years turned plant remains to coal); weed
control / use of herbicide; fungi control / use of fungicide; mechanisation; selective 3
Explain why an environmental impact assessment is breeding view;
people’s (of animals
plants); genetically modified
in place whilst being(GM),
built,organisms / crops; planning
e.g. infrastructure
2019 M/J P22 needed before
Suggest the smelter
two reasons canmarine
why the be built.
buffer zone might
not be enough to protect Surtsey island from the impact
/ suitable
people areaignore,
could to put electricity
the rules / supply or pylons;
buffer zone; waternamed safeguards
pollution can enterinthe
air pollution can enter the buffer zone; lack of, surveillance / patrols / security
place oncezone;
of humans.
approximately 100000 flights were cancelled. The ash (protecting
flooding bufferroads
washed zones); no fines
away; or punishment
flooding for entering
means harvest will fail buffer zone;people /
or be poor;
fall caused considerable damage to farmland used for animals, have to be moved; flooding will improve soil fertility due to silting in long 6
shells / marine organisms; deposited in layers (on sea bed) / process of sedimentation;
Describe how limestone is formed.
pressure applied (to form rock); over long period / millions of years; 1
Suggest reasons why giant land snail farming is a a good source of food / protein / part of a healthy diet; shells can be crushed and used to
sustainable activity. give calcium to next crop of snails; no air/water pollution; no/little transport needed; 3
Suggest reasons, other than the increasing demand for dependency/need for fossil fuels/nuclear; wind turbines, do not contribute to climate
energy, why Ghana is building new wind turbines. change / carbon neutral; land can still be used for farming / multiple land use; (building) 2
Suggest reasons why some people think these oil fields damage to fishing industry; causes/increases risk of, water pollution / oil spill
will not benefit the people of Ghana. (damaging coastal habitats); built in the Gulf / in the sea / geographically inaccessible / 2
Suggest two risks to the health of the people shown in breathing problems, e.g. asthma / bronchitis; lung cancer / reference to carcinogen; lead
2020 M P21 the photograph. (air pollution)
Suggest two reasons why countries would not want to
adds to the/ existing
effect ofe-waste
lead poisoning / inhalingneed
dump problems; toxictogases; burns; eye
find landfill
waste is non-biodegradable; adds to the health problems of population increases
for e-waste / e-
import e-waste.
Suggest two reasons why there are no living plants or air/water pollution;
toxic substances makes
present the e-wastepH;
/ unsuitable problem evenin
no oxygen harder to, control
the water / high /BOD;
animals in the river or lagoon. bacteria/decomposers in the water; food chains have collapsed; 4
2020 M P21
farms/agriculture damaged / food shortages; transport difficulties; reduced, trade /
Describe ways the economy of the capital city could be
disrupted by flooding.
exports / GDP; increased, illness / disease / named disease; medical expenses; people
Give two strategies for improving water quality in the unable tolitter
work; / waste
loss of,/ untreated
income / sewage entering the
unemployment; water river; relocate
supply e-waste dump
contaminated; / stop
so fresh
Odaw river and Korle lagoon
wire-burning; treat sewage; use, water oxygenation / aeration; introduce water-quality 4
laws; enforce
(parasite (existing) laws;
/ plasmodium) (enters and) multiplies/reproduces in mosquito; (female)
Describe the life cycle of the malaria parasite.
birth bites uninfected
and death human;carrying
rates; migration; malariacapacity;
parasite multiplies/reproduces
improved health and education in human / 4
Describe factors that cause changes in human
medical access; access to birth control / family planning; national policies / pronatalist / 8
Suggest reasons why it is a risk to the population of antinatalist;
food famine too
could become / disease / natural
expensive disasters;
to buy; may notwarhave,/ conflict;
much food / food reserve / food
Senegal to rely on only 30% of the country’s crops. security;
space for,attrees
risk to
of grow
crop failure;
/ branches leading to, famine
to spread out; easy/ starvation
access to/ death;
pick fruit; allows farm
Suggest reasons why the farmer has planted the mango
trees in this way.
machinery space to pass through; can grow other crops / graze animals between trees;
prolonged drought / floods//reduce
disaster; infestation of pests / plague of locusts;
AVP, e.g. helps to control diseases
2020 M/J P22 Explain ways food security could be lost harvest failure; new disease of, crops / animals; illness / injury to, farmers / workers;
conflict;underlying soil fromreplace
too many farmers heavy foodrain; crops
roots bind
with soil;
cash roots
crops;take up water from soil;
Explain how mango trees can protect against soil
erosion on farms in the Casamance region.
increase interception; so more infiltration; surface run off less likely; reduce wind speed 3
(i) Suggest reasons why some people are worried that / act as wind break;
investments; not many organic matter
jobs for localfrom treesdoes
people; helpsnot bind soil; local small and
these discoveries may not benefit medium enterprise (SMEs); no chance for local people to develop own skills / oil & gas 2
Suggest reasons why the government does not plan to activity; difficult to enforce a ban / it might be very unpopular; helps to keep people on
make this mining illegal. the land; reduces pull factor to urban areas; families will not require help from the 1
travelled from S / SE OR moved towards N / NW; AVP; max 2 about storm surge size
Describe what the map shows about Hurricane Irma.
or location: range 0.6–2.4 m; highest in north east / Atlantic Ocean coast; lower storm 6
Suggest ways Hurricane Irma affected the extraction no ships / planes / transport (for export) / roads damaged / blocked; damage to
and exporting of phosphate from Florida. machinery; land damaged OR soil contaminated (after flooding); infrastructure damage, 1
State three strategies for reducing the concentration of resources; have fewer children; switch to a plant-based diet; reforestation /
2020 O/N P22 carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Suggest other ways the Everglades can be protected.
run-off; educate/ decrease
people deforestation;
/ raise awareness, use (more),
about theenergy-efficient devices /e.g.
area; restrict activities,
hunting / cutting down trees / grazing / canal building; fines (for illegal activity); (make
the non-national
removal parkwater
of, stagnant area into) wildlife
/ breeding reservecover
grounds; / corridor
wells/ /extractive
use sloping reserve / (world)
roof buildings;
Describe strategies used to make an area malaria-free.
place oil oncan
limitation: water;
record plantscontrol;
that antimalarial
are large enough drugstotobeprotect people;
seen (from the(prevent
air) / can’t
Suggest one limitation and one advantage of this type
of visual survey
fly if weather is poor / expensive / difficult to identify different species (from a 1
removal covers
roots / nothing to large
hold orareas / quick
protect soil;/ covers all terrains;
soil erosion / soft soil / poor soil;
Suggest the causes of landslides
flooding/ uninfected
human / tsunamis;mosquito
heavy or bites
infected rain; due to,parasite
human; high pressure / volume
reproduces of water;
/ multiplies in,
Describe the life cycle of the malaria parasite. human or mosquito; any two additional details: malaria parasite carried by mosquitoes;
no damage from flooding; irrigation / water,/available allmosquito;
year; (more) crop production;
mosquitoes are vectors; reference to female anopheles, mosquito feeds on
2021 M P22 Suggest the benefits of farming near dams easier to keep livestock; more farm income; provision of electricity; AVP, e.g. fish
can support more than one economic activity; makes more profit; so better maintained /
Describe the economic benefits of a multipurpose dam farms;
compared with a single‑purpose dam.
safer; more people in favour of this type of dam; fewer dams are needed; more efficient
Suggest the economic impacts of borrowing money use of,loan;
land need to, increase
/ money / resources;taxes / find revenue to pay; possibility of. worse
from other countries.
economy / less money for other projects. in future; gives economy a (shot-term) boost; 8
Suggest ways that national parks contribute to creates possibility
provide jobs / reduce of development
unemployment; (which may
attract not be possible
(eco)tourists otherwise);
/ visitors; (so more)canincome
invest in,to
economic growth. government; stimulates associated shops / businesses; 9
reduces migration to urban areas; encourages self-sufficiency / example given; limits
Describe the benefits of subsistence farming.
use of,of)
(total inputs / named input;
all greenhouse surplus boosts
gas emissions localofeconomy;
/ amount CO2 released into atmosphere; as a
Define the term carbon footprint.
Suggest reasons why the government has made the
result of the activities of a particular individual, organisation or community; expressed 7
as awaste
so carbon dioxide equivalent;
/ pollution / contamination, is prevented / controlled; so the company maintains
mining company responsible for monitoring the waste
the waste pond; so the company pays for, monitoring / maintenance / upkeep; 1
pond until
Explain why2040.
it is impossible for ecotourists to have amenities; may travel while there so cause transport emissions; need a supply of, food /
2021 M/J P22 zero impact on the local environment. water; andrepresentative
to collect fresh water may data;beonin number
short supply; walk
of, coral along paths
/ different and, to
species; damage
changes / 9
Suggest two reasons why this coral survey is repeated
every year
Suggest how data from the surveys of the marine
over time; (such as) temperature; acidity; sea level; effects of pollution (from Ozama 9
a control; can be used to raise awareness of the impacts of, diving / tourism; it enables
reserve can help to manage the impact of diving at
rare speciesand
monitoring to be identified
warning; andanprotected;
have evacuation canplan;
providedisease / alien shelters;
emergency species / provide
odd 9
other coastal sites.
Suggest three ways that the emergency help centre can
It the short
takes many ‑term
hours forimpacts
the riverofdischarge
emergency food and water; coordinate emergency rescue teams; provide medical
flooding.to return to surface water takes time to get to river; vegetation / local environment, slows down 6
the same level as before the storm event. Suggest movement; so run-off continues for hours; water absorbed by soil is only slowly 6
reasons why released into groundwater; groundwater moves slowly to river;
distance (from epicentre) to towns/cities; areas of low population density; quality of
Suggest reasons why large earthquakes can cause fewer
deaths than smaller earthquakes.
buildings / able to withstand damage; availability of emergency services in affected
caused by bacteriaof/ drinking
a bacterium;
Describe how cholera is spread from one person to area; availability waterperson infectedofwith
/ prevention bacterium;
disease sewage
in affected area;from infected
person leaked into water supply; water supply contaminated; people drink contaminated 4
Describe government strategies that can help people in rivers water; / urban areas to rural areas; provision of bottled water; promotion of rainwater
rural areas have access to safe drinking water harvesting; water treatment / use of chlorinated water; sanitation systems / sewage 4
Suggest reasons for the predicted increase in demand increasing human population; increasing affluence / change of diet; lack of availability
for fish by 2050. of otherstocks
current forms areof, overfished
food / protein;
/ less to catch; legislation / quotas; use of more sustainable
Suggest reasons why the wild fish catch is not predicted
to increase.
Explain reasons why fish farming is a more efficient
methods; cost of farmed fish cheaper; water pollution; fish populations cannot, recover /
fish easierhabitat
to catch; management / growth of fish morefood
stabilise; destruction; climate change; reduced for fish;health of fish is
way to meet the increase in global demand for fish than managed; higher energy conversion rate from food (as restricted movement); less 5
using wildhow
Describe fishthis
catch. predation;
survey could have been completed. samples at control
disease; use
less arisk to method,
valid (human) e.g.
no / reduced,
a transectby-catch;
along a map;
(Systematic Sampling of Pandas) count number of pandas (at each point); calculate population number from these 9
Explain ways conserving the giant panda population seeds to other areas; public awareness of pandas might increase awareness of other
2020 M/J P11 living
Suggestin why
the wild benefits in
the increase other
GDP organisms in the
has resulted in area.
an animals;
more rawprovides
materialsprotection from hunting
to be transported; morefor other animals
products living in the
to be transported; reserve;
more retains
increase in the distance travelled by vehicles between so more travelling (between them); more money to buy vehicles / vehicles (more) 7
2016.a country could reduce the amount of air of
1970 and ways
catalytic/ converters
affordable on cars / switch to hybrid cars / electric cars / hydrogen fuel cells;
fuel inexpensive;
pollution it emits and still increase its GDP.
scrubbers for factory chimneys; change in the type of industries within the country; 7
invest / increase,
Suggest two environmental impacts of the large mass of greenhouse in use
gas; use of public
of land transport,
to produce e.g. trains,
the food buses; recycling;
/ deforestation improvements
/ habitat loss; more
food waste. fertiliser / pesticides needed; use of fossils fuels for production / transportation; more 4
Suggest two ways the government could generate sale of composted material (soil improvement or fertiliser); methane from composting /
income from recycled food waste. use as a biofuel / burning of waste to produce heat; foodstuffs for animals; 3
provide more, collection bins / recycling centres / places to dispose of recycling;
Describe strategies to increase recycling of waste.
increase frequency of collection; improve environmental awareness; improve labelling 1
Describe other management strategies for sustainable pest-resistant and drought-resistant crops / resistant varieties of crops; trickle drip
To what extent do you agree with these views about the irrigation; rainwater harvesting; only growing crops to meet needs / not growing cash
allow for the use of energy at unfavourable times candidates may cover switch to hybrid
future of energy production? Give reasons for your
cars, hydrogen buses, electric trains (rather than petrol and diesel) do not agree: many 2
answer. other impacts the rise in sea level will have on increased flooding / flood risk; loss of industry / tourism; greater housing density; loss
of farmland (to build houses); less food produced; families need to emigrate;
people living in the Solomon Islands.
Use the diagram to describe the causes of smog in Los vehicle salinisation of water
emissions sources
/ from / fields;
industry; temperature inversion layer / cold air, traps the air
Angeles.reasons why scientists are concerned about
Suggest pollution; sea wind blows air pollution inland; mountains act as a barrier to prevents air
disrupts food chains / introduces predators; may cause competition with existing
marine species from the Red Sea moving to the
organisms, for
remoteness habitat / forlack
of population; food; ofmay
money introduce, disease
for control / pathogens;
methods; lack of possible extinction
health care; lack
Suggest reasonsSea.
why it is difficult to control malaria in
some countries
of awareness amongst population; resistance to antimalarial drugs; areas with lots of 4
stagnant waterexpensive
Suggest reasons why these countries are not changing technologies, present; / (coal) technology already in place; large economic benefit
2020 M/J P12 to other fuel sources (exports / employment) from coal industry; (some countries) do not think the pollution 2
Describe two possible effects of the overuse of
Suggest on the for
strategies local environment.
ensuring a reliable supply of
reduction in insect pollinators; impact on food web; water pollution;
used, e.g. rain water harvesting; investment in accessing aquifers / use of boreholes;
water for all people in Kenya. Use examples to justify charging big farms to extract water / water meters; agreements on levels of water use / 4
your answer.
Describe strategies to ensure a sustainable supply of quotas; choice
restriction of types;
of net crops restriction
which do not on use
mesh sosizes;
water; quotas;
use of efficient irrigationno-
closed seasons;
cod as a food source for humans. fishing
may take fishmorefarming;
than one generation for the effects of better healthcare to
manage the population size of a country.’ How far do
be seen
you agree with this statement? Use examples to support extreme climate, e.g. desert; difficult terrain, e.g. mountainous; (very) remote / poor 8
Give reasons why some areas of the world have a low do not agree: government can supply incentives to support population development, e.g.
population density
accessibility; low land fertility; limited availability of water; limited natural resources;
excessive usepolitical
of fertilisers;
lack of jobs; factorswashed off (farm) land (into, sea / lakes / rivers / pond);
/ conflict;
Describe how algal blooms form. fertilisers contain, nitrates / phosphates; nutrient enrichment; algae, multiply / grow /
managing the impact of a volcanic eruption in this increase in /numbers
preparation (stock-piling of food, water, medicine); evacuation plans in
area? Support your view with references to the
place / preparation (emergency school drills); examples of evidence against effective 6
State two factors affecting the global demand for strategy:
increasinglack of awareness
human population;in some
domesticlocals (volcano
demand; has never
industrial erupted);
demand; resistance / lack
2020 M P12 energy. why China introduced the one-child policy.
Suggest wealth; transport;
concern climate;
over population natural/ population
growth hazards; political
growing / conflict;
too fast / high reproductive
Use the data from the 1950 population pyramid to potential of young people; pyramid has a high percentage of young dependants / about
land-locked / not near the sea; waves are not big/powerful enough; lack of money to
Suggest your
why some countries do not use wave 40% people under 20 / quoted data;
power to generate electricity.
invest in non-renewables; have readily available other sources of energy; lack of, 2
political interest / environmental opposition;
2020 M P12

reintroduction of species into wild • raise money by charging visitors • promote

way of conserving biodiversity.’ To what extent do you
agree with this statement? Give reasons for your
sustainable tourism and ecotourism • provide education opportunities (do not agree): 9
Zoos and captive
opportunities; (to breeding
achieve) aprogrammes…
higher standard • exploit
of livinganimals,
/ more are morally/ethically
wealth; wrong
(to benefit from)
Describe three economic reasons for migration.
lower taxes; (for reduced) cost of services, e.g. education, health care; (for improved) 8
any two from: removal of natural vegetation / deforestation; overcultivation;
State two other causes of soil erosion.
Suggest reasons why this graph cannot be used to overgrazing;
not water
all countries are/ shown
rainfall/ /data
floodis /not
rivers; land relief /data
representative; steep
is slopes;
per person / population
predict the future global concentration of CO2 in the data is not given; 2030 is only a prediction; unknown future factors may affect CO2 7
Suggest concentrations
reasons why atmospheric pollution is a global atmospheric / example
pollution are of futuresea
global; factor
rise from global warming; climate change
Use the diagram to suggest reasons why the neutral affecting all weather systems in world; idea of effect being distanced from the source of 7
storm surges; causes sea level to rise; wind direction east to west: winds blow rain /
phase of the ENSO phenomenon can cause flooding in 5
2020 O/N P11 storm surges, onto land / onshore; wind comes from sea and carries lots of water
Australia.one reason why everybody in Japan has access (Japan is an) MEDC; money invested in infrastructure; piped water supply;
to safe drinking water. industrialised / urbanised, country;
Describe other ways dam projects can affect local pollution; destruction of biodiversity; downstream effect; tourism / recreational use;
Do you think desalination is an effective way to irrigation; fishing; creation of jobs; source of, electricity / HEP; reducing / managing, 4
e.g.: additional examples of effective: safe (qualified), e.g. no high levels of heavy
produce fresh water? Support your view with reference
metals, water pollution; reduces risk of water-related diseases (qualified), e.g. malaria 4
to the comments of the four students. the, variety / range / different types / number, of different, organisms / species / life, in a
State the meaning of biodiversity.
(particular), habitat / ecosystem / environment ; 9
than the problems caused by deforestation. To what change, loss of biodiversity and genetic depletion growing forests act as carbon sinks
extent do you agree with this statement? Give reasons and mature education
improving, forests acton as family
carbon planning;
stores linkincreasing,
to, role in career
water cycle,
/ job / prevention of soil
higher education,
Describe strategies for managing human population
opportunities for women; encouraging, marriage / children, later in life; improving
sources; fewer water-treatment facilities, e.g. chlorination / desalination ; less water-
Suggest reasons why fewer people have access to safe accessibility to childcare; improving provision of health care; introducing / using,
drinking water in Africa than in North America.
delivery infrastructure, e.g. pipes, bottling; lower levels of sanitation; more areas of
damage to / contamination
Suggest reasons why there can be an outbreak of water shortage; more, waterofpollution
/ shortage of, fresh water/ sources;
/ contamination damage
water-borne to, sewerage
diseases; more
Do you after
natural disaster
systems / infrastructure; damage to / lack of, medical, provision / supplies; lots of
should be drained? Support people living closely together in temporary accommodation; poor sanitation;
flooding; plus max five marks for candidate’s own valid points: additional examples of
your view with reference to the comments made by the
Suggest reasons for draining: people of thein town would benefit /forsupports the growth of the 9
people why the total number of people concern over danger of working mines; less demand coal; cheaper imports
employed in the coal mining industry in the USA available; non-renewable resource / finite reserves / running out; switched to other 1
2020 O/N P12 decreasedother
Describe after benefits
2013. a coal mine can have for local communications
forms of energy resources; named environmental
services; improved local economy; concern, e.g. commerce,
increased climate change, acid
e.g. services,
people. shops, hotels; increased tax revenue which could be spent locally; improved, standard of
Suggest reasons why some countries continue to use large number of people in the country; lack of finance for, investment / research in
coal as an energy resource. alternatives; cheap imports of coal available; lack of other energy resources, e.g. 2
due to, rain / irrigation; fertilisers dissolve in water; (surface) run-off; infiltration / via
Explain how fertilisers get into rivers.
larger water;
per plant, e.g. bigger / heavier / more productive, plants; faster growth /
Explain two ways genetically modified plants can
increase yield.
multiple harvests per year; resistant to environmental conditions; drought-resistant;
flooding is a good thing, even though it can temperature-resistant, e.g. frost-resistant; resistant to, disease / pests;
drawbacks of small-scale flooding include: potential waterlogging of soil (minor)
cause damage. To what extent do you agree with this
damage low(er)
MEDC to infrastructure,
death ratee.g. potholes
/ LEDC in roads,
high(er) deathcommunications
rate; MEDC long(er) lines down makes, /
life expectancy
Explain why Give
the reasons
MEDC and for your
pyramids have a different shape.
LEDC low(er) life expectancy; MEDC more elderly dependents / LEDC more younger 8
dependents; availability
Suggest strategies for improving access to safe drinking chlorination; of health
boiling; filtration; care; availability
improved sanitation;oftreatment
nutritiousoffood; availability
sewage; (water) of
water in the area shown in the photograph. pollution control; legislation; 4
Suggest reasons why most of the world’s electricity high energy output; existing, technology / buildings; easy to transport; reliable /
Do youfromthinkfossil fuels.
the use of GM crops should be increased? continuous, supply; existing knowledge base;
have an impact on food chains;
Support your view with reference to the comments 3
2020 O/N P13 made by the four different people.
State three effects acid rain has on the environment.
acidification of bodies of water; effects on, fish populations / aquatic life; damage to,
crops / vegetation; damage to, buildings / rocks;
State three strategies for reducing the concentration of energy efficiency; reduce use of motor vehicles / other transport polices; international
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. agreements and policies; taxation; carbon capture and storage; reforestation / 7
Suggest reasons why some biosphere reserves were government policy change; site no longer meets criteria; lack of finance; voluntarily
removed in 2017. withdrawn; land needed for other uses; 9
phenomenon because nothing can stop it from
Give reasonsTowhy
what extent isdomore
typhoid you agree
likely with this in
to occur benefits reasonslack
overcrowding; for of
monitoring include:
/ open sewers;waste of,oftime
lack / money,
clean drinking aswater;
it cannot be
no access
informal settlements (shanty towns) than in planned to vaccinations / lack of health care; no, regulation / control, of pollution; lack of 4
urban areas. organised health education;

2021 M P12
effect of climate change; change in food chain; change in habitat ; introduction of new
Suggest why the carrying capacity of the environment
can change.
species / change in competition; natural disasters; availability / lifetime, of resources 8
e.g. minerals, water,
Suggest reasons why an increase in national wealth can transportation; higherfood;domestic usage / more appliances used in homes; able to afford
increase energy consumption in a country. cost of investing in new technologies or renewable energy or named technology e.g. 2
impact; loss of, crops / farmland / habitats / food production; increased migration; lack
Suggest other impacts of flooding and landslides. 6
2021 M P12 Suggest reasons why these limitations make it difficult
of, clean terrains,
different water / adequate sanitation;
make it difficult to risk of, water-related
compare the whole ofdiseases / cholera
Nepal / affect
conditions; not all of the land was sampled / not representative sample; historic data
/ typhoid
local climate/
to reach a conclusion about climate change in Nepal.
improving agricultural practices? Support your view limited;
free labour a year to the project’ farmers need to show commitment; ‘we have been
with references to the comments made by the five trained in a growing a variety of high-yielding crops’ farmers taught to, be more 3
causes a build-up of pressure (because plates are still trying to move); sudden release of
Explain what causes an earthquake.
pressure; or
planning causes
othersudden release of energy; causes, a seismic wave / ground to shake /
life choices
managing human population size.’ To what extent do
you agree
Some with this
countries withstatement? Give
large stores reasons
of fresh for cannot
water your
families need financial encouragement or fines from government 8
some countries inaccessible,
geographically encourage families to have more children
e.g. widely-scattered; water may be frozen; inefficiency /
supply enough drinking water to their populations.
tax relief of
larger system;
families; freesome (fresh)better
schooling; water/ sources,
subsidised contaminated / polluted
medical provision, /
State onereasons why.policy that can be introduced by a
antenatal services, family healthcare; free / subsidised, housing for larger families; child 8
types; prevents all the fish from being caught in the area; (introduce / increase) licensing
Explain two strategies to prevent overfishing.
use boats); restricts
fewer floors number
/ build lower of buildings;
vessels / time
use at sea; (introduce
pyramidal shape; /useincrease) enforcement
reinforced, structureof/
Describe how the structure of modern buildings can
reduce the risk
Often, more of death
people from
die in the earthquakes.
weeks following an
materials; idea of using flexible building materials; idea of using rubber shock absorbers
lack of medical idea
help of / death
in foundations; usingthrough injury; lack
counterweights of clean
on top water / poor sanitation;
of building;
earthquake than during the earthquake itself. Suggest outbreak of, water-borne disease / cholera ; lack of food / starvation / malnutrition; risk
reasons why. of aftershocks / falling structures; crime; lack of shelter / exposurereduces
yield; reduces loss in, growing crops / raising livestock; loss in
to weather;
State the benefits of using pesticides in agriculture. storage / preserves quality of stored produce; enables more efficient use of land; 3
2021 M/J P11 / methane, produced by, microorganisms / bacteria / digestion process; anaerobically / in
Describe how this anaerobic digester is used to generate increases profit;
an anaerobic process; power station: biogas burnt to produce heat; heat turns water into 2
The Usedigester
anaerobic the diagram
uses to support
human your
waste answer.
from toilets. steam; (steam) rotates / turns, turbine; (turbine) rotates / turns, the generator (which
contaminate local, water sources / fields; named disease caused by poor sanitation /
Suggest how using anaerobic digesters reduces the
cannot dispose of all types of waste. More electricity cholera; processed (organic) waste is free of disease / anaerobic digestion process 2
spread of disease. due to sewage processed waste can be used as fertiliser relatively cheap to set up
can be generated by burning waste. To what extent do 2
you agreestrategies
Describe with this for
managing Give
of your emergency, shelters / supplies; better, infrastructure / drainage; restrictions on building /
flooding.why the heavy rainfall and flooding will not
Suggest planningwas
rainfall permission
short); not / land zoning
all water / building
could on stilts;
be stored flood
for later use;defences
most water/ levees / land;
ran off
solve the problems caused by 10 years of drought in no time to infiltrate; flooding can cause soil erosion; drought has caused, 6
Describe strategies a country can use to preserve its desertificationeducation;
agroforestry; / loss of crops / vegetation
investment / fertility;
into other leading national
fuel sources; to, food shortage / loss of
parks / reserves;
forests ecotourism; policing / wardens, to protect forest; increase recycling of, paper / 9
Describe the population structure of the MEDC shown few young dependants / many elderly dependants; many economically active people;
in the diagram. some people live to, old age / 100+; similar shape for both genders up to 65; more 8
standard of living; religious / ethnic, persecution; better job opportunities elsewhere;
State three reasons why people migrate from a country.
large health / medical facilities risk
of animals; elsewhere; better education
of overgrazing: no plantsopportunities
/ tree roots, to elsewhere;
hold soil;
Explain why soil erosion is a risk on this farm. less interception when it rains; cattle compact soil so less infiltration; slope increases 3
run off;
lack no wind
of crop yield;breaks;
lack of food / starvation / malnutrition; lack of income / jobs; dust
Describe other impacts of long-term drought.
Long-term droughts in MEDCs are less likely to result storms transport/ air pollution;
supplies; (forced)
larger storesmigration; reliance
of food; more on foodinaid;
investment water quality
exploration decreases;
of underground
2021 M/J P12 in large numbers of deaths than long-term droughts in sources; more / better, water storage systems; greater ability to, purchase / import
LEDCs. reasons
Suggestwhywhy.long-term droughts are expected climate
abilitytemperatures / global warming;
to, purify / desalinate water; more increased evaporation;
facilities to prevent disruption
to occur more frequently
to rainfall patterns; increased population; increased deforestation; increased urbanisation
easier to catch / guaranteed catch; controlled feeding; controlled breeding; controlled
Explain why fish farming is a more sustainable method (qualified);
of food supply than catching fish from the oceans.
harvesting; control of disease; faster growth / greater yield; less predation; breeding of 5
Suggest the impacts of urbanisation on the carbon improved
plants); stock rather
increased carbon than wild types;
dioxide no bycatch;(due
(in atmosphere) lesstodamage
increasedto seabed;
use of fossil fuels in
cycle. cars, etc.); idea of, loss / exploitation of, carbon sinks; idea that hard surfaces reduce 7
force countries to reduce their atmospheric pollution by
at least 20% over the next 10 years. To what extent do
disagree: difficult to get all countries to agree some countries are larger polluters than 7
others 20% reduction for some countries will be large other countries will have little
Describe the meaning of bioaccumulation toxins / chemicals are ingested or absorbed; faster than lost / excreted; 3
Suggest one reason why soil pH affects the yield of
(reduces / increases) uptake of nutrients; 4

2021 O/N P11

primary and secondary effects of this earthquake. economic impact of workforce (as people dead or injured); long term economic impact
Discuss whether the primary effects or the secondary
Do youofthink Haiti was prepared for an earthquake?
on economy; long term impact as children were not educated (as schools closed); people
buildings did not meet minimum safety requirement;
effects the earthquake had a larger impact. Support had no shelter as homes were destroyed on the day; nonoshelter urban means
planning; poorcould
people materials
Support your view with references to the comments used to build houses; roads, power lines and communication networks were in poor 6
made by the
developed four different
countries people
(MEDCs). The population of condition:
ageing basic infrastructure
population; decrease in in poor condition
human / madechoice
fertility; career it difficult
/ latertomarriages/when
bring aid; difficult
2021 O/N P11 Europe is predicted to decrease. Suggest reasons for older; environmental concern; too expensive (to raise children); 8
Use the population pyramids to suggest the economic care) paid for by working population; need to raise retirement age; fewer children: leads
challenges for this MEDC in 2050 to fewer schools / fewer teachers; leads to future education issues / lack of qualified 8
the maximum population size of the species that the environment can sustain
State the meaning of carrying capacity of environment.
sites; affects food webs: toxic to plankton – reduction in producer; cuts light, plants /
Describe the impacts of oil pollution on marine
The best strategy for stopping climate change is to ban
phytoplankton cannot photosynthesise – reduction in producers; toxic to / damage to / 2
death ofagree;
would shellfish
some/ fish / mammals
economies rely /on
birds – reduction
logging; matureintreesfooddon't
for consumers;
absorb muchreduces
the cutting down of trees. To what extent do you agree
dioxide; when trees die they decay and release the carbon dioxide; if wood is burnt it 9
with thiswhy
Explain statement? Give
crop yield reasons when
increases for your answer.
plants are concentration to favour photosynthesis; managed water (supply); so the correct amount
grown in greenhouses. is available for plant processes; control of pests; so energy is retained by the producer / 3
Suggest two reasons for high population density in a large population and limited land; economic; employment; safer; better access to
city. medical facilities / education; better infrastructure; 8
Suggest reasons why there is water scarcity in the area overpopulation; water pollution; (geographically) inaccessible / frozen / permeable
shown on the map. rock / lack of ability to extract; agriculture; climate change; poor management / water 4
scarcity are: • desalination • reservoirs • emergency stored; multipurpose uses; limitation: dry up / weather dependent; can be polluted; can
2021 O/N P12 supplies of water in plastic bottles. Suggest the benefits cause earthquakes; displaces people / animals; loss of habitat / land lost; may silt up; 4
Suggest ways that governments can encourage the use incentives to purchase electric vehicles; subsidies / incentives to use electric vehicles;
of electric vehicles. preferential right
populations; idea of thatway or access;
carbon dioxide increase
international of boundaries;
electricity charging
Explain why reducing carbon dioxide emissions is of
global importance.
climate change effect e.g. melting of ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost, rise of sea
existing technology; disagree
power stations built in the future should be nuclear level, flooding; causes loss of /land
disadvantages of nuclear
/ forced migration; power international
requires generation: expensive
cooperation to
power stations. To what extent do you agree with this
build; expensive to decommission; danger of terrorism; danger of explosion; radioactive
design of buildings and infrastructure;
cyclone in Myanmar in 2008 caused over 135000 waste; limited availability of uranium; technically difficult to build / expertise needed;
deaths. Suggest reasons for the difference in the
availability of food / water / medicines; 6
emissions is not enough to reduce the level of air improved healthcare;
congestion charge / electronic road pricing; car pooling; increase use of, electric / low
pollution in cities. Describe other strategies to reduce emission cars
watering; / bioethanol
reduces / LPG / CNG;
risk of leaching; as waterban,notolder
wasted/ diesel,
cycling /
Explain benefits of using trickle drip irrigation. amount of weed growth; only crop plant receives water; reduces volume of water used / 3
2022 M P12 decreasing population. Suggest how a decreasing manage / control
undisturbed; less water
use ofuse;
fuels / run-off / soil erosion
fewer vehicles; / capping;
(so) less correct less
air pollution; volume
water of
population can benefit the natural environment of pollution; more water available; less soil erosion; (as) less agriculture; less urbanisation;
Explain why the predator fish contain high feed on smaller organisms which contain mercury; larger fish feed on large numbers of
concentrations of mercury. smaller fish;need
population predator
to be fish
managednear top of pyramid
might encourage / trophic levels; biomagnification
more efficient use of existing occurs;
high priority by countries and should be controlled by
more international agreements. To what extent do you
commodity and recycling might force new technologies that are less reliant on the
to hold disagree:
/ capture /international
store water /agreements
keep( in theare field); to ofcollect
Use the photograph to explain why some farmers use oceans a way doingsurface run-off;
this, but / rainwater;
these are difficult
The oceans are a valuable resource. They can be used
irrigation/ to increase water infiltration / absorption; to prevent soil erosion / plant / 3
minerals being
transport; tourism;washed away;
source of, chemicals / building materials / minerals; desalination for
to generate electricity and to provide food. (a) State two
fresh water; 5
other ways the oceans are a valuable resource predictable / consistent / not weather dependent; (machine / barrage has) long life span;
State one other benefit of tidal power generation.
low running cost; 2
Describe one environmental impact of tidal power change; disrupts tidal flow / acts as a barrier; which restricts fish spawning / migration;
2 warm air layer above mountains and valley causes collision risk ; disrupts food chains; increases siltation; so less light for 2
warmth to Earth’s surface; (temperature) inversion / warm air layer, holds cold air near
3 pollutants in cold air below 7
2022 M/J P11 (i) Use thetransport
Describe diagrampolicies
to describe
that how the features
governments canshown
use to
ground; cold air is denser and unable to rise; pollutants trapped (by the inversion);
introduce taxation of fuels / lower tax on alternative transport ; (introduce / use
reduce atmospheric pollution in cities. legislation) to have vehicle emissions filters / regular testing; introduce / use congestion
Suggest the future impact on agriculture if global glaciers / permafrost (meaning rise of sea-level); causing flooding and loss of
surface temperatures continue to increase. agricultural land; faster evaporation; causing water shortages / drought; changes in 7
Suggest ways that extractive reserves benefit local farming; preserve their culture and way of life; prevent destruction of their
tribes and communities. environment
Buffer / area e.g. deforestation;
zone: controlled / limited access canforlive where
people ancestors lived
/ eco-tourism ; reduce/risk
/ recreation of /
Explain the functions of the three main zones of a
A one-childreserve.
policy is the best way to manage
education and training / some limited settlements / local tribes / communities ;
elderly hadarea:
less support
Transition research / tourism / recreation / greater settlements / controlled human
population size. To what extent do you agree with this young have large burden of care for ageing parents 8
statement? Give reasons for your answer. severe penalties:
renewable; reduces carbon footprint / carbon neutral; lower level of air pollution /
Suggest two advantages of using biofuel as an energy
cleaner; reduces dependency on, other energy sources / foreign oil; helps to conserve
production of biofuels replaces food crops; deforestation due to clearing land for biofuel
Suggest one disadvantage of using biofuel as an energy fossil fuels;
billion gallons of biofuels and 140 billion gallons of
crops; loss of biodiversity / monoculture; may lead to soil degradation; named pollution 2
fuel processing/
is cheapproduction;
in US; familiar with use of gasolene and unlikely to swap; still
gasoline for transport in 2022. Suggest whether biofuels
produces prices
purchase CO2 ( /whenlow combusted); agreement
maintenance; improvements needed (from /all
in, range suppliers
battery ) for change
technology / to 2
are a realistic
Suggest replacement
why there has beenfor gasoline
a rapid in transport.
increase in the
worldwide use of electric vehicles.
performance; availability of charging infrastructure; rising cost of traditional fuel 7
Describe how crop rotation and selective breeding of sources /so
disease; cheaper
one crop to run; government
is beneficial incentives,
to the e.g. emissions
next; maintains charges,
soil fertility / soilreduced
structure; road
2022 M/J P12 plants can be used to increase agricultural yield. selective breeding – any two from: breeding plants for desired traits; pest/ disease- 3
Suggest why the prickly pear cactus spread so rapidly no natural predators; no natural diseases; favourable environmental conditions, e.g.
in Australia. temperature;
cyclones; resistant
longer cyclone to other methods
season; higherofsea control; out-competed
levels (mean bigger, other
surges / waves);
Suggest why climate change may increase the impacts
of tropical cyclones.
stronger wind speeds / more extreme cyclones; increased rainfall; current defences not 7
Suggest why an increase in world population will affect productivitydesigned for /stronger
industry,storms; lowmore
therefore lyingwater
coastal communities
used; more people have highshowers
using, population / pools,
Buildingto asafe
damdrinking water
is the best way to provide a constant therefore more water used; less availability due to more industry therefore more 4
recreation) tourist attraction disagree: very expensive to build massive engineering
water supply. To what extent do you agree with this
Hurricane Irma caused heavy rainfall, storm surges and undertaking
contaminatedrequires dislocationidea
(with sewerage); of people flooding
of long-term of property
effect: idea of /recovery
statement? Give reasons for your answer.
flooding. Suggest ways this affected the growing and need replanting; lower yield of fruits; soil, eroded / washed away; workers, injured /
Suggest of Florida’s
why some fruit. did not evacuate but about
citruspeople killed;their property;
economic impact,survived previous
e.g. lower storms;
income, didn’t appreciate
consumers high risk
go elsewhere; damage/ thought
to they
were well-prepared, e.g. food stores, boarded-up windows; had livestock to look after;
decided to stay in their homes or in storm shelters.
Suggest why bottled water was supplied to people in too old / infirm,example
contaminated; to makeofthe journey; traffic
contamination, jams
e.g. salt,prevented
sewage / evacuation
industrial / /animal
couldn’t get
2020 O/N P21 Florida for several weeks after Hurricane Irma. disruption
fertile land;tochanges
(potable) waterofsupply
course rivers//pipes broken
increases / cut-off
Suggest three environmental impacts of extracting sand. named form of pollution qualified, e.g. noise pollution from machinery, atmospheric
water supply;causes
transportation peopledamage;

Describe strategies, other than burn bans, for managing pollution from dust; AVP, e.g. causes subsidence, loss of biodiversity, damages food
Describe strategies, other than burn bans, for managing the impacts of drought
the impacts of drought introduce / use / be aware of / vote for, laws and regulations; increase / introduce,
Suggest ways that the people of Florida can prevent
controls at points of entry; raise awareness of / educate people on, dangers of invasive
invasive animal species from reaching the Everglades loss of biodiversity as more land needed to, house / feed people; more older people so
Suggest two impacts of the increasing population on the species; do not release (exotic) pets into the wild; do not import banned animals;
greater cost for health care or social care; increase in economic wealth as more people
state of Florida.
Suggest ways Hurricane Irma affected Florida’s spending money;
transport, for, cropsmore jobs needed
/ livestock; soil /contaminated
unemployment; (withmore infrastructure
sewage needed
/ salination); ideae.g.of
farming industry. long-term
have effect: the
understood ideavisual
of recovery time; trees
signs; people wereneed
given replanting;
temporarysoil washed
housing away; this
quickly, no
government quickly helped to find temporary shelter
reduced injury / death numbers; bottled water reduced chance of, disease / cholera;
for many people. Many homes had no water for weeks. assess current state of environment in the area of the planned mine, e.g. are there any
Other than finding out the views of local people, negatives: not everyone has a radio; people died so planning did not save them / only 90
2020 O/N P23 suggest
A three
national more
park wasrequirements
established inforthe
EIA. in
endangered species; suggest alternatives to the proposed project; plan for mitigation of
conserve biodiversity;
negative impacts of mine, for drinking
e.g. waste, water
noise / recharges
pollution,aquifer; protect, the
visual pollution; endangered
publish a report; /
1947. Suggest reasons why Everglades National Park threatened species / named species e.g. sandhill crane, American crocodile; size of
Over one million tourists visit Everglades National Park Everglades has decreased; people are building canals; prevent urbanisation;
was established. electricity / don’t use air conditioning; stay with local communities (rather than hotels);
each year. Describe ways ecotourism can benefit
eat local food / don’t eat imported products; respect local customs/traditions; consult
The level ofNational
the waterPark.
table in the Biscayne aquifer can pesticides / fertilisers / gasoline / chemicals; can directly interact with natural (bodies of
get very close to the surface of the land. Suggest surface) water; can directly interact with, man-made (bodies of surface water) /
Explain how planting more than one crop helps to infiltration; reduced or no surface run off / soil not washed away; less wind near soil /
data to be representative of the banana harvest. Suggest soil
soil erosion. any not
sample: (roots)
(than or5),
bind (soil); /adds
bananas fruits;organic
more material
than one or nutrients
bunch /
/ different
improvements the first student can make to collect bunches; more / different, plants; different, varieties / species / types; different locations
representative data nutrients
(of farm);/ different
less risk of malnutrition or famine or hunger; the value of one crop might be
programme aims tofrom the banana
increase the numberharvest on this
of different occasions, e.g. days, months, times, years;
determined by external markets; AVP; government: (saves money as) does not have to
2021 M/J P21 crops grown by farmers. Suggest ways this programme
Suggest reasons why a subsurface mine is expected to provide, aid / subsidies; economic benefit, e.g. income (from exports) / more taxes / less
cause less damage to the environment than the surface
impact on, biodiversity / food chains / animals being scared away; dust / debris; waste
piles / overburden; noise; surface run off; so less chance of water pollution; visual
mine shown
Suggest in the drawing.impacts of large numbers of traffic / air travel; litter / plastic / waste; sewage; building / expansion of cities; water,
the environmental
demand / usage; food, demand / usage; electricity / energy / fuel, demand / usage;
Only visiting a tourism
sustainable city suchshould
as Santo Domingo.
be allowed in the demand on infrastructure,
environments e.g. transport,
/ reduced deforestation hospitals;
/ reduced lossdamage to tourist
of habitats; attractions;
employment / improves
future. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of
local economy; site protected for future generations; AVP;
developing sustainable tourism.
were paid to manage forests sustainably. strategy 2: paying to replant trees; strategy 2: any one from: mature forests have many trees / new
Cutting down
Explain mature
ways that forests
climate was banned.
change Suggest
could cause the how more
trees can growweather
extreme in the protected (mature)
events; leads forest / trees climate
to, unfavourable act as carbon store; forces
in established people
habitats /
population of the Resplendent Quetzal birds to destruction of existing habitats / more wildfires which destroy habitat; increased
decrease. temperatures; lead to, change in plants growing in area / change in available food /

2021 O/N P21

Describe how the conservationist can use a transect
distance in straight line; transect location selected at random; count number of birds
method to record the number of Resplendent Quetzal
seen / heard along the transect line; record results table or tally chart; repeat for different
recognises the recorded song of the Resplendent continuously / can be done day or night; does not rely on people’s judgement (that they
2021 O/N P21 Quetzal bird. It also calculates how close a bird is to a financial
have seenincentive
the correctto bird);
reduce,birds may be scared
consumption away bymoney
/ emissions; peopleraised
(so observation
can used tomethod
charging factories and companies 10 USD for each
environmental projects; idea of financial payment / off-setting, carbon (dioxide)
tonne of carbon dioxide they emit. Explain how this carbon dioxide: captured during photosynthesis; stored in trees; stored underground /
Outline how carbon capture and storage can be used to emissions; switch to renewable / alternative forms of energy;
oceans / sequestration / named method; removed / stored so does not enter the
reduce carbon dioxide emissions. habitat; prevent jaguars travelling (from one population to another); idea of corridor
corridors. Explain why some people were concerned atmosphere;
reducing chances of breeding / less chances of jaguar finding a mate; reduces genetic
about the Reventazón dam having a negative impact on fewer people to do jobs / loss of jobs; change the traditional way of life / loss of cultural
Suggest reasons why some people living in rural areas flow / reduces gene pool; jaguars more likely to encounter people (now that dam is
identity; negative impact on economy; increased waste; loss of land / loss of homes;
In concerned
last sixtyabout
life expectancy in Costa Rica has more money; healthcare; illnesses can be/ less
cured or prevented or treated / access to
reduced production of food / less farms farming;
increased rapidly. Suggest two reasons for this. Explain vaccines / access to medicines or doctors / access to family planning; clean water or
each reason. can’t grow less
sanitation; / losschance
of vegetation; foodcontaminated
of, drinking shortages / famine
water // catching
malnutrition; silting /
a water-related
Describe the impacts of soil erosion. sedimentation, of rivers; land less able to soak up water / increased runoff / leads to
Explain how intercropping and bunds can reduce soil greater flooding; loss of nutrients
percentage / decrease
plant cover; soil fertility;
(increases) decrease
interception; profits for
(increases) farmers / any two
erosion. from bunds: hold back or stores water or soil / soil eroded from higher up the slope is
Suggest one reason why people are concerned that (to new conditions); loss of habitat; lead to extreme weather / increase in wildfires;
2021 O/N P21 climate change could affect biodiversity in Costa Rica. extinction (of species); migration of animals; change in hibernation patterns / lack of
The student repeats the method on three different days. can take an average; data more representative; highlights anomalous results; improves
Suggest why this is good sampling practice. reliability;
Describe how you could use a quadrat to record the cm2; repeat; observe each quadrat for fixed period of time; observe at a distance / use a
number of blue‑sided treefrogs at this pond. /camera / take
livestock photograph
destroyed; areatounusable
count; count (all the
for many blue-sided
years; (cost of)treefrogs in the
relocation; quadrat);
rebuild / clean-
Suggest economic impacts for people living in the
up, costs; (cost of) emergency aid / medical treatment; export / import effect / decrease
Arenal region if the Arenal Volcano erupts again.
Suggest a suitable disaster preparation plan for reducing in foreign investment;
emergency tourism
supplies / stock decline;
piling loss/ of
(of food trading
water / job loss/ /field
/ medicines) people not being
hospital; able
the impact of a volcanic eruption. building in high-risk locations / exclusion zones; planned, evacuation / evacuation
reduction in fish populations; damage to crops / vegetation; damage to buildings;
State one other impact of acid rain on the environment.
acidification of water bodies
Suggest reasons why some people do not want this type
noisy; may feel that it spoils the view / visual pollution; kills birds;
of equipment built in rural areas.
Explain ways that ecological reserves protect hunting prohibited; cutting down trees prohibited; mining prohibited; tourism restricted;
2021 O/N P23 endangered species
Describe the benefits of living near to a volcano
ranger programmes / educate visitors; scientific research; need a guide; managed paths;
fertile soil (for growing crops) / better crop growth; mining industry / extraction of
minerals in
increase ; tourism;
(global) scientific research;
temperatures geothermal;
/ hotter weather; increase in drought / vegetation is
Suggest reasons why climate change may increase the
drier / land drier; vegetation can catch fire more easily; more extreme weather e.g.
number of wildfires.
lightning strikes;

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